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5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

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Site Title: Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, third edition Summary of Results

Book Title: Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, third edition
10% Correct of 10 Scored items:
Book Author: Mullins 1 Correct: 10%
Location on Site: Student Resources > Chapter 2: Approaches to Organisation and 9 Incorrect: 90%
Management > Multiple choice questions More information about scoring
Date/Time Submitted: May 5, 2019 at 4:23 PM (UTC/GMT)

1. The study of management theory is important for which of the following reasons:

Your Answer: It helps decision making

Correct Answer: Management theories are interpretive and evolve with organisational changes

2. Which approach to the study of organisational behaviour emphasises the formal structure, hierarchy of management, the technical
requirements and the assumption of rational behaviour?

Your Answer: The systems approach

Correct Answer: The classical approach

3. Which of the following are sub-groupings of the classical approach?

Your Answer: (blank)

4. Which of the following is not a feature of a bureaucracy?

Your Answer: Specialisation

Correct Answer: Generalism

5. Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne experiments? 1/3
5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

Your Answer: The relay assembly test room

Correct Answer: All of the above

6. The systems approach __________________?

Your Answer: Encourages managers to view the organisation both as a whole and as part of a larger environment

7. Which of the following is not a principle of action theory?

Your Answer: Sociology is concerned not just with behaviour but with meaningful action
Correct Answer: Individual members will each have their own goals and interpretation of their work situation

8. Which of the following is an advantage of dividing the writers on organisational management into various approaches?

Your Answer: The various approaches are completely unrelated

Correct Answer: It enables the manager to take from the different approaches those ideas which best suit the requirements of the

9. What is the major criticism of the attempt to define generalised models of management theory?

Your Answer: The categorisation of writers is arbitrary

Correct Answer: The assumption of national culture

10. What does Crainer suggest happens when one idea after another fails to translate into sustainable practice?

Your Answer: Nothing

Correct Answer: There is a growing disillusionment with the pedlars of managerial wisdom 2/3
5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

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