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Our Future Early Learning Center

Staff Meeting Agenda

05/07/19 3:00-6:00
Required to Attend:
___ whole staff ___ Infant/Toddler staff ___ Preschool staff ___Administration Team

Facilitator: Latoya McIntosh

1. Welcome
2. Approval of last monthly meeting minutes and discussion of any tabled items.
3. Review previous months data and activities
a. Infants-Ducky Lucky
b. Toddlers- Foxy Loxy
c. 3-year-old- Flynn
d. 4-year-old- Boots
e. 5-year-old- Daisy
4. Plan next month’s activities
5. Review plans for end of year celebration and parent picnic
6. Committee updates
a. Health-George
b. Family engagement-Sue
c. Education-Benny
7. Monthly staff birthday celebration
8. Announcements from staff
9. Adjourn

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