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MATLAB based comparative analysis between Outdoor
Propagation Models – Okumura and HATA Model

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ECE4009 - Wireless and Mobile Communication

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Experiment No: 4
MATLAB based comparative analysis between Outdoor Propagation Models –
Okumura and HATA Model

The Okumura model for Urban Areas is a Radio propagation model that was built using
the data collected in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The model is ideal for using in cities with
many urban structures but not many tall blocking structures. The model served as a
base for the Hata Model.
Okumura model was built into three modes. The ones for urban, suburban and open
areas. The model for urban areas was built first and used as the base for others.
In wireless communication, the Hata Model for Urban Areas, also known as the
Okumura-Hata model for being a developed version of the Okumura Model, is the most
widely used radio frequency propagation model for predicting the behaviour of cellular
transmissions in built up areas. This model incorporates the graphical information from
Okumura model and develops it further to realize the effects of diffraction, reflection
and scattering caused by city structures. This model also has two more varieties for
transmission in Suburban Areas and Open Areas. Hata Model predicts the total path
loss along a link of terrestrial microwave or other type of cellular communications. This
particular version of the Hata model is applicable to the radio propagation within urban
areas. This model is suited for both point-to-point and broadcast transmissions and it is
based on extensive empirical measurements taken.

Coverage for Okumura Model

Frequency = 150 MHz to 1920 MHz
Mobile Station Antenna Height (hre): between 1 m and 10 m
Base station Antenna Height (hete): between 30 m and 1000 m
Link distance: between 1 km and 100 km

Coverage for Hata Model

Frequency: 150 MHz to 1500 MHz
Mobile Station Antenna Height: between 1 m and 10 m
Base station Antenna Height: between 30 m and 200 m
Link distance: between 1 km and 20 km.

Mathematical formulation for Okumura Model

The Okumura model is formally expressed as:
L = The median path loss. Unit: Decibel (dB),
LFSL = The Free Space Loss. Unit: Decibel(dB),
AMU = Median attenuation.Unit: Decibel(dB),
HBG = Base station antenna height gain factor, where
h 
HBG  20 log  te  1000m  hte  30m
 200 
HMG = Mobile station antenna height gain factor.
h 
HMG  10 log  re  hre  3m
 3 
h 
 20 log  re  10m  hre  3m
 3 
Kcorrection = Correction factor gain Okumura model does not provide a mean to
measure the Free space loss. However, any standard method for calculating the free
space loss can be used.

Mathematical formulation for Hata Model

Hata Model for Urban Areas is formulated as:

LU = 69.55 + 26.16 log f – 13.82 log hte – CH + [ 44.9 – 6.55 log hte] log d.

For small or medium sized city,

CH = 0.8 + (1.1 log f – 0.7 ) hre – 1.56 log f.

and for large cities,

CH = 8.29 (log (1.54 hre))2 – 1.1 , if 150 ≤ f ≤ 200

CH = 3.2 (log (11.75 hre))2 – 4.97 , if 200 ≤ f ≤ 1500

Reference Plot : 1 Median attenuation Loss vs Frequency

Reference Plot : 2 Correction Factor vs Frequency

Sample Program for Okumura Model

Sample Program for Hata Model

Write the rest of the code here based on small city or large city

For Okumura Model :

1. Plot a Graph : Frequency vs Loss (dB) for open area and comment on the finding.
2. Plot a Graph : Transmitter Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz and
comment on the finding.
3. Plot a Graph : Receiver Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz and comment
on the finding.
4. Plot a Graph : Compare the results for Frequency vs Loss (dB) for Open. Quasi and
suburban area.

For HATA Model :

1. Plot a Graph : Frequency vs Loss (dB) for small city and comment on the finding.
2. Plot a Graph : Transmitter Antenna height vs Loss (dB) and comment on the finding.
3. Plot a Graph : Receiver Antenna height vs Loss (dB) and comment on the finding.
4. Plot a Graph : Compare the results of HATA model and Extended HATA model with
respect to Frequency vs Loss (dB) for Large cities

Okumura Model
1. Plot a Graph : Frequency vs Loss (dB) for open area and comment on the finding
hre=4; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
disp('Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer');
d=30000; % D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;% speed of light
f=[150 200 300 500 700 1000 1200 1300 1500 1700 1920];%frequency range
Kcorrection=[23 23.1 24 26 27 29 29.5 30 30.7 31.1 32];% G Area Correction factor
amu=[32 32.5 33 34 36 37 38 38.5 39 39.5 40]; %Median attenuation factor
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor

if(hre<=3) %Mobile station antenna height gain factor

L=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path loss
plot(f,L);grid on;
xlabel('Frequency in Mhz');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Okumura Model : Frequency vs Loss (dB) for open area');

Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

2. Plot a Graph : Transmitter Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz and comment on
the finding.
disp('Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer');
d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
Kcorrection=0; % Assuming Gain due to the type of environment =0
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
L=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path loss
plot(hte,L);grid on;
xlabel('Transmitter Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Okumura Model : Transmitter Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz');

Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

3. Plot a Graph : Receiver Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz and comment on
the finding.
hre=3:0.1:10; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
disp('Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer');
d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
Kcorrection=0; % Assuming Gain due to the type of environment =0
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
L=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path loss
plot(hre,L);grid on;
xlabel('Receiver Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Okumura Model : Receiver Antenna height vs Loss (dB) for f = 900 MHz');

Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

4. Plot a Graph : Compare the results for Frequency vs Loss (dB) for Open. Quasi and
suburban area.
hre=4; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
disp('Calculating the loss for distance of 30 kilometer');
d=30000; % D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;% speed of light
f=[150 200 300 500 700 1000 1200 1300 1500 1700 1920];%frequency range
Kcorrection_Quasi_Open_Area=[17 17.9 18.9 20 20.9 23 24.1 24.5 25 26 27];% Gain due to Quasi Open Area
Kcorrection_Suburban_Area=[5.9 6 7 8 9 10 10.1 11 11 11.9 12];%Gain due to Suburban Area
Kcorrection_Open_Area=[23 23.1 24 26 27 29 29.5 30 30.7 31.1 32];%Gain due to Open Area
amu=[32 32.5 33 34 36 37 38 38.5 39 39.5 40]; %Median attenuation factor
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
if(hre<=3) %Mobile station antenna height gain factor
L_Quasi_Open_Area=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection_Quasi_Open_Area;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path
loss in Quasi Open Area
L_Suburban_Area=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection_Suburban_Area;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path loss
in Suburban Area
L_Open_Area=lfsl+amu-hbg-hmg-Kcorrection_Open_Area;% 50th Percentile(median) value of the Path loss in Open
plot(f,L_Suburban_Area,'r');grid on;
xlabel('Frequency in Mhz');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
hold on
legend('Suburban Area','Quasi Open Area','Open Area');
title('Frequency vs Loss (dB) for Open Quasi Area, Suburban Area and Open Area');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

Hata Model
1. Plot a Graph: Frequency vs Loss (dB) for small city and comment on the finding
hre=4; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
d=30000; % D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;% speed of light
f=[150 200 300 500 700 1000 1200 1300 1500];%frequency range in Mhz
amu=[32 32.5 33 34 36 37 38 38.5 39];%Median attenuation factor
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
if(hre<=3) %Mobile station antenna height gain factor
% ch = Correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss
plot(f,L);grid on
xlabel('Frequency in Mhz');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model for small city at Various Frequencies');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

2. Plot a Graph : Transmitter Antenna height vs Loss (dB) and comment on the finding.

A) For Small and Medium City

d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
% ch = Correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss
plot(hte,L);grid on;
xlabel('Transmitter Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model: Transmitter Antenna Height vs Loss (dB)');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

B) For Large City
d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
% ch = Correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss
plot(hte,L);grid on;
xlabel('Transmitter Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model: Transmitter Antenna Height vs Loss (dB)');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

3. Plot a Graph : Receiver Antenna height vs Loss (dB) and comment on the finding.

A) For Small and Medium City

hre=3:0.1:10; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
% ch = Correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss
plot(hre,L);grid on;
xlabel('Transmitter Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model: Transmitter Antenna Height vs Loss (dB)');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

B) For Large City
hre=3:0.1:10; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
d=30000;% D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;;% speed of light
f=900;% calculating at a frequency of 900 Mhz
amu=37;%Median attenuation factor at 900Mhz
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
% ch = Correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss
plot(hre,L);grid on;
xlabel('Transmitter Height in metre');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model: Transmitter Antenna Height vs Loss (dB)');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

4. Plot a Graph : Compare the results of HATA model and Extended HATA model with
respect to Frequency vs Loss (dB) for Large cities
hre=4; % Receiver height in metres
hte=40;% Transmitter height in metres
d=30000; % D=30 kilometers = 30,000 metres
c=3*10^8;% speed of light
f=[150 200 300 500 700 1000 1200 1300 1500];% Freqeuncy Range for Hata Model
fe=[150 200 300 500 700 1000 1200 1300 1500 1700 2000];% Frequency range for Extended Hata Model
amu=[32 32.5 33 34 36 37 38 38.5 39];%Median attenuation factor for Hata Model
amue=[32 32.5 33 34 36 37 38 38.5 39 39.5 40];%Median attenuation factor for Extended Hata Model
lambda=c./(f*10^6);%Wavelength for Hata Model
lambdae=c./(fe*10^6);%Wavelength for Extended Hata Mode
lfsl=-10*log10((lambda/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss for Hata Model
lfsle=-10*log10((lambdae/4*pi*d).^2);%Free Space Propagation Loss for Extended Hata Model
hbg=2*log10(hte/200);%Base station antenna height gain factor
% ch and che are correction factor for effective mobile attenna height
ch=[ch1 ch1 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2];
che=[ch1 ch1 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2 ch2];
L=69.55+(26.16)*log10(f)-13.82*log10(hte)-ch+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d);%Median Path Loss Hata Model
Le=46.3+33.9*log10(fe)-13.82*log10(hte)-che+(44.9-6.55*log10(hte))*log10(d)+3;%Median Path Loss Extended
Hata Model
plot(f,L);grid on;hold on
xlabel('Frequency in Mhz');
ylabel('Loss in dB');
title('Hata Model and Extended Hata Model at various frequencies for large cities');
legend('Hata Model','Extended Hata Model');

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

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