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day: 18 months: 3

date: name of student: Khalood Ali Almarzooqi.

year: 2019
from: 11:00 length of
time: am class: 45 name of school: Omair bin Yousef
to: 11:45 am minutes
name of Amelia Class: Grade: 2 No. Ss:
MST: 83

Details about the book that Name of book: Unit: 3 page(s) 55

the MST uses: Bridge to Success

PURPOSE – Why am I teaching this lesson? What do I want the students to know/to be able to do by the end of the lesson
that they could not do before?

I am teaching this lesson to make students understand the different feelings they might have. I want the
students to be able to differentiate their emotions.
LANGUAGE – What is the language I hope to teach? Specifically – what do I want the students to be able to say or write or
read or listen to? Is it new language, or am I revising something I or my MST has already presented and practiced, or is it
a mixture? Do I understand the language myself, or do I need to research it more?

it is a new language which I have to present. I want the students to be able to say and write their
emotions with the knowledge of knowing each emotion.

I understand the language, but more research is needed.

key language:









SKILLS – Which skill(s) am I teaching and what aspect of that / those skill(s) will I focus on?

speaking, thinking and reading skills.

I will focus on all the skills because I have prepared different activities and each activity focuses on a
different skill.

CONTEXT – How will I make the language realistic for the students?

I will make the language realistic for students by giving the cards, putting a song for them to sing along.

RESOURCES –– What resources do I need to create the context and provide practice so the students can do what they
need to do to develop? - Include realia, books, handouts, multimedia, songs, games, etc.



cards of different emotions


ACTIVITIES – What activities can I design that use the resources and are appropriate in the context? Are my activities
authentic and purposeful?

first activity: I placed cards on the board then I would say each word and ask them to say it back.

Second activity: I put a song for them to sing along, which was relatable to the lesson.

Third activity: I gave each student a card showing an emotion (each student had a different card)
then for example: I would say hungry and whoever has the card with hungry he/she will raise it up.

Forth activity: I gave them a worksheet to make sure they understood the lesson.


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