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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Blake Heller Date: 3-22-19 Time: 11:01-11:50

School: Granby Jr./Sr. High School Lesson #: 3/4
Facilities: Granby Gym Class Size: 30 Grade: 10th
Unit/Theme: Territorial/Invasion Game
Generic Level: Pre-control/Control/Utilization
Equipment: 1. Phone 2. 4 Orange Cones 3. Whistle 4. 4 bases 5. 2 Basketballs 6. 2 Kickballs
Focus of Lesson: Learning to work together by passing and then make a layup to score runs
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P)- Demonstrate successful skill cues when shooting lay ups in the lesson when participating in
the activities, that can be used in future life experiences. (National # S1.H2.L1; MA CF:
(C)- Identify & differentiate proper techniques of shooting lay ups after observing other
classmates or practicing the activity themselves during the closure when asked by the teacher
during the closure. (National # S2.H4.L1; MA CF:2.24)(Activity:1,2)
(A)- Apply positive self-expression & enjoyment when partaking in all shooting layups and
kicking activities & clearly show appropriate behavior when working with a group and in your
team during the activities. (National #:S5.H3.L1; MA CF: 2.26) (Activity:1,2,3)
Check each objective – is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Challenge the students by checking for understanding during and after the activity.
2. Demonstrate affective teaching behaviors by providing two motivational objectives
during the lesson and at the closure.
3. Provide three different positive specific feedback statements to the students.
4. Explain safety & all of the rules of BBK
5. Whistle when needed to gather, break, or address the class.
Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
Be sure to be aware of the bleachers and surroundings so students remain safe. Be aware that in
the gym, the bleachers might be out so make sure the students not run into the bleachers so they
do not get hurt. Do not run into the volleyball poles that will be in the corner of the gym. No
playing defense when opponent is making layups.
1. Couturier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S. (2014). National Standards & Grade – Level Outcomes
a. for K-12 Physical Education (2 ed.). Virginia: SHAPE America (pg. 56)

2. Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Brusseau, T. A., & Erwin, H. (2015).

a. Dynamic physical education for secondary school students (8 ed.). New

York: Benjamin Cummings.

2. Forrest, G., Pearson, P., Webb, G. F. (n.d.). Teaching games for understanding (tgfu) in
primary and secondary physical education. Retrieved October 24, 2008,
Time: Sequence of Lesson Organization Reflection
10:00 Opening:
 Changing in the Locker Rooms X= Bases
 Attendance when students go to their O= Hoops
spots issued to them on the floor. O
Good morning, welcome to my class! X X
 Student leaders will be leading
different dynamic and static stretches -
Students get to a spot and begin warm
up: Toe touches, side twists, lunges,
arm pull. Quick jog laps around the
four big orange cones (4x).
 Have students do jumping jacks (10x),
push ups (10x) and sit ups (20x).
 “Who can tell me when teamwork can
be used in life? What sports in life do
you aim when releasing a ball? Today
in class we are going to be playing

3:00 Informing
Meeting place: This is where we are going to
meet for the whole semester after every warm
up. Point out the 4 cones, stress the importance
of personal space and SAFETY!!
Signals: Whistle to gather, break, and stop the
class or say 3,2,1 Freeze and the start signal
will be ready, go.

Lesson purpose: Understand the importance of

learning to work together in a group and
passing the ball to each other so you can make
a basketball before the other team is what I
will be teaching.
Steps: State the skill cues of shooting a layup
and kicking which has been discussed in
previous classes.

Checking for Understanding - Ask the students

what the focus is for the activity? Show video
of the students playing basketball-kickball.
Activity 1: Group lay up lines working on skill
Activity 2: BBK
Today in class, we will be learning a few
different important factors that occur when
playing BBK. In this activity the students will
be using the skill cues in shooting layups and
that are used when playing BBK. The lesson
will be taught through a command style, since
I will be telling the students what they will be
doing during the lesson. Students will provide
feedback for me to reflect on my lesson. For
:30 each objective, the students are getting
appropriate & adequate O.T.R.

Transition: Same as the instant activity

2:00 before.

Activity 1: Practice lay ups- Command Style
Have students get into their two groups with
one ball for each group. Walk around making
sure they are all doing the right thing when
going for a layup
Demo: Have two students demonstrate for all
the students
Up - Have students do lay ups with their non
dominant hand.
Down - Have the students just shoot the ball in
front of the hoop not worrying about coming
from the side.
Safety: Be aware of the other students around
you and stay in your own personal space so
that the students don’t bump into each other.
Stay away from the volleyball poles that are in
the corners of the gym.

Checking for Understanding:

- Why is it important to be aware of your own
personal space? To stay safe so no one gets
hurt being in each others space.
Demonstration for the class
Motivational objective: this should be fun
enjoyable warm up activity to get students

:30 Transition: Whistle - Class brings it in

Introduce progression of 2nd activity
23:00 Activity 2: BBK- Command Style
Ask the students if they remember how to play
BBK. This activity will go along with the last
activity as you will be shooting lay ups but
now you will also be kicking the kickball.
Have teams previously split up and go over the
rules for the game.
Demo: Have student leaders and students
volunteer to demo in front of their classmates
so the students will know how to score and so
they can see what the game is supposed to
look like. During the student demos, I will be
talking to the class about the rules.
Up – Make layups with opposite hands or take
a jump shot. Change up point values
3 runs= 3 pointer
5 runs= half court shot
Down – The students can just shoot the ball
without making a layup and eliminate the
dribbling between the bases
Checking for Understanding:
-Who can tell me why you it is important to
know how to hit a layup after playing this

1:00 Transition
Students will return to meeting place
 Have all students huddle back up to go
over the closure after being spread out
during the lesson. Have student leaders
collect equipment while I hand out
surveys and pre tests to the students
before they leave to get changed.

9:00 Closure
 Practice showing me what a layup
looks like. Ask for student demos here.
Who might want to lead and stand in
front of the class in doing it first.

 When asked by the teacher, explain
what was their favorite part of the
 Ask students if they had fun today.
 Check for understanding and what the
lesson purpose was.
Students will be given a short survey for me to
see how much knowledge they retained from
the lesson. Students leave to change and go get
ready for lunch.
Name: Date:

BBK Survey

1. How do you feel about BBK?

2. When hearing about BBK on Monday, what did you initially think about the game and
how do you feel about the game now that you have played it for a week?

3. What do you think I should do differently to make this game more fun and interesting if I
were to be teaching this game again next year?
Name: Date:
Volleyball Pre-Test

Answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge.

1. In Volleyball, can you block a serve? Yes/No

2. What do you play up to? Win by two?

3. How many hits are you allowed in volleyball?

4. If you block an opponents spike, do you still have three hits? Yes/NO

5. What is a bump/dig?

6. What number hit is a spike normally?

7. Typically, what number hit is the set?

8. If the ball bounces on the line is it in or out?

9. What does it mean if an official were to call a carry on you?

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