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EK / Onir- & Transfer foncHo oO hn Ih fe appifeable to linear - ‘Thvowlant: systems, | Single “mput cingleole saste (R| Th Wile nila tonditions ae weglected Ir fs bastealy & frequency dornatin Approach. aL Tr ts based on Trial a ‘trnon procedure “85 Only tle, ale & Error Signals are concideredt E Jlenporkaint . The {lp 4 olp — ariabte, ynust be Meaerable east » there ane & approaches to “estan of tonvrol systems. bthe Transfer dsoncton aperoain. 2: dtate warlan! Te tg generatynmited 0 | | Stare Space ANALYSIo OF ConTINvOUSs Systems Ponalysis 1 le Apprearh- Strate variable APPTO ach store vorlable Approach , s cated. modern APprooih 4. bt fe applicable +o tear as well as non-dtineay, time vartant as well as, aime Invariant , single lp [single ole as well as, molt te | mutt olp Susterns . - ee They ave considered . 4. th 1 atime domain Approach: gq: Tb ie not based “onTolad wu Grror procedure. “| 6. THe Le in Glp-variables | srate variate need OE “yepiesent phy stcat variables. They need mor bE measurable U obeeavavle~ Internal varfables cannot 4 State vartanles ca: [be Fea bab fed back. | g. state mole of a 5y Shen | 8. Taansfer fonction of a |sustem is vnlque 4 [ te not ontque * | Concepts of State, state variable and State Model + State +The state of adgnamfe sytem fe a minima, set of vartables such that the kno wledge of these ak t=to togetnet mith the Knowledge of rely determines the + beto varlanles Inputs. fon +2 to comple benavioer of hesysterm fo State voriable » set ef variables which describe the sqstem state variables, In its; 4+ ave aaileda Tn the 'stare variable formulation op a systern > te of rw’ Inpuls,.tr ovlP general ; a system, consis we W state vaviables. Tak ang time. instan m™ ne: of ‘lp variables LIL. Wty) n. gtate, Variables, Fig: State Space Répresentabon of a System: ; ienentt Naniavoles Tay be TepIEENIEd Lyte verter 7 j topur wectosl uttyi= Fad : tu ! in —— _\ uses | 20epuE vector yaad = dated ee co t |. 1 1 sabe ee ane Sate vastabie * Representa tan be -cerronged In the form i of no: OF fpronder Aleferention “ans as shown below. : aoe dt ve Oe AnCrzess aaa Fuyptiay- “ a dp, = Falter - ~ Pn 6 unrtiar- urn) ha : inte _-ttns One W Noob Aifeentat ‘toto ns mau bet yorttéd fn vector toh tne. tle vector uty fips pace of the Sejstera “ya “yanieh- aang ofp vector JO ~porme- me elp space ob ene sysien the state vector elo aM: mvpegipte wa awh The seb of all’ poislble can have | ak % He * The ser of all possible “values wrate me € forms we shaae 6 ut) can have ae a H . [Stare mode o Linea. syetern + * . sonstets ‘af state’ eqn ta ole equation. ped tay =| The “Brake cane Of ay oayerern Ie a fener! oe

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