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Choir Grading Rubric

Concert Attendance and Participation (300 points)

0 70 80 90 100

Punctuality Absent or sent home Students arrives 5 or Student arrives 3-5 Student arrives 1-2 Student always
due to inappropriate more minutes late, minutes late, are minutes late, are arrives early, are
concert wear. are dressed dressed appropriately dressed appropriately, dressed appropriately,
appropriately, have have concert folders have concert folders have concert folders
concert folders and and music, not in and music, are in and music, are in
music, not in place on place on risers, not place on risers, ready place on risers and
risers, not ready to ready to go. to go. ready to go.

Preparedness Absent Student is not Student is prepared Student is prepared Student is ready to
prepared and is with 1 of the with 2 of the perform with music,
missing necklace, following: concert following: concert folder, focused and a
tights, tie, or music/folder, music/folder, positive attitude.
cummerbund. focused, positive focused, positive
attitude. Student is attitude. Student is
missing necklace, missing necklace,
tights, tie, or tights, tie, or
cummerbund. cummerbund.

Performance Absent Student shows 1-2 of Student shows 3 of Student shows 4 of Student is expressive,
the following: the following: the following: shows full effort,
expressive, shows expressive, shows expressive, shows sings throughout the
full effort, sings full effort, sings full effort, sings concert, sings correct
throughout the throughout the throughout the parts throughout,
concert, sings correct concert, sings correct concert, sings correct exhibits good concert
parts throughout, parts throughout, parts throughout, etiquette.
exhibits good concert exhibits good concert exhibits good concert
etiquette. etiquette. etiquette.
Choir Grading Rubric

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