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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada. Vol. 43. pp.

61 10 75
0 Pergamon Press Lid 1979. Printed in Greal Britain

Structure of mineral glasses-I. The feldspar glasses

NaA1Si,08, KAISi308, CaA12Si,08
Department of Geology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.

(Received 24 April 1978; accepted in revised form 29 August 1978)

Abstract-The short range distribution of interatomic distances in three feldspar glasses has been deter-
mined by X-ray radial distribution analysis. The resulting radial distribution functions (RDF’s) are
interpreted by comparison with RDF’s calculated for various quasi-crystalline models of the glass
The experimental RDF’s of the alkali feldspar glasses were found to be inconsistent with the four-
membered rings of tetrahedra associated with crystalline feldspars; the structures of these glasses are
probably based on interconnected six-membered rings of the type found in tridymite, nepheline, or
kalsilite: In contrast, the RDF of calcic feldspar glass is consistent with a four-membered ring structure
of the type found in crystalline anorthite. T-O bond lengths (T = Si,Al) increase from 1.60 A in SiOt
glass TJ. H. KONNERT and J. KARLE (1973) Acta Crysr. A29, 702-7101 to 1.63A in the alkali feldspar
&se; to 1.66A in the calcic feldspar glass due to the substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral
sites. The T-O-T bond angles inferred from the RDF peak positions are 151” in SiOl glass (see
reference above), 146” in the alkali feldspar glasses, and 143” in the calcic feldspar glass. Detail in
the RDF at distances greater than 5 8, suggests that the alkali feldspar glasses have a higher degree
of long range order than the calcic feldspar glasses.
Assuming that the structural details of our feldspar glasses are similar to those of the melts, the
observed structural differences between the alkali feldspar and calcic feldspar glasses helps explain
the differences in crystallization kinetics of anhydrous feldspar composition melts. Structural interpre-
tations of some thermodynamic and rheologic phenomena associated with feldspar melts are also
presented based on these results.

INTRODUCTION The interference

scattering of X-rays, neutrons, or
electrons by an assemblage of atoms (radial distribu-
A KNOWLEDGE of silicate melt structure and its com-
tion analysis) is perhaps the most structurally sensi-
position-, temperature-, and pressure-dependence is
tive technique presently available for studying glasses.
essential for rationalizing phase equilibria, transport
Scattering experiments on quenched glasses are
and rheological properties, and crystallization pheno-
much easier than similar experiments on melts but
mena in silicate systems. A growing awareness of this
require the assumption that the structure of the
need is evident in a number of recently published
quenched glass reflects the structure of the melt, for
petrologic studies (e.g. K&HIRO, 1975; CAWTHORNE
which there is some evidence in silicate systems (RIE-
and MCCARTHY,1977). Unfortunately, melt structure
BLING, 1968). We believe this to be a good assumption
is far more difficult to characterize than the structure
for systems with high viscosities and slow relaxation
of crystalline silicates, necessitating a combination of
times such as the highly polymerized alkali alumino-
indirect methods. One approach involves a variety
silicates considered in the present study. In this
of physical property measurements on melts and
regard, radial distribution experiments on liquid SiOZ
glasses (e.g. BOCKRISand LOWE, 1954; RIEBLING,1966,
(NUKUI et al., 1972) and a supercooled melt of NaAl-
1968; BURNHAM,1975) which provide constraints for
Si,Os composition above the glass transition tem-
melt structure models. The application of polymer
perature (TAYLOR and BROWN, submitted) indicate
theory to silicate melts has also been useful in this
that the local structural differences between these
regard, permitting rationalization of thermodynamic
melts and their glasses are small.
properties and phase relations of simple silicate sys-
In X-ray scattering studies made before the appli-
tems such as binary alkali silicate melts (TOOP and
cation of the Fourier transform to diffraction data,
SAMIS, 1962; MASSON, 1968; PRETNAR, 1968; HESS,
RANDALLet al. (1930) noticed the similarity between
1971; and others). More direct structural information
the diffraction profiles of amorphous silica and the
concerning melts and glasses has come from a variety
sodium and potassium feldspar glasses and the dis-
of absorption, emission, and scattering experiments,
similarity between the feldspar glasses and their as-
utilizing wavelengths ranging from y-ray to infrared.
sociated polycrystalline diffraction profiles. This led
them to suggest that feldspar crystallites did not
*Present address: Technical Stat% Division, Corning reform on cooling but “remained as cristobalite crys-
Glass Works, Corning, NY 14830, U.S.A. tallites together with crystallites of Na,O, AlzO,, or
62 and G. E. BROWN, JR

of some compound of these with silica”. This early atoms in the sample and represents scattering interac-
insight will be shown to be in general accord with tions between electrons on the same atom. The
our findings, although the crystallite hypothesis is no second summation, denoted i,(s), also extends over
longer generally accepted (EVSTROPYE~ and PORAI- all atoms in the sample except when i and j are the
Kos~rrs, 1972). Several more recent studies have same atom, and it is the structurally sensitive part
applied radial distribution techniques to feldspar of I(s). Although these summations extend over all
composition glasses. URNE~ (1969) investigated several possible interatomic distances in the sample, the indi-
glasses in the system Na*O-Al@-Si02 and several vidual contributions become small as rij becomes
which were ion exchanged with Ag to investigate the larger. The third component is the incoherent scatter-
alkali sites (URN=, 1972). None of the glasses studies ing due to inelastic electron-photon interactions. The
are on the NaAiSi,Os composition point, his “feld- variable s is related to the scattering angle, 28, and
spar” glass (URNES, 1972) being closer in composition the X-ray wavelength. i., by s = 4nsin0/~.
to jadeite, NaAlSi,O,. The RDF’s reported in these The experimentally observed intensity, la&) is
papers were calculated as “electronic” distribution related to I(s) by
functions. This leads to a low resolution RDF, but
I(s) = ~~‘,~.~s)/(~(s)~(sl) (2)
the results are not inconsistent with those which we
will report. where A(s) and P(s) are absorption and polarization
KARLE and KONNERT(1974) report and X-ray RDF corrections and K is a constant which scales I,,,, to
for Ab glass and neutron RDF’s for Ab and Or one formula unit (FU) of the scattering material. The
glasses. They demonstrated the similarity of Ab and experimental i*(s) is determined by subtracting
Or glass structures using neutron diffraction, for Ernf!fz(s) and I,,,(s). These two terms are calculated
which Na and I( have similar scattering cross-sec- from published regression coefficients of the coherent
tions. They also pointed out the similarity of Ab and (CROMERand MANN. 1968) and incoherent (BALYUZI,
silica glass structures based on their X-ray RDF’s. 1975) scattering curves. The functions E’“ff(s) and
The objectives of this paper are (I) to briefly review I,,,(s) are illustrated in Fig. 1.
X-ray radial distribution analysis and to discuss our The radial distribution functions, G(r) and D(r) are
method of interpreting experimental radial distribu- calculated by taking the Fourier transform of i,(s):
tion functions (RDF’s) using the quasi-crystaIline
model of TAYLOR (1978): (2) to present RDF’s for
NaAlSi,Os (Ab), KAlSi,Os
(An) composition
(Or), and CaAI&OB
glasses with reference to published
D(r) = 4zr'@fr) - PO) = ” s
r si,(s)
M(s) sin (sr) ds

RDF’s of Si02 glass: and (3) to derive structural
models for these glasses and show how they may be
applied to melt-related phenomena such as viscosities G(r) = 4dp(r) = I + 4xr2po (4)
and crystal growth kinetics. A preliminary account where
of this study was presented by TAYLOR and BROWN fU FU
(1976). Other papers in this series will present radial g(s) = ~f#wc zt
distribution results for NaAlSiO,, NaAISi,O,, CaMg-
Si,O,, and hydrous SiO, and NaAlSi,Os glasses and and represents a “sharpening function” to correct for
NaAlSiaOs supercooled melt. the dependence of $ and ,& on s. M(s) = exp( -as*)
is the “convergence” function used to down-weight
high angle data and reduce ripples due to termination
of the integral in equation (3) as the experimental
Two recent papers (WRIGHT, 1974; WRIGHT and s,,,. p. is the number of formula units per cubic
LEADBETTER,1976) and one text (WARREN, 1969) have angstrom times the square of the sum of electrons in
reviewed the theory and practice of radial distribution one formula unit. The units of G(r) are electrons2/A.
analysis, and only an outline will be presented here. G(r) represents the probability of finding two atoms
The review papers cited above also contain an exten- separated by a distance r t dr weighted by the
sive bibliography of published radial distribution product of the number of electrons on each of the
studies for numerous glass systems. two atoms.
The X-ray intensity scattered by an assemblage of G(r) may be better visualized by an example. Con-
atoms is given by: sider an S&O, dimer joined at the bridging oxygen
with an St0-Si angle of 180’ (Fig. 2). Now draw
vectors rij from each atom to every other atom in
the model and plot the collection of vectors on a
where N is the number of formula units in the scatter- histogram as a function of their lengths. The area
ing volume of the sample, rij is the distance between added to each bar in the histogram should corre-
atoms i and j and 1;:(s)is the scattering factor for atom spond to the product of the number of electrons on
i and is proportional to Z, the number of electrons atoms i and j. We label the rij vectors with the chemi-
on atom i. The first summation extends over all the cal symbots for atoms i and j. A number is appended
Structure of mineral glasses-4 63

TAYLOR (submitt~); however, the approach is as

follows: A sphere of enclosure of radius r, is taken
around each atom in the asymmetric unit of the model
structure, and all the interatomic vectors between the
central atom and those in the sphere are calculated. A
‘disorder” parameter is assigned to each vector based
on a combination of the observed X-ray isotropic
thermal parameters of atoms i and j and the length
of the vector rip The second component is an attempt
to model the effect of loss of correlation or “random-
ness” with increasing distance. The intensity function
is then calculated using a modification of equation
(I) (see Table 1) and used in equation (3) to evaluate
G(r) for the model. Figure 3 shows an example of
Fig. 1. Components of the Ab glass diffraction profile. the total quasi-crystalline model for high albite and
Curve A, the total scattered intensity, i(s): curve B, the its components along with the RDF determined
scattering due to interactions between electrons on the
experimentally on a polycrystalline prism of high
same atom: curve C, the incoherent scattering.
The function D(r) in equation (3) represents the de-
to the symbol for the jth atom as follows: 1 for j viation of the radial distribution function G(r) from
atoms on the same tetrahedral unit as i; 2 for j atoms a homogeneous distribution of electron density repre-
on the first adjacent tetrahedra; 3 for j atoms on the sented by 4nr2po. D(r) is often quoted in the literature,
second adjacent tetrahedra, etc. The numbers thus but it does not provide better resolution nor does
correspond approximately to the first, second, and it allow for comparison of models with different
third coordination spheres, although ambiguities arise densities, although it may provide somewhat more
beyond the third sphere. The resulting radial distribu- sensitivity to changes in peak positions. Use of the
tion function (RDF) (Fig. 2a) should have maxima pair correlation function instead of 4nr2p(r) is becom-
at approximately 1.6 A (Si-Ol), 2.6A (O-01) 3.2 A ing increasingly popular (WARREN, 1969) because it
(Si-Sil), and at least three more maxima between 3.3
and 4.5 A corresponding to Si-02 and O-02 vectors.
The exact positions will depend on whether an T-O-T=l40”
T-O-T =180”
eclipsed or staggered conformation for the tetrahedra
was chosen. The area under the first maximum should
be 16 x (14 x 8) = 1792 electrons’. As a second
example, consider the same calculation for a dimer
with an Si-0-Si angle of 140” (Fig. 2b). The first three
distances are unchanged, but there are now four
unique Si-01 distances and five unique O-02 dis-
tances. If one now adds more tetrahedra, allows for
different Si-0-Si bond angles, and permits rotation
about the bridging bonds, a reasonable approxima-
tion to the RDF of vitreous silica can be obtained.
This is not unlike the procedure followed by MOZZI
and WARREN(1969) in their analysis of vitreous silica.
Three points can be made from this exercise. First,
it should be clear that G(r) is sensitive to local struc-
ture. Second, the interpretation of G(r) becomes quite
complicated beyond the first few distances. Third, as
the symmetry of the system is reduced, the RDF
becomes more smeared, with fewer sharp maxima.
Much of the secondary structure such as chains,
rings, and the iike will manifest itself between four
and eight Angstroms in G(r), and it becomes necessary
to interpret the observed RDF’s with models based
on known or hypothetical crystal structures. These Fig. 2. (a) Histogram radial distribution function of an
quasi-crystalline models (LEADBETTERand WRIGHT, S&O, dimer in eclipsed conformation with a T-O-Tan&e
1972) cannot be expected to account for all the fea- of 180’. (b) SizO, dimer in eclipsed conformation with a
T-O-T angle of 140”. The notations above the bars refer
tures of the RDF, but they may be used to calculate to the interatomic vector(s) contributing to that bar. Where
trial RDF’s for various polymerization schemes. The several unique vectors fall under one bar, a separate
details of our quasi-crystalline model are given by notation is made for each vector.

Table 1. Quasi-crystalline model intensity function

iq(s) = cc Nij[exp(-bijs2)fi(s)f (s)sin(srij)/srijl+ ISA(s)

First summation extends over the asymmetric unit of the unit

cell of the model structure.

2) Second summation extends over all the atoms within a distancr

rc of atom i .

3) Nij is a multiplicity factor for ri. given by the multiplicity

atom i in the unit cell divided by she number of formula units
per unit cell.

4) bij is the disorder term given by:

bij = (Bi+Bj)/G3~2)+ (rijlkrc)2

and B. are the isotropic thermal parameters of atoms i and

J ; k is'an adjustable constant = 4 for most glasses. The second
term is an arbitrary function to model the loss of correlation be-
tween atoms as the distance between them increases.

5) fi(s) and fj(s) are the X-ray scattering factors.

6) 'ij is the mean distance between atoms i and j calculated from

the model structures.

7) ISA(s) is the small angle-scattering correction for the finite

size of the model:

ISA(S) = c ~fi~s~fj~S~471Po~Sr~COS~Sr~~ -sin(srcH/s3
i j

eliminates small shifts in the peak positions, but we MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
have continued with the traditional form because of Samples of Ab and Or glasses were kindly provided by
its more direct physical interpretation. We have car- Dr. D. B. Stewart of the U.S. Geological Survey and are
ried out our calculation of G(r) to an rmlx of 7.5 A the same materials used by KARLE and KONNERT (1974).
The original samples were prepared at Corning Glass
because most of our interpretations involve distances Works. Corning, New York. by melting the component
shorter than this. Both experimental and calculated oxides in Pt/Rh crucibles for 6 hr at 18oo’C, crushing, and
RDF’s show features beyond 7.5& however. remelting for 6 hr at 18oo’C. The resulting glass was trans-

Fig. 3. Experimental (---) and quasi-crystalline model (---_) RDF’s of the high albite structure. The
curves under the solid curve are contributions to the total RDF from five different types of interatomic
Structure of mineral glasses-l 65

ferred to an annealing furnace (700°C) and allowed to cool for short-term instabilities in the diffractometer system.
slowly to remove residual stress. The An glass was pre- The diffraction profile was extrapolated from s.,~,, to
pared in our laboratory by melting 20g batches of the s = 0.0 such that f,,,,(O) = 0.0. After correcting for absorp-
component oxides in Pt crucibles at 155OY for 6 hr, crush- tion and polarization, the scale factor was evaluated by
ing, and remelting for 6 hr. No annealing step was made matching the high angle data (s = 13.5c15.65 A-‘) to the
and the glass shattered spontaneously after about 3 hr. calculated background. Z’ “ff(s) and I,,,(s) were subtracted,
Samples were checked for homogeneity by microprobe and the resulting iO(s)was converted to the radial distribu-
analysis and optical microscopy. All microprobe analyses tion function using equation (3). The convergence term was
were carried out at 20 keV accelerating voltage, 0.01 PA set such that M(s,,,) = 0.1 (WRIGHT and LEADBETTER,
sample current, and a 1OOpm spot size; the use of smaller 1976). Additional details and comments on the data collec-
spot sizes caused appreciable sodium loss. Refractive index tion and reduction procedure are given in TAYLOR(submit-
was measured by immersion in calibrated media. No ted).
refractive index inhomogeneities (cord) could be observed
in either the bulk glass samples or microscopic pieces in
a matching refractive index medium. The microprobe and RESULTS
microscopic checks on homogeneity are not sensitive to
compositional gradients within the bulk melt (such as The corrected and scaled diffraction profiles and
might be formed by melt stratification) or minor composit- radial distribution functions are presented in Figs. 66
ional differences on the order of a few microns in size. for Ab, Or and An glasses, respectively, together with
They indicate, however, that all the batch materials were
the radial distribution functions calculated for the as-
well dissolved and distributed in the melt. Densities were
measured on bubble-free pieces at 22°C by flotation in sociated crystalline phases. Figures 4b, Sb and 6b also
CCI,/CHBr, mixtures which were in turn calibrated with show the quasi-crystalline model distributions of
a Westphal balance. The chemical compositions, refractive several types of interatomic vectors (T-O, O-O, and
indices,‘and densities are presented in Table 2. While the T-T where T = Al, Si) and AC(r) the difference
compositions are not exactly on the nominal compositions,
the differences should not have major effects on the struc- between the RDF obtained for the glass and the qua-
ture. The observed densities and refractive indices are in si-crystalline model. The T-01 and T-T1 distances
good agreement with published values (WINCHELLand and T-O-T angles estimated from the glass RDF’s
WINCHELL,1964). are given in Table 3. These values have been taken
Cylinders 1.4mm in dia of Ab and Or glasses and a
from the total pair correlation functions, 4nrp(r)
1 x 1 x 1Omm prism of An glass were cut from bubble-
free regions of the bulk glass for use in the diffraction rather than G(r).
experiment. Diffraction data were collected on a Picker
FAG-1 diffractometer equipped with a graphite crystal in- Ab glass
cident beam monochromator set for the MoK, line The radial distribution functions for Ab composi-
(i. = 0.71069). A relatively wide PHA window was used
so that all the incoherent intensity would be included in tion glass and that calculated for the crystalline high
the total count. The diffraction profile was sampled at in- albite structure (PREW~TT et al., 1976) are shown in
tervals of 0.05 in s, using a narrow receiving slit from Fig. 4. This RDF agrees qualitatively with that of
%l,” = 0.95 to s = 5.00 A - ’ and a wide slit from s = 3.00 KARLE and KONNERT (1974) though they cannot be
to smar= 15.65.&-‘. s,,,corresponds to 124.5”, the maxi-
compared directly because of the different forms of
mum 20 of our goniometer. Intensities were measured
using the fixed count method (lo4 counts). Five sets of the radial distributions functions used. There is a
low and high angle data were collected and averaged for close correspondence between the crystal and glass
each sample to improve counting statistics and compensate curves to about 4A suggesting a primary structure

Table 2. Physical properties and compositions of glasses used in this study

Designation Ab' Or2 An

Formula unit NaAlSisOe KAlSi3Oa caAlzsi2os

Glass High Albite Glass Sanidine Glass Anorthite

Density3 2.382 2.615 2.366 2.575 2.691 2.763
index4 1.482 1.53-1.54 1.488 1.52-1.53 1.570 1.58-1.59
Composition5 Observed Nominal Observed Nominal Observed Nominal
sioz 70.34 68.74 65.30 64.76 45.87 43.19
Al203 17.75 19.44 19.48 18.32 34.74 36.65
NazO 12.01 11.82 0.00 - 0.02 -
KzO 0.04 - 15.89 16.92 0.03 -
cao 0.03 - 0.03 - 20.81 20.16
Total 100.17 100.70 101.47

' Corning glass X955QB”.

* Corning glass X955QA’.
3 Density of high albite, sanidine, and anorthite are calculated from the cell
4 Refractive indices of crystals from WINCHELLand WINCHELL(1964).
5 Compositions determined by microprobe analysis (wt. per cent).

4 8 12



r. ,’
20000 -

I I I I I i I _
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
f (a)

Fig. 4. (a) Corrected and scaled diffraction profile I(s), for Ab glass. (b) Ab glass RDF (solid line):
quasi-crystalline model for the high albite structure (dashed line); contributions from T-On. O-On.
and T-Tn types of vectors (dotdash, dotted, and small dashed Iines, respectively); AG(r) (lower curve)
is the difference between the quasi-crystalline model RDF and the observed glass RDF. The area
under AG(r) to 7.5 A is 2.41 x lo4 electrons2.

Table 3. Interatomic distances and T-O-T angles

Ab Or AII Silka Silica'

T-01 1.63 1.63 1.66 1.59 1.62

T-T1 3.12 3.12 3.15 3.08 3.12

a 146' 146" 143" 151* 144"

’ KONNERT and KARLE (19733.

’ Mozzt and WARREN(1969).
The interatomic distances are taken from the positions of maxima
in the total pair correlation function G&)/r. The T-O-T angle, a, is in-
ferred from the T-01 and T-T1 distances as a = 2 arcsin[(T-
T1)/2(T_Ol)]. The T-OI distance should be considered more reliable
than the T-T1 distance because of the possibility of other interactions
contributing to the maximum at 3.1 A.
Structure of mineral glasses--l 67

I I I I I I ’ I


Fig. 5. (a) Corrected- and scaled diffraction profile, I(s), for Or glass. (b) Or glass RDF (solid line);
quasi-crystalline model RDF for the sanidine structure (dashed line); contributions from T-On, O-On,
and T-Tn types of vectors (dot-dash, dotted, and small dashed lines, respectively); AC(r) (lower curve)
is the difference between the sanidine and Or glass RDF’s. The area under AC(r) to 7.5 A is 2.24 x lo4

of tetrahedrally coordinated silicon and aluminum 0), but the smaller area under the glass curve between
atoms sharing all four corners with other tetrahedra. 4 and 4.5 A may be attributed to a difference in the
Beyond 3.4 A, there is progressively poorer agreement T-T2 distribution between Ab glass and the high
with respect to both the area under the curve and albite structure. This range of distances corresponds
the positions of the peaks. The most important of to the vectors between tetrahedral cations directly
these differences occur at 4.0A where the high albite across the characteristic feldspar four-membered ring.
model rises considerably higher than the glass and The T-T2 distances in Ab glass are apparently shifted
at 5.1 A where the glass RDF reaches a maximum to c 5.1 A where the RDF shows a maximum. There
and the high albite RDF goes through a minimum. are no interatomic vectors in the high albite structure
The peak between 4.0 and 4.5A in the high albite that could account for a maximum at this distance.
RDF is due mainly to the distribution of T-02 and Beyond this point, the high albite RDF rises steadily
T-T2 vectors, as can be seen from the T-O and T-T above the glass RDF, as must be expected from the
components (Fig. 4b). The glass curve follows the difference in density. It therefore appears that while
T-02 component of the high albite structure quite Ab glass and crystalline high albite have similar struc-
closely (allowing for small contributions from Na and tures in the first coordination sphere, there are funda-
68 M. TAYLOR and G. E. BROWN. JK


I 2 3 4 5 6 7
r (ii)

Fig. 6. (a) Corrected and scaled diffraction profile, I(s), for An glass. (b) An glass RDF (solid line):
quasi-crystalline model RDF for the anorthite structure (dashed line); contributions from ~-on. o-on,
and T-Tn types of vectors (dot-dash. dotted. and small dashed lines. respectively): AC(r) (lower curve)
is the difference between the anorthite and An glass RDF’s. The area under AC(r) to 7.5 A is 1.67 x IO4

mental differences in the way in which the tetrahedra number of electrons on potassium. This is not too
group to form rings. surprising because, even in the sanidine structure, a
large thermal parameter for K and a wide distribution
Or glass
of K-O distances cause a broad maximum in the
The observed radial distribution functions for Or RDF. Beyond 3.5 A the Or curve is seen to follow
glass is compared with that calculated for the sanidine the sanidine T-02 component, but drops off at about
structure (BROWN et al., 1974) in Fig. 5. There is no 4.2 A while the sanidine curve continues to rise. This
a priori reason to expect a sanidine structure for the rise is due to contributions from K-02 and T-T2
melt since sanidine is not a stable liquidus phase for vectors. At 5.1 A, the sanidine RDF goes through a
this composition at atmospheric pressure, but our minimum while the Or glass RDF is at a maximum.
purpose here is to compare feldspar glasses with the The situation is again reversed at 5.8 A, where the
bonding topology of their associated crystalline struc- sanidine curve is at a maximum due to contributions
tures. As with albite, the short range structure in the from T-T2 and T-T3 vectors while Or glass is at
glass and crystal is quite similar, but the correspon- a minimum. Beyond 6A, the sanidine RDF rises
dence breaks down beyond about 3.5.A The K-01 above the glass RDF in keeping with the differences
vectors are still not resolved despite the larger in density between the glass and crystal. As with Ab
Structure of mineral glasses--l 69

glass, it can be concluded that Or glass has a dis- been many radial distribution studies of silica glass
tinctly different secondary structure than the ogrre- (WRIGHT, 1974; WRIGHT and LEADBETTER,1976), but
sponding feldspar. The differences around 4.6A are two are of special interest. MOZZI and WARREN (1969)
very likely due to a lack of four-membered rings in performed a very careful determination of the RDF
the glass. and interpreted it in terms of a random network
A second quasi-crystalline model based on the leu- model of the glass structure. By adjusting the inter-
cite structure (WYART, 1940; PEACOR, 1968) was also atomic distances and angles, they were able to devise
compared to the Or glass RDF following the idea a model which fit the RDF very accurately to at least
that the highest temperature crystalline phase is in- 3.5 8, and gave interpretations to the features of the
dicative of the melt structure (e.g. KUSHIRO, 1975). experimental RDF to 5.1 A. The structural par-
The leucite RDF shows a clear minimum at 4.5 A, ameters derived from this analysis are listed in Table 3.
presumably due to a smaller number of four-mem- Their additional angular variables, /3 and y, describe
bered rings, but it does not accout for the maximum configurational differences caused by rotation of
at 5.1 A. Beyond this point, the Or glass RDF and tetrahedra about the Si-0 bonds but, unlike CL,they
leucite RDF are completely uncorrelated. found no preferred values for /I and y. KONNERT and
KARLE (1973) refined the RDF of silica glass using
An glass a least squares technique to adjust the scale factor,
The RDF for An glass is shown in Fig. 6 along the background shape, and the first three interatomic
with the calculated crystalline RDF based on the distances and peak widths. The structural parameters
anorthite structure reported by WAINWRIG~ and derived from their analysis are listed in Table 3; the
STARKEY (1971). As with Ab and Or glass, the An angle a is inferred from their published results. In
glass RDF shows a close correspondence to its crys- addition, KONNERT et al. (1973) compared their silica
talline counterpart to at least 3.5 8. The rise in the glass RDF with RDF’s derived from calculated and
RDF between 2.3 and 2.5 A can be attributed to a experimentally measured powder patterns of various
closely grouped set of Ca-O vectors suggesting that polymorphs of SiO, and concluded that silica glass
Ca occupies a seven-fold coordination site in the glass has a tridymite-like bonding topology based on six-
structure, which is very similar to that of crystalline membered rings of Si04 tetrahedra. Others (cf.
anorthite. Unlike the Ab and Or glasses, however, WRIGHT and LEADBETTER, 1976) have suggested an
An glass shows a close correspondence with its crystal a-cristobalite structure.
structure between 3.5 and 4.5 A. The glass RDF does The distinction between tridymite and cristobalite
not match the crystalline curve exactly, but the maxi- is well defined crystallographically, but in terms of
mum at 4.48, and the lack of a distinct minimum a tridymite-like or cristobalite-like structure for SiOZ
between 4.5 and 5.OA suggest a larger number of glass, the distinction is very small. In the idealized
T-T2 distances around 4.7 A and hence a larger structures, cristobalite consists of six-membered rings
number of four-membered feldspar rings. The RDF where all four tetrahedra are in the staggered con-
is essentially featureless beyond 4.5 .& suggesting that figuration with respect to a central tetrahedron,
there is very little long-range order, whereas in tridymite, three are staggered and one is
The A@) function plotted in Figs. 4b, 5b and 6b eclipsed. This leads to all “chair” conformation rings
is a measure of relative differences in structure and, in cristobalite and both “boat” and “chair” rings in
as a consequence, bulk density between each feldspar tridymite. The energy difference between the stag-
composition glass and its quasi-crystalline model gered and eclipsed configurations of SiZO, is quite
based on the structure of the respective crystalline small (DE JONG and BROWN, 1978) and we expect both
feldspar. The fact that the area under AC(r) for An configurations as well as intermediates between them
glass-anorthite pair (1.67 x 104e2) is smaller than the to be present in SiO, glass. However, the density of
corresponding values for the Ab-high albits the glass and the correlation of peak positions in the
(2.41 x 104eZ) and Or-sanidine (2.24 x 104e2) pairs is RDF tend to favor the tridymite model.
consistent with the difference in heat capacities, AC,, If the idealized structures were the only ones
between crystalline and amorphous feldspars recently present in silica glass, we would expect Mozzi and
observed by ROBIE et al. (1978). Their data show that Warren’s #I and y parameters to take on discrete
AC, values for the glass-crystal pairs increase in the values. However, more realistic structures for low tri-
order An < Ab < Or, suggesting that the structural dymite and low cristobalite (DOLLASE, 1965; D~LLASE
arrangements and bonding energies in the tetrahedral and BAUR, 1976; KONNERT and APPLEMAN, 1975;
portion of the Or or Ab glass-crystal pairs are signifi- KAYO and NUKIJI, 1976) show enough distortion from
cantly different relative to the An glass-crystal pair. the idealized structures to suggest that p and y take
on a wide range of values in the crystalline poly-
DISCUSSION morphs as well as in the glass. Thus the “tridymite-
like” or “cristobalite-like” models of silica glass would
Comparison offeldspar and silica glass RDF’s lead to the same interpretation of the short range
The silica (SiOJ glass RDF is an obvious point RDF features as would Mozzi and Warren’s random
of comparison for the feldspar RDF’s. There have network view.

The observed radial distribution functions for Ab, every two tetrahedral atoms) to accommodate the
Or and An glass are shown in Fig. 7 along with the alkali cations in approximately 12-fold coordination.
RDF of vitreous silica calculated from the data of This stuffed-tridymite model for the glass is analogous
KONNERT and KARLE (1973). For consistency, the to the crystalline derivatives concept developed by
silica and feldspar RDF’s have been calculated using BUERGER (1954).
a direct Fourier transform of the observed data with- Several factors make this an attractive model. First.
out least squares refinement of any parameters. The there are several stable crystalline analogs such as
similarity among the RDF’s of silica, Ab, and Or can nepheline, NaAISiO.+, and kalsilite, KAISiOd, which
be seen imm~jately. The heights of the curves are give the model a crystal chemical precedent. Nephe-
slightly different owing to the differences in average line and kalsilite have tetrahedral frameworks similar
electron concentration, but there are no major shifts to that of tridymite, with the alkali ions occupying
which would suggest different structures. Substitution the spaces between the rings. These structures are
of NaAIO, and KAIO, for SiOt (Ab and Or vs silica) similar to those envisioned for the Ab and Or glass,
causes a distinct shift in the PO1 maximum consis- though they have all the void spaces filled with alkali
tent with the formation of longer AI-O bonds. This ions whereas Ab and Or glass would have only half
shift is even more pronounced in An glass where half the spaces filled. We find further evidence for this
the tetrahedral atoms are aluminum. type of coupled substitution at the silica end of the
The An glass RDF is clearly different from the pre- join. Examination of chemical analyses of several
vious three with regard to both the peak positions SiO, polymorphs (DEER et al., 1963) shows that the
in the range from 3.5 to 5.08, and the lack of struc- tridymite structure is the most capable of accepting
tural detail between 5.0 and 7.5 A. The difference in alkali and aluminum ions. There is evidence that tri-
peak positions suggests that An glass is based on a dymite is not a stable polymorph of SiO, but requires
different structure than silica_ Ab, and Or. small amounts of impurities to nucleate (HOLMQUIST,
Second. the densities calculated from a stuffed tri-
dymite model are in reasonably good agreement with
The similarity in the silica, Ab, and Or glass RDFs the observed densities of the alkali feldspar glasses.
suggests that a tridymite-like structure based on a We have estimated a density for our model by assum-
three-dimensional framework of six-membered rings ing that the tetrahedral framework of crystalline
of tetrahedra might be a good model for Ab and Or nepheline and kalsilite is approximately the same as
glasses. Aluminum would substitute for silicon in that of Ab and Or glass. respectively. If we write the
some of the tetrahedral sites. If the rings were fairly unit cell formula of nepheline (eight “molecules” of
regular. such a structure would naturally have void NaAlSiO,) as NasAlsSisOJz and substitute four Si02
spaces or “interstices” between the rings (one for for four NaAlO,, we have Na~Al~Si,~O~~ or four for-


Fig. 7. Comparison of Ab. Or. An and silica RDF’s. The short vertical lines show positions of maxima
in D(r). the form of the RDF which represents the difference between G(r) (solid curve) and the radial
distribution of a structureless medium with the same average electron density (dashed curve}. Silica
curve has been resealed to an eight oxygen formula unit for comparison with the feldspar%
Structure of mineral glasses-l 71

mula units of albite. Using the cell volume of nephe- in a cell with the nepheline formula as one with the
line we obtain the density of the model: albite formula. The contribution of each Na-0 dis-
tance calculated in the nepheline cell is multiplied by
(formula units per unit cell) l/2 to give its contribution to the feldspar model. In
x (formula weight) crystallographic terms, this corresponds to a half-
density (g/cm3) =
(cell volume) x 0.6022 occupied sodium site. Unfortunately, as of this writing
there are no published structural data on a pure
The density of Ab glass calculculated in this way is sodium nepheline: the crystal used by Simmons and
2.40 compared to the observed density of 2.38. Per- Peacor had l/4 of the sodium atoms replaced by
forming the same calculation for the kalsilite struc- potassium. The stuffed tridymite model for Or glass
ture, we estimate a density of Or glass of 2.31 com- has been calculated in a similar manner using the
pared to the observed density of 2.37. The densities structure of kalsilite reported by F'ERROTTA and SMITH
estimated from these structural models are in much (1965) and is shown with the Or glass RDF in Fig. 9.
better agreement with the observed glass densities No attempt has been made in either model to account
than densities from the high albite (2.62) and sanidine for the effect of substituting SiO, for NaA102 on the
(2.57) structures. average T-01 bond length: the first peak in the model
The third attractive feature of the stuffed tridymite RDF’s are at slightly higher values of r than would
model is its consistency with a continuous network be expected for the Ab and Or compositions. The
view of glass structure. The observed densities and nepheline and kalsilite O(1) oxygen has been moved
radial distribution functions can be rationalized with- to the on-axis position to remove the effects of oxygen
out postulating ordered and disordered regions, large disorder on T-O interactions.
void spaces, or a high concentration of structural irre- One problem with these model structures is that
gularities (such as six coordinated aluminum or non- the hexagonal crystallographic symmetry forces a
bridging oxygens). We do not wish to imply that the very narrow distribution of certain atomic distances
glass structures are perfectly ordered or that irregu- giving rise to very sharp maxima in the quasi-crystal-
larities do not occur: the shapes of the peaks in the line model. The T-T2 peak at 5.1 A in the Or stuffed
RDF suggests that even within the rings there is a tridymite model (Fig. 9) is a good example of this
certain amount of conformational randomness. problem. We have not as yet devised a means of
The last attractive feature of the stuffed tridymite relaxing this symmetry, though the length dependence
model is that it gives a reasonable explanation of the of the disorder parameter is an attempt.
features of the Ab and Or glass radial distribution The features of the model RDF’s are much sharper
functions. Figure 8 shows the observed Ab glass RDF than those of the glasses, but the positions with re-
and the RDF calculated for the stuffed tridymite spect to r are in fairly good agreement. The maxima
model. This model has been constructed from the in the glass RDF’s between 3.0 and 5.5 A are shifted
nepheline structure reported by SIMMONSand PEACOR to somewhat lower values of r, suggesting that the
(1972) by weighting the contribution of a given pair models would be in better agreement if they were
of atoms in proportion to the number of pairs of collapsed a bit. For example, if the T-O-T angle in
that type which would be found in the feldspar cell. nepheline were slightly smaller, the T-T1 and T-T2
For example, there are twice as many sodium atoms distances would be shorter. Such a collapse might be


I 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 8. Stul%d tridymite model for Ab glass based on the nepheline structure. Ab glass RDF (solid
line); stuffed tridymite model (dashed line); T-On, O-On, and T-Tn contributions to the stuffed tri-
dymite model (dot-dash, dotted, and small dashed lines, respectively).



Fig. 9. Stuffed tridymite model for Or glass based on the kasiiite structure. Or glass RDF (solid
line); stuffed tridymite model (dashed line); T-On, O-On. and T-Tn contributions to the stuffed tri-
dymite model (dot-dash. dotted. and small dashed lines, respectively).

expected since the models are derived from fully through adjacent tetrahedra, a third four-membered
“stuffed” structures, whereas the Ab glass should have ring of similar conformation is produced between
only half the voids filled. them. This ring will contribute to the T-T2 maximum
The main points of the comparison between at 4.6 A just as the original two rings. A smaller pro-
observed glass RDF’s and the calculated stuffed tridy- portion of this type of adjacent tetrahedra or “‘crank-
mite RDF’s for both Or and Ab glasses are (1) the shaft” linkage in the glass as in the anorthite structure
maxima at 4.2 A are due mainly to T-02 vectors: would explain the reduction in the area under the
(2) relatively few vectors occur between 4.4 and 4.7 A, glass RDF peak at 4.2 A relative to that calculated
causing a distinct minimum in the RDF; (3) the max- for the anorthite structure. It would also be in keep-
ima at 5.1 A are due to the distribution of T-T2 vec- ing with the similar but slightly lower density of An
tors. These results are in sharp contrast to the high glass (2.69 g/cm3) relative to that of the anorthite
albite and sanidine quasi-~ystalline models where the structure (2.76 g/cm31.
T-T2 vectors are at about 4.6 8, due to the presence
Implications for melt phenomena from glass structures
of four-membered rings. The difference between the
feldspar and stuffed tridymite bonding topologies is Making the assumption that these materials retain
represented schematically in Fig. 10, with the tetra- the same atomic arrangements in passing from the
hedra representing SiO, or AlO groups and the large glassy to the molten state, we find that the postulated
circles representing alkali positions. Although six-
membered (and larger) rings are present in the feld- ,A’ A. B
spar structure. four-membered rings are predominant.

Structurul models for An glusses

As pointed out earlier, the anorthite structure

accounts for most of the features of the glass RDF
to approximately 5.OA. Beyond this point there is
little indication of regular interatomic distances. We
would therefore envision a glass structure based on
feldspar-like four-membered rings of Si04 and AlOr
tetrahedra (Fig. 10) which are connected to other
four-membered rings in a more or less random fash-
ion. For example, some rings may be connected
through only one T-O-T bridge whereas others may Fig. 10. (a) Schematic representation of reIdspar four-mem-
be joined through adjacent tetrahedra, pr~ucing the bered rings of tetrahedra. Front and back rings are joined
so-called “crankshaft” arrangement characteristic of through opposite tetrahedra whereas top and bottom rings
are joined through single tetrahedra. The circles represent
feldspar crystal structures. Still others may be con-
alkali ion positions. (b) Representation of stuffed tridymite
nected through opposite tetrahedra to form the struc- six-member rings. The vertical ring on the left side of the
ture shown in the top portion of the molecule in drawing has the “boat” conformation and the horizontal
Fig. 10a. When two four-membered rings are joined top and bottom rings have the “chair” conformation.
Structure of mineral glasses-l 73

glass structures provide some qualitative interpre- alkali feldspar liquid --) crystal transition. This would
tations of phenomena associated with Ab, Or and An have to happen many times within a limited volume
melts. For example, FL~CID and KNAPP (1968) have of alkali feldspar melt to form a stable nucleus, and
calculated liquidus curves for the SiO,-NaAlSi,Os, the melt network around the nucleus would have to
SiO*-KAISiJOs, and Si02-CaAl&Os joins, assum- readjust to accommodate the resulting reduction in
ing various structural models for the substitution of volume. If the melt has a feldspar-like bonding topo-
alumina into silica liquid. They found that random logy, nucleation could proceed by simple conforma-
substitution of Al for Si was the best model for the tional adjustments where a relatively small number
alkali feldspar melts, though some evidence for minor of T-0 bridges would have to be made or broken.
amounts of a “polymeric” species (presumably units We would therefore expect a rather large barrier to
with a structure different from that of the SiOs melt) nucleation in Ab and Or composition melts relative
was observed on the albitic side of the SiO,-NaAl- to An composition melts.
Si30s join. Random substitution of Al for Si implies If melting of crystalline albite and sanidine has to
that the basic structure of the liquid is not changed. proceed by a similar mechanism, i.e. the breaking of
This implication is consistent with the view that silica, four-membered rings to form six-membered rings, we
Ab, and Or melts all have tridymite-like tetrahedral might expect a similar kinetic barrier to the formation
arrangements. On the other hand, Flood and Knapp of the melt (AINSLIE et al., 1961). DAY and ALLEN
found it necessary to postulate aluminosilicate (1905) noted the persistence of albite crystals at tem-
anionic “clusters” with a structure different from that peratures well above the melting point and, in similar
of the SiOZ melt to explain the silica-rich side of the experiments, we have noted the persistence of crystals
Si02-CaA12Si,06 liquidus. The best formula for even after 48 hr at temperatures 60” above the melting
these clusters was found to be 4A10,.3SiOi-. point. This superheating phenomenon was studied in
Although this is not exactly the same formula as we detail for albite by DIETZ et al. (1970).
would suggest for the four-membered rings in An melt The viscosities of the feldspar melts may also be
(Al&O~- or, for two rings, AL&O:;), Flood and correlated with the proposed structures. Or and Ab
Knapp’s results are consistent with our idea that An melts have viscosities on the order of lo6 and lo4
melts are based on a different polymerization scheme poise, respectively, at 1550°C (cf. SHAW, 1972, Fig. 9)
than silica, Ab, or Or composition melts. They con- whereas anorthite has a viscosity of only lo’-10’
cluded that Al and Si tetrahedra show “an increasing poise at the same temperature (CUKIERMANand UHL-
deviation from random distribution” in the sequence MANN,1973). UBBELOHDE(1965) has stressed the im-
portance of “blocked volumes” (volume fractions of
K < Na <<Ca
the melt which must move as a unit) in understanding
which are interpreted to mean that Al tetrhedra in viscosity anomalies in organic liquids. He has sug-
CaAl,O,-containing melts are present as pairs gested that the sharp rise in the viscosity of albite
bonded to Ca in order to satisfy local charge require- near its freezing point may be due to a fraction of
ments. This pairing is not required in KAIO; and the volume being blocked to flow by cluster forma-
NaAIO; containing melts. The most energetically tion. The stable network of six-membered rings in-
favorable arrangement of Al and Si tetrahedra in the ferred to be present in alkali feldspar melts would,
Ca2Si3A14014 clusters proposed by Flood and Knapp in this context, represent relatively large volumes of
is thought to be an alternating one like that in crystal- melt which are constrained to flow as units, whereas
line anorthite. This suggestion follows from the alu- single four-membered rings may be the flow units in
minum avoidance principle (LOWENSTEIN, 1954) and An melts. Structural interpretations of the viscosity
the observation that anorthite retains perfect ordering measurements tend to support this view. CUKIERMAN
of Al and Si tetrahedra up to the melting temperature and UHLMANN (1973) suggested a flow unit in An-
(LAVES et al., 1970) whereas the crystalline forms of composition melts of about one formula unit; this
NaAlSi,Os and KAISi,Os do not. Based on our RDF would correspond to one four membered ring in our
results for An glass, we also suggest that the molecu- model. DIETZ et al. (1970) assumed a four-NaAlSi,Os
lar clusters present in An-composition melts consist flow unit for Ab mefts based on the unpublished data
of four-membered rings of tetrahedra rather than on Baak and Hornyak for the sodium disilicate-alu-
Flood and Knapp’s clusters which show three-mem- mina system; this would correspond to 2-3 six-mem-
bered rings of A12Si09 composition. bered rings or a cluster slightly larger than that
Nucleation and growth of alkali feldspar crystals shown in Fig. lob. The smaller flow units in An com-
from their anhydrous melts near the liquidus is notor- position melts could be due to the 1 : 1 Al :Si ratio
iously difficult (SCHAIRER and BOWEN, 1956), while leading to a higher probability of AI-O-AI bridges
crystallization of anorthite proceeds relatively rapidly which are less stable than the AI-O-S1 and Si-0-Si
(DAY and ALLEN, 1905). We can rationalize this differ- bridges most probably present in Ab and Or compo-
ence in the case of crystallization in terms of the melt sition melts. Our structural models for Ab and Or
structures by noting that at least two T-0 bonds composition melts offer no explanation of the differ-
must be broken and reformed to form a four-mem- ences in viscosity of these melts because both are
bered ring from a six-membered ring such as in the based on similar tetrahedral frameworks. However,

the lower viscosity of Ab relative to Or composition melt structures. There is evidence (see Part II of this
melts may be rationalized by noting that Na-0 bonds series) that these structures are stable as far as the
are shorter than K-O bonds in the alkali feldspar nepheline and, presumably, kaisiiite compositions.
structures and that this difference presumably persists The An glass RDF can be explained by a four-mem-
in the molten state. The closer approach of Na to bered ring feldspar-like structure. though the RDF
the bridging oxygen leads to a greater inductive effect shows no regular structure larger than this. These
of Na relative to K resulting in a greater weakening structures are consistent with the melt structure
of PO-Tlinkages in Ab relative to Or composition models proposed by FKIOD and KNAPP (1968) for the
melts. silica-rich side of their respective binaries with SiOr.
The similarity of radial distribution functions of These results also have bearing on the differences in
glasses in the system Si02-NaAlSiaOs-KAlSi,Os heat capacities between crystalline feldspars and their
suggests that the stuffed tridymite structure might be glasses. Furthermore, they can be used to rationalize
a good starting model for anhydrous granitic melts. the nucleation and viscous flow behavior of feldspar
To test this, we have prepared a glass with the same melts and may give some insight into the behavior
composition as Nockolds’ average hornblende biotite of more complex sialic magmas.
granite (NOCKOLDS, 1954). The results will be reported The models presented here are not necessarily
in detail with some other synthetic rock glasses cur- unique, and others may be devised which improve
rently under investigation, but it appears that addi- the fit to the observed radial distribution functions,
tion of 5-6 wt“,, mafic oxides (Fe,O,i-CaO+MgO) Furthermore, the use of high intensity X-ray sources,
and an alkali/aluminum ratio of less than one does electron and neutron diffraction, and improvements
not significantly alter the six-membered ring melt in data acquisition and reduction techniques should
structure. provide more reliable radial distribution functions in
Finally, the subject of immiscible natural magmas the near future. A point we wish to emphasize is that
has received increasing attention in the petrologic the radial distribution function is a physical observ-
literature (E. ROEDDER, 1977 Presidential Address, able of the glass or melt for which proposed atomistic
Geochemical Society: PHILPOTTS, 1976). The separ- models must account,
ated pairs typically can be divided into an alkali alu-
mino-silicate member and an alkaline earth, transi- Ackno~I~ngemenrs--We wish to acknowledge and thank
tion metal silicate member. For example, PHILPOTTS J. H. RoNNERT of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
(1971, 1976) found droplets (ocelli) of alkali feldspar for discussions and a copy of his radial distribution refine-
ment program: A. I. BIENENSTO~Kof the Stanford Mater-
and nepheiine or quartz which apparently separated ials Science Department and P. M. FENN of the Stanford
from the parent basic magma as a less dense phase. Geology Department provided critical readings of the
Their chemical compositions show a strong enrich- manuscript. The alkali feldspar glass samples were supplied
ment in the network forming oxides, SiO,, Al,O, and by D. B. STEWART of the U.S. Geological Survey and the
calcic feldspar glass was prepared by B.H.W.S. DE JONC
alkali relative to the parent magmas. Their densities
of Stanford. We also thank Standard Oil of California for
have been inferred to be between 2.1 and 2.3 g/cm3. computer time on their IBM 3701168. Support was pro-
The ocelii approach the stoichiometry necessary for vided by NSF Grants GA 41731 and EAR-74-03056-OAl.
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