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David Michael C u n n i n g h a m
Taylor Ellwood & A m a n d a R. Wagener

Egregore Publishing
Perrysburg, OH
© 2003 DAVID MICHACL CUNNINGHAM. All rights reserved. No portion
of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, reposted, duplicated, or transmitted, in any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise now known
or hereafter to become known without the express prior written DEDICATION
permission of Egregore Publishing.


Cataloging-in-Publication Data
C u n n i n g h a m , David Michacl.
Creating magickal entities: a complete guide to entity creation / This book is dedicated to the teachers and m e n t o r s t h a t have
David Michael C u n n i n g h a m w i t h Taylor Ellwood and A m a n d a shared their m a g i c k a l w i s d o m w i t h u s a n d m a n y others.
R. Wagencr. 1st—ed. This book is also dedicated to those t h a t are s t a r t i n g and
p. c m .
c o n t i n u i n g their studies a n d practices of t h e occult arts. If
Includes bibliographical references a n d index.
it -were not for such people, we w o u l d not have anyone to
ISBN 1-932517-44-8
1. Magic. 2. Spirits—Miscellanea. 3. Evocation—Miscellanea. share o u r knowledge w i t h .
I. Ellwood, Taylor II. Wagcner, A m a n d a R. III. Title David personally dedicates this b o o k to his mother,
Library of Congress Control Number: 2003107760 for teaching h i m t h a t he is the master of his o w n reality.
133-dc21 Taylor p e r s o n a l l y dedicates this b o o k to M a t t h e w
T h o m p s o n , S t o r m C o n s t a n t i n e , Todd H e i l m a n n , a n d to
Any trade names, trade marks, service marks, etc. mentioned in this the Magick.
publication are for identification only. Therefore, any specific company
A m a n d a personally dedicates this book to the m e m o r y
or product mentioned is owned by their respective owner and not by
Egregore Publishing. Further, the company or product mentioned neither of "Robot," her mother, father, a n d her brother A a r o n for
owns, endorses, nor has heard of Egregore Publishing. By stating this, accepting her uniqueness (and w h o keep the m e m o r y of
we can avoid printing the ®, IM, ©, etc. marks that we might otherwise Robot alive still to this day).
have to place throughout the text.

The publisher does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority
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Published by
Egregore Publishing
PO Box 572
Perrysburg, OH 43552-0572
(888) 771 - 5453

Printed in the United States of America


Thanks to our mentors, families, friends, and fellow magi This book is designed to provide information in regard to
for the contributions that they have made to this book. the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding
Without their lust for tried and tested knowledge and their that the publisher, authors, contributors, and advisors are
belief that we could satisfy this lust, we wouldn't have been not rendering legal, medical, psychological, or other profes-
challenged to put our knowledge in a format so that others sional services or advice.
may learn from our experiences. It is not the purpose of this book to reprint all the
We wish to express our gratitude to Phil Hine, Donald information that is otherwise available to readers but to
Michael Kraig, and Patricia Telesco, for helping us in both compliment, amplify, and supplement other texts. For
magick and writing. more information, please see the references at the end of
To Storm Constantine, Douglas Grant, Chris Chen- this book.
ette, Richard Sutherland II, and Bryan Lee Briggs, we owe a Every effort has been made to make this book as
world of thanks. complete and accurate as possible. However, there m a y be
David personally thanks Sensei Joseph Hurtsellers mistakes both in content and typography. The publisher
of the Academy of Karate by Hurtsellers, Toledo, Ohio accepts no legal or otherwise responsibility for the contents
(www.academyof Through his instruction therein. The opinions of the author and contributors do not
and caring as a teacher, Mr. Hurtsellers has provided David necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
with the tools to command focus and dedication in his life. The publisher, authors, contributors, and advisors
Taylor would like to thank David and Amanda for shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person
their support in this book. or group of people with respect to any loss or damage
Amanda thanks her husband for his support and caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the
understanding. She also thanks Mrs. Jennifer Kiernan and information contained in this book.
the late Mr. John Harlow, her high school English/Creative If you do not agree with and do not wish to be bound
Writing instructors, for encouraging her to be creative, by the above, you m a y return this book to the publisher for
providing an environment to stretch her mind, and a kick a full refund.
in the rear when she needed it.


Definition of Entity 9

Entity Uses 15

A t t u n i n g Your Energy 19

I m p o r t a n t Precautions 27

Goals a n d Results 33

Planning Your Entity 37

Choosing a N a m e 41

Your Entity's Appearance 45

Housing Your Entity 49

Feeding Time 55

Magickal Abilities 59

Life Span 61

P r o g r a m m i n g Your Intent 65

Giving Life to Your Entity 69

Contacting Your Entity 77


Preparation Guide 81 DEFINITION OF ENTITY

Entity Adaptations 89

Epilogue 93

Appendix A—Inspiration Entity Worksheet 95 In this book y o u will learn h o w to create a magickal entity
a n d h o w to use t h a t entity to help y o u in life. One of the
Appendix B—Esacniw 109 first things we m u s t do, before we can begin, is to define
w h a t an entity is. For the purpose of this book, the t e r m
Appendix C—Cerontis 113 entity shall be defined as: a vital principle held to give life
to an immaterial essence, which has been created to have a
Appendix D—D'watcher 117 self-contained and distinct existence with a conceptual reality,
by the deliberate effort of personifying segregated thoughts and
Appendix E—The HP Entity 123 emotions. In other words, y o u have the ability to create a
"being," from the t h o u g h t s and emotions of y o u r con-
Appendix F—Faerie of Lost Things 125 scious mind, a n d by y o u r direction this "being" will act to
manifest y o u r desires. An entity combines the essence of the
Appendix G—Divination Goddess 127 desired result w i t h t h a t of the person t h a t created the entity.
Unlike some forms of magickal workings, such as the cre-
Appendix H—The Scents of Magick 131 ation of a talisman, entities are a w a r e of their environment
a n d u n d e r s t a n d its sense of purpose.
Glossary 135 The entities t h a t can be created, t h r o u g h the help of
this book, are t h o u g h t - f o r m s t h a t have been selected to
Selected Bibliography 139 bring forth desired results. A t h o u g h t - f o r m is a s y m b o l
t h a t represents a concept or t h o u g h t for the person. A
Index 141 t h o u g h t - f o r m can be visualized by anyone and can repre-
sent a n y t h i n g . It is entirely in the realm of concept u n t i l the
person m a k e s the t h o u g h t - f o r m manifest into reality. That
can be done t h r o u g h entity w o r k as well as other methods.
T h r o u g h the deliberate actions a n d intentions of segrega-
tion a n d personification (separating the essential idea a w a y
from everyday concerns and giving it a personality, special
characteristics, a n d associations to symbols), the t h o u g h t -
forms will take on a conceptual form t h a t will allow t h e m

to maximize the energy that they have received through people would house these entities in things other than cats,
your actions and intentions. By maximizing this energy such as bottles, gems, statues, etc.
you allow for very powerful actions to occur through By taking specific thoughts and emotions and iden-
creative processes. tifying them with things like names, symbolic attributes,
All things that are created with the mind have the etc., we are better able to work with them in a conscious
ability to manifest outside of the mind in some form or manner. Therefore it is very important that we wisely
shape. The mind is a microcosm of the universe. That which choose our thoughts and the way that we understand
affects the mind, has the ability to affect the universe. them. If we do not understand our thoughts and emotions
People have created and worked with different types and try to use them for our own benefit, the results can,
of entities far beyond recorded history. Many gods and god- and more often than not, will be counterproductive.
desses came into being as thought-forms personified. This Some people question the reality of entities created by
allowed humans to interact with and interpret cause and our thoughts and emotions. Their understanding is that if
effect in the world in which they lived. Often these fledgling we have the ability to create something with our mind,
thought-forms were slowly transformed into the gods and it therefore must be imaginary. This is, however, not the
goddesses that we know today by the general acceptance of case. When someone studies magick long enough, they will
the attributes given to events. As more people adopted those come to the understanding that what is thought of as "self"
understandings of the events as actions of "things greater and "not self" is merely an illusion. We only have company
than themselves/' the thought-forms gained momentum in life due to the illusion of being separated. Everything
and energy from the people that understood them. Over that we experience, perceive, or understand in any way,
time a single thought had transformed from one person's has been created within our own minds. The world as we
way of understanding the world, to what are now consid- understand it was created by us through our experiences.
ered some of the most powerful gods, goddesses, demons, The world that we live in is only that of ourselves. Only we
and spirits. have the ability to change the things in our world, and our
When someone says the word "familiar," images of a mind gives us the ability to do just that.
witch's black cat often come to mind. A "familiar" entity
often aids witches in magickal workings. Sometimes they
will help lend a hand in regards to an upcoming event.
What most people don't know is that the cat isn't the
"familiar". The entity attached to the cat is the familiar.
The "familiar" uses the cat as a medium so that it can effect
the world around it and help the mage in his or her work.
Even fewer people know that "familiars" are often created,
and that witches are not the only people that create entities
similar to "familiars." Since ancient times the belief and use
of entities, such as "familiars," have been wide spread. Often

Everyday we, as evolving h u m a n s , learn something t h a t y o u have placed u p o n the entity. A thing to u n d e r s t a n d
new. W h e n we are presented w i t h a n e w situation, we do about entities is t h a t they have different levels of intelli-
o u r best to relate to this experience w i t h the knowledge t h a t gence. This intelligence depends on the type of entity.
we already have. As time goes on, we m a y find that our One w a y of understanding entities is t h a t t h e y are
original t h o u g h t s and theories m a y have been incorrect and formed from the collective unconscious. W h e n we spe-
need to be changed a bit. We do not discard the experience cifically identify a n d give a certain t y p e of energy h u m a n
all together as t h o u g h it never happened. W h a t we do is attributes, we are separating the energy from the collective
note -what we have learned and adjust o u r understanding unconscious and create a new being. This n e w being is still
accordingly. Everything in the world as we k n o w it has interconnected w i t h the collective unconscious, as we all
been constructed by the limitations of o u r o w n m i n d s at are, b u t it is a distinct energy being.
the time t h a t we experienced it. Thereafter, we merely build Entities have the ability to d r a w on the collective
u p o n o u r o w n t h o u g h t constructions for w h a t we perceive unconsciousness w h e n they are instructed to do so. By
to be "real" or the "truth." Once you u n d e r s t a n d h o w to doing this, entities are able to learn n e w skills and gain
change y o u r perceptions, there is n o t h i n g in this world t h a t information. This ability also allows for t h e m to affect the
y o u r m i n d cannot change. collective unconsciousness in w a y s t h a t will allow for their
In relation to entities, this simply m e a n s that we re- tasks to be accomplished.
ally m a y not k n o w exactly w h a t entities are, b u t we k n o w If entities are formed from t h o u g h t s and emotions,
t h a t they exist. As we learn more about t h e m t h r o u g h our w h a t were they before they were formed? There are m a n y
interaction a n d practice of working w i t h t h e m , we adapt different theories a n d understandings on this topic. Most of
w h a t we have learned to fit into our n e w understandings or the theories seem to m a k e a reference to a great m a s s of en-
o u r experiences. ergy. Some often refer to this m a s s as the Creative Life Force.
It is i m p o r t a n t to not discard the validity of a n y t y p e This energy, or Life Force, exists in all things and expands
of entity j u s t because we do not u n d e r s t a n d it or have evi- beyond h u m a n understanding. W h e n a h u m a n decides to
dence s u p p o r t i n g it. Rather, we m u s t accept o u r experiences give a p a r t of this great energy m a s s a form, it establishes
a n d u n d e r s t a n d that we are only limited by o u r experiences. this small p a r t of energy as a n e w spiritual being. This n e w
The m o r e we learn about a subject, in this case entities, the spiritual being resides on a plane of existence t h a t some
more t h a t they come into o u r realm of understanding, magickal practitioners refer to as the astral plane.
m u c h like the American Continents did for Europeans t h a t The process is similar to w h e n parents conceive a
were u n a w a r e of their existence. child. They take a p a r t of the Great Creative Life Force a n d
You create entities and can accordingly determine give it a form. This n e w form exists on b o t h the astral a n d
w h a t such entities will do for you. You don't use the per- physical planes. An identity is established and furthers the
ception of belief w i t h entities, b u t instead use the perception creation of this being. The original energy from the Creative
of attributes w i t h y o u r entity. To p u t it simply, y o u choose Life Force h a s not been separated f r o m the rest, b u t it h a s
to perceive t h a t an entity h a s specific talents about it t h a t been provided w i t h an astral and physical "container" in
will help in y o u r operations. Those talents are attributes w h i c h it can reside.

One w a y to look at it is to t h i n k of the thought, e m o -

tion, or both, as the equivalent to the male's semen. The ENTITY U S E S
Creative Life Force is t h o u g h t to be the female's egg. W h e n
the t w o join, they form a being t h a t combines the genetic
code of b o t h parts. This genetic code is the driving force a n d
guide by which the entity shall "live its life."
This is similar to the process of entity creation. You
create an astral "container" for the great Creative Life Force The creation of magickal entities can be a v e r y r e w a r d i n g
on the astral world. Even t h o u g h a p o r t i o n of the Creative form of magickal working. One t h i n g t h a t people tend to
Life Force has been separated, it is still interconnected w i t h state, over a n d over again, is the level of control over the
the greater whole of the Creative Life Force. magickal process t h a t creating entities provides. This often
leads to m o r e favorable results in their workings a n d m o r e
workings in general.
Creating magickal entities can be as easy or as h a r d
as y o u w o u l d like it to be. Even w i t h the least a m o u n t of
preparation, y o u can produce a "results focused" entity. Of
course, the m o r e t h a t you p u t into y o u r entity, the better
y o u r chances are of gaining the results that y o u desire.
Because of the flexibility inherent in their creation,
magickal entities can be "custom designed" to a v e r y spe-
cific goal. W i t h some magickal workings, you are limited to
the results produced. W i t h an entity created specifically for
y o u r goal, y o u have better likelihood of the goal manifest-
ing in the m a n n e r t h a t y o u w i s h . Also, you have a better
expectation of the results, whereas w i t h other "generic"
magickal w o r k i n g s the results gained m a y be close to w h a t
y o u had hoped for, b u t still not exactly as you h a d w a n t e d
or needed.
W i t h some types of magickal workings, like sigils for
example, y o u receive "Point A to Point B" t y p e of results.
In other words, there is little r o o m for adding additional
parameters into the magickal w o r k i n g once it has been en-
acted. W i t h magickal entities on t h e other hand, y o u have
the ability to redirect the entity's focus while the entity is
actively w o r k i n g to produce y o u r desired magickal results.

After creating the entity, little of y o u r o w n energy is For some people, it is easier to use entities to bring
required to produce the results desired. Because of this, you on magickal results. One of the reasons for this is because
are able to devote y o u r time and energy to other t h i n g s as w h e n u s i n g other forms of magickal workings, it m a y be
y o u wish. The entity will go off a n d complete the task t h a t difficult to k n o w h o w the desired event will manifest. This
h a s been assigned to it. The more energy t h a t you direct often leads to failed, half-realized workings, or workings
t o w a r d y o u r entity—depending on the w o r k at h a n d — t h e t h a t are n o t performed. W h e n w o r k i n g w i t h entities, the
better y o u r results tend to be. mage is able to relate to a "being" doing the working.
Expanding on the d y n a m i c possibilities of entities, a For example, in protection workings, it is easier for m o s t
magickal entity can be used for several magickal tasks at people to envision a big bloodthirsty beast ready to devour
the same time. For example, an entity t h a t has the task of a n y a n d all t h a t w i s h to cause the creator h a r m ; rather
creating wealth can be used to m a k e a c o m p a n y prosper- t h a n t r y i n g to envision a glowing light of energy keeping
ous. At the same time the entity can look after a person's "wrong-doers" at bay.
personal assets. Often "general skilled" entities can be used
over a n d over for magickal w o r k i n g s t h a t are of similar
basis. An example of this w o u l d be the creation of an entity
t h a t is governed by the realm of happiness. This entity could
be used a n y time t h a t a feeling of happiness w a s needed.
Magickal entities can be created to be "astral m e s -
sengers." These messengers can go o u t and collect bits of
information t h a t is of interest to the creator. The entities
t h e n can report back to the creator relaying all of the in-
formation t h a t w a s gathered. This t y p e of entity use can be
beneficial in times w h e n someone needs to gather i m p o r t a n t
information w h e n u n d e r n o r m a l m e a n s it would be i m p o s -
sible, such as in m a k i n g crucial business decisions.
An entity can be created to help y o u learn a specific
skill. Often people will create w h a t are often k n o w n as
"teacher entities." These teacher entities are created w i t h all
of the knowledge of a particular skill or area of interest. The
creator will then go to the entity to have it help teach the
creator the desired skill or knowledge. Teacher entities are
like having y o u r very o w n wise m e n t o r at y o u r disposal.
These types of entities can be very beneficial w h e n t r y i n g to
learn n e w a n d complicated subjects.

In some magickal philosophies, magi are trained to

never perform magick unless a real and needed result is A T T U N I N G Y O U R ENERGY
desired. They are often taught to never use their magick on
simple whims just to see if their magick works. This limita-
tion often leads to poorly trained magi, as they are rarely
able to practice what it is that they have learned. When the
time comes to try to manifest something, they are often
"rusty" or undereducated in certain magickal areas. When The first step to working with entities is learning to attune
they try to put their skills to work, they often meet with your energy to work with an entity. What that means is
poor results. that you should have some degree of control over your own
Some magi create magickal entities solely as means energy. If you do not, working with an entity, let alone
to hone their magickal abilities. By creating a magickal creating one, may be difficult. What are some things that
entity, they are putting many learned skills to work, while you can do to improve your connection with entities?
manifesting a real and needed result. The real and needed
result is the creation of something that will allow them Meditate
to expand their magickal abilities. Often these entities are
dissolved soon after creation, as they serve no purposes Meditation is a tool that will allow you to gain control of
other than to increase the mage's magickal aptitude. Some your thoughts and actions. With proper control, anything
entities, however, are kept as a magickal companion much is possible and accurate results can be achieved.
like a witch's familiar. It is important to be clear in your mind what exactly
Magickal Entities can be used for finding rare books, it is that you want for your magickal working. Meditation
for aiding in a job search, for helping sales of a product, will help you to define your goals and desires. It will also
for irritating an enemy, for protecting a house, etc. We allow you to see the situation from different angles. This
have heard of magickal entities who help compress and will often reveal hidden situations that may lend them-
expand time, assist in speedy passage through rush hour, selves to helping achieve your goals.
and to ensure a business receives a payment for a product.
Magickal entities are quite versatile.
Creating magickal entities can provide a lot of fun
and excitement. The entity that you create is only limited
by your imagination. For some, the simple knowledge that
they are in control of an entity that they created can be the
impetus for using this method of magickal working. Other
people like knowing that they can be as creative as they
wish to be. This is one form of magickal working that can
be as exciting as the results that it produces.

If you do not have a regular meditation routine, it is Diet

recommended that you start one as soon as possible. There
are many books out on the subject. If you look in your local A good diet and perhaps even a good multi-vitamin can
phone directory, you may be able to find local community make a big difference in your energy as well. There is no
classes that teach meditation. one "true" diet that everyone should follow. However, try
You may even want to join a Tai Chi class if it is to eat balanced meals with moderate portions. More small
offered in your area. Tai Chi is a Chinese form of mov- meals a day are sometimes better than three large meals a
ing meditation. This serves you two-fold, as you gain the day. Buy or grow organic whenever you can and try to eat
benefits of meditation as well as keeping your body fit and food that is minimally processed. Raw fruits and vegetables
in tune with your spiritual growth. are more nutritious than when cooked. If you must cook
them, steaming is preferred. If you're a meat-eater, organic
Exercise meat and poultry or wild game is best. If you choose a
vegetarian or vegan diet, make sure you get the protein and
Regular exercise is an important factor in over-all health. iron you need through nuts, seeds, tofu, etc. Drink lots of
Exercise not only will keep you in good physical shape, but pure water. Cut back on caffeine, sugar, artificial colors and
also reduces stress, alleviates depression, and improves the flavors, and preservatives. Changing your eating habits can
quality of your sleep. You don't have to r u n out and get a be very difficult. You don't have to do it all at once, pick one
membership at a gym. Try spending an hour doing martial or two of your unhealthy eating habits and replace them
arts, yoga, or any other type of exercise such as walking, with new, healthy habits.
dancing, swimming, or even inline skating. Exercise can
aid you in daily attunement to your personal energy as Sleep
well as the energies you work with. Physical exercise causes
you to sweat, which helps clean some of the toxins out of Getting enough sleep is very important for health and
your body. This will help your energy flow throughout energy. With only a few exceptions, the average adult
your body better. needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep within each 24-
hour period to be adequately alert for 16 to 17 hours.
Without the proper amount of sleep, the body cannot
and will not function to its fullest potential. If you have
trouble sleeping, t r y taking a hot bath before you go to
bed. Lavender and Chamomile are soothing scents...try
spraying your sheets and pillow with water and a com-
bination of lavender and chamomile essential oils. Don't
drink caffeinated beverages or eat sugary foods before
going to bed.

it is. Of course, if you have friends that are magi, then

Visualization you can structure this a bit more. Another way to attune
yourself to someone's energy signature is to stand facing
Another tool in your toolbox is the art of creative visu- each other with your palms 1-2 inches apart from each
alization. Creative visualization will help you align the other. Feel each other's energy and then decide who will be
physical, mental, and spiritual minds to act together to the leader. Now, the leader will move their hands around
achieve a desired result. It also allows for you to gain in circles, figure 8's, or whatever patterns they wish. The
insight and information that was once hidden. The type of follower will follow their energy. Once you get used to this
information that you may receive may come in the form with your eyes open, both leader and follower should close
of a scent, an image in the mind's eye, a sense of coolness their eyes and continue to follow the energy signature of
or warmth, etc. their partner. Start slow at first, then speed things up, or
Creative visualization is often thought of as a balanc- start with your hands close together and then work them
ing act between meditation and hypnosis. This is because farther apart.
creative visualization has the controlled state of awareness
that meditation affords. At the same time it has the poten- Become More Creative
tial "programming" power that hypnosis provides.
Self-help clinics and various magickal groups usually Expanding your creativity is extremely helpful when
teach creative visualization. There are books that teach working with any type of magick. When it comes to creat-
and explain the subject, but some individuals find it hard ing entities, however, creativity should be given the highest
to practice creative visualization through the guidance of priority of development.
a book. Therefore it is recommended that you seek out a Thinking in a creative manner will allow you to solve
magickal group, self help group, or clinic that offers creative a problem with at least ten different solutions, with most of
visualization courses. You may even want to supplement them being highly feasible. When you think creatively, you
your practices and studies with some hypnosis training. realize that not only is anything possible, but that there
may be several different ways to achieve success. Creative
Experiencing Energy Signatures thinking allows you to see situations in a multidimensional
aspect. This will allow you to find the fastest way to achieve
Each person and entity has their own energy signature. By results in a way that will make everyone involved satisfied
learning to recognize your energy signature from someone with the outcome.
else's, you become more attuned to the energy around With a little bit of creative thinking, you may find so-
you. There are many exercises that you can do to help you lutions to your problems without the use of any magickal
with this. One that is easy is making note of some of your workings. When magick is required, however, your creative
friends' energy signatures (or how they feel to you when thinking skills will allow you to develop the best laid out
they are around you). When someone comes into a room plan of magickal attack, which will cover almost every area
where your back is to them, try and figure out who it is by that needs to be addressed to assure a successful outcome
their energy signature before turning around to see who for everyone and everything involved.

A method to start sharpening your creative thinking gain even as it fulfills its end. If you don't, the repercus-
skills is to come up with ten solutions to every problem that sions are less than desirable. It's better to pay your dues
you are faced with. The next time that you have an issue when it is time than to let them grow beyond the means
that needs to be resolved, write down on a piece of paper at of payment. Your strength as a person and as a mage
least ten different possible ways to resolve the solution. You can sometimes be measured by how honorably you've
may at first get one or two with no problem, but when it conducted your affairs.
comes to more than two you may find it difficult. If you do Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Like
find it hard, that's OK, just keep thinking. Even if the idea humans, some entities will not work any harder for you no
sounds dumb or far-fetched write it down. matter how you treat them. In these instances, it is best to
If you do this every time you have a situation to use your judgment as to whether you wish to continue to
resolve, you will find that your ideas will become sharper work with such an entity. After all, the entity was created
and more focused than when you started this technique. by you to fulfill your desires, and if an entity shows any
The more that you use this creative thinking method, the signs of not wishing to accomplish those goals, it is up to
more effective solutions you will come up with. You will you to decide on what you wish to do about it.
come to notice that your thought process has changed and Magick, in any form, requires energy to work. Only
that you are starting to see opportunities where there were by actually doing magick on a daily basis, working with
none before. energy everyday, and learning to control energy, will your
spiritual power grow stronger. You will become capable of
Respect The Entities You Work With using magick in a wide variety of ways, which includes
creating and working with entities.
When you start working with entities, of any type, always
show the utmost respect for them. This is one thing that
most people overlook when working with entities, man-
made or preexisting. Many, either because of ill instruction
or ignorance, try to dictate and control the entities through
threats and intimidation. This is the surest way to mini-
mize the effectiveness of your magickal workings.
To maximize your magickal workings, you should
treat the entity as though it is a comrade or friend. When
you work in this manner, the entity is more responsive to
your wishes and will work harder to manifest your desires.
It is similar to working with humans, the more you respect
them and the better you treat them, the more that they will
do for you.
Be aware that with any entity, created or not, trust
goes both ways. You have to fulfill your end of the bar-

When working with entities, it is important to be aware of

the consequences of this type of magickal working, just
like other forms of magickal workings, using entities comes
with both responsibilities and cautions.
This section is not here to tell you what you should
or should not do. It is here to make you aware of the things
that you m a y encounter while working with entities, and
things to think about when creating them. This section
serves as a guide for you to fully think out what it is that
you plan to do with your entity.

Laws of Cause and Effect

In some religious and spiritual circles the "Law of Return"

is a widely held and accepted doctrine. This "law" dictates
that whatever action is done by you, you shall receive back.
Therefore if you were to do good one day, you shall receive
something good in return, and conversely if you do some-
thing bad, you shall receive something bad.
In Wicca they have something similar to the "Law of
Return." They call this the "Three Fold Law." They under-
stand this "law" to mean that what ever you do, good or
bad, returns to you with three times the strength. There
are differing views as to how and when you receive the
three-fold effect, but nonetheless most Wiccans agree that
such an effect occurs.
In some New Age groups the "Law of Return" is
referred to as Karma (the force generated by a person's
actions to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical

consequences to determine the nature of the person's next an unexpected, ill effects on those that you love and care
existence). Some even understand Karma to act as a cosmic about. On the other hand, you may receive a great fortune
score of "fate." In other words if Johnny does good, he will by what seems to be luck.
receive "x" amount of good Karma "points;" whereas if Amanda created a magickal entity, which would
Sally does something bad, she will receive "x" amount of slowly destroy a duplex. This entity also would torment
bad Karma "points." Then, depending on person's point of the downstairs inhabitants as well as make the upstairs
view in regards to Karma, these points will gather until the tenants uncomfortable in their surroundings, so much
end of the person's life and they will either be "rewarded" that they would want to move. Unfortunately, the next
with a better life in the next incarnation, or be "punished" upstairs tenant was a good friend of Amanda's. One day
with a worse one. Others believe that you receive these when her friend was fixing the bathroom sink, it broke.
Karma "points" in this lifetime. Some refer to this line of Several days later, when he was fixing the kitchen sink, it
thinking as "New Age Karma," or "Western Karma." also broke. A series of small mishaps at the duplex hap-
The classical understanding of Karma is said to mean pened to this friend. She did not think out what would
"action." Action in the sense of how a ball falls to the ground happen if a friend of hers ever would move in. This is an
after it has been thrown. Karma in this sense is a word of example of why it is important to think things through
understanding cause and effect, rather than a system of before creating an entity.
punishment or reward. In this understanding, the punish- The reason for mentioning this here is to make you
ment or reward comes from the person's ability to learn a aware of how the planning and creation of your entity
lesson. For example, say Johnny were to touch an iron and can affect things around you; for better or worse. We will
as a result he burned his hand. The Karma in this example not tell you that is bad, or bad things are going to happen
was the burned hand. Now if Johnny chooses to learn this to you, if you choose to have your entity cause harm or
lesson, and check to see if the iron is hot before touching it, misfortune to someone. It is not for us to judge—that is up
he has been rewarded by not receiving a nasty burn as he to you. However, you should completely think though all
had originally. On the other hand if he refuses to check the of the possible effects that your actions, and those of your
iron before he touches it, he is punished by receiving a burn entity, may have. Once you have thought through all of
the next time he touches a hot iron. them, and are satisfied with all known possible results, only
Regardless of what the system is named, "Law of then should you proceed with your plans.
Return," "Three Fold Law," Karma, etc., it is used to teach There are times when things may happen that you
people the effect that their actions have. No matter how did not foresee. These are times to learn how your actions
foolish some of these "laws" sound or are, the fundamental have caused an effect on something, and time to own up
principle is to make the follower, student, mage, etc. learn to your actions. If you learn from these incidents, you may
to understand cause and effect. be able to better plan your actions at a later time. Or you
It is of great importance to understand what type of may be able to accept that there are some things that are
effects your actions will have on the world around you. If outside of your ability to control at this time, and to take
you are careless, you m a y find that your actions can have responsibility for them when they happen.

The primary thing that you should do is to plan your When we come to depend on entities more than most
actions so that you will have no guilt when they are acted other things, we m a y be putting ourselves into the path
out. This will require you to think through everything. of problems. Some people create entities that do things like
Think through to the future and try to foresee any problems inspire creative thought or allow the picking of a winning
that your actions m a y cause. See if you may have guilt in horse. For a writer, if the entity of creative inspiration
the future. If you are unable to see—honestly unable to see, were to not work for some reason, after a long time of
and are not kidding yourself just to make something hap- reliable service, the writer may find him or herself in a real
pen—only then should you proceed with your plans. predicament. The person that make his or her "luxury"
If you find that after your actions you do have guilt, income through the earnings on horse betting, may soon
the only thing that you should do is to correct the problem find themselves with a real problem when they start losing
through whatever means possible. This may mean that money as opposed to making it. There is nothing wrong
you need to stop a magickal working that you have done. with having a "mild" dependency on an entity that you
This may even mean that you just have to accept what create, as long as you are still able to function in a normally
has happened and move on with your life. But whatever it without that entity.
is that you need to do, do it and take full responsibility of When you create an entity, do so with the under-
your actions. standing that the entity is only here to help. The entity is
One last note about cause and effect: what ever your not here to do everything for you. If you follow this rule
entity does, it does because of you and your intentions. of thumb, you should not experience any negative issues
Therefore do not fall into the false security of kidding when working with the entity that you create.
yourself by saying that since your entity did it and you did
not, you are not responsible for what happened.
Dependence on Entity Use

Sometimes when we use things, we begin to incorporate

them into our lives. Soon we find it hard to think of a
time when we didn't use such an item. We find ourselves
dependent on that item.
The same can be true when we start to work with the
entities that we create (and even the ones that we don't). Of
course, depending on the level of dependency, this may not
necessarily be a bad thing. We have dependencies with all
kinds of things in our lives, and without them we may have
to function differently, and it may take us longer, but we
are still able to function. The dependencies that may develop
through working with entities may only reach that level.

What is it that I want the entity to do? How will the entity
accomplish this task? What variables do I need to factor in
so that the entity is successful? What is my timetable? How
do I insure that the entity is doing its task? How do I wish
the entity to appear to me?
These questions as well as others are important ques-
tions to ask and answer. Take time to develop your answers,
be sure of exactly what it is you want to do with the entity
and make sure you impress that into the entity. These ques-
tions will help you focus and attune your energy toward
achieving what you want with the entity and will also
insure that the experience is -well worth the time invested.
An important question to ask yourself is the follow-
ing: Is it worth it to conjure the entity and have it do the
task or are there other means to achieve my ends? Now it
may seem odd to ask this question in this book, but it is a
very important and valid question to ask. It is not to say
you shouldn't create entities, but you should be certain that
it is justified. If you are one who likes to experiment, then
your justification is just that—in order to learn more about
entities, you work with them. By asking and answering
this question, you will insure yourself no regret, but
rather, a focused intent that will bring about what you
want in a manner that works for you. Any magickal un-
dertaking should be considered carefully and entity work
is no exception.
Picture in your minds eye exactly what it is that you
want. Try to see your desire manifested. See everything
that would be affected by it. How would you feel? What

problems would this solve for you? H o w would it m a k e can t r y to find the best, a n d second best, possible w a y s
other people feel? Try to make the desire manifestation as for you to have y o u r goal manifest. By doing this,, you
real as possible. Try to understand the feelings t h a t you are t r y i n g to eliminate, to the best of your ability, a n y
w o u l d have once it has come to pass. "negative" source t h a t you w o u l d not -want y o u r desire to
After you have crystallized y o u r desire as m u c h as manifest t h r o u g h .
possible, for every conceivable aspect, w r i t e it d o w n in as W h e n y o u have found the best w a y s for y o u r desire to
m u c h detail as you can. Write d o w n the results that you come into being, write it d o w n . Then visualize y o u r receiv-
will achieve from the desire. Write y o u r emotions and feel- ing y o u r desire t h r o u g h the source(s) that you have chosen.
ings in regards to the desire t h a t will manifest. Capture the Does it feel right to you? Have y o u t h o u g h t of everything
essence of w h a t this desire will bring into y o u r life. Make that m a y come from this source? If y o u can honestly say
this as clear and as detailed as possible. "yes," then that is the most logical source for you. If you
W h e n you have written all of this down, you have answered "no," then keep t h i n k i n g of a better source until
taken y o u r first step toward manifesting y o u r desires. In you have found one that works for you.
m a n y magickal systems, w r i t i n g d o w n the desire in as N o w y o u should put the paper a w a y for a d a y or
m u c h detail creates an astral "blueprint" for y o u r goals. t w o and t r y not to t h i n k aboLit y o u r desire. It m a y be h a r d
This "blueprint" is the starting point for all things to come not to, but do the best that you can. If you find yourself
into being. t h i n k i n g about it, acknowledge it for w h a t it is a n d allow
One you are finished w r i t i n g d o w n everything that it to pass.
y o u can t h i n k of, determine from w h a t source y o u r desire W h a t this will do, is allow y o u r subconscious to fig-
will come, and the impact t h a t the source m a y have. In ure out the easiest and best w a y to manifest y o u r desires,
other words, if y o u r desire w a s to receive a l u m p some of w i t h i n the frame w o r k that you have provided. It will mull
m o n e y (yes, the standard "magickal h o w - t o " example), over the details t h a t you m a y not have t h o u g h t about. It
where would the m o n e y come from? Wovild you receive it will then decide if it is able to do it or not.
t h r o u g h the m e a n s of p a y m e n t for an a r t sculpture that In some cases, y o u r subconscious m a y need more
y o u have recently finished? Would y o u find an envelope full details. It m a y even suggest a different route to gain the
of m o n e y on y o u r w a y to the park? Will the m o n e y come desires. All of this will help to lead y o u to the manifestation
from a disability settlement from the accident at w o r k that of y o u r desires. This is called the "incubation stage."
left y o u w i t h o u t the use of y o u r right a r m ? Did yovi receive After a day or t w o of allowing y o u r subconscious to
it because a dear person to you died and stated in his or her build a plan, take out the paper a n d review w h a t w a s w r i t -
will t h a t you are to receive the money? ten d o w n . Does w h a t y o u have w r i t t e n still m a k e sense to
As you can see, there are m a n y w a y s that y o u could you? Is this still w h a t you w a n t ? You m a y find t h a t w h a t
receive the l u m p s u m of cash in a favorable way. You can w a s written is still exactly w h a t you w a n t . You m a y also
also see that there are n u m e r o u s w a y s to gain the m o n e y find t h a t you w a n t to add or subtract a few things, b u t t h a t
t h a t y o u m a y not like—like losing y o u r a r m , or the death over all the idea is sound.
of a loved one. The p u r p o s e of this exercise is so t h a t you

Still you m a y find that you were going about obtain-

ing the desire the w r o n g way. You m a y n o w have fresh P L A N N I N G YOUR ENTITY
n e w ideas to t r y out t h a t will better y o u r chances at a t t a i n -
ing y o u r goals. Others will find that, after taking time out
to "incubate" their thoughts, their w r i t t e n desires really are
not w h a t they t r u l y w a n t . New ideas a n d thoughts m a y
come to the surface.
Continue to develop your magickal goals and desires N o w that you have defined y o u r goals and desires, it is time
until y o u are honestly h a p p y w i t h w h a t you have. It is to define the purpose(s) of your entity. It is time to t h i n k
then t h a t you can begin to design an entity to bring y o u r about the task(s) of the entity. T h i n k about the role it will
desires and goals into manifestation. play in the manifestation of y o u r goals and desires.
We mentioned the need to define possible results and In the example provided earlier, the a t t a i n m e n t of a
outcomes from using the entity. This does not mean you l u m p some of cash, y o u r entity could have different types
should lust for results, i.e. expect that a result will occur of tasks based u p o n y o u r goals and desires. Let's say for
instantaneously a n d t h a t y o u r problem will be solved. This example that you w i s h to receive a l u m p s u m of cash, and
is not to say that y o u should not t h i n k about it, j u s t don't you w i s h to receive it t h r o u g h the sale of a sculpture. You
t h i n k about the results all the time. This m a y cause you to m a y w i s h to have the entity provide inspiration and fine
be disappointed w h e n the results you expect don't happen. craftsmanship to y o u d u r i n g the creation of the sculpture.
Magick is a subtle force and shows itself in subtle w a y s . You m a y wish to have the entity attract the attention of
W h e n w o r k i n g w i t h an entity, y o u should certainly have fine a r t collectors from y o u r region to b u y y o u r a r t w o r k .
an idea of w h a t kind of result will come about t h r o u g h Then entity could even have a task of influencing a n y o n e
the use of the entity. J u s t don't let t h a t result become an that lays eyes u p o n the a r t w o r k to w a n t to b u y the piece.
obsession. Further, recognize variations of the result you There are m a n y options available to y o u d u r i n g the creation
wanted. Sometimes y o u won't quite accomplish w h a t you of y o u r entity's task(s).
set o u t to do, but the result can still be useful to you. After y o u have defined the entity's task(s), you m u s t
figure out the realm of influence the entity will have. The
realm of influence is like the "trade" or "craft" of the entity.
There are t w o realms of influence t h a t need to be defined,
the general and the specific.
The general realm of influence describes w h a t t y p e of
"trade" or "craft" the entity is involved in. For example a
baseball player w o u l d have the general realm of influence
in sports. A j o u r n a l i s t could have different ones to choose
from—depending on the w a y you w a n t to look at it. The
journalist's general realm of influence could be information
or a r t (assuming t h a t y o u view w r i t i n g as an art-form).

In the "lump s u m of cash" entity example from Perform divination to m a k e sure that the entity's
above, you have decided to m a k e the entity's task to influ- purpose is for the best of all that it will have an effect over.
ence people to b u y y o u r sculpture. You can then look at the In other words, y o u w a n t to m a k e sure that the purpose of
task and decide that the entity's general realm of influence the entity is s o u n d and correct w i t h y o u r ethical principals
is "sales." This w o u l d m e a n that the entity is knowledgeable and will not cause a n y adverse effects that you m a y have
in the art of selling things. Once you have the general realm not thought of.
of influence, you can use that information to t h i n k about Be honest w i t h yourself w h e n divining, because
and gather correspondence ideas for later incorporation it can be very t e m p t i n g to m a k e yourself believe t h a t a
w i t h the entity. reading is telling you to proceed, even t h o u g h the reading
For the "lump s u m of cash" entity, w i t h a general is t r y i n g to issue to you a dire w a r n i n g . You m a y w a n t to
realm of influence in "sales," you m a y start t h i n k i n g of enlist the help of a trusted person to perform the divination
things, like orange—for attraction, rose pedals—for love or for you. Having the "outside" person perform a reading for
admiration, etc. These ideas will be t h i n g s that you can, y o u m a y be the buffer t h a t y o u need to make sure t h a t you
and should, use w h e n creating y o u r entity. Later we will are engaging in a magickal w o r k i n g t h a t is t r u l y in y o u r
discuss h o w to incorporate these ideas into y o u r entity. best interest.
After you have figured out the general realm of intent, If the divination reading t u r n s out to not be in y o u r
it is time to create the specific realm of influence. Going back best interest, all is not lost. It is best to take the r e c o m m e n -
to o u r baseball player example, his or her specific realm of dations from the reading and t r y looking at y o u r goals and
intent m a y be "the pitcher for the New York City Screaming desires for hidden ideas. You m a y -want to sleep on it before
Eagles." The journalist's specific realm of influence could be reviewing y o u r goals. This will bring upon the "incuba-
"star reporter for the Orlando Music Press." tion" again to help y o u clear out u n w a n t e d influences.
The "lump s u m of cash" entity could have a specific After y o u have had time to review, it's time to start
realm of influence of "attractor of and seller to purchasers over. Look for areas that y o u m a y have missed the first
of fine art." A r m e d w i t h the specific realm of influence, we time. Look for t h i n g s that the reading suggested to be
are able to start to develop the entity's statement of intent, changed. After all of this, it is time to go back to divination
w h i c h will become the core—or DNA, if you will—of the to see if y o u r n e w plan is beneficial to you.
entity. The statement of intent for this entity could be "To Once y o u get a "go ahead" reading, you should con-
influence and attract fine art purchasers that are willing tinue w i t h the creation of y o u r entity. It should be fairly
a n d able to purchase my sculpture for price t h a t I set." easy from here on out.
N o w y o u have the core of the entity's existence
defined. This will m a k e it m u c h easier for y o u to create
y o u r entity. It will also improve the likelihood t h a t y o u r
magickal w o r k i n g will produce the results that you w i s h
to attain.

When working with entities, it is important to be aware of

the consequences of this type of magickal working, just
like other forms of magickal workings, using entities comes
with both responsibilities and cautions.
This section is not here to tell you what you should
or should not do. It is here to make you aware of the things
that you m a y encounter while working with entities, and
things to think about when creating them. This section
serves as a guide for you to fully think out what it is that
you plan to do with your entity.

Laws of Cause and Effect

In some religious and spiritual circles the "Law of Return"

is a widely held and accepted doctrine. This "law" dictates
that whatever action is done by you, you shall receive back.
Therefore if you were to do good one day, you shall receive
something good in return, and conversely if you do some-
thing bad, you shall receive something bad.
In Wicca they have something similar to the "Law of
Return." They call this the "Three Fold Law." They under-
stand this "law" to mean that what ever you do, good or
bad, returns to you with three times the strength. There
are differing views as to how and when you receive the
three-fold effect, but nonetheless most Wiccans agree that
such an effect occurs.
In some New Age groups the "Law of Return" is
referred to as Karma (the force generated by a person's
actions to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical

consequences to determine the nature of the person's next an unexpected, ill effects on those that you love and care
existence). Some even understand Karma to act as a cosmic about. On the other hand, you may receive a great fortune
score of "fate." In other words if Johnny does good, he will by what seems to be luck.
receive "x" amount of good Karma "points;" whereas if Amanda created a magickal entity, which would
Sally does something bad, she will receive "x" amount of slowly destroy a duplex. This entity also would torment
bad Karma "points." Then, depending on person's point of the downstairs inhabitants as well as make the upstairs
view in regards to Karma, these points will gather until the tenants uncomfortable in their surroundings, so much
end of the person's life and they will either be "rewarded" that they would want to move. Unfortunately, the next
with a better life in the next incarnation, or be "punished" upstairs tenant was a good friend of Amanda's. One day
with a worse one. Others believe that you receive these when her friend was fixing the bathroom sink, it broke.
Karma "points" in this lifetime. Some refer to this line of Several days later, when he was fixing the kitchen sink, it
thinking as "New Age Karma," or "Western Karma." also broke. A series of small mishaps at the duplex hap-
The classical understanding of Karma is said to mean pened to this friend. She did not think out what would
"action." Action in the sense of how a ball falls to the ground happen if a friend of hers ever would move in. This is an
after it has been thrown. Karma in this sense is a word of example of why it is important to think things through
understanding cause and effect, rather than a system of before creating an entity.
punishment or reward. In this understanding, the punish- The reason for mentioning this here is to make you
ment or reward comes from the person's ability to learn a aware of how the planning and creation of your entity
lesson. For example, say Johnny were to touch an iron and can affect things around you; for better or worse. We will
as a result he burned his hand. The Karma in this example not tell you that is bad, or bad things are going to happen
was the burned hand. Now if Johnny chooses to learn this to you, if you choose to have your entity cause harm or
lesson, and check to see if the iron is hot before touching it, misfortune to someone. It is not for us to judge—that is up
he has been rewarded by not receiving a nasty burn as he to you. However, you should completely think though all
had originally. On the other hand if he refuses to check the of the possible effects that your actions, and those of your
iron before he touches it, he is punished by receiving a burn entity, may have. Once you have thought through all of
the next time he touches a hot iron. them, and are satisfied with all known possible results, only
Regardless of what the system is named, "Law of then should you proceed with your plans.
Return," "Three Fold Law," Karma, etc., it is used to teach There are times when things may happen that you
people the effect that their actions have. No matter how did not foresee. These are times to learn how your actions
foolish some of these "laws" sound or are, the fundamental have caused an effect on something, and time to own up
principle is to make the follower, student, mage, etc. learn to your actions. If you learn from these incidents, you may
to understand cause and effect. be able to better plan your actions at a later time. Or you
It is of great importance to understand what type of may be able to accept that there are some things that are
effects your actions will have on the world around you. If outside of your ability to control at this time, and to take
you are careless, you m a y find that your actions can have responsibility for them when they happen.

The primary thing that you should do is to plan your When we come to depend on entities more than most
actions so that you will have no guilt when they are acted other things, we m a y be putting ourselves into the path
out. This will require you to think through everything. of problems. Some people create entities that do things like
Think through to the future and try to foresee any problems inspire creative thought or allow the picking of a winning
that your actions m a y cause. See if you may have guilt in horse. For a writer, if the entity of creative inspiration
the future. If you are unable to see—honestly unable to see, were to not work for some reason, after a long time of
and are not kidding yourself just to make something hap- reliable service, the writer may find him or herself in a real
pen—only then should you proceed with your plans. predicament. The person that make his or her "luxury"
If you find that after your actions you do have guilt, income through the earnings on horse betting, may soon
the only thing that you should do is to correct the problem find themselves with a real problem when they start losing
through whatever means possible. This may mean that money as opposed to making it. There is nothing wrong
you need to stop a magickal working that you have done. with having a "mild" dependency on an entity that you
This may even mean that you just have to accept what create, as long as you are still able to function in a normally
has happened and move on with your life. But whatever it without that entity.
is that you need to do, do it and take full responsibility of When you create an entity, do so with the under-
your actions. standing that the entity is only here to help. The entity is
One last note about cause and effect: what ever your not here to do everything for you. If you follow this rule
entity does, it does because of you and your intentions. of thumb, you should not experience any negative issues
Therefore do not fall into the false security of kidding when working with the entity that you create.
yourself by saying that since your entity did it and you did
not, you are not responsible for what happened.
Dependence on Entity Use

Sometimes when we use things, we begin to incorporate

them into our lives. Soon we find it hard to think of a
time when we didn't use such an item. We find ourselves
dependent on that item.
The same can be true when we start to work with the
entities that we create (and even the ones that we don't). Of
course, depending on the level of dependency, this may not
necessarily be a bad thing. We have dependencies with all
kinds of things in our lives, and without them we may have
to function differently, and it may take us longer, but we
are still able to function. The dependencies that may develop
through working with entities may only reach that level.

What is it that I want the entity to do? How will the entity
accomplish this task? What variables do I need to factor in
so that the entity is successful? What is my timetable? How
do I insure that the entity is doing its task? How do I wish
the entity to appear to me?
These questions as well as others are important ques-
tions to ask and answer. Take time to develop your answers,
be sure of exactly what it is you want to do with the entity
and make sure you impress that into the entity. These ques-
tions will help you focus and attune your energy toward
achieving what you want with the entity and will also
insure that the experience is -well worth the time invested.
An important question to ask yourself is the follow-
ing: Is it worth it to conjure the entity and have it do the
task or are there other means to achieve my ends? Now it
may seem odd to ask this question in this book, but it is a
very important and valid question to ask. It is not to say
you shouldn't create entities, but you should be certain that
it is justified. If you are one who likes to experiment, then
your justification is just that—in order to learn more about
entities, you work with them. By asking and answering
this question, you will insure yourself no regret, but
rather, a focused intent that will bring about what you
want in a manner that works for you. Any magickal un-
dertaking should be considered carefully and entity work
is no exception.
Picture in your minds eye exactly what it is that you
want. Try to see your desire manifested. See everything
that would be affected by it. How would you feel? What

problems would this solve for you? H o w would it m a k e can t r y to find the best, a n d second best, possible w a y s
other people feel? Try to make the desire manifestation as for you to have y o u r goal manifest. By doing this,, you
real as possible. Try to understand the feelings t h a t you are t r y i n g to eliminate, to the best of your ability, a n y
w o u l d have once it has come to pass. "negative" source t h a t you w o u l d not -want y o u r desire to
After you have crystallized y o u r desire as m u c h as manifest t h r o u g h .
possible, for every conceivable aspect, w r i t e it d o w n in as W h e n y o u have found the best w a y s for y o u r desire to
m u c h detail as you can. Write d o w n the results that you come into being, write it d o w n . Then visualize y o u r receiv-
will achieve from the desire. Write y o u r emotions and feel- ing y o u r desire t h r o u g h the source(s) that you have chosen.
ings in regards to the desire t h a t will manifest. Capture the Does it feel right to you? Have y o u t h o u g h t of everything
essence of w h a t this desire will bring into y o u r life. Make that m a y come from this source? If y o u can honestly say
this as clear and as detailed as possible. "yes," then that is the most logical source for you. If you
W h e n you have written all of this down, you have answered "no," then keep t h i n k i n g of a better source until
taken y o u r first step toward manifesting y o u r desires. In you have found one that works for you.
m a n y magickal systems, w r i t i n g d o w n the desire in as N o w y o u should put the paper a w a y for a d a y or
m u c h detail creates an astral "blueprint" for y o u r goals. t w o and t r y not to t h i n k aboLit y o u r desire. It m a y be h a r d
This "blueprint" is the starting point for all things to come not to, but do the best that you can. If you find yourself
into being. t h i n k i n g about it, acknowledge it for w h a t it is a n d allow
One you are finished w r i t i n g d o w n everything that it to pass.
y o u can t h i n k of, determine from w h a t source y o u r desire W h a t this will do, is allow y o u r subconscious to fig-
will come, and the impact t h a t the source m a y have. In ure out the easiest and best w a y to manifest y o u r desires,
other words, if y o u r desire w a s to receive a l u m p some of w i t h i n the frame w o r k that you have provided. It will mull
m o n e y (yes, the standard "magickal h o w - t o " example), over the details t h a t you m a y not have t h o u g h t about. It
where would the m o n e y come from? Wovild you receive it will then decide if it is able to do it or not.
t h r o u g h the m e a n s of p a y m e n t for an a r t sculpture that In some cases, y o u r subconscious m a y need more
y o u have recently finished? Would y o u find an envelope full details. It m a y even suggest a different route to gain the
of m o n e y on y o u r w a y to the park? Will the m o n e y come desires. All of this will help to lead y o u to the manifestation
from a disability settlement from the accident at w o r k that of y o u r desires. This is called the "incubation stage."
left y o u w i t h o u t the use of y o u r right a r m ? Did yovi receive After a day or t w o of allowing y o u r subconscious to
it because a dear person to you died and stated in his or her build a plan, take out the paper a n d review w h a t w a s w r i t -
will t h a t you are to receive the money? ten d o w n . Does w h a t y o u have w r i t t e n still m a k e sense to
As you can see, there are m a n y w a y s that y o u could you? Is this still w h a t you w a n t ? You m a y find t h a t w h a t
receive the l u m p s u m of cash in a favorable way. You can w a s written is still exactly w h a t you w a n t . You m a y also
also see that there are n u m e r o u s w a y s to gain the m o n e y find t h a t you w a n t to add or subtract a few things, b u t t h a t
t h a t y o u m a y not like—like losing y o u r a r m , or the death over all the idea is sound.
of a loved one. The p u r p o s e of this exercise is so t h a t you

Still you m a y find that you were going about obtain-

ing the desire the w r o n g way. You m a y n o w have fresh P L A N N I N G YOUR ENTITY
n e w ideas to t r y out t h a t will better y o u r chances at a t t a i n -
ing y o u r goals. Others will find that, after taking time out
to "incubate" their thoughts, their w r i t t e n desires really are
not w h a t they t r u l y w a n t . New ideas a n d thoughts m a y
come to the surface.
Continue to develop your magickal goals and desires N o w that you have defined y o u r goals and desires, it is time
until y o u are honestly h a p p y w i t h w h a t you have. It is to define the purpose(s) of your entity. It is time to t h i n k
then t h a t you can begin to design an entity to bring y o u r about the task(s) of the entity. T h i n k about the role it will
desires and goals into manifestation. play in the manifestation of y o u r goals and desires.
We mentioned the need to define possible results and In the example provided earlier, the a t t a i n m e n t of a
outcomes from using the entity. This does not mean you l u m p some of cash, y o u r entity could have different types
should lust for results, i.e. expect that a result will occur of tasks based u p o n y o u r goals and desires. Let's say for
instantaneously a n d t h a t y o u r problem will be solved. This example that you w i s h to receive a l u m p s u m of cash, and
is not to say that y o u should not t h i n k about it, j u s t don't you w i s h to receive it t h r o u g h the sale of a sculpture. You
t h i n k about the results all the time. This m a y cause you to m a y w i s h to have the entity provide inspiration and fine
be disappointed w h e n the results you expect don't happen. craftsmanship to y o u d u r i n g the creation of the sculpture.
Magick is a subtle force and shows itself in subtle w a y s . You m a y wish to have the entity attract the attention of
W h e n w o r k i n g w i t h an entity, y o u should certainly have fine a r t collectors from y o u r region to b u y y o u r a r t w o r k .
an idea of w h a t kind of result will come about t h r o u g h Then entity could even have a task of influencing a n y o n e
the use of the entity. J u s t don't let t h a t result become an that lays eyes u p o n the a r t w o r k to w a n t to b u y the piece.
obsession. Further, recognize variations of the result you There are m a n y options available to y o u d u r i n g the creation
wanted. Sometimes y o u won't quite accomplish w h a t you of y o u r entity's task(s).
set o u t to do, but the result can still be useful to you. After y o u have defined the entity's task(s), you m u s t
figure out the realm of influence the entity will have. The
realm of influence is like the "trade" or "craft" of the entity.
There are t w o realms of influence t h a t need to be defined,
the general and the specific.
The general realm of influence describes w h a t t y p e of
"trade" or "craft" the entity is involved in. For example a
baseball player w o u l d have the general realm of influence
in sports. A j o u r n a l i s t could have different ones to choose
from—depending on the w a y you w a n t to look at it. The
journalist's general realm of influence could be information
or a r t (assuming t h a t y o u view w r i t i n g as an art-form).

In the "lump s u m of cash" entity example from Perform divination to m a k e sure that the entity's
above, you have decided to m a k e the entity's task to influ- purpose is for the best of all that it will have an effect over.
ence people to b u y y o u r sculpture. You can then look at the In other words, y o u w a n t to m a k e sure that the purpose of
task and decide that the entity's general realm of influence the entity is s o u n d and correct w i t h y o u r ethical principals
is "sales." This w o u l d m e a n that the entity is knowledgeable and will not cause a n y adverse effects that you m a y have
in the art of selling things. Once you have the general realm not thought of.
of influence, you can use that information to t h i n k about Be honest w i t h yourself w h e n divining, because
and gather correspondence ideas for later incorporation it can be very t e m p t i n g to m a k e yourself believe t h a t a
w i t h the entity. reading is telling you to proceed, even t h o u g h the reading
For the "lump s u m of cash" entity, w i t h a general is t r y i n g to issue to you a dire w a r n i n g . You m a y w a n t to
realm of influence in "sales," you m a y start t h i n k i n g of enlist the help of a trusted person to perform the divination
things, like orange—for attraction, rose pedals—for love or for you. Having the "outside" person perform a reading for
admiration, etc. These ideas will be t h i n g s that you can, y o u m a y be the buffer t h a t y o u need to make sure t h a t you
and should, use w h e n creating y o u r entity. Later we will are engaging in a magickal w o r k i n g t h a t is t r u l y in y o u r
discuss h o w to incorporate these ideas into y o u r entity. best interest.
After you have figured out the general realm of intent, If the divination reading t u r n s out to not be in y o u r
it is time to create the specific realm of influence. Going back best interest, all is not lost. It is best to take the r e c o m m e n -
to o u r baseball player example, his or her specific realm of dations from the reading and t r y looking at y o u r goals and
intent m a y be "the pitcher for the New York City Screaming desires for hidden ideas. You m a y -want to sleep on it before
Eagles." The journalist's specific realm of influence could be reviewing y o u r goals. This will bring upon the "incuba-
"star reporter for the Orlando Music Press." tion" again to help y o u clear out u n w a n t e d influences.
The "lump s u m of cash" entity could have a specific After y o u have had time to review, it's time to start
realm of influence of "attractor of and seller to purchasers over. Look for areas that y o u m a y have missed the first
of fine art." A r m e d w i t h the specific realm of influence, we time. Look for t h i n g s that the reading suggested to be
are able to start to develop the entity's statement of intent, changed. After all of this, it is time to go back to divination
w h i c h will become the core—or DNA, if you will—of the to see if y o u r n e w plan is beneficial to you.
entity. The statement of intent for this entity could be "To Once y o u get a "go ahead" reading, you should con-
influence and attract fine art purchasers that are willing tinue w i t h the creation of y o u r entity. It should be fairly
a n d able to purchase my sculpture for price t h a t I set." easy from here on out.
N o w y o u have the core of the entity's existence
defined. This will m a k e it m u c h easier for y o u to create
y o u r entity. It will also improve the likelihood t h a t y o u r
magickal w o r k i n g will produce the results that you w i s h
to attain.

N a m i n g an entity can be one of the most difficult things to

do for some magi. Some, unnecessarily, agonize over w h a t
type of n a m e w o u l d give justice to their creation. Others are
afraid that they are not creative enough to come up w i t h an
original n a m e . Still others fear t h a t the n a m e that they pick
will conflict w i t h preexisting entities.
For most, however, n a m i n g an entity is j u s t as easy
as breathing. There really is no reason w h y you should feel
a n y differently about the subject. There are m a n y different
formulas and m e t h o d s that y o u can employ to help you
come up w i t h a n a m e t h a t suits y o u r entity.
One of the easiest w a y s of n a m i n g an entity is to derive
its n a m e from the statement of intent. This is done by first
taking the statement of intent, "To influence and attract fine
art purchasers t h a t are able to and t h a t will purchase my
sculpture for price t h a t I set," for example, and r e m o v i n g
all of the unneeded words like "a," "the," "and," "that," "of,"
etc. Ideally you should have a r o u n d three to nine w o r d s left,
for example "influence attract fine a r t purchasers able will
purchase my sculpture price I set." As y o u can see from the
example, the "three to nine words left" rule of t h u m b will
not be valid in every case.
Next you will take the first letter of the r e m a i n i n g
words, and combine those letters together to form the entity's
name. So in o u r example, we w o u l d have "iafarawpmspis."
As you can see, this n a m e is very unintelligible and not
easily pronounceable. In this case we will further reduce the
n a m e d o w n by r e m o v i n g all of the repeated letters. W h e n
we do this, we come up w i t h "iafrwpms."

The result is somewhat more manageable, but lacking One t h i n g t h a t should be mentioned here, is that you
some vowels, it is still difficult to w o r k w i t h . In such cases, should be w a r y of a n y negative feelings that y o u get from
we will w a n t to add vowels that will allow for us to create a a name, whether y o u constructed the n a m e from scratch or
n a m e that is pronounceable. Choosing the extra letters can simply chose describing words. If the n a m e feels negative to
be done in m a n y different fashions. One of the easiest is to you, or has negative descriptive words, it m a y hinder y o u r
pick and choose the letters that you t h i n k will compliment magickal workings. This is not to say if you are construct-
the n a m e the best. Another w a y is to choose the letters t h a t ing an entity to curse someone or t h i n g that it should not
have numerical symbolism that will bring the full n a m e to sound negative in general, rather the n a m e should not feel
a number, via numerology, t h a t resonates w i t h the entity's negative to y o u — t h e one w o r k i n g w i t h it. If it does feel
task. For our example, we will take the numerology route, negative to you, in other words y o u don't like the n a m e
w h i c h gives us "firiwaspim" w i t h a n u m e r o l o g y equivalent or it leaves a bad feeling w h e n saying or w o r k i n g w i t h it,
of the n u m b e r 6 (magnetic, sociable, artistic, etc.) using the then y o u should not use it. For if you do, you m a y begin
Pythagorean system of numerology. N o w this is a little to resent y o u r entity, and y o u r magickal -working m a y not
bit easier to read and say, but we are going to take it a bit manifest in the m a n n e r in w h i c h y o u had hoped. A l w a y s
further and split the n a m e into t w o . Doing that gives us t r y to n a m e y o u r entity w i t h a n a m e that you like and that
"Firi Waspim." feels good to y o u w h e n you w o r k w i t h it.
Sometimes y o u m a y w a n t to n a m e the entity after Of course y o u do not have to n a m e y o u r entity at
it's function, like "buy n e w car." You m a y w a n t to spell it all. Some v e r y successful entities have never been named.
backwards like "rac wen yub," and combine t h e m to form N a m i n g them, however affords t h e m personality. Since we,
the n a m e of "Racwenyub." The n a m e s m a y be long, or u n - as h u m a n s , tend to have an easier time relating to things
pronounceable in the long form. If this is the case, it is OK to that have n a m e s .
break the n a m e up like "Racwen Yub," or "Rac Yubwen." Names also allow us to have control over that w h i c h
The reason for spelling the w o r d s backward is to free is named. In some magickal traditions, names are symbolic
y o u r m i n d of the name's m e a n i n g and also to give the feel- of the thing t h a t is named. Because of this, by n a m i n g a
ing of "antiquated" names of spirits of old often found in thing—or entity in this case—you can guide it to do y o u r
spell books and such—this is not necessary, it is merely a wishes. That is an i m p o r t a n t t h i n g to keep in m i n d w h e n
point of personal taste. Some m a g i feel t h a t w o r k i n g w i t h creating y o u r entity—after all, y o u are creating it to serve
entities w i t h "odd" n a m e s seem to help t h e m in focusing you and y o u r wishes.
on the magickal w o r k i n g at hand, while others feel that it
hinders them. Use w h a t feels and w o r k s best for you.
W h a t ever t y p e of n a m i n g convention you use, it is
a good idea to try, if possible, to s o m e h o w incorporate the
entity's task into the name. This will serve to further the
entity's connection to the desired task a n d will build power
in the use of the entity.

There are m a n y different w a y s to come up w i t h an appear-

ance for your entity. A rather simple w a y is to take its gen-
eral realm of influence and look for symbolism that 'would
afford a good appearance. You could also t h i n k about the
entity's task a n d then design an appearance that w o u l d be
best suited for completing the task successfully. The list is
seemingly endless.
We will focus on a method t h a t is not well docu-
mented on general occult circles. This method creates the
entity's appearance from the letters of its name. You do this
by taking the n a m e and t u r n i n g the letters into symbolic
representations of the astral body p a r t s of the entity. The
first letter represents the head area, and the last letter repre-
sents its foot cirea. The remaining letters represent different
parts between the head and foot regions. The a m o u n t of
detail depends on the a m o u n t of letters that are between the
first and last letters—the more letters the finer the details,
the fewer letters the more general the details.
In o u r example, we will use n u m e r o l o g y as o u r s y m -
bolism. In numerology, specifically Pythagorean n u m e r o l -
ogy, each n u m b e r is assigned to a letter of the alphabet and
is viewed as feminine or masculine. Every n u m b e r has a
specific "characteristic" w h i c h can lend to us an idea of
w h a t the entity can look like.
O u r example entity, Firi Waspim, has the letter "F" as
a head and the letter "M" as the feet. So, looking to o u r n u -
merology, we see t h a t the letter "F" is the n u m b e r six. The
n u m b e r six, w h i c h is feminine in nature, will provide o u r
entity w i t h female-like features in the face. Since the n u m b e r

six is associated -with occupations like artists, host/hostess, in the Kabbalah, m a y wish to use the Hebraic alphabet to
advisers, public speakers, etc. we can start to visualize the aid in his or her creation of his or her entity's appearance.
facial features of people that fill those roles. The letter "M" The i m p o r t a n t thing is to use w h a t ever feels right to you,
is also feminine by n a t u r e due to its association w i t h the and -works best for you.
n u m b e r four. The n u m b e r four is related to the occupations Even t h o u g h o u r example suggests that our entity
of architect, sculptor, TV or radio personality, etc. is anthropomorphic, this does not have to be the case. In
We will continue to do this for the rest of the letters m a n y books entities often take on shapes that are not
in the entity's n a m e . You -will find t h a t in numerology a found in o u r c o m m o n everyday lives. Some of these entities
n u m b e r can represent different m a n y different things. It were half beast or half animal. Other entities were c o m -
is up to you to decide which aspect t h a t you w i s h to have pletely alien in appearance. You m a y create y o u r entity's
associated w i t h y o u r entity. For example, we have chosen appearance in a n y form or fashion t h a t you w o u l d like.
the following associations for o u r example entity: An i m p o r t a n t t h i n g to remember, besides doing w h a t feels
right and w o r k s best for you, is to m a k e sure that the a p -
F: Head 6 (Feminine)—-Adviser pearance of y o u r entity is in h a r m o n y w i t h its realms of
I: Neck 9 (Masculine)-—Artist influence. It w o u l d be counter productive to have an entity
R: Upper Chest 9 (Masculine)-—Artist that beautifies things to look so horrible that y o u could not
I: Arms/Hands 9 (Masculine)-—Artist stand to look at it.
W: Lower Chest 5 (Masculine)-—Salespers Unless you have a specific reason not to, you should
A: Stomach 1 (Masculine)-—Expert t r y to keep y o u r entity's appearance related to its task(s).
S: Buttocks Area 1 (Masculine)-—Expert Think of it like this, lets say y o u took y o u r car to an
P: Thighs 7 (Masculine)-—Poet auto-mechanic's shop. You notice that all of the mechanics
I: Shin Area 9 (Masculine)-—Artist are wearing three-piece suits. You also notice t h a t this is
M: Feet 4 (Feminine)—-Sculpture not the first time t h a t they have w o r n these suits—they
wear t h e m all of the time. There is never a spec or spot
We have chosen professions t h a t we feel will add to on them. Would y o u feel comfortable taking y o u r car to
the entity persona, and provide us w i t h an idea of w h a t this shop? W h a t kind of w o r k could y o u expect from it?
it should look like. We can also look at the a m o u n t of There is n o t h i n g saying t h a t this m a y not be the best shop
feminine and masculine letters/numbers that m a k e up the in the world, b u t by going on looks alone, you m a y have
n a m e to find out its sex. In o u r example we have a greater reservations a b o u t h a v i n g y o u r car worked on there. This is
n u m b e r of masculine letters/numbers t h a n feminine something t h a t y o u should t h i n k about w h e n c o n s t r u c t i n g
letters/numbers, so o u r entity is male. y o u r entity's appearance. You should m a k e sure t h a t y o u
You can use a n y system t h a t y o u feel comfortable are satisfied w i t h the appearance of y o u r entity and t h a t it
•with to use as the symbolism for the letters. For example a is right for its task(s). This will m a k e it easier for y o u to do
mage t h a t is versed in Norse M y t h o l o g y m a y w a n t to use the magickal w o r k i n g at h a n d .
some incarnation of Runes. A n o t h e r mage, knowledgeable

One of the easiest w a y s for people to interact w i t h entities is

to evoke the entity into a physical item. Usually the physi-
cal containers of entities resemble the entities themselves. It
is t h o u g h t t h a t as long as the physical container resembles
the entity as m u c h as possible, the entity "will feel encour-
aged to stay in its physical representation.
Using objects as the physical bodies of entities is v e r y
effective for magickal workings, because it calls u p o n the
instinctive a n d intuitive behaviors from our childhood.
Children are b o r n w i t h the ability to give life to things. An
example of this is the ability to give life to their toys; t h e y
are so good at this t h a t they even have the ability to hear
t h e m speak. The w a y that a child creates an i m a g i n a r y
friend is similar to the m a n n e r in w h i c h you would create
an entity.
Using images as a focal point of entity c o m m u n i -
cation is n o t h i n g new. Catholics p r a y to Saints, Jesus,
Mary, etc. by u s i n g paintings, statues, a n d altars to aid
their c o m m u n i c a t i o n . This technique of w o r k i n g w i t h
entities has been used for t h o u s a n d s of years by m a n y
different c u l t u r e s .
M a k i n g a physical object have an entity live w i t h i n it
can be as simple or complex as you w a n t it to be. The basic
requirement to a n i m a t e an object is to treat it as t h o u g h it
were already alive. Once this basic requirement has been
understood, it can be dressed up as fancily as you w o u l d
like, t h o u g h y o u are not required to do so. Because of its
ease, m a n y people m a y not acknowledge its effectiveness.


The technique noted above is very similar to the talismans, dolls, telephones, crystals, or even a remittance
w a y witches create familiars. Alchemists have used the envelope for y o u r business bearing y o u r entity's p r o g r a m -
technique to impregnate their formulas w i t h entities. This m i n g symbol on it. The second option is to construct the
technique has been able to r e m a i n "occult" (i.e., hidden or housing using y o u r knowledge of the entity's personality,
secret) due to its simplicity. It is a classic case of hiding realm of influence, and other occult virtues.
something in plain sight. It has been disregard because of its Whatever the object is, it m u s t be one t h a t is a t t r a c -
simplicity, and t h u s remains a very effective and powerful tive to you. It m u s t stir feelings of interest. If the h o u s i n g
occult technique. seems lifeless or uninteresting, it will be a poor h o m e for
W h a t attracts entities to take up residence in physical the entity. To be effective, the h o u s i n g m u s t have qualities
objects is the sincerity and devotion of a person w i s h i n g to that make y o u w a n t to interact w i t h it.
have such an entity. The person, of course, m u s t have firm It is better to avoid objects t h a t resemble a living or
faith and belief in the presence of the entity. Ritual, to create dead person that you k n o w in a n y fashion or recognize.
an entity or otherwise, helps to express this sincerity and This will help y o u keep y o u r w o r k -with y o u r entity as p u r e
devotion. Rituals can also be used to confirm the person's as possible. If such objects are used, you m a y confuse the
faith in the entity. energy of the person w i t h t h a t of the entity. This m a y cause
Entities respond very well to the idea of "like attracts ill effects on the person that the object resembles. Of course
like" (i.e., that the more t w o things resemble each other, this does not apply if you are intentionally t r y i n g to create
the more likely they are to relate to one another). Having an entity t h a t is to have a bond w i t h the person represented
understood this, it becomes very i m p o r t a n t to carefully by the object.
choose the symbols a n d characteristics of the physical o b - Entity h o u s i n g can be formed from j u s t about a n y -
ject w i t h i n w h i c h you wish y o u r entity to reside. thing. The i m p o r t a n t t h i n g to remember is to choose m a t e -
Nearly a n y t h i n g can serve to house an entity. If rials that will w i t h s t a n d wear, tear, and repeated h a n d l i n g
y o u can identify it, it can be a suitable h o m e for an entity, for the life of the entity.
a l t h o u g h some objects are better t h a n others. Objects t h a t
are h a r m o n i o u s w i t h the entity's realm of influence are a
better choice t h a n those that are not.
The size of the entity's home is not of great i m p o r -
tance. W h a t really matters is the shape, appearance, and the
substance of the home. The object should be of a size t h a t is
convenient to w o r k w i t h .
W h e n selecting a suitable home for y o u r entity, y o u
have t w o choices. The first choice is to select a prefabricated
object. This can range from statues of all shapes, sizes, a n d
substances to pictures, paintings, candles, rocks, build-
ings, balloons, books, glasses, computers, animals, plants,

Taylor has entities that are housed w i t h i n his voice, is not essential to use t h e m either. As a matter of fact, the
coming forth only w h e n he says specific words, while magickal working can be greatly simplified if they are not
others go into a more sight oriented manifestation, like his used. It can be helpful, however, to do workings d u r i n g the
paintings. A m a n d a ' s Faerie Thought-Forms (e.g. Faerie of proper phase of the moon, and on days that are h a r m o n i -
Lost Things, Faerie of Sweet Dreams, etc.) are housed w i t h i n ous w i t h y o u r magickal endeavor.
various faerie statues. She has also housed a vengeance In ancient times people would use stones and crystals,
entity w i t h i n a house itself. David houses entities in bottles, w i t h appropriate attributes, to bind an entity to a plant that
candles, keys, and even an arrowhead. Usually the h o u s i n g had similar attributes to the entity's realm of influence. As
is chosen out of convenience rather t h a n symbolism. Be long as the plant a n d stones were h a r m o n i o u s w i t h the
creative w h e n creating the appearance a n d housing of the entity, it would use the plant as a home while w o r k i n g
entity. After all, the appearance can be descriptive of w h a t w i t h the person t h a t b o u n d it. The stones served to charge
the entity is and w h a t it does. the plant w i t h the energy of the entity and w i t h its realm of
If you are artistic, y o u m a y -want to create the object influence. If you have a green t h u m b and a bit of ingenuity
yourself. By doing so, you are unconsciously forming the and creativity, y o u could do something similar.
entity in y o u r mind. This will serve to strengthen the bond Once an entity has been provided w i t h a physical body,
between the entity and youself. Also, in this w a y the object it tends to respond a n d perform better t h a n a disembodied
will resonate deep w i t h i n your psyche a n d improve y o u r one. Also, an entity w i t h a physical body tends to s h o w
w o r k i n g s w i t h the entity. more interest in h u m a n experience. Therefore, an embodied
W h e n creating an object for the entity to live in, y o u entity will actually w a n t to help you in y o u r efforts. This
m a y w a n t to plan for a cavity in the object that will allow will provide the entity the h u m a n experiences that it soon
for you to deposit items vital to the entity. For example, grows accustom to.
you m a y w a n t to place the entity's task a n d p r o g r a m m i n g Not all entities require housings. Short-term entities
symbol on a small scroll and place it inside the cavity. You sometimes have a life span t h a t is so short that a physical
m a y w a n t to have an area that y o u can place blood, semen, housing is not necessary. For those types of entities, it m a y
or other fluids d u r i n g the ritual giving life to the entity. be better to link (or "house") t h e m to aromas. The a r o m a
There are m a n y other reasons, if y o u choose to have one, could be inhaled d u r i n g the creation and evocation of y o u r
for leaving a cavity in the entity's housing. entity. You m a y even w i s h to anoint a physical housing, if
If y o u are constructing the entity's housing, you m a y one is used, w i t h the selected a r o m a . Remember to choose
w i s h to incorporate a color, or colors, t h a t correspond and one that that is appealing to y o u and is h a r m o n i o u s w i t h
are h a r m o n i o u s to the entity's realm of influence. If you the entity's realm of influence.
are not sure which color or colors to use, choose something You m a y w a n t to consider constructing a shrine for
t h a t is attractive and pleasing to you. the entity. The entity's housing serves as the "physical body"
You m a y also w i s h to use astrological times w h e n of the entity, while the shrine serves as the "house" of the
creating the entity's housing. Magickal workings can be entity. The shrine does not need to be detailed or elaborate.
greatly influenced if they are used. On the other hand, it Again, the m o s t i m p o r t a n t things to remember are to m a k e

sure that it is pleasing and attractive to you, and that it fits

the personality of the entity and its realm of influence. You FEEDING T I M E
m a y even wish to m a k e y o u r shrine "portable." This will
allow you to move it, or keep it out of sight.
Whenever you attempt to create an entity, the physical
object in which it is to reside, or both, use personal j u d g m e n t
and intuition. There are m a n y correspondences w i t h specific
meanings and uses in most, if not all, magickal systems. Energy of some form or another has to be supplied in order
Because of this, it m a y be difficult to decide which one to for an entity to exist. Entities feed off energy, m u c h like
use. If you have a general idea of w h a t the entity's realm we eat and drink. Just as you w o u l d die if you didn't eat,
of influence is, this will help n a r r o w d o w n the choices that so too will an entity cease to exist w i t h o u t proper energy.
you have. In a n y rate, use your o w n m i n d to guide you and Therefore w h e n creating an e n t i t y great consideration m u s t
never act as a slave to a n y magickal system. be taken as to w h e r e and h o w the entity will receive its
regular supply of energy.
Feeding the entity need not be too difficult. There
are t w o c o m m o n w a y s that the entity can receive energy.
The first is to feed an entity from y o u r personal energy,
and the second is to have it feed from and energy source
external to you.
When you first create an entity, an a m o u n t of y o u r
energy is used to give the entity life. You can continue to be
the entity's sole source of energy if you would like to have
an entity totally dependent on you for its existence. The w a y
that you could "feed" your entity energy from you is to talk
to it daily. This will help to build the connection between
you and y o u r entity, while at the same time directing y o u r
personal attention and energy to it from 'which it can feed.
Another w a y is to offer it devotional plates of food. Of course
the entity will not eat the physical food, rather it will feed off
of the essence of the food. This act is a sign of your affection.
You can also meditate on the image of the entity and visual-
ize energy streaming from y o u r astral body and flowing into
that of the entity. Basically a n y attention that you give to the
entity can serve as an "energy feeding." There are m a n y other
ways to accomplish this if you take the time to find w h a t is
right for you and to allow yourself to be creative.

J u s t as there are m a n y w a y s to creatively feed your Whatever energy source that y o u provide to y o u r
entity energy from yourself, there are as m a n y w a y s to entity, there are t w o things to keep in mind. The first t h i n g
creatively feed the entity from an energy source external to is to m a k e sure t h a t the source of energy is h a r m o n i o u s
you. If y o u r entity's task is to help dissolve automobile traf- w i t h the task and the realm of influence of the entity, and
fic j a m s and things of the like, you could assign the entity that the source of energy is pleasing to you (because if it is
to feed off of the energy patterns generated from automobile not pleasing, or becomes a burden on y o u to provide, y o u r
traffic. By doing this y o u have eliminated the need for con- entity will suffer from it). The second thing to remember
stant attention from y o u in order for the entity to survive, is to m a k e sure t h a t y o u give y o u r entity some form of
and y o u have provided it w i t h a relatively endless supply of energy and that y o u r entity k n o w s where its next meal
energy—provided that there is always automobile traffic. is coming from. If y o u forget to do this, your entity m a y
A n y time that y o u w o u l d call u p o n the entity to help y o u never come into existence, or (as some occultists seem to
out in a traffic j a m , y o u r added attention a n d energy would believe) y o u r entity could become a r o a m i n g "vampire"
help to boost the entity's ability to do its job. looking for energy wherever it m a y find it.
If you were to create an entity to help you out w i t h
homework, you could assign the entity to feed off of the very
source t h a t creates the homework. By doing that, you have
an entity that will always have a supply of energy to help
y o u w i t h y o u r h o m e w o r k as long as there is h o m e w o r k to
do. W h a t happens if there is no m o r e h o m e w o r k and y o u r
entity starves? That is fine, because as long as there is no
homework, you have no need of an entity to help you w i t h
h o m e w o r k . Therefore, the "homework entity" will j u s t facie
from existence.
You can also create a hybrid system of feeding y o u r
entity. You can m a k e it so that the entity has a constant
source of energy external to you, b u t w h e n you feed it en-
ergy-—through whatever m e a n s — t h e entity receives a great
energy boost. That energy boost can be used to help you (or
w h a t ever the entity is created to do) m u c h more efficiently.
Also by specifying a secondary form of energy external to
you, you ensure the entity's existence d u r i n g those times
that you do not actively need its services. It is kind of like a
child that learns that it can eat food outside of its home to
survive, but seems to enjoy and benefit from home-cooked
meals more.


To create an entity you need to know what types of abilities

it should have. What types of qualities should your entity
have? Since you already have decided on the entity's realm
of influence and its appearance, you should think about
what types of tools—if any at all—it uses and if it wears
anything special like a cloak, ring, or necklace to help it in
achieving its task(s).
For those of you that may be creating an entity that
will last a while or for those of you that like writing and
being creative, you may benefit from writing a short biog-
raphy of your entity's magickal abilities. This biography
should detail how great the entity is at its magickal task.
You can describe how your entity reacts to different situa-
tions, how it solves specific problems, how it interacts with
people and animals, etc. Try to give as much life to your
entity as you can through your details.
After you have finished -writing the entity's magickal
biography, you should read it. Make sure that every little
detail of the biography is firmly planted into your memory.
After it is etched deep within your psyche, let it work in
your mind for a day or two. You may even wish to let
it work in your subconscious for up to a week for better
results. During this time of incubation, your subconscious
builds up the details needed to construct this entity.
After this time has elapsed and you return to work
on your entity, you may find that your subconscious
has, partially, if not completely, finished the description
of your entity's magickal abilities. Then when you do
any working on or with your entity, you will find that

t h i n g s manifest a n d w o r k m o r e s m o o t h l y t h a n they
w o u l d have otherwise. LIFE SPAN
Even if you do not write a biography for your entity, it
is i m p o r t a n t to at least t h i n k about y o u r entity's magickal
abilities. Plan out the w a y s that y o u r entity deals w i t h
things specific to its task(s). This will help you to firmly
understand your entity and m a k e w o r k i n g w i t h it t h a t
m u c h easier. One thing that m o s t people seem to ignore w h e n creating
entities is the duration of life t h a t the entity shall have.
Therefore to avoid a n y unforeseen problems or issues t h a t
m a y arise due to y o u r entity not having a defined term
of life, you should consider the life span of the entity. The
reasons to disperse an entity can be varied. The entity m a y
have completed its task or it m a y not be doing its task. You
m a y feel that y o u can handle the task on your o w n and no
longer need the entity. Whatever the reason, as long as y o u
follow t h r o u g h w i t h it, you k n o w y o u are not dependant
on the entity.
By defining y o u r entity's life span, you are taking
responsibility for y o u r actions. It also provides closure for
y o u in regards to the entity and its task. Understanding the
life span of the entity helps to p u t the things of the past into
the past. It allows y o u to have a clear vision of the present
and the future.
In order to determine the life span of the entity, we
should look at its purpose. W h a t is the entity supposed to
do? Was it created for a one-time event, or w a s it created
to w o r k w i t h an ongoing issue? Do y o u w a n t the entity
to continue to live after that specific task w a s completed,
because you k n o w t h a t more of the same type of tasks will
arise later in life? Would you rather have this entity's exis-
tence halt w i t h the completion of its task; and if the same
tasks happen later in life, build a better entity vising the
lessons t h a t you have learned from original experience? Do
you w a n t the entity to terminate by a specific point in t i m e
regardless if the task has been completed or not? These are

all things that you m a y w a n t to consider -when t h i n k i n g Most people find this easy since each person has their
about the life span for y o u r entity. o w n unique energy signature. Calling that energy back
Once you have figured out w h a t the life span of y o u r to yourself is simply a matter of being attuned to it. You
e n t i t y will be, y o u m a y w a n t to t h i n k of different time should, if y o u so choose, come up some form of dissolution
references to use as y o u r m a r k e r of time. For example for y o u r entity w h e n the time comes for it to cease. Most
y o u m a y w i s h to have the entity o n l y active d u r i n g the agree, -when y o u terminate the life of an e n t i t y you m u s t
w a x i n g m o o n a n d t e r m i n a t e on the t h i r d full m o o n after handle this personally, either t h r o u g h absorption of energy
the entity's creation. You could have the entity's life cease or w i t h i n the statement of intent.
on the M o n d a y immediately after the entity's task has Of course this is not applicable for those entities w i t h
been completed. perpetual life. However, you m a y still w i s h to decide on
An even easier w a y to determine the entity's life is to some form of dissolution j u s t in case you, or anyone else
directly add it to the statement of intent. An example of this that you allow to, wishes to have the entity cease existence.
could be: Provide me w i t h the best o p p o r t u n i t y for financial Usually people t h a t have perpetual entities will p u t in a
security that is in alignment w i t h my goals, dreams, and dissolution clause into the creation of the entity j u s t in case
desires, after doing so y o u r service to me will end and you the entity—for whatever reason—does not act according to
shall exist no more. plan. This is a s m a r t thing to consider if you do decide to
If the entity is to last a lifetime, you m a y wish to have create a perpetual entity.
the entity terminate it's life w h e n y o u r life ceases. Even if
y o u r entity is to last forever, it is a good idea to solidify that
in some form or fashion. This will m a k e y o u r entity have
more definition to its existence and allow for you to w o r k
w i t h it in a more meaningful m a n n e r .
Another thing to consider, along w i t h the life span, is
the m a n n e r in w h i c h the entity will be dissolved; a s s u m i n g ,
of course, that the entity will have a finite existence. This
also adds to the physiological aspect of providing closure.
Some people chose to destroy the entity's housing at
the set time of dissolution. Others like to b u r y the housing.
Others like to visualize the entity dissipating into the astral
plane leaving its housing an e m p t y shell of w h a t used to
be. Some j u s t t h r o w a n y t h i n g associated to the entity into
the garbage. Some pull out the essential energy t h a t they've
p u t into the entity, w h i c h came from themselves initially.
They destroy the link between the entity and themselves
by visualizing the entity's energy c o m i n g back into them.


Some say, and we agree, that symbols are the language

of the deep mind. Dreams are an example of this deep
m i n d language communication. H u m a n s react and relate
to symbols more easily and rapidly then they do to the
w r i t t e n or spoken word. This is because our subconscious
communicates t h r o u g h a specialized form of symbolic
language. Thus, using symbols allows us to c o m m u n i c a t e
w i t h our o w n and others' deep subconscious m i n d s m o r e
effectively t h a n m o s t other modes of communication.
Symbols can take the form of a n y m e d i u m t h a t
stands for or suggests something else. For example, the
lion is often used to represent courage. Symbols can also
be objects, sounds, colors, aromas, or actions representing
something to the unconscious mind, and having subjective
cultural significance and the capacity to excite or objectify
a response.
There are m a n y different types of symbols to choose
from. The symbols t h a t have been constructed from y o u r
subconscious will prove to be more "powerful" t h a n a n y
other symbols t h a t y o u m a y choose to use. This is because
such symbols speak directly to y o u r subconscious, as they
were formed and created there. For example an image of
a cat to one person m a y bring on t h o u g h t s and feelings
of love and caring, while for another person it m a y bring
t h o u g h t s of rejection a n d aggression. These t h o u g h t s and
ideas were constructed from each person's subconscious
t h r o u g h the experiences t h a t they have had w i t h cats. The
first person m a y have only had great experiences w i t h cats
that were cuddly and loving, whereas the other person


After you have finished with all of the details for your
entity, it is time to bring it to life and send it on its way to
manifest your desires. There are many ways to give life to
your entity. We will outline a simple method and provide
suggestions that you may want to expand upon.
The Basic Entity Creation Sequence:

1. Cleansing and Balancing

2. Statement of Magickal Intent
3. Alignment of Desire and Charging of Entity
4. Closing
Cleansing and Balancing

It is a good idea to physically clean the area before you work

in it. The same is true with you; you may wish to take a
bath or shower beforehand, as this will subconsciously
show your dedication and sincerity to the working. Set up
the room in which you will perform this working as you
would for any other working.
Music can be helpful to charging an object with a
magickal intent. The music helps to set the mood; while
at the same time provides an intended distraction to help
with the working. As long as the type of music is suited
for the type of magickal working, it will fill your ears
with sound. This will help to allow the mind to focus on
the task at hand. If no music is present, your mind may

have to w o r k harder not to be distracted and to focus on rite that y o u n o r m a l l y use to charge spells a n d / o r other
the task. magickal w o r k i n g s can be used to charge an entity. In-
Place all of the items related to the entity (housing struct the entity w h e n , where, how, and for h o w long it
object, p r o g r a m m i n g symbol, shrine, etc.) in front of you will work. I n s t r u c t it h o w it will receive energy to live, t h a t
and individually cleanse each item in the form or fashion it should r e t u r n to its housing object (if one is used) w h e n
t h a t y o u are comfortable with. Alternatively, you can -wave it is not w o r k i n g (if y o u so desire it to), etc. Instruct it in
the smoke of incense or smudge over the objects to cleanse h o w its existence will terminate. We have provided some
t h e m that way. This is entirely up to you. suggestions for charging the entity below.
You should use a balancing (or banishing as some One w a y to charge yourself w i t h the essence of
occultists refer to it as) ritual t h a t y o u are familiar and the entity is to gaze u p o n the p r o g r a m m i n g s y m b o l
comfortable w i t h and t h a t is best suited to y o u r magickal and visualize the task completed a n d feel the happiness
system. You m a y w i s h to use the Opening of the W a t c h - k n o w i n g t h a t it h a s been manifested correctly w i t h o u t
tower, or something similar, at this point. If y o u don't a n y flaws or errors.
k n o w a n y balancing (banishing) rituals, y o u can look in Also visualize a color t h a t represents y o u r desire fill-
books, search on-line, etc for some ideas. The m o s t effec- ing every p a r t of y o u r body. Do this for several minutes.
tive balancing rituals, like all others, are the ones t h a t y o u While you do this, y o u r brain sends off electromagnetic
personally write. charges of w h a t it is that y o u desire. Your blood picks up
this electromagnetic energy and distributes it t h r o u g h o u t
S t a t e m e n t o f M a g i c k a l Intent y o u r body.
Since all of y o u r body has been charged w i t h y o u r
This is simply y o u stating to the forces t h a t be y o u r intent desire, you m a y w i s h to use bodily items (such as blood,
to create an entity to manifest y o u r desires. A simple state- hair, urine, ejaculate, toe and finger nails, etc.) t h a t y o u so
m e n t of intent for the magickal w o r k i n g could be: "It is my desire to literally infuse the housing object w i t h y o u r desire.
will a n d desire to create and give life to the entity (entity's (Remember the suggestion for a cavity in the housing? This
n a m e here) to go forth and (the entity's task). As it is my is where t h a t w o u l d come into play) By doing this, the o b -
will, so it is done." ject is charged w i t h y o u r desire, w h i c h allows it to attract
the correct t y p e of entity energy to complete and manifest
A l i g n m e n t of Desire and Charging Entity y o u r desires (likes attracting likes).
Jews of biblical time held blood as a very sacred item,
This is where y o u energize and charge yourself and the area and understood t h a t blood contained the fiery magickal life
t h a t y o u are w o r k i n g in w i t h y o u r desire. This step u s u a l l y force of creation. They w o u l d sprinkle the blood of sacrificed
includes controlled breathing, visualization, meditation, etc. animals on t h i n g s t h a t they wished to purify. Alchemists
If y o u do not have a favorite w a y of doing this, the middle and other occultists believe t h a t d u r i n g the initial creation
pillar exercise, or something similar, w o u l d be appropriate. the entity should be fed blood of the creator. This blood w a s
This is also where you will charge the entity, a n d t h o u g h t to c a r r y the life force to the entity being created.
a n y t h i n g that is to be related to the entity, w i t h life. A n y

It has also been t h o u g h t that by correctly m a n i p u l a t i n g can aid in the relationship b o n d i n g between the e n t i t y
sexual energy and joining semen a n d m e n s t r u a l blood a n d yourself.
together powerful magickal results can be produced and an W h e n y o u r blood reaches y o u r lungs, while y o u
entity can be given life. are charging yourself w i t h the essence of the entity, y o u r
Rabbi J u d a h Loew of Prague h a s been noted in m a n y breath becomes charged w i t h y o u r desires. W h e n y o u feel
texts to have fashioned a clay form into the shape of a h u - t h a t y o u r body and breath have been charged w i t h as m u c h
m a n . T h r o u g h powers given to h i m by God he w a s able energy as they can take, slowly release y o u r breath onto the
to breathe life into the clay figure. This clay creature w a s housing object t h a t y o u w i s h to charge. At the same time
k n o w n as a golem. W h e n Rabbi Loew created this golem he visualize the color t h a t represents y o u r desire flowing from
incorporated the four elements: Earth ( t h r o u g h the use of yourself into the entity's housing object (or into the astral
clay for the body), Fire (it has been noted t h a t Rabbi baptized plane if no h o u s i n g object is being used for this entity) fill-
the golem by spilling blood u n t o the b o d y of the golem), ing every bit of it w i t h t h a t color.
Water (it is believed t h a t Rabbi Loew ejaculated into a cavity Then say, "It is t h r o u g h my will that I n o w call y o u
present in the clay form), and Air (it is believed t h a t Rabbi into being. You are given life to perform [entity's task(s)] to
Loew breathed into the nostrils of the golem). Rabbi Loew the benefit of all t h a t m a y be involved h a r m i n g none along
noted t h a t because of the magickal origins of his golem, it y o u r way." (This last section "to the benefit.. . h a r m i n g none
could not be injured by the four elements. along y o u r way," w o u l d obviously be reworded if the entity
To animate the housing object, y o u m u s t constantly were to cause havoc for a person or g r o u p of people. Make
t r y to find w a y s to build u n i o n s w i t h it. Some occultists sure y o u reword it to benefit and not h a r m you and a n y
suggest m i x i n g ashes (Air and Fire), soil (Earth), water others that y o u do not w i s h to be harmed.)
(well you get the idea) to represent the four elements along Pick up the p r o g r a m m i n g s y m b o l and say, "With this
w i t h y o u r personal elements of blood (internal Fire), urine symbol I am able to contact y o u w i t h ease and at a n y time
(Water), hair a n d / o r nails (Earth), a n d breath (Air). This that I so desire, b u t (entity's name) w h e n this symbol is no
m i x t u r e is to be added into the entity's h o u s i n g object. more, so shall y o u r life and purpose be no more, for this is
N o w state the n a m e of the entity. For example: "I my will and so it is done. "
n a m e y o u (entity's name), and from this d a y until (time of Release the entity and i n s t r u c t it to go forth a n d
dissolution) you shall be k n o w n by this name." You m a y manifest y o u r desires by saying, "Go in peace (entity's
w a n t to vibrate the n a m e of the entity while visualizing the name) and begin y o u r task(s), remembering to appear
essence of the entity, as it possesses the h o u s i n g object. quickly to me w h e n called upon. If y o u have not completed
Breath is considered powerful a n d c a n have a large y o u r task by (time of dissolution), t h e n disperse and cease
role in c h a r g i n g an object w i t h the entity. This breath c a n to exist nonetheless. Be on y o u r way!"
be in the form of blowing, c h a n t i n g , speaking, singing, The former w a s j u s t one w a y to charge the entity
etc. By u s i n g b r e a t h in the c h a r g i n g of the object, y o u a n d / o r p r o g r a m m i n g symbol. Experiment w i t h a variety
p l a y a role of a god by "breathing life" i n t o the object. of materials to create a p r o g r a m m i n g symbol. Use i n k
This act can have a significant psychological effect, a n d pens, markers, or crayons to d r a w it, or perhaps use a w o o d

b u r n e r to b u r n it into the housing. M a n y magi, as suggested Think of all the different -ways y o u can incorporate all
earlier, use blood (if you are female, and if appropriate, you of the senses into y o u r w o r k so t h a t it encompasses y o u r
m a y w a n t to take advantage of y o u r m e n s t r u a l blood as entire self. Craft y o u r entity carefully and thoughtfully.
well). D r a w it on parchment, wood, metal, cardboard, or W h a t you p u t into something is w h a t you get out of it.
even y o u r body. Take y o u r time w i t h the creation, and in doing so y o u 'will
Do not limit yourself in the materials you use. Get insure a quality entity w i t h quality tasks that are accom-
creative w i t h y o u r activation; d r a w a symbol on y o u r plished as y o u see fit.
b o d y w i t h soap crayons and then take a bath. As the soap
dissolves into the water off y o u r body, the water receives
t h a t p r o g r a m m i n g a n d activates the entity. D r a w it on
paper and feed it to a fire. Maybe d r a w it in the dirt and
let the rain w a s h it away. These three examples m a k e use
of the elements (earth, air, fire, water). Or, y o u can m a k e
cookies in the form of the p r o g r a m m i n g symbol or frost a
cake w i t h y o u r s y m b o l on it and eat it. If y o u practice sex
magick, use b o d y paints to d r a w the symbol. The s y m b o l
will be charged w i t h the sexual energies and the entity
activated w h e n the symbol is either sweated off, w h e n y o u
achieve orgasm, or whatever y o u decide.
W h e n charging an object, it is best to do so w i t h great
respect and care for the entity, and while in the proper
mindset. The entity should be treated as you w o u l d treat
yourself, as the entity will treat y o u in the same m a n n e r
as it is treated. It is foolish to m a k e enemies needlessly, this
is j u s t as true w h e n working w i t h entities as it is w h e n
w o r k i n g w i t h h u m a n beings. The attention s h o w n d u r i n g
the creation process m u s t be sincere.


This is where you would make a statement noting the magickal

working is over and the entity has been "born" and is work-
ing on your desire. Typically most occultists do some form of
reversal of the balancing (banishing) rite performed at the be-
ginning of the magickal working. The Closing by Watchtower,
or something similar, could be performed at this time.


Once the entity h a s possessed the housing object, y o u are

able to w o r k w i t h the entity in the m a n n e r desired. The
m a n n e r in w h i c h y o u contact y o u r entity can take m a n y
forms, be it invocation, evocation (summoning), petitions,
prayers, etc. These acts confirm and strengthen the u n i o n
between the entity and you. Ultimately, the method used to
call u p o n y o u r entity is up to you.
One of the m o s t c o m m o n forms of working w i t h enti-
ties is t h r o u g h the magickal technique k n o w n as evocation.
Evocation is calling something forth to w o r k w i t h it, or to
have it w o r k for you. Once the basics of evocation are m a s -
tered, y o u can accomplish great things w i t h relative ease.
There are some people and books that w a r n against
"conjuring" a n d the evocation of spirits. Most of these w a r n -
ings are products of superstition, fear of the u n k n o w n , and
ignorance. Usually these same people w a r n against using
talking boards, holding seances, looking in a m i r r o r over
y o u r shoulder in the dark, etc. for fear of contacting things
from the "other side." These types of fears tend to be m a n i -
festations of the people's o w n fear of death and dying and
w h a t m a y be w a i t i n g for t h e m on the "other side." M a n y
people are quick to believe stories of a seance gone w r o n g ,
or a talking board b u r s t i n g into flames, because they hold
these same ignorant fears of death a n d the life hereafter.
Other w a r n i n g s only serve to keep people n e w to the subject
of magick from veering off into areas of advanced magick
before they have mastered the basics. Some of these w a r n -
ings are very dire a n d even threaten life if ever used. It is
our opinion, however, t h a t if y o u have read this far into

this book, you either do not believe the superstitious and Some use what is known as a powerword. A power-
ignorant warnings, you have "advanced" far enough to word is a word that uses the vibrations of sound to energize
learn what is in this book, you are a very curious person, and manipulate what occurs around you. Such a word can
you don't give a damn about what other people think, or all also be used to create or call entities once they are created.
of the above—if so, you have gained our respect. The word, when uttered, should call to mind the emotion
When you need help from your entity, or wish to and the visualization of the entity. Be sure that your visu-
work with it, the following is a very easy and effective alization is as detailed as possible as you are only relying
way to evoke your entity. When you have the thing that on your own voice to trigger the visualization of the entity.
you need the entity's help with in front of you, or have an The entity and the word should be as one and when you
image of it in your mind, call the entity to you using men- say the word, you should feel power arise that calls forth
tal imagery. Visualize your entity entering the thing that the entity to do what you wish it to do. Vocalize the word,
you need help with. See your entity grow through subject which is to say you mentally say the word to yourself, over
like air filling a child's balloon. Picture the entity expand- and over again, until you build the energy up and the word
ing throughout the subject until its energy surrounds the pours forth from your mouth, thus evoking the enity.
subject. Continue to hold this visualization until you have There are many other ways to evoke and work with
received the feeling that all that can be done has been done. your entity. A great number of books on the subject of evo-
Then send a caring and respectful thought to the entity cation have been written. Some of them include other simple
thanking it for its work. Then visualize the entity return- ways to evoke things, and most of them include the same
ing to its place of resting. steps that were suggested earlier in this book, in the section
For example, you may be stuck in a traffic jam. You explaining how you can give life to your entity. (Instead
would visualize the entire traffic j a m in your mind. Then of giving life to the entity, however, you would evoke the
you would visualize your "traffic j a m entity" going into the entity and work with it.) We do not wish to replicate the
core of the traffic jam. You would then visualize the entity work of others, so if you are interested in learning more
growing until it has encompassed the entire traffic problem. about this subject, we suggest that you seek out books on
You would visualize the entity doing whatever work may the topic of evocation and talk with people that have a firm
be necessary to return the traffic to a normal state and grasp on the subject.
moving without restriction. After you feel that all that can To gain rapport with the entity, you could do daily
be done has been done, mentally thank your entity and let meditations with your entity. To do this, sit in a comfortable
it know that it may return to what every it was doing prior area where you are able to view the entity's housing object,
to you calling upon it. programming symbol, or both. Gaze at either of the entity
Amanda uses either the programming symbol or a objects while allowing your focus to blur a little. Relax as
scent that calls the entity to her. David typically uses the much as you can, and try to remove any miscellaneous
programming symbol or visualizes the entity manifesting thoughts that you may have at the time. You may begin to
before him. Taylor uses the paintings he's made to represent receive mental pictures or images. These images are the way
the entity in question. that your entity communicates with your subconscious.

D u r i n g these times, project respect and caring images to

y o u r e n t i t y W h e n you are done, remember to t h a n k y o u r PREPARATION G U I D E
entity for the o p p o r t u n i t y of working w i t h it.
There m a y be times where you find yourself in a situ-
ation where you specifically need to do something involving
y o u r entity's realm of influence. You m a y w i s h to invoke
(calling the entity inside of you—this is the opposite of
evocation) y o u r entity to aid you in y o u r actions. Then, By n o w you have developed a solid background on the
after invoking y o u r entity, it acts t h r o u g h you and all of creation of entities. By m i x i n g and m a t c h i n g magickal
y o u r actions, from t h a t point onwards, should be those of practices from y o u r o w n magickal system, you will soon
the entity, until y o u choose to end the invocation. progress to w o r k i n g w i t h advanced entity creation aspects.
To m a k e personal invocation easier between y o u r By using the -worksheet that follows, a n d referring to the
entity and yourself, y o u should take every o p p o r t u n i t y to information in this book, you have everything y o u need to
s t u d y and understand the realm of influence of the entity. create a n y entity t h a t y o u desire, from the simplest to the
This w a y you will form a stronger bond w i t h y o u r entity, m o s t complex.
and t h r o u g h the magickal formulation of "likes attract
likes," y o u r workings w i t h the entity will become easier and Basic O u t l i n e Of E n t i t y Creation:
more productive, and y o u will notice a higher success rate of
y o u r magickal w o r k i n g w i t h y o u r entity. • Define y o u r goals
The more sincere the contact is, the quicker you m a y • Understand the p u r p o s e of y o u r entity
begin to see the entity's housing object animate. After some • Create a n a m e for y o u r entity
time, it will become progressively easier to see the object • Define its appearance
come to action w i t h little effort. W i t h even more work, • Choose its h o u s i n g object
however, you m a y even begin to see y o u r entity (in some • Determine its source of energy
form or fashion) a w a y from the object in w h i c h it resides. • Define its magickal abilities
This usually only happens w h e n y o u have developed great • Determine the life span for y o u r entity
psychic abilities. • Decide the method(s) of dissolution, if appropriate
You m a y even begin to hear sounds from y o u r entity. • Create y o u r entity's p r o g r a m m i n g symbol
W h e n the entity reaches a higher state of life, you m a y even • Give life to y o u r entity
begin to feel the touch of the entity. Most of the time, y o u r • Allow the entity to perform its task
entity's touch will feel like spider webs. Then it m a y begin to • Perform the dissolution of y o u r entity if appropriate
feel like regular physical contact w i t h a solid object. People
have noted that the times between being a w a k e and sleeping Of course some cases will require that these actions be
are the m o s t c o m m o n times of seeing, hearing, or feeling performed in a slightly different arrangement. Other cases
their entities. will require only a h a n d f u l of these steps. It is up to y o u to
decide w h a t will be the m o s t appropriate for y o u r situation.

Use y o u r instincts and intuition whenever you take on the need I made the entity for and did the entity fulfill t h a t
task of creating magickal entities. If there is ever a time that need? How can I improve on my entity? There are m a n y
some instruction or suggestion j u s t doesn't sit right w i t h more questions y o u can ask yourself, b u t these will give
you, go w i t h w h a t y o u r heart says to do, because more you a starting point.
often t h a n not, it will be w h a t is right for you. Be t h o r o u g h in recording y o u r workings w i t h the en-
If you feel t h a t y o u are not sure of something, or t h a t tity. By doing this, it will help m a k e clear w h a t it is you've
y o u m a y need to read a section again, go back and read t h a t done. It will also help y o u w h e n y o u are looking back on
section again. Take y o u r time so t h a t y o u can understand past workings so t h a t you can more easily d r a w u p o n t h e m
the theories and ideas t h a t are presented. There is no r u s h for workings in the future.
for y o u to get t h r o u g h this material as quickly as possible.
The more t h o r o u g h l y t h a t you u n d e r s t a n d this material
a n d the ideas presented in this book, the more rapidly y o u r
magickal workings will manifest y o u r desires.
The worksheet in the next section is provided so t h a t
y o u m a y have a model to use w h e n t r y i n g to organize
y o u r thoughts. It is basically self explanatory and relatively
uncomplicated. In Appendix A y o u will find an example of
h o w A m a n d a used the worksheet to formulate an inspira-
tion entity. You do not have to use the worksheet provided,
b u t y o u m a y find it helpful to use some form of record-
keeping system. That w a y you do not have to rely on y o u r
m e m o r y w h e n t r y i n g to create y o u r entity.
It is i m p o r t a n t to record y o u r experiences. You will
t h e n have a record t h a t shows y o u w h e r e y o u succeeded or
failed w h e n you created an entity a n d set it to its task. By
recording y o u r experiences, y o u can d r a w on those experi-
ences to show other people w h a t y o u have accomplished as
well as keeping yourself up-to-date on whatever y o u are
w o r k i n g on.
W h e n recording y o u r experiences, ask yourself the
following questions. W h a t variables of reality did I factor
into the creation and usage of the entity? W h a t did I not
factor in and h o w can I do so next time? W h a t m e t h o d of
creation did I feel w a s m o s t effective for the usage of entities
(e.g., painting, powerwords, sculpting, etc.)? W h a t w a s the

After you have mastered the basics of entity creation, you

may wish to experiment with adaptations to further your
magickal workings. Entity adaptations help provide you
with more versatility and flexibility in your workings. Some
people like to think of entity adaptations as "advanced entity
creation." Whatever kind of fancy title that you would like to
place on it, entity adaptations can prove very beneficial to the
success of your magickal workings.
There are entities that are known as general purpose,
or general service, entities. These entities are fashioned with
only a general realm of influence. The advantage of creating
a general service entity is to have an entity "on call" that is
able to work on any type of issue within a set field, say for
example health. Every time you may have a health issue, you
could call upon your health entity to help you out—sort of
like a general practitioner doctor. The more that you use your
health entity, the more power it receives. That power increases
its ability to help you. Another example could be an entity of
transportation. You could call upon this type of entity to help
you get the best parking places in an emergency, help ease up
traffic jams, have the bus run on time, help to fix a problem
with your bike, etc. If you want to focus the entity to a specific
task, your general entity can become specialized so that for
instance the health entity becomes a dentist entity.
Some people have found that by telling other people
about their entity, and showing how to use it when they need
it, their entities have grown very powerful and have improved
their magickal abilities. Something that helps boost the power
of your general service entity is to attribute to the entity any

success that falls in its general realm of influence, even if the You can also use this sort of entity to send energy to
entity was not called on. This will serve to strengthen your other people. If, for example, a friend of yours w a s j u s t in an
belief in its power, which will lead to more successes in its accident, y o u cannot be there for them and y o u do not have
workings. the time or ability to do a full magickal ritual for them, you
There are entities that you can create that either rep- could, however, send y o u r ESHE to deliver energy to them—it
licate themselves, produce "slave" entities, or both if certain sure "one ups" the typical "I'll light a candle for you" cliche
conditions are met or not met. These type of entities are viral spewed by so many.
entities, as Phil Hine refers to t h e m in his book Condensed An alternative energy entity was touched on earlier in
Chaos. In their most simplistic of forms, these entities replicate the book, b u t it deserves to be expanded upon. Creating and
in the m a n n e r of viruses to accomplish a set goal. If designed maintaining an entity can be hard work at times, depending
to do so, y o u r entity could continue to replicate itself until its on h o w y o u set things up. Some entities require large a m o u n t s
task has been completed. This t y p e of entity works great in of energy, energy that y o u m a y not be able or have the time
destroying illnesses and disease. to give. In these instances, y o u m a y w a n t to look into using
Have y o u ever wished t h a t y o u had j u s t a bit more alternative forms of energy management. An example of this
magickal energy during a working? Have you ever wished type of entity could be an entity used by a salesperson. This
that you could tap into an energy reserve to help out w i t h person could create an entity that would stimulate sales. For
a healing? Well n o w you can, if y o u create an Energy Store- whatever reason, our salesperson does not have the time to
House Entity (ESHE). An ESHE's sole purpose is to collect, feed the entity, so the salesperson instructs the entity to feed
store, and distribute energy on demand. This type of entity is off of the energy of a n y and every sale ever made in every
created to store energy that is given to it at times w h e n you location in the city in which the salesperson lived. This w a y
feel full of energy or power, but have nothing to do w i t h it. It the salesperson has supplied the entity w i t h a reliable supply
then collects this energy and stores it, waiting for you to call of energy. Also, by feeding the entity "sales" energy, it will
upon it to deliver the energy back you. Even if you feed nega- improve the entity's working because it directly relates to
tive energy to it after you have been in an argument, your the entity's task—stimulate more sales for the salesperson. If
ESHE could have been instructed, during creation, to remove you t h i n k about it long enough, y o u can probably come up
all emotion from the energy and to store only the pure, r a w with hundreds of ideas of alternatively feeding y o u r entity.
energy for y o u r use. Remember to m a k e it as closely related to the entity's task as
You can adapt an ESHE to collect neutral forms of possible for a better chance success.
energy like the light from a l a m p being left on w h e n it is not If y o u have a desire to w o r k w i t h a c o m m o n l y k n o w n
needed, to add to your energy to increase the power available spirit, deity, or entity, you can create a personal entity to act as
to you. If y o u do this, it m a y be a good idea to be very specific a link w i t h it by developing a name, image, and symbol based
as to w h a t type of energy it collects, and h o w it collects it. on the characteristics of the inspirational subject. You can even
There have been some ill prepared magi that have accidentally decide u p o n a specific realm of influence based on the general
created energy "vampires" that would collect a n y type of en- realm of influence of the original spirit or deity. By doing this,
ergy they can, even from people. you are personalizing a link w i t h the original subject t h r o u g h

the creation of a personal entity. From that point on, you can
call upon the spirit or deity t h r o u g h the name and symbol EPILOGUE
that you have designated to elicit a direct response from the
desired entity. It is important to remember that you are work-
ing w i t h an entity that serves as a link to the spirit or deity
and not the spirit or deity itself. After continuous workings,
y o u can, if you so desire, have the entity you created evolve
a w a y from the original spirit or deity to become its o w n The material presented in this book will help y o u along
independent entity. Then w h e n you w o r k with y o u r entity, y o u r p a t h of magickal progression. This information p r o -
you will be working w i t h your entity alone, though it will vides you w i t h the mechanics of successful entity creation,
have gained knowledge and experience through the old link along w i t h the tools to develop y o u r o w n system of entity
w i t h the spirit or deity. creation. W h a t y o u create depends entirely on h o w m u c h
The same idea can be used to m a k e an entity based on the effort t h a t y o u w o u l d like to p u t forth.
aspects of a living or dead person. By taking the person's n a m e Entity creation isn't for everybody. People w i s h i n g to
and personal attributes, a very powerful and viable entity can w o r k w i t h spirits m a y not feel comfortable w i t h creating
be formed. This n e w entity will be linked to both the person their o w n entities or spirits. However, if y o u are interested
and to you, in a similar fashion to an entity providing a link in taking y o u r m a g i c k to the n e x t level, t h e n magickal
to a deity or spirit. This type of entity, w h e n linked to a living entity creation m a y be j u s t the t h i n g for you. Don't take
person, can have great and powerful affects upon them. With o u r w o r d for it; t r y it o u t for yourself.
such a link, an entity can be very useful for works of healing While it is good to take the things you do seriously, it
and protection directed at the person to w h o m it is linked. Of is i m p o r t a n t to remember t h a t entity creation is fun. The
course, you can also use this sort of entity to inflict m a n y dire fear of m a k i n g mistakes should n o t restrict y o u to being a
things upon a person, should you so desire. rigid drone. We've m a d e o u r share of mistakes a n d we are
still here. As long as y o u learn from a n y mistakes t h a t m a y
occur, there is no reason w h y y o u should view magickal
entity creation, or a n y magickal working, for t h a t matter,
as a n y t h i n g other t h a n a fun a n d educational experience.
We hope t h a t this book h a s inspired y o u to take the
theories of magickal entity creation and incorporate t h e m
into y o u r magickal system. If not, we at least hope t h a t
you will take this information a n d view y o u r magick in a
different m a n n e r .
If y o u have enjoyed this book and have an Internet
connection, we w o u l d greatly appreciate it if y o u let
other people k n o w about it by leaving a favorable review
at A m a z o n . c o m a n d Even if you

don't have an internet connection, we would appreciate

any efforts made in letting other people know about this APPENDIX A
book. (A great way would be to ask your local library, local
bookseller, or both, if they carry this book. If they say they
don't, politely request that they do.)
If you aren't satisfied with this book, neither are we.
Let us know how we can improve it. You may send us mail
in care of the publisher (the address is listed at the front of Inspiration Entity Worksheet
this book), or you can send us an email (the addresses are by Amanda R. Wagener
listed below).
May all of your magickal workings be strong and full Date: 09/06/2002
of life. May all of your magickal entity creations bring you
much happiness. Goals and Desires: To provide the user with inspiration
and to remove hindrances that would get in the way of the
You may contact us at the following email addresses: user completing his or her work.

David can be reached at: Notes: The reason w h y this entity was created was to help my creativity and to
inspire me in my work. Since I have been
Taylor can be reached at: writing more, I have found that I would lose my inspiration after a while, and could not
quite get motivated to continue. This came
Amanda can be reached at: out much of the time while I was helping to write this book as well as while working on
another book I am currently writing, Sigils
Chat with others online about magickal entities at: and Other Magickal Symbols. I needed to
be inspired about the topic of my writing. I wanted new ideas to come forth, which I
knew were trapped in my mind, somewhere,
but there seemed to be blockages. Originally,
I had created a Sigil to address this, but then
later found that an entity would be more
appropriate to my needs.

Desired Results: Inspiration provided and/or hin- to put that creative energy into it. I was
drances removed. inspired to create this entity after creating
my original inspiration sigil, so it was only
Notes: My desire for inspiration to be suiting to incorporate such within my
provided was only one part of my desired inspiration entity.
results as I have come to understand
that sometimes by simply removing a Abbreviated (Distilled) Statement of Intent:
hindrance, inspiration will come. The results
I wanted are clearly stated; inspiration PART 1 (Greek Muses)
provided to me (or the user of this entity)
and/or hindrances removed (if necessary for Listed names of all Greek Muses.
inspiration to come). Melete, Mneme, Aoide.
Nete, Mese, Hypate.
S t a t e m e n t of Intent: Names of Muses (Part 1), Caliope, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore,
Words "Muse" and "Inspiration" (Part 2), "Remove Erato, Polymnia, Urania.
Hindrances" (Part 3)
Notes: I chose the muses because they are
Notes: I chose to be a bit unorthodox in associated with inspiring those interested
my statement of intent. Since this was an in the arts and sciences. I used all 15 muses
inspiration entity, my first thoughts were because I need as much help as I can. At first,
of the Greek Muses. Muses inspire and since three muses were worshipped on Mount
there were so many that covered a vast area Helicon in Boeotia: Melete ("meditation"),
of arts, I felt their energy was appropriate Mneme ("memory"), and Aoede ("song").
to put into this entity. I had decided to Another three were worshipped at Delphi
use all 15 Muses and not just the 9 most and their names represented the names of
people are aware of today. I wanted to have the strings of a lyre: Nete, Mese, and Hypate.
the greatest amount of help available. The The Greeks finally established the nine
muses were only part one of my statement. muses, daughters of Zeus (king of the gods)
Part two included the words "muse" and and Mnemosyne ("memory", Caliope, Clio,
"inspiration" melded together to further Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore,
infuse the entity with my desire. Finally, Erato, Polymnia, Urania, who were born at
part three incorporated the part of removing Pieria at the foot of Mount Olympus.
hindrances. Since this entity helped with
creativity, I wished to be as creative as
possible with the construction of the entity

Notes: I placed the beginning letter of Part entity. I placed a male symbol at the number
1 in the East of the programming symbol 9 on top of the darkened circle.
as East represents the element Air and is the
direction of beginnings, vision, creativity, The number nine kept coming up when
intellectual growth, the arts, and most creating this entity. Nine means preparation
of all, inspiration. I continued around of new ground for development, mental
clockwise with each letter, one in each growth, success, achievement, and creative
direction (E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N, NE). I was expression. This, although unintentional,
also happy that there were eight letters, as was a good thing in regards to the entity.
I like to work in the directions. This to me
represented the cycle of creativity—the birth Tools a n d Equipment Needed: Bottle, necklace,
of the idea, growth, life, and eventually yellow paint to paint programming symbol on bottle,
transformation. lemon essential oil

Using Part 2A information, drew a circle at

start number 9, and then connected to each
number with a line, ending with a circle
at number 5. Using Part 2B information, I
then placed a square at the number 7.

Using Part 3 information, I was going to

place a darkened circle at the number 9, but
there was already a circle there, so I placed
one next to it, but somewhat layered on top
of it.

I wanted to place a symbol of the sex

of the entity within the programming
symbol. So I took the name numbers (thus
incorporating the name as well) and added
the numbers and distilling to a single digit
number (5+4+5+9+9+7+1+5+9=54,
5+4=9). It was interesting that the total
was nine as the number nine is a masculine
number, which was also the sex of the

by David Michael Cunningham
On Oct. 26, of 2001, I had to go to court for something that
happened back in 1996. Because of the circumstances, I was
unable to take care of the issue back then. But in 2001, I had
to take care of it.
As the date drew near, I started to become concerned as
to the outcome. I was guilty and was especially concerned
because of where the incident occurred, as the judge in that
area likes make examples of people by punishing them to
the fullest extent possible.
Anyway I was looking at a possible six months in jail
and a $1,000 fine, not including court costs. I knew that I
would not get the full six months, but I didn't know how
many days I would get. I also knew I would not get charged
the full amount of the fine either, but I didn't know how
much that I would get hit with.
OK, now you know the mentality that I held. As the
date was drawing near, I wondered if the judge would try
to punish me in a harsh way. I decided to create an entity
to help me out.
My desire was to not go to jail and not to pay any
fines. So I decided that my entity should be a very large
influential lawyer. This lawyer knows all of the legal loop-
holes and knows how to bend the law if there is no loophole
that will help win the case. This lawyer carries around a
brief case that contains a laptop computer that he can use
to connect with any legal database in the world.

This lawyer entity would serve to provide legal state quickly, as we had to start and end this ritual during
council to my lawyer. The entity also bends the will of any the 23rd hour of Saturday (the hour of Jupiter and the day
judge to provide a favorable outcome for the person that the of Saturn).
entity is servicing. I summoned forth the ancient powers that the entity
I decided to infuse the powers of Saturn (to break was to be born with. We aligned our energies with the
down barriers and bring swift endings to things), Jupiter powers present (that was kind of odd feeling, as I felt that
(for luck, intellectual influence, and divine majesty), Mer- at this point I was able to do anything that I had ever
cury (for wisdom, inspiration, and intellectual greatness), wanted—a real awesome feeling). I then presented my wife
Mars (for the ability to withstand courtroom battles, the with a copy of the programming symbol for her to focus
ability to do battle and win any time it is needed, The skill on during the sexual part of the ritual. I took my copy of
to succeed in any court case), and the Moon (for over all the programming symbol and placed it next to her. She
protection, and to add to the power of my magick). was on her back and I climbed on top of her in the mission-
I took the astrological signs of these planets and ary position and inserted my penis into her vagina. While
constructed a programming symbol with them. I took my I was inserting and withdrawing, I was speaking out loud
desire, "serve no time, pay no fines," and reduced it down all of the "programming" that was to be the core DNA of
to the numbers 8 and 2. Normally I would reduce them the entity.
down further, to 1, but the numbers 8 and 2 had some As I became close to ejaculate, I withdrew my penis
qualities that I knew the entity would need to bring forth and began to manually stimulate myself. I took my copy
my desires. So I added the number 8 and the number 2 to and placed it onto my wife's stomach and ejaculated onto
the programming symbol. The programming symbol was the programming symbol. During the ejaculation, I ran
made with the color purple for luck and to bring a strong a picture through my head, of me being dismissed from
influence from Jupiter. court not having to pay any fines and serving any time.
I charged the programming symbol and created the When done with the ejaculation, I took up the soaked
entity through the use of sex magick. I decided that it programming symbol and burned it into the incense. We
would be good to use my wife for the ritual because she then opened a window (we were very lightheaded with
has a strong desire for me to not serve any time and to pay all of the smoke) and placed the incense container on the
no fines. windowsill to allow the smoke to give free reign to the
I created the ritual incense with sandalwood, white entity Esacniw (Pronounced: "E sack new"—the backward
sage, and wormwood. I used this incense to charge the spelling of "win case").
room with the magickal intent and I balanced my wife's During the week before the court date, any time that
energy with the smoke of the ritual incense. I started to think about the case, I would chant in my head
We then consumed a very large glass of blood red the name of Esacniw until my mind dropped the thought.
wine. The wine's color was used to symbolize the blood While chanting I would force what ever my thought about
and life energy of the entity that we were going to "give the case was, to me being dismissed from court not having
birth to." The wine's other use was to put us into an altered to pay any fines and not serve any time.

On the day of the court date, I slipped into the court-

room after talking with my lawyer. I envisioned seeing APPENDIX C
Esacniw changing court papers around, looking into his
brief case updating things, and prepping my lawyer.
Now, here is a strange thing, I noticed that almost
every case before mine was "dismissed" and the people were
only to pay court costs. The few people that didn't get off so
lucky, only had to pay a small part of their fines, and were Cerontis
basically let off with a stinging hand slap. by Taylor Ellwood
It was at this point that I started to wonder, "What
is going on?" This judge never does this. I started to think, I created this entity, Cerontis, with the specific purpose of
"Watch this stuff stop just as soon as I get up there." As finding opportunities for me to exploit to my advantage. Or
soon as that thought left, I started to chant in my head in other words the entity makes me aware of possibilities
Esacniw's name and visualized me being dismissed without I can use to improve myself, and to further my agenda in
having to pay any fines and serving time. this world. The benefits of the entity are invaluable. Not
I was up—it was time to see my work in action. My only does it watch out for my potential interests, but also
lawyer rambled some things very quickly to the judge. I it makes me aware of those interests. I still need to act on
was only able to pick out a few things. The judge then the notifications I'm given. The entity doesn't make the
responded with, "twenty days incarceration and two hun- possibility reality, only I do that. But by being made more
dred fifty dollar fine..." I was like, "What the...? This can't aware of possibilities I lose out less than the average person
be happening!" Then the judge finished his statement with, who may miss opportunities for the simple fact that he or
".. .suspended." I was astonished. He then rambled on about she didn't know what was going on around him or her.
some other things that I couldn't make out. He then came I operate this entity on the principle that it's better
to the other issue and waived that. He ordered that I only that I take the action in making the possibility a reality. So,
pay court costs. The entity had worked. in essence I still play a key part in the process of making
the possibility a reality. The entity is my bloodhound and
finds the possibilities that I can use to my best advantage.
To do otherwise is to put the power in its hand and give it
the means to change my life. Now you might argue that
by having it notify me of what could happen it is chang-
ing my life, but in truth it is only giving me information.
I must choose whether or not to act on that information.
Whatever choice I make becomes my responsibility, but still
gives me the power to decide how my life shall be.

I created this entity on my birthday, using my per- and you can consider those possibilities to be opportuni-
sonal energies to bind it to the painting I'd created for it. I ties. Although I tend to think non-linearly as far as time
have given the entity a life span of one year, which gives it goes, I realize that it never hurts to have another set of
lots of time to show me how useful it is to me. This type eyes looking into possibilities for me. Cerontis scans the
of entity is easy to create if you bear in mind that you need possibility field of time and picks out possibilities I may
to be able to think in terms of probable realities, which is not be aware of it. It then informs me of the opportunity.
to say you need to think in more dimensions than the ones It uses any number of mediums, such as people, events,
that you inhabit. You can make an entity like Cerontis information provided in books etc. to make me aware of
when you can experience alternate realities at the same the possibilities. Cerontis also scans the possibility field of
time that you experience this reality. Only with that kind time for favorable outcomes to those possibilities. When it
of understanding of reality will you be able to affect reality presents the information to me, it presents it in a way that
and for that matter, get information on the various types makes me very aware of the possible outcomes, so that I
of reality that could be. know the risk involved and can decide whether the possibil-
To explain what I mean by alternate realities first ity is worth pursuing.
consider that Cerontis is a Time/space Entity, in and of This function that Cerontis serves allows me to focus
itself. This means that this entity primarily deals with the on other matters at hand. Still for an entity to be effective
dimensions of time/space. So this entity has to be able to like this you need to be able to think in non-linear terms.
comprehend several things. First it must comprehend that After all, it is how you understand time that determines
time is not linear, but rather non-linear. Time is also a func- how the entity will understand time. Some of the exercises
tion of space. That is to say that without space time could recommended in this book will help in that matter. I also
not exist, because space gives it the means to occur. Third recommend thinking of time as not being linear, not being
time/space is a frame of mind, a way of thinking. In order a moment that dictates what you do and when you do it,
for us to deal with time/space and the possibilities it pres- but rather non-linear which has you dictating what you do
ents us, we must think of time in certain ways. Most people and when you do it. Don't live by anyone else's schedule.
think of time as a linear progression. One moment occurs Instead learn to manage your time by being extremely
after the other. The problem with this frame of thinking is aware of how time works and how to optimize what you
that these people are subject to time and accordingly live a do. Always know that you are choosing when to do some-
very stressed out existence. They miss out on a lot of op- thing as opposed to having someone tell you when you will
portunities because they are very focused on making one do it. If you have that mind frame you'll soon find that time
moment happen right after another instead of considering does bend to your needs instead of you bending to it.
that time can be non-linear and can accordingly present
you with many different opportunities in one moment.
Cerontis works on the principle that time and space
are non-linear, that in fact multiple realities can exist in
one moment. I call these multiple realities "possibilities"

by Amanda R. Wagener

This entity was created in mid-1999 to toy with the in-

habitants of a house in which I had previously lived. I was
a bit vengeful at the time due to the circumstances of my
moving out, and this entity provided the closure I needed.
Would I do it again if I could? Probably not. I would most
likely have used my energy to do other things.
I had drawn the entity's programming symbol on
several thumbtacks and placed them throughout the house
in places they would not be easily seen such as closets, u n -
der the carpet, and in cabinets. The entity was given life via
a sex magick ritual with my partner. The fluids that were
excreted by the both of us during this ritual were applied
to a piece of paper which had the entity's programming
symbol along with symbols appropriate to the tasks of the
entity (e.g. broken pipes, water, broken windows, cracks,
tripped breakers, termites, etc.).
I had nearly forgotten about the entity when I found
out that a friend of mine had moved into the upper unit in
which I used to live. He had told me about some mishaps
he had when trying to fix some things in the unit. The first
was the sink in the bathroom that he was trying to fix. He
was attempting to fix the pipes underneath, but instead, the
entire sink fell off the wall. The second issue was the kitchen
sink, which he was trying to replace the pipes underneath,
but the pipes kept falling apart every time he tried. Those

The HP Entity
by Taylor Ellwood
One of the recent projects we have worked on is a
Harry Potter entity. As many of you may know, some
Christians were in a furor about Harry Potter. We first
came up with the idea of the Harry Potter entity when -we
visited each other over Thanksgiving of 2001. I had read the
Harry Potter series and had always noted with amusement
how worked up some Christians got when talking about
Harry Potter and his possible effect on children, i.e., getting
them interested in witchcraft. We came up with the idea of
creating an entity out of Harry Potter that would essen-
tially take the negativity (the fear and hatred) of Christians
and use that energy in an effort to stimulate an interest in
the occult for the readers of Harry Potter. The entity acted
like a viral entity in the sense that it would subvert the en-
ergy being used against it and convert that energy into an
idea that would then "infect" readers of Harry Potter with
an interest exploring further the occult. As can be seen,
viral entities can work in a way that causes no harm, but
instead promotes a cause. Now it should be noted the Harry
Potter entity does not actively convert a person to the oc-
cult, but just stimulates an interest in finding out about it.
Ultimately the person must decide whether or not he or she
will look into the occult.
To create the entity we decided to look for some Harry
Potter images on the Internet as well as some images of

churches and a horde of people going into Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry that Harry Potter attends in APPENDIX F
his adventures. We mixed these images together to form a
collage that would represent our goals. We had Harry cast-
ing Magick, standing on a destroyed church and we also
had him boiling the Pope in a cauldron. We had a horde of
people entering into Hogwarts. Finally we made a message:
"Couldn't We All Use A Little Magick?" Faerie of Lost Things
The next phase for the usage of this entity is to spread by Amanda R. Wagener
fliers with the collage on it to people, putting the fliers up
around colleges and other places where the public will be I have several statues and figurines of faeries in my
exposed to the entity. A lot of people will rip down the house. I love faeries, so whenever I see a unique one, I
fliers, but that suits the purpose of generating energy the have to bring her (or him) home.
entity can feed on so that it can increase an interest in the I -was once told the reason w h y things come up
occult. Secondly if the fliers are left in place it will still get missing in your house is because the faeries probably
the attention of people and imprint an interest in the idea "borrowed" it. See, faeries like things, especially shiny
of exploring the occult. We then sent out the image online things, and they tend to be so entranced by it, they walk
and explained the concept behind it to various magi that we off with it. I have "lost" my keys and several CDs because
knew. We asked them to charge it up and pass on the image of this.
to anyone else they knew. One day, I had "misplaced" my keys. I looked every-
The reports we received from the magi indicated suc- where. Finally, I got fed up and then something told me
cess and in one case showed the danger of working with a to ask my faeries—so, I did. I walked over to my faerie
viral entity. The mage charged the entity while listening to statues and asked if they would help me find my keys.
Christmas music on her portable CD player. Not only did I walked out to look for them again and within a few
the batteries temporarily stop working, but also the per- minutes, there they were, in plain sight! So of course I
son felt ill. The entity sensed the Christian energy within ran back to t h a n k them—don't w a n t to offend the faer-
the Christmas carols and drew from that energy to feed ies. I leave milk or honey for them sometimes or even
itself, and because the person was listening to that music, bent pins.
the entity fed off the person as well. The lesson in this case My strong belief in the fae folk, as well as my belief
is to be careful in how you interact with an entity. They that "they" could help, created a thought-form by simply
depend on energy just as we do and accordingly can feed believing it into being. The Faerie of Lost Things is a
off of a person. product of my o w n thoughts. However, it could also be
an existing form that is merely conforming to an image
I have created. It is absolutely necessary, in order to keep
the thought-form alive, to believe in it. The mind can

create any particular object desired; like children and

their "living" dolls. But just as they were created to live, APPENDIX G
as soon as that belief is gone, the dolls will return to their
previous state, that of just being a doll.

Divination Goddess
by Taylor Ellwood
An entity we, David, myself, and later Amanda, worked
on together is our goddess-form of divination, Miss Cleo.
Some of you may be familiar with the Miss Cleo com-
mercials, the self-proclaimed Jamaican shaman, who
advertises her divinatory services to people.
We thought about the idea that the character of Miss
Cleo must be receiving the energies of the people who be-
lieve in her. If she is doing so, these energies will develop
into an archetypal goddess form of Miss Cleo. This higher
version of her is also comprised of the belief that people
have in her skills as a tarot reader.
Bearing that in mind we began to think that it might
be a novelty to actually use Miss Cleo as our goddess
of divination, a being that would help us improve our
divination abilities. David came up with some brilliant
images we could use to focus our visualizations on Miss
Cleo. We also watched her commercials and looked at any
information on her to come up with attributes that we
felt our version of Miss Cleo should have. Attributes are
important as they can determine how helpful an entity
can be. In the case of Miss Cleo we decided to focus on the
following attributes: Knowledgeable, wise, compassionate,
strong divination ability, ability to see possibilities, and
empathy. We didn't focus in any way on her money
making or anything that could be perceived as negative.

As far as we were concerned our version of Miss Cleo was our first, but not last, successful working with the Miss
a positive entity that could teach us about divination and Cleo entity.
that was all that mattered to us. When you model an Now it's important to note that we didn't so much
entity after a person make sure you focus only on the create this entity as draw on the pop culture icon of Miss
attributes that will help you and when you come across Cleo to fuel our own ideas of what Miss Cleo was to us.
attributes of that person that go against your version of Nonetheless we did in a sense create our own Miss Cleo, a
the person ignore them, as they will only take away from goddess of divination that would aid us in not only doing
the strength of your entity's work for you. divinations, but also teaching us skills we could use in
Think of it this way. For an entity such as our ver- divination and in other forms of magick. We essentially
sion of Miss Cleo to be effective for us we needed to have tapped into the essence of the energy that Miss Cleo was
belief in the entity and specifically we needed to have belief getting from people who believed in her and in doing so
in the attributes we assigned it. Belief is a very powerful we found what we needed.
tool, because belief is power. When I choose to believe in Now we have worked with the Miss Cleo entity
our version of Miss Cleo as a teacher entity of divination individually, but for this book we're going to focus on the
I am giving her power to affect me, but in doing so I am work we did together with Miss Cleo. We have only done
also giving myself an opportunity to learn more about one other working with Miss Cleo together. Amanda joined
divination through the teacher entity. us when we did this working. David supplied the images
When David and I made our version of Miss Cleo and we focused first on empowering the Miss Cleo entity,
we hinged a large part of the creation and feeding of the giving it the focus of what it is was we wanted to achieve
entity off of the attention that people gave her. Whether with our working, namely becoming divinatory seers like
the attention was positive or negative we focused on the herself. After we charged up the images of Miss Cleo -with
idea that our version of Miss Cleo could take that energy our energy and our desires, we each did our individual
and make it into raw energy that would let her do an readings. Ironically enough the readings turned out to be
accurate reading and teach us divinatory skills. It has to essentially the same for all of us. In order to get the essence
this date proven to be very effective for divination and in of divinatory power that Miss Cleo had we needed to work
fact for shaping reality through possibilities, -which is all on aspects of ourselves that would open us up more. This
that divination really presents to a person. makes sense if you think about it. In order to be a good
David and I decided to invoke the Miss Cleo entity seer you need to be open-minded and hearted so that you
into ourselves and do a tarot reading. Mind you we did can perceive -what others would ignore. We did a bit of
this on-line, as we lived in separate states at the time. numeral divination based off the numbers on our readings
Nonetheless we both found the readings to be very ac- and we all received the same number: 7. (Incidentally, in
curate and after the readings had occurred Miss Cleo took numerology the number seven represents spiritual power,
us both on a vision quest where we perceived each other particularly divination.) Finally we burned the images of
even as we perceived her. When we later e-mailed each Miss Cleo and in doing so gave something of ourselves to
other, the details of our visions matched and so we had the Miss Cleo entity in return for what she'd given us.

Now you might realize that -working with this

kind of entity is a bit different from the other kind we've APPENDIX H
described. Think of this as an advanced working. We were
improving ourselves by working "with the entity and we
were empowering the entity to make it into a goddess
form. By doing so, we were in a different relationship, a
different experiment, -with an entity, but nonetheless this
is an entity working, because most of the impetus for the The Scents of Magick
entity came from first David and myself working together by Amanda R. Wagener
and later Amanda joining us. Bearing all that in mind
what we're saying is that each entity is made by you and Much has been published about the healing applications of
has it's own value for you. What you choose to do with scent such as aromatherapy, but the magickal applications
it can change you, for better or for worse, but it is worth have been less notable. Much of this is due to the lack of
it to create and work with entities as not only a means of information regarding aroma in ritual. Most consider the
doing effective magick, but also as a means of changing other four more physical senses (touch, taste, feeling, sight)
yourself and your concepts of reality. to be more important than smell. Magi should not allow
themselves to fall into this trap. Scents can be used in our
incenses and fragrant oils, not just for ambience, but also to
condition us to react on another level. Scent can give subtle
suggestions, unlike the other senses.
A reaction of some type happens -with all scents on
some level. The scents of lavender and chamomile, almost
no matter who smells them, tend to cause feelings of relax-
ation or sleepiness. Rosemary tends to wakes people up. The
smell of motor oil may remind you of the racetrack where
you used to watch the stock car races with your father. One
does not need to think only about "natural" aromas such
as the herbs previously mentioned, but also think about the
"modern" scents as well, such as gasoline and disinfectant
spray. I had a sip of a lemon flavored alcoholic beverege,
and the flavor reminded me of the scent of a lemon scented
cleaning product, which made me not want to drink it.
Each day in our everyday lives, we are affected by
the stimuli of the scents we come across. The most obvious
and sensually stirring scents are those that are unusual or

unfamiliar. If you are m o r e of an u r b a n dweller, traveling If you are going to use essential oils directly on the
out to a more rural area m a y fill o u r nose w i t h m a n y u n - skin, be aware t h a t some m a y irritate the skin. You m a y
familiar scents. We m a y be taken by the smell of the newly w i s h to m i x the essential oils w i t h a carrier oil such as al-
cut h a y or assaulted by the piercing odor of a pig b a r n . In mond, coconut, corn, jojoba, olive, sunflower, or safflower.
a strange environment, every smell seems to linger a bit Scents can be used in t a n d e m w i t h candle magick by
longer and be so m u c h stronger. We are fascinated by every anointing the candle w i t h a scent congruent w i t h the p u r -
scent, b o t h foul and pleasant. pose of y o u r magickal working. You can use scented water
Now, incorporate these scents into y o u r magick to w a s h y o u r clothes to uplift y o u r spirits or d r a w certain
working. If you w i s h y o u r lover to "get in the mood" people close to y o u . You can add scents to the water y o u
w h e n he gets into bed, y o u can let the scents subtly w o r k use to clean y o u r house. Scents be used to activate a sigil
their magick into y o u r lover's unconscious. A few drops of or a magickal entity. There are multitudes of w a y s y o u can
patchouli or sandalwood oil m a y be added to the laundry. incorporate scents into y o u r magickal workings, y o u only
While it is diluted e n o u g h by the w a s h water to avoid oil need to be creative a n d discover the uses of scents.
stains and overpowering aromatic evidence, the subtle With my Inspiration Entity (Emer Ipsni), I used the
residue continues to influence y o u r lover. Or, y o u could also scent of lemon to call it. The smell of lemon is fresh and
dilute oil or use floral water in a spray bottle and lightly tends to w a k e up the m i n d . The scent makes me w a n t to do
mist bed sheets. Scents such as Cinnamon, Clary sage, Gin- things. Additionally, lemons are yellow, which w a s the color
ger, Jasmine, Neroli, Nutmeg, Patchouli, and Sandalwood associated w i t h the entity. W h e n I smell lemon, I t h i n k of
to n a m e a few are k n o w n for their aphrodisiac properties. yellow, so my correspondences were all in alignment. H o w I
Or, t r y adding a little c i n n a m o n w h e n y o u b r e w that next used the scent of lemon w i t h my entity w a s that whenever
pot of coffee. I opened the bottle t h a t held the scent and smelled it, t h a t
Experiment w i t h the various m e t h o d s of using scent. activated my entity. Due to my scent association, I w o u l d
You can b u r n herbs or incense or use essential oils or floral feel like I "needed" to do something, my m i n d w a s clearer,
waters. You can use scents in massage oils, perfumes, and I w a s ready to w o r k on my creative task.
spray bottles, anointing oils, baths, or s h a m p o o . Become
acquainted w i t h the n a t u r e of each scent in each of its
forms. Some scents smell different w h e n y o u b u r n t h e m
rather t h a n use t h e m as an essential oil. It is best to s t a r t
w i t h a few herbs before adding more to y o u r repertoire. To
start 2 - 4 herbs are best.
If y o u w i s h to b u r n herbs, m a k e sure y o u understand
the herb. Some are poisonous w h e n burned. Burn each herb
separately to become acquainted w i t h the individual n a t u r e
of each.


Astral: Consisting of a spiritual substance held in

mystical teachings to be next above the tangible
world in refinement.
Balancing: A ritual act in -where the s u r r o u n d i n g
energy is brought into h a r m o n y with the magickal
practitioner and the purpose of the ritual.
Closing By Watchtower: A ritual act that is used to
end rituals. It is common for Ceremonial Magi to
use this ritual act.
Divination: The art or practice that seeks to discover
hidden knowledge, usually by the interpretation of
omens or w i t h the aid of divinatory tools such as
Tarot cards, Runes, tea leaves, dice, etc.
Energy: There is no precise Western definition for the
occult understanding of energy. Energy, the phe-
nomena coming forth from the universe and the
mind in harmony, is the basic unit of the universe.
Ultimately everything is composed and originates
from energy. It can be accumulated, focused, and
transferred from one person or object to another.
Electricity and magnetism are characteristics of
energy, which flows in and t h r o u g h all living
things. When this circulation becomes stagnant or
stops, the person or animal will become ill or die.
Entity: A vital principle held to give life to an im-
material essence, which has been created to have a
self-contained and distinct existence w i t h a concep-
tual reality, by the deliberate effort of personifying
segregated t h o u g h t s and emotions.

Evocation: The act of bringing an entity from its P y t h a g o r e a n Numerology: A system of numerology
plane of existence into your realm of awareness. created by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras.
Golem: From Hebrew folklore—An artificial h u m a n Runes: Norse symbols used in magickal workings, as
being that has been magickally endowed with life. characters of any of several alphabets used by the
Invocation: The act of allowing an entity to use your Germanic peoples from about the third to the t h i r -
body as a temporary medium to interact with the teenth centuries C.E., and as a divinatory tool.
physical world. Spirit: See entity
Kabbalah: Is a mystical tradition rooted in Judaism, Thought-Form: Energy that is formed by various
which serves as the basis to most Ceremoni- thoughts. M a n y are unintentionally created all
al Magick. There are m a n y alternative spellings, the time, but most don't last very long because
for example Kabbalah, Qabalah, Cabala, Qaballah, relatively little energy or further thought is put
Qabala, Kaballa (and so on). into them. But when one is deliberately created by
Mage: A person that studies and practices magick magick it can last for quite a long time and can be
Magi: The plural form of the word mage. programmed to cause desired results.
Middle Pillar: A ritual act that helps to move energy Vibrate: A method of saying words loudly that cause
up and t h r o u g h o u t the spine (symbolic of the not only you, but the universe to vibrate when
central column of the Tree of Life, which is a central said. This has the effect of aligning you and your
symbol of the Kabbalah). magick to produce the results that you desire. It is
Norse: Relating to the Norwegian or Scandinavian possible to vibrate 'words w i t h o u t making a sound.
group of Germanic people, languages, traditions, Some magi like to start with a silent vibration of
or all three. the word until they feel they can no longer keep
Numerology: The study of the occult significance of silent. Then they vibrate the word aloud.
numbers. The t w o most common systems of n u -
merology are the Chaldean and the Pythagorean.
Occult: Secret or hidden. It often refers to informa-
tion t h a t is understood to have magickal relation in
some form or fashion. It does not m e a n evil, nega-
tive, bad, etc.
O p e n i n g By Watchtower: A ritual act that is used to
begin rituals. It is common for Ceremonial Magi to
use this ritual act.
P r o g r a m m i n g Symbol: A symbol designed to s u b -
consciously imprint your desires onto the astral
realm, in order to create an entity that will m a n i -
fest those desires.

Bokser, Ben Zion. The M a h a r a l : The Mystical Philosophy of Rabbi J u d a h

Loew of Prague. Jason Aronson, 1994.
Buckland, R a y m o n d . Practical Color Magick. Llewellyn Publications,
Campbell, Joseph, a n d Bill Moyers. The Power of M y t h . Doubleday,
Cronin, Gaynell B., a n d J o h n J. Rathschmidt. Rituals for Home a n d
Parish. Paulist P, 1996.
Crowley, Aleister, a n d A u s t i n O. Spare. N o w for Reality. Holmes Group,
Crowley, Aleister. Book 4. Samuel Weiser, 1987.
. Book of the Law. Samuel Weiser, 1990.
Frazer, James G. Golden Bough. The Macmillan Co., 1922.
. Man. God & I m m o r t a l i t y . Kessinger Company, 1942.
G o o d m a n , Morris. Modern Numerology. Wilshire Book Co., 1978.
Haskins, Jim. Voodoo & Hoodoo. Scarborough House, 1990.
Hine, Phil. Condensed Chaos. New Falcon Publications, 1995.
J u n g , Carl G. J u n g on Synchronicity a n d the Paranormal. Routledge,
. Process of Individuation: Alchemy. Vol. 1. Banton, 1991.
. Process of Individuation: Alchemy. Vol. 2. Banton, 1991.
. Psychology a n d the Occult. Routledge, 1982.
. The A r c h e t y p e s and the Collective Unconscious. Routledge,
King, Serge. K a h u n a Healing. Quest Books, 1983.
Konstantinos. S u m m o n i n g Spirits. Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
Kraig, Donald M. Modern Magick. Llewellyn Publications, 1992.
. Modern Sex Magick. Llewellyn Publications, 1998.
LaVey, Anton S. The Satanic Witch. Feral House, 1989.
Mace, Stephen. Addressing Power: Sixteen Essays on Magick and the
Politics it Implies. Self-Published, 1996.
. Nemesis a n d Other Essays. Self-Published, 2 0 0 1 .
. Stealing the Fire from Heaven: A Technique for Creating
Individual Systems of Sorcery. Self-Published, 1989.

Pajeon, Kala, a n d Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magick Workbook. Citadel P,

1991. INDEX
Penczak, Christopher. City Magick. Weiser Books, 2 0 0 1 .
Pennick, Nigel. Magical Alphabets. Weiser Books, 1992.
Spare, A u s t i n O. From the Inferno to Zos II. Holmes Group, 1995.
Stein, Guy. Geist oder naturlicher Gedanke. Self-Published, 1982.
S t r a y h o r n , Lloyd. N u m b e r s a n d You. Ballantine Books, 1990.
The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes. Ed. Ken Wilber.
S h a m b h a l a Publications, 1982. Diet 21
Watson, N a n c y B. Practical Solitary Magic. Weiser Books, 1996.
Dissolution 62
Wayne, M. T h o u g h t Forms. Abaxion, 1997. Advanced Entity Creation 89 Divination 39
Wilson, Robert A. Prometheus Rising. New Falcon Publications, 1993. A l m o n d 133 DNA 38, 66
—. Q u a n t u m Psychology. New Falcon Publications, 1993. Alternative Energy Entity 91 D r e a m s 65
Winkler, Gershon. The Golem of Prague: A New Adaptation of the Aphrodisiac 132
Documented Stories of the Golem of Prague. Judaica P, 1980. A r o m a t h e r a p y 131 E
B Energy 10, 13, 19, 55
Personal Energy 20
Balancing 69, 70, 74 Energy Signature 22
Banishing 70, 74 Entities
Biography 5 9 - 6 0 Alternative Energy Entity 91
Breath 72 Astral Messengers 16
Energy Store-House Entity 90-91
C General Service Entity 89
Inspiration Entity 95-108
Candle Magick 133
Link Entity 91-92
C h a m o m i l e 21, 131
Perpetual Entity 63
Charging 70
C i n n a m o n 132 Teacher Entities 16
Clary Sage 132 Viral Entity 90
Cleansing 69 ESHE. See Energy Store-House
Closing 74 Entity
Coconut 133 Essential Oil 21, 132
Collective Unconscious 13 Ethical Principals 39
Conjuring 77 Evocation 77, 79
Consequences 27 Evoke 49, 79
Corn 133 Exercise 20
Court 109
Creative Life Force 13-14
Curse 43 Familiar 10
Fate 28
D Feeding 55
Dependence 30 Floral Water 132

G M Specific Realm of Influence 38

Recording Your Experiences 82
General Service Entity 89 Magick Square 100 Ritual 50
Ginger 132 Meditation 19 Rosemary 131
Golem 72 Middle Pillar 70 Runes 46
Greek Muses 96 Muses 96
Music 69 S
N Saf flower 133
Herbs 132 Sandalwood 132
H o m e w o r k 56 N a m i n g 41 Scent 78, 131
Hypnosis 22 Neroli 132 Scents 21
New Age K a r m a 28 Seance 77
I Norse M y t h o l o g y 46 Shrine 53
N u m e r o l o g y 42, 4 5 - 4 6 Sleep 21
I m a g i n a r y Friend 49
N u t m e g 132 Smudge 70
Incense 70, 132
Inspiration 95 Statement of Intent 4 1 , 62, 66, 70
O S u m m o n i n g 77
Inspiration Entity 9 5 - 1 0 8
Invocation 77, 80 Sunflower 133
Olive 133
Invoke 80 Symbols 65
Outline Of Entity Creation 81


J a s m i n e 132 Patchouli 132 Tai Chi 20. See Also Meditation

Jojoba 133 Perpetual Entity 63 Talking Boards 77
Petition 77 Thought-form 9-10
J u d a h Loevv. See Rabbi J u d a h
Plant 53 Three Fold Law 27
Powerword 79, 82
K Prague 72
Prayer 77 Vampire 57, 90
Kabbalah 47 P r o g r a m m i n g Symbol 52, 66, 71, Viral Entities 90
K a r m a 27-28 73-74, 78, 79 Visualization 22
P r o g r a m m i n g Your Intent 66
L Purpose 37 W
Lavender 21, 131 P y t h a g o r e a n Numerology.
See N u m e r o l o g y Closing by W a t c h t o w e r 74
Law of Return 2 7 - 3 0
Opening of the W a t c h t o w e r 70
Lemon 133
R Western K a r m a 28
Lifetime 62
Worksheet 84
Life Force. See Creative Life Force
Rabbi Loew. See Rabbi J u d a h
Life Span 61, 66
Like A t t r a c t s Like 50
General Realm of Influence 45
Link Entity 9 1 - 9 2
Realm Of Influence 37, 50
Rabbi J u d a h Loew 72
General Realm of Influence 37

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the readers in future versions of this book?

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