Particle Diffraction by A Thin Rigid Crystal Lattice

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ANNALS OF PHYSICS 83, 530-532 (1974)

Abstracts of Papers to Appear in Future Issues

The Semiclassical Single-Particle Density of States. B. K. JENNINGS, McMaster University.

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
An expression for the semiclassical density of states for a particle in a smooth potential well is
obtained from the Kirkwood expansion of the partition function: the result being valid for a
finite as well as an infinite potential well. The expression obtained for the semiclassical density
of states in this paper is then shown to be essentially equivalent to the expression obtained from
the Green’s function method of Balian and Bloch.

Tramport Coeficients of Gaseous IONS in an Electric Field. J. H. WHEALTON AND E. A. MASON.

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912.
The linear Boltzmann equation for the motion of ions or electrons in neutral gases is solved by a
moment-expansion method to obtain mobilities and diffusion coefficients in both pure gases and
multicomponent mixtures as functions of electric field strength and temperature. The results are
valid for all mass ratios and all forms of ion-neutral scattering, the only limitation being the
assumption of elastic collisions. The transport coefficients are found as series in (E/NP, but this
explicit field dependence is eliminated to produce relations among experimental quantities.
Among these are relations giving the longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients in terms
of the mobility, and the composition dependences of the diffusion coefficients and the mobility
at different electric field strengths in terms of the mobilities in the pure components. Some numeric-
al examples and comparisons with experiment indicate that these relations are useful to high
values of the electric held. Deviations from Fick’s law of diffusion are shown to involve only
higher derivatives of ion density; the first two higher-order transport coefficients are calculated
to a first approximation. and their effects on ion diffusion discussed.

Particle Diffraction by u Thin Rigid Crystal Lattice: A Formal Approach. R. F. ALVAREZ-ESTRADA.

Division de Fisica Teorica, Junta de Energia Nuclear, and Departamento de Fisica Tebrica,
Universidad Autonoma, Madrid.
The diffraction process of a particle by a thin rigid crystal is considered. An integral equation
is derived for the particle wave function 4 which is quite suitable to obtain physical and mathe-
matical properties. A class of potentials is presented for which the integral equation can be solved
by means of the Fredholm theory. The convergence of the Born series for 4 is studied, as well
as the existence and convergence properties of the transmission and reflection amplitudes T*.
Results are given about 4 and T*, (i) at high energies, (ii) at those special energies such that new
diffracted beams appear, and (iii) at glancing incidence on the crystal. Analyticity properties of
T+ as functions of the energy are derived and analytic representations for them are presented.
The diffraction process when the particle is being simultaneously accelerated by a uniform
electric field is also considered. Finally, the generalization to the case of an imperfect thin crystal
is treated.

Local Scale Incariance and Graoitation. PETER G. 0. FREUND. The Enrico Fermi Institute and the
Department of Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637.
A gauge field theory of (local) scale invariance is constructed. When coupled to gravity it yields
the old theory of Weyl. A Brans-Dicke scalar field is introduced a la Dirac. With a suitable choice
of parameters the theory then reduces in a special gauge to Einstein’s theory even in the presence
Copyright <I 1974 by Academic Press. Inc.
ltI1 rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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