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Deja Hall

Ms. Gordon

ENG 112- 58

18 February 2019

Topic Proposal

Now a days everything in the society revolves around social media. People use it to

promote their businesses, stay in contact with their loved ones, connect with new people and

more. Everyday people get more dependent on social media. I have researched a bunch of

articles about how social media affects the brain and the results are very negative. The problem

is that social media is addicting, and causes social and physical issues. It can also cause

depression and low self esteem especially in younger kids. I don’t think parents and other adults

really understand how influential and dangerous social media can be to children. The solution

that I am going to explore is can parents cutting down their children's time on social media

decrease suicide rates? Another question that I am going to explore is there a better way for

social media to be monitored? I have always took an interest to this topic because I am also

addicted to social media myself. I am a first hand witness to how social media affects the

younger generation. Also in the news I always see stories about kids who commit suicide

because they have been bullied on social media, which is called cyber bullying. My next steps

are to prove how dangerous social media can be to kids and find solutions to how society could

prevent the younger generation from being negatively affected by social media.

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