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Drone Flyers Club Spring 2019 ScavengAir Hunt

The Drone Flyers Club is hosting its first ScavangAir Hunt May 6th through May 17th to promote safe flying
throughout The Villages.

Prizes will be awarded for weekly winners and 1st through 4th places overall, with additional prizes for the
best picture and video captured each week.

20 locations to find and fly – 2 each day for 2 weeks, Monday – Friday, locations are throughout The Villages.
Up to 3 No-Fly makeup days may be scheduled if needed.

Rules and additional information at

1. ALL club flying and safety rules and regulations must be followed. Download safety rules at:
2. Maximum flight altitude for all pictures and video is 100 feet unless otherwise stated.
3. Applicable local airports will be notified of flying locations each day by the Club Officers.
4. Each day two (2) new location hints/clues will be given at 7:00 AM on the Club Facebook Page
5. You must post your picture or video to the club Facebook page to
earn points.
6. If a picture or video of the correct location is not posted by Noon each day, the correct location/answer
to the clue will be posted. If posted, all subsequent photos or video of the correct location will only
receive one (1) point regardless of the number of previous posts (1st post will only receive 1 point, etc.).
7. A Designated Flying Officer (DFO) will be announced with each flying location each day. The DFO’s
pictures/videos will be posted that evening and will be considered the correct answer/location. More
than one Club officer may be flying a clue/location but only one is the DFO for that day and location for
the purpose of bonus points.
8. Posting your first picture/video on the club FaceBook page is all that is necessary to register and enter.
Club staff will record you name from the FaceBook pages and use it to track your points.
9. You must be present at the May 22nd Drone Flyers Club meeting to claim a prize. If not present the
person with the next highest points will be awarded the prize.
10. Point awards for the previous day’s locations end when the next day’s clues/locations are posted.
11. If your drone can’t take the picture/video due to limitation then a picture of you with your done (and the
DFO for bonus if applicable) at the location is acceptable. This must be posted on the FaceBook page to
earn points.
12. Standings will be posted May 12th and May 19th (May 21st if the 3rd makeup day is required) standings
WILL NOT include any bonus points.
13. All bonus points will be awarded at the club meeting on May 22nd.
14. Final standings will be determined at the May 22nd club meeting.
15. Tie-breakers - If a point tie occurs the following will be used to until a winner is determined:
a. Person with the most posted pictures/videos.
b. Person with the most days completing all correct picture/videos.
c. Person with the most recruitment/participation bonus points.
d. Person with the most DFO bonus points.
e. Coin toss.
f. The person losing the coin tie will be awarded the next level prize.
16. No Fly Day
a. A No-Fly day will be called by the club officers if acceptable flying conditions do not exist for at
least half the day (7AM to 1PM or Noon to dark)
b. If the morning is a No-Fly then release of the hints for that day will be delayed until Noon.
Correct answers/locations would then be posted at 5:00 PM
c. If a No Fly is called after the hints are released due to changing flight conditions a new set of
hints/location will be announced on the makeup day.
d. If a No-Fly day is called after the hints are released no points are awarded for that day even if
someone makes a post a correct picture/video to the Facebook page.
e. Makeup day will be the following Saturdays (5/11 and 5/18).
f. Makeup days may have up to 4 locations if more than one No-Fly day occurs that week.
g. A final Makeup day will be Monday 5/20 if one of the other Makeup days is also a No-Fly day.
h. Any No-Fly days that can’t be made up will be dropped from the contest and no points will be
17. The Drone Flyers Club Board of Directors will determine winner of Best Video and Best Picture for each
week at the May 22nd meeting.

Points shall be awarded to all persons posting correct pictures or videos taken from the air with drones
on the Club’s Facebook page by the require deadlines.
Points shall be awarded as follows:
1st person to upload a pic or video of the correct place earns – 5 points (each location)
2nd – 4 points
3rd & 4th– 3 points
5th – 9th – 2 points
All other correct posts – 1 point
Wrong guess/location – 0 points
The Correct location/answer video/picture (taken by the DFOs) will be posted that evening (after dark),
once posted only 1 point for a correct answer will be awarded regardless of the number of posts.
If no one posts correct answer by noon answers will be given and all correct posts get only 1 point

Bonus Points:
1-point bonus each day if you post a correct picture/video of all that day’s locations.
5-point bonus if you catch the DFO in your picture/video flying their drone at the day’s location.

Recruitment Bonus Points:

5-point bonus for the Member if you recruit a new member who joins the club during the May meeting
as a result of the ScavengAir Hunt
5-point New Member Bonus – each new member will be awarded 5 bonus points for joining the club at
the May 22nd meeting.
Recruitment Bonus Point Notes:
1) Only one Recruitment Bonus (5 points) will awarded to a member.
2) Recruitment Bonus Points will be tracked but not awarded until the May 22nd club meeting.
3) If the Recruit does not join the club in May no bonus points are awarded to either person.

Prizes Will Be Awarded to:

1) Most points each week (No bonus points will be counted).

2) 1st through 4th place for most total points at the end of the both weeks including all bonus points.
3) Best Picture Each Week.
4) Best Video Each Week.
Drone Flyers Club – Local Flying and Safety Rules
The safe operation of aircraft by the Club Members is of paramount concern for the safety of
both the operators as well as the general public. The establishment of local safety rules that
supplement Federal, State, and local laws are designed to aid operators in dealing with
unique local conditions and hazards.

The perception of drones by the general public continues to evolve and directly reflects on the
perception of the Club and its Members. Additional guidelines established herein are
designed to help Club Members foster a positive awareness of drones and the Club.

In all cases when flying Club Members should keep two key items in mind: safety, and respect
and consideration for the residents of The Villages and members of the community. Safety
cannot be understated and should be paramount in every operator’s mind. If unsure if a
situation is safe to fly the default action should be not to fly. Respect and consideration for
the privacy of others should be considered and conflict with members of the general public
should generally be avoided when possible, even if they may be wrong or uninformed.

General Flying Rules

1) Obey all Federal, State, and Local regulations associated with the operation of drones.
2) Always fly within line of sight of the aircraft.
3) Limit aircraft altitude to 400 feet above ground level.
4) Never fly over persons not actively involved in the activity.
5) Do not operate an aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or when using any drug
or medication that could adversely affect the ability to safely control the aircraft.
6) Do not operate an aircraft carrying pyrotechnics devices that may explode or burn, or
any device which propels a projectile or drops any object that may create a hazard to
persons or property.
7) Do not fly over the town squares when they are occupied.
8) Always avoid and give way to any manned aircraft.
9) Never fly near or over emergency response efforts.
10) Always face the direction of your aircraft as to maintain visual line of site.
11) Establish and maintain a Safety Area using rope, tape, pylons, cones, and/or other
similar devices as necessary to maintain a clear and unobstructed area for takeoff and
recovery. Launch pads are recommended for all ground launches and landing.
12) Remain clear of Safety Areas and launch pads when not setting or retrieving an
aircraft. Do not service an aircraft on the launch pad or in the Safety Area.
13) Always preform a preflight checklist before flying.
14) Minimum flight altitude shall be the greater of 10 feet above ground level or 10 feet
above objects in the flying area.
15) Immediately after takeoff ascend to a minimum of 8 feet above ground level and when
landing minimize the time spent between 8 feet and aircraft shutdown.
16) Always launch aircraft facing away from the pilot and others in the area.
17) When conducting low altitude (<10 feet) maneuvers or practice notify others around
you and maintain at least 20 feet or greater distance commensurate with the speed
and maneuvers being performed.

Flying Rules.docx
18) Hand launching and recovery of aircraft should be conducted a safe distance from
other persons whether involved in the activity or not.
19) Night flying requires a lighting system providing the pilot with a clear view of the
aircraft’s attitude and orientation at all times. Hand-held and/or ground based
illumination systems are inadequate for night flying operations.
20) Fly using the assistance of a camera or First-Person View (FPV) only in accordance
with the procedures outlined in AMA Document #550 “Unmanned Aircraft Operation
Utilizing First-Person View”
21) The aircraft remote shall be on and fully operational before turning on the aircraft.
Turn off the aircraft before turning off the remote.
22) If you lose control or awareness of your aircraft remember to SHOPEE
a. Stop – don’t panic, release the control sticks and stop further maneuvers
b. Hover – let your aircraft hover in one spot and assess the situation
c. Orientation – regain orientation of the aircraft heading, altitude, and location
d. Plan – plan a course of actions and maneuvers to regain control of the aircraft
e. Execute – execute your plan and return home or continue flying if appropriate
f. Evaluate – evaluate and learn from your mistakes

Special Consideration Areas

Our community has a large number of areas that present themselves as opportune or
interesting places to fly and are not restricted airspace. Two predominant areas fitting this
description are the Preserve areas and the Golf Courses. In both of these cases respect and
courtesy should be given to the purpose, occupants, and users of these areas. The below
special case rules are established to provide the minimum considerations to operation of an
aircraft in these areas. In these and all other cases, just because it is not prohibited to fly
there doesn’t mean it may be appropriate to be flying there.

Wildlife and Preserve Areas

1) Maintain a minimum altitude of 10 feet above any water, wetlands, grasslands,
shrubbery, and trees.
2) Maintain a minimum of 50 feet vertical and horizontal distance from all wildlife or
nesting areas.
3) Do not harass, stalk, tease, chase, hover over or near, or in any way disturb any
wildlife or nesting areas.
4) Do not operate your aircraft in an area or manner that will disturb the enjoyment of
these natural areas and preserves by others.
5) Do not enter into any non-publicly accessible area to retrieve a downed aircraft.
Consider any downed aircraft as lost.
6) Notify the Recreation Department of an aircraft being downed or lost in any wetlands,
lake, pond, wildlife, or preserve areas and provide them with the approximate location
if known so they may take steps to protect the wildlife and environment. Return of
your aircraft is not a priority nor guaranteed.

Flying Rules.docx
Golf Courses
1) Do onto operate your aircraft over a golf course in a manner that will intentionally
disturb golfers or disrupt the play of the game.
2) Maintain a minimum altitude of 100 feet above ground level when operating over
or near a golf course area.
3) As a consideration to others the preferred time for flights over golf courses should
normally be before or after normal course hours, during course maintenance
periods, or when the course is otherwise unoccupied.
4) Do not fly directly over golfers, maintenance personnel, or any other person.
5) Do not launch, operate, or land your aircraft, enter onto, or stand in any the tee
box, fairway, sand trap, body of water, green, or other areas between the cart path
and the course play area.
6) If required to enter the play area to retrieve a downed aircraft do not interfere
with the play of the game or maintenance in progress. Take the most direct route
to and from the downed aircraft to retrieve it in order to minimize time on the
7) If you damage any turf or equipment notify the starter shack, ambassador, or
clubhouse of the damage. You may be held financially responsible for any
8) Do not leave any materials or trash on any golf course property, take it with you.
9) To protect the course and the environment, if you lose an aircraft on a golf course
or the associated treed, wetlands, pond, or lake areas notify the starter shack,
ambassador, or clubhouse immediately of the approximate location. Return of
your aircraft is not a priority nor guaranteed.
10) Championship courses are private property, obtain permission before entering the
course areas.
11) Complex flight operations over a golf course should only be conducted by the most
experienced of pilots and under strictly controlled conditions.

Flying Rules.docx

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