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Task 3: Literacy Strategies

Link to: EPR 2503 Language Arts C (Reading/Writing/Literature) and

EPR 2603 Language Arts D (Teaching Methods for the Primary School Teacher)

Task Description
Observe your MST’s classroom and general practices you see around the school. Discuss the
areas below in context of what you observe in school and support with photos to show
evidence of your observations, and a reference to reading when possible.

Describe the classroom environment. (Photo)

Consider how the class is a print rich environment. What print can you see around the
room? (Labels, captions, flashcards, headings, rules, instructions, timetable, flash cards,
etc.). For each one you mention insert pictures and state the purpose of each one.

They have vocabulary words around them, phonics, alphabetics, instructions, rules
Describe the reading area in your classroom. What genres of books are there and how
are they displayed? (Photo)
They don’t have any books in the classroom or a reading area

Describe a phonics lesson you observed. How does the teacher teach word attack skills
to children? Mention how the children are scaffolded to recognise the word and get the
The teacher uses Arabic to teach the students the meaning of new words and say it a
multiple times to know how to say them

Consider different reading approaches have you observed? (Guided reading, Shared
Reading, Sustained Silent Reading).
Choose 2 and describe how the teacher implements these approaches in the class in
detail. (Photos, and refer to EPR 2603)
Consider seating arrangement, participation, comprehension, reading strategies in your
Shared reading: Teacher reads and the students read after him
Reading aloud: Teacher allows students to read to the whole class

Describe some types of writing activities or the method the teacher uses for writing –
e.g. emergent writing, copy writing, dictations, etc.
Copy writing: sorting the healthy and unhealthy food, the teacher wrote the answers as
they participate with him and they copy

After the Task - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these and
consider why you would implement these in a UAE primary classroom in the future. Explain
how these practices will affect student learning and reading levels in a primary class.

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