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Theory Date Sheet for B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) 5-Year, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th Sem. & L.L.B. (Hons.) 3-Year; 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th Sem (New Scheme) Examinations, May-2019.
Centre of Examinations : As per Building notice & Roll No. Slip
Time 9-30 am to 12-30 pm 9-30 am to 12-30 pm 9-30 am to 12-30 pm 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
2nd Sem of 3 Yr Course/6th Sem. of 4th Sem. of 3 Year Course/ 5th Sem & 6th Sem. of 3 Year Course/
Date 2nd Semester 4th Semester 5 Yr Course/2nd & 4th Sem. of 5yr(New) 8th Sem. of 5 Yr Course 9th Sem. & 10th Sem of 5 Yr Course
04.05.2019 Law of Crime-I (9623) ) (Common with Environmental Law (Old) (P-802) (9642)
B.A. LL.B(Hons) 5yr 5th Sem/3yr 1st Sem) Environmental Law (New) (P-802)(9642-A)
06.05.2019 Special Contract- 601 (9628) Special Contract 601 (9628) Drafting, Pleading & Conveyance
Common with BA.LL.B-6th Sem Common with BA.LL.B-2nd Sem (9648) 902
07.05.2019 English - P. Code 402 (9683) Law of Evidence 801 (9641)
08.05.2019 Hindi -II 201 (9668) Land Laws Tenancy & Panchayat
Additional English 202A (9674) (9654-A)(New) 1001
Land Laws Tenancy & Panchayat
09.05.2019 Family Law-602 (9629) Alternate Dispute Resolution System
903 (ADR)(9649)
10.05.2019 English 202 (9669) Labour & Industrial Law-II (P-803)
13.05.2019 Political Science - P.Code 403 (9684) Law of Corporate Finance (Old) (9650)
(Only for Re-Appear) Law of Corporate Finance (9650-A) 904
14.05.2019 Constitutional Law-1I 603 Constitutional Law-1I 603 (9630) Intellectual Property Law (9655) 1002
(9630) (Common with BA LL.B-6th Sem) (Common with BA.LL.B-4th Sem)
15.05.2019 Family Law-I (9622) (common with Property Law (P-804) (9644)
B.A. LL.B(Hons) 5yr 5th Sem/3yr 1st Sem)
16.05.2019 History P.Code 406 (Old) (9687) Insurance Law (9653) 907
History P.Code 406 (New) (9687-A)
17.05.2019 Public International Law (9631) 604 Interpretation of Statues & Principles of
Legislation (9656) 1003
18.05.2019 Political Science-II 203 (9670) Political Science-II 203 (9670) Penology & Victimology (P-806)
(Common with B.A.LL.B-4th Sem) (Common with B.A.LL.B-2nd Sem) (9646)
20.05.2019 Economics -II 205 (9672) C.P.C. Limitation (9647) 901
21.05.2019 Right to Information Law Financial Market Regulation (Old) (9658) 1005
Including Media & Law (9632) 605 Financial Market Regulation (N) (9658A) 1005
22.05.2019 Economics- P.Code 405 (9686) Equity & Trust (P-805) (9645)
24.05.2019 History-II (Old) 206 (9673) Pvt. International Law (9651) 905
History –II (New) 206 (9673-A)
25.05.2019 Hindi - P. Code 401 (9682)
Addl. English- P. Code 402A (9688)
(Only for Re-Appear)
27.05.2019 Sociology – P.Code 404 (9685) Foreign Trade Law (9652) 906
(Only for Re-Appear)
28.05.2019 Sociology -II 204 (9671) Sociology -II 204 (9671)
(Common with B.A.LL.B-4th Sem) (Common with B.A.LL.B-2nd Sem)
29.05.2019 Information Technology Cyber 606 Information Technology Cyber Law
Law(9633) 606 (9633)
(Common with BA.LL.B-6th sem) (Common with BA.LL.B-4th sem)
Note: 1. Before answering the question paper, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the Examination.
2. The pager/mobile phone is not allowed in the Examination Centre. 3. The use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.


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