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Independent Constitutional Commissions: 1. Natural-born citizen;

1. Civil Service Commission 2. At least 35 years of age at the time of appointment;
2. Commission on Elections 3. With proven capacity for public administration; and
3. Commission on Audit 4. Not a candidate for any elective position in the election
Safeguards that guarantee the independence of the immediately preceding the appointment.
Commissions: Term: Seven (7) years without reappointment
1. They are constitutionally created; may not be abolished by a Scope of the Civil Service: Embraces all branches, subdivisions,
statute; instrumentalities and agencies of the Government, including
2. Each is conferred certain powers and functions which government-owned and controlled corporations with original
cannot be reduced by statute; charters [Section 2(1), Article IX-B]
3. Each expressly described as independent;
4. Chairmen and members are given fairly long term of office Classes of Service:
for seven (7) years; Career Service—characterized by:
5. Chairmen and members cannot be removed except by a. Entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined by
impeachment; competitive examination or based on highly technical
6. Chairmen and members may not be reappointed or qualification;
appointed in an acting capacity; b. Opportunity for advancement; and
7. Salaries of chairmen and members are relatively high and c. Security of tenure.
may not be decreased during continuance in office; Kinds of Career Service:
8. Commissions enjoy fiscal autonomy; • Open Career Positions —prior qualification via examination;
9. Each commission may promulgate its own procedural rules; • Closed Career Positions —those highly technical position;
10.Chairmen and members are subject to certain • Career Executive Service —Undersecretaries, Bureau
disqualifications calculated to strengthen their integrity; and Directors;
11. Commissions may appoint their own officials and • Career Officers —those appointed by the President like
employees in accordance with Civil Service Law. those in the foreign service;
• Commissioned Officers and enlisted men of the AFP —
Prohibitions and Inhibitions: governed by separate merit system;
No member of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his • Personnel of GOCCs— whether performing governmental
tenure: orproprietary functions, with original charters; and
1. Hold any other office or employment; • Permanent laborers —whether skilled, semi-skilled, or
2. Engage in the practice of any profession; unskilled.
3. Engage in the active management and control of any
business which in any way may be affected by the functions of Non-Career Service—characterized by:
his office; and a. Entrance on bases other than those of the usual tests of
4. Be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in other merits and fitness utilized for the career service; and
contract with, or in anyfranchise or privilege granted by the b. Tenure which is limited to a period specified by law, which is
government, any of its subdivision, agencies or co-terminuswith that of the appointing authority or subject to
instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their subsidiaries. his pleasure, or which islimited to the duration of a
CHR Employees Association vs. CHR, G.R. No. 155336, particular project for which purposeemployment was made.
November 24, 2004, the Commission on Human Rights, unlike Kinds of Non-Career:
the three Constitutional Commissions, does not enjoy fiscal • Elective official and their personal or confidential staff;
autonomy. • Department heads and other officials of Cabinet rank
Civil Service Commission vs. DBM, G.R. No. 158791, July 22, who holdpositions at the pleasure of the President and
2005, the “no report, no release” policy may not be validly their personal orconfidential staff;
enforced against offices vested with fiscal autonomy, • Chairmen and members of commissions and boards with
without violating Sec. 5, Article IX-A of the Constitution. fixed termsof office and their personal or confidential staff;
The “automatic release” of approved annual appropriations to • Contractual personnel or those whose employment in the
petitioner, a constitutional commission vested with fiscal governmentis in accordance with a special contract to
autonomy should thus be construed to mean that no condition undertake a specific work orjob; and
to fund releases to it may be imposed. However, petitioner’s • Emergency and seasonal personnel.
claim that its budget may not be reduced by Congress below Exceptions to the requirement of Competitive Examinations:
the amount appropriated for the previous year, as in the case 1. Policy-determining Position—one charged with laying
of Judiciary, must be rejected. The provision in Section 3 of down of principal orfundamental guidelines or rules;
Article VIII, prohibiting the reduction in the appropriation for 2. Primary Confidential Position—one denoting not only
the Judiciary below the amount appropriated for the previous confidence in theaptitude of the appointee for the duties of
year does not appear in Section 5, Article IX-A. The plain the office but primarily close intimacywhich ensures freedom
implication of this omission is that Congress is not of intercourse without embarrassment or freedom
prohibited from reducing the appropriations of frommisgiving or betrayals of personal trust on confidential
Constitutional Commissions below the amount appropriated matters of state, or onedeclared to be so by the President
for them for the previous year. upon recommendation of the Civil ServiceCommission.
Certiorari Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 3. Highly Technical Position—requires the appointee to
Limited to decisions rendered in actions or proceedings possess technical skill ortraining in the supreme or superior
taken cognizance of by the Commissions in the exercise of degree.
their adjudicatory or quasi-judicial functions. It does not refer CSC vs. Engr. Darangina, G.R. No. 167472, January 31, 2007,
to purely executive powers. Hence, questions arising from the where a non-eligibleholds a temporary appointment, his
award of a contract for construction of voting booths can be replacement by another non-eligible is notprohibited.
brought before the trial court. (Ambil vs. COMELEC, G.R. When a temporary appointee is required to relinquish his
No. 143398, October 5, 2000) office, he is beingseparated precisely because his term has
• 1 Chairman; Tanjay Water District vs. Quinit, Jr. G.R. No. 160502,
• 2 Commissioners April 27, 2007, it is an established rule that the tenure of
office of those holding primarily confidential positions ends
upon loss of confidence, because their term of office lasts Powers and Functions:
only as longs as confidence in them endures. Their 1. Enforce and administer law and regulations relative to the
termination can be justified on the ground of loss of conduct of elections, plebiscite, initiative, referendum or
confidence, in which case, their cessation from office recall;
involves no removal but the expiration of their term of 2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests relating to
office. election, returns and qualifications of all elective regional,
Power to approve/disapprove appointments— provincial, and city officials;
The authority of CSC to approve appointments—to check 3. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving
whether or not the appointee possesses the appropriate civil elective municipal officials decided by the RTC, or involving
service eligibility or the required qualification —does not elective barangay officials by MTC;
include the authority to make the appointment itself or 4. Decide, except those involving right to vote, all questions
to direct the appointing authority to change the employment affecting elections, including the determination of number
status of an employee. The CSC can only inquire into the and location of polling places, appointment of election officials
eligibility of the person chosen to fill a position and if it finds and inspectors and registration of voters;
the person qualified, it must so attest. If not, the 5. Deputize, with concurrence of President, law
appointment must be disapproved. (Province of Camarines enforcement agencies and instrumentalities for exclusive
Sur vs. CA, G.R. No. 104639, July 14, 1995) purpose of insuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and
credible elections.
In the case of Lopez vs. CSC, 194 SCRA 269, the SC held that 6. Register, after sufficient publication, political parties,
the CSC has no power to revoke an appointment simply organizations or coalitions which must present their
because it believes that the person protesting the platform or program government; accredit citizen’s arms;
appointment or somebody is better qualified, for that will 7. File upon verified complaint or motu proprio petitions in
constitute an encroachment of the discretion vested solely in court for inclusions or exclusions of voters; investigate and,
the appointing authority. where appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of election
COMMISSION ON ELECTION 8. Recommend to Congress effective measures to minimize
Composition: election spending, limitation of places and prevent and
• One (1) Chairman penalize all forms of election frauds, offenses, malpractice
• Six (6) Commissioners and nuisance candidates; and
Qualifications: 9. Submit to the President and Congress, comprehensive
1. Natural-born citizen; reports on conduct of each election, plebiscite, initiative,
2. At least 35 years of age at the time of appointment; referendum or recall.
3. With proven capacity for public administration; and
4. Not a candidate for any elective position in the election COMMISSION ON AUDIT
immediately preceding the appointment. Composition:
5. Majority, including the Chairman, must be members of the • One (1) Chairman
Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the practice of law • Two (2) Commissioners
for at least ten (10) years. Qualifications:
Term: Seven (7) years without reappointment 1. Natural-born citizen;
Section 1, par. 2, Article IX-C—Chairman and Commissioners 2. At least 35 years of age at the time of appointment;
of COMELEC are not subject to re-appointment (See the case 3. CPA with at least ten (10) years auditing experience or
of Matibag vs. Benipayo re: ad interim appointment) members of the Philippine Bar with at least ten (10) years
practice of law; at no time shall all members belong to the
The COMELEC’s exercise of its quasi-judicial powers is subject same position; and
to Section 3, Article IXC which expressly requires that: 4. Not a candidate for any elective position in the election
1. All elections cases, including pre-proclamation immediately preceding the appointment.
controversies, shall be decided by the COMELEC in division, Term: Seven (7) years without reappointment
and Powers and Duties:
2. The motion for reconsideration shall be decided by the 1. Examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to revenue
COMELEC en banc. and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and
The prosecution of election law violators involves the property owned or held in trust or pertaining to government;
exercise of the COMELEC’s administrative powers. Thus, the 2. Keep general accounts of government and preserve
COMELEC en banc can directly approve the recommendation vouchers and supporting papers;
of its Law Department to file the criminal information for 3. Authority to define scope of its audit and examination,
double registration against violators. There is no constitutional establish techniques and methods required therefore; and
requirement that the filing of the criminal information be first 4. Promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations,
decided by any of the divisions of the COMELEC. (Baytan vs. including those for preservation and disallowance.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 153945, February 4, 2003) Jurisdiction of the Commission: No law shall be passed
exempting any entity of the Government, or any investment of
In Vinzons-Chato vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 172131, April 2, public funds, from the jurisdiction of the COA. (§. 3, Art IX-C)
2007, once the winning candidate has been proclaimed, Temporary or Acting capacity appointment by the President
taken his oath, and assumed office as a Member of the to the COMELEC, COA, CSC is prohibited by the Constitution.
House of Representatives, the COMELEC’s jurisdiction over In Brillantes vs. Yorac, 192 SCRA 358, the designation of
election contests relating to his election, returns, and Commissioner Yorac as Acting Commissioner of the COMELEC
qualifications ends, and the HRET’s own jurisdiction begins. was a violation of Section 1, paragraph 1 of Article IX-C.
Fiscal Autonomy— The 1987 Constitution expressly and
In Quizon vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 177927, February 17, 2008, unambiguously grants fiscal autonomy only to Judiciary, the
the denial of due course or cancellation of one’s certificate constitutional commissions, and the Office of Ombudsman.
of candidacy is not within the administration powers of the The Commission on Human Rights has no fiscal autonomy.
Commission, but rather calls for the exercise of its quasijudicial (CHR Employees’ Association vs. CHR, G.R. No. 155336, July
functions. Hence, the Court may compel COMELEC to exercise 21, 2006)
such discretion and resolve the matter but it may not control
the manner of exercising such discretion.

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