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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Ospanent of Hes incre pprecnes he dedication and entusisn o! Dt Maio Wovetde recor ofthetmeroreont Haan enone Nee wnane nea Toe Rules ang Regulations trom concept to reslity. nee ™ " Is deo wrt mentoring te ening ameieentl the nvm eas entation Den $code ty Engr vier Sabon topeme ents sic Sah eve ae Ree fs Forman Secon nay Enge Antoine A Homioan, oe Ia Ca Lue F Grut, Engr Reynante C. Hancaca, Engr Pamelo A Mogol ead Sep ica ek Riegode Diss ‘other mvouele onmoastsinsheensen cd cents eae Deco sense of gratadeis ao gwen othe agencies, essocistons and ogarrsone who shaved snor msighs nd exarnces during the witeshope,conousve meetings sedsehes of nceas hearings conducted natonatte. Ther stole. arguments and even eroorny sobacte None efor ease snaton ins, The along spenees.tescitons ad egunsione ceed ongoing nares, waluabe comments sod sonbutonstotneseoling 1. Bepariment of Education Cukure and Sports, esi Cy 2 Deparment afntiované Locl Govesnmon Bonu cay 2. Cemmesionon Hegre Eoucaton, Cveron chy 4 Meio ane Development author lai Cay 8. Philippine Society of Santay Engcers In ala © Liane Cub ternational 2. Danithcath Seve, Deparment ct Heth, Mane 8 Schistosomiasis onto Senree, Department ol eat, Mas 8, Otfiee tor ubhe Heath Senoes, Deparment! Healt Mais 10. Otfee or tegatatars, Beperevant of Heal, Mane, 11. Heath Poicy Development Stat Deparment Neath, Mania 12. Depanmentet Heath Regional ices, 12. Provincial Hoot Olfices of Quezon nique, Atal, aguns, Suton Kudo Maguin Coteata, Lan el Sur on Mesenconse 14. Council Healt Oices of Manta, Quezon, Bepuo, Mendskyong, Las Pitas, Ctloocan, Fagacian ZaboangeCapayance Oro, Gngoon, Navas Toplg Kewsnadacouth cota 18, West Mindanao Site Unies, Zombonnge Gry 18. Lacban Sacondoy Seno, Uucban, Qveton 17 St Louis Univeriy Baguiocy 1 Bago cotoges Foundston, baa Cy Recopniionisherby exendedtothefolowing OOM patsannt wh compasiontely uted the eof above elo in hetinal eer and aprenl of theraueenn 1 De Antonio S. Lopee Ungerocretay of Hen Otheotor Pub Hest Sewices 2. Atty. Agustin C. Mangila V Ovesrrt Otte forLeo 3. Ms. Mylean Meniado-Detcan Oticern Chrge Heath PoteyDevelopment Sith The Deparment ctHeatn enn at agence espace the Locel Govenmen xeuhesin meeting i demands ad challenges for hesthluving environment at vente out oumey for osorene {evelepmen! towards Piiopines 2000, nen wk Kath —~ ‘CARMENCITA NORIEGAREODICA, M.O.MPH.CES.O. 1 Seerataryot Health Implementing Rules and Regulations of Chapter VI- “School Sanitation and Health Services” of the Code ‘on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD. 856). Table of Contents Page No. Section 1: Scope 1 Section 2: Definition of Terms 1 Section 3: Sanitary Permit 5 Section 4: Site Requirements 7 Section §: Structural Requirements 9 Section 6: Sanitary Facilities Requirements 16 Section 7: Safety Requirements 23 Section 8: Specific Requirements for Other School Facilities 26 Section 9: Specific Requirements for Day Care Service, Pre-School Service end Children's Institution 29 Section 10: Specific Requirements for Special Schools a Section 11: Specific Requirements for Personnel, Pupils/Students end Schoo! Health Services 34 Section 12: Inspection and Evaluation a Section 13: Responsibility of the School Administrator 42 Section 14; Responsibility of the Regional Director 42 Section 18: Responsibility of the Local Health Officer 2 Section 16: Responsibility of the Local Government 43 Section 17: Penal Provision 43, Section 18: Separability Clause “4 Section 19: Repeating Clause “a Section 20: Effectivity “4 Republic of the Philippines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Sen tazao Compound Fe Avenue. ta. Cz Sania, Pippin Tl Mo, 711950202 + Fax No. 731828 28 April 1998 IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CHAPTER VI - “SCHOOL SANITATION AND HEALTH SERVICES” OF THE CODE ON SANITATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (RD. 856). To carry out the provisions of Chapter VI - “School Sanitation end Health Services” of the Code on Senitation of the Philippines (PD. 856), these rules and regulations ere hereby formulated for implementation and strict compliance of all concerned. SECTION 1. SCOPE ‘These implementing rules and regulations shall apply to all public and private schools, sectarian and non-sectarian schools, seminaries or theological schools, review centers, graduate schools, special schools and schools for person with disabilities, foreign schools, technical/vocational schools, special training or trade schools, treining centers, day care or child care centers, nursery and kindergarten schools and children’s institution, Exemptions shall include Sunday schools, dancing and music schools, physical fitness and slimmer schools, massage schools, ‘embalming schools, martial arts and yoga schools, swimming schools and scubs-diving schools, other schools and similar institutions and facilities, that are covered within the scope of the other chapters of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines. SECTION 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS 2.1 CHILDREN'S INSTITUTION - a piace, other than a boarding home, orphanage or children’s hospital where, for compensation or otherwise, children under twelve (12) years of age are received for day/night care and given tutorship. 2.2 DEPARTMENT - the Department of Health, 2.3. DAY CARE CENTER - 2 school taking care of children three (3} to five (5) yeats old when their parents/guardians are out, 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 2.40 2m 2.12 218 EGRESS - an arrangement of facilities to assure @ safe means of exit from the building, EMOTIONAL ENVIRONMENT - factors which affect the emotional health of students and members of the faculty, non-teaching personnel and other support staff. ESTABLISHMENT - 2 collective term constructed to include all the schools mentioned within the scope of these rules and regulations. FOREIGN SCHOOL - as distinguished from a Philippine school. is one that is duly established and authorized in accordence with existing Philippine laws to operate certain education programs which ‘ate primatily and prineipelly adhering to either universally accepted ‘and recognized educational policies and standards or the unique differentially prescribed system of education of a particular country ‘other than the Philippines, FORMAL EDUCATION - refers to the hierarchically structured and chronologically graded learning experience organized and provided by the formal schoo! system and for which certification is required in order for the learner to progress through the grades or move to higher levels, Forme! education corresponds to the levels of the elementary, secondary, and tertiary education. ‘HEALTH CARE FACILITY - includes hospitels, health centers, clinics, laboratories, medical research institutions and other similer establishments that provide preventive, promotive, curative and renabilitative health services. HEALTH CERTIFICATE -2 certification in writing using the prescribed foim issued by the city or municipal health officer to person after passing the required physical and medical examinations and immunizations, INFESTATION - the presence within or around the establishment of any insect, rodents or other pests. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL - a school for children four (4) to five (6) years old. LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY - an official or employee responsible for the application of prescribed health measure in a local political subdivision, For the provincial level, the local health authority is the governor and for @ city or municipality the local health authority is the mayor.

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