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Article Review; Careers for students of History

History is much more than the study of the major events and concepts that explain how and

why we have arrived in the situation we find ourselves into today. History incorporates the individual as

well as the whole and serves as a reference for present day explanations. The study of history provides

students with skills that benefit them personally, socially, culturally, and professionally. “While

knowledge of the past provides a foundation for careers in any field, student would be advised to

undertake the study of history for its own sake.” (Pomeroy 2008)

The study of history provides students with the skills necessary for the “dynamics of business,

government, and non-profit careers.” (Pomeroy 2008) History helps develop skills to analyze data,

critically think, reason, and problem solve. A person interested in a career related to history will first

need to decide if they want to practice history directly or use the many skills developed from studying

history. “Managing any organization requires the establishment of objectives, directing their

accomplishment, then measuring the results. Objectives cannot be set without reference to past

experience; measurement cannot be accurate without objective review of past events. Thus

organizations depend upon memory and minds trained to relate past experience with present needs.”

(Pomeroy 2008) This does not only apply to the management of an organization but extends to the

management of one personal life.

This article provides the reader with quality general knowledge of the importance of the study

of history and how it apply to the understanding of where we have been, where we are now, and where

we are heading. The article also address that history does not just apply to the whole but applies to the

individual as well. We all have an individual history of life experiences and by analyzing our past

decisions we get a better understanding of who we are and the direction we are going. The analysis of
our individual past should be taken in considerations in making better future decisions. The career

catalog also serves as a good reference and display of sample careers related to the study of history.


Pomeroy, Robert. Serenus Press. 2008.

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