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The Haryana Urban (Control of Rent and

Eviction) Act, 1973
(Haryana Act No. 11 of 1973)

1. Short title and extent ... 34

2. Definitions ... 35
3. Exemptions ... 36
4. Determination of fair rent 37
5. Revision in fair rent in certain cases 39
6. Landlord not to claim anything in excess of fair rent 39
6-A. Deposit of rent 40
7. Rent which should not have been paid may be recovered 40
8. Increase of rent on account of payment of rates, etc.,
of local authority 40
9. Landlord to provide certain amenities 41
10. Landlord not to interfere with amenities 41
11. Conversion of a residential building into a non-residenti~! building 42
12. Failure by landlord to make necessary repairs 42
13. Eviction of tenants 42
13-A. Special procedure for disposal of application in certain cases 46
14. Decisions which have become final not to be reopened 48
15. Appellate and revisional authorities 49
16. Power to summon and enforce attendance of witnesses 49
17. Costs 50
18. Execution of orders ... 50
19. Institution and disposal of application ... 50
20. Power to transfer proceedings ... 50
20-A. Transfer of proceedings and filing of appeals and revisions
against orders of Subordinate and District Judges 51
21. Landlord and tenant to furnish particulars 51
22. Penalties 51
23. Powers to make rules ... 51
24. Repeal and Savings ... 52
,J....S....a...s.. ...• ... , ... ,.
The Haryana Urban (Control of Rent and
Eviction) Act, 1973
( Haryana . \ct No. 11 of 1973)

[Rec eiv ed the assent of the Go, ernor of Haryana on the 25th i\ pri I. 197 .\ and first
published Jor general information in Haryana Government Gazette (Lxtraordinarv)
of April 27, 1973] .

. \n \ct to control the increase of rent of certain buildings and rented land
situated within the limits of urban areas. and· thc ev iction of tenants therefrom.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the
tw enry-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

1. Short title and extent.- ( 1) This Act ma) be called the Haryana l rban
{l ontrol of Rent and Eviction) Act, 1973.
( 2) lt shall extend to alJ urban areas in Haryana but nothmg herein
contained shall apply to any cantonment area.
((3) Nothing in this -\ct shall apply to any building the construction of
\\ hich is completed on or after the commencement of this Act for a period of
ten years from the date of its cornplction.]
1. Statement of Objects And Reason
2. lntcrpi eta ti on of Statutes
J. \cope
4. \ ires of Section 1(3)
1. tatement of Objects And Reasons
"Certain provisions of the evistine law arr not conducive to harmonious
landlord-tenant relationship and also hampei rapid urban development. ln order to
remedy these defects and to entitle the tenants ot the amenities of w atcr supply
electricity and sewerage, necessity of fresh legislation has been felt. Opportunity has
also been taken to rationalise the basis of determination of fair rent and to provide for
eviction of tho-e tenants '" ho construct their own houses in the urban art. a concerned
sufficient for thei r requirements." [Han -ana Government Gazette ( Extra.) dated
5.3 1973. page :!59.j
2. Interpretation of Statutes
\mendment of Section 1 incorporating evempuon fo: 10 years from the purview
of Rent Act=.vmcndment operates prospectively and becomes effective after Its
mcorporauon in the .vct-Alwavs open to the legislature to remove any defect to mah:
the l.rn valid. Wohinder Kumar l'. sia« of Haryana, 1985(2) Rent LR (.S. C) 644

l. . Amendment Act \.o. I G of 1978.

Substituted bv~ Secuon 2 of Harvana
The Haryana Urban (Comrol of Rent and E'f.,·icti<m) 1lct, 1.973 35
S .. ope ol Section 1l31 cannot he confined to the buil img constructed for rhe firvt
time. 'l hc expression "any building" used in Sccrion 1(3) will apply to the bui1di11g
which i~ constructed for the> first time 011 an open land :i- well as .."l budding which is
constructed afr-r demolition of an e- isting budding ···h.id1 may have be orne uas.ue
or unfit for human habitanon. Ram Sarup v. Din Dayal, 1996(2) RLR 15 (Pb. & Jlry.)
Where .l suit for possessron of th"'· shop m dtsput:: ,.,.::,, filed \\ ithin a P -nod of ten
years from the dale of the: construction of the shop but during the pcndcncy of the
appeal filed b-., the defendant- tenant in the lower appellate Court against the judgment
and decree for possession passed by the trial { ourt m favour of the plainnff-landlord,
the exemption period of ten years a..-. provided in Section 1 (3) nf the Haryana Urban
(Control of Rent & Eviction) Act, 1973. had expired and so ihe lower appellate C 'oun
had disallowed the relief of possession to {he plaintiff on the g1uund thar the remedy
of the plaintiff lay under Section 13 of the said Act c111d not by way of ,t Civil Suit.
Held. that the suit was mainr.unnble as It has been filed b)· the laudlord wuhru the
exemption period of ten years. Held further, that the date of msututrun of the sun i..,
relevant dare for thc. purpose of Iinding out the maintainability of t.11'"· suit and the
subsequent of supervening events could not affect such maintainability. .lagdi,·lz Lal
Katra tt. :Uh . .lugdi.'ih Chund Sati,·1, Kumar, I 988(2) Pl,R 60? (Pb. & Hry.).
4. vircs of Section 1(3)
Exerupuon or buildings from th,: purview of Rent ,., ct for a period of ten years
from the date' ol its completion=Exemption for ten years rcasonable-v'vo violation of
Article 14 Section 1(3J not ultra vires A111de 14. Mohinder Kumar i•. State of
Iluryuna. lfJc'l:5(2) Rent J,R (S.C.) 644: AIR 1986 SC 244: 1985(4) SCC 211

2. Dcfinitio11,.- In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant m the

subject or context :-
(a) "buildmg" means any building or a part. of burldinp kt lor any p:Jrpo~c
whether being actually uscc tor that purpose or not including any land.
godowns. out-houses. gurdcns, lav ·n~. wells or tanks appurtenant tn such
building or the Iurrnture let there with or an} fining~ affixed to or machinery
installed in such buildmg, bu: does n t mclude a room in a hore., hostel 01
boarding house;
(b) "Controller" means any person who by the State
is appointed
Government to perform the functions of a Controller under this Act:
(c I "landlord" means any person for ,t c time being cnttlcd t. rcccvc rent
in respect of any building or rented land whether on l'.is own account or un
behalf. or for the henc fi: of any other person, or as a trustee, gl:ctr' liar .
receiver. executor or adrninistraror for an_1 ml er pcrvon. and .r.cludes a tenant
who sublets any buildmg or rented land rn the manner hereinafter prov .. d-. .c,
and every person from : imc to tune dei .ving title under a landlord :
J (d) "non residential building" means a budding being ust.'-
' i) mainly for the purpose of ousincss or •··mt...· : or

l. Substirutcd by Sccu,n 2 nl HmyanJ Am1.:ridrn1.,nt Act. o l4 of J~) ,i(i

36 Tbe Llarvana Urban {Cunlrol of Rtlll and E 11iction). kt, 197-1

partly for the pUf1lOSC ot business or trade and partly for the purpose
of residence, subject to the condition that the person , .. h, curries un
bu-incss or .radc m the building resides there ·
Provided if a building ti- let -out for re sulcutial and r,un- re-idcruia'
purposes separately ltl more: than one pcr;-.ort. the )X)rtil)rl thereof let
«ut l~.r the purpose of residence shal] nut be t1 cared .:s:- u
non-res idcntial hr.• ildin,g.
F):plwwtian -\Vhere a building is used mainly for the purpose of business
or trade. it shall be deemed ro he a non-re. idential 'unldrng even though a
small portion thereof is wed for the purpose of residence:
(c] "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under thi-, Act:

land" means nnv land let separately for the pw·p".-e of being
( t) "rented
used pnncinally for business or trade ~
(g) "residential ~utldmg" mean, any building which ts not n non- rcsidcnual
{h) "tenant" means any person by whom or on \\ ho-«: account rem ,i;;

payable for a building or rented land and includes a rer.ant continuing in

possession atter dw terrmnntion of his tenancy and in tt·I\· vent of such
pa..,~(ln\, death Such ofl,i-. heirs .i!'." art' mentioned in rhe Schedule appended
to thrs Act and who were «rd.nanly residing with him at the time of rus death.
bu. docs not mclsdc .~ person placed in occupouon of a building or rc~~·l·d lan.l
h) ih tenant, c,\.·cpt with th, written consent or
the: landlord, or pcrxon to
whom the collcctu-n of rent or fees in a public market, car tsrand or
slaughter-house or of rents for shops has been framed out. or leased by ,\
murucipal town or nonried area cornnunee:
(1) "urban area" mean .. .:1ny area adrmm.,u:r1.:<l h) a rnu·Hcipal commiuee.
notified area comm irtee, Fur idahad t ornplex Adrnirustration or any area
declared by the Stare < loven.rnent :JY notirication to be urban area for the
purpose of tms Act.

3. F.~~mptions.- The St.,te (,o\'ermnent may direct that all or any of thot"
provis.ons of this Act shall not apply to any particular buildmgs or rented land
or lo an · class or hu1ltlm1!-: or rented lands.

lnkr;,rcwtion ut StatU'r--l.:x~mplJl.1n , 11 pB•\.1s10m, of R1..·m Act· R~.Jl 01 Stattlle--
f'~ c-tilicauou exempting Ull' buildiugs whos , rnonthl v rent L': .ceeccd Rs. l,Ol():'- trom
the applicaoihty or Rem Act l-Ilcct or noul) ... auon vn the rro~1.:L'<lm:::s filed bvtorv
Rent Control Authonucs hct;1rc the issue ,,f notilication - f:mmt ha!'. no \t:! n~ht the Rent Act hcyond the JX•rio:iof its ,-,pcratinn-- The pn•lcc.:tic,n cxtcnd1.:d h> l1im
sur:1,: ·, only ·c, long a'- anrl to the c-.. tent rhc -..pccial kgislation •>p<.:ra:~-. ·A
I andlord's, oomwl nght~ vested in him hY gcndal law c11ntmu..: to ·-~i:-t trll and sn
lnng .i:. th~y arc not ahrirlgerl hy a s;)e,'1al prntc~t1,·e kgislation and during ~uch p,:-nod
the !<l right:- renlJln SUSfk'nd~·d--Tn c.1..,e of tenant the th~·u:y of vested right i~ nol
a\':1ilahle--Thi! moment the r,n,t,·rtior, ,-if tenant 1'.1cit r Rcrt At:t i.., taken :Jway. th:

ren:mt c-a1uim claim any ptotecuon 1,ndi.:.r the k~llf \,~t.

H, /d
...\l:cmdrne. to us then· is a mateual d10bcuce bem e,._. .i1 tl eii~hts whi.:!1 a, :t.It" t, .1
luu<llor<l und;r the ,onuncm lc1w and the pcoted1un wl::"h 1~ nOt,rded "'tl1(' k1,a1,t l·.
The Httry,ma Ur ban (Control of Rer,t and E'l.'iction) Act, 1973 37

such I~.· i-Ianon.h the •\c1• U1 the former ,·a .. e the nght and remedies of the landlord
and tenant arc governed by the law cfconuact and the b"· g,,,crning the propcrtv
relations. These ngl:ls and remedies continue tn govern their relationship ,.r.k · ·. thq
an; regulated bv such protective lcgi ·f.1tion as the present . \c, in which ca-c tr · ~aid
rights and remedies remain suspended till the protective lcgislanon cc-nti rues in
operation. Hence whih; 11 can Icgiti-narv.y he ,.iirl that tht l:1nrllo1\l '5 ·1r rm•. ~ ri?IU-
vested in him h:· the gcncr I Jaw connnue to exist till and so long ~ they are nm
abridged hy a special protective lt"~i!>l::ition in rhe cnse of the renar«, rhe prote~'ih e
.h1eld extended 10 him survives only so long as nm.i (1) the extent the ·JJt"1..ial
lecis lntion operates. 11, rhe case ·"f the tenant therefor the pt otecu, a d C> m-t '- ~ ate
iiiUl vested ri~tt \\ hich c ·1n r,pe ..ire ,e) ond the penod ul pn tccuon or du1111:.:. hr
period the protection is not in existence. When the prutcctiur a l1.'• not cxrst. the
nounal relauous of the landlord and tenant came into L'j>Cralil)n. f lcno, the theory ul
the vested nglu which may v.ih I) b: ..·d ln support the Ian i'.o1nl' !> case rs not
a, ailable to the tenant. lt is for th: ... reason that the analogv sought to be drawn by Shn
Subbaruc bt·~wcc:n the landlord'. and the tenant', rrghts relying upor, the decision ol
this Court .n l 9>i!\ Suppl. (], .S''R i. rm.ip.accd. Jn that case th landlord ~ normal
right to e\ ic: ·lw tenant from the premises was not interfered with for the f r st t.:11
y.:Jr~ of the ._1m•;trnc,ion of the rri.:m!·-~·· hy an exemption SF .. cifically incnrporatc.: 111
the r,rotc::cti\'L: Rent 1.~g! ·, r in ;uc~ti, -n. inc norm: l'l}.hl was ol viou sly tht • ,.,tc.:d
ri_ght under the general law and once ac .ru, ii it continued to operar :. Thi! protection
gi\'cn to the tenant hy rhc Rent kgj-lnr1on c .. me into 01 erarion ~·tin the, ~,piry of rbe
pc riod of 10 years. Hence. norwuhsranding tbe conune ;,vo q>ern1ion of tbe
protection :rnd in th· .1hs,·1,'e ,.f t},t pr 1\H,11)1,., tu the c-.-11H1:111. rh, I r,Ke-edin~1~
alr~:ady \·ommenced 1'ln rhe has,c of the ~e-sted I ir~ht 1..ould 1iot it':' de·e .k 1 by n ere
pa~age of cime \,,.,nsun11;,j b)' the •;.11d proci!edings l; s fo1 thic I e...,son rh:11 rh~ Co1111
there held that die ngJI' \•,luC'l1 h.lll .ih ~'t'lttd to the l:1J1dlo1t1 beiu!\ a ,esr~ n.t.dn ~r· tld
- nm be dtmed to hun b} tht t:ffiu., 01 timi::-.
·n1ut 1,; not lhc l!lituahon in rh,: prc·.rnt ca:.~ whl..'T1.· thi: tenant whtl un<loubtc<ll~ had
lhc ri5hts and r.:mcJic:, under Lhl· A.:t 10 claim rd1d's again,l<llcm.h. lost lhL·
.same the momcm the p1otcction \\ a_;· t..'lkcn aw!ly, the nghts at·~I rcmccli .. , l eiug not
V~>te.. ones Parripari Chmidrashl'k/mrrao & Sons v. Alapati Jalaiah. 1995(2) Re111
LU (S11preme Co11r1) 183
.'\rrh-·ab1.1ly o( Punjah Gm't. Notilicaunn elated .lune 3. 195<) issued U1llkr J .Jl'lt
Pun1ab Rent R:\tnction .\ct lo Ha11ana--Aftcr ,.n ... ,:tml'nt .>f Har- ... na R.:nt :\-:t. MtLII
nc,•1ficatio11 contmuc,: to ~urvivL anrl cffecti,·c unckr Harvana Ru1t A\.'.t--Su~h notifj.
cation ~ x~mpting hui1 hr.ts h_·lor,::,in. to \hmi~1p.111ty .ilso ~11p·1:-.!1<.· under H 1yan:1
Rent ~Lt. Hari Parshad Gupta i: Jatillder Kumar, 1982(1) R1.'11t LR (Pb. lt: Hry.) 317.

4. Determination of fair rl'nC.- c 1 The C'ontmlkr . hail. on app:ILt!li<111

by the :enant or the la~dlord of a building or renlt:d land. fix ta1: :·e· .t tut -.uch
buildmg or rl·nh:d t"nd :1iter b,ldmg ~u"'h t::iqttll)' as he may \hm.-: fH. Sul'.h
fmr rc.'nt ~hull be opera ti vi..: from the date apphcal!on. or
In ft.ting th"· fair n.·nt umkr th1::; sc<..:t10n. Jhc Cuntn.,lkr shall t"1r~t
determiri"· tht' b:?~:i..: rt'n' whith shall l,...·,-
(a) 1t1 respect of the hutlding the cnr1.~h ud:on whereof\. :15, c.nmpkied
on or bdore the 31st day ot' December. I 9(1 l . .-.r J,,!~d li:t , ,ut h~ km
the.: sm<l duh:. the n:nt pn:vailmg m the locnlit~: l01 s1rmlar bu1ldm.;
orrcnti.:J I.and k1 out to a new kmmt dvrrg 1hL· )'i.:ar 1962: ,ind

l. SubstitJtcd b; 'Soouon 3 of Har}'airJ Ammdmcnt Ac No l- of l ~iW

38 'J he/ lar)'(ma Urban (Co11trolof Re11t and Eviction) Act, 1973

[b) in respect of the building the construction \\ hereof .... completed

after the -;, l st dav ot December, l 96 l or land let out after tlie i-.!1~
date. ·1 he rent agreed upon between the landlord and the tenant
prr ...vdmg the date of the apphcation, or when: no rent has been
agn·,.·J upon the basic rent shall be deterrnmcd on the basis of the
rent prcvailmg in the locality for similar buildmg or rented land at
the date or
(J) In ti. tnf! 1hc fair rem, under thi-. "·i;1ion, the Controller may allow an
increase or decrease on the basic ren: determined .ndcr sub-section 12 ). r10t
exceeding twenty-five per cent of the rise or fall in the general level of price-
-mcc the date of avrccd rent or the date of apph ....atton. as the case rnav ht' in
- I . ;
uceordancv \,.. 1,J; the [WHTHg:c of All India Wholesale Indc- . umbers.
a. derermined h:., the (10\t:11·.n, ..-n: of Indio, for the calendar year itt1mcJ1,,tel}
preceding the date of apphcation.]
(4) Notwith-randmg that the fair rent for building or rented land has been
ti ved under the r ti~t Punjab Urban Rent Restriction AL'I, l949 (hereinafter
referred tri as the I IJ49 Act), a landlord cu h:nant of ;uc}, building or 11:.·n!l'L.:
land ~h.,11 be entitled to iet its fair rent fixed under this section,
(.-) Notwithstandmg anything contained m thi\i Act, the Cuntroller may ii,
the fair rent on the ha sis of the compromise sr:r ived ar between rhe pertie. tti
the procccdmgs. Such rent shall be binding only between the parties and their
h L:'1 r-.
C'Ol\1 \1RNTS
Sections 4 amt ; 3(2)(11 'Fair Rent Dctcrrrunauon V1,k Rent note O.ikL'
1 J 1 196! the tenant had taken the demised premises on rent for a period of six
months .~l the rate of R-; ..... (}'. p-.;r month plus '.ioLL c ta .. l-xplry ,,:· tenancy Tu:.11.t
conunucd to pay r cnt or Rs. 70· Landlord ac zcpting the arnc w rthou: protcs: R:.
70· is considered !h agreed TL ru Ior fixation of t:m r.: nt. !'..'eki Ram ,._ Balwant Singh,
1002(2) Rent l~R (Punjab ..t Haryana) 21
F~U' ieuo-Snurion of the building cannot bz said t\1 be identical llh.'r,:!y hc:ctLN: the:
budding is nuatc near another building Rent cannot also he doubled on the ground
that ~i,L' of the building in que . . tion i'i doubl · the ;;17: of .moth~T huildin> ;1llc~,~ d to he
idcutical in situJth"n--rJir rent (,itinot be fi~td in ,1,1s ruanner. Rhim Sain v. Smt.
Pushpa De,·i. 1984(1) Rtnt LR (l'b. & llr;.) 534.
Fair Rcm-Formula for fixing the fair rent explained.
In Bhim s-» v Pr1:,hpa t» 'i. /9,'S1(1 J Re,a LR .,~i./ 19.~4(-'J RCR .~.; · i9'S-1 IIRR
41'1 ,t w:1:, held that th· b,l!>1c n:nt ..:an b·· 1m:1l'a .. c:<l to ~5''1 oftlu: ns<.· in Journal 11:\d
ot pnu: mJt'x but lh;.:. vit:w \\'a, held to~ nol ..:orrcc:t an,J ,, a~ ov..:rruJ.:d in Cida Ram
,·. Sat Pa .. 198X(2) PI.R 3~. In cusc the m,.:thodo)ogy app'iec~ in Rhin- Sain.Ii case i'i rn
h1: acccph. ,i os concc• th.:>n e.1ch anrl every hasi" rent, itTf'SN\'tin .. ,·,f It<; rate, was to
ht: mcrcased to the c;amL extent, i.e. by Rs. :,2 '- in orcln ro fi, the foir rt.·nt of she
dl.'.mi.,cd prcmis:~ Thie; =-~rtainly is ,:,\)t the mir impli.:'at1,,n 11f tl~ic; "ib se1.:11on. \s a
miucr of fact the inrl~~ nun,b(:r as such has 1:othin.· tc, do , ·1tl• the. rare t)f · l"'H nf a

J. Subsiinitcd for ''All India Wholesale P 1c.:. lndi:-,, :isdctcrmn (~ b. <,on. of India rcla:mc
w ~ 1 ~t December next 11 ~ctdir1g the . :ate · ,f ;:ippt1catHH1.., by \Lt '·. t 11> uf I 97N. ..
Th, J/ary,m.1 Urban (<.:ontrol olRent mid Esncttonl ;\ct, 19 ..3 J9

parti ·u, r prvrtuscs. As h commonlv said. ind ·x numbers arc -n ) b.rr ,n~~h.:1
ccunoimc uctivuy. i.e .. if one wants to get an idea .1.~ Ill v. hat 1 .. rappcn ng t > .:..:onom,
he ha.s to loo to nnportar-t indices lik -hc index numr» r of m<lu-=.·,J Produ.; Hin.
agnculrural producu m. business activ i')' de. TI11p; when one has tn Sa} th_t the 1 tck,
number nf vh ilcsalc prices is 11 ~ tor September I, 7 .., ~nmpari."d i .. S pt ... mbcr
l Q1. <, ., hen it wa» 'iundrcd, 1t means there i, a it t incrva-« in hi: 1 nccs I r ,, hn 1.:sJ le
cornmod ncs tn the event nf I l"r d inn 1 tl: ye:1r. TI11 per •. L Hage' h:.t.i. cml:. tc '-c
found out to won ut the r.:rc~, tai~\. l y 1,·.,ich th, hasic t"i.. nt ha- in be mcrca cd 111
order •,, 11.· '~k fair n nt .

Fair Rent - Basic Rent + t.25 x Incrca-c Pl Pncc Index] x H:i.;H.· R ·n

Fair Rcnt--F.itr rent fixed on the basts or form ila laid G iwn bv l •1' i tt •• .il."nd1 111
Gcla Ram v. "idt P..11 Snarma'v caxc.
Formula of ~,,l culation for d1:termin1n~ t H~ fair rf1 r n .. ra r ,·_, •J;i Ram ':.. case :
B · , K n·nt R,. . li)(J'-
Wholesale pnvc mdcx lur n~ .he year l '>S l , ,, ax !:S.·1
Wholcsa'c price m l:x in 1l1L. 191-i9. ,i.e.,> tl~ yeur prLn·.iin£ tht:
rrc. crrntion o1 p\, rition was -.C. '.'

2~ • .. or vncrcasc J.C .. 25" I) or I l'-:.l = ..l6" 1

I he> 111cr~.}q• of 4Ct01(, ·~ t,·1 be ill,, :1.eo 11 1t-:p~rt of tc'nt ,1. hi -h is alr,•:id~. hcin • p 1,.
r.e . 4'1'! u on the l a sic rent of R~ 400 4( , .ino 111r, Rs 1 H
l hcrcturc Iarr rent '" 111 be R!). HJO - R . l \~ - R . 5 ' I

5. Revision in fair rent in certain case!'..- 1,) \V 11:.n hr 1:ur n.r t ot ,

build ng on rented land has been fL'.L'U um .. ,·r Sccuon "'· .w fun 1 T , .. n . "1,,· or
decrease 111 such Lur rent shall he: P'-'n111~~ iblc r11r a ,:.-rn l or 11, i.: ye: r-
Prov idc.l tha1 .rr iru.rcase rnJy ht.: allm\~:d 111 ~.hi:~ , · t:rt: ,:r) addt•ion.
1mpnn,·m~n or ·ilt1.:rati"m
.,~c \.a 11· l c·11· a hi.: ..·xp •n,L: ,, hl'
LlrH1'urd .... nd ,n the hui hl rl!! ur '"~1 tt: 1 land vhic , i. in tt,.T p;.non rd·
the tenant then at the req 1e~t of the tenant :

Pn),1dL:d :·ur~ht·r t1 at lhl· deLr..:J:-.~ n.iy he-a1lmved 111 lhL: ,,he ,,her~ lht:1t:
,._ ii tkl.'rL·a-;...: or ,IJ1m1 utmn 11, 1'1t: a...:<.:1)11rr1t11.hl lH or at1h.:11it1t.:
p~in i<kd.
(~) Any di~ >Ute h~·,,.t:\!t' the 1:.ndlnrd ~nd tr~ t~n.. 11 c I re:a1 l tci •• 11;,
increa~e nr decrt.•asc und<.·1· thi. s·)all he de\. il:ed h, 1he Cuntrn ]er.
C>. Landlord not to chtim nnythin2 in c~ccss ot fair rrnt.- S~n .....
prtindcd m th1~ Ad. v,:hrn th\. Controlkr ,",l'.'. II. ·t.:d t 'K ft r r ·nt o · :t bull Im~
,,,. r ·nkd hmd un<l~·r Tl'l1on 4.-
(it) t,~ Ja,dlvnl sl ;tl1 nl)\ ~l.rnn or TL'\.:l'.i,i.: ~tri: p1L11 Ut1. 1)1 mli:.:.1 l,kL
~um m <1l,d11·lm hJ Calf rent ,ir any n:r t 1 • '"·,~t: ~ ur ~w.:h fa,• 1\."'11.
hu hl· I and • wd ~. } :-..• rpu ;.L\.' for and rc.:L ·1 \ c in at! va11t.:c.: an anu ,w l
noi L\.iL L:t:dtn; on<. nh>rlth ':-- rent:
"10 Tbe l larvana Urban (Control of Rent and Etri.clion) zlcr, 1973
(b] any agreement for the payment of anv sum in addition tn fair rent or
of rem in excess of such fair rent shall be null and void.

6-A.1 [Depustr of· n•nt.- ( I) >ot,vuhst:mdmg anything to the contrary

contained in any other law for lh<.· 1,·nc being in force. 1 f J landlord refuses ·o
receive. or gran: a re.... eipt fo .. .1.,1y rem payable in respec: of the budJmg or
rented land when. tendered to hnn b) a tenant. the tenant may apply to the
( ontrollcr for leave to deposit. · h . .· rent in hi, off1,.:I..', and ih'-7 Control lcr shall
receive the dcpo-it ,r .iflcr cxan.ininv th~ applicant. He is !1a~i~tit:d that there:
is sufficient ground for ·h~ applicatior and if the applu ant pays the fee. itany.
chargeable for the 1~:;ue of the notice hereinarter provided.
( 2 l \.\hen a deposit has been rccci vcd under sub-section ( 1 ). 1 ... ha I he
deemed [u he a payment made by th~ tenant co his landlord ,n respect of the
rent due.
t 3) On receiving the deposit, the Controller shall g1\'1..: nonce of the receipt
thereof lo the landlord and shall pay th-: amount thcrco: 1.0 hirr .]

7. Rent which should not have been paid may he recovcr~d.- Where
anv sum has. whether berore or atter the commencement of · ms Act, been
paid which sum by n::1~011 of the provi-ions of the Al·l .houl.l rmt hint: been
paid such sum <hall a1 anv timt: "'itnin.: period of six mt -nths atier the date of
payment. he \ ecoverable by the tenant from the landlord '\: ·hn rLv.1, eJ the
payment or his IL-gal rcprewntutive. .uid may, wrthout prvj udice t•.' any 1 -thcr
m1.:thl1d of r ....covcrv. be deducted. withm such SJ.\ months, bv such ti:narn from
., ., ?

any rent payable 11y hu» t,, such 'andlunl.

Explanation - Jn this section tl ,c expression "legal repre <enr .ti c'' ha" the
..arnc rrcamng as is as igncd o ll m the Code of Ci, 1 Procedure. 1 ,,o . and
include in the case of joint fantil} of ,, hrch the deceased person" a:- a member.

8. Increase of rent on account of payment of rates. etc., of local

uuthorhy.-i l > Norwnhstandmg nnvtrnng contained 111 an/ other p ·ov1-:·l)n
of th,: Act, a landlord shall be cntulcd •o 1111.:n.:;.t--1: the rvnt ol ·t ouildme or
r~nh:,.11..inl. if sflcr thL commencement uftlw tenaru y . fra.:,h rate, 1.. e. ~ or td. is
levied in respect of the building or rented land by any local aurl» -nry. or · f
there 1,an increase m rhc amount of such a rate. C\'SS or tax being 11..·,·:1..·cl al the
commencc-ment t'f thi;,. A~· :-
Provided tha{ increase in rent shall not exceed the amount nf anv su:h
rate. ce~s or ta~ or tl,e amount oi' increase m s:...ich rate. ce:c.~ or ta>. .,s
the muv he :
Pro"ld~.:d :ur~hi..·r th~t suc:1 inc:--easc ir: rent ,h..:'.l lx payabk b}' the tenant
from th1..· ciah.: oi ,1,:c.patch ,,f th'-· wn1h.:n noth.:~ of tkmam.1 s1.:nt by
landlord ~Jmkr rq!i:-.h'r- "' en,".,.

1. ln),e1 ted hy !tl'hon 4 ()f A111cm..l1u~ A~t No. 16 ur l 971i.

Tbe H,1ryam1 Urban {Comrol of Rent and E-..ictio11) rkt 1 r; 7 J ..J 1

(2) Notwithstanding unythmu conunncd in any law for the 111nc bt"in~ in
fore.:..: or in any contra t, no landlord shall recover rrorn his tenant ·he amou» ·
uf any r ,te, ccss or tax or any pornon thereof in respect uf any b,11Jd11w ):
rented Lnd occupied by such tenant by any .ncrcasc m the amount 11JI the rent
payable or otherwise. save as provul ·din sub-section ( 1 ).

Q. I .andlord to provide certain amcnitk~.- {I) If the amcmuc s of

electncity. sewerage or tap water supply have been made avarlablc n ;in}:
locality by the State Gnn:nimcr,t or a I ,t:nl ~u1hci111y. the enaru l> • he
building ur rented land or
such locality shell be entitled to the enjoyment
thereof subject to the provisions hereinafter contamed.
(2) If the landlord at the written request of the tcnan l°:1Jl- n .tk'n.·~ in
wriung to provide all or any of the amenities ,.., it Lin a pt-rh>.l or thirty day~ or
fail- to provide the same within a period l1f ninety days of -.ul'.h request. the..:
tenent may apply co the Controller for that purpose. The Controller may. on
such application by the tenant and aner such 1..Tq .ry as he :112i" deem fit
permit the tenant to have such amcrnry al the co!)1 or
\he.: lam: orrl 011 ~ ·h
conditions a, he may deem proper. 11,1.:" tcnar.t -..h:lll he ~otitlcd to dulu..:t th~
e penses incurred by him 111 pro •iding the amcmtv Irom the rtTtl paycbl, to
the landlord till the fuU amount is realised :-
Prov idcd 1ha1 the ruic or
deduction of cuch t'XJH:n. es sh.J11 »or cxccerl ti h)
per crrrtum of the amount of rcn: :

Provided further that the Controller may reject the applicanon it he is

satisfied that 5UCh an order ,v1H cause undue hardship to the landlord
keeping m new his source of income. or would in, lvc cxpcnduurc
mcomrncnsuratc with th,: benefit souuht to be uclucvcd.
( J iI ht Controller may fi., h,: ·~tcnl and ~1 ccificauon of ihc amcm ya" far
a. pn. sihle kee;):n~ in view the circumstances of the ca .;.c and a so :11e
estimated cost thereof,
(4) Aft1..Tthe .. menuy has b · ...·n provided. t 1.· ·l:1 .nnt shall unmcdratcly
thereafter send the ,kwils of the expenses incurn ·.J bi l.un to thr landlord.
C • In ca of di-nutv a~ regards the q,Janru· 11 nf the llll('llfH spent l~>r
pr"' himg the amenuy. the same -hull be decided hy the C ontrollei nti I
enquuy on an apphcanon made to him.

. '1 he landlord shall b, entitled to enhance the rent of the buildmz" or .he
f C,)
n.111':u html to the c: tent of t.'ll!h' p-..·r ~"'·ntnm pt·r .mnun, of the: am•,..'llT'll ..:rx·nt
1<1r pro, i<linL~ '-DCh ,mer1i1y from tht' date 1hc 3mentty iR pr,)\ :deci :
Pr~.\, 1ded that where :he ten.Jnt ha~ initially irlcutTed tie exp..:nse, fot
pn,, ttl,n~· ,ud, .i,lll!.nity, tl1\.'. 1..nhunLer.t1cnr nf l'Cnl ~h:.111 r ,>the allowed
till the atnOllnt :-,,pem hy the ter ant i1a:; been rea1i~ed.

10. Landlord not to intcrfon· with nmt.•nitk ·.- (]) No 1:mdlo~·d ·.h .. II
wuh ·~J1 Ju~, an,! uffo..:1i..·nt <:mi~~- i..:ul ,JIT or ,\nhhold .my , f thi: ;.:;·1 ·mt1l >
eajuyeJ h) thi.: tc:n9nt.
42 rhe Ilarvana Urban (Contrnl of Rent and I!.t•ictia11) .-let, J 97.J
\21 A tenantoccupation of a building or rented land may. rtthe landord
ha!-. contr.rvcnc.l th,; pnw1·~1,111 uf thrs sccuon, niak,; an apphcunon u the complaining of suer. contravemion.

(J) It the C ontroller nn enquiry finds th.n the tenant h ··~ been ir cruoymem
of the arncmucs and that tht:~ were cut oft or ,, u+held bv rhe landlord , hhour
just or sufficrcnt cause. he shall make an order dirccnng the .anulord to
, estore such a111~111ti-:;-. :-
Pro, ided that .f the (\J11ttol1cr ,~ satislierl .!,"'Im nttidnvit or lilhcn,q,;,· tlu.t
immediate enjovme»t of the amcr-r ic: .s exsentia], he may tl} or\l\.·r m
\\ r itm~ allow tl e tenant to gei such amen 1th:~ r~ ,tnn.:d on : , . . h 1.-rnt!--
•. nd condinons as may he unposed hy tl.e Control' er i.;ul~ji.:t.1 w hi.
1 ma: dccrsron as regards the expenses on the rt: <torauon of <;J~ h

11. Conversion a rcsitlt:nria) building info a uon-residcntial

buildin~.- ""o per.
shnl] c •f'\t:~t a re. idential hl'.tldmr int» a

non-residcnnal b·.. except with 111.e pe: r11i:;~10nin wnnng , . : rhe < onu ollei .

12. Fullure h~ landlord to make ncl''-'l'l\ary n:pairs.- If a landlord falls

to make the necessary rep.J:r~ :,, :! buildin; other stn.-.tu1.1l .~lte.1:im:.,.
the l ontrollcr snall b...· comp, tent to direct, on an by the tenant and
after -uc :, t:m?11ir,. a· th_· t ontrollcr m:1~ thmk n~··.:"· .. .S,ary. th,! such repairs
may he earned out '.1_:,' the tensm and the L'O~t thereof may he deducted from
the rer.t -vhich 1..; pJ) al1k hy huu :
Provided t.iat if the Controller is c.Jti~Hed from affidavit or otherwise th .. ~
urgent repairs are essential. Ile may by order m wnting: allow the
h nant to vet ihe rcpmrs earned ou: on ,i.J•. h terms and condr rons :k
ma) h"· tmposcd bv t!w Controller. ... 1bJ1.T' ti, lus final deer-ion as
... thv ~o~, thereof .

1.t Eviction of tcnunb.- ( I t A tenant in posses .. ton of a building 01 a

rented land shall not ·.,..: evicted therefrom except 1:1 accordance ····'.h tL.:
prov· ·10n-. of this -c-uon.
A li1ndl11nf who "'-·(·ks lo ...v icr hi-, 'cnant shall appl, tu thi.: C 'o-urollcr tc ..r
direction in that behalf 1:· the C1"\ntfC1ller. after giving i.he tenant a re .. · onal-le
c·pportunity 01 s!im\ ing cau-.e again~t the apphcation. i.:- sati;fied :
(1) •hat (-.c '.cnant has 1wt paid or tendered the r~nt ull( fron~ him m
rcsp::d of the buddmg or rcnkd hmd within lifk~·n dJvs ~ftrr tL
c.xpu;: o!' the t:::1.: :i..('J 111 t:h: agn.·'"·m~:,:. of '.~·m:r...· wHh lus
landh\rd 01 m thl· abst.·n.:c ,.• fan\'., Sla:h a~n:i:1m:nt
~ JV. th'- la -.t Jav. of
the nhmth next follnwm~ thJt for v,:lul' h th~ rent l ·, pay., blt::
Pro 'ld(d tlHH l' t°)~ tenant. \\'ithm a l)\.f!Od o· 111 '\.'Cl: dny~ of th~ lir ..=t
h1.:.:mog of lhl· apph~"llvn for l'Jl'\.'lr~wnt :t rt\.:r due.: ~t:rv1ct.·. pa) or
h.:rnfors the of n.:nl and mtcr~st: to he c.:ukulakd by l.h.:
Controlkr, ;1t eight P'"-'f ct:nl pl·r annllm on ~uch arrt:~ir~ ,u;!L'lhl'r \\ 1th
~Uch '0"-1·, l)f th,.: appfo:alion, jf 3r1Y, a~ ma} \i(: 0110~',L"(~ 11) llk
Contrc,, lcr, 1h,: tenant ~haU h<: c.lccrncd lo hri,..: al11ly paid or 1cmk:rccl
th\: n:nl \1 1thn lhl.' time.: .dcm..:i.;aid:
Tbr H,zryana Urban (Co11trol of Re12t and f:·victio11) Act, J Y73 .J. r
Provided further that the J3ndlord ~hull not he entitled to claim arrear: o l
rent tor a period exceeding yeais iinoiedukl__. pr~u.:d:n~~ the
date of applicanon under the Jlfl)\ bH)tlS of'this Al:i .
(1,, that the tenant ha- alter the comrnencement of :he IC) 1') Act.
without the wntten consent of the:>
la) transferred hr- n(!lt! under the kt1.,t:, ,r !'ll~-14.'. th. cnur I utldm.;
or rented land or-any portion tbcrcof: or ·
(b) u.,,d the hL11ldm£ or tented land for a purpose othe: th.,n that for
which n was lease i.
( iii) that the tenant has cumr.r h:d or caused to bl" commuted such acts
as ;,rl· lil.d) to impair materially the value or uulii, ur the buildmg
or rented land:
(i\· 1 th.J, the tenant has been }Ui .~y of !-.u~h .ict, and condu ·t cis :ir<· a
nui-an ...e ro the occupant- of the snme building~ •H hllil<li11g 111 tlu:
( v) where the building ts situated in a place other than a hill stauon
the tenant has ceased to occupy the buildmg tor a connnuous period
of four months without reasonable cau ....e.
the Controller may make an order directing the tenant 10 put the landlord in
posse ·s1011 of the build mg or rentcc Jund and l f the Controller 1~ S(') 11~,
satisfied ht: shall make an «nlcr n.'J'-'l'ling the appli~au,m :-
Provided that the Controller m~y gi, 1.: the tenant a rea: unable ltr re ror
putnnj, the landlord m possession of the building OJ rented land and
may extend such time so 3!; not to exceed th1 c:e 111on1h:-. m the
(3) 1\ landlord may apply to the Controller for an order directing the tenant
m JlUl th\.' larnllc.m1 in po,..;._ . . . . iof'l -
(a) in th ... case of re,ukr,tial buikling , if.-
t11 ht ri:quu\~•; rt fur his own oecuparion, i, not r,cc·upyiHg :lr111~lkr
residential buildinj; in th . .· urban area concerned :ind hJ~ uot
\ acatcd s.~Kh bu1;Jin~ without Atff:cr<.:11t cause :.dh:r the
l..'.0!111111.:Tl(.'.l.'!'.!i.:~:t ('r l ')..!'> Act 111 the', I cl urban :JTl"l ;
he require- 11 or use as an office or consulting room b r his son
who intends to start practice as lawyer. qualified architect o,
chartered accountant or as t1 "regisrered 1 racuuuncr" \\ Hhm lilt:
meaning of that expression u.• ed in the P1u1Jah Medi .al
R1.:gic;trmiun Act. 191ti, the Puu.1ab .\yw, . . ,it~ and l 11 i 1, ..

Pr.1<.:t1dm1:rs , ,..::. 1 w,.i, or the f>:m;:11, Homeop.alur

Pr•.ictrtioncrx Act, 1 )6~. ur for lh,: residence ,.lf hi~ s,Jn wu -. ·~

married :
Pro,· iJl'll lhut :-m:h .:;on i:, no! O•.:l'up1 mg m the urban an:a ~orn:en1ed any
oth\.T bu,khng for t1~1,,,· a~ \,flic(. l'On.sultmg rc.,0111 or re:-.ide::...-e. :is the
ca-.:c may be an,l h:1s not ViH.':1t..J 1l wathoul ~uffic1cnt <.a..i ·t'. atter the
cornrnencement I r the 1949 ·\~· ; l
(iii) it wns let out to liie te::~nt t~,i u. en. e cts1dl'11L...: l-. n:a,011 ur hr:-.
hcint! in the sen·i"·c ,.1r employment , ·f ,he l...:.11,Jlo1d :ind thL·

t la•• ._. ,,. • .J IL , 1, • • • • r" 1· t f

44 The H,n•yiJn,, Urban (Co11tm/ of Rem and E-i-ictton) 11r.t. 1973
tenant ha., l'L'a. ... ed. whether before cir after the couuncncvmcnt of'
th1~ Act, 10 he in such service or cmploymcrn ·
Provided that where the tenant is a workman who has been discharged , ,r
dismissed by th( iandlord from hi-. service or cmploymcm m
contravention of the provrsrons of the Industrial Disputes Act, } lq:.
he shall n- ,t he hable to be evicted until thl· competent authority under
,hat \d confirms the order of discharge or dism.ssul made agmn~t
him bv~ the landlord·.
(t,') lhl.'. tenant h.:h already in ht" own po. session . . rcsidctuial
htnkhng or subsequently acquire ... po!--s1.:s:--1<m of. or erects, xuch
a huildinj; reasonably snfficrcnt for h,..., requirement m the urban
area concerned ;
( v ) he rs :i member of the armed forces of the t: nion of India and
requires it lor th.: occupation of his family and J'n,dul'.c ... ~
certificate Irorn the prescribed authority referred to in. ~·ct1,111 ..., of
th~ Inchan Soldier, l.1l1¥alm11) Act, ]')25 that he ts ~1.:rvrng- under
Sl-11:?~ial condinons witlun th, rncaninj; of --~c:tton 1 of that Act.
Fxplanution. for the purposes of this, ,;,,l,-clau~e "tarmly" means -uch
relations 01 the landlord a; ordinary live with him and are dependent upon him :
( b) in the ca ..c of r:. .ntcd land, if he require · n for h1i.: own use, 1, nut
occupying in rhc urban :H\:a concerned for the JlUf1Hh..: of his
1 .1.~in~~..:. any other rented ~and 1rid has not vacated sue h , ented 'arid

with~t sufficient cause arter the commencement uf the 194'1 Act:

(C) in lhi.: ,i.:asc , f any building or rented land, if h.;: require- i, hi can·y
out an,., b11ildinl!... "or'k a, the instanc • n rbc Staie < ,0\ 1.:mmL·nt •H' 1

1,)\..!al authority or any irrtprovcrncnt tru ... t under some rmproverueut

or development scheme or tf it has become unsafe or unlit for
human habitation :
Provided that where the tenancy is tor a specified period agreed upon
between the landlord and the tenant. the landlord shall not except.
under sub-clause (\'I of clause (a) be entitled tlJ apply under 1h1!,
sub-section before the expiry of such period :
Provided further that where the l;mcUord bas "htnincd t> i;.,c~:"1-ion I f a
residential hu1llhng or tented land under the prov ision-, of sub-clause
(i) or sub-clause (,~ of clauvc (.1) m clause cbt he shall no! he entitled
H'' apply again under the said provisions for the possession of any
other building or rented land of the same class :

Provided further that where a landlord has obtained possession of any

buildmg under the provisions oi .sub-dati'-l" (ii) vf dau · 1.: (a). hL· shJI I
not br cnt1t led to apply ; under thl· ~aid 'iUb-,: lau'i"" for lhc
pos~e5;sion of ;.ny Nher bt11ldmg for :h~ u~ or fur the: n:~1dcncc. ns
the case mav be. ot the ~ame son.
lO-A) ln th"'· case of a n•m-r..:~ilknttal bu1ldmJ,! . .t bndl,mi v. i1t, ,t.. rnd..;
rctin.:d Or clischnrgcd *"12 fir(iru the armed forces of the { Inion o·· )11d1.: or

I Suh~111t..1:~d 1,~. Secc1on 5 of 11::u·~·an:i Act 1,, of 19~·

2. ":\s _ l'\dn-comm1~s1,·mcd Office," ommcd t-·y Har\'ana :\ct 5 of Hn~,.
The Harvan.t Urban (Control of Rent and Eoiction) .lie/, 197_ ./5

who was a minor son at the time of death of the deceased andlord anu
requires it for his personal use may wi .hm a penod 1_1l three years Irorn the
<.i4.!k of rcurvm ...nt or uis v.hargc or auuuung the ave ,,f "'·1;:h:~·\.·n y1.:ars. ,h ,l,,_·
ca-e may be appl~ 1c, the Contruller tor an order the tenant to put the
landlord m posse ssion :
Provided that where the lard!, ,rd h:i:, ohtuincd po .. sc ''-ion \lt' a nnr1-
residential building under Iin:, :,,,cm. he ~hull not le entirled to
:i~ply 11g311l for the po~,e,~i,in or any other non- residennal building
oft he su me c la ... .s.]
(4) 111(." Controller shall. if he is satisfied that the claim of the landlord 1s
bona fide make an order drrectin, the tenant h> put the landlord in possession
of •he burknng or rented 1c1nd on such lfot'-' as may be sp":~d'kd by the
Controller and ,r 1}w Control lcr 1~ not :'\O -..ah,fit•d, he ~hall muke an orde:
rejecnng the application :
Providec tnat the Controller ,11ay ~in: the tenant a reas ma H1" tune for
puumg the landlord in possession of the buildmg or rented l:.mJ ,,n,J
ma} extend such time so as not to exceed thre, n.o-v :1: n: the
aggn .·_:;..,tc.
(5> Where an upphciuiou 1..; 1rn1J~· under sub-clause (,} uf dau'i,: (u) ot
sub-sec ti on I J ). It ... h~1: J he d j pt i-cd ,, I', 3~ fa~ S mr. _ he. \\ tlhiu 3 period ll f one
month and if the claim of the iandlord ,~ accepted the ,_'omrt.Jk,r shall make an
1•rtkr drrvcring the tenant to put the landlord in possession ,,f 1 h • h11ilchrrcJ! PP ,t
d •.He Tl he spec i ficd in the , ,nk"! and '-1Jd1 date shall not hi..: 1 i'.c:r ~h::n fi treen
days rrom the 1~.Jte of order.
(t), Where a lundlord , who has obtained,1;1 of 3 )llt:l:lllg ~w rc,teJ
land in pursuance of an order under sub-clause ( 1) of ,: lau-c ca dr c lausc c b I o ;'
:"tllh -ecuun I 3). docs not bimsclf ()4,..'CUpy it ur ,r
p\>~'-1..'. . . sion was ohlcJJnl:d
under sub-clause (\') of .. 'nuse ru) of sub-section (3). hrs family does n(')t
t)L:,:11p) the rcsrdcm ial h•11 <.>tng, or 1 f pns-.i.:.;-, ... ion W:t._ obtamcd hy h1m Oil
hehalf of hif. son in pur1u3nce ,--.f ,1n order under ~uh-ciuu~c I ii) oh.: lau.; e (c.d nf
.sub-section (3 }. hr.- ,on d,-,e.; noi oc,eupy ;t tor the purpo~e fr,r which
p0ssess1on \VuS o~tame d , 1l' ior a contmuou:- . pcnoc . ,.>t~ f.\\"' I ,-c
momh!- t'rom 4 IK
date of oblainmg pu~ x~;;1on or IC poss'-' w~b <.1bt:1m'"·d unJl·r H1b-~L'\..'lior.
3.,\ hi.'. dt'""" not ,l~cup.; H for has l:\~lu:i;1\'L' p,:r. ,mat u-.t· for a (;1>1llinurn1..-;
per kid of tl1r.: tbtee ye-.1r!'-I ('Ir where a landlord wih• ha~ oh,~unl!d 1x,~se.;s1nn of
J b11tldm~ lmC1u 1.·:au.:-~ (c) nf ..;uh-sc~tlon (3 > pu1i... that bmldmg to :my u.:l' t-1r
lc.-h 1L our hl any h:riar 1 ,,thc::r lh,m tl1~ tenant t::VH ..'l.:d rri)m
the 1<:11:.lllt 1\ h<,
ha;-; bc:~n t:v1cted ma} apply w ( ·omroller fo! an order rl1rec11ng that the
po~~s:>1011 of ~ud1 bmhlmg or n·n '"·d land shall b"'' n:stor~d to h1m :mcl thL'
Controlkr ,hall m:,kc: .;n ord ·r a "'·ordin~ly.
c:, \Vh,:rc: tb1..· Contrnll..:1 i~ ,:11i.sr1L:cl lhat any ·wp,i.:ation 111·i.h- hy.
t1nd}11rd for ihl." 1..·v;cti,·m ofa t~nan[ is ft'1\'0lo .. , fH "C,,11 ,,u:-. lhc rtlrllttilit.:1

~uh,tittltl·d by \,:ct1,.1n S uf Haryan;,i AmL·Jhln!! A ·1 '·i,.i. lo vf l!J;h f,.' .. lie W\Jr..i, "f,,· ,1

\.0'1tlm ,1:n r.,;-, 11..iod o· tv · h c -:a·onths fro,-, th~ < uf i.1l-t,1 ntnJ? poii:i'°u ,on •·
./.li The Haryanri Urban (C~mtrolof Rem and F.vicrion) Act, 197.~
may direct tb·it (;0111p'-11sHlaon not c.·>.~C('(hng Iivc hundred rupees be paid hy
such landlord to the tenant.
Section 13( 2 l Tender.Arrears of rent Son tcndcnnu the rent Wluk tenucnnz
the urrcarv n,. rent son never cl •urned h,; was tcndcnnu as the . ub L;:u,ml--la hi;
•a.a1...:111.:m son dcposmg that he rendered the rent on behalf ul h,~ Iathcr Rcut
C'or,tro lcr held that tcndc r as valid ar. 1 ctismisscrl cjcc trncn · application Appcllatr
Authority held the r.-•nrkr as invalid and o ..ci1.rn: cjrc-rnvnt.-High Court d,mw.\c,l the
rev ·, inn agam .sr order of :\;)J't>llate :\ 11P10nty--Hcl t t'rc tender of rcn' hy th: son w .:.s
as :'l member of the •a in j 1y of the' tenant- · \Vl en renr is icndere- 1 hy ar.v m, mhcr Of Che
fanulv cf the ituam to the :Jndlo1d wirhout anv inconsi-tam clc.11m •t he termed
as 111~."li1"I tendei-Oid« o: lligh Couir and t\ppt:lbte .-\whon~- set aside and rhar of
Rent Controller restored. Ruma Kutu ~·. Sona Devi, 2001(1) Rent LR (SC) 2.9.'J
Section l ~( 2)1 i J--Fviccion--Dcfau;t in payment <•f rcrn--Housc ·1 ax· Ex partc
order-vFviction hcint ,;on;.ht on the hasi- of default i:1 paymcn: or rent and 1101..:: ...·
fn·.--l·'c>nt ,,aid hv tenant wnhou: house rax on rhe :ir.:r,fatt~ l"fh.~a::1w .md the ...:aflcr
did not appe •. r--L:,-pilrtt' urder on the ~1ou11<l or non-paymenr of lT11ll5~ Ta,--fx-parte
order set ;:..~1tk -Contcntxin of tlie 11.:1:ai.t 1h.1l hl' was under the' i[llr.·re;sr'-''' rhar aftc>r
puyrucut (.I(° rent. tlh· l~U1Jk1, U would w:tLJrnw ibe pditiun (1)!' evi.-rion as ht> ··rn~ b-en
domg or earlier l>u.. a~.,un.; No uialu Irdc .m the part vl'k1;\llt·-·Jtnatt rnwht 1<'1'.'t
taken into tic head that nc1 ground for cvicuon -urvivcs. Kartar 5i11~h Chawla v. Har
kishun f,41!, 2(1()2(1) Rent I.R (Ph. & llry.) 192
Section 13L!)(1>--•·v1ction--Defa:1lr in payment nf rent=Rent paid in excess but
House L x not p:ud--llome I a ... if du: to the landlord coul.l be a..1Ju.,tc<i from the
e ... ~t'.11~ r<::1.t. A11rffrr Sin;;/, Chawla , .. Ilar Ki.\·T1a11 Lal, 200J(I) Rn11 I.R ( Ph. ._( H,,..) ,·
.~~ctinn I 1l?.)(il--Rcnt--H,msc Tax--1 andlord cluinung arrears of rent altd llou~l'
Tax--(\)ntetin<'n ot rh.- t~na1·t ~har ht' 1.t. not liable to pay Hcmsc T21x l cnant c~m pjy
the I louse 1 ,1.: and illc.o '"•"llkc.t tht ;:amc occaus:- i• 1, thc right oflhc.· L'"·mmt to say that
he \\.'.t· uut lt... bk to rav 11011~<:: ·1 a . Karrw· Si111,:h Chawfo i.: Hur Ki.~hu11,
2002(1) Rent LR (l'b. & llry.) 192
::;ecri,m I~( .1-:\ )· -Valdity of Bona fide rt·4•.1m:tur:nt·-~un-re~1dc:1tttal prem1sr•.--
Pr:tinnn<>r rt>mnmccl in occupation of the prem.scs 1:1r thl' last 56 yl·ars--Petiuou~, nuw
all~;:!in·:· that provFinrF re ·ar<l111·' pr.'rson:::tl n..:c..:,~itv arc\ .:1rn: lklc.1. •Im. t"\.·Sl!:n1m.s
u:: :, ,sed t>)' .U1PUF.lle'd pn)~'iiion~ ju;;. fair and i\.'.a:-~ mah It.: .. ?\ ') \ iola .JUll of' A1 tide l 'J
ul th'-· Con~lituuou uf ludia--Ll.t dlMrl rnr'tlcd l\1 .:': .:t ~..:na,~ rm the ground of bona

tick r ..:quircmcnt fi·om non n:s1<lt·n11al p :. ·uus,:~. 91eo P,1nhar! ~·. Stale f,f Ha,-yww,
2fJfrl(I) Rent I.R (Pb. & Hry.) (0.11.J 514

L'-.-\. Special proccdnn· tor dbpm,al of applicatiot1 in certain

cnst.'S.- { l .~ \Vhcrc th~· appli~a-in" i~ rnade by a lanalord \\'ho 1s or •,:a.: a
1rn:mbt.:r '>ft '"l,: ,\rrm.:d F,lr(..l'<i of th1.. {: n ion of Ind ta w1thm om: y1.·,ir pnor 10 or
aflt.:r thl: cbtt: of hi~ ret1rem~n- o:r di,(hargl' or \":11hm on<.· y,·ar- rroi,·1 thc datt.: 11'
c<,mn1e·1cemew ot the Har~· l.rba11 (Control Clf Rent and L,·ic:ion)
:\r,h· ;\~t. 19:<6 \\·hil.'ht·vt.:r i ... later. on the grm.nd ment1on\.·d 111 ::;u:,-
~ :1u~1..· (1) or 1:'1a,u.: (a) of ~uh- ~ection (3) of Scd1on :3. lh'-· s:n~w ~hall b1..:
dealt \\'ith in accordaoce \Vith tlh.· proccou:c sp~t.:ifo.:d in lh1.., ..;e~lt\.,n.StSS

l. J:1:;cr~ed bv Harya.r1a .\mcndm.l! Act . I of • ?~6. r:or oh;1:di, attd rc-o~un~ s~e l 11. (;:.J.
I> 1 t ,) <L:ed 2(1.(>. % p . .'\ H>
The H,zryana Urban (<.otitml of Rrm and F't.Jictio11) .·kt, 1973 47
I Provrded that in ca :t· of death of uch landlord, his \\ ill<w,: ..iml m thv
case death of such widow, hi child, f.:,'Ta11,khild «r widowed
daughter-in-law who was dependent upon hint at the tune ,,r lii .. t!t."Jrh
shall be entitled to make an application under this sectior to the
Controller, -
(a) m the case of death of such landlord before the conuncr.cemcnt of
tlu: Harvana Urban lt.·ontrol of Rent and Evict.oru Amendment Yet.
19'-:~. \',:lthin one year of such (.'U111IDC11Cl'n1'-~nt.
(br in the case of death ol such landlord after such commencement, mu
before the date of his rcurcrncnt or discharge, witlnn one year o; JK
date of Ins death:
(c) in the case of death of such landlord aft Lt such commcnccmcut and
tht· date of his retirement or discharge. within one year of th, date of
such retirement or di-charuc:
and , •I"\ the ll:itc Cl r ~• ich upplica t · L•~ the right to rcco- vr I h1.· possession I he or
residential buildinc... which helon11.ed ·- to such landlord at the time of liis denth
. hall accrue ~1,.· the appl.caru.]

((L\) Where an apphcauon is made hy a landlord who i:,; or was .m

cmph,yet..• or Government ol India or of Government of Haryana or of .~n~
State owned Board or Corporation ot l lnryana w. rh1:, one year pnor to or otter
the date or his rcurcmcnt or withm one: year from the date ot commencement
of I laryana Urban (Contn,l of f<~r.1 and r vicnon] Amendmcn: \~1 '<t,)0,
whichever t'- later. on the gro.und mentioned Ht sub-clause (i), .f LlJu~e (a) rit'
H1b-s1..·d11,n U) of section 13. the same ,shall be deal w. th ;n accordance with
the procedure specified in this sceuon.]"
(2) The Conrrol lcr shall is~lh..· sumrnonc to every »pphcnuon m n~·lal•on
referred tu in sub-section ( 1 ~. in the form appended tt·• this AN.
shall. in addition to. and sunulrancouslv with. thv
( \)(3,1 The Corurollcr
issue of summons for serv IC,C un the tenant. also dircc: 1 he <umrnun s tu he
served bv registered post. acknowledgement due addressed to the tenant or
hts agL·n1 ...mpowcrcd to accept the service a: the pia ·:.: where the tenant or his
a~t."ot actually and , oluntunly resides or carr ics on busmcss or pa ·tmally
wor ks for ~ain and muy. i the circumstances r vr the case so r,cc;l!trl·, ;.h,o dirl·~·l
d1t: pubhcation of the summons rn a new :-i1aper circulnting in tn tl ~ lt•\.'.nlity
wh1<.:h 1hl· h.:rn111t 1~ h1 ... t known tu han.· n.·"'1"kd ~n· i.'HIT11;d 1.m busme~Si or
per~onally wurl1.eJ ti1r gain.
t b) \Vhen an J.cknowledgem~ntpuq)o11ing to he ,~ign~d b_. the k•Hsrit or h1~
,tl!-.·nt b r'-·1..·c1vL·J b\· the Cuntrolkr or the rt.•t.:i~~t . .·rc:d a:1:i:ic cnntaltltnl! the
.;;;:: el to... .....

1m1mcm..., 1s rc.:t.:cl\ """ back with ~m l''ll!or~ml·nt ;:iurportmg to' been made
h) a pos,ul l..'ll1ployct! to 1h,· cffed 1ha1 lht: t<:11an1 or h1.s. :i~cnt had J\.·fusl'd m

:n'-1·rll'.d b) 11:ir~,m:, .\in·, Ai.:, '\J11. 17 ,,r IQ~"" 1~ot1fo,,,·,,on ..,ublir,h~d ,:;in
~, .. , 1988.)
1\rl~rd by Ac, No If> r.1f 19911.
48 The Han1a11.1 Urban {Co11trol of R<'llt and Et~rtio11) Act, 1973

ral e dcltver ..' of the rvgist c red article. the (', mtroller may declare 11,a• tlc+c
has been a , a 1 id servtce (If sun» itOf'.>.
l ·H The on ~' hom the summons i; dulv -erved (wbethcr in the
• irdmarv way or by register, d Jn\t) shall 1101 cont.:-t 1.h~ prayer fvr cvicuon
Irom the r -~idcn 1 w · h11 dding un less ht: fi :t.: 'i an a l°l'id:! ,.11 stut in~! I ht: !'T·ou1HI-.. on
'\ Inch he s,.eki: to contest the apphcation for ev-ctiun and obtains le ... ve from
the Controller as Lcrc maf er provided: und , ,~- his appcnra»c
J ...; ..: ...·HmJt 111
pur.,uant:l'. of the su.n-non- or hi .. nbt;ttning ~l :h .ca 1 ,_.. 1h'-· statcrnct I 11 a,k by
the landlord it\ the application to· eviction .:;h::111 he: deemed to he admitted ~"If
tne tenant anc t: applicant shall be eantled to i:1 crcer for evicnon on
f;. the
ground a forcsaid.
(:'\) The ( ,,ntrf\1]e" s1·aJ1 ;•i\L to ihe tenant leave lhe .~prJivl:iitr· i r
10 L0fllC~1
the aftidavi tiled by the tenant disc loses such tac ts as \1-'0"3ld di: entitle ·he
landlori' from obianung an order for the recovery of possession ot the
rcsidcntia] bl,tJtimg UTI the ~rround bp ..·c.:ilh.·d 1f1 sub-clause (1) of clause (Ht of
sub-section ,.~ , nf xect ion D.
( 6) Where leave i::. granted to the tenant to conies t the application, the
Controller shall comm .. ·nct.· .hc hcarmg of the apo'u auon as early as
(7) The c .OQtroller ~h11IL while /'),,]ding an inquiry in
proceeding ·o which .i
this section applu :i.. tflffmv tb-: practice and procedure of a Coun cf Smai 1
Causes. mduthr,i the recording oi evidence.
(8} appeal or second appeal shall li.: agums: an order for the recovery ,,f

rl<h'.c~sior·. ,,f any l-urldiig nuJe by the 1 on.roller m accordance

wan the proccd ,re; ·p1.. ._1fcd m tlus sccuor- :
Provided Hut tbc H1,,l t 11,,r1 may. lc.•1 tl·e ;)uq•l•:;e l,f .-.a~i:.1~ 111~~ itselfthat

an c,rder made b:, the C ontroller under rlus section i:- according to
law, call for the rc~orJ" of the case and pass suco order 1t1 respect
thereto as it think fit
(9 • Where r o rpplic~tiOT· hd:- beer made to he High Co: .rt ' ,r re .. l~ on. the-
( 'ontroller may exercise the powers of review 1'1 UC\'OfLlc.tnCC Vvllh the
provisions of Order .XI Vil of the Ffrsl s~h:dui.: t,, 1h1.: Code of Civil
Pro.·edt.rc. 1908 (5 of J 90~, ).
( l (}) Sa Vt' a, othcrwi~t: pn w1dct: m th1~ ~1.:cliun, th"· pw ·,:dun.: for the
di ,po~al of th: applic.:atiun for l'vic.:11on shall be th\.' '"am.· a .. the ,,rncedure for
th•: ,if "?Ph~,tth.m:) by t' it.: t ,.1n1rollcr.
(11) rlw prov1,ions uf this s,:cl~(m ., .. ·m:· ·ult madl· thcrtur1'~':'r :'hall hjve
l·ffi.:ct n,:it\vith·.tandin~· atiythinti inu,·1!>1stent thLrc\\.1th c,,m:1i11t-•d elsewhett: m
tlus Act or in any llther la\v tor the iitne b_mg 111 tore ·j

14. Oeci,iom, \\ hich have become final not to h1.: rl'.opu1cd- ·111c
C,mtr,,,lkr -.h..111 :-.<11 mmrily rejl!CL any applil.'.ation w1de1 ~ub- ~;ectwn 1..:) or 13)
,r ,c1.:1i,n1 U whtLh ra1.;;e.. substantially the is!;tJes ;;.~ have been llnally c.k..·1<.k,
in any formeJ' proc..:eding5 under this Ac:.
The Harya11a l Irb.111 (Control of Rr11t and 1!.d1..·/io11) .-kL, 197~ J9

1 S. .\pJ>cllat ~ and revi ion al au thoriti ,.- ( I ) f ne Stare Government

may. hy J !?Literal 01 :-pt!1.. id! order hy r1011t canon. confer on such offucrs and
authonnes as rt may think flt, the pow ers of appellate all honucs Ior ll '-'
purpose of this \l·L. in such area or in such ·la'.' >--;<.·~ of' l'asc~ a rnay he
~PL"L1li1:d in the order.
(2) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by tne C 'ontrollcr may. witl-rn
tlurty days from tlu, date ot such order or such longer pcnod as the appellate
authority may allow for rcrsons to be recorded in wriu g, prefer un ·.1op ..... I in o the ar.x·ll:itc :111tl orit) 'uiving juri diction. In corup 11in~ t·11..· JJl'hod
of thirtv l!ay tliL time Iakcn 10 obtain a (.'l'Tll Iicd ..:op/ o · the or le- appealed
aga nst shall be excluded.
( l I ( ,n such appeal oemg preferred, thL appe llate authority may order ,tJ)'
or· fu ther procct:<.hng, m the matter pending decision the appeal
( .i l The appellate authonty shalt decide th"· appeal afrcr scndmg tor the
records of the ca-,e h1·n t' ,;: (mumlkr and :.1 ftL;1 ._t1\ in.I! rhc p 1r1t~ ... w1
opporunuty of being heard and, if necessary, atter rnakir,g such ~i.1t .hcr
inquiry as it think, cit either personally or through the t onrroller.
(.'i) The decision of the appellate authority and subject to sucl .. deer. ion. 1he
order of the < ontrullcr ,h:111 Ix· final and shall m.1t he liable in be .·t1l -d •r
l(U1.>H10n m any court of law except a~ p1ovidt·ci in !- llh·.~:c:tinn {fl} or" n i ~
(6) fTI1c High Court], as rcvisronal authority. may . ..ii any t11nL, 1111 1r!I,, wn
monon or on the applicuuon oi any aggneveo party made wl'l n a ot
mncty <lays. call for and evurninc the record rclaung to unv order passcc or
proceedings taken under this Act for the purpo~i: of sati~ryinJ it-scl r a-; tn th:
legality or propriety of .uch order or proceedings and may pass sucn order in
relation the ...cto as it rnav dc:ern 'it. In computmg .hc penod o: nme ... <la~·· the
urne taken, lo obtain a certified copy o(·h~· or .c... -hall be c.cclud .,,.
. ecnon L--l:.,·1~l1on--E, p,u1e t•Jd~r--l uml.tlh.m--Dday oC <,5 day" ,n him!;!
app~I--Liberal appmacl, M be {aken in lh · rnallt:r ot limttalwn until ,mti unk.;;\ ll i
c,tal,Ji11.hf"d that there arit.: m:1la tid~~ on the part or thi:•t in mt lilinr th1. :ipp, a
within lmut.1l1on. ,r lihouli l~ ~ondom:<l \'-irh cost.... Karlur Sim!h l'lwwlu v. Har
A~isli,m wl, 2002(/) Rt•JII LH (Pb.&. Hry.)192

16. rowl·r to summon .,nd <.•n furn· nttcndnnce of wicne,,t ,.- i\u
illllh,,rity e,LT~tsrn~ iX) ,e - un IL'r th1..:, /\ ·t s 1all h:n·e t~e . Jme p 1V,e1.., of'
-.urnmonm; .md \.:nlon:m~ the ""t<.t1tlJ'l\,,· of , itnc~s · m~J \.:0'11P'- I mg lhc:
prodw . .' 1on o: e,·id1: . l...:l· a· ar-c ,·estei.."' n a t (1ut1 111Hl • tlw (' ,u"'· ~,f (·1vtl
Procedure. 908.

l. Swb"t·itlitcJ 1111 1~1\.' ,•;or.i., ·• I ho: l-111:1111.:1 ,I Cc.rm 11,·.,1nn1'1 b•, : ;i"t•nn <., of H.,-.,11
· 'l·cnamt.':11 ;,, ~o :t ot 197 ...
50 The Harvana Urban {( ontrol of Rent and Et1ictio11) .-lt;f, J')7J

17. <""t,~h.-(l) The L•,,un anr' the cost or an 'fa.Hh:-,t to all
proceedinps before the Controller. the appellate author try or the revrsronal
authority shall be m the disl renon ut the Controller. the appellate auihoruy or
the n:v1,1nnal authority, ax the case roay h'-·· Such authorny <hall dcterrnme h)
\\ hom or ou: of which prupe: ty and to what extent such LllST$ are to he paid
and give all necessary directions tor the purpose. lhc tact that the Controller.
the appellate authority ur the re .rsionul authority has no jurisdiction lt.:l tr}
proccedmgs shall be no oar to the exercise of . . uch powers.
(2) Where the (\mtroller the appellate authority or th(." revisional Julhoril)·
directs that any costs shall no: follow. the event. the L ontroller, the appellate
authonty or the rcvisional authority hall ~t:1h: j,l~ reasons in wriung.

18. Execution of order,.- lvery order nude under the provisn .m ,·,i this
Act shal! he execm J by a civil court having junsdicnon m the an.·a as .f it
were- a decree or order of that court.
Explanation. - On · year 's rent of the buildmg or I er l,··i land. pr\:,:cdmg
ihe date of the ,mlc: • hich t!-- sought t,, he executed, shall h,: the juri. ..dicnonal
value for the purposes of deternuning the forum of appeal.

19. Institution and disposal of uppJication.- l ~) When there arc more

than one C\.mtrolkr at th"· same place, the application shall ~: mace 10 the
Controller who is authori ... ed hy rh~ appellate authority of till· area concerned
ft• entertain such application.

(1 t 3uc11 Controller shall either keep the application on hi, tile 01 make
over the same to some other t «ntroller at the same place. for disposal.
20. Power to transfer pro\.'c.•c,Jings.-(1) 1 (rh1: H:}!h
(\wrtl rnuy, on an
appl ication made 10 it or othe: wise by order transfer any proceedings pending
before any appellate authonry to another appellate authonty and Uh: appellate
au.honty to \\'hn!"!; the proceedings art" so transfem . d may. subject to any
special dirccuon in the order of transfer. dispo-c of the procc.vlin ~:,;.
(2> >\n appellau: ,mLhtrit) ma). on an .1pralicatio1, made to it or other wise,
by order transfer .my proceedings pendmg before any ""ontro\h.:r to another
Controller wuhm its jurisdrcnon and the Controller tu ~-hl,m hL· :1ro<.:t.·<·,t 1•·

arc :O tr.msfcrrcd may, subjeut to any special direction in the order oftransfer,
dispose of the proceedings.

l. Substituted for the words '1Th~ Pmancial Comrmssiouer" by )C<.:linn ? •Jf' I li1r)'
Amending Act Na rn ot 1978.
The Haryana Urban (C-0ntrol of Rem and E1:ict1011) Act, 197J 51
f20- . ruuvfer of pruceedlngs and flUug of appeals .,and re\'bion1>
against orders of . ubordinare and Oi. trict .Jud~es.- -1 ( 1) 1'.otw11·1-
standing anything contained in any other provisions ot this Act.-
(a t all proceedings pendmg before Sub-Divisional Officers (C1v1l)
apporucd to perform the function- of the Coutrollc'< shall stand
transfer cc o the Subordinate Juducs '. from the date their or
appc.irurncrn und, ..1' clause (b) of,u1ion ~ Ii) ,.u..rforru the f"-nctic.,1-;
of the Controller ·;
Cb) an appeal from the order ol he Sub-Div isroru 1 Offi.:cr (< iv il)
appointed to perform the funcnor> of he Cnntroltcr :o-hlj 11 c t ic i,,
District Judge conferred with the powers c,f the appellate authority
and u n, vi,':"iun from th.._ unlc of ,u\.l appc .hat~ .suthurity shall .ie to
the Hi~ , Coun: and
(c) any ~pp~a• from the order of the xuh-Divisional Officer IC ivil)
appv.nt1.:J 10 perform the funcuon-, of the Cun roller h.J., been tiled
with the Deputy L.011 missium..·r. conferred \\ ith the po~ 'ers ot the
appcllat.- uutl ority or if ilnY revision from tht order of the Deputy
C orm-ii. s ioncr contcr-cd w h the powers of the appellate authoruv.
hi,., · \..'1,,."11 filed ·,"' h t'u: hnar "' al Ccir rn s. io .er the same shall
stand tr .. n ... Ierred to tr L Di-trict Judge and the High Coun.
respectively. ]S$~$

2). Landlord and tenant 10 furnish ()articuh1r'i.- f.\cr~ Id .dlord and

every tenant of a build,.,~ t,,r n..'11,c<' land shall 'le bo •ind to t rrrusl- tu the
Controller, or any p\,r ..;;1,,,0 authorised by ~tm in that benalf, such paruculurs m
respect of such building or rented land as may ~ prescr-bcd.

22. PtmaJties.- ( l ) If any person contravene- any 01• the provisions of

sub-section (~1 «I .. ~..:,ion&, sub-section <I) of ...ecuon .U. section 11. or
section .:! I, he shall Pe punishable with tine winch may extend to one thousand
(::!) If any pc:T. cm contravrnr-, any t1f the pro !.1011~ or -Iausr ra) of Sl'C'in:i
6, he shall h~ • unix iahlc , ith 1· 1p11 o:unern for a term ,•. "ch ~a) C;\1cnJ ,,,
two years, or wi h tine, or with both.
(3) No Cour shal] take cognizance man ottence under ihis '!Cdinn except
(j} a complain 111 ,,·nt.rg t ol fa ·t · ,,. hich con-ut .tt! such offer-cc) trlcd
with 1hl: sanct on «I the Co Hn>,i~r; or
(b) .1 rq. or in \H u c of ... uc' facts rr.!u\! h~ the Corurollcr

23. Powers to make rulc.s.-The Sea. e liOYlrnml'nt mav. hv r otiticatmn. • J

mak,· ruks to c..·-an)' ,w c.111 or a,,y lil thl purpo TS ol thi, \1. r.

l. h~em:d u~ l l;ir_·una .\n l'm.Jm~. ,·t u I pf I ,-4

2. Suh'ihlute,l ) ~l·,·ti, ,1· S ofHar~,rna ~nwn '"'.'.'.· \1:t ,11. 1( of 1cr.• . ,, c ( .: ' 1°7,
52 The H.zryana Urban (Control of Rent and L:..rvictioll) ..1c:t, 1973

24. Re1,eal and Sa,·ing~.- (It The Ea;t Punjab Urban Rent Restnction
Act l 949 (Ea~t Punjab .\er ~o. 1 of 19 J9 ,. is hereby rc:pt"uu.:J :
Provided that such repeal .hall not affect any proceeding pending Pf order
passed immediately bciorc the commencement uf thi~ /\Ci. .,..:11Lh
shall be continued and d1. posed or t,1 enforced as sf the said Ad had
rn t beer r~p~~lcll.
(2Jotwithstandmg such repeal, an. 1:iin!,! done or i:111y Jction taken u~1dL""'
the Act so repealed (inctuding any rule, notification or order made 1 which rs
not mconsistcnt wnh the provisions ot 1h1 · AcL, be deemed to have b '\..'!: done
or taken under the C~lIT'-=SP' -nding provisrons of this •\rl as 11• ltu~ A~l ,, en: in
I, rec at the time ,ucl-: r"iif"I~d,1ne r,r ...ction wu- taken . .sntl shall conrinue
\1. J~
to he in force. unless and ur-til superseded hy anything done 01 any action
taken under this Act.
~ CJIRll\JI.F.
Sec Section 2(h)
Sun. dauvhtet. widow, father. mother, gmnd-tather, ~,and-moth~r. i.t,n lit" a
pre-decease d son, unmarried daughter of a pre-deceased - on. widow or a
prc-decca- ·d son and widow ot a pre-deceased son of pre-deceased son,
wF<>R 1"
[See sub-section (2) ofSi:ctH.m 1.3-.t\l
For-n ,t summons
< in J case where recoverv
., of possession ot residenual
huilding i prayed fc,r under section 13·A of the Haryana Urban (<. on rol of
R~1,t & Eviction) Act. 1973.
(Name. de cription and place of residence of d,'". tcnann
Whereas Sh, i · ha ... tile.1 an application ( a copy of which i"
annexed) for your ~ vicuon l: nu ( here insert the panicu lars o: the
residential building under section 13-A of the: Haryana l rban (Control of
Rent and Eviction} Act 197] :
~Jr.,-..,·. therefore. you .ire hereby .,t,n to appear· before the Conrr.uler
withm fineen days of the service thereor and to obtain t\1: leave ot the
Controller tn contest the application for eviction under section 13-.\ of the
said Acl. in ddault whereof the applicant will be entitled at uny umr a fin the
expiry of t.l\: said pcriuJ of fifteen day-. to obtain an order for your t.:, u.uor:
from the said residential bunding.
I .ea vc tu appear and contest the applicationma) be ohtamcd on an
application to the Comrullcr -upporrcd lly an arfi.It1Vi\ .1. 1:-. n.:1;.·rr"·,l to in
sub-section ( 5 t of section I J-A of the said Act.
Given under m" hand and seal on rh:s day of ~

Conuollei .

l. Added by Act I! of I 98{i.

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