11a HSK 1 6

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HSK 1-6

This is a simple layout of 5003
vocabulary words from the
Chinese language proficiency
test, known as the HSK.
The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (汉语⽔水平考试), or HSK for short, is China's only standardised
test of the Chinese language. It is designed for non-native speakers, such as foreign students and
overseas Chinese, and approximates to the English TOEFL or IELTS test. An HSK certificate can
be used throughout China as a evidence of language proficiency for higher education and
professional purposes.
The HSK is administered by the Office of Chinese Language Council International, or
Hanban, the short form of Zhongguo Guojia Hanyu Guoji Tuiguang Lingdao Xiaozu Bangongshi
Hanban is a non-governmental organisation affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.
The HSK is administered in Simplified Chinese and comprises two tests: a written test and
an oral test (taken separately). The test is held in China and other countries regularly throughout
the year. The written test is divided into six levels from Level 1 to Level 6, while the oral test is
divided into three levels: Basic, Elementary-Intermediate, and Advanced.
The HSK written test, which began as a paper-only test, has also been conducted online at
select test centres since 2011. The current format was introduced in 2012., with the aim of making
the test more comprehensive and communicative. The most notable change from the previous
(2010) format was the inclusion of spoken and written components at all levels, not just Advanced.
New question structures were also introduced.

The following shows the different levels of the HSK written test and an oral tests.
Written # of
Oral Level # of words Test overview
Level characters

For learners who can understand and

use simple words and sentences to
Level 1 150 174
communicate specific needs. All
characters are provided with pinyin.
For learners who can use Chinese in a
simple and direct manner for familiar
Level 2 300 347
daily topics. As with HSK Level 1, all
characters are provided with pinyin.

For learners who can use Chinese for

Level 3 600 617 personal lives, study and/or work, and
most communication while travelling.
For learners who can discuss a
Level 4 1200 1064 relatively wide range of topics in
Chinese with native speakers.

For learners who can read Chinese

newspapers and magazines,
Level 5 2500 1685 understand Chinese films and TV, and
can write and deliver a full speech in
For learners who can easily understand
any information they read and hear in
Level 6 5000 2661 Chinese and can express themselves
fluently in both the written and spoken
form of the language.
HSK Word Pronunciaton Defniton

1 爱 ai4 to love; afecton; to be fond of; to like

1 八 ba1 eight; 8

1 爸爸 ba4 ba5 (informal) father; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

1 杯子 bei1 zi5 cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]

Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China;
1 北京 Bei3 jing1 Peking; PRC government
roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this;
the current; root; foundaton; basis; classifer
1 本 ben3 for books, periodicals, fles etc; originally
you're welcome; impolite; rude; blunt; don't
1 不客气 bu2 ke4 qi5 menton it

1 不 bu4 (negatve prefx); not; no

dish (type of food); vegetables; vegetable;
1 菜 cai4 cuisine; CL:盤|盘[pan2],道[dao4]

1 茶 cha2 tea; tea plant; CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]

to eat; to have one's meal; to eradicate; to
1 吃 chi1 destroy; to absorb; to sufer; to exhaust

1 出租车 chu1 zu1 che1 taxi

1 打电话 da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call

big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep;
1 大 da4 oldest; eldest
of; structural partcle: used before a noun,
linking it to preceding possessive or
1 的 de5 descriptve atributve
stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal
point; point; mark (of degree or level); a
place (with certain characteristcs); iron bell;
o’clock; a litle; a bit; some; (point) unit of
measurement for type; to touch on briefy;
to make clear; to light; to ignite; to kindle;
period of tme at night (24 minutes) (old); a
drip; to dibble; classifer for small
1 点 dian3 indeterminate quanttes
1 电脑 dian4 nao3 computer; CL:臺|台[tai2]

1 电视 dian4 shi4 television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4]

movie; flm; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],
1 电影 dian4 ying3 場|场[chang3]

1 东西 dong1 xi5 thing; stuf; person; CL:個|个[ge4],件[jian4]

all, both; entrely (due to) each; even;
1 都 dou1 already
to read; to study; reading of word (i.e.
1 读 du2 pronunciaton), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me;
pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please
1 对不起 dui4 bu5 qi3 repeat)

1 多 duo1 many; much; a lot of; numerous; mult-

1 多少 duo1 shao3 number; amount; somewhat

1 儿子 er2 zi5 son

1 二 er4 two; 2; stupid (Beijing dialect)

1 饭馆 fan4 guan3 restaurant; CL:家[jia1]

1 飞机 fei1 ji1 airplane; CL: 架[jia4]

1 分钟 fen1 zhong1 minute

happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful
1 高兴 gao1 xing4 mood
individual; this; that; size; classifer for
1 个 ge4 people or objects in general
job; work; constructon; task; CL:個|个[ge4],
1 工作 gong1 zuo4 份[fen4],項|项[xiang4]

1 狗 gou3 dog; CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tao2]

1 汉语 Han4 yu3 Chinese language;

good; well; proper;CL:門|门[men2]
good to; easy to; very;
so; (sufx indicatng completon or
1 好 hao3 readiness)
to drink; to shout (a command); My
1 喝 he1 goodness!
and; together with; with; sum; union; peace;
harmony; surname He; Japanese related;
1 和 he2 Taiwan pr. han4

1 很 hen3 (adverb of degree); quite; very; awfully

to circle; to go back; to turn around; to
answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic
group (Chinese Muslims); tme; classifer for
acts of a play; secton or chapter (of a classic
1 回 hui2 book)
be sure to; to assemble; to meet; to gather;
to see; union; group; associaton; CL:個|个
[ge4]; a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is
1 会 hui4 hui3)

1 火车站 huo3 che1 zhan4 train staton

home; family; classifer for families or
businesses; refers to the philosophical
schools of pre-Han China; noun sufx for
specialists in some actvity such as musician
or revolutonary, corresponds to English -ist,
1 家 jia1 -er, -ary orto-ian;
to shout; call;surname
to order;Jia; CL:個|个[ge4]
to ask; to be
called; by (indicates agent in the passive
1 叫 jiao4 mood)

1 今天 jin1 tan1 today; at the present; now

1 九 jiu3 nine; 9
to open; to start; to turn on; to boil; to write
out (a medical prescripton); to operate
(vehicle); abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文 degrees
1 开 kai1 Kelvin

1 看见 kan4 jian4 to see; to catch sight of

lump (of earth); chunk; piece; classifer for
pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc; colloquial
word for yuan (or other unit of currency
such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually
1 块 kuai4 as 塊錢|块钱
to come; to arrive; to come round; ever
1 来 lai2 since; next

1 老师 lao3 shi1 teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

(modal partcle intensifying preceding
1 了 le5 clause); (completed acton marker)

1 冷 leng3 cold
lining; interior; inside; internal; also writen
1 里 li3 裡|里 [li3]
zero; nought; zero sign; fractonal;
fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed
between two numbers to indicate a smaller
quantty followed by a larger one); fracton;
(in mathematcs) remainder (afer division);
1 零 ling2 extra; to wither and fall; to wither

1 六 liu4 six; 6
mama; mommy; mother; CL:個|个[ge4],位
1 妈妈 ma1 ma5 [wei4]

1 吗 ma5 (queston tag)

1 买 mai3 to buy; to purchase

1 猫 mao1 cat; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

1 没 mei2 (negatve prefx for verbs); have not; not

1 没关系 mei2 guan1 xi5 it doesn't mater

1 米饭 mi3 fan4 (cooked) rice

1 明天 ming2 tan1 tomorrow

1 名字 ming2 zi5 name (of a person or thing); CL:個|个[ge4]

1 哪 na3 how; which

1 哪儿 na3 r5 where?; wherever; anywhere

that; those; then (in that case); commonly
1 那 na4 pr. nei4 before a classifer, esp. in Beijing

1 那儿 na4 r5 there
(queston partcle for subjects already
1 呢 ne5 mentoned)
capability; able; capable; can possibly;
(usually used in the negatve) to have the
1 能 neng2 possibility of

1 你 ni3 you (informal, as opposed to polite 您[nin2])

1 年 nian2 year; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 女儿 nv3 er2 daughter

1 朋友 peng2 you5 friend; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

1 漂亮 piao4 liang5 prety; beautful

1 苹果 ping2 guo3 apple; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1]

1 七 qi1 seven; 7

1 钱 qian2 coin; money; CL:筆|笔[bi3]

1 前面 qian2 mian4 ahead; in front; preceding; above

to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to
1 请 qing3 a meal etc); to request
to go; to go to (a place); to cause to go or
send (sb); to remove; to get rid of; (when
used either before or afer a verb) to go in
order to do sth; to be apart from in space or
tme; (afer a verb of moton indicates
movement away from the speaker); (used
afer certain verbs to indicate detachment or
separaton); (of a tme or an event etc) just
1 去 qu4 passed or elapsed
heat; to heat up; fervent; hot (of weather);
1 热 re4 warm up
man; person; people; CL:個|个[ge4],位
1 人 ren2 [wei4]
to know; to recognize; to be familiar with;
acquainted with sth; knowledge;
1 认识 ren4 shi5 understanding; awareness; cogniton
sun; day; date, day of the month; abbr. for
1 日 ri4 日本|日本 Japan

1 三 san1 three; 3
1 商店 shang1 dian4 store; shop; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]

1 上午 shang4 wu3 morning; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 少 shao3 few; litle; lack

1 谁 shei2 who; also pronounced shui2

1 什么 shen2 me5 what?; who?; something; anything

1 十 shi2 ten; 10

1 时候 shi2 hou5 tme; length of tme; moment; period

1 是 shi4 is; are; am; yes; to be

book; leter; CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部
1 书 shu1 [bu4]; see also 書經|书经 Book of History
water; river; liquid; beverage; additonal
charges or income; (of clothes) classifer for
1 水 shui3 number of washes

1 睡觉 shui4 jiao4 to go to bed; to go to sleep

to speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell
1 说话 shuo1 hua4 stories; talk; word

1 四 si4 four; 4
classifer for years (of age); year; year (of
1 岁 sui4 crop harvests)
he or him; (used for either sex when the sex
is unknown or unimportant); (used before
sb's name for emphasis); (used as a
1 他 ta1 meaningless mock object); other; another

1 她 ta1 she
highest; greatest; too (much); very;
1 太 tai4 extremely

1 天气 tan1 qi4 weather

to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword
from English "tn"); classifer for canned
1 听 tng1 beverages
1 同学 tong2 xue2 (fellow) classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]
hello (interj., esp. on telephone); hey; to
1 喂 wei4 feed (sb or some animal)

1 我 wo3 I; me; my

1 我们 wo3 men5 we; us; ourselves; our

1 五 wu3 fve; 5

1 喜欢 xi3 huan5 to like; to be fond of

down; downwards; below; lower; later; next
(week etc); second (of two parts); to decline;
1 下 xia4 to go down

1 下午 xia4 wu3 afernoon; p.m.; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 下雨 xia4 yu3 to rain; rainy

teacher; Mister (Mr.); husband; doctor
1 先生 xian1 sheng5 (topolect); CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
now; at present; at the moment; modern;
1 现在 xian4 zai4 current; nowadays
to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to
1 想 xiang3 want; to miss

1 小 xiao3 small; tny; few; young

1 小姐 xiao3 jie5 young lady; miss; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

1 些 xie1 some; few; several; (a measure word)

1 写 xie3 to write

1 谢谢 xie4 xie5 to thank; thanks

1 星期 xing1 qi1 week; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 学生 xue2 sheng5 student; school child

1 学习 xue2 xi2 to learn; to study

1 学校 xue2 xiao4 school; CL:所[suo3]
one; 1; single; a (artcle); as soon as; entre;
whole; all; throughout; "one" radical in
1 一 yi1 Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)

1 衣服 yi1 fu5 clothes; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4]

1 医生 yi1 sheng1 doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]

1 医院 yi1 yuan4 hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]

1 椅子 yi3 zi5 chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]

1 有 you3 to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be

1 月 yue4 moon; month;

(located) at; (toCL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2]
be) in; to exist; in the middle
of doing sth; (indicatng an acton in
1 在 zai4 progress)

1 再见 zai4 jian4 goodbye; see you again later

1 怎么 zen3 me5 how?; what?; why?

how?; how about?; how was it?; how are
1 怎么样 zen3 me5 yang4 things?
this; these; (commonly pr. zhei4 before a
1 这 zhe4 classifer, esp. in Beijing)

1 这儿 zhe4 r5 here

1 中国 Zhong1 guo2 China; Middle Kingdom

1 中午 zhong1 wu3 noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 住 zhu4 to live; to dwell; to stay; to reside; to stop

1 桌子 zhuo1 zi5 table; desk; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4]

leter; symbol; character; word; CL:個|个
[ge4]; courtesy or style name traditonally
1 字 zi4 given to males aged 20 in dynastc China

1 昨天 zuo2 tan1 yesterday

to do; to make; to produce; to write; to
compose; to act as; to engage in; to hold (a
party); to be; to become; to functon (in
some capacity); to serve as; to be used for;
to form (a bond or relatonship); to pretend;
1 做 zuo4 to feign; to act a part; to put on appearance
to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane
1 坐 zuo4 etc); to bear fruit; surname Zuo
(modal partcle indicatng polite
2 吧 ba5 suggeston); ...right?; ...OK?
white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank;
plain; clear; to make clear; in vain;
gratuitous; funeral; to stare coldly; to write
2 白 bai2 wrong character; to explain;
hundred; numerous; all kinds of; surname
2 百 bai3 Bai

2 帮助 bang1 zhu4 assistance; aid; to help; to assist

newspaper; newsprint; CL:份[fen4],期[qi1],
2 报纸 bao4 zhi3 張|张[zhang1]
(partcle used for comparison and "-er
than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture
2 比 bi3 (with hands); rato
to leave; to depart; to separate; to
distnguish; to classify; other; another; do
2 别 bie2 not; must not; to pin

2 长 chang2 length; long; forever; always; constantly

2 唱歌 chang4 ge1 to sing a song

to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to
happen; classifer for dramas, plays, operas
2 出 chu1 etc
to bore through; pierce; perforate;
penetrate; pass through; to dress; to wear;
2 穿 chuan1 to put on; to thread
a boat; vessel; ship; CL:條|条[tao2],艘
2 船 chuan2 [sou1],隻|只[zhi1]
next in sequence; second; the second (day,
tme etc); secondary; vice-; sub-; infra-;
inferior quality; substandard; order;
sequence; hypo- (chemistry); classifer for
2 次 ci4 enumerated events: tme
mistake; error; blunder; fault; cross; uneven;
2 错 cuo4 wrong; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 打篮球 da3 lan2 qiu2 play basketball

2 大家 da4 jia1 authority; everyone

2 但是 dan4 shi4 but; however

to (a place); untl (a tme); up to; to go; to
2 到 dao4 arrive
adjectve as main verb), linking it to
following phrase indicatng efect, degree,
2 得 de5 possibility etc

2 等 deng3 to wait for; to await

2 弟弟 di4 di5 younger brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

2 第一 di4 yi1 frst; number one

2 懂 dong3 to understand; to know

2 对 dui4 for; to

2 对 dui4 right

2 房间 fang2 jian1 room; CL:間|间[jian1]

unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very;
2 非常 fei1 chang2 exceptonal
waiter; waitress; atendant; customer
2 服务员 fu2 wu4 yuan2 service personnel; CL:個|个[ge4]
high; tall; above average; loud; your
2 高 gao1 (honorifc); surname Gao

2 告诉 gao4 su5 to tell; to inform; to let know

2 哥哥 ge1 ge5 older brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

to; for; for the beneft of; to give; to allow;
2 给 gei3 to do sth (for sb); (passive partcle)

2 公共汽车 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 bus; CL:輛|辆[liang4],班[ban1]

2 公斤 gong1 jin1 kilogram (kg)
(business) company; company; frm;
2 公司 gong1 si1 corporaton; incorporated; CL:家[jia1]

2 贵 gui4 expensive; noble; your (name); precious

to pass (tme); to celebrate (a holiday); to
2 过 guo4 live; to get along
stll; stll in progress; stll more; yet; even
more; in additon; fairly; passably (good); as
2 还 hai2 early as; even; also; else

2 孩子 hai2 zi5 child

2 好吃 hao3 chi1 tasty; delicious

day of a month; (sufx used afer) name of a
2 号 hao4 ship; (ordinal) number
black; dark; abbr. for Heilongjiang 黑龍江|
2 黑 hei1 黑龙江 province in northeast China

2 红 hong2 bonus; popular; red; revolutonary

2 欢迎 huan1 ying2 to welcome; welcome

to reply; to answer; the answer; CL:個|个
2 回答 hui2 da2 [ge4]

2 机场 ji1 chang3 airport; airfeld; CL:家[jia1],處|处[chu4]

(chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打
2 鸡蛋 ji1 dan4 [da2]
item; component; classifer for events,
2 件 jian4 things, clothes etc

2 教室 jiao4 shi4 classroom; CL:間|间[jian1]

2 姐姐 jie3 jie5 older sister; CL:個|个[ge4]

to present; to introduce; to recommend; to
2 介绍 jie4 shao4 suggest; to let know; to brief
to advance; to enter; to come (or go) into; to
receive or admit; to eat or drink; to submit
or present; (used afer a verb) into, in; to
2 进 jin4 score a goal
at once; right away; only; just (emphasis); as
early as; already; as soon as; then; in that
case; as many as; even if; to approach; to
move towards; to undertake; to engage in;
to sufer; subjected to; to accomplish; to
take advantage of; to go with (of foods);
2 就 jiu4 with regard to; concerning

2 觉得 jue2 de5 to think; to feel

2 咖啡 ka1 fei1 cofee; CL:杯[bei1]

to begin; beginning; to start; inital; CL:個|个
2 开始 kai1 shi3 [ge4]

2 考试 kao3 shi4 exam; CL:次[ci4]

might (happen); possible; probable;
possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps; CL:
2 可能 ke3 neng2 個|个[ge4]

2 可以 ke3 yi3 can; may; possible; able to

subject; course; class; lesson; CL:堂[tang2],
2 课 ke4 节|節[jie2],門|门[men2]
rapid; quick; speed; rate; soon; almost; to
make haste; clever; sharp (of knives or wits);
forthright; plain-spoken; gratfed; pleased;
2 快 kuai4 pleasant

2 快乐 kuai4 le4 happy; merry

to leave; to part from; to be away from; (in
giving distances) from; without (sth);
independent of; one of the eight trigrams of
2 离 li2 the Book of Changes representng fre (old)
both; two; ounce; some; a few; tael; weight
2 两 liang3 equal to 50 grams

2 路 lu4 road; path; way; CL:條|条[tao2]

2 旅游 lv3 you2 trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour

at once, right away, immediately; lit. on
2 马上 ma3 shang4 horseback
to sell; to betray; to spare no efort; to show
2 卖 mai4 of or faunt
2 慢 man4 slow

2 忙 mang2 busy; hurriedly

2 每 mei3 each; every

younger sister; fg. younger woman (esp. girl
2 妹妹 mei4 mei5 friend or rival); CL:個|个[ge4]
gate; door; CL:扇[shan4]; gateway; doorway;
CL:個|个[ge4]; opening; valve; switch; way
to do something; knack; family; house;
(religious) sect; school (of thought); class;
category; phylum or division (taxonomy);
classifer for large guns; classifer for lessons,
2 门 men2 subjects, branches of technology

2 男人 nan2 ren2 a man; a male; men; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 您 nin2 you (polite, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])

2 牛奶 niu2 nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1]

2 女人 nv3 ren2 woman

2 旁边 pang2 bian1 lateral; side; to the side; beside

2 跑步 pao3 bu4 to walk quickly; to march; to run

small advantages; to let sb of lightly; cheap;
2 便宜 pian2 yi5 inexpensive
tcket; ballot; bank note; CL:張|张[zhang1];
person held for ransom; amateur
performance of Chinese opera; classifer for
shipments and business transactons
2 票 piao4 (topolect)

2 妻子 qi1 zi5 wife; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 起床 qi3 chuang2 to get up

2 千 qian1 thousand

2 晴 qing2 clear; fne (weather)

2 去年 qu4 nian2 last year
to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have
2 让 rang4 sb do sth
to go to work; to be on duty; to start work;
2 上班 shang4 ban1 to go to the ofce

2 身体 shen1 t3 (human) body; health; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 生病 sheng1 bing4 to fall ill; to sicken

2 生日 sheng1 ri4 birthday; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 时间 shi2 jian1 tme; period; CL:段[duan4]

wrist watch; CL:塊|块[kuai4],隻|只[zhi1],個
2 手表 shou3 biao3 |个[ge4]
cell phone; cellular phone; mobile phone; CL:
2 手机 shou3 ji1 部[bu4]

2 水果 shui3 guo3 fruit; CL:個|个[ge4]

to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to
2 送 song4 present (with); to see of; to send

2 所以 suo3 yi3 therefore; as a result; so

2 它 ta1 it

2 踢足球 t1 zu2 qiu2 play soccer(football)

topic; problem for discussion; exam
queston; subject; to inscribe; to menton;
2 题 t2 surname Ti; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]

2 跳舞 tao4 wu3 to dance

2 外 wai4 outside; in additon; foreign; external

2 完 wan2 to fnish; to be over; whole; complete; entre

antque (Taiwan pr. wan4); to play; to have
fun; to trife with; to keep sth for
2 玩 wan2 entertainment

2 晚上 wan3 shang5 in the evening; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 为什么 wei4 shen2 me5 why?; for what reason?

2 问 wen4 to ask
queston; problem; issue; topic; CL:個|个
2 问题 wen4 t2 [ge4]

2 西瓜 xi1 gua1 watermelon; CL:條|条[tao2]

2 希望 xi1 wang4 to wish for; to desire; hope CL:個|个[ge4]

2 洗 xi3 to wash; to bathe

2 小时 xiao3 shi2 hour; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 笑 xiao4 laugh; smile; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 新 xin1 new; newly; meso- (chemistry)

2 姓 xing4 family name; surname; name; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 休息 xiu1 xi5 rest; to rest

snow; snowfall; CL:場|场[chang2]; to have
the appearance of snow; to wipe away, of
2 雪 xue3 or out; to clean

2 颜色 yan2 se4 color; CL:個|个[ge4]

2 眼睛 yan3 jing5 eye; CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1]

2 羊肉 yang2 rou4 muton

medicine; drug; cure; CL:種|种[zhong3],服
2 药 yao4 [fu4]
important; vital; to want; will; going to (as
2 要 yao4 future auxiliary); may; must
also; too; (in classical Chinese) fnal partcle
2 也 ye3 serving as copula

2 已经 yi3 jing1 already

in the same place; together; with; altogether
2 一起 yi4 qi3 (in total)
idea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire; CL:個|
2 意思 yi4 si5 个[ge4]
overcast (weather); cloudy; shady; Yin (the
negatve principle of Yin and Yang); negatve
(electric.); feminine; moon; implicit; hidden;
2 阴 yin1 genitalia

2 因为 yin1 wei4 because; owing to; on account of

2 游泳 you2 yong3 swim

2 右边 you4 bian5 right side; right, to the right

2 鱼 yu2 fsh; CL:條|条[tao2],尾[wei3]

circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the
moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan);
2 圆 yuan2 tactul; to justfy

2 远 yuan3 far; distant; remote

movement; campaign; CL: 場|场[chang3];
2 运动 yun4 dong4 sports
again; once more; re-; second; another; then
2 再 zai4 (afer sth, and not untl then)
early morning; CL:個|个[ge4]; Good
2 早上 zao3 shang5 morning!
to open up; to spread; sheet of paper;
classifer for fat objects, sheet; classifer for
2 张 zhang1 votes

2 丈夫 zhang4 fu5 husband; CL:個|个[ge4]

to try to fnd; to look for; to call on sb; to
2 找 zhao3 fnd; to seek; to return; to give change
partcle atached afer verb to indicate
2 着 zhe5 acton in progress, like -ing ending

2 真 zhen1 really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine

in the process of (doing something or
2 正在 zheng4 zai4 happening); while (doing)

2 准备 zhun3 bei4 preparaton; prepare

2 自行车 zi4 xing2 che1 bicycle; bike; CL:輛|辆[liang4]

to walk; to go; to run; to move (of vehicle);
to visit; to leave; to go away; to die (euph.);
from; through; away (in compound verbs,
such as 撤走); to change (shape, form,
2 走 zou3 meaning)

2 最 zui4 most; the most; -est

2 左边 zuo3 bian5 lef; the lef side; to the lef of

maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare
worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to
one's parents (term of address used by
3 阿姨 a1 yi2 child); CL:個|个[ge4]
modal partcle ending sentence, showing
3 啊 a5 afrmaton, approval, or consent

3 矮 ai3 low; short (in length)

to like; to take pleasure in; keen on; fond of;
3 爱好 ai4 hao4 interest; hobby; appette for; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 安静 an1 jing4 quiet; peaceful; calm

to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take hold of;
a handle; partcle marking the following
noun as a direct object; classifer for objects
3 把 ba3 with handle
to move; to shif; to remove; to transport; to
3 搬 ban1 apply
team; indiscriminately; toshif;
class; squad; work copy classifer
groups; ranking; surname Ban; CL:個|个
3 班 ban1 [ge4]
half; semi-; incomplete; (afer a number) and
3 半 ban4 a half
means; method; way (of doing sth); CL:條|
3 办法 ban4 fa3 条[tao2],個|个[ge4]
an ofce; business premises; a bureau; CL:間
3 办公室 ban4 gong1 shi4 |间[jian1]
to help; to lend a hand; to do a favor; to do a
3 帮忙 bang1 mang2 good turn
to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take
charge of; package; wrapper; container; bag;
to hold or embrace; bundle; packet; to
contract (to or for); surname Bao; CL:個|个
3 包 bao1 [ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
3 饱 bao3 to eat tll full; satsfed
north; the northern part a country; China
3 北方 bei3 fang1 north of the Yellow River
the back of a body or object; to turn one's
back; to hide something from; to learn by
3 背 bei4 heart; to recite from memory

3 鼻子 bi2 zi5 nose; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]

compare; contrast; fairly; comparatvely;
3 比较 bi3 jiao4 relatvely; quite; rather
competton (sports etc); match; CL:場|场
3 比赛 bi3 sai4 [chang3],次[ci4]

3 必须 bi4 xu1 to have to; must; compulsory; necessarily

change; variaton; to change; to vary; CL:個|
3 变化 bian4 hua4 个[ge4]
to express; to show; to say; to state; to
3 表示 biao3 shi4 indicate; to mean
play; show; performance; exhibiton; to
perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场
3 表演 biao3 yan3 [chang3]

3 宾馆 bin1 guan3 guesthouse; CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]

icebox; freezer cabinet; refrigerator; CL:臺|
3 冰箱 bing1 xiang1 台[tai2],個|个[ge4]
ability; talent; endowment; gif; an expert;
3 才 cai2 only (then); only if; just

3 菜单 cai4 dan1 menu; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]

3 参加 can1 jia1 to partcipate; to take part; to join

grass; straw; manuscript; draf (of a
document); careless; rough; CL:棵[ke1],撮
3 草 cao3 [zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1]
layer; stratum; laminated; foor (of a
building); storey; classifer for layers;
3 层 ceng2 repeated; sheaf (math.)

3 差 cha4 difer from; short of; to lack; poor

3 超市 chao1 shi4 supermarket (abbr.); CL:家[jia1]

3 衬衫 chen4 shan1 shirt; blouse; CL:件[jian4]
achievement; performance records; grades;
3 成绩 cheng2 ji4 CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]

3 城市 cheng2 shi4 city; town; CL:座[zuo4]

3 迟到 chi2 dao4 to arrive late

3 出现 chu1 xian4 to appear; to arise; to emerge; to show up

3 厨房 chu2 fang2 kitchen; CL:間|间[jian1]

besides; apart from (... also...); in additon to;
3 除了 chu2 le5 except (for)
spring (tme); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust;
3 春 chun1 life
word (general term including monosyllables
through to short phrases); term (e.g.
3 词语 ci2 yu3 technical term); expression
acute (of sight and hearing); clever;
3 聪明 cong1 ming5 intelligent; bright; smart

3 打扫 da3 sao3 to clean; to sweep

to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan;
3 打算 da3 suan4 intenton; calculaton; CL:個|个[ge4]
band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tre; area; zone;
region; CL:條|条[tao2]; to wear; to carry; to
3 带 dai4 lead; to bring; to look afer; to raise
anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be
3 担心 dan1 xin1 anxious

3 蛋糕 dan4 gao1 cake; CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4]

only natural; as it should be; certainly; of
3 当然 dang1 ran2 course; without doubt
-ly; structural partcle: used before a verb or
adjectve, linking it to preceding modifying
3 地 de5 adverbial adjunct

3 灯 deng1 lamp; light; lantern; CL:盞|盏[zhan3]

low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let
3 低 di1 droop; to hang down; to incline
region; regional (away from the central
3 地方 di4 fang5 administraton)

3 地铁 di4 te3 subway; metro

3 地图 di4 tu2 map; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]

3 电梯 dian4 t1 elevator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]

3 电子邮件 dian4 zi3 you2 jian4 electronic mail; email; CL:封[feng1]

east; host (i.e. sitng on east side of guest);
3 东 dong1 landlord; surname Dong

3 冬 dong1 winter

3 动物 dong4 wu4 animal; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4]

3 短 duan3 short or brief; to lack; weak point; fault

paragraph; secton; segment; stage (of a
process); classifer for stories, periods of
3 段 duan4 tme, lengths of thread etc
to engage in physical exercise; to toughen;
3 锻炼 duan4 lian4 to temper
how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc);
3 多么 duo1 me5 however (difcult it may be etc)

3 饿 e4 to be hungry; hungry
(not only ...) but also; moreover; in additon;
3 而且 er2 qie3 furthermore

3 耳朵 er3 duo5 ear; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]

have a high temperature (from illness); have
3 发烧 fa1 shao1 a fever

3 发现 fa1 xian4 to fnd; to discover

convenient; to help out; to make things easy
for people; convenience; suitable; having
money to spare; (euphemism) to go to the
3 方便 fang1 bian4 toilet
to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place;
3 放 fang4 to let out; to set of (freworks)
to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to
3 放心 fang4 xin1 rest
to divide; to separate; to allocate; to
distnguish (good and bad); part or
subdivision; fracton; one tenth (of certain
units); unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm;
minute; a point (in sports or games); 0.01
3 分 fen1 yuan (unit of money)

3 附近 fu4 jin4 (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to

3 复习 fu4 xi2 to revise; to review; revision; CL:次[ci4]

3 干净 gan1 jing4 clean; neat

3 敢 gan3 to dare; daring; (polite) may I venture

to catch cold; (common) cold; CL:場|场
3 感冒 gan3 mao4 [chang2],次[ci4]

3 刚才 gang1 cai2 just now; a moment ago

sb (of woman); with; towards; as (compared
to); from (diferent from); and (in additon
3 跟 gen1 to)
according to; based on; basis; foundaton;
3 根据 gen1 ju4 CL:個|个[ge4]

3 公园 gong1 yuan2 public park; CL:場|场[chang3]

3 刮风 gua1 feng1 to be windy

mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn of;
3 关 guan1 to concern; to involve
relaton; relatonship; to concern; to afect;
3 关系 guan1 xi4 to have to do with; guanxi; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 关心 guan1 xin1 to care for sth; caring; concerned

pertaining to; concerning; regarding; with
3 关于 guan1 yu2 regards to; about; a mater of

3 国家 guo2 jia1 country; naton; state; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 果汁 guo3 zhi1 fruit juice

(in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to
3 过去 guo4 qu5 pass by

3 还是 hai2 shi4 or; stll; nevertheless

3 害怕 hai4 pa4 to be afraid; to be scared

3 河 he2 river; CL:條|条[tao2],道[dao4]

3 黑板 hei1 ban3 blackboard; CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4]

3 护照 hu4 zhao4 passport; CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4]

3 花 hua1 to spend (money, tme); fower

3 花园 hua1 yuan2 garden; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]

to draw; picture; paintng; CL:幅[fu2],張|张
3 画 hua4 [zhang1]

3 坏 huai4 bad; spoiled; broken; to break down

environment; circumstances; surroundings;
3 环境 huan2 jing4 CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient

3 换 huan4 change; exchange

3 黄 huang2 yellow; pornographic; to fall through

meetng; conference; CL:場|场[chang3],屆|
3 会议 hui4 yi4 届[jie4]

3 或者 huo4 zhe3 or; possibly; maybe; perhaps

3 几乎 ji1 hu1 almost; nearly; practcally

opportunity; chance; occasion; CL:個|个
3 机会 ji1 hui4 [ge4]
extremely; pole (geography, physics);
3 极 ji2 utmost; top

3 几 ji3 how much; how many; several; a few

3 记得 ji4 de5 to remember

3 季节 ji4 jie2 tme; season; period; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 检查 jian3 cha2 inspecton; to examine; to inspect; CL:次[ci4]

3 简单 jian3 dan1 simple; not complicated

3 健康 jian4 kang1 health; healthy

3 见面 jian4 mian4 to meet; to see sb; CL:次[ci4]

to speak; to explain; to negotate; to
emphasise; to be partcular about; as far as
3 讲 jiang3 sth is concerned; speech; lecture

3 教 jiao1 to teach
foot; leg; base; kick; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|
3 脚 jiao3 只[zhi1]
angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of
3 角 jiao3 money equal to 0.1 yuan; CL:個|个[ge4]
to receive; to answer (the phone); to meet
or welcome sb; to connect; to catch; to join;
to extend; to take one's turn on duty; take
3 接 jie1 over for sb

3 街道 jie1 dao4 street; CL:條|条[tao2]

3 结婚 jie2 hun1 to marry; to get married; CL:次[ci4]

program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台
3 节目 jie2 mu4 [tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4]

3 节日 jie2 ri4 holiday; festval; CL:個|个[ge4]

terminaton; to fnish; to end; to conclude;
3 结束 jie2 shu4 to close

3 解决 jie3 jue2 to setle (a dispute); to resolve; to solve

to lend; to borrow; excuse; pretext; by
means of; to seize (an opportunity); to take
3 借 jie4 (an opportunity)

3 近 jin4 near; close to; approximately

day to day; everyday; daily; frequently;
3 经常 jing1 chang2 constantly; regularly; ofen
to pass; to go through; process; course; CL:
3 经过 jing1 guo4 個|个[ge4]
manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],
3 经理 jing1 li3 名[ming2]

3 久 jiu3 (long) tme; (long) duraton of tme

old; opposite: new 新; former; worn (with
3 旧 jiu4 age)

3 举行 ju3 xing2 to hold (a meetng, ceremony etc)

3 句子 ju4 zi5 sentence; CL:個|个[ge4]

to decide (to do something); to resolve;
decision; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4];
3 决定 jue2 ding4 certainly
to see; to look at; to read; to watch; to
consider; to regard as; to view as; to treat as;
to judge; (afer repeated verb) to give it a
try; depending on (how you're judging); to
visit; to call on; to treat (an illness); to look
3 看 kan4 afer; Watch out! (for a danger)

3 渴 ke3 thirsty

3 可爱 ke3 ai4 amiable; cute; lovely

quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to
engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifer for
3 刻 ke4 short tme intervals

3 客人 ke4 ren2 visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4]

3 空调 kong1 tao2 air conditoning

mouth; classifer for things with mouths
(people, domestc animals, cannons, wells
3 口 kou3 etc)

3 哭 ku1 to cry; to weep

3 裤子 ku4 zi5 trousers; pants; CL:條|条[tao2]

chopstcks; CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3],
3 筷子 kuai4 zi5 雙|双[shuang1]

3 蓝 lan2 blue; indigo plant

prefx used before the surname of a person
or a numeral indicatng the order of birth of
the children in a family or to indicate
afecton or familiarity; old (of people);
venerable (person); experienced; of long
standing; always; all the tme; of the past;
3 老 lao3 very; outdated; (of meat etc) tough

3 离开 li2 kai1 to depart; to leave

gif; present; CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4],份
3 礼物 li3 wu4 [fen4]

3 历史 li4 shi3 history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4]

3 脸 lian3 face; CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]

3 练习 lian4 xi2 exercise; drill; practce; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 辆 liang4 classifer for vehicles

3 了解 liao3 jie3 to understand; to realize; to fnd out

3 邻居 lin2 ju1 neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4]

house with more than 1 story; storied
building; foor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟
3 楼 lou2 |栋[dong4]

3 绿 lv4 green

3 马 ma3
horse; abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西

3 满意 man3 yi4 satsfed; pleased; to one's satsfacton

3 帽子 mao4 zi5 hat; cap; CL:頂|顶[ding3]

3 米 mi3 rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifer)

3 面包 mian4 bao1 bread; CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4]

3 面条 mian4 tao2 noodles

clear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand;
3 明白 ming2 bai5 to realize
to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to
3 拿 na2 take
(informal) father's mother; paternal
3 奶奶 nai3 nai5 grandmother; CL:位[wei4]

3 南 nan2 south
difcult (to...); problem; difculty; difcult;
3 难 nan2 not good

3 难过 nan2 guo4 feel sorry; be grieved

3 年级 nian2 ji2 grade; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 年轻 nian2 qing1 young

3 鸟 niao3 bird; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]

3 努力 nu3 li4 great efort; to strive; to try hard

to climb a mountain; to mountaineer; hiking;
3 爬山 pa2 shan1 mountaineering

3 盘子 pan2 zi5 tray; plate; dish

3 胖 pang4 fat; plump

beer; CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶
3 啤酒 pi2 jiu3 [tong3],缸[gang1]

3 葡萄 pu2 tao5 grape

Mandarin (common language); Putonghua
(common speech of the Chinese language);
3 普通话 pu3 tong1 hua4 ordinary speech

3 骑 qi2 to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride

3 奇怪 qi2 guai4 strange; odd

3 其实 qi2 shi2 actually, in fact, really

other; the others; else; other than (that
person); in additon to the person
3 其他 qi2 ta1 mentoned above
(lead) pencil; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1],桿|杆
3 铅笔 qian1 bi3 [gan3]
3 清楚 qing1 chu5 clear; clearly understood; distnct
autumn; fall; harvest tme; a swing; surname
3 秋 qiu1 Qiu

3 裙子 qun2 zi5 skirt; CL:條|条[tao2]

afer; then (aferwards); afer that;
3 然后 ran2 hou4 aferwards
cordial; enthusiastc; passion; passionate;
3 热情 re4 qing2 passionately

3 认为 ren4 wei2 to believe; to think; to consider; to feel

conscientous; earnest; serious; to take
3 认真 ren4 zhen1 seriously; to take to heart

3 容易 rong2 yi4 easy; likely; liable (to)

3 如果 ru2 guo3 if; in case; in the event that

3 伞 san3 umbrella; parasol; CL:把[ba3]

to be on the internet; to stretch a net (in a
sports game or for covering sth); to be
3 上网 shang4 wang3 neted (of fsh)
angry; mad; ofended; animated; to get
angry; to be enraged; to take ofense;
3 生气 sheng1 qi4 animaton

3 声音 sheng1 yin1 voice; sound; CL:個|个[ge4]

to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to
employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth;
3 使 shi3 envoy; messenger

3 世界 shi4 jie4 world; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 瘦 shou4 tght; thin; lean

3 舒服 shu1 fu5 comfortable; feeling well

father's younger brother; uncle; Taiwan pr.
3 叔叔 shu1 shu5 shu2 shu5; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 树 shu4 tree; CL:棵[ke1]

3 数学 shu4 xue2 mathematcs; mathematcal

3 刷牙 shua1 ya2 to brush teeth

3 双 shuang1 two; double; pair; both

level (of achievement etc); standard;
3 水平 shui3 ping2 horizontal

3 司机 si1 ji1 chaufeur; driver; CL:個|个[ge4]

3 虽然 sui1 ran2 although; even though; even if

3 太阳 tai4 yang2 sun; CL:個|个[ge4]

sugar; sweets; candy; CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块
3 糖 tang2 [kuai4]

3 特别 te4 bie2 especially; special; partcular; unusual

3 疼 teng2 (it) hurts; love fondly; ache; pain; sore

3 提高 t2 gao1 to raise; to increase

3 体育 t3 yu4 sports; physical educaton

3 甜 tan2 sweet
strip; item; artcle; clause (of law or treaty);
classifer for long thin things (ribbon, river,
3 条 tao2 road, trousers etc)
colleague; co-worker; CL:個|个[ge4],位
3 同事 tong2 shi4 [wei4]

3 同意 tong2 yi4 to agree; to consent; to approve

3 头发 tou2 fa5 hair (on the head)

3 突然 tu1 ran2 sudden; abrupt; unexpected

3 图书馆 tu2 shu1 guan3 library; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]

3 腿 tui3 leg; CL:條|条[tao2]

complete; accomplish; perfect tense
3 完成 wan2 cheng2 (grammar)
3 碗 wan3 bowl; cup; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4]

3 万 wan4 ten thousand; a great number

3 忘记 wang4 ji4 to forget

3 为 wei4 because of; for; to

positon; locaton; place; seat; classifer for
people (honorifc); classifer for binary bits
3 位 wei4 (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)

3 为了 wei4 le5 in order to; for the purpose of; so as to

culture; civilizaton; cultural; CL:個|个[ge4],
3 文化 wen2 hua4 種|种[zhong3]

3 西 xi1 west
habit; custom; usual practce; to be used to;
3 习惯 xi2 guan4 CL:個|个[ge4]

3 洗手间 xi3 shou3 jian1 toilet; lavatory; washroom

3 洗澡 xi3 zao3 to bathe; to take a shower

3 夏 xia4 summer

3 先 xian1 early; prior; former; in advance; frst

banana; CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把
3 香蕉 xiang1 jiao1 [ba3]

3 相同 xiang1 tong2 identcal; same

be convinced (that something is true);
3 相信 xiang1 xin4 believe; to accept sth as true
directon; orientaton; to face; to turn
toward; to; towards; shortly before;
formerly; to side with; to be partal to; all
3 向 xiang4 along (previously); surname Xiang

3 小心 xiao3 xin1 to be careful; to take care

(college, university) president; headmaster;
3 校长 xiao4 zhang3 CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
3 鞋 xie2 shoe; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]

3 新闻 xin1 wen2 news; CL:條|条[tao2],個|个[ge4]

3 新鲜 xin1 xian1 fresh (experience, food etc); freshness

leter; mail; to trust; to believe; to profess
faith in; truthful; confdence; trust; at will; at
3 信 xin4 random

3 行李箱 xing2 li5 xiang1 suitcase

3 兴趣 xing4 qu5 interest in (something); CL:個|个[ge4]

3 熊猫 xiong2 mao1 panda; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

to need; to want; to demand; needs; to
3 需要 xu1 yao4 require

3 选择 xuan3 ze2 to select; to pick; choice; opton; alternatve

3 眼镜 yan3 jing4 spectacles; eyeglasses; CL:副[fu4]

to request; to require; to stake a claim; to
3 要求 yao1 qiu2 ask; to demand; CL:點|点[dian3]
(informal) father's father; paternal
3 爷爷 ye2 ye5 grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4]
straight (in a straight line); contnuously;
always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all
3 一直 yi1 zhi2 along
surely; certainly; necessarily; fxed; a certain
3 一定 yi2 ding4 (extent etc); given; partcular; must

3 一共 yi2 gong4 altogether

3 一会儿 yi2 hui4 r5 a while

3 一样 yi2 yang4 same; like; equal to; the same as; just like
afer; later; aferwards; following; later on;
3 以后 yi3 hou4 in the future

3 以前 yi3 qian2 before; formerly; previous; ago

to believe; to think; to consider; to be under
3 以为 yi3 wei2 the impression
same; ordinary; common; general; generally;
3 一般 yi4 ban1 in general
one side; either side; on the one hand; on
3 一边 yi4 bian1 the other hand; doing while

3 音乐 yin1 yue4 music; CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4]

3 银行 yin2 hang2 bank; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]

3 应该 ying1 gai1 ought to; should; must

an infuence; an efect; to infuence; to afect
3 影响 ying3 xiang3 (usually adversely); to disturb; CL:股[gu3]
to use; to employ; to have to; to eat or drink;
expense or outlay; usefulness; hence;
3 用 yong4 therefore

3 游戏 you2 xi4 game; play; CL:場|场[chang3]

3 有名 you3 ming2 famous; well-known

3 又 you4 (once) again; also; both... and...; again

3 遇到 yu4 dao4 to meet; to run into; to come across

3 愿意 yuan4 yi4 to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth)

to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the
3 越 yue4 more... the more

3 月亮 yue4 liang5 moon

3 云 yun2 cloud; CL:朵[duo3]

staton; to stand; to halt; to stop; branch of a
3 站 zhan4 company or organisaton

3 长 zhang3 chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop

3 着急 zhao2 ji2 to worry; to feel anxious

to take care of; to show consideraton; to
3 照顾 zhao4 gu5 atend to; to look afer
photo; photograph; picture; CL:張|张
3 照片 zhao4 pian4 [zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2]
camera; CL:個|个[ge4],架[jia4],部[bu4],台
3 照相机 zhao4 xiang4 ji1 [tai2],隻|只[zhi1]

3 只 zhi3 only; merely; just; but

3 中间 zhong1 jian1 between; intermediate; mid; middle

3 终于 zhong1 yu2 at last; in the end; fnally; eventually

abbr. for 物種|物种, genus; race; seed;
breed; species; strain; kind; type; has guts
(i.e. courage); nerve; classifer for types:
3 种 zhong3 kind, sort; classifer for languages

3 重要 zhong4 yao4 important; signifcant; major

3 周末 zhou1 mo4 weekend

3 主要 zhu3 yao4 main; principal; major; primary

invoke; pray to; wish; to express good
3 祝 zhu4 wishes; surname Zhu

3 注意 zhu4 yi4 to take note of; to pay atenton to

3 字典 zi4 dian3 dictonary; character dictonary; CL:本[ben3]

3 自己 zi4 ji3 self; (refexive pronoun); own

3 总是 zong3 shi4 always

recent; recently; these days; latest; soon;
3 最近 zui4 jin4 nearest (of locatons); shortest (of routes)
school assignment; homework; work; task;
3 作业 zuo4 ye4 operaton; to operate; CL:個|个[ge4]
to act on; to afect; acton; functon; actvity;
impact; result; efect; purpose; intent; to
play a role; corresponds to English -ity, -ism,
3 作用 zuo4 yong4 -izaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 爱情 ai4 qing2 romance; love (romantc); CL:個|个[ge4]

4 安排 an1 pai2 to arrange; to plan; to set up

4 安全 an1 quan2 safe; secure; safety; security

dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled;
4 暗 an4 obscure; in the dark

4 按时 an4 shi2 on tme; before deadline; on schedule

according to; in accordance with; in the light
4 按照 an4 zhao4 of; on the basis of
to comprise; to include; to involve; to
4 包括 bao1 kuo4 incorporate; to consist of
to protect; to defend; to safeguard;
4 保护 bao3 hu4 protecton; CL:種|种[zhong3]
guarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to
4 保证 bao3 zheng4 safeguard; to pledge; CL:個|个[ge4]
to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug or
4 抱 bao4 embrace; surround; cherish

4 报道 bao4 dao4 report; CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4]

to sign up; to enter one's name; to apply; to
4 报名 bao4 ming2 register; to enroll; to enlist
sorry; We apologize!; to feel apologetc; to
4 抱歉 bao4 qian4 regret
by (indicates passive-voice sentences or
4 被 bei4 clauses); quilt; to cover (literary)
original; originally; at frst; it goes without
4 本来 ben3 lai2 saying; of course

4 笨 ben4 stupid; foolish; silly; slow-wited; clumsy

4 笔记本 bi3 ji4 ben3 notebook; CL:本[ben3]

4 毕业 bi4 ye4 graduaton; to graduate; to fnish school

4 遍 bian4 a tme; everywhere; turn; all over; one tme

(an ofcial) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|
4 标准 biao1 zhun3 个[ge4]

4 表达 biao3 da2 to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey

4 表格 biao3 ge2 form; table; CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4]

4 表扬 biao3 yang2 to praise; to commend

biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块
4 饼干 bing3 gan1 [kuai4]
and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in
4 并且 bing4 qie3 additon
doctor; court academician (in feudal China);
4 博士 bo2 shi4 Ph.D.

4 不但 bu2 dan4 not only (... but also...)

only; merely; no more than; but; however;
4 不过 bu2 guo4 anyway (to get back to a previous topic)
have no choice or opton but to; cannot but;
4 不得不 bu4 de2 bu4 have to; can't help it; can't avoid
no mater (what, how); regardless of; no
4 不管 bu4 guan3 mater

4 不仅 bu4 jin3 not only (this one); not just (...) but also
to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in
4 擦 ca1 paintng); to clean; to polish

4 猜 cai1 to guess
material; data; makings; stuf; CL:個|个
4 材料 cai2 liao4 [ge4],種|种[zhong3]

4 参观 can1 guan1 to look around; to inspect; visit and observe

4 差不多 cha4 bu5 duo1 almost; nearly; more or less

to taste; favor; (past tense marker); already;
4 尝 chang2 formerly; ever; once; test

4 长城 Chang2 cheng2 the Great Wall

4 长江 Chang2 jiang1 Changjiang river; Yangtze river

4 超过 chao1 guo4 to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip

to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb
4 吵 chao3 by making a noise

4 成功 cheng2 gong1 success; to succeed; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]

4 诚实 cheng2 shi2 honest; honesty; honorable; truthful

4 成熟 cheng2 shu2 mature; ripe; Taiwan pr. cheng2 shou2

4 成为 cheng2 wei2 to become; to turn into

4 乘坐 cheng2 zuo4 to ride (in a vehicle)

4 吃惊 chi1 jing1 to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed

4 重新 chong2 xin1 again; once more; re-

4 抽烟 chou1 yan1 to smoke (a cigarete, tobacco)

4 出差 chu1 chai1 to go on an ofcial or business trip

4 出发 chu1 fa1 to start out; to set of

4 出生 chu1 sheng1 to be born

4 传真 chuan2 zhen1 fax; facsimile

4 窗户 chuang1 hu5 window; CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4]

dictonary (of Chinese compound words);
also writen 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3]; CL:部
4 词典 ci2 dian3 [bu4],本[ben3]
always; at all tmes; never (if used in
4 从来 cong2 lai2 negatve sentence)

4 粗心 cu1 xin1 careless; thoughtless

4 答案 da2 an4 answer; soluton; CL:個|个[ge4]

to decorate; to dress; to make up; to adorn;
4 打扮 da3 ban5 manner of dressing; style of dress

4 打扰 da3 rao3 to disturb; to bother; to trouble

4 打印 da3 yin4 to print; to seal; to stamp

4 打折 da3 zhe2 to give a discount

4 打针 da3 zhen1 to give or have an injecton

roughly; probably; rough; approximate;
4 大概 da4 gai4 about

4 大使馆 da4 shi3 guan3 embassy; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]

4 大约 da4 yue1 approximately; about

to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc);
4 戴 dai4 to respect; to bear; to support
representatve; delegate; CL:位[wei4],個|个
[ge4],名[ming2]; to represent; to stand for;
4 代表 dai4 biao3 on behalf of; in the name of
doctor; minister of state (in pre-Han states);
4 大夫 dai4 fu5 CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
instead; to replace; to substtute (X for Y, or
4 代替 dai4 t4 a number in an algebraic expression)
to be; to act as; manage; withstand; when;
during; ought; should; match equally; equal;
same; obstruct; just at (a tme or place); on
4 当 dang1 the spot; right; just at

4 当地 dang1 di4 local

4 当时 dang1 shi2 then; at that tme; while

4 刀 dao1 knife; CL:把[ba3]

4 导游 dao3 you2 tour guide; to conduct a tour; a guidebook

4 到处 dao4 chu4 in all places; everywhere

fnally; in the end; when all is said and done;
4 到底 dao4 di3 afer all; to the end; to the last

4 道歉 dao4 qian4 to apologize; to make an apology

proud of oneself; pleased with oneself;
4 得意 de2 yi4 complacent

4 得 dei3 to have to; must; ought to; to need to

et cetera; and so on; et al. (and other
4 等 deng3 authors); afer; as soon as; once
background; botom; base; the end of a
period of tme; towards the end of (last
4 底 di3 month)
4 地球 di4 qiu2 the Earth; planet; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 地址 di4 zhi3 address; CL:個|个[ge4]

to fall; to drop; to lag behind; to lose; to go
missing; to reduce; fall (in prices); to lose
(value, weight etc); to wag; to swing; to turn;
to change; to exchange; to swap; to show
4 掉 diao4 of; to shed (hair)
investgaton; inquiry; to investgate; to
survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:項|项
4 调查 diao4 cha2 [xiang4],個|个[ge4]

4 丢 diu1 to lose; to put aside; to throw

4 动作 dong4 zuo4 movement; moton; acton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 堵车 du3 che1 trafc jam; choking

4 肚子 du4 zi5 belly; abdomen; stomach; CL:個|个[ge4]

to break; to snap; to cut of; to give up or
abstain from sth; to judge; (usu. used in the
4 断 duan4 negatve) absolutely, defnitely,decidedly

4 对话 dui4 hua4 dialog; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 对面 dui4 mian4 opposite

kowtow; to stamp; at once; classifer for
meals, beatng, tellings of etc: tme, bout,
4 顿 dun4 spell, meal
fower; earlobe; fg. item on both sides;
4 朵 duo3 classifer for fowers, clouds etc
and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not);
(indicates causal relaton); (indicates change
4 而 er2 of state); (indicates contrast)

4 儿童 er2 tong2 child; CL:個|个[ge4]

to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue;
4 发 fa1 to develop; classifer for gunshots (rounds)
to happen; to occur; to take place; to break
4 发生 fa1 sheng1 out
development; growth; to develop; to grow;
4 发展 fa1 zhan3 to expand
4 法律 fa3 lv4 law; CL:條|条[tao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4]
to translate; to interpret; translator;
interpreter; translaton; interpretaton; CL:個
4 翻译 fan1 yi4 |个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
agonize; agony; annoyance; upset; vexaton;
4 烦恼 fan2 nao3 worries
to fght against; to oppose; to be opposed
4 反对 fan3 dui4 to; oppositon
to mirror; to refect; mirror image;
refecton; fg. to report; to make known; to
render; used erroneously for 反應|反应,
4 反映 fan3 ying4 response or reacton

4 范围 fan4 wei2 range; scope; limit; extent; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 方法 fang1 fa3 method; way; means; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 方面 fang1 mian4 respect; aspect; feld; side; CL:個|个[ge4]

directon; orientaton; path to follow; CL:個|
4 方向 fang1 xiang4 个[ge4]

4 访问 fang3 wen4 to visit; to call on; to interview; CL:次[ci4]

4 放弃 fang4 qi4 to renounce; to abandon; to give up

4 放暑假 fang4 shu3 jia4 take summer vacaton

used for fractons and percentages, e.g. 四分
4 …分之… fen1 zhi1 之一 is 1/4 and 百分之一 is 1%
part; share; porton; copy; classifer for gifs,
newspaper, magazine, papers, reports,
4 份 fen4 contracts etc

4 丰富 feng1 fu4 rich; plentful; abundant

4 风景 feng1 jing3 scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 否则 fou3 ze2 if not; otherwise; else; or else

in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying
with; in line with; to agree with; to accord
with; to conform to; to correspond with; to
4 符合 fu2 he2 manage; to handle
4 富 fu4 rich; surname Fu
father; also pr. with light tone [fu4 qin5]; CL:
4 父亲 fu4 qin1 個|个[ge4]

4 复印 fu4 yin4 to photocopy; to duplicate a document

4 复杂 fu4 za2 complicated; complex

to be in charge of; to take responsibility for;
4 负责 fu4 ze2 to be to blame; conscientous

4 改变 gai3 bian4 to change; to alter; to transform

to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast);
4 干杯 gan1 bei1 Here's to you!; Botoms up!; lit. dry cup
to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc);
4 干燥 gan1 zao4 desiccaton; dull; uninterestng; arid
to move (sb); to touch (sb emotonally);
4 感动 gan3 dong4 moving
to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense;
4 感觉 gan3 jue2 percepton; CL:個|个[ge4]
dislikes; deep afecton for sb or sth;
relatonship (i.e. love afair); CL:個|个[ge4],
4 感情 gan3 qing2 種|种[zhong3]
(express) thanks; grattude; grateful;
4 感谢 gan3 xie4 thankful; thanks
high level; high grade; advanced; high-
4 高级 gao1 ji2 ranking

4 各 ge4 each; every

4 个子 ge4 zi5 height; stature; build; size

tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve
4 工具 gong1 ju4 a goal etc)

4 公里 gong1 li3 kilometer

4 工资 gong1 zi1 wages; pay; CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],月[yue4]

common; joint; jointly; together;
4 共同 gong4 tong2 collaboratve

4 够 gou4 to reach; to be enough

4 购物 gou4 wu4 shopping

4 孤单 gu1 dan1 lone; lonely; loneliness

4 估计 gu1 ji4 to estmate; to reckon; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 鼓励 gu3 li4 to encourage

4 鼓掌 gu3 zhang3 to applaud; to clap

4 顾客 gu4 ke4 client; customer; CL:位[wei4]

4 故意 gu4 yi4 deliberately; on purpose

to hang or suspend (from a hook etc); (of a
telephone call) to hang up; to be worried or
concerned; to make a phone call (topolect);
to register or record; to hitch; classifer for
4 挂 gua4 sets or clusters of objects
crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key;
4 关键 guan1 jian4 crucial; pivotal
spectators; audience; visitors (to an
4 观众 guan1 zhong4 exhibiton etc)
to supervise; to manage; to administer;
4 管理 guan3 li3 management; administraton; CL:個|个[ge4]
light; ray; CL:道[dao4]; bright; only; merely;
4 光 guang1 to use up

4 广播 guang3 bo1 broadcast; widely spread; CL:個|个[ge4]

to advertse; a commercial; advertsement;
4 广告 guang3 gao4 CL:項|项[xiang4]

4 逛 guang4 to stroll; to visit

provision; to fx; to set; to formulate; to
stpulate; to provide; regulaton; rule; CL:個|
4 规定 gui1 ding4 个[ge4]

4 国际 guo2 ji4 internatonal

4 果然 guo3 ran2 really; sure enough; as expected

4 过程 guo4 cheng2 course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 海洋 hai3 yang2 ocean; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 害羞 hai4 xiu1 blush; shy

4 寒假 han2 jia4 winter vacaton

perspiraton; sweat; CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],
身[shen1]; Khan (Persian or Mongol king or
emperor); Khan (name); to be speechless
(out of helplessness, embarrassment etc)
4 汗 han4 (Internet slang used as an interjecton)
scheduled fight; fight number; plane;
scheduled sailing; sailing number; passenger
4 航班 hang2 ban1 ship
beneft; advantage; gain; proft; also
4 好处 hao3 chu5 pronounced hao3 chu4; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 好像 hao3 xiang4 as if; to seem like

4 号码 hao4 ma3 number; CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4]

4 合格 he2 ge2 qualifed; meetng a standard; eligible (voter)

4 合适 he2 shi4 suitable; ftng; decent; to ft

4 盒子 he2 zi5 case

4 猴子 hou2 zi5 monkey; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich
4 厚 hou4 or strong in favor; to favor; to stress

4 后悔 hou4 hui3 to regret; to repent

4 后来 hou4 lai2 aferwards; later

4 忽然 hu1 ran2 suddenly; all of a sudden

4 护士 hu4 shi5 nurse; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 互相 hu4 xiang1 each other; mutually; mutual

to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion;
4 怀疑 huai2 yi2 skeptcal
4 还 huan2 to pay back; to return; surname Huan

4 回忆 hui2 yi4 to recall; recollecton; CL:個|个[ge4]

to exercise; to move about; to operate;
actvity; loose; shaky; actve; movable;
maneuver; to use connectons; CL:項|项
4 活动 huo2 dong4 [xiang4],個|个[ge4]

4 活泼 huo2 po5 lively; vivacious; brisk; actve

4 火 huo3 fre; CL:把[ba3]

4 获得 huo4 de2 to obtain; to receive; to get

base; foundaton; basis; underlying; CL:個|
4 基础 ji1 chu3 个[ge4]

4 激动 ji1 dong4 to excite; to agitate; excitng

actve; energetc; vigorous; positve
4 积极 ji1 ji2 (outlook); proactve
to accumulate; accumulaton; cumulatve;
4 积累 ji1 lei3 cumulatvely

4 集合 ji2 he2 a congregaton; to gather; a set

4 极其 ji2 qi2 extremely

4 及时 ji2 shi2 in tme; promptly; without delay; tmely

4 即使 ji2 shi3 even if; even though; given that

to live (in a house); to lodge; to mail; to
4 寄 ji4 send; to entrust; to depend
plan; project; program; to plan; to map out;
4 计划 ji4 hua4 CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]

4 既然 ji4 ran2 since; as; this being the case

technology; technique; skill; CL:門|门
4 技术 ji4 shu4 [men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]

4 继续 ji4 xu4 to contnue; to proceed with; to go on with

4 记者 ji4 zhe3 reporter; journalist; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 加班 jia1 ban1 to work overtme

4 家具 jia1 ju4 furniture; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4]

4 加油站 jia1 you2 zhan4 gas staton

4 假 jia3 fake; false; artfcial; to borrow; if; suppose

4 价格 jia4 ge2 price; CL:個|个[ge4]

to contnue upholding; to remain commited
to; persistence; to persist; to uphold; to
4 坚持 jian1 chi2 insist on; persevere

4 减肥 jian3 fei2 to lose weight

4 减少 jian3 shao3 to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower

in the future; future; the future; CL:個|个
4 将来 jiang1 lai2 [ge4]

4 奖金 jiang3 jin1 premium; award money; a bonus

4 降低 jiang4 di1 to
to reduce; to lower;
hand over; to bring
to deliver; down
to pay (money); to
turn over; to make friends; to intersect
4 交 jiao1 (lines)
arrogant; full of oneself; conceited; proud of
4 骄傲 jiao1 ao4 sth; CL:個|个[ge4]
exchange; give-and-take; to exchange; to
alternate; communicaton; alternatng
4 交流 jiao1 liu2 current (electricity)
to be connected; trafc; communicatons;
4 交通 jiao1 tong1 liaison
dumpling; pot-stcker; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只
4 饺子 jiao3 zi5 [zhi1]
professor; to instruct; to lecture on; CL:個|
4 教授 jiao4 shou4 个[ge4],位[wei4]

4 教育 jiao4 yu4 to educate; to teach; educaton

4 接受 jie1 shou4 to accept; to receive

to economize; to conserve (resources);
4 节约 jie2 yue1 economy; frugal
explanaton; to explain; to interpret; to
4 解释 jie3 shi4 resolve; CL:個|个[ge4]
despite; although; even though; in spite of;
unhesitatngly; do not hesitate (to ask,
complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without
4 尽管 jin3 guan3 hesitatng
nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained;
4 紧张 jin3 zhang1 in short supply; scarce; CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
to advance; to conduct; underway; in
progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to
4 进行 jin4 xing2 execute

4 禁止 jin4 zhi3 to prohibit; to forbid; to ban

4 精彩 jing1 cai3 brilliant; splendid

4 经济 jing1 ji4 economy; economic

4 京剧 Jing1 ju4 Beijing opera; CL:場|场[chang3],出[chu1]

experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to
4 经历 jing1 li4 experience; to go through
spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental;
4 精神 jing1 shen2 psychological; essence; gist; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 经验 jing1 yan4 to experience; experience

police; policeman; policewoman; CL:個|个
4 警察 jing3 cha2 [ge4]
unexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of
everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go
4 竟然 jing4 ran2 as far as to

4 竞争 jing4 zheng1 to compete; competton

4 镜子 jing4 zi5 mirror; CL:面[mian4],個|个[ge4]

afer all (when all is said and done); actually;
4 究竟 jiu1 jing4 outcome; result

4 举办 ju3 ban4 to conduct; to hold

4 拒绝 ju4 jue2 to refuse; to decline; to reject

4 距离 ju4 li2 distance; to be apart; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 开玩笑 kai1 wan2 xiao4 to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke
way of looking at a thing; view; opinion; CL:
4 看法 kan4 fa3 個|个[ge4]

4 考虑 kao3 lv4 to think over; to consider; consideraton

4 棵 ke1 classifer for trees, cabbages, plants etc

science; scientfc knowledge; scientfc; CL:
4 科学 ke1 xue2 門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]

4 咳嗽 ke2 sou5 to cough; CL:陣|阵[zhen4]

4 可怜 ke3 lian2 pitful; pathetc

4 可是 ke3 shi4 but; however

4 可惜 ke3 xi1 it is a pity; what a pity; (it's) too bad

to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain;
4 肯定 ken3 ding4 defnite; to confrm; to afrm; afrmatve

4 空气 kong1 qi4 air; atmosphere

fear; to dread; I'm afraid that...; perhaps;
4 恐怕 kong3 pa4 maybe

4 苦 ku3 biter; hardship; pain; to sufer; painstaking

4 宽 kuan1 lenient; wide; broad

to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded;
4 困 kun4 desttute
(fnancial etc) difculty; problem; issue; CL:
4 困难 kun4 nan5 個|个[ge4]
to expand; to enlarge; to broaden one's
4 扩大 kuo4 da4 scope
to pull; to play (string instruments); to drag;
4 拉 la1 to draw

4 垃圾桶 la1 ji1 tong3 rubbish bin

4 辣 la4 hot (spicy); pungent

there's not enough tme (to do sth); it's too
4 来不及 lai2 bu5 ji2 late (to do sth)

4 来得及 lai2 de5 ji2 there's stll tme; able to do sth in tme

4 懒 lan3 lazy

4 浪费 lang4 fei4 to waste; to squander

4 浪漫 lang4 man4 romantc

4 老虎 lao3 hu3 tger; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

4 冷静 leng3 jing4 calm; cool-headed

4 理发 li3 fa4 a barber; hairdressing

to comprehend; to understand;
4 理解 li3 jie3 comprehension; understanding

4 礼貌 li3 mao4 courtesy; manners

a dream; an ideal; perfecton; ideal; perfect;
4 理想 li3 xiang3 desirable; CL:個|个[ge4]
difcult to deal with; difcult to endure;
ferocious; radical; serious; terrible; violent;
4 厉害 li4 hai5 tremendous; awesome

4 力气 li4 qi5 strength; CL:把[ba3]

4 例如 li4 ru2 for example; for instance; such as

two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个);
4 俩 lia3 both; some
to link; to join; to connect; contnuously; in
succession; including; (used with 也, 都 etc)
4 连 lian2 even; company (military)
connecton; contact; relaton; in touch with;
4 联系 lian2 xi4 to integrate; to link; to touch

4 凉快 liang2 kuai5 nice and cold; pleasantly cool

bright; clear; resonant; to shine; to show; to
4 亮 liang4 reveal

4 聊天 liao2 tan1 to chat; to gossip

additonal; in additon; besides; separate;
4 另外 ling4 wai4 other; moreover; furthermore
to leave (eg a message); to retain; to stay; to
4 留 liu2 remain; to keep; to preserve

4 流泪 liu2 lei4 to shed tears

4 流利 liu2 li4 fuent

to spread; to rage (of contagious disease);
popular; fashionable; prevalent; (math.)
4 流行 liu2 xing2 manifold

4 留学 liu2 xue2 to study abroad

in confusion or disorder; in a confused state
of mind; disorder; upheaval; riot; illicit
sexual relatons; to throw into disorder; to
4 乱 luan4 mix up; indiscriminate; random; arbitrary

4 律师 lv4 shi1 lawyer

inconvenient; troublesome; to trouble or
4 麻烦 ma2 fan5 bother sb; to put sb to trouble

4 马虎 ma3 hu5 careless; sloppy; negligent; skimpy

full; flled; packed; fully; completely; quite;
to reach the limit; to satsfy; satsfed;
4 满 man3 contented; to fll; abbr. for Manchurian

4 毛巾 mao2 jin1 towel; CL:條|条[tao2]

4 美丽 mei3 li4 beautful

4 梦 meng4 dream; CL:場|场[chang2],個|个[ge4]

4 密码 mi4 ma3 code; secret code; password; pin number

4 免费 mian3 fei4 free (of charge)

4 民族 min2 zu2 natonality; ethnic group; CL:個|个[ge4]

mother; also pr. with light tone [mu3 qin5];
4 母亲 mu3 qin1 CL:個|个[ge4]
purpose; aim; goal; target; objectve; CL:個|
4 目的 mu4 di4 个[ge4]
4 耐心 nai4 xin1 patent (adjectve)

4 难道 nan2 dao4 don't tell me ...; could it be that...?

to feel unwell; to sufer pain; to be difcult
4 难受 nan2 shou4 to bear

4 内 nei4 inside; inner; internal; within; interior

content; substance; details; CL:個|个[ge4],
4 内容 nei4 rong2 項|项[xiang4]
capability; capable; able; ability; CL:個|个
4 能力 neng2 li4 [ge4]

4 年龄 nian2 ling2 (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4]

4 农村 nong2 cun1 rural area; village; CL:個|个[ge4]

to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to
4 弄 nong4 fool with; to mess with; to fx; to toy with

4 暖和 nuan3 huo5 warm; nice and warm

4 偶尔 ou3 er3 occasionally; once in a while; sometmes

array; arrangement; permutaton (i.e.
4 排列 pai2 lie4 ordered choice of n elements out of m)

4 判断 pan4 duan4 to decide; to determine; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 陪 pei2 to accompany; to keep sb company

4 批评 pi1 ping2 to critcize; critcism; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 皮肤 pi2 fu1 skin; CL:種|种[zhong3]

sheet; piece of writng; bound set of bamboo
slips used for record keeping (old); classifer
4 篇 pian1 for writen items: chapter, artcle
to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to fool; to
4 骗 pian4 hoodwink; to trick
table tennis; ping-pong; ping pong; table
4 乒乓球 ping1 pang1 qiu2 tennis ball; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 平时 ping2 shi2 in normal tmes; in peacetme

4 瓶子 ping2 zi5 botle; CL:個|个[ge4]
broken; damaged; worn out; to break, split
or cleave; to get rid of; to destroy; to break
with; to defeat; to capture (a city etc); to
4 破 po4 expose the truth of

4 普遍 pu3 bian4 universal; general; widespread; common

4 其次 qi2 ci4 next; secondly

4 其中 qi2 zhong1 among; in; included among these

4 起飞 qi3 fei1 to take of (in an airplane)

climate; atmosphere; situaton; CL:種|种
4 气候 qi4 hou4 [zhong3]
ten million; countless; many; one must by all
4 千万 qian1 wan4 means

4 签证 qian1 zheng4 visa; certfcate; to certfy; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 墙 qiang2 wall; CL:面[mian4],堵[du3]

extort; knock; to strike; to knock (at a door);
4 敲 qiao1 to hit

4 桥 qiao2 bridge; CL:座[zuo4]

4 巧克力 qiao3 ke4 li4 chocolate (loanword); CL:塊|块[kuai4]

a relatve (i.e. family relaton); CL:門|门
4 亲戚 qin1 qi5 [men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
light; easy; gentle; sof; reckless;
unimportant; frivolous; small in number;
4 轻 qing1 unstressed; neutral

4 轻松 qing1 song1 gentle; relaxed

circumstances; state of afairs; situaton; CL:
4 情况 qing2 kuang4 個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]

4 请假 qing3 jia4 ask for tme of

give a dinner party; entertain guests; invite
4 请客 qing3 ke4 to dinner
4 穷 qiong2 exhausted; poor
diference; to distnguish; to discriminate; to
4 区别 qu1 bie2 make a distncton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 取 qu3 to take; to get; to choose; to fetch

4 全部 quan2 bu4 whole; entre; complete

weak point; fault; shortcoming; CL:個|个
4 缺点 que1 dian3 [ge4]
lack; shortage of; shortall; to be short (of);
4 缺少 que1 shao3 to lack
but; yet; however; while; to go back; to
decline; to retreat; nevertheless; even
4 却 que4 though

4 确实 que4 shi2 indeed; really; reliable; real; true

4 群 qun2 group; crowd; fock, herd, pack etc

4 然而 ran2 er2 however; yet; but

4 热闹 re4 nao5 bustling with noise and excitement; lively

4 人民币 ren2 min2 bi4 Renminbi (RMB); Chinese Yuan (CNY)

4 任何 ren4 he2 any; whatever; whichever; whatsoever

mission; assignment; task; duty; role; CL:項|
4 任务 ren4 wu5 项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]

4 扔 reng1 to throw; to throw away

4 仍然 reng2 ran2 stll; yet

4 日记 ri4 ji4 diary; CL:則|则[ze2],本[ben3],篇[pian1]

4 入口 ru4 kou3 entrance

4 软 ruan3 sof; fexible

4 散步 san4 bu4 to take a walk; to go for a walk

4 森林 sen1 lin2 forest; CL:片[pian4]

4 沙发 sha1 fa1 sofa; CL:條|条[tao2],張|张[zhang1]

4 商量 shang1 liang5 to consult; to talk over; to discuss

4 伤心 shang1 xin1 to grieve; broken-hearted

4 稍微 shao1 wei1 a litle bit

4 社会 she4 hui4 society; CL:個|个[ge4]

close; deep; late; profound; dark (of color,
4 深 shen1 water etc)
to apply for sth; applicaton (form etc); CL:份
4 申请 shen1 qing3 [fen4]

4 甚至 shen4 zhi4 even; so much so that

4 生活 sheng1 huo2 life; actvity; to live; livelihood

4 生命 sheng1 ming4 life; living; biological; CL:個|个[ge4]

to save; to economize; to do without; to
4 省 sheng3 omit; to leave out; province; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 剩 sheng4 to remain; to be lef; to have as remainder

to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g.
4 失败 shi1 bai4 experiments); failure; defeat; CL:次[ci4]
master; qualifed worker; respectul form of
address for older men; CL:個|个[ge4],位
4 师傅 shi1 fu5 [wei4],名[ming2]

4 湿润 shi1 run4 moist

4 失望 shi1 wang4 disappointed; to lose hope; to despair

to divide into ten equal parts; very; hundred
percent; completely; extremely; uterly;
4 十分 shi2 fen1 absolutely

4 实际 shi2 ji4 actual; reality; practce

foodstuf; food; provisions; CL:種|种
4 食品 shi2 pin3 [zhong3]
4 实在 shi2 zai4 in reality; honestly; really; verily; concrete

4 使用 shi3 yong4 to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of

4 试 shi4 to test; to try; experiment; examinaton; test

market place; market (also in abstract); abbr.
for 超級市場|超级市场 supermarket; CL:個
4 市场 shi4 chang3 |个[ge4]

4 适合 shi4 he2 to ft; to suit

4 世纪 shi4 ji4 century; CL:個|个[ge4]

to suit; to ft; to be suitable; to adapt; to get
4 适应 shi4 ying4 used to sth
to receive; to accept; to collect; in care of
4 收 shou1 (used on address line afer name)
to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],
4 收入 shou1 ru4 個|个[ge4]
to put in order; to tdy up; to pack; to repair;
4 收拾 shou1 shi5 to punish (colloquial); to manage

4 首都 shou3 du1 capital (city); CL:個|个[ge4]

4 首先 shou3 xian1 frst (of all); in the frst place

4 受不了 shou4 bu4 liao3 unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand

4 售货员 shou4 huo4 yuan2 salesperson; CL:個|个[ge4]

to lose; to transport; to donate; to enter (a
4 输 shu1 password)

4 熟悉 shu2 xi1 to be familiar with; to know well

4 数量 shu4 liang4 amount; quantty; CL:個|个[ge4]

numeral; digit; number; fgure; amount;
4 数字 shu4 zi4 digital (electronics etc); CL:個|个[ge4]
handsome; graceful; smart; commander in
4 帅 shuai4 chief
conveniently; in passing; without much extra
4 顺便 shun4 bian4 efort
4 顺利 shun4 li4 smoothly; without a hitch

4 顺序 shun4 xu4 sequence; order

to explain; to illustrate; explanaton;
4 说明 shuo1 ming2 directons; capton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 硕士 shuo4 shi4 master's degree; learned person

to die; impassable; uncrossable; infexible;
4 死 si3 rigid; extremely

4 速度 su4 du4 speed; rate; velocity; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 塑料袋 su4 liao4 dai4 plastc bag

4 酸 suan1 sour; sore; ache; acid

4 算 suan4 regard as; to fgure; to calculate; to compute

as one wishes; as one pleases; at random;
4 随便 sui2 bian4 negligent; casual; wanton

4 随着 sui2 zhe5 along with; in the wake of; following

4 所有 suo3 you3 all; to have; to possess; to own

support; desk; staton; broadcastng staton;
classifer for vehicles or machines; Taiwan
4 台 tai2 (abbr.)
to lif; to raise; (of two or more persons) to
4 抬 tai2 carry
manner; bearing; attude; approach; CL:個|
4 态度 tai4 du5 个[ge4]

4 谈 tan2 to talk

4 弹钢琴 tan2 gang1 qin2 play the piano

4 汤 tang1 soup; broth; hot water

4 躺 tang3 to recline; to lie down

4 讨论 tao3 lun4 to discuss; to talk over; CL:個|个[ge4]

disgustng; troublesome; nuisance; nasty; to
4 讨厌 tao3 yan4 hate doing sth
characteristc (feature); trait; feature; CL:個|
4 特点 te4 dian3 个[ge4]

4 提供 t2 gong1 to ofer; to supply; to provide; to furnish

to shif to an earlier date; to bring forward;
4 提前 t2 qian2 to advance

4 提醒 t2 xing3 to remind; to call atenton to; to warn of

to fll a job vacancy; to fll in a blank (e.g. on
4 填空 tan2 kong4 questonnaire or exam paper)
conditon; circumstances; term; factor;
requirement; prerequisite; qualifcaton; CL:
4 条件 tao2 jian4 個|个[ge4]

4 停止 tng2 zhi3 to stop; to halt; to cease

to stck out; to (physically) straighten up; to
endure or hold out; straight; stf;
outstanding; extraordinary; rather; quite;
4 挺 tng3 very; classifer for machine guns
by means of; through; via; to pass through;
to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill); to
4 通过 tong1 guo4 switch over
to notfy; to inform; notce; notfcaton; CL:
4 通知 tong1 zhi1 個|个[ge4]

4 同情 tong2 qing2 compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy

decline; to shirk (responsibility); to put of;
to delay; to push forward; to nominate; to
4 推 tui1 elect

4 推迟 tui1 chi2 to postpone; to put of; to defer

to shed; to take of; to escape; to get away
4 脱 tuo1 from
socks; stockings; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4],
4 袜子 wa4 zi5 雙|双[shuang1]

4 完全 wan2 quan2 complete; whole; totally; entrely

to go (in a directon); to; towards; (of a train)
4 往 wang3 bound for; past; previous

4 网球 wang3 qiu2 tennis; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 往往 wang3 wang3 ofen; frequently

4 网站 wang3 zhan4 website; network staton; node

4 危险 wei1 xian3 danger; dangerous

4 味道 wei4 dao4 favor; smell; hint of

4 温度 wen1 du4 temperature;

artcle; essay; CL:個|个[ge4]
literary works; writngs;
hidden meaning; CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|
4 文章 wen2 zhang1 页[ye4]

4 握手 wo4 shou3 to shake hands

4 污染 wu1 ran3 polluton; contaminaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 无 wu2 -less; not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-

4 无聊 wu2 liao2 nonsense; bored

no mater what or how; regardless of
4 无论 wu2 lun4 whether...
to misunderstand; to mistake;
4 误会 wu4 hui4 misunderstanding; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 西红柿 xi1 hong2 shi4 tomato; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

to atract (interest, investment etc); CL:個|
4 吸引 xi1 yin3 个[ge4]

4 洗衣机 xi3 yi1 ji1 washer; washing machine; CL:臺|台[tai2]

4 咸 xian2 salty

4 现代 xian4 dai4 modern tmes; modern age; modern era

4 羡慕 xian4 mu4 envious; envy; to admire

to restrict; to limit; to confne; restricton;
4 限制 xian4 zhi4 limit; CL:個|个[ge4]
fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatc; savory or
appetzing; (to eat) with relish; (of sleep)
sound; perfume or spice; joss or incense
4 香 xiang1 stck; CL:根[gen1]
4 相反 xiang1 fan3 opposite; contrary

4 详细 xiang2 xi4 detailed; in detail; minute

to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud;
4 响 xiang3 classifer for noises

4 消息 xiao1 xi5 news; informaton; CL:條|条[tao2]

4 小说 xiao3 shuo1 novel; fcton; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]

4 效果 xiao4 guo3 result; efect; quality; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 笑话 xiao4 hua4 joke; jest; CL:個|个[ge4]

hard; exhaustng; with much toil; thanks for
4 辛苦 xin1 ku3 your trouble

4 心情 xin1 qing2 mood; frame of mind; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 信任 xin4 ren4 to trust; to have confdence in

confdence; faith (in sb or sth); CL:個|个
4 信心 xin4 xin1 [ge4]

4 信用卡 xin4 yong4 ka3 credit card

4 兴奋 xing1 fen4 excited; excitement

to walk; to go; to travel; a visit; temporary;
makeshif; current; in circulaton; to do; to
perform; capable; competent; efectve; all
4 行 xing2 right; OK!; will do

4 醒 xing3 to wake up; to awaken; to be awake

gender; sex; distnguishing between the
4 性别 xing4 bie2 sexes

4 幸福 xing4 fu2 blessed; happiness; happy

nature; dispositon; temperament;
4 性格 xing4 ge2 character; CL:個|个[ge4]
to mend; to repair; to build; to embellish; to
4 修 xiu1 study

4 许多 xu3 duo1 many; a lot of; much

blood; informal colloquial and Taiwan pr.
4 血 xue4 xie3; also pr. xue3; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4]

4 压力 ya1 li4 pressure

4 牙膏 ya2 gao1 toothpaste; CL:管[guan3]

4 亚洲 Ya4 zhou1 Asia; Asian

(partcle equivalent to 啊 afer a vowel,
4 呀 ya5 expressing surprise or doubt)

4 盐 yan2 salt; CL:粒[li4]

4 严格 yan2 ge2 strict; stringent; tght; rigorous

graduate student; postgraduate student;
4 研究生 yan2 jiu1 sheng1 research student

4 严重 yan2 zhong4 grave; serious; severe; critcal

to act (in a play); to perform; to put on (a
performance); performance; concert; show;
4 演出 yan3 chu1 CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
actor or actress; performer; CL:個|个[ge4],
4 演员 yan3 yuan2 位[wei4],名[ming2]

4 阳光 yang2 guang1 sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]

to cultvate; to raise; to form (a habit); to
4 养成 yang3 cheng2 acquire

4 样子 yang4 zi5 manner; air; looks; aspect

4 邀请 yao1 qing3 to invite; invitaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 钥匙 yao4 shi5 key; CL:把[ba3]

4 也许 ye3 xu3 perhaps; maybe

4 页 ye4 page; leaf

4 叶子 ye4 zi5 foliage; leaf; CL:片[pian4]

4 一切 yi1 qie4 everything; every; all

4 以 yi3 to use as; according to; because of

4 亿 yi4 a hundred million; calculate

idea; opinion; suggeston; objecton;
4 意见 yi4 jian4 complaint; CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tao2]

4 艺术 yi4 shu4 art; CL:種|种[zhong3]

4 因此 yin1 ci3 thus; consequently; as a result

4 饮料 yin3 liao4 drink; beverage

4 引起 yin3 qi3 to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse

impression; refecton; percepton; CL:個|个
4 印象 yin4 xiang4 [ge4]

4 赢 ying2 to beat; to win; to proft

hard; stf; strong; frm; to manage to do sth
4 硬 ying4 with difculty; good (quality); able (person)

4 勇敢 yong3 gan3 brave; courageous

4 永远 yong3 yuan3 forever; eternal

merit; beneft; strong point; advantage; CL:
4 优点 you1 dian3 個|个[ge4]

4 幽默 you1 mo4 humor; humorous

4 优秀 you1 xiu4 outstanding; excellent

to follow; from; it is for...to; reason; cause;
because of; due to; to; to leave it (to sb); by
4 由 you2 (introduces passive verb)

4 尤其 you2 qi2 especially; partcularly

due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to;
4 由于 you2 yu2 since; because

4 友好 you3 hao3 friendly; amicable

4 有趣 you3 qu4 interestng; fascinatng; amusing

4 友谊 you3 yi4 companionship; fellowship; friendship
cheerful; cheerily; delightul; pleasant;
4 愉快 yu2 kuai4 pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted
thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus;
4 于是 yu2 shi4 hence

4 语法 yu3 fa3 grammar

4 羽毛球 yu3 mao2 qiu2 shutlecock; badminton; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 语言 yu3 yan2 language; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3]

4 预习 yu4 xi2 to prepare a lesson

4 元 yuan2 frst; primary; basic

original; former; originally; formerly; at frst;
4 原来 yuan2 lai2 so... actually

4 原谅 yuan2 liang4 to excuse; to forgive; to pardon

cause; origin; root cause; reason; CL:個|个
4 原因 yuan2 yin1 [ge4]
appointment; engagement; date; CL:次[ci4],
4 约会 yue1 hui4 個|个[ge4]

4 阅读 yue4 du2 to read; reading

4 允许 yun3 xu3 to permit; to allow

4 杂志 za2 zhi4 magazine; CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],期[qi1]

we or us (including both the speaker and the
4 咱们 zan2 men5 person(s) spoken to); I or me; you

4 暂时 zan4 shi2 temporary; provisional; for the tme being

4 责任 ze2 ren4 responsibility; blame; duty; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 增加 zeng1 jia1 to raise; to increase

4 增长 zeng1 zhang3 to grow; to increase

4 窄 zhai3 narrow; narrow-minded; badly of

4 招聘 zhao1 pin4 recruitment; to invite applicatons for a job

4 真正 zhen1 zheng4 genuine; real; true; genuinely

to arrange; to tdy up; to sort out; to
straighten out; to list systematcally; to
4 整理 zheng3 li3 collate (data, fles); to pack (luggage)

4 整齐 zheng3 qi2 orderly; neat; even; tdy

4 正常 zheng4 chang2 regular; normal; ordinary

just (in tme); just right; just enough; to
happen to; to chance to; by chance; it just so
4 正好 zheng4 hao3 happens that
proof; certfcate; identfcaton; testmonial;
CL:個|个[ge4]; to prove; to testfy; to
4 证明 zheng4 ming2 confrm the truth of

4 正确 zheng4 que4 correct; proper

4 正式 zheng4 shi4 formal; ofcial

(possessive partcle, literary equivalent of 的
4 之 zhi1 ); him; her; it
classifer for birds and certain animals, one
4 只 zhi1 of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc
to be in favor of; to support; to back;
4 支持 zhi1 chi2 support; backing; to stand by; CL:個|个[ge4]
intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge;
4 知识 zhi1 shi5 CL:門|门[men2]

4 值得 zhi2 de5 to be worth; to deserve

direct; opposite: indirect 間接|间接;
4 直接 zhi2 jie1 immediate; directly; straightorward
botanical; plant; vegetaton; CL:種|种
4 植物 zhi2 wu4 [zhong3]
occupaton; profession; vocaton;
4 职业 zhi2 ye4 professional
fnger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer
to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to
4 指 zhi3 stand on end
without any beter opton; to have to; to be
4 只好 zhi3 hao3 forced to

4 只要 zhi3 yao4 if only; so long as

4 质量 zhi4 liang4 quality; mass (in physics); CL:個|个[ge4]

4 至少 zhi4 shao3 at least; (to say the) least

4 制造 zhi4 zao4 to manufacture; to make

Chinese; Chinese writen language; Chinese
4 中文 Zhong1 wen2 writng
emphasis; focal point; priority; key; with the
4 重点 zhong4 dian3 emphasis on; focusing on

4 重视 zhong4 shi4 to atach importance to sth; to value

4 周围 zhou1 wei2 surroundings; environment; to encompass

4 猪 zhu1 hog; pig; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2]

4 逐渐 zhu2 jian4 gradually

to take the initatve; to do sth of one's own
accord; actve; opposite: passive 被動|被动
4 主动 zhu3 dong4 [bei4 dong4]; drive (of gears and shafs etc)

4 主意 zhu3 yi5 plan; idea; decision; CL:個|个[ge4]

to congratulate; congratulatons; CL:個|个
4 祝贺 zhu4 he4 [ge4]

4 著名 zhu4 ming2 famous; noted; well-known; celebrated

4 专门 zhuan1 men2 specialist; specialized; customized

specialty; specialized feld; main feld of
study (at university); major; CL:門|门
4 专业 zhuan1 ye4 [men2],個|个[ge4]; professional

4 赚 zhuan4 earn; make a proft

to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run
4 撞 zhuang4 into; to bump against; to bump into

4 准确 zhun3 que4 accurate; exact; precise

4 准时 zhun3 shi2 on tme; punctual; on schedule

4 仔细 zi3 xi4 careful; atentve; cautous

4 自然 zi4 ran2 nature; natural; naturally

to sum up; to conclude; summary; resume;
4 总结 zong3 jie2 CL:個|个[ge4]
to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to
4 租 zu1 lease out; rent; land tax
component; part; element; consttute; make
4 组成 zu3 cheng2 up
to organize; organizaton; organized system;
4 组织 zu3 zhi1 nerve; tssue; CL:個|个[ge4]
mouth; beak; spout (of teapot etc); CL:張|张
4 嘴 zui3 [zhang1],個|个[ge4]

4 最好 zui4 hao3 best; (you) had beter (do what we suggest)

4 最后 zui4 hou4 fnal; last; fnally; ultmate

4 尊重 zun1 zhong4 esteem; respect; to honor; to value sth

seat; base; stand; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifer
for buildings, mountains and similar
4 座 zuo4 immovable objects

4 做生意 zuo4 sheng1 yi4 to do business

4 座位 zuo4 wei4 seat; CL:個|个[ge4]

4 作者 zuo4 zhe3 author; writer; CL:個|个[ge4]

interjecton or grunt of agreement or
5 唉 ai1 recogniton (e.g. yes, it's me!); to sigh
to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to
5 爱护 ai4 hu4 love and protect

5 爱惜 ai4 xi1 to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly

5 爱心 ai4 xin1 compassion; CL:片[pian4]

5 安慰 an1 wei4 to comfort; to console; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 安装 an1 zhuang1 install; erect; fx; mount; installaton

5 岸 an4 bank; shore; beach; coast; CL:個|个[ge4]

to grasp (also fg.); to seize; to hold;
5 把握 ba3 wo4 assurance; certainty; sure (of the outcome)
to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a
5 摆 bai3 pendulum

5 班主任 ban1 zhu3 ren4 a teacher in charge of a class

5 办理 ban4 li3 to handle;

a stck; clubtoortransact; to conduct
cudgel; smart; capable;
strong; wonderful; classifer for legs of a
5 棒 bang4 relay race
in the evening; when night falls; towards
5 傍晚 bang4 wan3 evening; at night fall; at dusk
wrap up; bind up; bundle; parcel; package;
5 包裹 bao1 guo3 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 包含 bao1 han2 to contain; to embody; to include

5 包子 bao1 zi5 steamed stufed bun; CL:個|个[ge4]

thin; cold in manner; indiferent; weak; light;
5 薄 bao2 infertle
treasured object; treasure; darling; baby;
5 宝贝 bao3 bei4 cowry; good-for-nothing or queer character

5 保持 bao3 chi2 to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve

to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a
5 保存 bao3 cun2 fle etc) (computng)
valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store
5 宝贵 bao3 gui4 by
to retain; to contnue to have; to preserve;
to maintain; to reserve; reservatons; to hold
5 保留 bao3 liu2 back (approval or acceptance)
insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure;
5 保险 bao3 xian3 be bound to; CL:份[fen4]
to inform; report; make known; speech; talk;
lecture; CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4],個|个[ge4],通
5 报告 bao4 gao4 [tong4]

5 悲观 bei1 guan1 pessimistc

(two, three etc) -fold; tmes (multplier);
5 倍 bei4 double; to increase or multply
background; backdrop; context; CL:種|种
5 背景 bei4 jing3 [zhong3]

5 被子 bei4 zi5 quilt; CL:床[chuang2]

undergraduate course; undergraduate
5 本科 ben3 ke1 (adjectve)
skill; ability; capability; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|
5 本领 ben3 ling3 个[ge4]
essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic
5 本质 ben3 zhi4 quality

5 彼此 bi3 ci3 each other; one another

5 比例 bi3 li4 proporton; scale

5 比如 bi3 ru2 for example; for instance; such as

afer all; all in all; when all is said and done;
5 毕竟 bi4 jing4 in the fnal analysis

5 避免 bi4 mian3 to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from

5 必然 bi4 ran2 inevitable; certain; necessity

5 必需 bi4 xu1 to need; to require; essental; indispensable

5 必要 bi4 yao4 necessary; essental; indispensable; required

5 编辑 bian1 ji2 to edit; to compile; editor; compiler

frecrackers; a string of small frecrackers; CL:
5 鞭炮 bian1 pao4 枚[mei2]
ordinary; plain; convenient; as convenient;
when the chance arises; handy; easy;
informal; simple; so; thus; to relieve oneself;
to urinate; to defecate; equivalent to 就:
5 便 bian4 then; in that case; even if; soon aferwards
debate; argument; to argue over; CL:場|场
5 辩论 bian4 lun4 [chang3],次[ci4]
punctuaton; a punctuaton mark; to
5 标点 biao1 dian3 punctuate; CL:個|个[ge4]
sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to
5 标志 biao1 zhi4 mark

5 表面 biao3 mian4 surface; face; outside; appearance

to make clear; to make known; to state
5 表明 biao3 ming2 clearly; to indicate; known
(facial) expression; to express one's feelings;
5 表情 biao3 qing2 expression
to show; to show of; to display; to manifest;
expression; manifestaton; show; display;
5 表现 biao3 xian4 performance (at work etc)
third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干; third in
order; leter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B,
5 丙 bing3 C", or "I, II, III" etc; propyl

5 病毒 bing4 du2 virus

glass; nylon; plastc; CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块
5 玻璃 bo1 li5 [kuai4]

5 博物馆 bo2 wu4 guan3 museum

5 脖子 bo2 zi5 neck; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 不必 bu2 bi4 need not; does not have to

unceasing; uninterrupted; contnuous;
5 不断 bu2 duan4 constant

5 不见得 bu2 jian4 de5 not necessarily; not likely

5 不耐烦 bu2 nai4 fan2 impatence; impatent

unimportant; not serious; it doesn't mater;
5 不要紧 bu2 yao4 jin3 never mind; it looks all right; but
to replenish; to supplement; to complement;
5 补充 bu3 chong1 additonal; supplementary; CL:個|个[ge4]
cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to
5 布 bu4 make known
unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed;
5 不安 bu4 an1 restless; worried
desperately serious; disastrous; extremely;
5 不得了 bu4 de2 liao3 exceedingly

5 部分 bu4 fen5 part; share; secton; piece; CL:個|个[ge4]

to feel embarrassed; to be ill at ease; to fnd
5 不好意思 bu4 hao3 yi4 si5 it embarrassing (to do sth)
department; branch; secton; division; CL:個
5 部门 bu4 men2 |个[ge4]

5 不免 bu4 mian3 unavoidable

5 不然 bu4 ran2 not so; no; or else; otherwise; if not

not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it
5 不如 bu4 ru2 would be beter to

5 步骤 bu4 zhou4 step; move; measure

insufcient; lacking; defciency; not enough;
5 不足 bu4 zu2 inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not

5 财产 cai2 chan3 property; CL:筆|笔[bi3]

to step on; to tread; to stamp; to press a
5 踩 cai3 pedal; to pedal (a bike)
to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and
5 采访 cai3 fang3 collect; to cover

5 彩虹 cai3 hong2 rainbow

to adopt or carry out (measures, policies,
5 采取 cai3 qu3 course of acton); to take

5 参考 can1 kao3 consultaton; reference; to consult; to refer

dining-hall; dining-room; restaurant; CL:間|
5 餐厅 can1 tng1 间[jian1],家[jia1]

5 参与 can1 yu4 to partcipate (in sth)

disabled; handicapped; deformity on a
5 残疾 can2 ji2 person or animal

5 惭愧 can2 kui4 ashamed

playground; sports feld; drill ground; CL:個|
5 操场 cao1 chang3 个[ge4]

5 操心 cao1 xin1 to worry about

5 册 ce4 book; booklet; classifer for books

5 厕所 ce4 suo3 toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4]

5 测验 ce4 yan4 test; to test; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]

once; already; former; previously; ever; (past
5 曾经 ceng2 jing1 tense marker used before verb or clause)
to insert; stck in; pierce; to take part in; to
5 插 cha1 interfere; to interpose

5 差别 cha1 bie2 diference; distncton; diversity; disparity

5 叉子 cha1 zi5 fork; CL:把[ba3]

to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to
5 拆 chai1 open

5 产品 chan3 pin3 goods; merchandise; product; CL:個|个[ge4]

to arise; to come into being; to come about;
to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring
about; to produce; to engender; to generate;
to appear; appearance; emergence;
5 产生 chan3 sheng1 generaton; producton; yield
common sense; general knowledge; CL:門|
5 常识 chang2 shi2 门[men2]

5 长途 chang2 tu2 long distance

to copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to
go; to transcribe; to take a shortcut; to
5 抄 chao1 search and confscate
dynasty; reign of a sovereign or emperor;
court or assembly held by a sovereign or
emperor; to make a pilgrimage to; facing;
5 朝 chao2 towards

5 朝代 chao2 dai4 dynasty; reign (of a king)

5 炒 chao3 saute; pan-fry; to fry; fried

5 吵架 chao3 jia4 to quarrel; to have a row; CL:頓|顿[dun4]

5 车库 che1 ku4 garage

5 车厢 che1 xiang1 carriage; CL:節|节[jie2]

5 彻底 che4 di3 thorough; thoroughly; complete

5 沉默 chen2 mo4 silence; uncommunicatve

5 趁 chen4 to avail oneself of; to take advantage of

to weigh; to state; to name; name;
5 称 cheng1 appellaton; to praise

5 称呼 cheng1 hu5 to call; to address as; appellaton

to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to
5 称赞 cheng1 zan4 compliment
to ride; to mount; to make use of; to avail
oneself of; to take advantage of; to multply
5 乘 cheng2 (mathematcs); Buddhist sect or creed

5 承担 cheng2 dan1 to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc)

5 程度 cheng2 du4 degree (level or

compositon; extent);ingredient;
make-up; level; CL:個|个[ge4]
component; one's social status; CL:個|个
5 成分 cheng2 fen4 [ge4]
result; achievement; gain; proft; CL:個|个
5 成果 cheng2 guo3 [ge4]
accomplishment; success; atain a result;
5 成就 cheng2 jiu4 achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 诚恳 cheng2 ken3 sincere; honest; cordial

to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold
5 成立 cheng2 li4 water
to admit; to concede; to recognize;
recogniton (diplomatc, artstc etc); to
5 承认 cheng2 ren4 acknowledge

5 承受 cheng2 shou4 to bear; to support; to inherit

procedures; sequence; order; computer
5 程序 cheng2 xu4 program
Chinese set expression, ofen made up of 4
characters or two couplets of 4 characters
each, ofen alluding to a story or historical
quotaton; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set
5 成语 cheng2 yu3 expression; CL:條|条[tao2],本[ben3],句[ju4]

5 成长 cheng2 zhang3 to mature; to grow; growth

to sufer losses; to come to grief; to lose out;
to get the worst of it; to be at a
5 吃亏 chi1 kui1 disadvantage; unfortunately
to contnue; to persist; sustainable;
5 持续 chi2 xu4 preservaton

5 池子 chi2 zi5 pond; CL:個|个[ge4]

rule; ruler (measuring instrument); CL:把
5 尺子 chi3 zi5 [ba3]

5 翅膀 chi4 bang3 wing; CL:個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]

water; to infuse; to rinse; to fush; to
develop (a flm); to rise in the air; to clash; to
5 冲 chong1 collide with

5 充电器 chong1 dian4 qi4 batery charger

5 充分 chong1 fen4 full; abundant

5 充满 chong1 man3 full of; brimming with; very full; permeated

5 重复 chong2 fu4 to repeat; to duplicate; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 宠物 chong3 wu4 house pet

5 抽屉 chou1 t5 drawer

5 抽象 chou1 xiang4 abstract

clown; surname Chou; 2nd earthly branch: 1-
3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd
5 丑 chou3 February), year of the Ox

5 臭 chou4 stench; stnk; smelly; to smell (bad)

5 出版 chu1 ban3 to publish; to come of the press; to put out

5 初级 chu1 ji2 junior; primary

an exit; CL:個|个[ge4]; to speak; to export;
5 出口 chu1 kou3 (of a ship) to leave port

5 出色 chu1 se4 remarkable; outstanding

5 出席 chu1 xi2 to atend; to partcipate; present
to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to
eliminate; to wipe out; to divide; except; not
5 除 chu2 including
only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only
5 除非 chu2 fei1 in the case that; unless

5 除夕 chu2 xi1 (New Year's) Eve

to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process;
5 处理 chu3 li3 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 传播 chuan2 bo1 to disseminate; to propagate; to spread

5 传递 chuan2 di4 to transmit; to pass on to sb else

5 传染 chuan2 ran3 to infect; contagious

legend; folklore; traditon; it is said; they say
5 传说 chuan2 shuo1 that...
traditon; traditonal; conventon;
5 传统 chuan2 tong3 conventonal; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 窗帘 chuang1 lian2 window curtains

to rush; to charge; to dash; to break
through; to temper oneself (through batling
5 闯 chuang3 hardships)
to create; to bring about; to produce; CL:個|
5 创造 chuang4 zao4 个[ge4]
to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast;
to puf; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to
5 吹 chui1 fall through

5 磁带 ci2 dai4 magnetc tape; CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]

5 辞职 ci2 zhi2 to resign

5 此外 ci3 wai4 besides; in additon; moreover; furthermore

to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stmulate;
5 刺激 ci4 ji1 to excite; irritant

5 次要 ci4 yao4 secondary

5 匆忙 cong1 mang2 hasty; hurried

5 从 cong2 from; via; passing through; through

5 从此 cong2 ci3 from now on; since then; henceforth

5 从而 cong2 er2 thus; thereby

5 从前 cong2 qian2 previously; formerly; once upon a tme

to go for; to engage in; to undertake; to deal
5 从事 cong2 shi4 with; to handle; to do

5 醋 cu4 vinegar
to promote (an idea or cause); to advance;
5 促进 cu4 jin4 boost
to induce; to promote; to urge; to impel; to
bring about; to provoke; to drive (sb to do
sth); to catalyze; to actuate; to contribute to
5 促使 cu4 shi3 (some development)
to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to
5 催 cui1 hasten sth; to expedite

5 存 cun2 exist; deposit; store; keep; survive

5 存在 cun2 zai4 to exist; to be

5 措施 cuo4 shi1 measure; step (to be taken); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 错误 cuo4 wu4 error; mistake; mistaken; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 答应 da1 ying5 to promise; to agree; to reply; to respond

5 达到 da2 dao4 to reach; to achieve; to atain

to work (do manual labor for a living); a part
5 打工 da3 gong1 tme job; to moonlight

5 打交道 da3 jiao1 dao4 to come into contact with; to have dealings

5 打喷嚏 da3 pen1 t4 to sneeze

5 打听 da3 tng5 to ask about; to inquire about

to greet sb by word or acton; to give prior
5 打招呼 da3 zhao1 hu5 notce
expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of
5 大方 da4 fang1 green tea

5 大象 da4 xiang4 elephant; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

5 大型 da4 xing2 large scale; wide scale; broad scale

5 呆 dai1 foolish; stupid; expressionless; blank; to stay

a loan; to provide a loan (e.g. bank); CL:筆|
5 贷款 dai4 kuan3 笔[bi3]

5 待遇 dai4 yu4 treatment; pay; wages; status; salary

5 单纯 dan1 chun2 simple; pure; alone; merely

5 单调 dan1 diao4 monotonous

5 单独 dan1 du2 alone;

to holdby oneself; on one's
a governmental ofceown
or post; to
assume ofce of; to take charge of; to serve
5 担任 dan1 ren4 as
a unit; unit (of measure); work unit (one's
5 单位 dan1 wei4 workplace); CL:個|个[ge4]
delay; hold-up; to waste tme; to interfere
5 耽误 dan1 wu5 with
unit; entrance number; staircase (for
5 单元 dan1 yuan2 residental buildings)

5 胆小鬼 dan3 xiao3 gui3 coward

insipid; diluted; weak; mild; light in color;
5 淡 dan4 tasteless; fresh; indiferent; nitrogen

5 当代 dang1 dai4 the present age; the contemporary era

to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep of;
to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover;
5 挡 dang3 gear

5 岛 dao3 island; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]

5 倒霉 dao3 mei2 have bad luck; be out of luck

5 导演 dao3 yan3 direct; director (flm etc)

5 导致 dao3 zhi4 to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about

5 倒 dao4 to move backwards; converse

5 到达 dao4 da2 to reach; to arrive

virtue; morality; ethics; moral; CL:種|种
5 道德 dao4 de2 [zhong3]
reason; argument; sense; principle; basis;
5 道理 dao4 li3 justfcaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 登机牌 deng1 ji1 pai2 boarding pass

5 登记 deng1 ji4 to register (one's name)

5 等待 deng3 dai4 wait for; await

5 等候 deng3 hou4 waitng

5 等于 deng3 yu2 to equal; to be tantamount to

5 滴 di1 a drop; to drip

5 的确 di2 que4 really; indeed

5 敌人 di2 ren2 enemy; CL:個|个[ge4]

to hand over; to pass on sth; to gradually
5 递 di4 increase or decrease; progressively

5 地理 di4 li3 geography

local; regional; district (not necessarily
formal administratve unit); region; area; as
sufx to city name, means prefecture or
county (area administered by a prefecture
5 地区 di4 qu1 level city or county level city); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 地毯 di4 tan3 carpet; rug

5 地位 di4 wei4 positon; status; place; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 地震 di4 zhen4 earthquake

5 点头 dian3 tou2 to nod
light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in
5 点心 dian3 xin5 Cantonese cooking); dessert

5 电池 dian4 chi2 batery; CL:節|节[jie2],組|组[zu3]

transmiter-receiver; broadcastng staton;
5 电台 dian4 tai2 radio staton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 钓 diao4 to fsh with a hook and bait

cubes of meat and vegetables; man;
members of a family; populaton; fourth of
5 丁 ding1 10 heavenly stems 十天干;
on the head; to push to the top; to go
against; most; to replace; to substtute;
classifer for headwear, hats, veils etc; to
agree or support (internet slang, similar to
5 顶 ding3 digg)

5 冻 dong4 to freeze; to feel very cold; aspic or jelly

cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form
5 洞 dong4 when spelling out numbers); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 动画片 dong4 hua4 pian1 cartoon; animaton

to stay; to stop; to pause (while reading); to
5 逗 dou4 tease (play with)

5 豆腐 dou4 fu5 tofu; bean curd

5 独立 du2 li4 independent; independence; to stand alone

unique; distnct; having special
5 独特 du2 te4 characteristcs

5 度过 du4 guo4 spend; pass

5 短信 duan3 xin4 text message; SMS

5 堆 dui1 a pile; a mass; heap; stack

5 对比 dui4 bi3 contrast; balance; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 对待 dui4 dai4 to treat; treatment

counterpart; other person involved;
5 对方 dui4 fang1 opposite side; other side; receiving party

5 对手 dui4 shou3 opponent; adversary; match

target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend;
5 对象 dui4 xiang4 CL:個|个[ge4]
regarding; as far as sth is concerned; with
5 对于 dui4 yu2 regards to

5 吨 dun1 ton; Taiwan pr. dun4

5 蹲 dun1 to crouch; to squat

5 多亏 duo1 kui1 thanks to; luckily

5 多余 duo1 yu2 superfuous; unnecessary; surplus

5 躲藏 duo3 cang2 to hide oneself

5 恶劣 e4 lie4 vile; nasty; of very poor quality

to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue;
5 发表 fa1 biao3 to put out
to worry; to fret; to be anxious; to become
5 发愁 fa1 chou2 sad
developed (country etc); fourishing; to
5 发达 fa1 da2 develop

5 发抖 fa1 dou3 shiver; shudder; tremble; tremulous

to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or
innate qualites; to express (a thought or
moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate
5 发挥 fa1 hui1 (on a theme)

5 发明 fa1 ming2 to invent; inventon; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 发票 fa1 piao4 invoice; receipt or bill for purchase

5 发言 fa1 yan2 statement; uterance; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 罚款 fa2 kuan3 (impose a) fne; penalty; fne (monetary)

5 法院 fa3 yuan4 court of law; court

5 繁荣 fan2 rong2 prosperous; booming (economy)

5 凡是 fan2 shi4 every; all

instead; on the contrary; contrary (to
5 反而 fan3 er2 expectatons)

5 反复 fan3 fu4 repeatedly; over and over

to react; to respond; reacton; response;
5 反应 fan3 ying4 reply; chemical reacton; CL:個|个[ge4]
to put things back in order; to return to the
correct path; in any event; come what may;
whatever happens (I'm stll sure it's right);
5 反正 fan3 zheng4 anyway
upright; honest; fair and square; directon;
side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place;
method; prescripton (medicine); upright or
honest; just when; only or just; classifer for
square things; abbr. for square or cubic
5 方 fang1 meter
plan; program (for acton etc); proposal;
5 方案 fang1 an4 proposed bill; CL:個|个[ge4]
way (of life); patern; style; mode; manner;
5 方式 fang1 shi4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 妨碍 fang2 ai4 to hinder; to obstruct

5 房东 fang2 dong1 landlord

5 仿佛 fang3 fu2 to seem; as if; alike; similar

5 放松 fang4 song1 to loosen; to relax

non-; not-; un-; abbr. for Africa 非洲; wrong;
5 非 fei1 evil-doing; insist on; simply must

5 肥皂 fei2 zao4 soap; CL:塊|块[kuai4],條|条[tao2]

5 肺 fei4 lung; CL:個|个[ge4]

nonsense; rubbish; superfuous words; You
5 废话 fei4 hua4 don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastc)
cost; expenditure; expense; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個
5 费用 fei4 yong4 |个[ge4]
to part or leave each other; to distnguish;
diference; in diferent ways; diferently;
5 分别 fen1 bie2 separately or individually

5 分布 fen1 bu4 distributed; to distribute

one afer another; in succession; one by one;
contnuously; diverse; in profusion;
5 纷纷 fen1 fen1 numerous and confused; pell-mell

5 分配 fen1 pei4 to distribute; to assign; to allocate

5 分析 fen1 xi1 to analyze; analysis; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 奋斗 fen4 dou4 to strive; to struggle

5 愤怒 fen4 nu4 angry; indignant

5 风格 feng1 ge2 style

5 疯狂 feng1 kuang2 madness; extreme popularity

5 风俗 feng1 su2 social custom; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 风险 feng1 xian3 risk; venture; hazard

5 讽刺 feng3 ci4 to satrize; to mock; irony; satre; sarcasm

5 否定 fou3 ding4 to negate; negatve (answer); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 否认 fou3 ren4 to declare to be untrue; to deny

5 幅 fu2 width; roll; classifer for textles or pictures

5 扶 fu2 to support with hand; to help sb up; to help

5 服从 fu2 cong2 to obey (an order); to comply; to defer

dress; clothing; costume; clothes; CL:身
5 服装 fu2 zhuang1 [shen1]

5 辅导 fu3 dao3 to coach; to tutor; to give advice (in study)

5 付款 fu4 kuan3 pay; payment

5 妇女 fu4 nv3 woman
to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to
5 复制 fu4 zhi4 reproduce; to clone

5 改革 gai3 ge2 to reform; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 改进 gai3 jin4 to improve; to make beter; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 改善 gai3 shan4 to make beter; to improve; CL:個|个[ge4]

to correct; to amend; to put right;
5 改正 gai3 zheng4 correcton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 盖 gai4 lid; top; cover; canopy; to build

to summarize; to generalize; briefy; CL:個|
5 概括 gai4 kuo4 个[ge4]

5 概念 gai4 nian4 concept; idea; CL:個|个[ge4]

straightorward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g.
5 干脆 gan1 cui4 statement); you might as well; simply
to express thanks; grateful; moved to
5 感激 gan3 ji1 grattude

5 赶紧 gan3 jin3 hurriedly

5 赶快 gan3 kuai4 at once; immediately

to sense; percepton; to feel (through the
senses); a feeling; an impression; an
5 感受 gan3 shou4 experience
impressions; refectons; thoughts; CL:通
5 感想 gan3 xiang3 [tong4],個|个[ge4]

5 干 gan4 to work; to do; to manage

5 干活儿 gan4 huo2 r5 to work; manual labor

5 钢铁 gang1 te3 steel

5 高档 gao1 dang4 superior quality; high grade; top grade

5 高速公路 gao1 su4 gong1 lu4 expressway; highway; freeway

to do; to make; to go in for; to set up; to get
5 搞 gao3 hold of; to take care of
to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye
5 告别 gao4 bie2 to
arm; CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tao2],雙|双
5 胳膊 ge1 bo5 [shuang1]
pigeon; dove; various birds of the species
5 鸽子 ge1 zi5 Columbidae

5 隔壁 ge2 bi4 next door

revoluton; revolutonary (politcs); CL:次
5 革命 ge2 ming4 [ci4]

5 格外 ge2 wai4 especially; partcularly

individual; specifc; respectve; just one or
5 个别 ge4 bie2 two

5 个人 ge4 ren2 individual; personal; oneself

5 个性 ge4 xing4 individuality; personality

root; basis; classifer for long slender objects,
e.g. cigaretes, guitar strings; CL:條|条
5 根 gen1 [tao2]; radical (chemistry)
fundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely
5 根本 gen1 ben3 (not); (not) at all; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 更 geng4 even more; furthermore

5 更加 geng4 jia1 more (than sth else); even more

5 公布 gong1 bu4 to announce; to make public; to publish

5 工厂 gong1 chang3 factory; CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]

5 工程师 gong1 cheng2 shi1 engineer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]

5 功夫 gong1 fu5 skill; art; kung fu; labor; efort

5 公开 gong1 kai1 public; to publish; to make public

5 功能 gong1 neng2 functon; capability

5 公平 gong1 ping2 fair; impartal

5 工人 gong1 ren2 worker; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]

5 工业 gong1 ye4 industry; CL:種|种[zhong3]

apartment building; block of fats; CL:套|套
5 公寓 gong1 yu4 [tao4]

5 公元 gong1 yuan2 (year) AD; Christan era

5 公主 gong1 zhu3 princess

to contribute; to dedicate; to devote;
5 贡献 gong4 xian4 contributon; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 沟通 gou1 tong1 communicate

to consttute; to form; to compose; to make
5 构成 gou4 cheng2 up; to confgure (computng)

5 姑姑 gu1 gu5 paternal aunt; CL:個|个[ge4]

girl; young woman; young lady; daughter;
5 姑娘 gu1 niang5 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 古代 gu3 dai4 ancient tmes; olden tmes

5 古典 gu3 dian3 classical

5 古老 gu3 lao3 ancient; old; age-old

5 股票 gu3 piao4 share; stock (market)

bone; strong character; CL:根[gen1],塊|块
5 骨头 gu3 tou5 [kuai4]
heartening (news); boost (morale); CL:個|个
5 鼓舞 gu3 wu3 [ge4]

5 固定 gu4 ding4 fxed; set; regular

5 故事 gu4 shi5 story; tale; narratve

5 固体 gu4 t3 solid
5 雇佣 gu4 yong1 to employ; to hire

5 挂号 gua4 hao4 to register (a leter etc)

(of a child) obedient, well-behaved; clever;
shrewd; alert; perverse; contrary to reason;
5 乖 guai1 irregular; abnormal
to go round a curve; to turn a corner; fg. a
5 拐弯 guai3 wan1 new directon
lit. you can't blame it!; no wonder!; so that's
5 怪不得 guai4 bu5 de5 why!
ofcial; government; organ of body; CL:個|
5 官 guan1 个[ge4]

5 关闭 guan1 bi4 to
to close; to shut
observe; to watch; to survey; to examine;
observaton; view; perspectve; CL:個|个
5 观察 guan1 cha2 [ge4]
point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; CL:個|
5 观点 guan1 dian3 个[ge4]
care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned
5 关怀 guan1 huai2 about; atentve to
noton; thought; concept; sense; views;
5 观念 guan1 nian4 ideology; general impressions

5 管子 guan3 zi3 tube; pipe; drinking straw; CL:根[gen1]

5 冠军 guan4 jun1 champion; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 罐头 guan4 tou5 tn; can; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 光滑 guang1 hua5 glossy; sleek; smooth

(honorifc) Welcome!; You honor us with
5 光临 guang1 lin2 your
light;presence.; It isradiance
illuminaton; an honor to have
(esp. gloryyou.
Buddha etc); fg. bright prospect;
5 光明 guang1 ming2 openhearted
compact disc; CD or DVD; CD ROM; CL:片
5 光盘 guang1 pan2 [pian4],張|张[zhang1]

5 光荣 guang1 rong2 honor and glory; CL:個|个[ge4]

a public square (e.g. Tiananmen Square);
5 广场 guang3 chang3 plaza; CL:個|个[ge4]
(of an area) vast or extensive; large-scale;
5 广大 guang3 da4 widespread; (of people) numerous

5 广泛 guang3 fan4 extensive; wide range

lit. compass and set square; fg. established
standard; rule; customs; practces; fg.
5 规矩 gui1 ju5 upright and honest; well-behaved
rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior;
5 规律 gui1 lv4 regular patern; rhythm; discipline

5 规模 gui1 mo2 scale; scope; extent; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 规则 gui1 ze2 rule; regulaton; rules and regulatons

5 柜台 gui4 tai2 sales counter; front desk; bar

to boil; to roll; get lost (imperatve); take a
5 滚 gun3 hike

5 锅 guo1 pot; pan; boiler; CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1]

5 国籍 guo2 ji2 natonality

5 国庆节 Guo2 qing4 jie2 PRC Natonal Day (October 1st)

5 果实 guo3 shi2 fruit; gains

5 过分 guo4 fen4 excessive; undue; overly

5 过敏 guo4 min3 to be allergic; allergy

to be overdue; to exceed the tme limit; to
5 过期 guo4 qi1 expire (as in expiraton date)
(experienced acton marker); to cross; to go
5 过 guo5 over

5 哈 ha1 laughter; yawn; abbr. for Kazakhstan

customs (i.e. border crossing inspecton); CL:
5 海关 hai3 guan1 個|个[ge4]

5 海鲜 hai3 xian1 seafood

5 喊 han3 call; cry; to shout

5 行业 hang2 ye4 industry; business

5 豪华 hao2 hua2 luxurious

5 好奇 hao4 qi2 inquisitve; curious

5 何必 he2 bi4 there is no need; why should

5 合法 he2 fa3 lawful; legitmate; legal

5 何况 he2 kuang4 much less; let alone

5 合理 he2 li3 ratonal; reasonable; fair

5 和平 he2 ping2 peace

5 合同 he2 tong5 (business) contract; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 核心 he2 xin1 core; nucleus

5 合影 he2 ying3 joint photo; group photo

to cooperate; to collaborate; to work
5 合作 he2 zuo4 together; cooperaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 恨 hen4 to hate; to regret

horizontal; across; (horizontal character
5 横 heng2 stroke)

5 后果 hou4 guo3 consequences; afermath

5 忽视 hu1 shi4 to neglect; to ignore

5 呼吸 hu1 xi1 to breathe

5 壶 hu2 pot; classifer for botled liquid

5 蝴蝶 hu2 die2 buterfy; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

5 胡说 hu2 shuo1 to talk nonsense; drivel

5 胡同 hu2 tong4 lane; alley; CL:條|条[tao2]

5 糊涂 hu2 tu5 muddled; silly; confused

5 胡须 hu2 xu1 beard; CL:根[gen1],綹|绺[liu3]

5 花生 hua1 sheng1 peanut; groundnut; CL:粒[li4]

5 滑冰 hua2 bing1 to skate; skatng

5 划船 hua2 chuan2 to row a boat; rowing boat; rowing (sport)

ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citzen of
5 华裔 hua2 yi4 Chinese ancestry

5 话题 hua4 t2 subject (of a talk or conversaton); topic

5 化学 hua4 xue2 chemistry; chemical

to cherish the memory of; to think of;
5 怀念 huai2 nian4 reminisce

5 缓解 huan3 jie3 to ease; to help relieve (a crisis)

5 幻想 huan4 xiang3 delusion; fantasy

5 慌张 huang1 zhang1 confused; fustered

5 皇帝 huang2 di4 emperor; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 黄瓜 huang2 gua1 cucumber; CL:條|条[tao2]

5 皇后 huang2 hou4 empress; imperial consort

5 黄金 huang2 jin1 gold

to wave; to brandish; to wipe away; to
5 挥 hui1 command; to conduct; to scater; to disperse

5 灰 hui1 ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected

5 灰尘 hui1 chen2 dust

to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to
5 恢复 hui1 fu4 recover; to regain; to rehabilitate

5 灰心 hui1 xin1 lose heart; be discouraged

5 汇率 hui4 lv4 exchange rate

5 婚礼 hun1 li3 wedding ceremony; wedding

5 婚姻 hun1 yin1 matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:次[ci4]

5 活跃 huo2 yue4 actve; vigorous

5 伙伴 huo3 ban4 partner; companion; comrade

5 火柴 huo3 chai2 match (for lightng fre); CL:根[gen1],盒[he2]

5 基本 ji1 ben3 basic; fundamental; main; elementary

5 激烈 ji1 lie4 intense; acute; ferce

5 机器 ji1 qi4 machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4]

5 肌肉 ji1 rou4 muscle; fesh

5 及格 ji2 ge2 to pass a test

5 急忙 ji2 mang2 hastly

5 集体 ji2 t3 collectve; social; team; CL:個|个[ge4]

to concentrate; to centralize; to focus;
5 集中 ji2 zhong1 centralized; concentrated; to put together

5 系领带 ji4 ling3 dai4 te one's neckte

5 纪录 ji4 lu4 record

5 记录 ji4 lu4 record; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 纪律 ji4 lv4 discipline

5 寂寞 ji4 mo4 lonely; lonesome
to commemorate; to remember; CL:個|个
5 纪念 ji4 nian4 [ge4]
to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:個|个
5 计算 ji4 suan4 [ge4]
memories; remember; memory; CL:個|个
5 记忆 ji4 yi4 [ge4]

5 嘉宾 jia1 bin1 esteemed guest; honored guest

family; household; CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个
5 家庭 jia1 tng2 [ge4]

5 家务 jia1 wu4 household dutes; housework

5 家乡 jia1 xiang1 hometown; natve place; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 夹子 jia1 zi5 clip; clamp; tongs; folder; wallet

frst of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天
干[shi2 tan1 gan1]; (used for an unspecifed
person or thing); frst (in a list, as a party to a
contract etc); armor platng; shell or
carapace; (of the fngers or toes) nail; bladed
leather or metal armor (old); ranking system
used in the Imperial examinatons (old); civil
5 甲 jia3 administraton unit (old)

5 假如 jia3 ru2 if

5 假装 jia3 zhuang1 to feign; to pretend

(of a woman) to marry; to marry of a
5 嫁 jia4 daughter; to shif (blame etc)

5 驾驶 jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive

value; worth; fg. values (ethical, cultural
5 价值 jia4 zhi2 etc); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 煎 jian1 to pan fry; to sauté

5 肩膀 jian1 bang3 shoulder

arduous; terrible (task); very difcult;
5 艰巨 jian1 ju4 formidable
5 坚决 jian1 jue2 frm; resolute; determined

5 艰苦 jian1 ku3 difcult; hard; arduous

5 坚强 jian1 qiang2 staunch; strong

sharp; intense; penetratng; pointed; acute
5 尖锐 jian1 rui4 (illness)

5 捡 jian3 to pick up; to collect; to gather

5 剪刀 jian3 dao1 scissors; CL:把[ba3]

Curriculum Vitae (CV); résumé (resume);
5 简历 jian3 li4 biographical notes

5 简直 jian3 zhi2 simply; at all; practcally

5 建立 jian4 li4 to build; to establish; to set up; to found

5 键盘 jian4 pan2 keyboard

to build; to construct; constructon;
5 建设 jian4 she4 constructve

5 健身房 jian4 shen1 fang2 gym; gymnasium

to propose; to suggest; to recommend;
proposal; suggeston; recommendaton; CL:
5 建议 jian4 yi4 個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3]
building; to construct; Taiwan pr. jian4 zhu2;
5 建筑 jian4 zhu4 CL:個|个[ge4]
to pay partcular atenton to; exquisite;
5 讲究 jiang3 jiu5 aesthetc

5 讲座 jiang3 zuo4 a course of lectures; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 降落 jiang4 luo4 to descend; to land

5 酱油 jiang4 you2 soy sauce

to pour liquid; to irrigate (using
waterwheel); to water; to cast (molten
5 浇 jiao1 metal); to mold
to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom);
5 交换 jiao1 huan4 commutatve (math); to commute
5 交际 jiao1 ji4 communicaton; social intercourse
suburban district; outskirts; suburbs; CL:個|
5 郊区 jiao1 qu1 个[ge4]

5 胶水 jiao1 shui3 glue

5 角度 jiao3 du4 angle; point of view

5 狡猾 jiao3 hua2 crafy; cunning; sly

5 教材 jiao4 cai2 teaching material; CL:本[ben3]

instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:個|个
5 教练 jiao4 lian4 [ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]

5 教训 jiao4 xun5 a lesson; a moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb

5 接触 jie1 chu4 to touch; to contact; access; in touch with

to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow sb to
5 接待 jie1 dai4 enter)

5 阶段 jie1 duan4 stage; secton; phase; period; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 接近 jie1 jin4 near; close to

5 结实 jie1 shi5 rugged; sturdy

to catch and hold on; to contnue; to go on
to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; afer
that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in
5 接着 jie1 zhe5 turn; in one's turn
festval; holiday; node; joint; secton;
segment; part; to economize; to save; to
abridge; moral integrity; classifer for
segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical
5 节 jie2 verses; CL:個|个[ge4]
structure; compositon; makeup;
5 结构 jie2 gou4 architecture; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]
to combine; to link; to integrate; binding; CL:
5 结合 jie2 he2 次[ci4]
conclusion; verdict; CL:個|个[ge4]; to
5 结论 jie2 lun4 conclude; to reach a verdict
saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down
5 节省 jie2 sheng3 on
to pay the bill; to setle accounts; also
5 结账 jie2 zhang4 writen 結帳|结帐
to liberate; to emancipate; liberaton; refers
to the Communists' victory over the
5 解放 jie3 fang4 Natonalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4]

5 解说员 jie3 shuo1 yuan2 commentator

to arrive at (place or tme); period; to
become due; classifer for events, meetngs,
5 届 jie4 electons, sportng fxtures etc

5 借口 jie4 kou3 to use as an excuse; on the pretext

5 戒烟 jie4 yan1 to give up smoking

5 戒指 jie4 zhi5 (fnger) ring

5 金属 jin1 shu3 metal; CL:種|种[zhong3]

tght; strict; close at hand; near; urgent;
5 紧 jin3 tense; hard up; short of money; to tghten

5 紧急 jin3 ji2 urgent; emergency

5 谨慎 jin3 shen4 cautous; prudent

progress; improvement; to improve; to
5 进步 jin4 bu4 progress; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 近代 jin4 dai4 modern tmes

5 进口 jin4 kou3 to import; imported

5 尽力 jin4 li4 to strive one's hardest; to spare no efort

5 尽量 jin4 liang4 to the full

5 经典 jing1 dian3 the classics; scriptures; classical

5 精力 jing1 li4 energy

to engage in (business etc); to run; to
5 经营 jing1 ying2 operate
5 景色 jing3 se4 scenery; scene; landscape; view

5 敬爱 jing4 ai4 respect and love

5 酒吧 jiu3 ba1 bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jia1]

5 救 jiu4 to save; to assist; to rescue

5 救护车 jiu4 hu4 che1 ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4]

mother's brother; maternal uncle (informal);
5 舅舅 jiu4 jiu5 CL:個|个[ge4]
unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as
5 居然 ju1 ran2 to

5 桔子 ju2 zi5 tangerine; CL:個|个[ge4],瓣[ban4]

to lif; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to
5 举 ju3 act; to raise; to choose; to elect
to possess; to have; equipped with; able to
5 具备 ju4 bei4 fulfll (conditons or requirements)
huge; immense; very large; tremendous;
5 巨大 ju4 da4 gigantc; enormous

5 聚会 ju4 hui4 party; gathering; to meet; to get together

club (i.e. a group or organizaton); CL:個|个
5 俱乐部 ju4 le4 bu4 [ge4]

5 据说 ju4 shuo1 it is said that; reportedly

5 具体 ju4 t3 concrete; defnite; specifc

to contribute; to donate; contributon; tax;
5 捐 juan1 to abandon

5 卷 juan3 to roll up

5 绝对 jue2 dui4 absolute; unconditonal

5 决赛 jue2 sai4 fnals (of a competton)

5 角色 jue2 se4 persona; character in a novel

determinaton; resoluton; determined; frm
and resolute; to make up one's mind; CL:個|
5 决心 jue2 xin1 个[ge4]

5 军事 jun1 shi4 military afairs; military maters; military

5 均匀 jun1 yun2 even; well-distributed; homogeneous

5 卡车 ka3 che1 truck; CL:輛|辆[liang4]

exploit (a resource); open up (for
5 开发 kai1 fa1 development); to develop
to lif (a ban or restricton); to open to the
outside world (politcs); to open for public
5 开放 kai1 fang4 use; to come into bloom (of fowers)

5 开幕式 kai1 mu4 shi4 opening ceremony

to feel happy; to rejoice; to have a great
5 开心 kai1 xin1 tme; to make fun of sb

5 砍 kan3 to chop; to cut down; to throw sth at sb

5 看不起 kan4 bu5 qi3 to look down upon; to despise

5 抗议 kang4 yi4 protest

5 烤鸭 kao3 ya1 roast duck

classifer for small spheres, pearls, corn
5 颗 ke1 grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc
it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it
5 可见 ke3 jian4 is (thus) clear; clear; visible

5 可靠 ke3 kao4 reliable

awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable;
frightul; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible;
5 可怕 ke3 pa4 terribly
to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to
5 克 ke4 overcome; gram
course; class; CL:堂[tang2],节|節[jie2],門|门
5 课程 ke4 cheng2 [men2]
(try to) overcome (hardships etc); to
5 克服 ke4 fu2 conquer; to put up with; to endure

5 客观 ke4 guan1 objectve; impartal

5 刻苦 ke4 ku3 hardworking; assiduous
drawing room (room for arriving guests);
5 客厅 ke4 tng1 living room; CL:間|间[jian1]

5 空间 kong1 jian1 space; CL:個|个[ge4]

terrible; frightul; frightening; terror;
5 恐怖 kong3 bu4 terrorist

5 空闲 kong4 xian2 idle; free tme; leisure

5 控制 kong4 zhi4 control; to exercise control over; to contain

a person's preferences; tastes (in food);
5 口味 kou3 wei4 favor

5 夸 kua1 to boast; to exaggerate; to praise

5 会计 kuai4 ji4 accountant; accountancy; accountng

5 矿泉水 kuang4 quan2 shui3 mineral spring water; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1]

5 辣椒 la4 jiao1 hot pepper; chili

5 蜡烛 la4 zhu2 candle; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]

to come from (a place); From: (in email
5 来自 lai2 zi4 header)

5 拦 lan2 cut of; hinder

sof; mushy; well-cooked and sof; to rot; to
decompose; roten; worn out; chaotc;
5 烂 lan4 messy; uterly; thoroughly

5 狼 lang2 wolf; CL:匹[pi3],隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tao2]

5 劳动 lao2 dong4 work; toil; physical labor; CL:次[ci4]

5 劳驾 lao2 jia4 excuse me

ordinary people; the "person in the street";
5 老百姓 lao3 bai3 xing4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 老板 lao3 ban3 boss; keeper

(informal) mother's mother; maternal
5 姥姥 lao3 lao5 grandmother

5 老实 lao3 shi5 honest; sincere; open and guileless; naive

5 老鼠 lao3 shu3 rat; mouse; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

5 乐观 le4 guan1 optmistc; hopeful

5 雷 lei2 thunder; (internet slang) terrifying; terrifc

tred; weary; to strain; to wear out; to work
5 累 lei4 hard
kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to
5 类 lei4 resemble

5 梨 li2 pear; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 离婚 li2 hun1 to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse)

5 厘米 li2 mi3 centmeter

5 礼拜天 li3 bai4 tan1 Sunday

5 理论 li3 lun4 theory; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 理由 li3 you2 reason; grounds;

grain; granule; justfcaton;
classifer CL:個|个[ge4]
for small round
things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains
5 粒 li4 etc)

5 立方 li4 fang1 cube

5 立即 li4 ji2 immediately

forthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly;
5 立刻 li4 ke4 straightway; thereupon; at once

5 力量 li4 liang5 power; force; strength

5 利润 li4 run4 profts

5 利息 li4 xi1 interest (on a loan); CL:筆|笔[bi3]

5 利益 li4 yi4 beneft; (in sb's) interest; CL:個|个[ge4]
exploit; make use of; to use; to take
5 利用 li4 yong4 advantage of; to utlize

5 联合 lian2 he2 to combine; to join; unite; alliance

5 连忙 lian2 mang2 promptly; at once

serialized drama; dramatc series; show in
5 连续剧 lian2 xu4 ju4 parts
(romantc) love; in love; to have an afair; CL:
5 恋爱 lian4 ai4 個|个[ge4]

5 良好 liang2 hao3 good; favorable; well; fne

5 粮食 liang2 shi5 foodstuf; cereals; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 了不起 liao3 bu5 qi3 amazing; terrifc; extraordinary

at the instant sth happens; temporary;
5 临时 lin2 shi2 interim; ad hoc

5 铃 ling2 (small) bell; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

5 灵活 ling2 huo2 fexible; nimble; agile

5 零件 ling2 jian4 part; component

change (of money); small change; pocket
5 零钱 ling2 qian2 money

5 零食 ling2 shi2 between-meal nibbles; snacks

lead; leading; to lead; leadership; leader; CL:
5 领导 ling3 dao3 位[wei4],個|个[ge4]

5 领域 ling3 yu4 domain; sphere; feld; territory; area

5 流传 liu2 chuan2 to spread; to circulate; to hand down

5 浏览 liu2 lan3 to skim over; to browse

5 龙 long2 dragon; CL:條|条[tao2]; imperial

to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake;
5 漏 lou4 waterclock or hourglass (old)
dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under
cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to
5 露 lu4 expose

5 陆地 lu4 di4 dry land (as opposed to the sea)

5 录取 lu4 qu3 to recruit; to enroll

in turn; successively; one afer the other; bit
5 陆续 lu4 xu4 by bit
to record (sound); sound-recording; CL:個|
5 录音 lu4 yin1 个[ge4]

5 轮流 lun2 liu2 to alternate; to take turns

paper; treatse; thesis; CL:篇[pian1]; to
5 论文 lun4 wen2 discuss a paper or thesis (old)

5 逻辑 luo2 ji5 logic (loanword)

to fall behind; to lag (in technology etc);
5 落后 luo4 hou4 backward; to retrogress

5 骂 ma4 to scold; abuse; CL:通[tong4],頓|顿[dun4]

5 麦克风 mai4 ke4 feng1 microphone (loanword)

steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread;
5 馒头 man2 tou5 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 满足 man3 zu2 to satsfy; to meet (the needs of)

5 毛 mao2 hair; feather; down

5 毛病 mao2 bing4 fault; defect; shortcomings; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 矛盾 mao2 dun4 contradictory; contradicton; CL:個|个[ge4]

to take risks; to take chances; foray;
5 冒险 mao4 xian3 adventure

5 贸易 mao4 yi4 (commercial) trade; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 眉毛 mei2 mao5 eyebrow; CL:根[gen1]

5 煤炭 mei2 tan4 coal

5 美术 mei3 shu4 art; fne arts; paintng; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 魅力 mei4 li4 charm; fascinaton; glamor; charisma

to lose the way; lost; labyrinth; labyrinthus
5 迷路 mi2 lu4 vestbularis (of the inner ear)

5 谜语 mi2 yu3 riddle; conundrum

5 蜜蜂 mi4 feng1 bee; honeybee; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]

5 秘密 mi4 mi4 secret; CL:個|个[ge4]

close; familiar; intmate; closely (related); to
5 密切 mi4 qie4 foster close tes; to pay close atenton

5 秘书 mi4 shu1 secretary

5 棉花 mian2 hua5 coton

5 面对 mian4 dui4 to confront; to face

5 面积 mian4 ji1 surface area

5 面临 mian4 lin2 to face sth; to be confronted with

5 苗条 miao2 tao2 slim, slender, graceful

5 描写 miao2 xie3 to describe; to depict; to portray; descripton

second (of tme); unit of angle or arc
5 秒 miao3 equivalent to one sixteth of a degree

5 民主 min2 zhu3 democracy

5 名牌 ming2 pai2 famous brand

5 名片 ming2 pian4 (business) card

clear-cut; defnite; explicit; to clarify; to
5 明确 ming2 que4 specify; to make defnite
5 名胜古迹 ming2 sheng4 gu3 ji4 historical sites and scenic spots

5 明显 ming2 xian3 clear; distnct; obvious

5 明信片 ming2 xin4 pian4 postcard

5 明星 ming2 xing1 star; celebrity

5 命令 ming4 ling4 order; command; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]

5 命运 ming4 yun4 fate; destny; CL:個|个[ge4]

to feel with the hand; to touch; to stroke; to
5 摸 mo1 grope; to feel (one's pulse)
to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic;
5 模仿 mo2 fang3 model

5 模糊 mo2 hu5 vague; indistnct; fuzzy

motorbike; motorcycle; CL:輛|辆[liang4],部
5 摩托车 mo2 tuo1 che1 [bu4]

5 陌生 mo4 sheng1 strange; unfamiliar

some; a certain; sb or sth indefnite; such-
5 某 mou3 and-such

5 目标 mu4 biao1 target; goal; objectve; CL:個|个[ge4]

catalog; table of contents; directory (on
5 目录 mu4 lu4 computer hard drive); list; contents

5 目前 mu4 qian2 at the present tme; currently

slow-wited; blockhead; log (of wood, tmber
5 木头 mu4 tou5 etc); CL:塊|块[kuai4],根[gen1]

5 哪怕 na3 pa4 even; even if; even though; no mater how

(it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising
5 难怪 nan2 guai4 (that)

5 难看 nan2 kan4 ugly; unsightly

head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:顆|
5 脑袋 nao3 dai4 颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
medicine; "internal" medicine, i.e. treatment
by administering drugs, as opposed to
surgical interventon 外科[wai4 ke1];
5 内科 nei4 ke1 medical department
tender; sof; delicate; light (color);
5 嫩 nen4 inexperienced; unskilled

5 能干 neng2 gan4 capable; competent

5 能源 neng2 yuan2 energy; power source; CL:個|个[ge4]

a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixtes); age;
5 年代 nian2 dai4 era; period; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 年纪 nian2 ji4 age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4]

to read; to study (a degree course); to read
aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance;
twenty (banker's ant-fraud numeral
5 念 nian4 corresponding to 廿, 20)
preferably; one would prefer to...(or not
to...); would rather; (would) be beter to; (to
5 宁可 ning4 ke3 pick) the lesser of two evils

5 牛仔裤 niu2 zai3 ku4

jeans; CL:條|条[tao2]; also writen 牛崽褲|

5 浓 nong2 concentrated; dense

5 农民 nong2 min2 peasant; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 农业 nong2 ye4 agriculture; farming

5 女士 nv3 shi4 lady; madam; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by
5 偶然 ou3 ran2 chance; randomly
to pat; to clap; to slap; fy-swater; racket; to
5 拍 pai1 take (a photograph)

5 排队 pai2 dui4 to line up

5 排球 pai2 qiu2 volleyball; CL:個|个[ge4]

clique; school; group; facton; to dispatch; to
send; to assign; to appoint; pi (Greek leter
5 派 pai4 Ππ); the circular rato pi = 3.1415926
5 盼望 pan4 wang4 to hope for; look forward to

5 赔偿 pei2 chang2 to compensate

to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a
5 培养 pei2 yang3 positon)

5 佩服 pei4 fu2 admire

matching; ftng in with; compatble with; to
correspond; to ft; to conform to; rapport; to
coordinate with; to act in concert with; to
cooperate; to become man and wife; to
5 配合 pei4 he2 combine partspot;
basin; fower of machine
unit of volume equal to 12
斗 and 8 升, approx 128 liters; CL:個|个
5 盆 pen2 [ge4]
to run into; to meet (unexpectedly); to bump
5 碰见 peng4 jian4 into
on; classifer for batches, lots, military
fights; ter (for the ranking of universites
5 批 pi1 and colleges)
to drape over one's shoulders; to open; to
5 披 pi1 unroll; to split open; to spread out

5 批准 pi1 zhun3 to approve; to ratfy

5 疲劳 pi2 lao2 fatgue; wearily; weariness; weary

5 皮鞋 pi2 xie2 leather shoes

ordinary person; classifer for horses, mules
5 匹 pi3 etc; classifer for cloth: bolt
thin piece; fake; a slice; flm; TV play; to
slice; to carve thin; partal; incomplete; one-
sided; classifer for slices, tablets, tract of
land, area of water; classifer for CDs,
movies, DVDs etc; used with numeral 一
[yi1]: classifer for scenario, scene, feeling,
5 片 pian4 atmosphere, sound etc

5 片面 pian4 mian4 unilateral; one-sided

5 飘 piao1 to foat

5 频道 pin2 dao4 frequency; (television) channel

5 品种 pin3 zhong3 breed; variety; CL:個|个[ge4]
to lean against; to rely on; on the basis of; no
5 凭 ping2 mater (how, what etc); proof
fat; level; equal; to te (make the same
score); to draw (score); calm; peaceful; see
5 平 ping2 also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]

5 平常 ping2 chang2 ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily

5 平等 ping2 deng3 equal; equality

square (as in square foot, square mile,
5 平方 ping2 fang1 square root)

5 平衡 ping2 heng2 balance; equilibrium

5 评价 ping2 jia4 to evaluate; to assess

5 平静 ping2 jing4 tranquil; undisturbed; serene

5 平均 ping2 jun1 average

to go bankrupt; to become impoverished;
5 破产 po4 chan3 bankruptcy
destructon; damage; to wreck; to break; to
5 破坏 po4 huai4 destroy

5 迫切 po4 qie4 urgent; pressing

plain and simple; unadorned; simple living;
5 朴素 pu3 su4 not frivolous

5 期待 qi1 dai4 to look forward to; to await; expectaton

period of tme; tme; tme period; period; CL:
5 期间 qi1 jian1 個|个[ge4]

5 奇迹 qi2 ji4 miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel

the rest; the others; remaining; remainder;
5 其余 qi2 yu2 apart from them
to enlighten; to explain and arouse interest;
to inspire; inspiraton; heuristc
5 启发 qi3 fa1 (atributvely); to teach; CL:個|个[ge4]
beginning or contnuing an acton; upward
5 起来 qi3 lai2 movement; stand up
5 企图 qi3 tu2 atempt; CL:種|种[zhong3]
company; frm; enterprise; corporaton; CL:
5 企业 qi3 ye4 家[jia1]

5 气氛 qi4 fen1 atmosphere; mood

5 汽油 qi4 you2 gas; gasoline; CL:升[sheng1]

to pull (an animal on a tether); to lead along;
5 牵 qian1 to hold hands
modest; self-efacing; to make modest
5 谦虚 qian1 xu1 remarks

5 签字 qian1 zi4 to sign (a signature)

5 前途 qian2 tu2 prospects; future outlook; journey

5 浅 qian3 shallow, not deep; superfcial

5 欠 qian4 defcient; owe; to lack; yawn

5 枪 qiang1 gun; frearm; rife; spear; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]

5 强调 qiang2 diao4 to emphasize (a statement); to stress

5 强烈 qiang2 lie4 intense; (violently) strong

fght over; to rush; to scramble; to grab; to
5 抢 qiang3 rob; to snatch

5 悄悄 qiao1 qiao1 quietly; secretly; stealthily

5 瞧 qiao2 look at

5 巧妙 qiao3 miao4 ingenious; clever

5 切 qie1 to cut; to slice; tangent (math)

5 亲爱 qin1 ai4 Dear or beloved (way of startng a leter)

5 侵略 qin1 lve4 invasion; encroachment

amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality;
intmate; cordial; kind; close and dear;
5 亲切 qin1 qie4 familiar

5 亲自 qin1 zi4 personally

5 勤奋 qin2 fen4 hardworking; diligent

5 勤劳 qin2 lao2 hardworking; industrious; diligent

nature's color; green or blue; greenish black;
youth; young (of people); abbr. for Qinghai
5 青 qing1 province 青海

5 青春 qing1 chun1 youth; youthfulness

light (of food, not greasy or strongly
5 清淡 qing1 dan4 favored); insipid; slack (sales)
an adolescent; a youth; young person;
5 青少年 qing1 shao4 nian2 teenage; teenager
contempt; contemptuous; to despise; to
5 轻视 qing1 shi4 scorn; scornful

5 情景 qing2 jing3 scene; sight; circumstances; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 情绪 qing2 xu4 feeling; sentment; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 请求 qing3 qiu2 request; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 庆祝 qing4 zhu4 celebrate

soccer fan; crazy about ball sports; CL:個|个
5 球迷 qiu2 mi2 [ge4]

5 趋势 qu1 shi4 trend; tendency

5 娶 qu3 take a wife; to marry (a woman)

5 取消 qu3 xiao1 to cancel; cancellaton

5 去世 qu4 shi4 to pass away; to die

circle; ring; loop; classifer for loops, orbits,
5 圈 quan1 laps of race etc; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 权利 quan2 li4 power; right; privilege

5 权力 quan2 li4 (wield) power

5 全面 quan2 mian4 all-around; comprehensive; total; overall

5 劝 quan4 to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; exhort

shortage; be lacking; to be short of; to lack;
5 缺乏 que1 fa2 scarcity
defnite; certain; fxed; to fx (on sth); to
determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make
certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize;
5 确定 que4 ding4 to confrm; OK (on computer dialog box)

5 确认 que4 ren4 to confrm; to verify; confrmaton

5 燃烧 ran2 shao1 combuston; faming; kindle

5 嚷 rang3 blurt out; to shout

to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to
spiral; to move around; to go round (an
obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to
5 绕 rao4 confuse; to perplex

5 热爱 re4 ai4 to love ardently; to adore

5 热烈 re4 lie4 warm (welcome etc)

enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastc;
5 热心 re4 xin1 ardent; warmhearted
a person's talent; talented person;
distnguished person; a talent (worth head-
huntng); person's looks; an atractve
woman; used interchangeably with 人材; CL:
5 人才 ren2 cai2 個|个[ge4]

5 人口 ren2 kou3 populaton

5 人类 ren2 lei4 humanity; human race; mankind

5 人生 ren2 sheng1 human life

human afairs; ways of the world;
consciousness of the world; what is humanly
possible; personnel maters; sexual
5 人事 ren2 shi4 awareness; sexual passion; facts of life
a person; a character (in a play, novel etc); a
5 人物 ren2 wu4 protagonist; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 人员 ren2 yuan2 staf; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 忍不住 ren3 bu5 zhu4 cannot help; unable to bear

5 日常 ri4 chang2 daily; everyday

5 日程 ri4 cheng2 schedule; itnerary; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 日历 ri4 li4 calendar; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]

5 日期 ri4 qi1 date; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 日用品 ri4 yong4 pin3 artcles for daily use; CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4]

to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into;
5 融化 rong2 hua4 to combine; to fuse

5 荣幸 rong2 xing4 honored

5 荣誉 rong2 yu4 honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputaton

5 如何 ru2 he2 how; what way; what

5 如今 ru2 jin1 nowadays; now

5 软件 ruan3 jian4 (computer) sofware

weak; feeble; young; inferior; (following a
5 弱 ruo4 decimal or fracton) slightly less than

5 洒 sa3 to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed

5 嗓子 sang3 zi5 throat; voice; CL:把[ba3]

to kill; to murder; to fght; to weaken or
reduce; to smart (topolect); to counteract;
5 杀 sha1 (used afer a verb) extremely

5 沙漠 sha1 mo4 desert; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 沙滩 sha1 tan1 sand bar; beach; CL:片[pian4]

5 傻 sha3 foolish
to dry in the sun; to sunbathe; to share fles
5 晒 shai4 (loan from "share")

5 删除 shan1 chu2 to delete; to cancel

5 闪电 shan3 dian4 lightning; CL:道[dao4]

5 善良 shan4 liang2 good and honest; kind-hearted

5 善于 shan4 yu2 be good at; be adept in

good; commodity; merchandise; CL:個|个
5 商品 shang1 pin3 [ge4]

5 商业 shang1 ye4 business; trade; commerce

on; on top; upon; frst (of multple parts);
previous; last; upper; higher; above; to
climb; to go into; to go up; to atend (class or
5 上 shang4 university)
taken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be
5 上当 shang4 dang4 duped

5 勺子 shao2 zi5 scoop; ladle; CL:把[ba3]

5 蛇 she2 snake; serpent; CL:條|条[tao2]

tongue; CL:個|个[ge4]; enemy soldier
captured for the purpose of extractng
5 舌头 she2 tou5 informaton
to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to
5 舍不得 she3 bu5 de5 begrudge
equipment; facilites; installatons; CL:個|个
5 设备 she4 bei4 [ge4]

5 射击 she4 ji1 to shoot; to fre (a gun)

plan; design; to design; to plan; CL:個|个
5 设计 she4 ji4 [ge4]

5 设施 she4 shi1 facilites; installaton

to take a photograph; photography; to shoot
5 摄影 she4 ying3 (a movie)
5 伸 shen1 to stretch; to extend

5 身材 shen1 cai2 stature; build (height and weight); fgure

identty; status; capacity; dignity; positon;
5 身份 shen1 fen4 rank

5 深刻 shen1 ke4 profound; deep; deep-going

5 神话 shen2 hua4 fairy tale; mythology; myth

5 神经 shen2 jing1 nerve

5 神秘 shen2 mi4 mysterious; mystery

to raise; to hoist; to promote; metric liter
(also writen 公升); measure for dry grain
5 升 sheng1 equal to one-tenth dou 斗
childbirth; parturiton; to produce;
5 生产 sheng1 chan3 manufacture
tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable);
5 声调 sheng1 diao4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 生动 sheng1 dong4 vivid; lively

5 绳子 sheng2 zi5 cord; string; rope; CL:條|条[tao2]

5 省略 sheng3 lve4 to leave out; an omission

5 胜利 sheng4 li4 victory; CL:個|个[ge4]

poem; CL: 首[shou3]; poetry; verse; abbr. for
5 诗 shi1 Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[shi1 jing1]

5 失眠 shi1 mian2 (sufer from) insomnia

5 失去 shi1 qu4 to lose

5 失业 shi1 ye4 unemployment

5 时代 shi2 dai4 age; era; epoch; period; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 实话 shi2 hua4 truth

5 实践 shi2 jian4 to practce; to put into practce; to fulfll

5 时刻 shi2 ke4 moment; CL:個|个[ge4]; constantly; always

5 时髦 shi2 mao2 in vogue; fashionable

a period in tme or history; period; tme
5 时期 shi2 qi1 (interval); phase; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 时尚 shi2 shang4 fashion

5 石头 shi2 tou5 stone; CL:塊|块[kuai4]

5 食物 shi2 wu4 food; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 实习 shi2 xi2 to practce; feld work

to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring
5 实现 shi2 xian4 about
to implement; to carry out; to put into
5 实行 shi2 xing2 practce
to experiment; experiments; CL:個|个[ge4],
5 实验 shi2 yan4 次[ci4]
practcal; functonal; pragmatc; applied
5 实用 shi2 yong4 (science)

5 使劲儿 shi3 jin4 r5 to exert all one's strength

5 始终 shi3 zhong1 from beginning to end; all along

5 士兵 shi4 bing1 soldier; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 似的 shi4 de5 seems as if; rather like;

5 是否 shi4 fou3 whether (or not); if; is or isn't

examinaton paper; test paper; CL:份[fen4],
5 试卷 shi4 juan4 張|张[zhang1]
afair; mater; thing; business; CL:件[jian4],
5 事情 shi4 qing5 樁|桩[zhuang1]

5 事实 shi4 shi2 a fact; the fact that; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 事物 shi4 wu4 thing; object; CL:個|个[ge4]
in advance; before the event; beforehand;
5 事先 shi4 xian1 prior

5 收获 shou1 huo4 beneft; reward

5 收据 shou1 ju4 receipt; CL:張|张[zhang1]

5 手工 shou3 gong1 handwork; manual

surgical operaton; operaton; surgery; CL:個
5 手术 shou3 shu4 |个[ge4]
glove; miten; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只
5 手套 shou3 tao4 [zhi1]
formalites; procedures; CL:道[dao4],個|个
5 手续 shou3 xu4 [ge4]

5 手指 shou3 zhi3 fnger; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]

5 受到 shou4 dao4 to receive; to sufer; obtained; given

5 寿命 shou4 ming4 life span; life expectancy

to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident
5 受伤 shou4 shang1 etc); harmed

5 蔬菜 shu1 cai4 vegetables; produce; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 书架 shu1 jia4 bookshelf; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 输入 shu1 ru4 to import; to input

5 舒适 shu1 shi4 cozy; snug

5 梳子 shu1 zi5 comb; CL:把[ba3]

5 熟练 shu2 lian4 practced; profcient; skilled; skillful

5 鼠标 shu3 biao1 mouse (computng)

5 属于 shu3 yu2 classifed as; to belong to; to be part of

5 数据 shu4 ju4
data; numbers; digital; also writen 數據|数

number; numerals; fgures; digital; amount;
5 数码 shu4 ma3 numerical code

5 摔 shuai1 to throw down; to fall; to drop and break

to throw; to fing; to swing; to leave behind;
5 甩 shuai3 to throw of

5 双方 shuang1 fang1 bilateral; both sides; both partes involved

5 税 shui4 taxes; dutes

5 说不定 shuo1 bu5 ding4 can't say for sure; maybe

to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over;
5 说服 shuo1 fu2 Taiwan pr. shui4 fu2

5 撕 si1 to tear

5 丝绸 si1 chou2 silk cloth; silk

5 丝毫 si1 hao2 the slightest amount or degree; a bit

5 思考 si1 kao3 to refect on; to ponder over

5 私人 si1 ren2 private (citzen); private

thought; thinking; idea; ideology; CL:個|个
5 思想 si1 xiang3 [ge4]
apparently; to seem; to appear; as if;
5 似乎 si4 hu1 seemingly

5 寺庙 si4 miao4 temple; monastery; shrine

dormitory; dorm room; living quarters;
5 宿舍 su4 she4 hostel; CL:間|间[jian1]

5 随时 sui2 shi2 at any tme

to break down; to break into pieces;
5 碎 sui4 fragmentary

5 孙子 sun1 zi5 grandson (paternal)

loss; damage; CL:個|个[ge4]; to lose; to
5 损失 sun3 shi1 damage

5 缩短 suo1 duan3 to curtail; to cut down

5 缩小 suo1 xiao3 reduce; decrease

actually; place; classifer for houses, small
buildings, insttutons etc; that which;
partcle introducing a relatve clause or
5 所 suo3 passive; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 锁 suo3 to lock up; to lock; CL:把[ba3]

5 所谓 suo3 wei4 so-called; what is called

pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr.
5 塔 ta3 loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuo4]
fight of steps (leading up to a house); step
(over obstacle); bench; fg. way out of an
5 台阶 tai2 jie1 embarrassing situaton
shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or
T'aichichuan; traditonal form of physical
5 太极拳 tai4 ji2 quan2 exercise or relaxaton; a martal art
married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:個|
5 太太 tai4 tai5 个[ge4],位[wei4]
to negotate; negotaton; talks; conference;
5 谈判 tan2 pan4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 坦率 tan3 shuai4 frank (discussion); blunt; open

quantfer for the number of trips or runs
5 趟 tang4 made

5 烫 tang4 to scald; to burn; to iron; hot

5 桃 tao2 peach

5 逃 tao2 to escape; to run away; to fee

5 逃避 tao2 bi4 to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk

cover; sheath; to encase; a case; to overlap;
to interleave; bend (of a river or mountain
range, in place names); harness; classifer for
5 套 tao4 sets, collectons; tau (Greek leter Ττ)
5 特殊 te4 shu1 special; partcular; unusual; extraordinary

5 特意 te4 yi4 specially; intentonally

characteristc; diagnostc property;
5 特征 te4 zheng1 distnctve feature; trait

5 疼爱 teng2 ai4 to love dearly

5 提 t2 to carry; to lif; to raise

5 提倡 t2 chang4 to promote; to advocate

5 提纲 t2 gang1 the key point; outline

5 题目 t2 mu4 subject; ttle; topic; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 提问 t2 wen4 to queston; to quiz; to grill

know (through learning or by experience);
5 体会 t3 hui4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 体积 t3 ji1 volume; bulk; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 体贴 t3 te1 considerate (of other people's needs)

5 体现 t3 xian4 to embody; to refect; to incarnate

5 体验 t3 yan4 to experience for oneself

5 天空 tan1 kong1 sky

5 天真 tan1 zhen1 naive; innocent; artless

5 田野 tan2 ye3 feld; open land; CL:片[pian4]

5 调皮 tao2 pi2 naughty; mischievous; unruly

5 调整 tao2 zheng3 adjustment; revision; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 挑战 tao3 zhan4 challenge

5 通常 tong1 chang2 regular; usual; ordinary; normal
communicatons; a news story (e.g.
5 通讯 tong1 xun4 dispatched over the wire); CL:個|个[ge4]
copper (chemistry); see also 紅銅|红铜
5 铜 tong2 [hong2 tong2]; CL:塊|块[kuai4]

5 同时 tong2 shi2 at the same tme; simultaneously

5 统一 tong3 yi1 to unify; to unite; to integrate

5 统治 tong3 zhi4 to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime

5 痛苦 tong4 ku3 pain; sufering; painful; CL:個|个[ge4]

overjoyed; delighted; happily; heartly;
5 痛快 tong4 kuai4 enjoying; also pr. tong4 kuai5

5 投资 tou2 zi1 investment; to invest

5 透明 tou4 ming2 transparent; open (non-secretve)

prominent; outstanding; to give prominence
5 突出 tu1 chu1 to; to protrude; to project
land; territory; soil; local god; Lar; genius
5 土地 tu3 di4 loci; CL:片[pian4]

5 土豆 tu3 dou4 potato; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 吐 tu4 to vomit; to throw up

5 兔子 tu4 zi5 hare; rabbit; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

5 团 tuan2 regiment; round; circular; group; society

5 推辞 tui1 ci2 to decline (an appointment, invitaton etc)

to extend; to spread; to popularize; CL:個|个
5 推广 tui1 guang3 [ge4]

5 推荐 tui1 jian4 to recommend; recommendaton

retreat; to decline; to move back; to
5 退 tui4 withdraw
5 退步 tui4 bu4 degenerate; regress

5 退休 tui4 xiu1 retrement (from work)

5 歪 wai1 askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious

diplomacy; diplomatc; foreign afairs; CL:個|
5 外交 wai4 jiao1 个[ge4]

5 弯 wan1 bend; bent; CL:道[dao4]

5 玩具 wan2 ju4 plaything; toy

5 完美 wan2 mei3 perfect; perfecton; perfectly

5 完善 wan2 shan4 perfect; to make perfect; to improve

5 完整 wan2 zheng3 complete; intact

5 万一 wan4 yi1 just in case; if by any chance; contngency

5 王子 wang2 zi3 prince; son of a king

5 往返 wang3 fan3 to go back and forth; to go to and fro

to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger; CL:個|
5 危害 wei1 hai4 个[ge4]

5 微笑 wei1 xiao4 smile; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 威胁 wei1 xie2 to threaten; to menace

5 违反 wei2 fan3 to violate (a law)

to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to
5 维护 wei2 hu4 uphold; to maintain

5 围巾 wei2 jin1 scarf; shawl; CL:條|条[tao2]

5 围绕 wei2 rao4 to revolve around; to center on (an issue)

5 唯一 wei2 yi1 only; sole

5 尾巴 wei3 ba5 tail

5 伟大 wei3 da4 great; mighty; large

to feel wronged; to nurse a grievance; to
5 委屈 wei3 qu1 cause sb to feel wronged

5 委托 wei3 tuo1 to entrust; to trust; to commission

5 畏 wei4 to fear

5 胃 wei4 stomach; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 未必 wei4 bi4 not necessarily; maybe not

future; tomorrow; approaching; coming;
5 未来 wei4 lai2 pending; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 卫生间 wei4 sheng1 jian1 bathroom; toilet; WC; CL:間|间[jian1]

5 位置 wei4 zhi5 positon; place; seat; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 温暖 wen1 nuan3 warm

5 温柔 wen1 rou2 gentle and sof; tender

to hear; news; well-known; famous;
reputaton; fame; to smell; to snif at;
5 闻 wen2 surname Wen

5 文件 wen2 jian4 document; fle; CL:份[fen4]

statonery; item of statonery (pen, pencil,
5 文具 wen2 ju4 eraser, pencil sharpener etc)

5 文明 wen2 ming2 civilized; civilizaton; culture; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 文学 wen2 xue2 literature; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 吻 wen3 kiss; mouth

5 稳定 wen3 ding4 steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify

5 问候 wen4 hou4 to give one's respects; to send a greetng

5 卧室 wo4 shi4 bedroom; CL:間|间[jian1]

5 屋子 wu1 zi5 house; room; CL:間|间[jian1]

without choice; for lack of beter opton;
grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr.
5 无奈 wu2 nai4 for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2]

5 无数 wu2 shu4 countless; numberless; innumerable

5 武器 wu3 qi4 weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3]

military skill or technique (in former tmes);
all kinds of martal art sports (some claiming
spiritual development); self-defense;
traditon of choreographed fghts from opera
and flm (recent usage); also called kungfu
5 武术 wu3 shu4 功夫; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 雾 wu4 fog; mist; CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4]

5 物理 wu4 li3 physics; physical

mater; substance; material; materialistc;
5 物质 wu4 zhi4 CL:個|个[ge4]

5 吸收 xi1 shou1 to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest

to connect; to relate to; to te up; to bind; to
5 系 xi4 be (literary)

5 细节 xi4 jie2 details; partculars

5 戏剧 xi4 ju4 drama; play; theater

5 系统 xi4 tong3 system; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 瞎 xia1 blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose

to frighten; to scare; to intmidate; to
5 吓 xia4 threaten

5 下载 xia4 zai3 to download; also pr. xia4 zai4

5 鲜艳 xian1 yan4 bright-colored; gaily-colored

5 显得 xian3 de5 to seem; to look; to appear

5 显然 xian3 ran2 clear; evident; obvious(ly)

to show; to illustrate; to display; to
5 显示 xian3 shi4 demonstrate
county, PRC administratve division below
prefecture 地區|地区[di4 qu4]; CL:個|个
5 县 xian4 [ge4]

5 现金 xian4 jin1 cash

5 现实 xian4 shi2 reality; actuality; real; actual; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 现象 xian4 xiang4 appearance; phenomenon; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 相处 xiang1 chu3 get along with each other

equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to
5 相当 xiang1 dang1 a certain extent; fairly
relatvely; opposite; to resist; to oppose;
5 相对 xiang1 dui4 relatve; vis-a-vis
interrelated; correlaton; dependence;
5 相关 xiang1 guan1 relevance; mutuality

5 相连 xiang1 lian2 to link; to join; link; connecton

to resemble; similar; like; resemblance;
5 相似 xiang1 si4 similarity
miss; remember with longing; long to see
5 想念 xiang3 nian4 again
to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种
5 享受 xiang3 shou4 [zhong3]

5 想象 xiang3 xiang4 to imagine;

(look) to fancy;
like; similar CL:個|个[ge4]
(to); appearance; to
appear; to seem; image; portrait; resemble;
5 像 xiang4 seem

5 项链 xiang4 lian4 necklace

5 项目 xiang4 mu4 item; project; sports event; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 橡皮 xiang4 pi2 rubber; an eraser; CL:塊|块[kuai4]

5 象棋 xiang4 qi2 Chinese chess; CL:副[fu4]
emblem; symbol; token; badge; to
5 象征 xiang4 zheng1 symbolize; to signify; to stand for

5 消费 xiao1 fei4 to consume; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 消化 xiao1 hua4 digest; digeston; digestve

to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to
perish; to perish; annihilaton (in quantum
5 消灭 xiao1 mie4 feld theory)

5 消失 xiao1 shi1 to disappear; to fade away

5 销售 xiao1 shou4 to sell; market; sales

5 小吃 xiao3 chi1 snack; refreshments; CL:家[jia1]

5 小伙子 xiao3 huo3 zi5 lad; young fellow; youngster; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 小麦 xiao3 mai4 wheat; CL:粒[li4]

5 小偷 xiao3 tou1 thief

5 效率 xiao4 lv4 efciency

5 歇 xie1 to rest

5 斜 xie2 inclined; slantng; oblique; tltng

5 协调 xie2 tao2 to coordinate; to harmonize; negotaton

5 心理 xin1 li3 mental; psychological

5 欣赏 xin1 shang3 to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire

5 心脏 xin1 zang4 heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]

5 信封 xin4 feng1 envelope; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 信号 xin4 hao4 signal

5 信息 xin4 xi1 informaton; news; message

5 形成 xing2 cheng2 to form; to take shape

operaton; acton; to move; mobile; CL:個|个
5 行动 xing2 dong4 [ge4]
pedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by;
ofcial responsible for arranging audiences
5 行人 xing2 ren2 with the emperor

5 形容 xing2 rong2 to describe; descripton; appearance; look

circumstances; situaton; terrain; CL:個|个
5 形势 xing2 shi4 [ge4]
form; shape; situaton; circumstance; CL:個|
5 形式 xing2 shi4 个[ge4]

5 行为 xing2 wei2 acton; conduct; behavior; actvity

image; form; fgure; CL:個|个[ge4];
5 形象 xing2 xiang4 visualizaton; vivid

5 形状 xing2 zhuang4 form; shape; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 幸亏 xing4 kui1 fortunately; luckily

5 幸运 xing4 yun4 fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck

5 性质 xing4 zhi4 nature; characteristc; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 胸 xiong1 chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax

older and younger brother; brothers;
5 兄弟 xiong1 di4 brotherly; fraternal; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 雄伟 xiong2 wei3 grand; imposing; magnifcent; majestc

5 修改 xiu1 gai3 to amend; to alter; to modify

5 休闲 xiu1 xian2 leisure; relaxaton; not working; idle

5 虚心 xu1 xin1 modest

to relate (a story or informaton); to tell or
talk about; to recount; narraton; telling;
5 叙述 xu4 shu4 narratve; account
5 宣布 xuan1 bu4 to declare; to announce; to proclaim
to disseminate; to give publicity to;
5 宣传 xuan1 chuan2 propaganda; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 选举 xuan3 ju3 to elect; electon; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]

5 学期 xue2 qi1 term; semester; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 学术 xue2 shu4 learning; science; academic; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 学问 xue2 wen4 learning; knowledge; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 询问 xun2 wen4 to inquire

5 寻找 xun2 zhao3 to seek; to look for

5 训练 xun4 lian4 to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 迅速 xun4 su4 rapid; speedy; fast

5 延长 yan2 chang2 to prolong; to extend; to delay

5 严肃 yan2 su4 solemn; solemnity

banquet; feast; dinner party; CL:席[xi2],個|
5 宴会 yan4 hui4 个[ge4]

5 阳台 yang2 tai2 balcony; porch

5 痒 yang3 to itch; to tckle

5 样式 yang4 shi4 type; style

5 腰 yao1 waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins

5 摇 yao2 shake; to rock

5 咬 yao3 to bite; to nip

otherwise; or; or else; how about...? (one
5 要不 yao4 bu4 choice or the other); either this, or else...
5 要是 yao4 shi5 if

5 夜 ye4 night

5 液体 ye4 t3 liquid

5 业务 ye4 wu4 business; profession; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 业余 ye4 yu2 spare tme; amateur; extra-curricular

5 依然 yi1 ran2 stll; as before

5 一辈子 yi2 bei4 zi5 (for) a lifetme

in case (sth happens); if; once (sth happens,
5 一旦 yi2 dan4 then...); when; in a short tme; in one day
to move; movement; migraton; mobile;
5 移动 yi2 dong4 portable

5 遗憾 yi2 han4 regret; pity; sorry

5 一路平安 yi2 lu4 ping2 an1 to have a pleasant journey; Bon voyage!
to immigrate; to migrate; emigrant;
5 移民 yi2 min2 immigrant
a queston; sth not understood; to query;
5 疑问 yi2 wen4 interrogatve (gramm.); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 一致 yi2 zhi4 unanimous; identcal (views or opinions)

second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干; second
in order; leter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B,
C", or "I, II, III" etc; second party (in legal
contract, usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1], as
opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1]); ethyl;
bent; winding; radical in Chinese characters
5 乙 yi3 (Kangxi radical 5)

5 以及 yi3 ji2 as well as; too; and

5 以来 yi3 lai2 since (a previous event)

to comment; to talk about; to discuss;
5 议论 yi4 lun4 discussion; CL:個|个[ge4]
unexpected; accident; mishap; CL:個|个
5 意外 yi4 wai4 [ge4]
duty; obligaton; commitment; volunteer
duty; CL:項|项[xiang4]; mandatory;
5 义务 yi4 wu4 voluntary

5 意义 yi4 yi4 meaning; signifcance; CL:個|个[ge4]

therefore; as a result; thus; and as a
5 因而 yin1 er2 result, ...

5 因素 yin1 su4 element; factor; CL:個|个[ge4]

silver; silver-colored; relatng to money or
5 银 yin2 currency

5 英俊 ying1 jun4 handsome

5 英雄 ying1 xiong2 hero; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 迎接 ying2 jie1 to meet; to welcome; to greet

5 营养 ying2 yang3 nutriton; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3]

5 营业 ying2 ye4 to do business; to trade

5 影子 ying3 zi5 shadow; refecton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 硬币 ying4 bi4 a coin; CL:枚[mei2]

5 应付 ying4 fu5 to deal with; to cope

5 硬件 ying4 jian4 hardware

to accept a job ofer; to apply for an
5 应聘 ying4 pin4 advertsed positon

5 应用 ying4 yong4 to use; to apply; applicaton; applicable

5 拥抱 yong1 bao4 to embrace; to hug

5 拥挤 yong1 ji3 to crowd

5 勇气 yong3 qi4 courage; valor

5 用途 yong4 tu2 use; applicaton

5 优惠 you1 hui4 preferental; favorable

5 悠久 you1 jiu3 established; long

5 优美 you1 mei3 graceful; fne; elegant

5 优势 you1 shi4 superiority; dominance; advantage

5 邮局 you2 ju2 post ofce; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]

5 游览 you2 lan3 to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit; CL:次[ci4]

5 犹豫 you2 yu4 to hesitate

5 油炸 you2 zha2 to deep fry

advantageous; to have advantages;
5 有利 you3 li4 favorable

5 幼儿园 you4 er2 yuan2 kindergarten; nursery school

to entertain; to amuse; entertainment;
5 娱乐 yu2 le4 recreaton; amusement; hobby; fun; joy

5 与 yu3 to give; to help; to get along with; and; with

rather than...; 與其|与其 A 不如|不如 B
5 与其 yu3 qi2 (rather than A, beter to B)
tone; manner of speaking; mood; CL:個|个
5 语气 yu3 qi4 [ge4]

5 宇宙 yu3 zhou4 universe; cosmos

5 预报 yu4 bao4 forecast

5 预订 yu4 ding4 to place an order; to book ahead

to prevent; to take precautons against; to
protect; to guard against; precautonary;
5 预防 yu4 fang2 prophylactc

5 玉米 yu4 mi3 corn; maize; CL:粒[li4]

5 元旦 yuan2 dan4 New Year's Day

5 缘故 yuan2 gu4 reason; cause

5 原料 yuan2 liao4 raw material; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 原则 yuan2 ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 愿望 yuan4 wang4 desire; wish; CL:個|个[ge4]

confused; dizzy; giddy; faint; swoon; lose
5 晕 yun1 consciousness; pass out

5 运气 yun4 qi5 luck (good or bad)

5 运输 yun4 shu1 transport; haulage; transit; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 运用 yun4 yong4 to use; to put to use

5 灾害 zai1 hai4 disastrous damage; scourge; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 再三 zai4 san1 over and over again; again and again

5 赞成 zan4 cheng2 approve; endorse

5 赞美 zan4 mei3 admire; applause; praise; to eulogize

5 脏 zang1 dirty
too bad; how terrible; what bad luck;
5 糟糕 zao1 gao1 terrible; bad

5 造成 zao4 cheng2 to bring about; to create; to cause

conjuncton used to express contrast with a
previous sentence or clause; standard;
norm; rule; to imitate; to follow; then;
principle; classifer for writen items (such as
5 则 ze2 an ofcial statement)

5 责备 ze2 bei4 to blame; to critcize sb

to take; to borrow; to pick (fowers, fruit
etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take
5 摘 zhai1 of (glasses, hat etc)
to stck; to afx; to adhere; to paste (as in
5 粘贴 zhan1 te1 cut, copy and paste)
to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to
5 展开 zhan3 kai1 launch
to put on display; to exhibit; exhibiton;
5 展览 zhan3 lan3 show; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]

5 占线 zhan4 xian4 busy (telephone)

5 战争 zhan4 zheng1 war; confict; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]

5 涨 zhang3 to rise (of prices, rivers)

to grasp (ofen fg.); to master; to know well;
to understand sth well and know how to use
it; fuency; to control; to seize (initatve,
5 掌握 zhang3 wo4 opportunity, destny)

5 账户 zhang4 hu4 a bank account

5 招待 zhao1 dai4 to receive (guests); to entertain; recepton

5 着凉 zhao2 liang2 catch cold

5 照常 zhao4 chang2 (business etc) as usual

to convene (a conference or meetng); to
5 召开 zhao4 kai1 convoke; to call together

5 哲学 zhe2 xue2 philosophy; CL:個|个[ge4]

to be directed against; to be aimed at; to
5 针对 zhen1 dui4 counter; in the light of; in connecton with

5 真理 zhen1 li3 truth; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 真实 zhen1 shi2 true; real

treasure; value; cherish; Taiwan pr. zhen1
5 珍惜 zhen1 xi1 xi2

5 诊断 zhen3 duan4 diagnosis; to diagnose

5 枕头 zhen3 tou5 pillow

dispositon of troops; wave; spate; burst;
spell; short period of tme; classifer for
5 阵 zhen4 events or states of short duraton

5 振动 zhen4 dong4 vibraton

5 睁 zheng1 to open (eye)

to argue; to debate; to contend; argument;
contenton; controversy; debate; CL:次[ci4],
5 争论 zheng1 lun4 場|场[chang3]
to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions,
5 征求 zheng1 qiu2 feedback etc); to petton

5 争取 zheng1 qu3 to fght for; to strive for; to win over

5 整个 zheng3 ge4 whole; entre; total

whole entty; entre body; synthesis; as a
whole (situaton, constructon, team etc);
5 整体 zheng3 t3 global; macrocosm; integral; holistc; whole
upright; centrally located; (of tme or fgure)
5 正 zheng4 exactly; correct; (of taste) pure

5 政策 zheng4 ce4 policy; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 政府 zheng4 fu3 government; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 证件 zheng4 jian4 paperwork; credentals

5 证据 zheng4 ju4 evidence; proof; testmony

5 挣钱 zheng4 qian2 to make money

5 政治 zheng4 zhi4 politcs; politcal

branch; division; to draw money; surname
Zhi; classifer for rods such as pens and guns,
for army divisions and for songs or
compositons; wat, classifer for power of
5 支 zhi1 light bulbs

5 知道 zhi1 dao4 to know; to be aware of

5 支票 zhi1 piao4 check (bank); cheque; CL:本[ben3]

straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable;
frank; straightorward; (indicates contnuing
moton or acton); vertcal; vertcal
5 直 zhi2 downward stroke in Chinese characters

5 执行 zhi2 xing2 implement; carry out; to execute; to run

5 执照 zhi2 zhao4 a license; a permit

to guide; to give directons; to direct; to
5 指导 zhi3 dao3 coach; guidance; tuiton; CL:個|个[ge4]
to conduct; to command; to direct;
5 指挥 zhi3 hui1 conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 制定 zhi4 ding4 to draw up; to formulate

system (e.g. politcal, adminstratve etc);
5 制度 zhi4 du4 insttuton; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 智慧 zhi4 hui4 wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence

5 至今 zhi4 jin1 untl now

5 治疗 zhi4 liao2 to treat; to cure; medical treatment; cure

order (orderly); order (sequence); social
5 秩序 zhi4 xu4 order; the state (of society); CL:個|个[ge4]

5 至于 zhi4 yu2 as for; as to; to go so far as to

5 志愿者 zhi4 yuan4 zhe3 volunteer

5 制作 zhi4 zuo4 make; manufacture

clock; o'clock; tme as measured in hours
5 钟 zhong1 and minutes; bell; CL:架[jia4],座[zuo4]
to act as intermediary; to link; intermediate;
5 中介 zhong1 jie4 inter-; agency; agent

5 中心 zhong1 xin1 center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 中旬 zhong1 xun2 middle third of a month

5 重 zhong4 heavy; serious

5 重量 zhong4 liang4 weight; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 周到 zhou1 dao5 thoughtul; considerate; atentve; thorough

5 逐步 zhu2 bu4 progressively; step by step

5 竹子 zhu2 zi5 bamboo; CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]

5 煮 zhu3 to cook; to boil

to take charge of; to manage or direct; to
preside over; to uphold; to stand for (eg
5 主持 zhu3 chi2 justce); to host (a TV or radio program etc)

5 嘱咐 zhu3 fu4 to tell; to exhort; injuncton

5 主观 zhu3 guan1 subjectve

5 主人 zhu3 ren2 master; host; CL:個|个[ge4]

chairperson; premier; chairman; CL:個|个
5 主席 zhu3 xi2 [ge4],位[wei4]
to advocate; to stand for; view; positon;
stand; propositon; viewpoint; asserton; CL:
5 主张 zhu3 zhang1 個|个[ge4]

5 注册 zhu4 ce4 to register; to enroll

5 祝福 zhu4 fu2 blessings; wish well

to grasp frmly; to pay special atenton to;
5 抓紧 zhua1 jin3 to rush in; to make the most of

5 专家 zhuan1 jia1 expert; specialist; CL:個|个[ge4]

to concentrate; absorpton; concentraton;
5 专心 zhuan1 xin1 engrossed

5 转变 zhuan3 bian4 change; transform; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 转告 zhuan3 gao4 to pass on; to communicate; to transmit

adornment; to adorn; dress; clothing;
costume (of an actor in a play); to play a
role; to pretend; to install; to fx; to wrap
5 装 zhuang1 (sth in a bag); to load; to pack
to decorate; decoraton; decoratve;
5 装饰 zhuang1 shi4 ornamental
5 状况 zhuang4 kuang4 conditon; state; situaton; CL:個|个[ge4]
state of afairs; state; mode; situaton; CL:個
5 状态 zhuang4 tai4 |个[ge4]
to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek
5 追求 zhui1 qiu2 afer; to woo

5 资格 zi1 ge2 qualifcatons

5 资金 zi1 jin1 funds; funding; capital

material; resources; data; informaton;
5 资料 zi1 liao4 profle (Internet); CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4]

5 姿势 zi1 shi4 posture; positon

to consult; to seek advice; consultaton;
5 咨询 zi1 xun2 (sales) inquiry (formal)
natural resource (such as water or minerals);
5 资源 zi1 yuan2 resource (such as manpower or tourism)
erythrorhizon (fowering plant whose root
provides red purple dye); Japanese:
5 紫 zi3 murasaki

5 自从 zi4 cong2 since (a tme); ever since

5 自动 zi4 dong4 automatc; voluntarily

(feel a sense of) pride; to be proud of sth (in
5 自豪 zi4 hao2 a good way)
conscious; aware; on one's own initatve;
5 自觉 zi4 jue2 conscientous

5 字幕 zi4 mu4 capton; subttle

5 自私 zi4 si1 selfsh; selfshness

5 自信 zi4 xin4 confdence; self-confdence

5 自由 zi4 you2 freedom; free; liberty; CL:個|个[ge4]

5 自愿 zi4 yuan4 voluntary

comprehensive; composite; synthesized; to
5 综合 zong1 he2 sum up; to integrate; to synthesize
5 宗教 zong1 jiao4 religion
chairman; director-general (of a company
5 总裁 zong3 cai2 etc)

5 总共 zong3 gong4 altogether; in sum; in all; in total

premier; prime minister; CL:個|个[ge4],位
5 总理 zong3 li3 [wei4],名[ming2]

5 总算 zong3 suan4 at long last; fnally; on the whole

president (of a country); CL:個|个[ge4],位
5 总统 zong3 tong3 [wei4],名[ming2],屆|届[jie4]

5 总之 zong3 zhi1 in a word; in short; in brief

ancestral land CL:個|个[ge4]; homeland;
5 祖国 zu3 guo2 used for PRC

5 组合 zu3 he2 to assemble; combinaton; combinatorial

5 祖先 zu3 xian1 ancestor; forebears

5 阻止 zu3 zhi3 to prevent; to block

5 醉 zui4 intoxicated

5 最初 zui4 chu1 frst; primary; inital

5 罪犯 zui4 fan4 criminal

5 尊敬 zun1 jing4 respect; to revere

to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an
5 遵守 zun1 shou3 agreement)

5 作品 zuo4 pin3 work (of art); opus; CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1]

one's conduct; deed; actvity;
accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as
(in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look
5 作为 zuo4 wei2 upon (sth as); to take sth to be
to write an essay; compositon (student
5 作文 zuo4 wen2 essay); CL:篇[pian1]
hey; ow; ouch; interjecton of pain or
6 哎哟 ai1 yo1 surprise
to sufer from; to endure; to tde over (a
6 挨 ai2 difcult period); to delay

6 癌症 ai2 zheng4 cancer

to love sth too much to part with it (idiom);
6 爱不释手 ai4 bu4 shi4 shou3 to fondle admiringly
to love and respect; love and respect;
6 爱戴 ai4 dai4 esteem

6 暧昧 ai4 mei4 vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious

6 安居乐业 an1 ju1 le4 ye4 live in peace and work happily (idiom)

6 安宁 an1 ning2 peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed

6 安详 an1 xiang2 serene

fnd a place for; help setle down; arrange
6 安置 an1 zhi4 for; to get into bed; placement
law case; legal case; judicial case; CL:宗
6 案件 an4 jian4 [zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3]

6 案例 an4 li4 case (law); CL:個|个[ge4]

6 按摩 an4 mo2 massage

6 暗示 an4 shi4 to hint; to suggest; suggeston; a hint

6 昂贵 ang2 gui4 expensive; costly

bumpy; uneven; sloted and tabbed joint;
6 凹凸 ao1 tu1 crenelaton
(of cooking) to boil for a long tme; to
6 熬 ao2 endure; to sufer

6 奥秘 ao4 mi4 profound;

to hold on deep;
to; to acling
to; to dig up; to rake;
to push aside; to climb; to pull out; to strip
6 扒 ba1 of

6 疤 ba1 scar
to be eager for; to long for; to look forward
6 巴不得 ba1 bu4 de2 to
to fawn on; to curry favor with; to make up
6 巴结 ba1 jie5 to
to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm
(idiom); try to help the shoots grow by
6 拔苗助长 ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3pulling them upward.

6 把关 ba3 guan1 to guard a pass; to check on sth

6 把手 ba3 shou3 handle; grip; knob

6 把戏 ba3 xi4 acrobatcs; jugglery; cheap trick; game

the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道
; despotc rule; rule by might; evil as
opposed to the Way of the King 王道;
overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine
6 霸道 ba4 dao4 etc) strong; potent

6 罢工 ba4 gong1 a strike; to go on strike

6 掰 bai1 to break with both hands

6 百分点 bai3 fen1 dian3 percentage point

to break away from; to cast of (old ideas
etc); to get rid of; to break away (from); to
break out (of); to free oneself from; to
6 摆脱 bai3 tuo1 extricate oneself

6 拜访 bai4 fang3 pay a visit; call on

6 败坏 bai4 huai4 to ruin; to corrupt; to undermine

pay a New Year call; wish sb a Happy New
6 拜年 bai4 nian2 Year

6 拜托 bai4 tuo1 request sb to do sth; please!

to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees
6 颁布 ban1 bu4 etc)

6 颁发 ban1 fa1 issue; promulgate; award

6 斑纹 ban1 wen2 stripe; streak

6 版本 ban3 ben3 version; editon; release

6 伴侣 ban4 lv3 companion; mate; partner
to accompany; to follow; to occur together
6 伴随 ban4 sui2 with; atendant
to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth
6 半途而废 ban4 tu2 er2 fei4 unfnished

6 扮演 ban4 yan3 play the part of; act

to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a kidnapping;
6 绑架 bang3 jia4 abducton; staking

6 榜样 bang3 yang4 example; model; CL:個|个[ge4]

see 磅秤 scale; platorm balance; pound
6 磅 bang4 (unit of weight, about 454 grams)

6 包庇 bao1 bi4 shield; harbor; cover up

cloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth;
6 包袱 bao1 fu5 load; weight; burden

6 包围 bao1 wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in

6 包装 bao1 zhuang1 pack; package

to assure; to guarantee; to take care of; to
6 保管 bao3 guan3 safeguard; certainly; surely

6 饱和 bao3 he2 saturaton

6 饱经沧桑 bao3 jing1 cang1 sang1having lived through many changes

6 保密 bao3 mi4 to keep sth confdental; to maintain secrecy

6 保姆 bao3 mu3 nanny; housekeeper

6 保守 bao3 shou3 (politcally) conservatve; to guard; to keep

6 保卫 bao3 wei4 to defend; to safeguard

to take good care of (or conserve) one's
health; to keep in good repair; to maintain;
6 保养 bao3 yang3 maintenance

6 保障 bao3 zhang4 to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard

6 保重 bao3 zhong4 take care of oneself

6 报仇 bao4 chou2 to revenge (oneself); to avenge

6 报酬 bao4 chou5 reward; remuneraton

6 报答 bao4 da2 to repay; to requite

6 报到 bao4 dao4 report for duty; check in; register

to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst
6 爆发 bao4 fa1 out
to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge;
6 报复 bao4 fu4 retaliaton

6 抱负 bao4 fu4 aspiraton; ambiton

exposure (e.g. of photosensitve material); to
6 曝光 bao4 guang1 expose (a scandal to the public)

6 暴力 bao4 li4 violence; (use) force; violent

6 暴露 bao4 lu4 to expose; to reveal; to lay bare

general ofce of a newspaper; newspaper
6 报社 bao4 she4 ofce; CL:家[jia1]
submit an expense account; apply for
6 报销 bao4 xiao1 reimbursement; write-of; wipe out

6 抱怨 bao4 yuan4 to complain; to grumble

explosion; to explode; to blow up; to
6 爆炸 bao4 zha4 detonate

6 悲哀 bei1 ai1 grieved; sorrowful

6 卑鄙 bei1 bi3 base; mean; contemptble; despicable

6 悲惨 bei1 can3 miserable; tragic

the North Pole; the Arctc Pole; the north
6 北极 bei3 ji2 magnetc pole

6 被动 bei4 dong4 passive

6 备份 bei4 fen4 backup

6 被告 bei4 gao4 defendant

shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard
outer skin; alternatve reading bei4 qiao4,
6 贝壳 bei4 ke2 mostly writen

6 背叛 bei4 pan4 to betray

6 背诵 bei4 song4 recite; repeat from memory

memorandum; aide-memoire;
6 备忘录 bei4 wang4 lu4 memorandum book

6 奔波 ben1 bo1 rush about; be busy running about

to run quickly; to travel quickly; to move
6 奔驰 ben1 chi2 fast; Mercedes-Benz, German car make

6 本能 ben3 neng2 instnct

6 本钱 ben3 qian2 capital

the person himself; I (humble form used in
speeches); oneself; myself; in person;
6 本人 ben3 ren2 personal

6 本身 ben3 shen1 itself; in itself; per se

6 本事 ben3 shi5 ability; skill; source material; original story

based on...; in conformance with..; taking as
6 本着 ben3 zhe5 one's main principle

6 笨拙 ben4 zhuo1 clumsy; awkward; stupid

6 崩溃 beng1 kui4 to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart

6 甭 beng2 need not; (contracton of 不 and 用)

6 蹦 beng4 to jump; to bounce; to hop

6 迸发 beng4 fa1 to burst out; to gush; to spurt

6 逼迫 bi1 po4 to force; to compel; to coerce

6 鼻涕 bi2 t4 nasal mucus; snivel

6 比方 bi3 fang5 analogy; instance

metaphor; analogy; fgure of speech;
6 比喻 bi3 yu4 fguratvely

6 比重 bi3 zhong4 proporton; specifc gravity

6 臂 bi4 arm
malady; evil; malpractce; drawback;
6 弊病 bi4 bing4 disadvantage

6 必定 bi4 ding4 be bound to; be sure to

6 弊端 bi4 duan1 malpractce; abuse; corrupt practce

stop up; close up; hard to get to; out of the
6 闭塞 bi4 se4 way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking

6 碧玉 bi4 yu4 jasper

to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g.
6 鞭策 bian1 ce4 to make progress)
border area; borderland; fronter; fronter
6 边疆 bian1 jiang1 region

6 边界 bian1 jie4 boundary; border

6 边境 bian1 jing4 fronter; border

edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery;
6 边缘 bian1 yuan2 marginal; borderline

6 编织 bian1 zhi1 to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid

fat; (old form of character 匾, horizontal
6 扁 bian3 tablet with inscripton)
to belitle; to disparage; to play down; to
6 贬低 bian3 di1 demean; to degrade; to devalue

6 贬义 bian3 yi4 derogatory sense; negatve connotaton

to cover the whole (area); to be found
6 遍布 bian4 bu4 throughout
6 变故 bian4 gu4 an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of;
6 辩护 bian4 hu4 to defend; to plead
to explain; to justfy; to defend (a point of
view etc); to provide an explanaton; to try
6 辩解 bian4 jie3 to defend oneself

6 便利 bian4 li4 convenient; easy; facilitate

6 变迁 bian4 qian1 changes; vicissitudes

6 辨认 bian4 ren4 to recognize; to identfy

(informal) note; CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个
6 便条 bian4 tao2 [ge4]

6 便于 bian4 yu2 easy to; convenient for

6 辩证 bian4 zheng4 investgate; dialectcal

to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate;
6 变质 bian4 zhi4 metamorphosis
plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming
that may be exploited by an opponent;
6 辫子 bian4 zi5 handle; CL:根[gen1],條|条[tao2]
specimen; sample; the root cause and
6 标本 biao1 ben3 symptoms of a disease

6 标记 biao1 ji4 sign; mark; symbol; to mark up

6 飙升 biao1 sheng1 to rise rapidly; to soar

6 标题 biao1 t2 ttle; heading; headline; capton; subject

6 表决 biao3 jue2 decide by vote; vote

to declare one's positon; to say where one
6 表态 biao3 tai4 stands

6 表彰 biao3 zhang1 cite (in dispatches); commend

to choke; to stfe; to restrain; to hold back;
6 憋 bie1 to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath)

6 别人 bie2 ren5 other people; others; other person

6 别墅 bie2 shu4 villa; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]

6 别致 bie2 zhi4 unusual; unique

awkward; difcult; uncomfortable; not
agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche; awkward
6 别扭 bie4 niu5 (writng or speech)

6 濒临 bin1 lin2 on the verge of; close to

6 冰雹 bing1 bao2 hail; hailstone; CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4]

6 并存 bing4 cun2 to exist at the same tme; to coexist

6 并非 bing4 fei1 really isn't

6 并列 bing4 lie4 to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed

6 拨打 bo1 da3 to call; to dial

6 播放 bo1 fang4 to broadcast; to transmit

6 波浪 bo1 lang4 wave

6 波涛汹涌 bo1 tao1 xiong1 yong3 tumultuous situatons

6 剥削 bo1 xue1 to exploit; exploitaton

6 播种 bo1 zhong4 to sow seeds; sowing; seed

6 博大精深 bo2 da4 jing1 shen1 wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep

6 搏斗 bo2 dou4 to wrestle; to fght; to struggle

6 博览会 bo2 lan3 hui4 expositon; internatonal fair

wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite
form of address for a woman who is about
6 伯母 bo2 mu3 the age of one's mother); CL:個|个[ge4]

6 薄弱 bo2 ruo4 weak; frail

6 不顾 bu2 gu4 in spite of; regardless of

be worthy of; deserve to be called; prove
6 不愧 bu2 kui4 oneself to be

6 不料 bu2 liao4 unexpectedly; to one's surprise

6 不像话 bu2 xiang4 hua4 unreasonable; shocking; outrageous

6 不屑一顾 bu2 xie4 yi1 gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt

6 补偿 bu3 chang2 compensate; make up

6 补救 bu3 jiu4 remedy

6 哺乳 bu3 ru3 breast feeding; to suckle; to nurse

6 补贴 bu3 te1 to subsidize; subsidy; allowance

6 捕捉 bu3 zhuo1 to catch; to seize; to capture

act against one's will; have no alternatve
6 不得已 bu4 de2 yi3 but to; have to; to have no choice; must

6 步伐 bu4 fa2 pace; (measured) step; march

6 不妨 bu4 fang2 there is no harm in; might as well

lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fg. I don't
6 不敢当 bu4 gan3 dang1 deserve your praise; you fater me
postng on a bulletn board; notce; bulletn;
6 布告 bu4 gao4 to announce

6 不禁 bu4 jin1 can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from

arrangement; compositon; layout; opening
6 布局 bu4 ju2 (chess jargon)
cannot bear; cannot stand; uterly;
6 不堪 bu4 kan1 extremely
inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable;
6 不可思议 bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 unfathomable

6 不时 bu4 shi2 frequently; ofen; at any tme

6 部署 bu4 shu3 to dispose; to deploy; deployment

6 部位 bu4 wei4 positon; place
not stnt; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth);
6 不惜 bu4 xi1 not scruple (to do sth)

6 不相上下 bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4equally matched; about the same

6 不言而喻 bu4 yan2 er2 yu4 it goes without saying; it is self-evident

6 不由得 bu4 you2 de5 can't help; cannot but

by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook;
6 不择手段 bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4 unscrupulously
incessantly; without end; more than; not
6 不止 bu4 zhi3 limited to
to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to
6 布置 bu4 zhi4 fx up; to deploy

6 裁缝 cai2 feng5 tailor; dressmaker

6 财富 cai2 fu4 wealth; riches

6 才干 cai2 gan4 ability; competence

judgment; to referee; umpire; judge;
6 裁判 cai2 pan4 referee; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]

6 财务 cai2 wu4 fnancial afairs

6 裁员 cai2 yuan2 to cut staf; to lay of employees

6 财政 cai2 zheng4 fnances (public); fnancial

to procure (for an enterprise etc); to
6 采购 cai3 gou4 purchase

6 采集 cai3 ji2 to gather; to collect; to harvest

6 采纳 cai3 na4 to accept; to adopt

6 彩票 cai3 piao4 the lotery; lotery tcket

6 参谋 can1 mou2 staf ofcer; give advice

to consult a reference; to refer to (another
6 参照 can1 zhao4 document)

6 残酷 can2 ku4 cruel; cruelty

6 残留 can2 liu2 to remain; lef over; surplus; remnant

6 残忍 can2 ren3 cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless

6 灿烂 can4 lan4 to gliter; brilliant; splendid

6 舱 cang1 cabin; the hold of a ship or airplane

6 苍白 cang1 bai2 pale; wan

6 仓促 cang1 cu4 all of a sudden; hurriedly

6 仓库 cang1 ku4 depot; storehouse; warehouse

6 操劳 cao1 lao2 to work hard; to look afer

6 操练 cao1 lian4 drill; practce

6 操纵 cao1 zong4 to operate; to control; to rig; to manipulate

6 操作 cao1 zuo4 to work; to operate; to manipulate

6 嘈杂 cao2 za2 noisy; clamorous

6 草案 cao3 an4 draf (legislaton, proposal etc)

6 草率 cao3 shuai4 careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious

to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to
6 策划 ce4 hua4 engineer; planning; producer; planner

6 测量 ce4 liang2 survey; to measure; to gauge; to determine

6 策略 ce4 lve4 tactcs; to be tactul

6 侧面 ce4 mian4 lateral side; side; aspect; profle

more and more emerge; innumerable
6 层出不穷 ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2succession; breeding like fies (idiom)
arrangement of ideas; administratve level;
6 层次 ceng2 ci4 level; stage; phase

6 差距 cha1 ju4 disparity; gap

to investgate and capture (a criminal); to
6 查获 cha2 huo4 ferret out; to hunt down and arrest
river, mountain range etc; to branch of; to
turn of; to diverge; to stray (from the path);
to change the subject; to interrupt; to
6 岔 cha4 stagger (tmes)
an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the
6 刹那 cha4 na4 twinkling of an eye

6 诧异 cha4 yi4 fabbergasted; astonished

6 柴油 chai2 you2 diesel fuel

to assist by the arm; to mix; to support; to
6 搀 chan1 sustain
slander; defame; misrepresent; to speak
6 馋 chan2 maliciously
twistng; to twine; to wind; to pester; to
6 缠绕 chan2 rao4 bother
to expound (a positon); to elaborate (on a
6 阐述 chan3 shu4 topic); to treat (a subject)

6 产业 chan3 ye4 industry; estate; property; industrial

6 颤抖 chan4 dou3 to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble

6 猖狂 chang1 kuang2 savage; furious

6 昌盛 chang1 sheng4 prosperous

6 偿还 chang2 huan2 to repay; to reimburse

6 常年 chang2 nian2 a whole year; average year

6 尝试 chang2 shi4 to try; to atempt; CL:次[ci4]

routne; everyday business; daily operaton
6 常务 chang2 wu4 (of a company)
threshing foor; classifer for events and
6 场 chang3 happenings: spell, episode, bout

6 场合 chang3 he2 situaton; occasion

6 敞开 chang3 kai1 wide open; to open up

6 场面 chang3 mian4 scene; occasion

6 场所 chang3 suo3 locaton; place

to advocate; to initate; to propose; to be a
6 倡导 chang4 dao3 proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
unimpeded; free-fowing; straight path;
6 畅通 chang4 tong1 unclogged; move without obstructon

6 畅销 chang4 xiao1 best seller; chart-topping

6 倡议 chang4 yi4 to suggest; to initate; proposal; initatve

6 超级 chao1 ji2 transcending; high grade; super-; ultra-

paper money; a bill (e.g. 100 yuan); CL:張|张
6 钞票 chao1 piao4 [zhang1],扎[za1]

6 超越 chao1 yue4 to surpass; to exceed; to transcend

6 潮流 chao2 liu2 tde; current; trend

6 潮湿 chao2 shi1 damp; moist

jeer; mockery; scof; sneer; make fun of;
6 嘲笑 chao2 xiao4 laugh at (derogatory)

6 撤退 che4 tui4 retreat

6 撤销 che4 xiao1 to repeal; to revoke; to undo (computng)

to setle; to precipitate (solid sediment out
6 沉淀 chen2 dian4 of a soluton)

6 陈旧 chen2 jiu4 old-fashioned

6 陈列 chen2 lie4 to display; to exhibit

oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed;
6 沉闷 chen2 men4 not happy

6 陈述 chen2 shu4 an asserton; to declare; to state

contemplate; contemplaton; meditaton;
6 沉思 chen2 si1 ponder

6 沉重 chen2 zhong4 heavy; hard; serious; critcal

6 沉着 chen2 zhuo2 steady; calm and collected; not nervous

afer one's heart (idiom); gratfying and
6 称心如意 chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4 satsfactory; everything one could wish

6 称号 cheng1 hao4 name; term of address; ttle

6 橙 cheng2 orange tree; orange (color)

to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a
6 盛 cheng2 utensil

6 承办 cheng2 ban4 to undertake; to accept a contract

6 承包 cheng2 bao1 to contract; to undertake (a job)

6 城堡 cheng2 bao3 castle; rook (chess piece)

6 成本 cheng2 ben3 (manufacturing, producton etc) costs

6 惩罚 cheng2 fa2 penalty; punishment; to punish

6 成交 cheng2 jiao1 to complete a contract; to reach a deal

to promise; to undertake to do something;
6 承诺 cheng2 nuo4 commitment
clear (of liquid); limpid; to clarify; to make
6 澄清 cheng2 qing1 sth clear; to be clear (about the facts)

6 成天 cheng2 tan1 (coll.) all day long; all the tme

6 乘务员 cheng2 wu4 yuan2 atendant on an airplane, train, boat etc

to appear; to emerge; present (a certain
6 呈现 cheng2 xian4 appearance); demonstrate
6 成效 cheng2 xiao4 efect; result

6 成心 cheng2 xin1 intentonal; deliberate; on purpose

6 成员 cheng2 yuan2 member

6 诚挚 cheng2 zhi4 sincere; cordial

6 秤 cheng4 steelyard; Roman balance; CL:臺|台[tai2]

6 吃苦 chi1 ku3 to bear; hardships

6 吃力 chi1 li4 entail strenuous efort; be a strain

6 迟缓 chi2 huan3 slow; sluggish

lastng; enduring; persistent; permanent;
protracted; endurance; persistence; to last
6 持久 chi2 jiu3 long

6 池塘 chi2 tang2 pool; pond

6 迟疑 chi2 yi2 to hesitate

6 赤道 chi4 dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body)

6 赤字 chi4 zi4 (fnancial) defcit; red leter

6 充当 chong1 dang1 to serve as; to act as; to play the role of

impetus; impulse; emotonal impulse;
6 冲动 chong1 dong4 impulsive

6 冲击 chong1 ji1 an atack; under atack; a shock

6 充沛 chong1 pei4 abundant; plentful; vigorous

6 充实 chong1 shi2 rich; substantal; enrich; substantate

confict; to confict; clash of opposing forces;
6 冲突 chong1 tu1 collision (of interests); contenton

6 充足 chong1 zu2 adequate; sufcient; abundant

6 崇拜 chong2 bai4 to worship; adoraton
run together; to duplicate; one over
another; superpositon; an overlap;
redundancy; reduplicaton (in Chinese
grammar, e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to
6 重叠 chong2 die2 have a stroll)

6 崇高 chong2 gao1 majestc; sublime

6 崇敬 chong2 jing4 to revere; high esteem

Double Ninth or Yang Festval; 9th day of 9th
6 重阳节 Chong2 yang2 jie2 lunar month

6 抽空 chou1 kong4 to fnd the tme to do sth

6 筹备 chou2 bei4 preparatons; to get ready for sth

6 踌躇 chou2 chu2 to hesitate

6 稠密 chou2 mi4 dense

6 丑恶 chou3 e4 ugly; repulsive

6 初步 chu1 bu4 inital; preliminary; tentatve

6 出路 chu1 lu4 a way out (of a difculty etc)

6 出卖 chu1 mai4 to ofer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray

6 出身 chu1 shen1 family background; class origin

6 出神 chu1 shen2 entranced; Trance (music genre)

6 出息 chu1 xi5 promise; prospects; future

6 出洋相 chu1 yang2 xiang4 to make a fool of oneself

6 储备 chu3 bei4 reserves; to store up

6 储存 chu3 cun2 stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage

to discipline sb; to punish; disciplinary
acton; to deal with (a mater); CL:個|个
6 处分 chu3 fen4 [ge4]

6 处境 chu3 jing4 plight; unfavorable situaton

6 储蓄 chu3 xu4 to deposit money; to save; savings

6 处置 chu3 zhi4 to handle; to take care of; to punish

6 触犯 chu4 fan4 ofend

the stream fows without stopping (idiom);
6 川流不息 chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 unending fow

6 穿越 chuan1 yue4 to pass through; to cross; to overcome

6 船舶 chuan2 bo2 shipping; boats

to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit;
6 传达 chuan2 da2 transmission

6 传单 chuan2 dan1 leafet; fier; pamphlet

6 传授 chuan2 shou4 to impart; to pass on; to teach

6 喘气 chuan3 qi4 to breathe deeply; to pant

to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to
rove; bunch or cluster; string (computng);
6 串 chuan4 classifer for rows or strings
sheet; CL:條|条[tao2],件[jian4],張|张
6 床单 chuang2 dan1 [zhang1],床[chuang2]

6 创立 chuang4 li4 to found; establish; originate

innovaton; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze
6 创新 chuang4 xin1 new trails
to begin an undertaking; to start a major
6 创业 chuang4 ye4 task; to initate; to venture; venture
to create; to produce; to write; creatve
6 创作 chuang4 zuo4 work; creaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 吹牛 chui1 niu2 to brag; to chat (dialect)

to fater; to laud sb's accomplishments;
6 吹捧 chui1 peng3 adulaton
hammer; to hammer into shape; weight (e.g.
6 锤 chui2 of a steelyard or balance)

6 垂直 chui2 zhi2 perpendicular; vertcal

6 纯粹 chun2 cui4 purely

6 纯洁 chun2 jie2 pure; clean and honest; to purify

vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language
6 词汇 ci2 hui4 teaching purposes)

6 慈祥 ci2 xiang2 kindly; benevolent (ofen of older person)

6 雌雄 ci2 xiong2 male and female

6 刺 ci4 thorn; splinter; to stab; to pierce; to prick

6 伺候 ci4 hou4 to serve; to act as a valet

6 次品 ci4 pin3 substandard products; defectve; seconds

6 次序 ci4 xu4 sequence; order

cluster; collecton; collecton of books;
6 丛 cong2 thicket

6 从容不迫 cong2 rong2 bu4 po4 calm; unrufed

to bring together; to make do in a bad
situaton; to just get by; to improvise;
6 凑合 cou4 he5 passable; not too bad

6 粗鲁 cu1 lu3 crude; coarse; rough

to fee; to scutle; to exile or banish; to
6 窜 cuan4 amend or edit

6 摧残 cui1 can2 to ravage; to ruin

6 脆弱 cui4 ruo4 weak; frail

to rub or roll between the hands or fngers;
6 搓 cuo1 to twist
to consult; to discuss seriously; to negotate;
6 磋商 cuo1 shang1 to confer; negotatons; consultatons
setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustraton;
disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage;
6 挫折 cuo4 zhe2 to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue
to put up; to build (scafolding); to hang
(clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to
arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw
6 搭 da1 in (resources); to take (boat, train)

6 搭档 da1 dang4 to cooperate; partner

to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to
6 搭配 da1 pei4 add sth into a group

6 答辩 da2 bian4 to reply (to an accusaton)

6 达成 da2 cheng2 to reach (an agreement); to accomplish

to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email
6 答复 da2 fu4 header)
to wrap; to pack; to ask for a doggy bag (at a
6 打包 da3 bao1 restaurant)

6 打官司 da3 guan1 si5 to fle a lawsuit; to sue; to dispute

to hit; to strike; to atack; to crack down on
6 打击 da3 ji1 sth; a setback; a blow; percussion (music)
to fght; to scufe; to come to blows; CL:場|
6 打架 da3 jia4 场[chang2]
to size sb up; to take measure of; to
6 打量 da3 liang5 suppose; to reckon

6 打猎 da3 lie4 to go huntng

6 打仗 da3 zhang4 to fght a batle; to go to war

at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious;
6 大不了 da4 bu4 liao3 alarming

6 大臣 da4 chen2 minister (of a monarchy)

6 大伙儿 da4 huo3 r5 everybody; everyone; we all

6 大厦 da4 sha4 large building; edifce; mansion; CL:座[zuo4]

wantonly; without restraint (of enemy or
6 大肆 da4 si4 malefactor); unbridled
in general; more or less; in rough terms;
6 大体 da4 t3 basically; on the whole

6 大意 da4 yi4 general idea; main idea

6 大致 da4 zhi4 more or less; roughly; approximately

6 歹徒 dai3 tu2 evil-doer; malefactor; gangster; hoodlum

6 逮捕 dai4 bu3 to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest

6 代价 dai4 jia4 price; cost; consideraton (in share dealing)

to act on behalf of sb in a responsible
positon; to act as an agent or proxy;
6 代理 dai4 li3 surrogate

6 带领 dai4 ling3 to guide; to lead

6 怠慢 dai4 man4 to slight; to neglect

6 担保 dan1 bao3 to guarantee; to vouch for

6 胆怯 dan3 qie4 tmid; cowardly

6 蛋白质 dan4 bai2 zhi4 protein

6 诞辰 dan4 chen2 birthday

of season; slow business season; (see also
6 淡季 dan4 ji4 旺季)

6 诞生 dan4 sheng1 to be born

potable water (water with low salt content);
6 淡水 dan4 shui3 fresh water

6 当场 dang1 chang3 at the scene; on the spot

6 当初 dang1 chu1 at that tme; originally

6 当面 dang1 mian4 to sb's face; in sb's presence

current; today's; modern; present; to be
6 当前 dang1 qian2 facing (us)
persons involved or implicated; party (to an
6 当事人 dang1 shi4 ren2 afair)

6 当务之急 dang1 wu4 zhi1 ji2 top priority job; mater of vital importance

6 当心 dang1 xin1 to take care; to look out

6 当选 dang1 xuan3 be elected

party; associaton; club; society; surname
6 党 dang3 Dang; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 档案 dang4 an4 fle; record; archive; Taiwan pr. dang3 an4

6 档次 dang4 ci4 grade; class; quality; level

6 倒闭 dao3 bi4 to go bankrupt; to close down

guided missile; cruise missile; missile; CL:枚
6 导弹 dao3 dan4 [mei2]

6 导航 dao3 hang2 navigaton

to disturb; to look for trouble; to str up a
6 捣乱 dao3 luan4 row; to bother sb intentonally

6 导向 dao3 xiang4 to be oriented towards; orientaton

6 岛屿 dao3 yu3 islands

6 稻谷 dao4 gu3 rice crops

6 盗窃 dao4 qie4 to steal

(saying) the gains do not make up for the
6 得不偿失 de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 losses

6 得力 de2 li4 able; capable; competent; efcient

(of an area) rich in resources; (of a person)
6 得天独厚 de2 tan1 du2 hou4 gifed or able (idiom)
to commit an ofense; to violate the law;
excuse me! (formal); see also 得罪|得罪
6 得罪 de2 zui4 [de2 zui5]

6 蹬 deng1 to tread on; to step on

6 灯笼 deng1 long2 lantern
to land; to come ashore; to make landfall (of
6 登陆 deng1 lu4 typhoon etc); to log in

6 登录 deng1 lu4 to register; to login

6 等级 deng3 ji2 degree; rate

to open (one's eyes) wide; to stare at; to
6 瞪 deng4 glare at

6 堤坝 di1 ba4 dam

hostle; malevolence; antagonism; to view as
6 敌视 di2 shi4 enemy; to stand against

6 抵达 di3 da2 arrive; reach (a destnaton)

6 抵抗 di3 kang4 to resist; resistance

to resit; to boycot; to refuse (to cooperate);
6 抵制 di3 zhi4 to reject; resistance; refusal
conditon; situaton; plight; extent; room for
6 地步 di4 bu4 acton
real; pure; genuine; typical; well-done;
6 地道 di4 dao5 thorough

6 地势 di4 shi4 terrain; topography relief

to increase by degrees; in increasing order;
6 递增 di4 zeng1 incremental; progressive

6 地质 di4 zhi4 geology

6 颠簸 dian1 bo3 to shake; to jolt; to bump

to turn upside-down; to reverse; back-to-
6 颠倒 dian1 dao3 front; confused; deranged; crazy

6 典礼 dian3 li3 celebraton; ceremony

model; typical case; archetype; typical;
6 典型 dian3 xing2 representatve
to decorate; an ornament; to adorn; only for
6 点缀 dian3 zhui4 show
6 垫 dian4 pad; cushion; mat

6 奠定 dian4 ding4 to establish; to fx; to setle

6 惦记 dian4 ji4 remember with concern; worry about

6 电源 dian4 yuan2 electric power source

6 叼 diao1 to hold in the mouth

6 雕刻 diao1 ke4 to carve; to engrave; carving

a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to
6 雕塑 diao1 su4 carve

6 吊 diao4 to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person

6 调动 diao4 dong4 to transfer; to maneuver (troops etc)

6 跌 die1 to drop; to fall; to tumble; Taiwan pr. die2

to watch atentvely; to fx atenton on; to
6 盯 ding1 stare; to gaze; to follow; to shadow sb
to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again
6 叮嘱 ding1 zhu3 and again

6 定期 ding4 qi1 regularly; at regular intervals

6 定义 ding4 yi4 defniton

6 丢人 diu1 ren2 to lose face

6 丢三落四 diu1 san1 la4 si4 forgetul; scaterbrained

host; ofcial host (e.g. venue for games or a
6 东道主 dong1 dao4 zhu3 conference)
to look in all directons (idiom); to glance
6 东张西望 dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4

6 董事长 dong3 shi4 zhang3 chairman of the board; chairman

classifer for houses or buildings; ridgepole
6 栋 dong4 (old)
6 动荡 dong4 dang4 unrest (social or politcal); turmoil; upheaval; commoton
motor; locomotve; motve; motvaton;
6 动机 dong4 ji1 intenton

6 冻结 dong4 jie2 to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)

sound of actvity or people talking; news of
6 动静 dong4 jing4 actvity

6 动力 dong4 li4 power; moton; propulsion; force

6 动脉 dong4 mai4 artery

6 动身 dong4 shen1 go on a journey; leave

to hit with hands or fsts; to start work; to
6 动手 dong4 shou3 touch
development; trend; dynamic state;
6 动态 dong4 tai4 movement; moving

6 洞穴 dong4 xue2 cave; cavern

6 动员 dong4 yuan2 mobilize; arouse; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]

pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to
move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to take
responsibility for; to disclose in detail;
6 兜 dou1 combat armor (old)

6 陡峭 dou3 qiao4 precipitous

6 斗争 dou4 zheng1 a struggle; fght; batle

6 督促 du1 cu4 to urge sb to complete a task

6 都市 du1 shi4 city; metropolis

6 独裁 du2 cai2 dictatorship

6 毒品 du2 pin3 drugs; narcotcs; poison

6 赌博 du3 bo2 to gamble

6 堵塞 du3 se4 to block; to stop; blockage

6 杜绝 du4 jue2 put an end to
end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level
6 端 duan1 with both hands; to carry; regular
The Dragon Boat Festval (the 5th day of the
6 端午节 duan1 wu3 jie2 5th lunar month)

6 端正 duan1 zheng4 upright; regular; proper; correct

6 短促 duan3 cu4 short in tme; feetng; brief

to conclude; to determine; to come to a
6 断定 duan4 ding4 judgment
intermitent; of and on; discontnuous;
6 断断续续 duan4 duan4 xu4 xu4 stop-go; stammering; disjointed; inartculate

6 断绝 duan4 jue2 to sever; to break of

6 堆积 dui1 ji1 to pile up; to heap; accumulaton

6 对策 dui4 ce4 countermeasure for dealing with a situaton

6 对称 dui4 chen4 symmetry; symmetrical

to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by
6 对付 dui4 fu5 with

6 兑换 dui4 huan4 to convert; to exchange

to withstand; to resist; to stand of;
6 对抗 dui4 kang4 antagonism; confrontaton
to oppose; to set sth against; to be
antagonistc to; antthetcal; relatve
6 对立 dui4 li4 opposite; opposing; diametrical
rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse
writen vertcally down the sides of a
6 对联 dui4 lian2 doorway; CL:幅[fu2]

6 队伍 dui4 wu5 ranks; troops; CL:個|个[ge4]

(of a cheque etc) to cash; to honor a
6 兑现 dui4 xian4 commitment
to correspond; a correspondence;
corresponding; homologous; matching with
6 对应 dui4 ying4 sth; counterpart
to contrast; to compare; to place side by side
6 对照 dui4 zhao4 for comparison (as parallel texts); to check

6 顿时 dun4 shi2 at once; immediately; forthwith

to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking
6 哆嗦 duo1 suo5 of the body

6 多元化 duo1 yuan2 hua4 diversifcaton; pluralism; to diversify

to morally degenerate; to become depraved;
6 堕落 duo4 luo4 a fall from grace; a fall into sin or depravity

6 额外 e2 wai4 extra; added; additonal

6 恶心 e3 xin5 nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseatng

6 恶化 e4 hua4 worsen
to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep
6 遏制 e4 zhi4 within limits; to constrain; to restrain
(feeling of) resentment; (longstanding)
6 恩怨 en1 yuan4 grudge

6 而已 er2 yi3 that's all; nothing more

6 耳环 er3 huan2 earring; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4]

6 二氧化碳 er4 yang3 hua4 tan4 carbon dioxide CO2

to release; to issue; to announce; to
6 发布 fa1 bu4 distribute; also writen 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]

6 发财 fa1 cai2 to get rich

6 发呆 fa1 dai1 to daydream; lost in thought

to start; to launch; to unleash; to mobilize;
6 发动 fa1 dong4 to arouse
to catch fre; to ignite; to detonate; to get
6 发火 fa1 huo3 angry

6 发觉 fa1 jue2 to fnd; to detect; to discover

to shoot (a projectle); to fre (a rocket); to
launch; to emit (a partcle); to discharge;
6 发射 fa1 she4 emanaton; emission
6 发誓 fa1 shi4 to vow; to pledge; to swear
to publish; to issue (stocks, currency etc); to
6 发行 fa1 xing2 release; to distribute (a flm)
infamed from infecton or injury;
6 发炎 fa1 yan2 infammaton

6 发扬 fa1 yang2 to develop; to make full use of

6 发育 fa1 yu4 to develop; growth; development

legal person; corporaton; see also 自然人|
6 法人 fa3 ren2 自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2]
to take turns; order in series; tme; a kind of;
6 番 fan1 barbarians
to turn over; to fip over; to overturn; to
6 翻 fan1 translate; to decode

6 繁华 fan2 hua2 fourishing; bustling

6 繁忙 fan2 mang2 busy; bustling

6 繁体字 fan2 t3 zi4 traditonal Chinese character

6 繁殖 fan2 zhi2 to breed; to reproduce; to propagate

6 反驳 fan3 bo2 to retort; to refute

6 反常 fan3 chang2 unusual; abnormal

6 反倒 fan3 dao4 but on the contrary; but expectedly

6 反动 fan3 dong4 reacton; reactonary

to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reacton;
6 反感 fan3 gan3 antpathy

6 反抗 fan3 kang4 to resist; to rebel

6 反馈 fan3 kui4 to send back informaton; feedback

reverse side of sth; opposite side of some
6 反面 fan3 mian4 topic; the other side
to refect; refecton (from a mirror etc);
6 反射 fan3 she4 refex (i.e. automatc reacton of organism)
to think back over sth; to review; to revisit;
6 反思 fan3 si1 to rethink; refecton; reassessment
to ask (a queston) in reply; to answer a
6 反问 fan3 wen4 queston with a queston; rhetorical queston

6 反之 fan3 zhi1 on the other hand...; conversely...

6 范畴 fan4 chou2 category

to be in food; to overfow (the banks); to
6 泛滥 fan4 lan4 inundate; to spread unchecked

6 贩卖 fan4 mai4 to sell; to peddle; to trafc

directon; points of the compass; bearing;
6 方位 fang1 wei4 positon; azimuth

6 方言 fang1 yan2 dialect

6 方针 fang1 zhen1 policy; guidelines; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 防守 fang2 shou3 defend; protect (against)

disease preventon; protecton against
6 防疫 fang2 yi4 epidemic

6 防御 fang2 yu4 defense

to prevent; to guard against; to take
6 防止 fang2 zhi3 precautons

6 防治 fang2 zhi4 preventon and cure

6 纺织 fang3 zhi1 spinning and weaving

6 放大 fang4 da4 to enlarge; to magnify

6 放射 fang4 she4 to radiate; radioactve

6 放手 fang4 shou3 let go; have a free hand; let go one's hold

6 非法 fei1 fa3 illegal

birds and animals; the beasts of the feld and
6 飞禽走兽 fei1 qin2 zou3 shou4 the birds of the air

6 飞翔 fei1 xiang2 fy

6 飞跃 fei1 yue4 to leap

6 肥沃 fei2 wo4 fertle

6 诽谤 fei3 bang4 slander; libel

6 匪徒 fei3 tu2 gangster; bandit

6 废除 fei4 chu2 to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal

6 沸腾 fei4 teng2 boiling; ebulliton

6 废墟 fei4 xu1 ruins

to distnguish; to diferentate; to resolve; to
6 分辨 fen1 bian4 defend against an accusaton; to exculpate
propriety; appropriate behavior; proper
6 分寸 fen1 cun5 speech or acton; within the norms

6 吩咐 fen1 fu4 to tell; to instruct; to command

6 分红 fen1 hong2 a bonus; to award a bonus

6 分解 fen1 jie3 to resolve; to decompose; to break down

6 分裂 fen1 lie4 to split up; to divide; to break up; fssion

6 分泌 fen1 mi4 secrete

6 分明 fen1 ming2 clearly demarcated; sharply contoured

6 分歧 fen1 qi2 diference (of opinion, positon); bifurcaton

6 分散 fen1 san4 scater; disperse; distribute

6 分手 fen1 shou3 to split up; to break up

6 坟墓 fen2 mu4 sepulcher; tomb

6 粉末 fen3 mo4 fne powder; dust

white; light pink; erotc; beautful woman;
6 粉色 fen3 se4 powdered (with make-up)

6 粉碎 fen3 sui4 crash; break up

6 分量 fen4 liang4 weight; measure

storm; violent commoton; fg. crisis (e.g.
6 风暴 feng1 bao4 revoluton, uprising, fnancial crisis etc)
to seal; to close; to confne; to seal of; to
close down; sealed; confned; closed;
6 封闭 feng1 bi4 unreceptve
elegance (for men); elegant demeanor;
6 风度 feng1 du4 grace; poise
scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-
regarded; to be well-of; grand (topolect);
6 风光 feng1 guang1 impressive (topolect)
system of enfeofment; feudalism; feudal;
6 封建 feng1 jian4 feudalistc

6 锋利 feng1 li4 sharp (e.g. knife blade); incisive; to the point

6 丰满 feng1 man3 plentful; rich; plump; well-rounded

general mood; atmosphere; common
6 风气 feng1 qi4 practce

6 风趣 feng1 qu4 humor; wit; humorous; wity

6 丰盛 feng1 sheng4 rich; sumptuous

6 丰收 feng1 shou1 bumper harvest

6 封锁 feng1 suo3 to blockade; to seal of

6 风土人情 feng1 tu3 ren2 qing2 local conditons and customs (idiom)

6 风味 feng1 wei4 local favor; local style

to meet by chance; to come across; to fawn
6 逢 feng2 upon
6 奉献 feng4 xian4 to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote

6 否决 fou3 jue2 veto; to overrule; to veto; to reject

a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:對
6 夫妇 fu1 fu4 |对[dui4]

6 夫人 fu1 ren5 lady; madam; Mrs.; CL:位[wei4]

to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the
classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to
do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely
6 敷衍 fu1 yan3 enough to get by

6 幅度 fu2 du4 width; extent; range; scope

6 符号 fu2 hao4 symbol; mark; sign

6 福利 fu2 li4 (material) welfare; well-being

6 俘虏 fu2 lu3 captve

6 服气 fu2 qi4 to be convinced; to accept

6 福气 fu2 qi5 good fortune; to enjoy good fortune

6 辐射 fu2 she4 radiaton

6 腐败 fu3 bai4 corrupton; corrupt; roten

6 腐烂 fu3 lan4 to rot; to become gangrenous

corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically);
6 腐蚀 fu3 shi2 to rot; corrupton

6 腐朽 fu3 xiu3 roten; decayed; decadent; degenerate

6 抚养 fu3 yang3 to foster; to bring up; to raise

6 俯仰 fu3 yang3 looking up and down; actons; being obliging

to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary;
6 辅助 fu3 zhu4 subsidiary
secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-;
abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb; classifer for
6 副 fu4 pairs

6 负担 fu4 dan1 burden; to bear a burden

6 覆盖 fu4 gai4 to cover

to parrot; to crib; to copy sb's acton or
6 附和 fu4 he4 words; to trail sb's footsteps; copy-cat

6 复活 fu4 huo2 to bring back to life; to revive; resurrecton

6 附件 fu4 jian4 enclosure; atachment (email); appendix

subsidiary; auxiliary; atached; afliated;
6 附属 fu4 shu3 subordinate; subordinatng

6 腹泻 fu4 xie4 diarrhea; to have the runs

6 复兴 fu4 xing1 to revive; rebirth

to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to
6 赋予 fu4 yu3 bestow

6 富裕 fu4 yu4 abundant; afuent; richness; afuence

6 副作用 fu4 zuo4 yong4 side efect

6 改良 gai3 liang2 improve

6 盖章 gai4 zhang1 to afx a seal (to sth)

6 尴尬 gan1 ga4 awkward; embarrassed

6 干旱 gan1 han4 drought; arid; dry

6 干扰 gan1 rao3 to interfere; obstructon

6 干涉 gan1 she4 to interfere; to meddle; interference

6 甘心 gan1 xin1 to be willing to; to resign oneself to

6 干预 gan1 yu4 to meddle; to intervene; interventon

6 感慨 gan3 kai3 lament; with a tnge of emoton or regret

6 感染 gan3 ran3 infecton; to infect; to infuence

6 干劲 gan4 jin4 enthusiasm for doing sth

6 扛 gang1 to raise alof with both hands

6 刚刚 gang1 gang1 just recently; just a moment ago

6 纲领 gang1 ling3 program; guiding principle

6 港口 gang3 kou3 port; harbor

6 港湾 gang3 wan1 natural harbor; bay serving as harbor

6 岗位 gang3 wei4 a post; a job

6 杠杆 gang4 gan3 lever; pry bar; crowbar; fnancial leverage

6 高超 gao1 chao1 excellent; superlatve

high tde; high water; upsurge; climax;
6 高潮 gao1 chao2 orgasm; chorus (part of a song)

6 高峰 gao1 feng1 peak; summit; height

college entrance exam; abbr. for 普通高等
生全国统一考试[pu3 tong1 gao1 deng3
xue2 xiao4 zhao1 sheng1 quan2 guo2 tong3
6 高考 gao1 kao3 yi1 kao3 shi4]

6 高明 gao1 ming2 wise; brilliant; superior

6 高尚 gao1 shang4 nobly; lofy

6 高涨 gao1 zhang3 upsurge; (tensions etc) run high

rough draf; material contributng to a fnal
6 稿件 gao3 jian4 document

6 告辞 gao4 ci2 to take leave

6 告诫 gao4 jie4 to warn; to admonish

6 割 ge1 to cut; to cut apart

6 搁 ge1 to place; to put aside; to shelve

swelling or lump on skin; pimple; knot;
6 疙瘩 ge1 da5 preoccupaton; problem

6 歌颂 ge1 song4 sing the praises of; extol; eulogize

6 隔阂 ge2 he2 estrangement

6 格局 ge2 ju2 structure; patern; layout

6 隔离 ge2 li2 to separate; to isolate

6 格式 ge2 shi4 form; specifcaton; format

6 各抒己见 ge4 shu1 ji3 jian4 everyone gives their own view

6 个体 ge4 t3 individual

6 各自 ge4 zi4 each; respectve; apiece

in front of; close to; nearby; the tme just
6 跟前 gen1 qian2 before

6 根深蒂固 gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 deep-rooted (problem etc)

6 跟随 gen1 sui2 to follow

6 根源 gen1 yuan2 origin; root (cause)

6 跟踪 gen1 zong1 to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow

6 耕地 geng1 di4 arable land; to plow land

to replace the old with new; to renew; to
renovate; to upgrade; to update; to
6 更新 geng1 xin1 regenerate

6 更正 geng1 zheng4 to correct; to make a correcton

6 公安局 gong1 an1 ju2 Public Security Bureau

6 供不应求 gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply does not meet demand

6 公道 gong1 dao4 justce; fairness; public highway

6 宫殿 gong1 dian4 palace; CL:座[zuo4]

6 工夫 gong1 fu5 tme; skill

6 公告 gong1 gao4 post; announcement

6 公关 gong1 guan1 public relatons

to atack; to accuse; to charge; an atack
6 攻击 gong1 ji1 (terrorist or military)
to furnish; to provide; supply (as in supply
6 供给 gong1 ji3 and demand)

6 恭敬 gong1 jing4 deferental; with respect

homework; assignment; task; classwork;
6 功课 gong1 ke4 lesson; study; CL:門|门[men2]

6 攻克 gong1 ke4 to capture; to take

6 功劳 gong1 lao2 contributon; meritorious service; credit

6 公民 gong1 min2 citzen

6 公婆 gong1 po2 husband's parents; parents-in-law

6 公然 gong1 ran2 openly; publicly; undisguised

6 公认 gong1 ren4 publicly known (to be); accepted (as)

6 公式 gong1 shi4 formula

6 公务 gong1 wu4 ofcial business

6 功效 gong1 xiao4 efcacy

6 工艺品 gong1 yi4 pin3 handicraf artcle; handiwork; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 公正 gong1 zheng4 just; fair; equitable

6 公证 gong1 zheng4 notarizaton; notarized; acknowledgement

6 巩固 gong3 gu4 to consolidate; consolidaton; to strengthen

6 共和国 gong4 he2 guo2 republic

6 共计 gong4 ji4 to sum up to; to total

physical resonance; sympathetc response to
6 共鸣 gong4 ming2 sth
to collude with; to collaborate with; to gang
6 勾结 gou1 jie2 up with

6 钩子 gou1 zi5 hook

to outline a story; to make a preliminary
6 构思 gou4 si1 sketch

6 孤独 gu1 du2 lonely; solitary

to fail to live up (to expectatons); unworthy
(of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to
6 辜负 gu1 fu4 disappoint

6 孤立 gu1 li4 isolate; isolated

temporarily; the tme being; for the
6 姑且 gu1 qie3 moment; provisional; tentatvely

6 股东 gu3 dong1 shareholder; stockholder

6 古董 gu3 dong3 curio; antque

6 鼓动 gu3 dong4 to agitate; to arouse; to instgate; to encite

6 股份 gu3 fen4 a share (in a company); stock

diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fg.
6 骨干 gu3 gan4 backbone

6 古怪 gu3 guai4 eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer

6 顾虑 gu4 lv4 misgivings; apprehensions

6 固然 gu4 ran2 admitedly (it's true that...)

6 顾问 gu4 wen4 adviser; consultant

home; homeland; natve place; CL:個|个
6 故乡 gu4 xiang1 [ge4]

6 固有 gu4 you3 intrinsic to sth; inherent; natve

malfuncton; breakdown; defect;
shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment;
6 故障 gu4 zhang4 error; bug (in sofware)

6 固执 gu4 zhi5 persistent; stubborn

6 拐杖 guai3 zhang4 crutches; crutch; walking stck

6 官方 guan1 fang1 ofcial; (by the) government

6 观光 guan1 guang1 to tour; sightseeing; tourism

to take care; to keep an eye on; to look afer;
6 关照 guan1 zhao4 to tell; to remind

6 管辖 guan3 xia2 to administer; to have jurisdicton (over)

6 罐 guan4 can; jar; pot

to implement; to put into practce; to carry
6 贯彻 guan4 che4 out

6 灌溉 guan4 gai4 to irrigate

6 惯例 guan4 li4 conventonal

6 光彩 guang1 cai3 luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance

6 光辉 guang1 hui1 radiance; glory; brilliant; magnifcent

6 光芒 guang1 mang2 rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance

6 广阔 guang3 kuo4 wide; vast

norm; standard; specifcaton; regulaton;
rule; within the rules; to fx rules; to
6 规范 gui1 fan4 regulate; to specify

6 规格 gui1 ge2 standard; norm; specifcaton

6 归根到底 gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 (saying) to sum it up...

6 规划 gui1 hua4 plan; program

6 归还 gui1 huan2 to
to return
sum up;sth;
to to revert to conclude from
facts; inducton (method of deducton in
6 归纳 gui1 na4 logic)

6 规章 gui1 zhang1 rule; regulaton

orbit; railway or tram line; fg. conventonal
6 轨道 gui3 dao4 way of thinking

6 跪 gui4 kneel
lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman;
6 贵族 gui4 zu2 aristocrat; aristocracy

6 棍棒 gun4 bang4 club

6 国防 guo2 fang2 natonal defense

6 国务院 Guo2 Wu4 Yuan4 State Council (PRC); State Department (USA)

6 果断 guo3 duan4 frm; decisive

excessive; over-; excess; going too far;
6 过度 guo4 du4 extravagant; intemperate; overdue
to cross over (by ferry); transiton; interim;
6 过渡 guo4 du4 caretaker (administraton)

6 过奖 guo4 jiang3 to over-praise; to fater

6 过滤 guo4 lv4 to flter; flter

6 过失 guo4 shi1 defect; fault

6 过问 guo4 wen4 to show an interest in; to get involved with

to satsfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth;
gratfying; immensely enjoyable; satsfying;
6 过瘾 guo4 yin3 fulflling

6 过于 guo4 yu2 too much; excessively

6 嗨 hai1 oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword)

6 海拔 hai3 ba2 height above sea level; elevaton

6 海滨 hai3 bin1 shore; seaside

6 含糊 han2 hu5 obscurity; vague

exchanging conventonal greetngs; to talk
6 寒暄 han2 xuan1 about the weather
meaning (implicit in a phrase); implied
6 含义 han2 yi4 meaning; hidden meaning; hint; connotaton

6 罕见 han3 jian4 rare; rarely seen

6 捍卫 han4 wei4 defend; uphold; safeguard

6 航空 hang2 kong1 aviaton

6 行列 hang2 lie4 procession

6 航天 hang2 tan1 space fight

6 航行 hang2 xing2 to sail; to fy; to navigate

6 豪迈 hao2 mai4 bold; open-minded; heroic

6 毫米 hao2 mi3 millimeter

not in the least; none whatsoever;
6 毫无 hao2 wu2 completely without

6 耗费 hao4 fei4 to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander

hospitality; to treat guests well; to enjoy
6 好客 hao4 ke4 having guests; hospitable; friendly

6 号召 hao4 zhao4 to call; to appeal

6 呵 he1 to scold in a loud voice; to yawn

6 和蔼 he2 ai3 kindly; nice; amiable

6 合并 he2 bing4 to merge; to annex

to compose; to consttute; compound;
6 合成 he2 cheng2 synthesis; mixture; synthetc

6 合乎 he2 hu1 to accord with; conforming to

6 合伙 he2 huo3 to
to act jointly;
setle to form
(a dispute outa of
court); to
reconcile; setlement; conciliaton; to
6 和解 he2 jie3 become reconciled

6 和睦 he2 mu4 peaceful relatons; harmonious

6 和气 he2 qi5 friendly; polite; amiable

6 合身 he2 shen1 well-ftng (of clothes)

worthwhile; be a good deal; be a bargain;
6 合算 he2 suan4 reckon up; calculate

6 和谐 he2 xie2 harmonious

6 嘿 hei1 hey

6 痕迹 hen2 ji4 vestge; mark; trace

6 狠心 hen3 xin1 callous; heartless

wishing one could do sth; to hate to be
unable; itching to do sth; can't wait for; to
6 恨不得 hen4 bu5 de2 wish one could do sth; to desire strongly

6 哼 heng1 to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon; humph!

roar of laughter (onomatopoeia); hubbub; to
6 哄 hong1 roar (as a crowd)

6 烘 hong1 to bake; to heat by fre

6 轰动 hong1 dong4 sensaton; str

lit. money wrapped in red as a gif; a bonus
6 红包 hong2 bao1 payment; a kickback; a bribe

6 宏观 hong2 guan1 macro-; macroscopic; holistc

6 洪水 hong2 shui3 deluge; food

6 宏伟 hong2 wei3 grand; imposing; magnifcent

6 喉咙 hou2 long2 throat; larynx

6 吼 hou3 roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage

posterity; later periods; later ages; later
6 后代 hou4 dai4 generatons
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family
worries (obstructng freedom of acton);
worries about the future consequences;
ofen in negatve expressions, meaning "no
6 后顾之忧 hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1 worries about anything"

6 后面 hou4 mian4 rear; back; behind; later; aferwards

6 后勤 hou4 qin2 logistcs

6 候选 hou4 xuan3 candidate

6 忽略 hu1 lve4 to neglect; to overlook; to ignore

6 呼啸 hu1 xiao4 to whistle; to scream; to whiz

to call on (sb to do sth); to appeal (to); an
6 呼吁 hu1 yu4 appeal
careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly;
6 胡乱 hu2 luan4 at will; at random; any old how

6 湖泊 hu2 po1 lake

6 互联网 hu4 lian2 wang3 the Internet

6 华丽 hua2 li4 gorgeous

6 华侨 hua2 qiao2 overseas Chinese; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

6 化肥 hua4 fei2 fertlizer

6 划分 hua4 fen1 to divide

lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fg. to ruin
the efect by adding sth superfuous; to
6 画蛇添足 hua4 she2 tan1 zu2 overdo it

6 化石 hua4 shi2 fossil

6 话筒 hua4 tong3 microphone

6 化验 hua4 yan4 laboratory test; chemical experiment; assay

6 化妆 hua4 zhuang1 to put on make-up

pregnant; to have conceived; gestaton;
6 怀孕 huai2 yun4 pregnancy
gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure;
6 欢乐 huan1 le4 happy; joyous; gay
round segment; segment (of annelid
worms); connecton; link; sector; annular
6 环节 huan2 jie2 ring
to restore to the original state; reducton
6 还原 huan2 yuan2 (chemistry)
to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate;
6 缓和 huan3 he2 to allay; to make more mild

6 患者 huan4 zhe3 patent; suferer

6 荒凉 huang1 liang2 desolate

6 慌忙 huang1 mang2 in a great rush; in a furry

6 荒谬 huang1 miu4 absurd; ridiculous

beyond belief; preposterous; absurd;
6 荒唐 huang1 tang2 intemperate; dissipated

6 黄昏 huang2 hun1 dusk; evening; nightall

6 恍然大悟 huang3 ran2 da4 wu4 to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light

6 辉煌 hui1 huang2 splendid; glorious

to squander money; extravagant; prodigal;
6 挥霍 hui1 huo4 free and easy; agile
(in) return; reciprocaton; payback;
6 回报 hui2 bao4 retaliaton; to report back; to reciprocate

6 回避 hui2 bi4 to evade; to shun; to avoid

6 回顾 hui2 gu4 to look back; to review

6 回收 hui2 shou1 to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover

6 悔恨 hui3 hen4 remorse; repentance

6 毁灭 hui3 mie4 perish; ruin; destroy

to report; to give an account of; to collect
6 汇报 hui4 bao4 informaton and report back

6 贿赂 hui4 lu4 to bribe; a bribe

6 会晤 hui4 wu4 to meet; meetng; conference

to lose consciousness; to be in a coma;
6 昏迷 hun1 mi2 stupor; coma; stunned; disoriented

6 浑身 hun2 shen1 all over; from head to foot

6 混合 hun4 he2 to mix; to blend

6 混乱 hun4 luan4 confusion; chaos; disorder

to obscure; to confuse; to mix up; to blur; to
6 混淆 hun4 xiao2 mislead

6 混浊 hun4 zhuo2 turbid; muddy; dirty

(coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought;
6 活该 huo2 gai1 should

6 活力 huo2 li4 energy; vitality; vigor; vital force

6 火箭 huo3 jian4 rocket; CL:枚[mei2]

6 火焰 huo3 yan4 blaze; fame

6 火药 huo3 yao4 gunpowder

6 货币 huo4 bi4 currency; monetary; money

6 或许 huo4 xu3 perhaps; maybe

base (of operatons); industrial or military
6 基地 ji1 di4 base; al-Qaeda
locomotve; motorized; power-driven;
adaptable; fexible (use, treatment, tming
6 机动 ji1 dong4 etc)

6 饥饿 ji1 e4 hunger; starvaton; famine

6 激发 ji1 fa1 to arouse; to excite

mechanism; structure; organizaton; agency;
6 机构 ji1 gou4 insttuton; CL:所[suo3]
mechanism; gear; machine-operated; ofce;
agency; organ; organizaton; establishment;
insttuton; body; strategum; scheme;
6 机关 ji1 guan1 intrigue; plot; trick; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 基金 ji1 jin1 fund

6 激励 ji1 li4 to encourage; to urge; motvaton; incentve

6 机灵 ji1 ling5 clever; quick-wited

6 机密 ji1 mi4 secret; classifed (informaton)

6 激情 ji1 qing2 passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emoton

6 讥笑 ji1 xiao4 to sneer

6 机械 ji1 xie4 machine; machinery; mechanical

6 基因 ji1 yin1 gene (loanword)

opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke
6 机遇 ji1 yu4 of luck

6 机智 ji1 zhi4 quick-wited; tact; wity; resourceful

even if; even though; right away;
6 即便 ji2 bian4 immediately

6 级别 ji2 bie2 (military) rank; level; grade

6 疾病 ji2 bing4 disease; sickness; ailment

6 嫉妒 ji2 du4 to be jealous; to envy; to hate

6 极端 ji2 duan1 extreme

seeking instant beneft (idiom); shortsighted
6 急功近利 ji2 gong1 jin4 li4 vision, looking only for fast return
one's natve place; place of ancestry;
6 籍贯 ji2 guan4 registered birthplace
on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the
6 即将 ji2 jiang1 verge of

6 急剧 ji2 ju4 rapid; sudden

6 急切 ji2 qie4 eager; impatent

6 集团 ji2 tuan2 group; bloc; corporaton; conglomerate

6 极限 ji2 xian4 limit; extreme boundary

6 吉祥 ji2 xiang2 lucky; auspicious; propitous

anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand
instant success; impatent for result;
6 急于求成 ji2 yu2 qiu2 cheng2 impetuous
at the earliest possible tme; as soon as
6 及早 ji2 zao3 possible

6 急躁 ji2 zao4 irritable; irascible; impetuous

6 给予 ji3 yu3 to accord; to give; to show (respect)

6 继承 ji4 cheng2 to inherit; to carry on; to succeed

quarter (fnance, publishing, schools etc);
6 季度 ji4 du4 season (sports); period of three months

6 忌讳 ji4 hui4 taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from

6 计较 ji4 jiao4 to haggle; to bicker; to argue

6 寂静 ji4 jing4 quiet

6 季军 ji4 jun1 third in a race; bronze medalist

6 技能 ji4 neng2 technical ability; skill

6 技巧 ji4 qiao3 skill; technique

to have sb look afer sb; to entrust the care
6 寄托 ji4 tuo1 of sb; to place (hope etc) on
(idiom); part of a historical transiton;
forming a bridge between earlier and later
6 继往开来 ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2 stages

6 迹象 ji4 xiang4 mark; indicaton; sign; indicator

6 记性 ji4 xing5 memory; recall

6 纪要 ji4 yao4 minutes; writen summary of a meetng

6 记载 ji4 zai3 write down; record; writen account

6 家常 jia1 chang2 the daily life of a family

to process; processing; working (of
6 加工 jia1 gong1 machinery)
household dish, implement or furniture;
6 家伙 jia1 huo5 domestc animal; guy (slang); chap
to intensify; to sharpen; to accelerate; to
6 加剧 jia1 ju4 aggravate; to exacerbate; to embiter

6 家属 jia1 shu3 family member; (family) dependent

6 佳肴 jia1 yao2 fne food; delicacies; delicious food

understood by everyone (idiom); well
6 家喻户晓 jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 known; a household name
to mix together (disparate substances); to
6 夹杂 jia1 za2 mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with

6 假设 jia3 she4 suppose that...; hypothesis; conjecture

6 假使 jia3 shi3 if; in case; suppose; given ...

6 坚定 jian1 ding4 frm; steady; staunch; resolute

6 监督 jian1 du1 to control; to supervise; to inspect

sharp pointed end; the tp; the cusp; tp-top;
most advanced and sophistcated; highest
6 尖端 jian1 duan1 peak; the best

6 坚固 jian1 gu4 frm; frmly; hard; stable

6 艰难 jian1 nan2 difcult; hard; challenging

6 坚韧 jian1 ren4 tough and durable; tenacious

6 坚实 jian1 shi2 frm and substantal; solid

to monitor; to oversee; to keep a close
6 监视 jian1 shi4 watch over; to spy on

6 坚硬 jian1 ying4 hard; solid

6 监狱 jian1 yu4 prison

to hold concurrent posts; part-tme;
6 兼职 jian1 zhi2 concurrent job; moonlightng

6 拣 jian3 to choose; to pick; to sort out; to pick up

to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening
6 剪彩 jian3 cai3 ceremony)

6 简化 jian3 hua4 simplify

6 简陋 jian3 lou4 simple and crude (of a room or building)

6 检讨 jian3 tao3 to examine or inspect; self-critcism; review

simplifed Chinese character, as opposed to
traditonal Chinese character 繁體字|繁体
6 简体字 jian3 t3 zi4 字[fan2 t3 zi4]

6 检验 jian3 yan4 to inspect; to examine; to test

6 简要 jian3 yao4 concise; brief

6 溅 jian4 splash

6 鉴别 jian4 bie2 to diferentate; to distnguish

6 间谍 jian4 die2 spy

6 鉴定 jian4 ding4 to appraise; to identfy; to evaluate

6 见多识广 jian4 duo1 shi2 guang3experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)

6 间隔 jian4 ge2 compartment; gap; interval; to divide

6 间接 jian4 jie1 indirect

6 见解 jian4 jie3 opinion; view; understanding

6 健全 jian4 quan2 robust; strong

6 践踏 jian4 ta4 to trample

6 舰艇 jian4 tng3 warship; naval vessel

what one sees and hears; knowledge;
6 见闻 jian4 wen2 informaton
to see what is right and act courageously
(idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely
6 见义勇为 jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 for the truth; actng heroically in a just cause

6 鉴于 jian4 yu2 in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas

6 将近 jiang1 jin4 almost; nearly; close to

(Military) admiral; (chess) to check; to
6 将军 jiang1 jun1 embarrass

6 僵硬 jiang1 ying4 stark; stf

6 桨 jiang3 oar; paddle

6 奖励 jiang3 li4 reward (as encouragement)

6 奖赏 jiang3 shang3 reward; prize; an award

6 降临 jiang4 lin2 to descend to

6 交叉 jiao1 cha1 to cross; to intersect

to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to
brief (sb); to account for; to justfy oneself;
6 交代 jiao1 dai4 to confess; to fnish (colloquial)

6 焦点 jiao1 dian3 focus; focal point

6 焦急 jiao1 ji2 anxiety; anxious

6 娇气 jiao1 qi4 delicate; squeamish; fnicky

6 交涉 jiao1 she4 to negotate; relatng to

6 交往 jiao1 wang3 to associate; to contact; associaton; contact

(business) transacton; business deal; CL:筆|
6 交易 jiao1 yi4 笔[bi3]

6 搅拌 jiao3 ban4 to str; to agitate

6 角落 jiao3 luo4 nook; corner

6 缴纳 jiao3 na4 to pay (taxes etc)

to have a contest with sb; to cross swords; to
measure up against; to compete with; to
6 较量 jiao4 liang4 haggle; to quibble
to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture;
educaton; culture; upbringing; early
6 教养 jiao4 yang3 conditoning

6 皆 jie1 all; each and every; in all cases

6 阶层 jie1 ceng2 hierarchy; stratum

to expose; to bring to light; to disclose;
6 揭发 jie1 fa1 revelaton

6 接连 jie1 lian2 on end; in a row; in succession

to expose; to unmask; to ferret out; to
6 揭露 jie1 lu4 disclose; disclosure
outstanding; distnguished; remarkable;
6 杰出 jie2 chu1 prominent; illustrious

6 结果 jie2 guo3 result; outcome; efect; in the event; so that

to spare no efort (idiom); to do one's
6 竭尽全力 jie2 jin4 quan2 li4 utmost

6 结晶 jie2 jing1 crystallizaton; crystalline; crystal

6 结局 jie2 ju2 conclusion; ending

6 结算 jie2 suan4 to setle a bill; to close an account

6 截至 jie2 zhi4 up to (a tme); by (a tme)

6 节奏 jie2 zou4 rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat

to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve
(sb of their dutes); to free; to lif (an
6 解除 jie3 chu2 embargo); to rescind (an agreement)

6 解雇 jie3 gu4 to fre; to sack; to dismiss

6 解剖 jie3 pou1 to dissect (an animal); to analyze; anatomy

6 解散 jie3 san4 dissolve; disband

to break up into components; to
6 解体 jie3 t3 disintegrate; to collapse; to crumble
to take precautons; to guard against
6 戒备 jie4 bei4 (emergency)
to use other people's experience; to borrow
6 借鉴 jie4 jian4 from a source; to use as reference

6 界限 jie4 xian4 boundary; marginal

6 借助 jie4 zhu4 to draw support from; with the help of

with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with
6 津津有味 jin1 jin1 you3 wei4 gusto; to relish; eagerly; with great interest

6 金融 jin1 rong2 banking; fnance; fnancial

as quickly as possible; as soon as possible;
6 尽快 jin3 kuai4 with all speed; also writen 盡快|尽快
6 尽量 jin3 liang4 as much as possible; to the greatest extent

6 紧密 jin3 mi4 inseparably close

6 紧迫 jin3 po4 pressing; urgent

a bright future; a rosy future; brilliant
6 锦绣前程 jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2 prospects

6 进而 jin4 er2 and then (what follows next)

to atack; to assault; to go on the ofensive;
6 进攻 jin4 gong1 atack; assault; ofense (sports)

6 进化 jin4 hua4 evoluton; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 近来 jin4 lai2 recently; lately

6 浸泡 jin4 pao4 to steep; to soak; to immerse

6 晋升 jin4 sheng1 to promote to a higher positon

6 近视 jin4 shi4 shortsighted; nearsighted; myopia

6 劲头 jin4 tou2 enthusiasm; zeal; vigor; strength

6 进展 jin4 zhan3 to make headway; to make progress

6 茎 jing1 stalk; stem; CL:條|条[tao2]

(saying) metculous planning and careful
6 精打细算 jing1 da3 xi4 suan4 accountng

6 惊动 jing1 dong4 alarm; alert; disturb

6 经费 jing1 fei4 funds; expenditure; CL:筆|笔[bi3]

best feature; most important part of an
6 精华 jing1 hua2 object; quintessence; essence; soul

6 精简 jing1 jian3 to simplify; to reduce

6 兢兢业业 jing1 jing1 ye4 ye4 cautous and conscientous

6 精密 jing1 mi4 accuracy; exact; precise; refned

6 惊奇 jing1 qi2 to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder

6 精确 jing1 que4 accurate; precise

to trade; to carry out commercial actvites;
6 经商 jing1 shang1 in business

6 精通 jing1 tong1 profcient

warp and woof; longitude and lattude; main
6 经纬 jing1 wei3 points

6 精心 jing1 xin1 with utmost care; fne; metculous; detailed

amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing;
6 惊讶 jing1 ya4 astonishment; awe
to perfect sth that is already outstanding
6 精益求精 jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 (idiom); constantly improving

6 精致 jing1 zhi4 delicate; fne; exquisite; refned

6 井 jing3 warn; well; surname Jing; CL:口[kou3]

6 警告 jing3 gao4 to warn; to admonish

to be on the alert; vigilant; alert; on guard;
6 警惕 jing3 t4 to warn vertebra; the seven cervical
vertebrae in the neck of humans and most
6 颈椎 jing3 zhui1 mammals

6 境界 jing4 jie4 boundary; state; realm

6 敬礼 jing4 li3 salute

6 竞赛 jing4 sai4 race; competton; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 镜头 jing4 tou2 camera shot (in a movie etc); scene

6 竞选 jing4 xuan3 to take part in an electon; to run for ofce

6 纠纷 jiu1 fen1 a dispute; entanglement (law)

6 纠正 jiu1 zheng4 to correct; to make right
alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol;
6 酒精 jiu3 jing1 also writen 乙醇; grain alcohol
emergency relief; to help the needy with
6 救济 jiu4 ji4 cash or goods

6 就近 jiu4 jin4 nearby; in a close neighborhood

looking for employment; getng a job; to
6 就业 jiu4 ye4 start a career

6 就职 jiu4 zhi2 take ofce; assume a post

6 鞠躬 ju1 gong1 to bow

6 拘留 ju1 liu2 to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody

to restrict; to restrain; constrained;
6 拘束 ju1 shu4 awkward; ill at ease; uncomfortable; retcent
to reside; to dwell; to live in a place; resident
6 居住 ju1 zhu4 in

6 局部 ju2 bu4 part; local

6 局面 ju2 mian4 aspect; phase; situaton

6 局势 ju2 shi4 situaton; state (of afairs)

6 局限 ju2 xian4 limit

6 举动 ju3 dong4 act; acton; actvity; move; movement

6 咀嚼 ju3 jue2 to chew

6 沮丧 ju3 sang4 dispirited; dejected; dismayed

6 举世闻名 ju3 shi4 wen2 ming2 (saying) world famous

6 举世瞩目 ju3 shi4 zhu3 mu4 atract worldwide atenton

a foot's move sways the balance (idiom); to
hold the balance of power; to play the
6 举足轻重 ju3 zu2 qing1 zhong4 decisive role
6 剧本 ju4 ben3 script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay

6 聚精会神 ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 to concentrate one's atenton (idiom)

6 剧烈 ju4 lie4 violent; acute; severe; ferce

6 据悉 ju4 xi1 according to reports; it is reported (that)

strategic decision; decision-making; policy
6 决策 jue2 ce4 decision; to determine policy

6 绝望 jue2 wang4 desperaton; forlorn; hopeless

consciousness; awareness; Buddhist
6 觉悟 jue2 wu4 enlightenment (Sanskrit: citotpāda)
to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to
the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales
6 觉醒 jue2 xing3 fall from the eyes; to become aware

6 军队 jun1 dui4 army troops; CL:支[zhi1],個|个[ge4]

6 卡通 ka3 tong1 cartoon

to extract (ore or other resource from a
6 开采 kai1 cai3 mine); to exploit; to mine

6 开除 kai1 chu2 to expel

6 开阔 kai1 kuo4 wide; open (spaces); to open up

spacious and well-lit; open and clear; to
open out (onto a wider vista); optmistc;
6 开朗 kai1 lang3 cheerful; carefree; easy-going; open-minded

6 开明 kai1 ming2 enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment

6 开辟 kai1 pi4 to open up; to set up; to start; to build

6 开水 kai1 shui3 boiled water; boiling water

to break new ground (for agriculture); to
open up (a new seam); to develop (border
6 开拓 kai1 tuo4 regions); fg. to open up (new horizons)
(begin to) develop; unfold; to start; to
6 开展 kai1 zhan3 launch; to open; to carry out
6 开支 kai1 zhi1 expenditures; pay; expenses; CL:筆|笔[bi3]
to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper
6 刊登 kan1 deng1 or magazine)

6 勘探 kan1 tan4 exploraton

6 刊物 kan1 wu4 publicaton

6 看待 kan4 dai4 to look upon; to regard

apparently; it seems that; it appears; it
6 看来 kan4 lai2 seems

6 看望 kan4 wang4 to visit; to pay a call to

6 慷慨 kang1 kai3 vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal

to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-
6 考察 kao3 cha2 spot investgaton

6 考古 kao3 gu3 archaeology

to examine; to check up on; to assess; to
6 考核 kao3 he2 review; appraisal; review; evaluaton

6 考验 kao3 yan4 to test; to put to the test

6 靠拢 kao4 long3 to draw close to

6 磕 ke1 to tap; knock

kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical
6 颗粒 ke1 li4 product)

6 科目 ke1 mu4 subject

6 可观 ke3 guan1 considerable

6 可口 ke3 kou3 tasty; to taste good

6 渴望 ke3 wang4 to thirst for; to long for

6 可恶 ke3 wu4 repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable

6 可笑 ke3 xiao4 funny; ridiculous

6 可行 ke3 xing2 feasible

to brook no delay; to demand immediate
6 刻不容缓 ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3 acton

6 客户 ke4 hu4 client; customer

6 课题 ke4 t2 task; problem; issue

6 啃 ken3 to gnaw; to nibble; to bite

6 恳切 ken3 qie4 earnest; sincere

6 坑 keng1 pit; to defraud

6 空洞 kong1 dong4 cavity; empty; vacuous

unprecedented and never to be duplicated;
6 空前绝后 kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4 the frst and the last; unmatched; unique

6 空想 kong1 xiang3 daydream; fantasy; to fantasize

6 空虚 kong1 xu1 hollow; emptness; meaningless

6 孔 kong3 aperture; opening; hole

6 恐吓 kong3 he4 to threaten; to menace

6 恐惧 kong3 ju4 fear; dread; phobia

6 空白 kong4 bai2 blank space

crack; gap between two objects; gap in tme
6 空隙 kong4 xi4 between two events
tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner
6 口气 kou3 qi4 of expression; tone

6 口腔 kou3 qiang1 oral cavity

6 口头 kou3 tou2 oral; verbal

6 口音 kou3 yin1 accent

6 枯竭 ku1 jie2 used up; dried up; exhausted (of resources)

6 枯燥 ku1 zao4 dry and dull; uninterestng; dry-as-dust

biterness fnishes, sweetness begins
(idiom); the hard tmes are over, the good
6 苦尽甘来 ku3 jin4 gan1 lai2 tmes just beginning
to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder
6 挎 kua4 or side)
to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to
6 跨 kua4 span

6 快活 kuai4 huo5 happy; cheerful

6 宽敞 kuan1 chang5 spacious; wide

6 款待 kuan3 dai4 entertain

6 款式 kuan3 shi4 patern; style; design; CL:種|种[zhong3]

6 筐 kuang1 basket; CL:隻|只[zhi1]

frame; framework; fg. patern; outline;
6 框架 kuang4 jia4 organizing plan

6 旷课 kuang4 ke4 to play truant; to cut classes

6 况且 kuang4 qie3 moreover; besides; in additon; furthermore

6 亏待 kui1 dai4 to treat sb unfairly

6 亏损 kui1 sun3 defcit; (fnancial) loss

6 昆虫 kun1 chong2 insect; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],堆[dui1]

6 捆绑 kun3 bang3 to bind

6 扩充 kuo4 chong1 to expand

to spread; to proliferate; to difuse; spread;
6 扩散 kuo4 san4 proliferaton; difusion
expansion; dilaton; to expand (e.g. one's
6 扩张 kuo4 zhang1 power or infuence); to broaden

6 啦 la1 a phrase-fnal partcle

horn (automobile, alarm siren, musical etc)
which produces a sound; loudspeaker; brass
wind instrument; trumpet; suona 鎖吶|锁呐
6 喇叭 la3 ba5 [suo3 na4]

6 来历 lai2 li4 history; antecedents; origin

6 来源 lai2 yuan2 source (of informaton etc); origin

a column (in a newspaper or on a news
6 栏目 lan2 mu4 website)

6 懒惰 lan3 duo4 idle; lazy

in a difcult situaton; to cut a sorry fgure;
6 狼狈 lang2 bei4 scoundrel! (derogatory)

6 朗读 lang3 du2 read aloud; read loudly and clearly

6 捞 lao1 to fsh up; to dredge up

to pratle; to chater; talkatve; garrulous; to
6 唠叨 lao2 dao5 nag

6 牢固 lao2 gu4 frm; secure

6 牢骚 lao2 sao1 discontent; complaint

6 乐趣 le4 qu4 delight; pleasure; joy

to be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth;
6 乐意 le4 yi4 to be happy to do sth; content; satsfed

6 雷达 lei2 da2 radar (loanword)

6 类似 lei4 si4 similar; analogous

6 冷淡 leng3 dan4 cold; indiferent

6 冷酷 leng3 ku4 grim; unfeeling; callous

6 冷却 leng3 que4 to cool of; cooling

to look distracted; to stare blankly;
6 愣 leng4 distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly

6 黎明 li2 ming2 dawn; daybreak

6 理睬 li3 cai3 to heed; to pay atenton to

6 里程碑 li3 cheng2 bei1 milestone

6 礼节 li3 jie2 etquete

as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and
to be expected as a mater of course;
6 理所当然 li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 inevitable and right
in the right and self-confdent (idiom); bold
and confdent with justce on one's side; to
have the courage of one's convictons; just
6 理直气壮 li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 and forceful

6 理智 li3 zhi4 reason; intellect; ratonality

6 立场 li4 chang3 positon; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4]

successive generatons; successive dynastes;
6 历代 li4 dai4 past dynastes
pros and cons; advantages and
6 利害 li4 hai4 disadvantages; gains and losses

6 立交桥 li4 jiao1 qiao2 overpass; fyover

always; throughout (a period of tme); (of)
6 历来 li4 lai2 all-tme

6 利率 li4 lv4 interest rates

as far as one's capabilites extend (idiom); to
6 力所能及 li4 suo3 neng2 ji2 the best of one's ability; within one's powers

6 立体 li4 t3 three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic

6 力图 li4 tu2 try hard to; strive to

6 例外 li4 wai4 (make an) excepton

to work hard for; to do all one can; to
6 力争 li4 zheng1 contend strongly
to stand; to have a footng; to be
6 立足 li4 zu2 established; to base oneself on

6 联欢 lian2 huan1 have a get-together

honest; not coercive; honesty; integrity;
6 廉洁 lian2 jie2 incorruptble
communicaton; to get in touch with; to
6 联络 lian2 luo4 contact; connecton (math.)

6 联盟 lian2 meng2 alliance; union; coaliton

6 连年 lian2 nian2 successive years; over many years

6 连锁 lian2 suo3 chain

6 连同 lian2 tong2 together with; along with

to associate with something in thinking;
abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lian2 xiang3
6 联想 lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]

6 良心 liang2 xin1 conscience

6 晾 liang4 to dry in the air

6 谅解 liang4 jie3 (reach) an understanding

6 辽阔 liao2 kuo4 vast; extensive

6 列举 lie4 ju3 a list; to list; to enumerate

to drain; to drench; to drip; diseases of the
6 淋 lin2 bladder

6 临床 lin2 chuang2 clinical

6 吝啬 lin4 se4 stngy; mean; miserly

6 凌晨 ling2 chen2 early in the morning

inspiraton; insight; a burst of creatvity in
6 灵感 ling2 gan3 scientfc or artstc endeavor

6 灵魂 ling2 hun2 soul; spirit

6 伶俐 ling2 li4 clever; wity; intelligent

6 灵敏 ling2 min3 smart; clever; sensitve; keen; quick; sharp

fragmentary; random; bits and pieces;
6 零星 ling2 xing1 sporadic

6 领会 ling3 hui4 to understand; to comprehend; to grasp

6 领事馆 ling3 shi4 guan3 consulate

6 领土 ling3 tu3 territory

6 领悟 ling3 wu4 to understand; to comprehend

6 领先 ling3 xian1 to lead; to be in front

6 领袖 ling3 xiu4 leader; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]

6 溜 liu1 to
to slip
about;totoescape in stealth;
wander; to roam;tonomadic;
homeless; unsetled (e.g. populaton);
6 流浪 liu2 lang4 vagrant
reluctant to leave; to hate to have to go; to
6 留恋 liu2 lian4 recall fondly
to express; to reveal (one's thoughts or
6 流露 liu2 lu4 feelings)

6 流氓 liu2 mang2 rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior

6 留念 liu2 nian4 to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly

6 留神 liu2 shen2 to take care; to be careful

6 流通 liu2 tong1 to circulate

6 聋哑 long2 ya3 deaf and dumb; deaf-mute; surdimutsm

6 隆重 long2 zhong4 grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn

6 垄断 long3 duan4 enjoy market dominance; monopolize

6 笼罩 long3 zhao4 to envelop; to shroud

6 搂 lou3 to hold or embrace in one's arms

6 炉灶 lu2 zao4 stove

6 轮船 lun2 chuan2 steamship; CL:艘[sou1]

6 轮廓 lun2 kuo4 an outline; silhouete

6 轮胎 lun2 tai1 tre; pneumatc tre

6 论坛 lun4 tan2 forum (for discussion)

to prove a point; proof; to expound on;
6 论证 lun4 zheng4 demonstrate or prove (through argument)

6 啰唆 luo1 suo5 to grumble

6 螺丝钉 luo2 si1 ding1 screw

6 落成 luo4 cheng2 to complete a constructon project

practcal; workable; to implement; to carry
6 落实 luo4 shi2 out; to decide

6 络绎不绝 luo4 yi4 bu4 jue2 contnuously; in an endless stream (idiom)

6 屡次 lv3 ci4 repeatedly; tme and again

to fulfll (one's obligatons); to carry out (a
task); to implement (an agreement); to
6 履行 lv3 xing2 perform

6 掠夺 lve4 duo2 to plunder; to rob; also writen 略奪|略夺

6 略微 lve4 wei1 a litle bit; slightly

6 麻痹 ma2 bi4 paralysis; palsy; numbness; to benumb

6 麻木 ma2 mu4 numb; insensitve; apathetc

6 麻醉 ma2 zui4 anesthesia; fg. to poison (sb's mind)

6 码头 ma3 tou2 dock; pier; wharf; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 嘛 ma5 (a modal partcle)

6 埋伏 mai2 fu2 ambush

6 埋没 mai2 mo4 oblivion

6 埋葬 mai2 zang4 to bury

6 迈 mai4 take a step

6 脉搏 mai4 bo2 a pulse (both medical and fguratve)

6 埋怨 man2 yuan4 to complain

6 漫长 man4 chang2 very long; endless

6 漫画 man4 hua4 caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga

slow and patent; chronic (disease); slow to
6 慢性 man4 xing4 take efect (e.g. a slow poison)

6 蔓延 man4 yan2 to extend; to spread

6 忙碌 mang2 lu4 busy; bustling

6 茫茫 mang2 mang2 boundless; vast and obscure

6 盲目 mang2 mu4 blind; aimless

6 茫然 mang2 ran2 ignorant; to have no knowledge of sth

to feign; to pretend to be; to pass oneself of
6 冒充 mao4 chong1 as

6 茂盛 mao4 sheng4 lush

classifer for coins, rings, badges, pearls,
6 枚 mei2 sportng medals, rockets, satellites etc

6 媒介 mei2 jie4 media; medium

6 媒体 mei2 t3 media, esp. news media
(idiom) unable to solve; no way to escape a
6 没辙 mei2 zhe2 problem

6 美观 mei3 guan1 pleasing to the eye; beautful; artstc

6 美满 mei3 man3 happy; blissful

6 美妙 mei3 miao4 beautful; wonderful; splendid

6 门诊 men2 zhen3 outpatent service

6 蒙 meng2 drizzle; mist

6 萌芽 meng2 ya2 sprout; germ of a plant

6 猛烈 meng3 lie4 ferce; violent (critcism etc)

6 梦想 meng4 xiang3 to dream of; to hope in vain

to narrow one's eyes; (Dialect) to nap; to
6 眯 mi1 take a nap

6 弥补 mi2 bu3 to complement; to make up for a defciency

6 迷惑 mi2 huo5 to puzzle; to confuse; to bafe

everywhere present; about to inundate
(water); permeated by (smoke); flled with
(dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke
6 弥漫 mi2 man4 etc)

6 迷人 mi2 ren2 fascinatng; enchantng; charming; temptng

6 迷失 mi2 shi1 lost; not knowing one's locaton

6 迷信 mi2 xin4 superstton

6 密度 mi4 du4 density; thickness

6 密封 mi4 feng1 seal up

6 免得 mian3 de5 so as not to; so as to avoid

6 勉励 mian3 li4 to encourage
to do with difculty; to force sb to do sth;
6 勉强 mian3 qiang3 reluctant; barely enough

6 免疫 mian3 yi4 immunity (to disease)

6 面貌 mian4 mao4 appearance; face; features; CL:個|个[ge4]

outer surface; outside; honor; reputaton;
face (as in "losing face"); self-respect;
6 面子 mian4 zi5 feelings; (medicinal) powder

6 描绘 miao2 hui4 to describe; to portray

6 渺小 miao3 xiao3 minute; tny; negligible; insignifcant

6 蔑视 mie4 shi4 to loathe; to despise; contempt

to be destroyed; to become extnct; to
6 灭亡 mie4 wang2 perish; to die out; to destroy; to exterminate
among the people; popular; folk; non-
governmental; involving people rather than
6 民间 min2 jian1 governments

6 民用 min2 yong4 (for) civilian use

sensitve; susceptble; politcally sensitve
6 敏感 min3 gan3 (pretext for censorship)

6 敏捷 min3 jie2 nimble; quick; shrewd

6 敏锐 min3 rui4 keen; sharp; acute

6 名次 ming2 ci4 positon in a ranking of names

6 名额 ming2 e2 fxed number of people; quota

not just in name only, but also in reality
6 名副其实 ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 (idiom)

6 明明 ming2 ming2 obviously; plainly; undoubtedly; defnitely

fame; reputaton; honor; honorary; emeritus
6 名誉 ming2 yu4 (of retred professor)
to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to
6 命名 ming4 ming2 designate; named afer; naming
to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to
6 摸索 mo1 suo5 do things slowly

6 膜 mo2 membrane; flm

fricton; rubbing; chafng; fg. disharmony;
6 摩擦 mo2 ca1 confict; same as 磨擦

6 模范 mo2 fan4 model; fne example

6 魔鬼 mo2 gui3 devil

6 磨合 mo2 he2 to break in; to wear in

6 模式 mo2 shi4 mode; method

6 魔术 mo2 shu4 magic

6 模型 mo2 xing2 model; mould;

to erase; matrix;
to cover patern
traces; to obliterate
evidence; to expunge; to blot out; to
6 抹杀 mo3 sha1 suppress
unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and
inefable; unable to make head or tail of it;
6 莫名其妙 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 boring (e.g. movie)

6 默默 mo4 mo4 in silence; not speaking

6 墨水儿 mo4 shui3 r5 ink; CL:瓶[ping2]

6 谋求 mou2 qiu2 to seek; to strive for

look; style; appearance; approximaton;
6 模样 mu2 yang4 about; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 母语 mu3 yu3 natve language; mother language

to witness; to see at frst hand; to see with
6 目睹 mu4 du3 one's own eyes

6 目光 mu4 guang1 sight; vision; view; gaze; look

6 沐浴 mu4 yu4 to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse

6 拿手 na2 shou3 expert in; good at

6 纳闷儿 na4 men4 r5 puzzled; bewildered

6 耐用 nai4 yong4 durable

6 难得 nan2 de2 seldom; rare; hard to come by

6 难堪 nan2 kan1 hard to take; embarrassed

6 难免 nan2 mian3 hard to avoid; difcult to escape from

6 难能可贵 nan2 neng2 ke3 gui4 rare and commendable; estmable

to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to
6 恼火 nao3 huo3 aggravate; annoying
meaning; content; essental propertes
implied or refected by a noton; intenton;
6 内涵 nei4 han2 connotaton; self-possessed
inside story; non-public informaton; behind
6 内幕 nei4 mu4 the scenes; internal

6 内在 nei4 zai4 intrinsic; innate

6 能量 neng2 liang4 energy; capabilites

6 嗯 ńg (a groaning sound)

6 拟定 ni3 ding4 to draw up; to draf; to formulate

6 年度 nian2 du4 year (e.g. school year, fscal year)

to pinch (with one's fngers); to knead; to
6 捏 nie1 make up

6 拧 ning2 to pinch; wring

to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fg. with
6 凝固 ning2 gu4 rapt atenton
to condense; to coagulate; coacervaton (i.e.
6 凝聚 ning2 ju4 form tny droplets); aggregaton; coherent

6 凝视 ning2 shi4 gaze

would rather...; it would be beter...; would
6 宁肯 ning4 ken3 prefer
6 宁愿 ning4 yuan4 would rather; beter

6 纽扣儿 niu3 kou4 r5 buton

to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable
6 扭转 niu3 zhuan3 situaton)
dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a
strong interest in; deep; fully saturated
6 浓厚 nong2 hou4 (color)
the traditonal Chinese calendar; the lunar
6 农历 nong2 li4 calendar

6 奴隶 nu2 li4 slave

6 挪 nuo2 to shif; to move

to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse;
6 虐待 nve4 dai4 mistreatment; maltreatment

6 哦 o4 oh; ah

6 殴打 ou1 da3 to beat up; to come to blows; batery (law)

6 欧洲 Ou1 zhou1 Europe; European

6 呕吐 ou3 tu4 to vomit

6 趴 pa1 to lie on one's stomach

to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to
6 排斥 pai2 chi4 remove; to repel

6 排除 pai2 chu2 to eliminate; to get rid of; to remove

6 排放 pai2 fang4 emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc)

to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and forth;
6 徘徊 pai2 huai2 by ext. to hover around; to linger
denominaton; group; school; facton; school
6 派别 pai4 bie2 of thought

6 派遣 pai4 qian3 to send (on a mission); to dispatch

to climb; to pull oneself up; to clamber; to
scale; fg. to forge ahead in the face of
6 攀登 pan1 deng1 hardships and danger
to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover; to
6 盘旋 pan2 xuan2 orbit

6 畔 pan4 bank; feld-path

6 判决 pan4 jue2 judgment (by a court of law)

6 庞大 pang2 da4 huge; enormous; tremendous

6 抛弃 pao1 qi4 discard; dump; abandon

6 泡沫 pao4 mo4 foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble

6 培训 pei2 xun4 to cultvate; to train; to groom; training

6 培育 pei2 yu4 to train; to breed

6 配备 pei4 bei4 to allocate; to provide; to outit with

6 配偶 pei4 ou3 consort; mate; spouse

6 配套 pei4 tao4 to form a complete set; coherent

basin (low-lying geographical feature);
6 盆地 pen2 di4 depression

6 烹饪 peng1 ren4 cooking; culinary arts

to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with
both hands; to ofer (esp. in cupped hands);
6 捧 peng3 to praise; to fater
to hack; to chop; to split open; see 噼啪|劈
6 劈 pi1 啪, onomat. for crack, slap, clap, clater etc

6 批发 pi1 fa1 wholesale; bulk trade; distributon

6 批判 pi1 pan4 critcize; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 疲惫 pi2 bei4 beaten; exhausted; tred

6 皮革 pi2 ge2 leather; CL:張|张[zhang1]

6 疲倦 pi2 juan4 to tre; tred

temperament; dispositon; temper; CL:個|个
6 脾气 pi2 qi5 [ge4]

6 屁股 pi4 gu5 butocks; botom; ass

6 譬如 pi4 ru2 for example; for instance; such as

6 偏差 pian1 cha1 bias; deviaton

6 偏见 pian1 jian4 prejudice

6 偏僻 pian1 pi4 remote; desolate; far from the city

opposite of what one would expect or what
would be normal); unfortunately; against
6 偏偏 pian1 pian1 expectatons
fragment (of speech etc); extract (from book
6 片段 pian4 duan4 etc); episode (of story etc)

6 片刻 pian4 ke4 short period of tme; a moment

to foat; to hover; to drif (also fg., to lead a
6 漂浮 piao1 fu2 wandering life); to rove; showy; superfcial

6 飘扬 piao1 yang2 wave; futer; fy

6 拼搏 pin1 bo2 to struggle; to wrestle

to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at
all costs; (to work or fght) as if one's life
6 拼命 pin1 ming4 depends on it

6 贫乏 pin2 fa2 lack; incomplete

6 频繁 pin2 fan2 frequently; ofen

6 贫困 pin2 kun4 impoverished; poverty

6 频率 pin2 lv4 frequency

6 品尝 pin3 chang2 to taste a small amount; to sample

6 品德 pin3 de2 moral character

6 品行 pin3 xing2 behavior; moral conduct

6 品质 pin3 zhi4 quality

6 平凡 ping2 fan2 commonplace; ordinary; mediocre

to evaluate; to assess; assessment;
6 评估 ping2 gu1 evaluaton
to comment on; to discuss; comment;
6 评论 ping2 lun4 commentary; CL: 篇[pian1]

6 平面 ping2 mian4 plane (fat surface); print media

6 平坦 ping2 tan3 level; even; smooth; fat

6 平行 ping2 xing2 parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous

6 平原 ping2 yuan2 feld; plain; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 屏障 ping2 zhang4 protectve screen

6 坡 po1 slope; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 泼 po1 to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutsh

6 颇 po1 very; considerably

impatent (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get
6 迫不及待 po4 bu4 ji2 dai4 on with it

6 迫害 po4 hai4 to persecute; persecuton

6 破例 po4 li4 to make an excepton

6 魄力 po4 li4 courage; daring; boldness; resoluton; drive

to assault; to pounce; to rush at sth; to
6 扑 pu1 throw oneself on

6 铺 pu1 to spread; to extend; to pave; to lay

popular; to popularize; universal; ubiquitous;
6 普及 pu3 ji2 pervasive
plain; simple; guileless; down-to-earth;
6 朴实 pu3 shi2 sincere and honest
6 瀑布 pu4 bu4 waterfall

6 欺负 qi1 fu5 to bully

6 凄凉 qi1 liang2 desolate

6 欺骗 qi1 pian4 to deceive; to cheat

6 期望 qi1 wang4 hope; expectaton

6 期限 qi1 xian4 tme limit; deadline; alloted tme

6 奇妙 qi2 miao4 fantastc; wonderful

6 旗袍 qi2 pao2 Chinese-style dress; cheongsam

6 齐全 qi2 quan2 complete

6 歧视 qi2 shi4 to discriminate against; discriminaton

to work with a common purpose (idiom); to
make concerted eforts; to pull together; to
6 齐心协力 qi2 xin1 xie2 li4 work as one

6 旗帜 qi2 zhi4 ensign; fag

6 起草 qi3 cao3 draf (a bill); draw up (plans)

6 启程 qi3 cheng2 to set out on a journey

6 起初 qi3 chu1 originally; at frst; at the outset

to move up and down; to undulate; ups and
6 起伏 qi3 fu2 downs

6 乞丐 qi3 gai4 beggar

to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a
6 起哄 qi3 hong4 disturbance

6 起码 qi3 ma3 at the minimum; at the very least

6 启示 qi3 shi4 enlightenment; revelaton; apocalypse

announcement (writen, on billboard, leter,
newspaper or website); to post informaton;
6 启事 qi3 shi4 a notce

6 起义 qi3 yi4 uprising; insurrecton; revolt

how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous;
6 岂有此理 qi3 you3 ci3 li3 ridiculous; absurd

6 起源 qi3 yuan2 origin; to originate; to come from

6 器材 qi4 cai2 equipment; material

6 气概 qi4 gai4 lofy quality; metle; spirit

6 气功 qi4 gong1 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises

6 器官 qi4 guan1 organ (part of body tssue); apparatus

6 迄今为止 qi4 jin1 wei2 zhi3 so far; up to now; stll (not)

spirit; boldness; positve outlook; imposing
6 气魄 qi4 po4 attude

6 气色 qi4 se4 complexion

momentum; manner; energy; look of great
6 气势 qi4 shi4 force or imposing manner; powerful

6 气味 qi4 wei4 odor; scent

meteorological feature; CL:個|个[ge4];
6 气象 qi4 xiang4 meteorology; atmosphere or scene

6 气压 qi4 ya1 atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure

to pick (fowers); to pinch; to clutch; (slang)
6 掐 qia1 to fght

6 恰当 qia4 dang4 appropriate; suitable

6 恰到好处 qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 it's just perfect; it's just right

6 恰巧 qia4 qiao3 fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence

6 洽谈 qia4 tan2 to discuss

6 牵扯 qian1 che3 to involve; to implicate

6 签订 qian1 ding4 to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)

lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom);
6 千方百计 qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means
to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to
6 迁就 qian1 jiu4 (sth)

6 签署 qian1 shu3 to sign (an agreement)

6 迁徙 qian1 xi3 to migrate; to move

6 谦逊 qian1 xun4 humble; humility; modesty

to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to
6 牵制 qian1 zhi4 pin down (enemy troops)
foreground; vista; (future) prospects;
6 前景 qian2 jing3 perspectve

6 潜力 qian2 li4 potental; capacity

to dive; to go under water; lurker (Internet
slang for sb who reads forum posts but
6 潜水 qian2 shui3 never replies)

6 前提 qian2 t2 premise; preconditon; prerequisite

imperceptble infuence; to infuence
6 潜移默化 qian2 yi2 mo4 hua4 secretly
to denounce; to condemn; to critcize;
6 谴责 qian3 ze2 condemnaton; critcism

6 抢劫 qiang1 jie2 to rob; lootng

to enforce; enforcement; forcibly;
6 强制 qiang2 zhi4 compulsory

6 抢救 qiang3 jiu4 rescue

6 强迫 qiang3 po4 to compel; to force

6 桥梁 qiao2 liang2 bridge; fg. connecton between two areas

6 翘 qiao4 to raise
to chip away at a task and not abandon it
(idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere;
6 锲而不舍 qie4 er2 bu4 she3 unfagging eforts
feasible; earnestly; conscientously; realistc;
6 切实 qie4 shi2 practcal

6 侵犯 qin1 fan4 to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate

to admire; to look up to; to respect sb
6 钦佩 qin1 pei4 greatly

6 亲热 qin1 re4 afectonate; intmate; warm-hearted

6 亲身 qin1 shen1 personal; oneself

6 勤俭 qin2 jian3 hardworking and frugal

6 勤恳 qin2 ken3 diligent and atentve; assiduous; sincere

6 氢 qing1 hydrogen (chemistry)

6 清澈 qing1 che4 clear; limpid

6 清晨 qing1 chen2 early morning

6 清除 qing1 chu2 eliminate; get rid of

6 轻而易举 qing1 er2 yi4 ju3 easy; with no difculty

6 清洁 qing1 jie2 clean; purity

6 清理 qing1 li3 clear; to put in order; to check up

6 倾听 qing1 tng1 to listen atentvely

6 清晰 qing1 xi1 clear; distnct

6 倾向 qing1 xiang4 trend; tendency; orientaton

6 倾斜 qing1 xie2 to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tlt

6 清醒 qing1 xing3 clear-headed; sober; awake

6 清真 qing1 zhen1 Islamic; Muslim; halal (of food); clean; pure

6 情报 qing2 bao4 (spy) intelligence; informaton-gathering

6 情节 qing2 jie2 plot; circumstances

6 晴朗 qing2 lang3 sunny and cloudless

6 情理 qing2 li3 reason; sense

6 情形 qing2 xing2 circumstances; situaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 请柬 qing3 jian3 invitaton card; writen invitaton

6 请教 qing3 jiao4 consult

6 请示 qing3 shi4 ask for instructons

6 请帖 qing3 te3 invitaton card; writen invitaton

6 丘陵 qiu1 ling2 hills

6 区分 qu1 fen1 to diferentate; to fnd difering aspects

6 屈服 qu1 fu2 to surrender; to yield

6 区域 qu1 yu4 area; region; district

6 曲折 qu1 zhe2 complicated; winding

6 驱逐 qu1 zhu2 to expel; to deport; banishment

irrigaton ditch; medium or channel of
6 渠道 qu2 dao4 communicaton
to ban; to prohibit (publicatons, customs
6 取缔 qu3 di4 etc); to outlaw; to suppress (violators)

6 曲子 qu3 zi5 poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支[zhi1]

fun; interest; delight; taste; liking;
6 趣味 qu4 wei4 preference
6 圈套 quan1 tao4 trap; snare; trick
to weigh; to consider; to assess; to balance;
6 权衡 quan2 heng2 to trade-of

6 全局 quan2 ju2 overall situaton

6 全力以赴 quan2 li4 yi3 fu4 do at all costs; make an all-out efort
fst; clenched fst; compettve (product);
6 拳头 quan2 tou5 superior quality; CL: 個|个

6 权威 quan2 wei1 authority; authoritatve; power and prestge

6 权益 quan2 yi4 rights and benefts

6 犬 quan3 dog

6 缺口 que1 kou3 nick; jag; gap; shortall

6 缺席 que1 xi2 absence; absent

6 缺陷 que1 xian4 a defect; a faw

6 瘸 que2 lame

6 确保 que4 bao3 to ensure; to guarantee

6 确立 que4 li4 to establish; to insttute

6 确切 que4 qie4 defnite; exact; precise

to be convinced; to be sure; to frmly
6 确信 que4 xin4 believe; to be positve that; defnite news

6 群众 qun2 zhong4 mass; multtude; the masses

to dye; to catch (a disease); to acquire (bad
habits etc); to contaminate; to add colour
6 染 ran3 washes to a paintng

6 让步 rang4 bu4 to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession

6 饶恕 rao2 shu4 forgiveness; spare

6 扰乱 rao3 luan4 to disturb; to perturb; to harass

6 惹祸 re3 huo4 strring up trouble; to invite disaster

eyes brimming with tears of excitement
6 热泪盈眶 re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 (idiom); extremely moved

6 热门 re4 men2 popular; hot; in vogue

benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly;
6 仁慈 ren2 ci2 kindness; merciful
human sympathy; humanitarianism;
humane; the "human way", one of the
stages in the cycle of reincarnaton
6 人道 ren2 dao4 (Buddhism); sexual intercourse

6 人格 ren2 ge2 personality; integrity; dignity

6 人工 ren2 gong1 artfcial; manpower; manual work

6 人家 ren2 jia5 other; other people; him(her, them); I

6 人间 ren2 jian1 man's world; the world

6 人士 ren2 shi4 person; fgure; public fgure

artfcial; man-made; having human cause or
6 人为 ren2 wei2 origin; human atempt or efort
human nature; humanity; human; the
6 人性 ren2 xing4 totality of human atributes

6 人质 ren2 zhi4 hostage

to show restraint; to repress (anger etc); to
6 忍耐 ren3 nai4 exercise patence

6 忍受 ren3 shou4 to bear; to endure

to maintain (that sth is true); to determine (a
fact); determinaton (of an amount); of the
frm opinion; to believe frmly; to set one's
6 认定 ren4 ding4 mind on; to identfy with

6 认可 ren4 ke3 to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK

6 任命 ren4 ming4 to appoint and nominate

6 任性 ren4 xing4 willful; headstrong; uninhibited

6 任意 ren4 yi4 arbitrary; at will; at random

a heavy load and a long road; fg. to bear
heavy responsibilites through a long
6 任重道远 ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3
struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)

6 仍旧 reng2 jiu4 stll

daily(remaining); to remain
renewal, monthly (the(idiom);
change same); yet
every day sees new developments; rapid
6 日新月异 ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4 progress
day by day; more and more; increasingly;
6 日益 ri4 yi4 more and more with each passing day

6 溶解 rong2 jie3 dissolve; soluton

one's appearance; one's aspect; looks;
6 容貌 rong2 mao4 features
to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to
6 容纳 rong2 na4 tolerate (diferent opinions)

6 容器 rong2 qi4 receptacle; vessel

harmonious; friendly relatons; on good
6 融洽 rong2 qia4 terms with one another

6 容忍 rong2 ren3 to put up with; to tolerate

6 揉 rou2 to knead; to massage; to rub

6 柔和 rou2 he2 gentle; sof

6 弱点 ruo4 dian3 weak point; failing

a certain number or amount; how many?;
6 若干 ruo4 gan1 how much?

6 撒谎 sa1 huang3 to tell lies

6 腮 sai1 cheek (esp. lower cheek); jaw; gills (of fsh)

6 三角 san1 jiao3 triangle

6 散文 san3 wen2 prose; essay

6 散发 san4 fa1 distribute; emit; issue

6 丧失 sang4 shi1 to lose; to forfeit

(informal) older brother's wife; sister-in-law;
6 嫂子 sao3 zi5 CL:個|个[ge4]

6 色彩 se4 cai3 tnt; coloring; coloraton; character

to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch
6 刹车 sha1 che1 of; to check (bad habits); a brake

6 啥 sha2 (dialect) what

6 筛选 shai1 xuan3 to flter

6 山脉 shan1 mai4 mountain range; CL:條|条[tao2]

6 闪烁 shan3 shuo4 ficker; twinkling

6 擅长 shan4 chang2 to be good at; to be expert in

6 擅自 shan4 zi4 without permission; of one's own initatve

6 扇子 shan4 zi5 fan; CL:把[ba3]

6 商标 shang1 biao1 trademark; logo

6 伤脑筋 shang1 nao3 jin1 knoty; troublesome; bothersome

6 上级 shang4 ji2 higher authorites; superiors; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 上进心 shang4 jin4 xin1 aggressiveness; gumpton; enterprising spirit

6 上任 shang4 ren4 take ofce

6 上瘾 shang4 yin3 to get into a habit; to become addicted

6 上游 shang4 you2 upper reaches; advanced positon

6 梢 shao1 tp of branch
6 捎 shao1 to bring sth to sb (news etc)

6 哨 shao4 a whistle; sentry

6 奢侈 she1 chi3 luxurious; extravagant; wasteful

6 涉及 she4 ji2 to involve; to touch upon (a topic)

6 设立 she4 li4 to set up; to establish

6 社区 she4 qu1 community

6 摄取 she4 qu3 absorb (nutriton); take a photo

6 摄氏度 she4 shi4 du4 degrees centgrade

to imagine; to assume; to envisage; tentatve
6 设想 she4 xiang3 plan; to have consideraton for

6 设置 she4 zhi4 to set up; to install

6 深奥 shen1 ao4 profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly

to report (to the authorites); to declare (to
6 申报 shen1 bao4 customs)

6 深沉 shen1 chen2 deep; extreme; dull; low pitched (sound)

6 深情厚谊 shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4 profound friendship

6 绅士 shen1 shi4 gentleman

6 呻吟 shen1 yin2 to moan; to groan

6 神奇 shen2 qi2 magical; mystcal; miraculous

6 神气 shen2 qi4 expression; manner; spirited; vigorous

6 神情 shen2 qing2 look; expression

6 神色 shen2 se4 expression; look

6 神圣 shen2 sheng4 divine; hallow; holy; sacred
appearance; manner; bearing; deportment;
6 神态 shen2 tai4 look; expression; mien
Daoist immortal; supernatural entty; (in
modern fcton) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fg.
lighthearted person; used in advertsing: Live
6 神仙 shen2 xian1 like an immortal! 活神仙似
to examine; to investgate; to censor out;
6 审查 shen3 cha2 censorship

6 审理 shen3 li3 to hear (a case)

6 审美 shen3 mei3 esthetcs; appreciatng the arts; taste

6 审判 shen3 pan4 a trial; to try sb

to permeate; to infltrate; to pervade;
6 渗透 shen4 tou4 osmosis

6 慎重 shen4 zhong4 cautous; careful; prudent

6 牲畜 sheng1 chu4 domestcated animals; livestock

6 生存 sheng1 cun2 to exist; to survive

opportunity to live; to reprieve from death;
6 生机 sheng1 ji1 life force; vitality

6 生理 sheng1 li3 physiology

statement; declaraton; CL:項|项[xiang4],份
6 声明 sheng1 ming2 [fen4]

6 声势 sheng1 shi4 momentum

unfamiliar; strange; out of practce; not
6 生疏 sheng1 shu1 accustomed

6 生态 sheng1 tai4 way of life; ecology

organism; living creature; life form;
6 生物 sheng1 wu4 biological; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 生效 sheng1 xiao4 to take efect; to go into efect

6 生锈 sheng1 xiu4 to rust; to grow rusty; to corrode; oxidizaton

to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to
6 生育 sheng1 yu4 bring up (children)

6 声誉 sheng1 yu4 reputaton; fame

6 省会 sheng3 hui4 provincial capital

superabundant; to teem with; to produce in
6 盛产 sheng4 chan3 abundance; to abound in

6 胜负 sheng4 fu4 victory or defeat; the outcome of a batle

6 盛开 sheng4 kai1 blooming; in full fower

6 盛情 sheng4 qing2 great kindness; magnifcent hospitality

6 盛行 sheng4 xing2 to be in vogue; to be prevalent

teacher-training; pedagogical; normal
6 师范 shi1 fan4 (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)

6 施加 shi1 jia1 to exert (efort or pressure)

6 尸体 shi1 t3 dead body; corpse; carcass; CL:具[ju4]

lapse; mistake; to make a mistake; fault;
6 失误 shi1 wu4 service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)

6 施展 shi1 zhan3 to use fully; to put to use

6 狮子 shi1 zi5 lion

6 失踪 shi1 zong1 missing; lost; unaccounted for

to pick up; to collate or arrange; ten
6 拾 shi2 (banker's ant-fraud numeral)

6 识别 shi2 bie2 to distnguish; to discern

6 时差 shi2 cha1 tme diference; tme lag; jet lag

6 时常 shi2 chang2 ofen; frequently

6 时而 shi2 er2 occasionally; from tme to tme

6 时光 shi2 guang1 tme; era; period of tme
tangible beneft; material advantages;
6 实惠 shi2 hui4 advantageous (deal); substantal (discount)

6 时机 shi2 ji1 fortunate tming; occasion; opportunity

6 实力 shi2 li4 strength

6 实施 shi2 shi1 to implement; to carry out

current trends; the present situaton; how
6 时事 shi2 shi4 things are going
to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be
6 实事求是 shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 practcal and realistc

6 石油 shi2 you2 oil; petroleum

6 实质 shi2 zhi4 substance; essence

6 时装 shi2 zhuang1 the latest fashion in clothes; fashionable

ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure
6 十足 shi2 zu2 shade (of some color)

6 使命 shi3 ming4 mission (diplomatc or other); set task

6 势必 shi4 bi4 is bound to (happen)

generaton; an era; accumulaton of years;
6 世代 shi4 dai4 passing on from generaton to generaton
to demonstrate; to show how to do sth;
6 示范 shi4 fan4 demonstraton; a model example
to release; to set free; to liberate (a
6 释放 shi4 fang4 prisoner); to discharge

6 是非 shi4 fei1 right and wrong; quarrel

6 事故 shi4 gu4 accident; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4]

deed; past achievement; important event of
6 事迹 shi4 ji4 the past

6 事件 shi4 jian4 event; happening; incident; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 世界观 shi4 jie4 guan1 worldview; world outlook; Weltanschauung

6 视力 shi4 li4 vision; eyesight

6 势力 shi4 li5 power; (ability to) infuence

6 逝世 shi4 shi4 to pass away; to die

6 事态 shi4 tai4 situaton; existng state of afairs

6 试图 shi4 tu2 to atempt; to try

to demonstrate (as a protest); a
6 示威 shi4 wei1 demonstraton; a military show of force

6 事务 shi4 wu4 (politcal, economic etc) afairs; work

6 视线 shi4 xian4 line of sight

6 事项 shi4 xiang4 mater; item

experiment; test; experimental; CL:次[ci4],
6 试验 shi4 yan4 個|个[ge4]

6 视野 shi4 ye3 feld of view; horizon

undertaking; project; actvity; (charitable,
politcal or revolutonary) cause; publicly
funded insttuton, enterprise or foundaton;
6 事业 shi4 ye4 career; occupaton; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 适宜 shi4 yi2 suitable; appropriate

6 示意 shi4 yi4 to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb)

6 收藏 shou1 cang2 to hoard; to collect; collecton

6 收缩 shou1 suo1 to pull back; to shrink; to contract

6 收益 shou1 yi4 earnings; proft

6 收音机 shou1 yin1 ji1 radio; CL:臺|台[tai2]

6 手法 shou3 fa3 technique; trick; skill

6 守护 shou3 hu4 to guard; to protect

6 手势 shou3 shi4 gesture; sign; signal

6 首要 shou3 yao4 the most important; of chief importance

crafmanship; workmanship; handicraf;
6 手艺 shou3 yi4 trade

6 授予 shou4 yu3 to award; to confer

to endure; to sufer; hardships; torments; a
6 受罪 shou4 zui4 hard tme; a nuisance

6 舒畅 shu1 chang4 happy; entrely free from worry

6 书法 shu1 fa3 calligraphy; handwritng; penmanship

to neglect; to overlook; negligence;
6 疏忽 shu1 hu5 carelessness

6 书籍 shu1 ji2 books; works

6 书记 shu1 ji5 secretary; clerk; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 书面 shu1 mian4 in writng; writen (guarantee etc)

to count; to enumerate; to critcize (i.e.
6 数 shu3 enumerate shortcomings)
to erect; vertcal; vertcal stroke (in Chinese
6 竖 shu4 characters)

6 束 shu4 to bind; to te; bundle; cluster; restraint

6 数额 shu4 e2 amount; sum of money; fxed number

6 束缚 shu4 fu4 to bind; to restrict; to te; to commit; feters

6 树立 shu4 li4 to set up; to establish

6 数目 shu4 mu4 amount; number

6 耍 shua3 to play with; to juggle

to age; to deteriorate with age; old and
6 衰老 shuai1 lao3 weak
to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a
6 衰退 shuai1 tui4 decline; recession (in economics)

6 率领 shuai4 ling3 lead; command; head

to instant-boil (muton, beef, vegetables,
6 涮火锅 shuan4 huo3 guo1 etc.)

6 双胞胎 shuang1 bao1 tai1 twin; CL:對|对[dui4]

refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and
6 爽快 shuang3 kuai4 straightorward

6 水利 shui3 li4 water conservancy; irrigaton works

6 水龙头 shui3 long2 tou2 faucet; tap

6 水泥 shui3 ni2 cement; CL:袋[dai4]

6 司法 si1 fa3 judicial; (administraton of) justce

6 司令 si1 ling4 commanding ofcer

6 思念 si1 nian4 think of; long for; miss

6 思索 si1 suo3 think deeply; ponder

6 思维 si1 wei2 (line of) thought; thinking

refned; educate; cultured; intellectual;
6 斯文 si1 wen5 polite; gentle
train of thought; emotonal state; mood;
6 思绪 si1 xu4 feeling
private; personal; secretly; without explicit
6 私自 si1 zi4 approval

6 死亡 si3 wang2 death; deadly

absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without
6 肆无忌惮 si4 wu2 ji4 dan4 the slightest scruple

6 饲养 si4 yang3 to raise; to rear

6 四肢 si4 zhi1 the four limbs of the body
to excite; to raise up; to shrug; high; lofy;
6 耸 song3 towering

6 艘 sou1 classifer for ships; Taiwan pr. sao1

to search; to look for sth; to scour (search
metculously); to look sth up; internet
6 搜索 sou1 suo3 search; database search

6 苏醒 su1 xing3 to wake up; to regain consciousness

6 俗话 su2 hua4 common saying; proverb

6 素食主义 su4 shi2 zhu3 yi4 vegetarianism

6 诉讼 su4 song4 lawsuit

to model; to mould; plastc (arts); fexible; to
6 塑造 su4 zao4 portray (in sculpture or in words)
inner quality; basic essence; change over
6 素质 su4 zhi4 tme

6 算了 suan4 le5 let it be; let it pass; forget about it

to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to
hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be
6 算数 suan4 shu4 important)

6 随即 sui2 ji2 immediately; presently; following which

6 随身 sui2 shen1 to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one

conveniently; without extra trouble; while
6 随手 sui2 shou3 doing it; in passing
as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at
6 随意 sui2 yi4 will; voluntary; conscious

6 隧道 sui4 dao4 tunnel

6 岁月 sui4 yue4 years; passing of tme

6 损坏 sun3 huai4 to damage; to injure

to ask for compensaton; to claim damages;
6 索赔 suo3 pei2 claim for damages
6 索性 suo3 xing4 you might as well (do it); simply; just

6 塌 ta1 collapse
practcal; down-to-earth; realistc; frmly
based; steadfast; to have peace of mind;
6 踏实 ta1 shi5 free from anxiety

6 台风 tai2 feng1 hurricane; typhoon

6 泰斗 tai4 dou3 leading scholar of his tme; magnate

6 太空 tai4 kong1 outer space

6 瘫痪 tan1 huan4 paralysis

avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatable;
6 贪婪 tan1 lan2 avid

6 摊儿 tan1 r5 street vendor's stall or stand

6 贪污 tan1 wu1 corrupton

6 弹性 tan2 xing4 fexibility; elastcity (physics)

6 坦白 tan3 bai2 honest; forthcoming; to confess

to probe; to take readings; to explore;
6 探测 tan4 ce4 exploraton

6 叹气 tan4 qi4 to sigh; to heave a sigh

to explore; to probe; commonly used in
6 探索 tan4 suo3 names of publicatons or documentaries

6 探讨 tan4 tao3 to investgate; to probe

6 探望 tan4 wang4 to visit

sugar coated Chinese hawthorn fruit on a
6 糖葫芦 tang2 hu2 lu5 stck; tanghulu

6 掏 tao1 to fsh out (from pocket); to scoop

unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop;
6 滔滔不绝 tao1 tao1 bu4 jue2 gabbling forty to the dozen
6 陶瓷 tao2 ci2 potery and porcelain; ceramics

6 淘气 tao2 qi4 naughty; bad

to wash out; eliminaton (by selecton);
natural selecton; to knock out (in a
6 淘汰 tao2 tai4 competton); to die out; to phase out

6 讨价还价 tao3 jia4 huan2 jia4 haggle over price

personal strength; one's special ability or
6 特长 te4 chang2 strong points

6 特定 te4 ding4 special; specifc; designated; partcular

characteristc; distnguishing feature or
6 特色 te4 se4 quality
to promote to a higher job; to select for
6 提拔 t2 ba2 promoton

6 题材 t2 cai2 subject mater

to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refne; to
6 提炼 t2 lian4 purify; to process
to prompt; to present; to point out; to draw
6 提示 t2 shi4 atenton to sth; hint; brief; cue

6 提议 t2 yi4 proposal; suggeston; to propose; to suggest

to empathize; to allow (for something); to
6 体谅 t3 liang4 show understanding; to appreciate
dignity; face (as in "losing face"); honorable;
6 体面 t3 mian4 creditable; prety

6 体系 t3 xi4 system; setup; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 天才 tan1 cai2 talent; gif; genius; talented; gifed

pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom);
6 天伦之乐 tan1 lun2 zhi1 le4 family love and joy; domestc bliss

6 天然气 tan1 ran2 qi4 natural gas

6 天生 tan1 sheng1 innate; natural

6 天堂 tan1 tang2 paradise; heaven

6 天文 tan1 wen2 astronomy

6 田径 tan2 jing4 track and feld (athletcs)

6 舔 tan3 to lick; to lap

6 挑剔 tao1 t5 picky; fussy

6 调和 tao2 he2 harmonious; harmony

to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical
6 调剂 tao2 ji4 prescripton
to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to
6 调节 tao2 jie2 reconcile (accountancy etc)

6 调解 tao2 jie3 to mediate; to bring partes to an agreement

6 条款 tao2 kuan3 clause (of contract or law); CL:項|项[xiang4]

6 条理 tao2 li3 arrangement; order; tdiness

6 调料 tao2 liao4 condiment; seasoning; favoring

6 条约 tao2 yue1 treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 挑拨 tao3 bo1 to incite disharmony; to instgate

6 挑衅 tao3 xin4 to provoke; provocaton

6 跳跃 tao4 yue4 to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip

6 停泊 tng2 bo2 anchorage; mooring (of a ship)

6 停顿 tng2 dun4 pause

6 停滞 tng2 zhi4 stagnaton; at a standstll; bogged down

6 亭子 tng2 zi5 pavilion

6 挺拔 tng3 ba2 tall and straight

6 通货膨胀 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4

6 通俗 tong1 su2 common; everyday; average

6 通用 tong1 yong4 common (use); interchangeable

born of the same parents; fellow citzen or
6 同胞 tong2 bao1 countryman

6 童话 tong2 hua4 children's fairy tales

6 铜矿 tong2 kuang4 copper mine

6 同志 tong2 zhi4 comrade; homosexual (slang); CL:個|个[ge4]

6 统筹兼顾 tong3 chou2 jian1 gu4 an overall plan taking into account all factors

6 统计 tong3 ji4 statstcs; to count; to add up

6 统统 tong3 tong3 totally

to speculate (on fnancial markets);
6 投机 tou2 ji1 opportunistc; congenial; agreeable

6 投票 tou2 piao4 to vote; vote

6 投降 tou2 xiang2 to surrender; surrender

6 投掷 tou2 zhi4 to throw sth a long distance; to hurl

6 秃 tu1 bald; blunt

to surmount or break the back of (a task
etc); (of ball sports) to break through a
6 突破 tu1 po4 defense

6 图案 tu2 an4 design; patern

6 徒弟 tu2 di4 apprentce; disciple

6 途径 tu2 jing4 way; channel

6 涂抹 tu2 mo3 to paint; to smear; to doodle

6 土壤 tu3 rang3 soil

6 团结 tuan2 jie2 a rally; to hold a rally; to join forces

6 团体 tuan2 t3 group; organizaton; team; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 团员 tuan2 yuan2 member; group member

speculaton; to conjecture; to surmise; to
6 推测 tui1 ce4 speculate

6 推翻 tui1 fan1 overthrow

6 推理 tui1 li3 reasoning; speculatve; inference

to infer; a deducton; a corollary; a reasoned
6 推论 tui1 lun4 conclusion

6 推销 tui1 xiao1 to market; to sell

6 吞咽 tun1 yan4 to swallow; to gulp

to separate oneself from; to break away
from; diastasis (medicine); abscission;
6 脱离 tuo1 li2 abjuncton (botany)
to adjourn; to delay; to defer; adjournment;
6 拖延 tuo1 yan2 procrastnaton
to consign (goods); to check through
6 托运 tuo1 yun4 (baggage)

6 妥当 tuo3 dang5 appropriate; proper; ready

6 妥善 tuo3 shan4 appropriate; proper

to compromise; to reach terms; a
6 妥协 tuo3 xie2 compromise

6 椭圆 tuo3 yuan2 oval; ellipse; elliptc

6 唾沫 tuo4 mo5 spitle; saliva

6 挖掘 wa1 jue2 to excavate; to dig; to unearth

6 娃娃 wa2 wa5 baby; small child; doll

6 瓦解 wa3 jie3 to collapse; to disintegrate; to crumble

6 哇 wa5 Wow!; sound of child's crying

6 歪曲 wai1 qu1 to distort; to misrepresent

6 外表 wai4 biao3 external; outside; outward appearance

6 外行 wai4 hang2 layman; amateur

6 外界 wai4 jie4 the outside world; external

outward-looking; extrovert; extroverted
6 外向 wai4 xiang4 (personality); export-oriented (economy)

6 丸 wan2 pill
faultless; complete; perfect; to leave nothing
6 完备 wan2 bei4 to be desired

6 完毕 wan2 bi4 to fnish; to end; to complete

6 顽固 wan2 gu4 stubborn; obstnate

to play with; to engage in; to resort to; to
6 玩弄 wan2 nong4 dally with

6 顽强 wan2 qiang2 tenacious; hard to defeat

6 玩意儿 wan2 yi4 r5 toy; plaything; thing; act; trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatc

6 挽回 wan3 hui2 to retrieve; to redeem

6 挽救 wan3 jiu4 to save; to remedy; to rescue

to feel sorry for a person over sth that
6 惋惜 wan3 xi1 should have happened
very much; extremely; one ten thousandth
6 万分 wan4 fen1 part
habitually in the past; as one used to do
6 往常 wang3 chang2 formerly; as it used to be
network (computng, telecommunicatons,
6 网络 wang3 luo4 transport etc); Internet
6 往事 wang3 shi4 past events; former happenings

6 妄想 wang4 xiang3 to atempt vainly; a vain atempt

6 微不足道 wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 negligible; insignifcant

6 威风 wei1 feng1 might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive

6 微观 wei1 guan1 micro-; sub-atomic

6 危机 wei1 ji1 crisis; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 威力 wei1 li4 might; formidable power

6 威望 wei1 wang4 prestge

(of a government, etc.) prestge and public
6 威信 wei1 xin4 reliance

6 违背 wei2 bei4 to violate; to be contrary to

6 维持 wei2 chi2 to keep; to maintain; to preserve

only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except;
6 唯独 wei2 du2 unique
feel embarrassed or awkward; to make
things difcult (for someone); to fnd things
6 为难 wei2 nan2 difcult (to do or manage)
(to be done) by (a certain date); lastng (a
6 为期 wei2 qi1 certain tme)

6 维生素 wei2 sheng1 su4 vitamin

6 为首 wei2 shou3 head; be headed by

maintenance (of equipment); to protect and
6 维修 wei2 xiu1 maintain
commitee member; commitee; council; CL:
6 委员 wei3 yuan2 個|个[ge4]

6 伪造 wei3 zao4 to forge; to fake; to counterfeit

6 畏惧 wei4 ju4 to fear; to dread; foreboding

6 胃口 wei4 kou3 appette
unavoidable; a bit too much; over the top
6 未免 wei4 mian3 (you exaggerate)
to express sympathy, greetngs, consolaton
6 慰问 wei4 wen4 etc

6 卫星 wei4 xing1 (space) satellite; CL:顆|颗[ke1]

6 位于 wei4 yu2 to be located at; to be situated at; to lie

6 温带 wen1 dai4 temperate zone

6 温和 wen1 he2 moderate (policy etc)

6 文凭 wen2 ping2 diploma

cultural relic; historical relic; CL:件[jian4],個|
6 文物 wen2 wu4 个[ge4]

6 文献 wen2 xian4 document

6 文雅 wen2 ya3 elegant; refned

6 文艺 wen2 yi4 literature and art

6 问世 wen4 shi4 to be published; to come out

den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in
check; to bend; classifer for liters and
6 窝 wo1 broods

6 乌黑 wu1 hei1 jet-black; dark

6 污蔑 wu1 mie4 slander

to entrap; to frame; to plant false evidence
6 诬陷 wu1 xian4 against sb

6 无比 wu2 bi3 matchless

6 无偿 wu2 chang2 free; no charge; at no cost

without any sense of shame;
6 无耻 wu2 chi3 unembarrassed; shameless
not to have access; beyond one's authority
6 无从 wu2 cong2 or capability; sth one has no way of doing

6 无动于衷 wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1aloof; indiferent; unconcerned

6 无非 wu2 fei1 only; nothing else

dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless; in
6 无精打采 wu2 jing1 da3 cai3 low spirits; washed out

6 无可奉告 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4 (idiom) "no comment"

have no way out; have no alternatve; abbr.
6 无可奈何 wu2 ke3 nai4 he2 to 無奈|无奈 [wu2 nai4]

6 无赖 wu2 lai4 hoodlum; rascal; rogue; rascally; scoundrelly

to make trouble without reason (idiom);
deliberately awkward; pointless provocaton;
6 无理取闹 wu2 li3 qu3 nao4 willful trouble maker

6 无能为力 wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless

vast and limitless (idiom); endless span of
tme; no vestge of a beginning, no prospect
6 无穷无尽 wu2 qiong2 wu2 jin4 of an end

6 无微不至 wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4 in every possible way (idiom); metculous

6 无忧无虑 wu2 you1 wu2 lv4 carefree and without worries (idiom)

6 无知 wu2 zhi1 ignorance

6 舞蹈 wu3 dao3 dance

6 侮辱 wu3 ru3 to insult; to humiliate; dishonor

martal arts chivalry (Chinese literary,
6 武侠 wu3 xia2 theatrical and cinema genre); knight-errant
arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed
6 武装 wu3 zhuang1 (forces)

6 勿 wu4 do not

6 务必 wu4 bi4 must; to need to; to be sure to

6 误差 wu4 cha1 diference; error; inaccuracy

to misunderstand; to misread;
6 误解 wu4 jie3 misunderstanding

6 物美价廉 wu4 mei3 jia4 lian2 cheap and fne; atractve in price and quality

6 务实 wu4 shi2 pragmatc; dealing with concrete issues

6 物资 wu4 zi1 goods and materials

6 溪 xi1 creek; rivulet

6 膝盖 xi1 gai4 knee

to stop burning; to go out (of fre); to die
6 熄灭 xi1 mie4 out; extnguished
to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight etc); to
6 吸取 xi1 qu3 assimilate

6 昔日 xi1 ri4 formerly; in olden days

to sacrifce oneself; to lay down one's life; to
do sth at the expense of; beast slaughtered
6 牺牲 xi1 sheng1 for sacrifce; sacrifce; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 夕阳 xi1 yang2 sunset; the setng sun

daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man);
6 媳妇 xi2 fu5 young married woman; young woman
an atack (esp. surprise atack); raid; to
6 袭击 xi2 ji1 atack

6 习俗 xi2 su2 custom; traditon; local traditon; conventon

a delight to see (idiom); an atractve
6 喜闻乐见 xi3 wen2 le4 jian4 spectacle

6 喜悦 xi3 yue4 happy; joyous

6 细胞 xi4 bao1 cell (biology)

6 细菌 xi4 jun1 bacterium; germ; CL:種|种[zhong3]

6 系列 xi4 lie4 series

delicate; fne; careful; metculous;
6 细致 xi4 zhi4 painstaking
6 霞 xia2 red clouds
narrow; tght; narrow minded; lacking in
6 狭隘 xia2 ai4 experience

6 峡谷 xia2 gu3 canyon; gill; ravine

6 狭窄 xia2 zhai3 narrow

6 夏令营 xia4 ling4 ying2 summer camp

6 下属 xia4 shu3 subordinate; underling

6 先进 xian1 jin4 advanced (technology); to advance

6 鲜明 xian1 ming2 bright; clear-cut; distnct

to lif; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge;
6 掀起 xian1 qi3 to set of (a campaign)

6 先前 xian1 qian2 before; previously

6 纤维 xian1 wei2 fber; CL:種|种[zhong3]

bow string; string of musical instrument;
watchspring; chord (segment of curve);
6 弦 xian2 hypotenuse; CL:根[gen1]
to dislike; suspicion; resentment; enmity;
abbr. for 嫌犯|嫌犯[xian2 fan4], criminal
6 嫌 xian2 suspect

6 闲话 xian2 hua4 digression; gossip; complaint; scandal; CL:段[duan4]

6 贤惠 xian2 hui4 chaste; virtuous

6 衔接 xian2 jie1 to join together; to combine

6 嫌疑 xian2 yi2 suspicion; (be) suspected (of)

6 显著 xian3 zhu4 outstanding; notable; remarkable

lit. actual locaton; the scene (of the
6 现场 xian4 chang3 incident); on-the-spot

6 现成 xian4 cheng2 ready-made; readily available

6 宪法 xian4 fa3 consttuton (of a country)

6 陷害 xian4 hai4 to frame (up); to make false charges against

stufng; flling, e.g. in 包子[bao3 zi5] or 饺子
6 馅儿 xian4 r5 [jiao3 zi5]
to sink into; to get caught up in; to land in (a
6 陷入 xian4 ru4 predicament)

6 线索 xian4 suo3 trail; clues; thread (of a story)

6 现状 xian4 zhuang4 current situaton

6 相差 xiang1 cha4 to difer; discrepancy between

6 相等 xiang1 deng3 equal; equally; equivalent

6 相辅相成 xiang1 fu3 xiang1 cheng2

to complement one another (idiom)
to inlay; to embed; to set (e.g. a jewel in a
6 镶嵌 xiang1 qian4 ring); tling; tesselaton
to correspond; answering (one another); to
agree (among the part); corresponding;
6 相应 xiang1 ying4 relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly

6 乡镇 xiang1 zhen4 village; township

to think up every possible method (idiom);
to devise ways and means; to try this, that
6 想方设法 xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3 and the other

6 响亮 xiang3 liang4 loud and clear; resounding

6 响应 xiang3 ying4 respond to; answer; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 巷 xiang4 lane; alley

6 项 xiang4 neck; sum; funds

6 向导 xiang4 dao3 guide

6 向来 xiang4 lai2 always; all along

6 向往 xiang4 wang3 to yearn for; to look forward to

6 消除 xiao1 chu2 to eliminate; to remove

6 消毒 xiao1 du2 to disinfect; to sterilize

6 消防 xiao1 fang2 fre-fghtng; fre control

6 消耗 xiao1 hao4 to use up; to consume

to destroy (by meltng or burning); to
6 销毁 xiao1 hui3 obliterate

6 消极 xiao1 ji2 negatve; passive; inactve

6 小气 xiao3 qi5 stngy; pety; miserly; narrow-minded

cautous and solemn (idiom); very carefully;
6 小心翼翼 xiao3 xin1 yi4 yi4 prudent; gently and cautously

6 孝顺 xiao4 shun5 flial piety; to be obedient to one's parents

6 肖像 xiao4 xiang4 portrait

6 效益 xiao4 yi4 beneft

to carry (on one's person); to support (old);
6 携带 xie2 dai4 Taiwan pr. xi1 dai4
an associaton; a society; CL:個|个[ge4],家
6 协会 xie2 hui4 [jia1]
to consult with; to talk things over;
6 协商 xie2 shang1 agreement

6 协议 xie2 yi4 agreement; pact; protocol; CL:項|项[xiang4]

6 协助 xie2 zhu4 provide assistance; aid

6 写作 xie3 zuo4 writng; writen works

6 屑 xie4 crumbs; flings; worthwhile

6 谢绝 xie4 jue2 to refuse politely

6 泄露 xie4 lu4 to leak (informaton); to divulge

discouraged; dejected; demoralized;
despairing; to want to give up; to defate (air
6 泄气 xie4 qi4 from a tyre)
metabolism (biology); the new replaces the
6 新陈代谢 xin1 chen2 dai4 xie4 old (idiom)

6 心得 xin1 de2 knowledge gained; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 新郎 xin1 lang2 bridegroom; groom

bright; smart; quick-wited; heart; thoughts;
6 心灵 xin1 ling2 spirit

6 新娘 xin1 niang2 bride

6 辛勤 xin1 qin2 hardworking; industrious

6 薪水 xin1 shui3 salary; wage

attude (of the heart); state of one's psyche;
6 心态 xin1 tai4 way of thinking; mentality

6 心疼 xin1 teng2 to love dearly; the pain of love

6 欣慰 xin1 wei4 to be gratfed

6 欣欣向荣 xin1 xin1 xiang4 rong2 luxuriant growth (idiom); fourishing; thriving
heart's blood; expenditure (for some
6 心血 xin1 xue4 project); metculous care
one's thoughts; mind; intenton; willingness
6 心眼儿 xin1 yan3 r5 to accept new ideas; baseless suspicions

6 新颖 xin1 ying3 lit. new bud; fg. new and original

to trust; to have confdence in; to have faith
6 信赖 xin4 lai4 in; to rely on

6 信念 xin4 nian4 faith; belief; convicton

to believe in (a religion); frm belief;
6 信仰 xin4 yang3 convicton

6 信誉 xin4 yu4 prestge; distncton; reputaton; trust

6 腥 xing1 fshy (smell)

happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in
6 兴高采烈 xing1 gao1 cai3 lie4 great delight
Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2
6 兴隆 Xing1 long2 de2], Hebei

6 兴旺 xing1 wang4 prosperous; thriving; to prosper; to fourish

6 刑事 xing2 shi4 criminal; penal

6 形态 xing2 tai4 shape; form; patern; morphology

6 行政 xing2 zheng4 administraton; administratve

6 性感 xing4 gan3 sex appeal; erotcism; sexuality; sexy

6 幸好 xing4 hao3 fortunately

6 性命 xing4 ming4 life

6 性能 xing4 neng2 functon; performance

6 性情 xing4 qing2 nature; temperament

to become exhilarated (idiom); in high
6 兴致勃勃 xing4 zhi4 bo2 bo2 spirits; full of zest

6 凶恶 xiong1 e4 ferce; ferocious; fendish; frightening

one's bosom (the seat of emotons); breast;
broad-minded and open; to think about; to
6 胸怀 xiong1 huai2 cherish

6 凶手 xiong1 shou3 assailant; murderer; assassin

6 胸膛 xiong1 tang2 chest

6 雄厚 xiong2 hou4 robust; strong and solid

6 羞耻 xiu1 chi3 (a feeling of) shame

6 修复 xiu1 fu4 restoraton

6 修建 xiu1 jian4 to build; to construct

to repair; to perform maintenance; to
6 修理 xiu1 li3 overhaul; to fx; to prune; to trim

6 修养 xiu1 yang3 accomplishment; training; self-cultvaton

6 绣 xiu4 to embroider

6 嗅觉 xiu4 jue2 sense of smell

6 虚假 xu1 jia3 false; phony; pretense

6 需求 xu1 qiu2 requirement; demand (economics)

6 虚荣 xu1 rong2 vanity

6 虚伪 xu1 wei3 false; hypocritcal; artfcial; sham

prerequisites; rules that must be known
6 须知 xu1 zhi1 before startng sth

6 许可 xu3 ke3 to allow; to permit

heavy drinking; to get drunk; to drink to
6 酗酒 xu4 jiu3 excess

6 畜牧 xu4 mu4 to raise animals

preface; introductory remarks; preamble;
6 序言 xu4 yan2 prelude

6 宣誓 xuan1 shi4 to swear an oath (of ofce); to make a vow

6 宣扬 xuan1 yang2 to proclaim; to make public or well known

6 悬挂 xuan2 gua4 to suspend; to hang; suspension (cable car)

6 旋律 xuan2 lv4 melody; rhythm

suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for
6 悬念 xuan2 nian4 sb's welfare

6 悬崖峭壁 xuan2 ya2 qiao4 bi4 clifside

6 旋转 xuan2 zhuan3 to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl

6 选拔 xuan3 ba2 to select the best

6 选手 xuan3 shou3 athlete; contestant

6 削弱 xue1 ruo4 to weaken

educatonal background; academic
6 学历 xue2 li4 qualifcatons

6 学说 xue2 shuo1 theory; doctrine

学位[xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4], MSc 碩士學位|
硕士学位[shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4], Diploma
學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4
shu1], PhD 博士學位|博士学位[bo2 shi4
6 学位 xue2 wei4 xue2 wei4]
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on
top of another; to make things worse in a
6 雪上加霜 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1
bad situaton

6 血压 xue4 ya1 blood pressure

nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of
6 熏陶 xun1 tao2 culture); seeped in

6 循环 xun2 huan2 to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop

6 巡逻 xun2 luo2 to patrol (police, army or navy)

6 寻觅 xun2 mi4 to look for

in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make
6 循序渐进 xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 steady progress incrementally

6 押金 ya1 jin1 deposit; cash pledge

to oppress; to repress; to constrict;
6 压迫 ya1 po4 oppression; stress (physics)

6 压岁钱 ya1 sui4 qian2 money given to children as new year present

6 压缩 ya1 suo1 to compress; compression

to constrain or repress emotons;
6 压抑 ya1 yi4 oppressive; stfing; depressing; repression
to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc
6 压榨 ya1 zha4 by squeezing
6 压制 ya1 zhi4 to suppress; to inhibit; to stfe

6 亚军 ya4 jun1 second place (in a sports contest); runner-up

6 烟花爆竹 yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2 freworks and crackers

to submerge; to drown; to food; to drown
6 淹没 yan1 mo4 out (also fg.)

6 沿海 yan2 hai3 coastal

6 严寒 yan2 han2 biter cold; severe winter

6 严禁 yan2 jin4 strictly prohibit

6 严峻 yan2 jun4 grim; severe; rigorous

6 严厉 yan2 li4 severe; strict

speech; expression of opinion; public
6 言论 yan2 lun4 opinion

6 严密 yan2 mi4 strict; tght (organizaton, surveillance etc)

6 延期 yan2 qi1 to delay; to extend; to postpone; to defer

6 炎热 yan2 re4 blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather)

6 延伸 yan2 shen1 to extend; to spread

6 岩石 yan2 shi2 rock

6 延续 yan2 xu4 to contnue; to go on; to last

6 演变 yan3 bian4 to develop; to evolve

6 掩盖 yan3 gai4 to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up

6 眼光 yan3 guang1 vision

to screen; to shield; to cover; protecton;
6 掩护 yan3 hu4 cover; CL:面[mian4]
6 演讲 yan3 jiang3 lecture; to make a speech

6 眼色 yan3 se4 aexpression

wink; to signal with one's
or emoton eyesin one's
eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight
6 眼神 yan3 shen2 (topolect)

6 掩饰 yan3 shi4 to conceal a fault; to gloss over

6 演习 yan3 xi2 exercise; practce; to put on a play; to act

6 眼下 yan3 xia4 now; at present; subocular (medicine)

6 演绎 yan3 yi4 to deduce; to infer

to play a musical instrument; to perform
6 演奏 yan3 zou4 music
to check on receipt; an inventory of received
6 验收 yan4 shou1 goods; to verify and accept (a delivery)

6 厌恶 yan4 wu4 to loath; to hate; disgusted with sth

to inspect and verify; experimental
6 验证 yan4 zheng4 verifcaton

6 氧气 yang3 qi4 oxygen

6 样品 yang4 pin3 sample; specimen

to waver; swaying (of building in an
6 摇摆 yao2 bai3 earthquake)

6 摇滚 yao2 gun3 to shake and boil; rock and roll (music)

6 摇晃 yao2 huang4 to rock; to shake; to sway

6 遥控 yao2 kong4 remote control

6 谣言 yao2 yan2 rumor

6 遥远 yao2 yuan3 distant; remote

gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying
extreme anger; fuming with rage between
6 咬牙切齿 yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3 grited teeth
6 要不然 yao4 bu4 ran2 otherwise; or else; or

6 要点 yao4 dian3 main point; essental

to cause sb's death; very; extremely;
6 要命 yao4 ming4 frightening; annoying

6 要素 yao4 su4 essental factor; key consttuent

6 耀眼 yao4 yan3 to dazzle; dazzling

6 野蛮 ye3 man2 barbarous; uncivilized

6 野心 ye3 xin1 ambiton; wild schemes; careerism

6 依次 yi1 ci4 in order; in succession

6 依旧 yi1 jiu4 as before; stll

6 依据 yi1 ju4 according to; basis; foundaton

6 依靠 yi1 kao4 to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on

6 依赖 yi1 lai4 to depend on; to be dependent on

6 一流 yi1 liu2 top quality; front ranking

just as in the past (idiom); as before;
6 一如既往 yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3 contnuing as always

6 衣裳 yi1 shang5 clothes

6 依托 yi1 tuo1 to rely on; to depend on

heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest; CL:筆
6 遗产 yi2 chan3 |笔[bi3]

6 遗传 yi2 chuan2 heredity; inheritance; to transmit

6 一度 yi2 du4 for a tme; at one tme; one tme; once

consistent; constant; from start to fnish; all
6 一贯 yi2 guan4 along; persistent
to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to puzzle
6 疑惑 yi2 huo4 over; misgivings; suspicions
(leave or be a) legacy; lef over; hand down
6 遗留 yi2 liu2 (to next generaton)

6 一律 yi2 lv4 same; uniformly; all; without excepton

6 一目了然 yi2 mu4 liao3 ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom)

6 仪器 yi2 qi4 instrument; apparatus; CL:臺|台[tai2]

6 遗失 yi2 shi1 to lose; lost

6 仪式 yi2 shi4 ceremony

all along; the whole tme; constantly; earlier;
6 一向 yi2 xiang4 lately

6 一再 yi2 zai4 repeatedly

6 以便 yi3 bian4 so that; so as to; in order to

6 以免 yi3 mian3 in order to avoid; so as not to

6 以往 yi3 wang3 in the past; formerly

down to; up to; to such an extent as to ...
6 以至 yi3 zhi4 (also writen 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2])

6 以致 yi3 zhi4 to such an extent as to; down to; up to

6 亦 yi4 also

6 翼 yi4 wing

6 异常 yi4 chang2 exceptonal; abnormal; an anomaly

single sail, gentle wind (idiom); plain sailing;
6 一帆风顺 yi4 fan1 feng1 shun4 to go smoothly
one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with
6 一举两得 yi4 ju3 liang3 de2 one stone

6 毅力 yi4 li4 perseverance; willpower

6 意料 yi4 liao4 to antcipate; to expect; to reckon ahead

6 毅然 yi4 ran2 frmly; resolutely; without hesitaton

consciousness; awareness; consciously (i.e.
6 意识 yi4 shi2 deliberately); to be aware
not one thread loose (idiom); strictly
according to the rules; metculous; not one
6 一丝不苟 yi4 si1 bu4 gou3 hair out of place

6 意图 yi4 tu2 intent; intenton; intend; schematc diagram

6 意味着 yi4 wei4 zhe5 to signify; to mean; to imply

6 意向 yi4 xiang4 dispositon

will; willpower; determinaton; CL:個|个
6 意志 yi4 zhi4 [ge4]

6 抑制 yi4 zhi4 to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress

6 阴谋 yin1 mou2 plot; conspiracy

speakers or speaker (electronic); acoustcs;
6 音响 yin1 xiang3 sound feld (in a room or theater)

6 隐蔽 yin3 bi4 to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover

6 引导 yin3 dao3 to guide; to lead; to conduct; introducton

a danger concealed within sth; hidden
damage; misfortune not visible from the
6 隐患 yin3 huan4 surface
to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to
6 隐瞒 yin3 man2 cover up the truth

6 引擎 yin3 qing2 engine (transliteraton)

6 饮食 yin3 shi2 food and drink

6 隐私 yin3 si1 secrets; sth one hopes to conceal

6 引用 yin3 yong4 to quote; to cite; to recommend; to appoint

6 隐约 yin3 yue1 vague; faint; indistnct

6 印刷 yin4 shua1 print

6 婴儿 ying1 er2 infant; baby; CL:個|个[ge4]; lead (Pb)

6 英明 ying1 ming2 wise; brilliant

6 英勇 ying1 yong3 bravery; gallant; valiant

6 盈利 ying2 li4 proft; gain

directly; head-on (collision); in one's face (of
6 迎面 ying2 mian4 wind)

6 荧屏 ying2 ping2 fuorescent screen; TV screen

social nicetes; social interacton; a dinner
6 应酬 ying4 chou5 party

6 应邀 ying4 yao1 at sb's invitaton; on invitaton

6 拥护 yong1 hu4 to endorse; to support

6 庸俗 yong1 su2 flthy; vulgar; debased

6 拥有 yong1 you3 to have; to possess

eternal; everlastng; fg. to pass into eternity
6 永恒 yong3 heng2 (i.e. to die)
to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to
6 涌现 yong3 xian4 emerge prominently

6 勇于 yong3 yu2 to dare to; to be brave enough to

6 踊跃 yong3 yue4 to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastcally

diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to
6 用功 yong4 gong1 study hard; to make great efort

6 用户 yong4 hu4 user; consumer; subscriber; customer

6 优胜劣汰 you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4 survival of the ftest

6 优先 you1 xian1 priority

6 优异 you1 yi4 exceptonal; outstandingly good

6 忧郁 you1 yu4 sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected

6 优越 you1 yue4 superior; superiority

grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); faty;
6 油腻 you2 ni4 greasy and dirty; a slippery character

6 油漆 you2 qi1 oil paints; lacquer; to paint; CL:層|层[ceng2]

6 犹如 you2 ru2 similar to; appearing to be

regular and thorough (idiom); methodically
6 有条不紊 you3 tao2 bu4 wen3 arranged

6 诱惑 you4 huo4 to entce; to lure; to induce; to atract

6 幼稚 you4 zhi4 young; childish; naive

6 愚蠢 yu2 chun3 silly; stupid

6 舆论 yu2 lun4 public opinion

6 愚昧 yu2 mei4 ignorant; uneducated

6 渔民 yu2 min2 fsherman; fsher folk

to increase steadily; to grow with each
6 与日俱增 yu3 ri4 ju4 zeng1 passing day

6 羽绒服 yu3 rong2 fu2 down garment

6 予以 yu3 yi3 to give; to impose; to apply

6 愈 yu4 heal; the more...the more; to recover; beter

6 熨 yu4 reconciled; smooth

6 预料 yu4 liao4 to forecast; to antcipate; expectaton

6 预期 yu4 qi1 expect; expected

preliminary competton; to hold preliminary
6 预赛 yu4 sai4 heats

6 预算 yu4 suan4 budget

6 欲望 yu4 wang4 desire; longing; appette; craving

6 预先 yu4 xian1 beforehand; prior

6 预言 yu4 yan2 to predict; prophecy

6 寓言 yu4 yan2 fable; CL:則|则[ze2]

6 预兆 yu4 zhao4 omen; prognosis (in medicine)

hatred; injustce; bad luck; unjust treatment;
6 冤枉 yuan1 wang5 wronged; not worthwhile

6 原告 yuan2 gao4 complainant; plaintf

6 原理 yuan2 li3 principle; theory

6 园林 yuan2 lin2 gardens; park; landscape garden

6 圆满 yuan2 man3 satsfactory

fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fg.
6 源泉 yuan2 quan2 origin
frst; original; primitve; original (document
6 原始 yuan2 shi3 etc)

6 元首 yuan2 shou3 head of state

6 元素 yuan2 su4 element; element of a set; chemical element

6 原先 yuan2 xian1 former; original

Lantern festval, the fnal event of the Spring
festval 春節|春节, on 15th of frst month of
6 元宵节 Yuan2 xiao1 jie2 the lunar calendar
to restrict; to limit to; to constrain;
6 约束 yue1 shu4 restricton; constraint

6 岳父 yue4 fu4 wife's father, father-in-law

6 乐谱 yue4 pu3 a musical score; sheet music
to hold in store; to contain (untapped
6 蕴藏 yun4 cang2 reserves etc)
(of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be
brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold
6 酝酿 yun4 niang4 exploratory discussions

6 运算 yun4 suan4 (mathematcal) operaton

6 运行 yun4 xing2 be in moton; to move; to run

to be pregnant; to produce ofspring; to
nurture (a development, school of thought,
6 孕育 yun4 yu4 artwork etc); fg. replete with (culture etc)

6 砸 za2 smash; smashed; to fail; to get it wrong

6 杂技 za2 ji4 acrobatcs; CL:場|场[chang3]

6 杂交 za2 jiao1 a hybrid

6 咋 za3 (dialect) why; how; what

6 灾难 zai1 nan4 disaster; catastrophe

6 栽培 zai1 pei2 to grow; to cultvate

to slaughter livestock; to govern or rule; to
cheat customers; Imperial ofcial in dynastc
6 宰 zai3 China

6 在乎 zai4 hu5 determined by; to care about; to mind

to contnue the struggle (idiom); to persist;
6 再接再厉 zai4 jie1 zai4 li4 unremitng eforts

6 在意 zai4 yi4 to care about; to mind

6 攒 zan3 to accumulate; to amass; to hoard; to save

6 暂且 zan4 qie3 for now; for the tme being; temporarily

6 赞叹 zan4 tan4 to sigh or gasp in admiraton; high praise

to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor;
6 赞同 zan4 tong2 trad. also writen 贊同

6 赞扬 zan4 yang2 to praise; to approve of; to show approval

6 赞助 zan4 zhu4 to support; to assist; sponsor

6 遭受 zao1 shou4 to sufer; to sustain (loss, misfortune)

to waste; to wreck; to despoil; to abuse; to
6 糟蹋 zao1 ta4 slander; to insult; to defle; to trample on

6 遭殃 zao1 yang1 to sufer a calamity

to meet with; to encounter; (biter)
6 遭遇 zao1 yu4 experience

6 造反 zao4 fan3 rebel; revolt

modeling; mold-making; model or mold;
6 造型 zao4 xing2 molding

6 噪音 zao4 yin1 rumble; noise; statc

6 责怪 ze2 guai4 to blame; to rebuke

thief; wily; deceitul; evil; extremely;
6 贼 zei2 disagreeably

6 增添 zeng1 tan1 add to; increase

6 赠送 zeng4 song4 give as a present; present as a gif

6 渣 zha1 slag (in mining or smeltng); dregs

to prick; to run or stck (a needle etc) into;
6 扎 zha1 jug (a classifer for liquids such as beer)

6 扎实 zha1 shi5 strong; solid; sturdy; frm; practcal

6 眨 zha3 wink

6 诈骗 zha4 pian4 to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail

6 摘要 zhai1 yao4 summary; abstract

6 债券 zhai4 quan4 bond; debenture
to bask in the light; fg. to beneft from
6 沾光 zhan1 guang1 associaton with sb or sth; refected glory

6 瞻仰 zhan1 yang3 to revere; to admire

to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom);
resolute and decisive; unhesitatng;
6 斩钉截铁 zhan3 ding1 jie2 te3 defnitely; without any doubt

6 展示 zhan3 shi4 to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth

outlook; prospect; to look ahead; to look
6 展望 zhan3 wang4 forward to

6 展现 zhan3 xian4 to come out; to emerge

6 崭新 zhan3 xin1 brand new

6 战斗 zhan4 dou4 to fght; to batle; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]

6 占据 zhan4 ju4 to occupy; to hold

6 占领 zhan4 ling3 to occupy (a territory); to hold

6 战略 zhan4 lve4 strategy

6 战术 zhan4 shu4 tactcs

6 战役 zhan4 yi4 military campaign

6 占有 zhan4 you3 to have; to own; to hold; to possess

rules; regulatons; consttuton; statute;
artcles of associaton (of company); artcles
of incorporaton; charter (of a corporaton);
6 章程 zhang1 cheng2 by-laws

6 长辈 zhang3 bei4 elder generaton

barrier; obstructon; hindrance; impediment;
6 障碍 zhang4 ai4 obstacle

6 帐篷 zhang4 peng5 tent; CL:頂|顶[ding3],座[zuo4]

full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous;
6 朝气蓬勃 zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 energetc; a bright spark

6 招收 zhao1 shou1 to hire; to recruit

6 招投标 zhao1 tou2 biao1 bidding; tender

6 着迷 zhao2 mi2 to be fascinated; to be captvated

6 沼泽 zhao3 ze2 marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade

6 照料 zhao4 liao4 to tend; to take care of sb

6 照样 zhao4 yang4 as before; (same) as usual

6 照耀 zhao4 yao4 shine; illuminate

6 照应 zhao4 ying4 to correlate with; to correspond to

6 遮挡 zhe1 dang3 to shelter from; to keep out

to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); to
repeat sth over and over again; to torment
6 折腾 zhe1 teng5 sb; to play crazy
to break; to snap; to sufer the loss of; to
turn; to bend; to admire; to amount to; to
discoun; to fold; turning stroke (in Chinese
6 折 zhe2 character); booklet

6 折磨 zhe2 mo2 to persecute; to torment

6 珍贵 zhen1 gui4 precious

6 侦探 zhen1 tan4 detectve; to do detectve work

6 珍稀 zhen1 xi1 rare; precious and uncommon

6 真相 zhen1 xiang4 the truth about sth; the actual facts

6 真挚 zhen1 zhi4 sincere; sincerity

6 珍珠 zhen1 zhu1 pearl

to consider; to deliberate; to fll up a cup to
6 斟酌 zhen1 zhuo2 the brim

6 阵地 zhen4 di4 positon; front

6 镇定 zhen4 ding4 calm; unperturbed; cool

to str oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to
6 振奋 zhen4 fen4 inspire

6 震惊 zhen4 jing1 to shock; to astonish

6 镇静 zhen4 jing4 calm; cool

troop arrangement; batle formaton; line-up
6 阵容 zhen4 rong2 (of a sports team etc)
Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|
6 振兴 Zhen4 xing1 丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning
suppression; repression; to suppress; to put
6 镇压 zhen4 ya1 down; to quell

6 争端 zheng1 duan1 dispute; controversy; confict

6 争夺 zheng1 duo2 fght over; contest; vie over

6 蒸发 zheng1 fa1 to evaporate; evaporaton

6 征服 zheng1 fu2 conquer; subdue; vanquish

to work hard for sth; to resolve on
6 争气 zheng1 qi4 improvement; determined not to fall short

6 征收 zheng1 shou1 to levy (a fne); to impose (a tarif)

striving to be frst and fearing to be last
6 争先恐后 zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4
(idiom); outdoing one another

6 争议 zheng1 yi4 controversy; dispute

6 正月 zheng1 yue4 frst month of the lunar year

6 挣扎 zheng1 zha2 to struggle; struggling

to tdy up; to reorganize; to consolidate; to
6 整顿 zheng3 dun4 rectfy
honest; reasonable; fair; sensible; tmely;
6 正当 zheng4 dang1 just (when needed)

6 正负 zheng4 fu4 positve and negatve

6 正规 zheng4 gui1 regular; according to standards

decent; honorable; proper; serious;
6 正经 zheng4 jing5 according to standards
healthy environment; healthy atmosphere;
righteousness; vital energy (in Chinese
6 正气 zheng4 qi4 medicine)

6 政权 zheng4 quan2 regime; (wield) politcal power

6 证实 zheng4 shi2 to confrm (sth to be true); to verify

6 证书 zheng4 shu1 credentals; certfcate

6 正义 zheng4 yi4 justce; righteous; righteousness

6 郑重 zheng4 zhong4 serious

6 症状 zheng4 zhuang4 symptom (of an illness)

6 枝 zhi1 branch; classifer for stcks, rods, pencils etc

6 支撑 zhi1 cheng1 to prop up; to support; strut; brace

6 支出 zhi1 chu1 to spend; to pay out; expense

6 脂肪 zhi1 fang2 body fat

6 知觉 zhi1 jue2 percepton; consciousness

6 支流 zhi1 liu2 tributary (river)

6 支配 zhi1 pei4 to dominate; to allocate

6 支援 zhi1 yuan2 to provide assistance; to support; to back

6 支柱 zhi1 zhu4 mainstay; pillar; prop; backbone

6 知足常乐 zhi1 zu2 chang2 le4 satsfed with what one has (idiom)

6 值班 zhi2 ban1 to work a shif; on duty

live broadcast (not recorded); direct internet
6 直播 zhi2 bo1 broadcastng

6 殖民地 zhi2 min2 di4 colony

6 职能 zhi2 neng2 functon; role

6 职位 zhi2 wei4 post; ofce; positon

6 职务 zhi2 wu4 post; positon; job; dutes

6 指标 zhi3 biao1 norm; index; target

to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and
6 指定 zhi3 ding4 with certainty; designated

6 指甲 zhi3 jia5 fngernail

6 指令 zhi3 ling4 order; command; instructon

6 指南针 zhi3 nan2 zhen1 compass

to point out; to indicate; to instruct;
6 指示 zhi3 shi4 directves; instructons; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 指望 zhi3 wang4 to hope for sth; to count on; hope

6 指责 zhi3 ze2 to critcize; to fnd fault with; to denounce

6 治安 zhi4 an1 law and order; public security

to punish; punishment; sanctons (incl.
6 制裁 zhi4 cai2 economic)
to express in words or writng; to make a
speech (esp. short introducton, vote of
thanks, aferword, funeral homily etc); to
6 致辞 zhi4 ci2 address (an audience); same as 致詞|致词

6 制订 zhi4 ding4 to work out; to formulate

to subdue; to check; to bring under control;
(in former tmes) what one is allowed to
wear depending on social status; uniform
(army, party, school etc); livery (for company
6 制服 zhi4 fu2 employees); CL:套[tao4]
to govern; to administer; to manage; to
6 治理 zhi4 li3 control

6 智力 zhi4 li4 intelligence; intellect

6 致力于 zhi4 li4 yu2 to devote to; to dedicate to

6 滞留 zhi4 liu2 to detain; retenton

intelligent; able; smart (phone, system,
6 智能 zhi4 neng2 bomb etc)

6 志气 zhi4 qi4 ambiton; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit

6 智商 zhi4 shang1 IQ (intelligence quotent)

6 致使 zhi4 shi3 to cause; to result in

6 制约 zhi4 yue1 to restrict; conditon

to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to
6 制止 zhi4 zhi3 limit

6 忠诚 zhong1 cheng2 devoted; fdelity; loyal; loyalty

the end; end point; fnishing line (in a race);
6 终点 zhong1 dian3 destnaton; terminus; CL:個|个[ge4]

6 中断 zhong1 duan4 to cut short; to break of; to discontnue

6 终究 zhong1 jiu1 in the end; afer all is said and done

6 中立 zhong1 li4 neutral

entre year; throughout the year; age at
6 终年 zhong1 nian2 death

6 终身 zhong1 shen1 lifelong; all one's life; marriage

6 忠实 zhong1 shi2 faithful

6 衷心 zhong1 xin1 heartelt; wholehearted; cordial
central; middle; center; central authorites
6 中央 zhong1 yang1 (of a state)

6 终止 zhong1 zhi3 to stop; to terminate (law)

6 肿瘤 zhong3 liu2 tumor

6 种子 zhong3 zi5 seed; CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4]

6 种族 zhong3 zu2 race; ethnicity

6 众所周知 zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1as everyone knows (idiom)

6 重心 zhong4 xin1 center of gravity; central core; main part

prefecture; state (e.g. of US); province (old);
6 州 zhou1 administratve division (old)

6 舟 zhou1 boat

6 粥 zhou1 porridge (of rice or millet)

6 周边 zhou1 bian1 periphery; rim

6 周密 zhou1 mi4 careful; thorough

6 周年 zhou1 nian2 anniversary; annual

6 周期 zhou1 qi1 period; cycle

complicaton; twists and turns; problem;
6 周折 zhou1 zhe2 setback
turnover (in cash or personnel); to have
6 周转 zhou1 zhuan3 enough resources to cover a need

6 皱纹 zhou4 wen2 wrinkle; CL:道[dao4]

day and night; period of 24 hours;
6 昼夜 zhou4 ye4 contnuously, without stop
tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant;
classifer for trees or plants; to involve
6 株 zhu1 others (in shady business)
6 诸位 zhu1 wei4 (pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs
year afer year; with each passing year; over
6 逐年 zhu2 nian2 the years

6 拄 zhu3 to lean on; to prop on

to organize; to host (a conference or sports
6 主办 zhu3 ban4 event)

6 主导 zhu3 dao3 to lead; to manage

6 主管 zhu3 guan3 in charge; responsible for

main stream (of a river); fg. the essental
6 主流 zhu3 liu2 point; main viewpoint of a mater

6 主权 zhu3 quan2 sovereignty

6 主题 zhu3 t2 theme; subject

6 助理 zhu4 li3 assistant

6 注射 zhu4 she4 injecton; to inject

6 注视 zhu4 shi4 to watch atentvely; to gaze

marginal notes; annotaton; to annotate; to
6 注释 zhu4 shi4 add comments to text

6 助手 zhu4 shou3 assistant; helper

6 铸造 zhu4 zao4 to cast (pour metal into a mold)

6 驻扎 zhu4 zha1 to staton; to garrison (troops)

6 住宅 zhu4 zhai2 residence; tenement

6 注重 zhu4 zhong4 to pay atenton to; to emphasize

to write; literary work; book; artcle;
6 著作 zhu4 zuo4 writngs; CL:部[bu4]

6 拽 zhuai4 to drag; to haul

6 专长 zhuan1 chang2 specialty; special knowledge or ability

6 专程 zhuan1 cheng2 special-purpose trip

specialized subject; branch (of medicine);
6 专科 zhuan1 ke1 specialized training school

6 专利 zhuan1 li4 patent

6 专题 zhuan1 t2 special topic

6 砖瓦 zhuan1 wa3 tles and bricks

6 转达 zhuan3 da2 to pass on; to convey; to communicate

transfer (technology, goods etc);
6 转让 zhuan3 rang4 conveyancing (property)
to shif; to divert or distract (atenton etc);
to change; to transform; metastasis
6 转移 zhuan3 yi2 (medicine)
shif in the trend of events; plot shif in a
6 转折 zhuan3 zhe2 book; twists and turns

6 传记 zhuan4 ji4 biography; CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4]

6 装备 zhuang1 bei4 equipment; to equip; to outit

to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble
6 装卸 zhuang1 xie4 and disassemble

6 庄严 zhuang1 yan2 stately

6 庄重 zhuang1 zhong4 grave; solemn; dignifed

6 幢 zhuang4 tents; classifer for houses

6 壮观 zhuang4 guan1 spectacular; magnifcent sight

6 壮丽 zhuang4 li4 magnifcence; magnifcent; majestc; glorious

6 壮烈 zhuang4 lie4 brave; heroic

6 追悼 zhui1 dao4 mourning; memorial (service etc)

6 追究 zhui1 jiu1 investgate; look into

6 准则 zhun3 ze2 norm; standard; criterion

to carve and polish (jade); to polish and
6 琢磨 zhuo2 mo2 refne a literary work
to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task;
6 着手 zhuo2 shou3 to set out
to give thought (to others); to consider
6 着想 zhuo2 xiang3 (other people's needs)
distncton; excellence; outstanding;
6 卓越 zhuo2 yue4 surpassing; distnguished; splendid

6 着重 zhuo2 zhong4 put emphasis on; to stress; to emphasize

6 资本 zi1 ben3 capital (as in capitalism)

6 资产 zi1 chan3 property; assets

senior (in terms of depth of accumulated
6 资深 zi1 shen1 experience); deeply qualifed

6 姿态 zi1 tai4 attude; posture; stance

6 滋味 zi1 wei4 taste; favor; feeling

to grow (usually of abstract things); to yield;
6 滋长 zi1 zhang3 to develop

6 资助 zi1 zhu4 to subsidize; to provide fnancial aid; subsidy

6 子弹 zi3 dan4 bullet; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1]

6 自卑 zi4 bei1 feeling inferior; self-abased

6 自发 zi4 fa1 spontaneous

regeneraton through one's own efort
6 自力更生 zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1 (idiom); self-reliance

6 自满 zi4 man3 complacent; self-satsfed

6 字母 zi4 mu3 leter (of the alphabet); CL:個|个[ge4]

6 自主 zi4 zhu3 to act for oneself; autonomous

6 踪迹 zong1 ji4 tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestge

6 棕色 zong1 se4 brown

6 宗旨 zong1 zhi3 objectve; aim; goal

6 总而言之 zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 in short; in a word; in brief

6 总和 zong3 he2 sum

lit. warp and wef in weaving; vertcally and
horizontal; length and breadth; criss-
crossed; able to move unhindered; abbr. for
合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2
heng2], School of Diplomacy during the
6 纵横 zong4 heng2 Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
corridor; aisle; hallway; colonnade;
6 走廊 zou3 lang2 passageway; piazza; veranda

6 走漏 zou3 lou4 to leak (of informaton, liquid etc); to divulge

6 走私 zou3 si1 to smuggle; to have an illicit afair

6 揍 zou4 to beat up; to break to pieces

6 租赁 zu1 lin4 to rent; to lease; to hire

6 足以 zu2 yi3 sufcient to...; so much so that; so that

6 组 zu3 to form; to organize; class; secton

6 阻碍 zu3 ai4 to obstruct; to hinder; to block

6 祖父 zu3 fu4 father's father; paternal grandfather

6 阻拦 zu3 lan2 to stop; to obstruct

6 阻挠 zu3 nao2 to thwart; to obstruct (sth)

6 钻研 zuan1 yan2 to study metculously; to delve into

6 钻石 zuan4 shi2 diamond; CL:顆|颗[ke1]

6 嘴唇 zui3 chun2 lip; CL:片[pian4]

to follow; to abide by; to comply with;
6 遵循 zun1 xun2 compliance

6 尊严 zun1 yan2 dignity; sanctty; honor; majesty

about; approximately; lef and right; around;
6 左右 zuo3 you4 atendant
to practce fraud; to cheat; to engage in
6 作弊 zuo4 bi4 corrupt practces

6 做东 zuo4 dong1 to act as host

to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to
6 作废 zuo4 fei4 nullify

6 作风 zuo4 feng1 style; style of work; way

6 作息 zuo4 xi1 work and rest

6 座右铭 zuo4 you4 ming2 moto; maxim

make the decision; take charge of; back up;
6 做主 zuo4 zhu3 support; be host
l; upheaval; commoton
a performance, stage show, acrobatcs etc)
ndal; CL:段[duan4]

1 同学 tong2 xue2 (fellow) classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]

hello (interj., esp. on telephone); hey; to feed (sb or
1 喂 wei4 some animal)

1 我 wo3 I; me; my

1 我们 wo3 men5 we; us; ourselves; our

1 五 wu3 fve; 5

1 喜欢 xi3 huan5 to like; to be fond of

down; downwards; below; lower; later; next (week
1 下 xia4 etc); second (of two parts); to decline; to go down

1 下午 xia4 wu3 afernoon; p.m.; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 下雨 xia4 yu3 to rain; rainy

teacher; Mister (Mr.); husband; doctor (topolect);
1 先生 xian1 sheng5 CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
now; at present; at the moment; modern; current;
1 现在 xian4 zai4 nowadays
to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to
1 想 xiang3 miss

1 小 xiao3 small; tny; few; young

1 小姐 xiao3 jie5 young lady; miss; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

1 些 xie1 some; few; several; (a measure word)

1 写 xie3 to write

1 谢谢 xie4 xie5 to thank; thanks

1 星期 xing1 qi1 week; CL:個|个[ge4]

1 学生 xue2 sheng5 student; school child

1 学习 xue2 xi2 to learn; to study

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1 学校 xue2 xiao4 school; CL:所[suo3]

one; 1; single; a (artcle); as soon as; entre; whole;
all; throughout; "one" radical in Chinese characters
1 一 yi1 (Kangxi radical 1)

1 衣服 yi1 fu5 clothes; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4]

1 医生 yi1 sheng1 doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
1 医院 yi1 yuan4 hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]
1 椅子 yi3 zi5 chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]
1 有 you3 to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be

1 月 yue4 moon; month; CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2]

(located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the middle of
1 在 zai4 doing sth; (indicatng an acton in progress)

1 再见 zai4 jian4 goodbye; see you again later

1 怎么 zen3 me5 how?; what?; why?
1 怎么样zen3 me5 yang4
how?; how about?; how was it?; how are things?
this; these; (commonly pr. zhei4 before a classifer,
1 这 zhe4 esp. in Beijing)

1 这儿 zhe4 r5 here
1 中国 Zhong1 guo2 China; Middle Kingdom
1 中午 zhong1 wu3 noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4]
1 住 zhu4 to live; to dwell; to stay; to reside; to stop

1 桌子 zhuo1 zi5 table; desk; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4]

leter; symbol; character; word; CL:個|个[ge4];
courtesy or style name traditonally given to males
1 字 zi4 aged 20 in dynastc China

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1 昨天 zuo2 tan1 yesterday

act as; to engage in; to hold (a party); to be; to
become; to functon (in some capacity); to serve as;
to be used for; to form (a bond or relatonship); to
pretend; to feign; to act a part; to put on
1 做 zuo4 appearance
to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane etc); to
1 坐 zuo4 bear fruit; surname Zuo

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