Philosophy of Education

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Pamela Becerra

04 / 26 / 19

EDU 201

College of Southern Nevada

Philosophy of Education

1. Profession: ​After attending college for a year and a half, I decided on pursuing the career of

Elementary Education. I had initially started with an Art Degree, then a Science Degree, and

realized I wasn’t into them. It took me time to self evaluate and really find out what I wanted to

wake up, and go to work to for the rest of my life. When I first started, I was scared if this is

what I really wanted. After going to the Field Observation, it brought me so much happiness and

positive emotions I have never felt before going to college. It felt like I finally found the answers

I was looking for this whole time. I love the idea of teaching younger students about things that

they haven’t been able to discover yet. The reason I chose this profession, is to be able to make

the first years of teaching a creative and fun experience for younger children. To help them grow

and be confident in themselves and what they are able to achieve.

What inspired me to choose this profession was my past teachers. I have had a lot of helpful

teachers that have made me feel important and successful in school. I think that’s what matters

when becoming a teacher. Being a teacher is more than just giving student’s grades and tests
after lectures. It’s helping them find themselves and believe in themselves throughout their

lifetime and growth.

I didn’t really have much of personal knowledge about teaching before going into college. I grew

up thinking I was going to pursue the career my parents told me. Such as a doctor, a lawyer, or

something along the medical field. The only personal knowledge I ever got was viewing my own

teacher I’ve had. Even though I didn’t have much personal knowledge or background training, I

do believe I have skill sets. I have a lot of patience and passion for wanting to teach children. I

don’t just want to teach and get it over with, I want to inspire and be able to connect with my

students. There are a lot of teachers out there who don’t care about these things. These skill sets

will help me not give up no matter what even if it gets tough sometimes. I know that the school

system has some complexities. Such as prioritizing testing and the percentages of school

dropouts. Or teachers being lazy and not putting in enough effort into their lessons and students.

Even though I’m going to be teaching a younger group, these type of things will affect me as

well. I wouldn’t want to know that my future group of students didn’t all graduate. Or that my

students weren’t all able to pass Kinder or 1st grade. As a teacher, I will be trying my best to

make sure all my students move onto the next grade successfully.

2. Teaching: ​When it comes to teaching, I believe in some things that I’ll be sure to implement

in my teaching. I believe that students should be active when it comes to learning, hardly ever
passive. From my experience, passive learning is boring and not really helpful. It can become

repetitive and cause students to lose focus and their attention.

I have more of a humanistic approach when it comes to my beliefs in teaching. I also believe in

focusing on student’s growth and skills, to help them and improve. Every student is going to

have some type of struggle. I used to like it when my teachers would call us individually and talk

about what we are doing great in and what we need help in. It helps the student understand

themselves and what exactly is going on. I don’t think school should be a stressful and

overwhelming experience. I want to make school for my students a fun and adventurous

experience they will all enjoy, because that’s what learning should be all about. Discovering

yourself and learning new things to help improve your understanding of what’s around us.

3. Instruction: ​I know that everyone learns differently. Some students prefer to listen, some

prefer to be hands on, and others prefer by seeing. I plan on constructing my lessons by trying to

have all types of learning types or activities that follow that’ll cover all types of learning. This

will help me make sure that all children got a variety of the same lesson. With time and

observations, I’ll be able to make sure what type of learning strategy fits best with this specific

classroom. Since I’ll be teaching early education, I plan on having more active lessons than

anything. I’ll also have a lot of group and classroom activities and of course independent

activities to observe my students. Those are my basic main ideas of what my lessons will be

based on. I plan on improving my ideas once I actually start teaching and take note of what

worked really well and what didn’t to improve my own teaching. During these lessons and

activities, I’ll make sure to take notes of all my students individually. I want to be able to
understand all my students and be able to reach all of their needs. I know it’s easier said than

done but I want to be efficient in my teaching. As for behaviour, I believe in teaching kids how

to handle their own problems and gain their own discipline. I observed this during my field

observation. I really liked how the teachers rather than focusing on telling the kids right from

wrong, they told the kids to tell them what was wrong and how they would fix it. It helps them

feel more confident in what’s going on and how they themselves don’t need an adult’s help for

little problems that happen during school. If things get out of hand, I will most definitely step in.

I would want my students to understand right from wrong without me having to tell them

thousands of times during the school year. I don’t plan on having rules on the classroom wall.

The only rules would be the basics that would cover everything, such as keeping hands to

yourself, respecting others and trying their best in class. They’re a young group of children, and

helping them figure out logical rules will help construct their behavior in the future when they

move up in grade level. As for assessment, I believe in observing all student’s and keeping data

and student folders. I want to be able to know what’s going on with all my students, to help me

figure out what to do and what to focus on for my next lesson plan. This will also help me better

communicate to parents how their child is doing in the classroom and how we can both help.

When they are young, it’s going to be the parents and my responsibility to make sure they’re

getting the attention they need.

4. Future: ​The qualities that you need to possess to move forward in the education career would

be being accepting of change. Everything is changing as we are moving along in life. As it all

changes, education has to as well. Technology is all over education and it wasn’t like that before.
Teacher’s lessons need to cover the new and mold itself into what students are going to need in

this generation. There also has to be patience and understanding, without that you are not eligible

to be a teacher. It’s a tough career that’s looked over too much as being an easy job. There has to

be passion for wanting to teach kids and wanting to help them grow as successful adults and

know that you will be a part of that. Right now, I plan on completing my associate degree in

Early Childhood Education. My degree right now is actually Elementary Education. I plan on

changing it though because I really want to teach Pre-K to 2nd Grade. I’m still deciding on that

but either way I want to teach. I then plan on transferring to a University and getting my

Bachelor’s. I still don’t know where exactly I want to go. I was thinking of moving out of state

for it but I shall see. Right now I am currently working retail, but I would like to also find a job

where I can work with the same age group to gain more experience. The field observation was so

much fun! I’d love to be able to go back and volunteer. I plan on participating if any moment

were to ever come by asking for volunteers at the Elementary School. After becoming a teacher,

I would like to get licensed to help in Special Education. I plan on doing that a couple of years

after becoming a teacher. That way I have much more experience and knowledge before getting

licensed into Special Education.

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