Maps 2 BGL

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Maps2Bgl_X © Gunnar Daehling

De-file the file in any folder; then run the MapsBglX_2_6.setup.exe program by installing the
program in a folder of your choice.
By default the program will be installed in C: Programs Maps2Bgl_X
Choose another folder with Browse if necessary.

Use of the program

Configure the maps.ini file to choose the desired service (eg Google)
The lines preceded by # are not considered. If there are several lines not preceded by #,
only the last one is taken into account.
Choose a polygon in Google Earth with a rectangular shape (the first time on the side not
exceeding about 30 Km)
Save the polygon in any folder as a KML file (not as KMZ!) Choosing any name you like
<scenario name> .kml (eg scenarioX.kml)

Start the Maps2BGL.exe program

If you choose the option High Quality Mode, tiles with Zoom level 16 (instead of 15) will be
downloaded; which, however, involves a considerable increase in download volumes
Choose the Mask Modus option (this moves the margins of the scenario at a great distance
without enlarging the download volume too much)
Download the tiles with the Download button (to stop click on the image)
At the end of the download (indicated by an acoustic signal) press the Create BMP + Batch
End the program

NB It may happen that during the download a Capcha alarm appears with an acoustic
In this case enter the required code, press ENTER and only after a few seconds press the
"Continue Download" button.
If you need to stop the download, note the number of tiles still to be downloaded;
to save time, the download can be resumed from the point of interruption by typing
in the appropriate field the number of tiles still to be downloaded.

In the Temp sub-folder the tiles are now present in BMP format (4096X4096 pixels);
they can be modified and retouched.
In the program folder you will find the file <scenario name> .bat (eg ScenarioX.bat); execute
it with a double click
A new subfolder <scenario name> (eg ScenarioX) will be generated.
It must be copied to the Addon Scenery folder and activated by the FSX Scenarios library.

Tips for an optimal scenario

- Use dell good Mesh (especially in mountainous areas)
- Set the zoom in all views no later than 0.7
- NEVER set the visibility to Unlimited because otherwise the boundaries of the scenario
remain visible even at a great distance
- Deactivate the pre-existing photorealistic scenarios

Additional notes
A file <scenario name> _excl.kml is also generated in the program folder (eg
This file can be transformed using the FSXKML freeware program in a water type layer
The bgl file thus obtained must be copied to the Scenery folder.
The water type layer has no Flatten option.
Furthermore the exclude have been inserted for roads, railways etc.
These can be modified according to your preferences in the FSXKML program before
starting the compilation.

Have fun!

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