Universidad Politécnica Salesiana: Sistema de Control en Tiempo Continuo

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Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Trabajo de Simulación

Sistema de Control en Tiempo Continuo

Carlos Andrés Lozano Ayala


Efecto de las acciones de control sobre los

sistemas retroalimentados

In this work we performed the simulations found in a III. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
document with which we will learn the operation of PID
controllers with feedback. Said simulations will be carried out A PID controller (Proportional, Integral and Derivative
in Simulink (Internal application of MATLAB). Each Controller) is a simultaneous control mechanism by feedback
proposed simulation should give us outputs / information on widely used in industrial control systems. This calculates the
each simulated system, different parameters will be varied in deviation or error between a measured value and a desired
order to understand what each of these serves. value.
In this work you will follow the steps proposed in the The PID control algorithm consists of three different
document given by the teacher. In this way you can parameters: the proportional, the integral, and the derivative.
learn step by step about PID controllers The Proportional value depends on the current error. The
Integral depends on past errors and the Derivative is a
I. OBJECTIVES prediction of future errors. The sum of these three actions is
used to adjust the process by means of a control element such
General Objective as the position of a control valve or the power supplied to a
 Analyze the effect that different control algorithms
exert on the feedback systems When the process is not known, historically it has been
considered that the PID controller is the most appropriate
Specific Objectives controller. By adjusting these three variables in the PID
control algorithm, the controller can provide a control action
 Vary parameters to know how they work. designed for the specific process requirements. The response
 Graph each output form and compare the different of the controller can be described in terms of the response of
results the control to an error, the degree to which the controller
exceeds the set point, and the degree of oscillation of the
II. INTRODUCCIÓN system. Note that the use of the PID for control does not
guarantee optimal control of the system or its stability.
In this controller, the input signal for the control system is a
Some applications may only require one or two modes
pulse. Only in some special cases are they known before the
provided by this control system. A PID controller can also be
input signal and can they be expressed analytically by curves;
called PI, PD, P or I in the absence of the respective control
With the PID controllers we will have different types of
actions. PI controllers are particularly common, since the
responses to an input and its feedback, with this we can
derivative action is very sensitive to noise, and the absence of
conclude that the different PID, PI or P types will have
the integral process can prevent it from reaching the desired
different uses. It is also really clear that each parameter P, I or
value due to the control action.
D will make the system behave differently depending on its
value. To calculate these values with respect to what you want
to achieve there are many ways to do that the majority of
these depend on the input signal of the system.

t 0 e (τ) dτ + KpTd of (t) dt and its transfer function results:

CPID (s) = Kp 1 + 1 Tis + Tds


Ejercicio 1

Figure1. PID controller scheme

Aumentar Kc=P. Hasta que la onda oscile constantemente.
The output of a physical system may increase to a certain Kc=2
degree, but may be limited by mechanical "stops" or the
system may collapse or become non-linear after the output
exceeds a certain magnitude, which is why the linear
differential equations no longer apply.


Proportional control action, gives a controller output that is
proportional to the error, ie: u (t) = KP.e (t), which is
described from its transfer function is: Cp (s) = Kp where Kp
is a gain proportional adjustable. A proportional controller can
control any stable plant, but it has limited performance and
error in a permanent (off-set) regime.
Proportional-integral control action, is defined by u (t) = Kpe
(t) + Kp Ti Z t 0 e (τ) dτ. PI Controllers Where Ti is called
integral time and who adjusts the integral action. The transfer
function results: CPI (s) = Kp 1 + 1 Tis With a proportional
control, it is necessary that there is an error to have a non-zero
control action. With integral action, a small positive error will
always give us an increasing control action, and if it were
negative the control signal will be decreasing. This simple
reasoning shows us that the error in permanent regime will
always be zero. Many industrial controllers have only PI
action. It can be shown that a PI control is suitable for all
processes where dynamics are essentially 'first order'. What
can be demonstrated in a simple way, for example, by a step

Proportional-integral-derivative control action, this combined
action brings together the advantages of each of the three
individual control actions. The equation of a controller with
this combined action is obtained by: u (t) = Kpe (t) + Kp Ti Z


Ejercicio 3

𝑻𝒅 = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟎𝟒

Ejercicio 2
Los valores Tv Tp Tm serán: 2-6-2 respectivamente.


𝑻𝒅 = 𝟕

𝑻𝒅 = 𝟏𝟒. 𝟎𝟏

Ejercicio 4


Ejercicio 5

Respuesta del sistema






Ejercicio 7

Ejercicio 6

It is verified that when the data of a controller varies, the
waveforms vary significantly.

There are certain systems that the disturbances actually affect

the output and others that depending on the PID the output
does not vary with the disturbance.

Depending on whether the controller is derived or integrating,

the wave will stabilize faster or more effectively respectively.


[1] Analisis de la respuesta transitoria-Katsuhiko Ogatha

[2] Ingenieria de control moderna- Katsuhiko Ogatha

[3] Sistema de control automatico Benjamin Kuo

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