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Getting Started

Getting Started New project

Click ‘New’ button to

create a new project

Double click on one of

4 sample models

Click ‘Choose
from samples’

Type project and version

name Select .besln file, then press ‘Open’

Click ‘OK’ 6

If you are upgrading your project

from the previous version of
BEXEL Manager, click 'Save' after
project opening to finalize
update process
Getting Started Main window
Ribbon Viewer bar
Click any tab on the ribbon to display its different kinds of model views (3D view, 2D/3D Orthographic
buttons and commands View, Schedule view, 3D Color Coded View etc.)

information tools
Navigation toolbar
The Building Explorer tab options to display and manipulate the currently
contains options for viewing active viewer Properties
the entire project structure Different options to view
regarding element categories and manipulate element
and types (Elements tab), properties
buildings and levels (Spatial
structure tab), systems and
worksets. Level map
options to view 2D top
Structure section at given level
Selection Sets tools along with clashes
have a different tools for
creating and manipulating
selection set and control of Current viewer Selection Material
their visibiliy info tools options to show
materials and select
elements by material
Custom Breakdown
within the current
Structure (CBS)
is a powerful tool used to
break model elements into
tree structure based on the Documents
values of properties (i.e. options for linking
materials, air flow, length external documents to
etc.) Module Function elements. Documents
Selection info
can be stored locally or
Quantity Takeoff Create, edit and export quantity takeoff data from the model provides insight into
on the Web
Software Assemblies Create, edit and assign assemblies to appropriate model elements different information
Modules regarding current
Assigned Items Manipulating assemblies assigned to model elements
selection in the model
Schedule Animation Run, review and edit 4D/5D schedule animations in combination with the Schedule Viewer (like belonging to
Clash Detection Create, edit and run clash tests and export clash detection reports categories, families,
Animation Form Create and edit animations, viewpoints, walkthroughs and scenes. levels, selection sets
Schedule Editor Create, import and review schedule and assign model elements to the schedule tasks etc)
Getting Started Ribbon tabs and Shortcuts


Click any tab on
the ribbon to
display its
buttons and
Selection Clash detection commands. This
tab contains
many of the
most frequently
used commands
Schedule View

Cost Reports

Type ‘CC’ on keyboard to
show shortcuts
Getting Started Viewers

Schedule Viewer
Shows the schedule
animation along with the
activity legend and other
information related to
the current schedule
3D View

3D Color Coded View

shows elements colored
as defined in currently
selected custom
property breakdowns or
quantity takeoffs
2D/3D Orthographic View
Getting Started Project structure tools

Building Explorer
View, select and change visibility of model elements broken Create selection set: Selection Level map
down by… Manually - by selecting elements in the viewer Contains options for easy navigation
Smart selections sets - using queries between different buildings and
Visibility of elements building levels. Current camera

Spatial structure
Selection sets can be Selection sets palette contain included in particular position can be easily controlled by
organized into options for grouping elements selection set can be moving the navigation circle in the
selection set folders. into selection sets controlled from this palette level map.

…categories …buildings, building

then by levels, categories
families. and families


currently selected elements

are highlighted with yellow

and families.
Getting Started QTO and Color coding

Clicking on the button New opens the drop down menu.

Choose preferable option (Blank Quantity Takeoff…) to start
Create Quantity Takeoff window. In this window various QTO
quantification, creation and grouping options are available.
You can choose a predefined properties such as Category,
Source, Material, etc., as well as other model element
Click on Add Breakdown Button to show drop down panel properties in form of Discrete properties or Continuous
Set Color Coding Rule Button
Enables setting custom coloring based on selected grouping Quantity Takeoff
properties. When turned on – elements included in the QTO Enabling Quantity Takeoff tab allows creation and
shall be presented color coded in the 3D Color Coded View. presentation of custom quantity takeoffs from any available
model elements.

3D Color Coded View – Viewer Mode

When 3D Color coded view is enabled you can
choose Quantity takeoff viewer mode in order
to see QTO elements color coded as you set in
the QTO color coding rule

Export QTO Report

Exports the selected
QTO into *.xlsx file
format. Prior to the
export, various
exporting options are
available in the
presented export
Edit Quantity Takeoff window.
Clicking on the button Edit – opens Edit Quantity Takeoff window.
This window is almost identical in features as Create QTO window
and enables additional editing of already created grouping options,
color coding and quantification options.
Getting Started Schedule Editor

Schedule Import Schedule Export

Enables import of Primavera or Enables export of created schedules
MS Project schedule files in into *.xml files fully compatible with
*.xml format. other planning software such as
Primavera, MS Project etc.

Schedule Editor – Logic preview

Enables custom schedule creation and editing in the form of
visual logic relations. Clicking the “Pop Out” button stretches
the logic view window to a full screen size.

Schedule Settings
Enables great number of options for creating and
editing schedules

Schedule Editor – Gantt preview

Enables custom schedule creation and editing in the form of a
gantt graph. Clicking on “Pop Out” button shall stretch the
gantt view window to a full screen size.

Calendars Settings
Enables options for creating and editing of multiple
schedule calendars.

Schedule Editor – Line of Balance preview

Enables custom schedule creation and editing in the form of
line of balance. Clicking on “Pop Out” button shall stretch line
of balance view window on a full screen size.
Getting Started Schedule Animation

Schedule Legend Settings

Enables various visual
presentation options for the
Activity Legend, Task filtering,
Custom and predefined Date/
Time formats and background
color selection.

Activity Legend
Displays schedule activities
and percentages of
Project Legend Schedule Animation
Displays the date and time Settings
of the schedule activity Provides additional Schedule
animation settings such as
custom start/ finish date,
setting working intervals,
elements coloring and task
presentation in the schedule

Displays schedule activities visible in the schedule viewer during construction simulation. These are grouped by Export Schedule
Schedule Animation – Task Display tasks on the left side of the window. On the right side, a progress bar and percentages of completion along with Animation
data regarding total cost of the activity and completed cost on the date are presented. Enables export of the created
schedule animation into image
sequence in order to create
video. Available various
options such as setting image
size and format, exporting
custom frames and overriding
visual settings. Export of
stereoscopic image sequence
Displays schedule animation tools for creation of custom schedule video. These tools enable options such as saving in order to create stereoscopic
Schedule Animation – Animation Display multiple schedule videos and camera movement during animation. Each video can be made by custom camera video is also available.
positioning (key frames) during schedule simulation – shown on the right schedule animation window area.
Getting Started Clash Detection

Clash detection job

Choose between different model element groups and
clash types (hard, clearance, duplicates)

Level map with

turned on option for
showing clash results

Clash statuses
contains options for
defining and editing
Selection sets prepared clash statuses
for clash test creation Selected clash result in viewer

Clash View Mode information for
Turn on to highlight conflicted elements selected clash result

Current clash job

Clash results
Getting Started Exchange process

Exchanging data between users of Bexel Click ‘Yes’ if you want

Manager platform is a process of exchanging BXF to include linked
files. With this option, multiple users can work documents in
on different parts of the model simultaneously exchange file

Choose what sections Check what data in chosen
should be exchanged section should be
exchanged (if there is a
multiple choice) 3

1 Click ‘Next’
Type a name for an exchange
file and click ‘Save’


Choose whether to match existing sources

in the model or to ignore source matching

Choose what sections should

Choose exchange file for be exchanged
importing 2

3 4
Click ‘Open’ Click ‘Ok’

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