Djenabou Kande 1

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Kande 1

Djenabou Kande

Professor, Dr.Smith

March , 7, 2019

English 101 Section F15B

Discrimination in the US

The issue of discrimination has been a problem in US history. Discrimination has been a

big problem in American society with discrimination comes racial profiling and injustice

showed towards anyone who is not “white” although African Americans are more likely than any

other race to be discriminated. Statistics revealed that more African American are put on

incarcerated than any other racial group, because of discrimination against african americans a

movement was started “Black Lives matter” this movement was started so that african american

and any other race rather other than african american can have equality. Discrimination comes in

many forms, people in the US are discriminated because of their religion, because of their skin

color ( race). And sex discrimination.

One classification of people being discriminated because of their skin color (race)

played a major role in the US. In the 19 century, and still today people of color haven’t been

treated fairly compared to other race, which can be seen in the Jim Crow Law. Because

according to the boycott movement people of color had to fight to get their rights. The law meant

separate but equal, which mean that people of color and white have different level that separate

them, the white are in top and the black are in the bottom. A part of the Jim Crow law prohibited

people of color to sit at the white section on the bus. The whites had the best seats, which were in
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the front and people of color had to sit on the back because of their skin color they were viewed

as inferior they were treated as second class citizen because all of their race, The people of color

decided to not take the boycott bus anymore and decided to walk. This shows how people of

color were discriminated against, they were not allowed to sit in the front of bus, they have to sit

in the back. This is critical to think about because we the people of color should have the right

to stand and speak for what we believe in and our rights without the color of our skin (race).

Another example will be the Black like matter which is going on today. Black Live Matter is an

international activity movement originating in the African- American community and perceive

systemic racism tower the black people. Which we can still see today for example, when

President Donald trump referred to third world country as a shit whole. Says Trump, "Why do

we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?" Base on this quote we can see

how trump were being racist toward the other countries , because he sees himself better than

people of his color in america. Trump has been open about his racism towards people of color.t I

think a way to solve this problem is us people of color need to stand spea and k for our right and

have our respect and equality. When things are wrong we need to march up together and speak

up without fighting with violence. We shouldn't just talk we should take action.

Another type of discriminated in the US is religion, you can be turned down from a job

because of your religion, you can be treated differently because of your religion. For example a

group that is targeted the most would be Muslims. Muslims are seen as terrorist, ever since 2001

when the twin towers came down by the islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United

State. Every since then muslims have been targeted as bad people. Standing in the street with

your hijab on can get you killed now a days. For example on june 19 2017 in virginia police
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found the remains of 17 year old muslim girl who was murdered while heading to the mosque,

Nabra Hassanen was beaten to death with a bat and thrown in a pound. All because she was

muslim, she did nothing wrong. Even going on the subway while wearing a hijab or any

headgear for men. Is dangerous. Getting a job can be hard because when people see you wearing

a hijab they immediately get scared and start thinking that you are a terrorist, because of this

muslims are out cast. Muslims are shunned, Discrimination is used against muslim in the united

states it got higher since our recent president got elected. We can fix this by trying to understand

each other and learn more about each other religion with an open mind. If people were to sit

down and try to remove fear and categorizing people, we will all be at peace.

Although another discrimination Today women are becoming nurses instead of doctors,

dental assistants instead dentists, and secretaries instead of managers. “Sex discrimination is not

only in the employment world, but is found also in educational institutions. In educational

institutions, people have to abide by the Educational Amendment of 1972, which prohibits

discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial

assistance” The quote is actually saying Women are not using their full potential, because they

are women, there are certain things that they can not do. Men find it hard to believe that a

women can be superior to them, because men don’t see women as equal women were not

allowed to do certain things, even know in the workplace women make less than men. Men

should understand that being a female doesn't mean that mean that you can not do what a men is

doing, as for women we won't give up we will keep pushing till we get what we want after all we

made it happen and got the right to vote.

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To conclude Racism, injustice and sex discrimination still happening throughout the

United State history. Discrimination is something that happens everyday. Discrimination takes

place in all shape and forms. Throughout american history people have been discriminated based

on religion, race, sex, national origin and so on, over time we will overcome each problem. And

a better way to fix these social problem is if we all come together and stand for our right without


Works cited

Bartels, Madeline. "Jim Crow Laws- Florida." ​​. N.p., 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Dec.

2016. <>.

"Black Lives Matter." ​Wikipedia​. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.


“The Different Types of Discrimination Essays.” ​Bartleby​, Staff. "The Fight for Women’s Suffrage." ​​ A&E Television Networks,

2009. Web. 16 Dec. 2016

“Muslim Teen Beaten to Death with a Baseball Bat After Leaving Virginia Mosque.” ​Google​,



Watkins, Eli, and Abby Phillip. “Trump Slurs Immigrants from 'Shithole Countries'.” ​CNN,​

Cable News Network, 12 Jan. 2018,

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