Competencies Paper Round 2

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Running head: COMPETENCIES 1

Evaluating Competencies of ACPA and NASPA Standards

Amy Bielicki
Western Illinois University

Evaluating Competencies of ACPA and NASPA Standards

This is my second time evaluating my Competencies of the ACPA and NASPA

standards. The “Rating of” and “Maintaining and Developing” headings are the initial rankings I

provided myself at the onset of the CSP Program. The following section to each competency

“Current Evaluation of” is where I evaluate myself to be today, what has brought me here, and

where I will continue to go.

Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF) (ACPA & NASPA, 2015)

Rating of PEF

I would give myself a rating of three for the standard of PEF. Personally, I like to think

that I have a good ethical code, and I was required to take two ethics classes in my undergrad.

However, professionally and personally I know there is more that I can do to enhance my

personal growth as well as continue learning.

Maintaining and Developing PEF

To further advance my knowledge of PEF, I can start by paying better attention to the

Ethics trainings provided by the school and my assistantship. Every worker is expected to follow

ethical standards in the workplace, but those standards can also be applied to everyday life.

Additionally, in this class, Research Methods, Group dynamics, or Counseling Theory and Prac

which I will take next year, I am sure that we will go into a further discussion of ethics and how

they influence individuals, groups, and why standards are set a certain way.

Current Evaluation of PEF

I believe I currently sit around a 5 or a 6 on this competency. My time in graduate school

has made the world in more tones of grey and has allowed me to evaluate my ethical decisions

compared to what other decisions could have been made. One example I have is references or

recommendation letters. I see good work that all my students do, though if I know I cannot write

a letter for a student, I would explain that to them instead of writing a poor reference letter. This

influences the way that I ask for things, as I trust others and hope to see my ethical choices

reflected. I plan to stay up to date on things happening in The Chronicle and other Higher Ed

websites to ensure I am properly assigning my ethics.

Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH)

Rating of VPH

In VPH I would also rate myself as a three. I have taken many US History courses, so I

have a relative understanding of how higher education has developed in the US. However,

regarding the VPH encompassing all of Student Affairs is an area in which I am weak.

Maintaining and Developing VPH

Simply by being in the CSP Program is a way in which I am confident I am further

developing in VPH. We already discussed the history of Higher Education in all four of my

classes this semester, which is how I know that this process is continual. I am sure I will also

learn more through the History of Higher Ed in the US class we are required to take next

semester. Having an assistantship, being present in the field, and looking for articles (e.g. those

in the Chronicle), will help me to grow in VPH, so long as I stay observant and focused.

Current Evaluation of VPH

Honestly, I still feel like I am hovering around a three or a four. Though I can better

articulate the philosophies and history of student affairs, it is the values that concern me. I often

am not sure why certain things are assigned so much value. I do not like, for example, that the

graduate school experience is so taxing and gruesome for students, though the after-mindset

seems to be that it “prepares you.” I find that to be a value that the overall Student Affairs field

tends to hold that I strongly disagree with. Maybe that means I can assess values, I do not know,

but I have a hard time understanding the “why” part of goals and tasks. I plan to continue

learning and advocating and fighting to right some of the wrongs that have occurred.

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER)

Rating of AER

For this competency, I will rate myself at a one. I have done very little with scientific

research over the last four years, hence I feel that my skills in AER are very low. I have a

sustainable and well-rounded knowledge of the scientific method from middle and high school,

but I expect it to look very different in the setting of higher education.

Maintaining and Developing AER

The current class of Research Methods will help me to improve this competency. I have

already been challenged to think deeper and harder about subject matter I would normally have

glossed over. My assistantship is in UHDS which provides me the opportunity to serve on the

Training Committee and LLC Committee. Using my knowledge from classes, I will also be able

to use the AER skills I already possess and further them through focus groups, synthesizing data,

and making decisions.

Current Evaluation of AER

I am bumping this one up to a four! I have had lots of evaluations and written some

myself by this point. When evaluating other people, I try to cite specific examples. I am often

frustrated in my evaluations when others cite instances of things happening but cannot provide

me with an example of the behavior I exhibited. We have a whole class on assessment so that

will probably jump this score higher by the end of the semester. And, I hopefully will be

planning programs and conducting more assessments in the future, and this time I will know the

correct questions to ask to effectively evaluate my data and put it to good and effective use.

Law, Policy, and Governance (LPG)

Rating of LPG

I will rate myself as a three for this competency area. Having been an active member in

the Student Affairs field for four years at this point, I know the relative ideas of which LPGs are

practical, what the field can and cannot do, and how this affects my, and all of our, work.

Additionally, I have taken two law classes, and I retain ample knowledge from history classes, so

I feel more prepared for this competency than some others. Yet, as always, there is still room to

grow, and plenty that I do not know about LPG.

Maintaining and Developing LPG

I expect to learn more about LPG through my assistantship, as Housing and simply

Higher Ed in general has various laws which constrict how we are able to perform. Dr. Cody

also mentions that we will take a law class here, and upon reflecting on the proposed schedule,

that should be during the spring semester of our second year. I am sure that I will learn an

incredible amount from that class, but I am also confident that the legal issues present to day will

almost certainly be different than those that are prevalent next year.

Current Evaluation of LPG

I, again, am going to bump this up to a five. I think I know more about this topic than I

give myself credit for. I like integrating the history and law that I have learned in the past into

classroom settings, though I am sometimes frustrated how this shows up in practice. For

example, having processes in place for crisis situations for legal reasons instead of student

benefit reasons. One might argue that these are the same, though I do not see it that way

currently. I want to stay up to date in the future on pressing legal issues happening within not

only the field, but also the world.


Organizational and Human Resources (OHR)

Rating of OHR

I would rate myself as a four in this area. During my undergrad experience, I held a

position in which I was required to manage the RAs budgets, approve their programs, and

facilitate concerns and questions for them. This provides me with a base understanding of OHR,

but not quite enough to feel confident in this area.

Maintaining and Developing OHR

Supervising RAs, advising a student group, and selecting a hands-on practicum are all

ways which I can develop in OHR. These are skills that I feel are best learned through practice,

and cannot be achieved solely in a classroom. This is where I believe theory to practice will play

a large role in helping me develop – so I can take what I have learned, and directly apply it to

whatever situation or group I am working with.

Current Evaluation of OHR

I am rating myself as a six. I, thankfully, have not had to hire or fire anyone, though I

have had some tough conversations with my RAs and Das about their job performance. I believe

that I thrive in 1:1 settings, and I had one really great supergroup though this year it feels

different. This could be different management, different people, who knows. Either way, I feel

Much more confident in understanding the organizational structures of my office, department,

and the school, and also more confident working with and supervising those around me.

Leadership (LEAD)

Rating of LEAD

I believe a rating of two is appropriate for LEAD. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of ways

which I want to go about things, but I am not always the best at stepping up and taking the lead,

or knowing how to motivate people to get things done. Hence, though I do have prior experience

in LEAD, it is an area in which I can substantially grow in.

Maintaining and Developing LEAD

Group dynamics is a class in which I feel like I have made some strides. I have been

unafraid to voice my opinion so far, or speak up when I disagree with the group. In my

assistantship, supervising RAs and DAs has proved extremely challenging. Currently I am

holding them to a level of accountability, and trying to help challenge them to grow. I am

confident that Student Development Theory I and II will help me grow in this area as well.

Current Evaluation of LEAD

I would give myself a five in this category. I believe I can challenge ideas in ways that

are respectful, integrate humor and fun into the job, and implement a range of leadership styles.

Class wise I think I have grown a lot in speaking up and challenging the status quo. Where I am

struggling right now is the idea that my leadership style will not match with everyone. This is

something I know intrinsically, though I become bothered and frustrated when I cannot figure

out why people are scared or intimidated by me. I hope to continue gaining feedback in this area.

Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)

Rating of SJI

I would rate myself as a zero in this competency. I recognize most of the key terms

associated with SJI, but I do not have a detailed background or much knowledge in how SJI

works. I do not come from a very diverse background, so SJI has not been obviously prevalent

in my day to day life, though I desperately want to learn more about it.

Maintaining and Developing SJI


I am one hundred percent certain that we will discuss SJI in more than one class during

this program. I am not sure which classes it will come up in, but I know that it will. If I keep my

assistantship for next year, there is a Social Justice Committee that I would like to be a part of.

There is also the option of doing my practicum in an office that is completely unfamiliar to me,

so that I may experience more of what I do not understand and better learn and grow in SJI.

Current Evaluation of SJI

I am going to rate myself around a three. This program has broadened my perspectives

and understanding on certain issues. I have gained more insight into the lives of others and, in

turn, have a better knowledge of social justice. I do not feel as though I advocate for it enough. I

do not feel as though I am actively seeking change. Part of that is not knowing what I am able to

change, and part of that is probably believing that the things I do do not make a difference. I

would like to research more, learn more, and advocate more in the future. I also want to continue

pushing myself to engage in activities and ideas that will challenge me further while building

community with others.

Student Learning and Development (SLD)

Rating of SLD

Again, I am going to rate myself a big fat zero for this one. The only understanding I

have of student development and learning is my time as a student (granted, I have spent a very

long time as a student). Understanding students minds and how to push them to grow and be

there best selves is something I find important, though I do not have the foggiest idea or how to

begin accomplishing that on my own.

Maintaining and Developing SLD


The Student Development Theory I and II classes will help provide me with more insight

as to what SLD is and how it can be used. I also am required to meet for five lunches with

people I do not know well through my assistantship. Perhaps I can make one of those people

someone who works in the Student Development Office. I can also engage in conversations with

my professors about SLD, because they are living and working with this competency every

single day.

Current Evaluation of SLD

I think at this point I can articulate what I think Kegan means, what I think Baxter

Magolda means, and what I think Critical Theory is. I am going to rate myself as a five for this. I

find that I still am reflecting on experiences and conversations I had in college. Listening to

students, hearing them, challenging and supporting them (cliché I know) is what I really think

this looks like practically in my work. I see theory and research and student development theory

informing the programs I put on, the proposals I create; being able to back up my ideas with data.

This is how I see student learning and development showing up in my work. It does not always

look the way I want it to, though I think it is there.

Technology (TECH)

Rating of TECH

For this competency, I rate myself as a one. I have a slight understanding of the

technology available to Student Affairs professions, though I by no means use it at all on a

personal or professional level. There is so much I can learn that it would be foolish to rate this

any higher, but I am not completely dumbfounded when it comes to TECH.

Maintaining and Developing TECH


Reading higher education articles/journals or asking around through the field is a great

way, I think, to learn more about TECH and how it is being used. Everything advances so

rapidly in society nowadays, and word of mouth is the fastest way to learn what TECH is new

and competent, what is outdated, and what is simply a waste of time. I am again confident that I

will use TECH in my practicum, my assistantship (we already use an online model for

programming), and in class, since I am sure technology will somehow be integrated, as it always


Current Evaluation of TECH

Wow was I severely underrating myself in this competency. I will rate myself around a

seven. I am really comfortable with technology though I often do not like admitting that as I find

it to be slightly arrogant. I can solve simple computer problems, create fun looking presentations,

keep my computer organized, make cool flyers, and use baseline knowledge of excel formulas. I

think I have a pretty good grasp on what I am doing when it comes to technology, and, if I do

not, I am a fast learner which I find helps greatly.

Advising and Supporting (A/S)

Rating of A/S

I will rate myself as a three in this area. Intrinsically I can support and challenge others,

though I am by no means qualified or superb at it. I do not have much expertise in this area,

though I have held leadership positions before. Challenge and supporting students to be their

best selves is an area I need to grow in.

Maintaining and Developing A/S

This is where working with my RAs, being in Group Dynamics, and taking on that

Advising role that I will be in this year will help me to grow. Tracy has also mentioned that we

will speak about challenging and supporting others in Group Dynamics. I can also put whatever

I learn into practice through supervising my RAs and DAs, so I know that this competency will

continue to arise and is one that I will grow in no matter what.

Current Evaluation of A/S

I think I struggle with this one too. Advising student groups is something that I believe is

really easy to view as hands off. That was my approach last year as I was unsure of what I was

doing. This year, I see advising and supervising more similarly. I want to provide all my students

with the tools they need to be successful, and sometimes that means that I am more involved in

what his happening. Sometimes I let the students run everything independently. I do not like the

mentality of having a new student leader and just letting them do everything, which is what I

perceive someone who I co-advise an organization with to be doing. Either way, I hope to

advise more student groups in the future and be more actively engaged in the groups and not just

the advisor who sits on the side and does nothing.


These are the professional competencies of ACPA and NASPA and how I think I have

grown in them. I have enjoyed my graduate school experience and am grateful for all that I have

learned though still want to recognize that I am “unfinished” or so they say. I believe that I have

grown tremendously over the past two years and I hope to continue doing so in the future both

personally and professionally.



ACPA - College Student Educators International & NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in

Higher Education. (2015, August). ACPA/NASPA professional competency areas for

student affairs practitioners. Retrieved from:


Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (2012). CAS Professional

standards for higher education (8th Ed.) Washington, DC: Author

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