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C.F.E – I.I.N.N. - Lenguas Extranjeras – 4º año.

What do we know about multiple intelligences? 


Read and answer the following questions:

1. What kind of writing is it? Tick the correct option

_____an advertisement _____ a brochure _____a newspaper article

_____a magazine article _____a film review _____ a message

2. What are the main sections in the writing?

3. Read the text quickly and ….

a. Circle dates.
b. Underline the name of a theory mentioned.
c. Highlight the names of the books stated.

4. Please write down the kinds of intelligence mentioned.


5. Find and highlight a definition of intelligence.

6. Where is this theory applied and what are its benefits, according to the article?

7. What is the teacher’s role? Who mentions it and where did he/she write about it?

8. What does the question mark mean in the drawing?

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