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IBIMA Publishing

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices
Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 768378, 12 pages
DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378

Research Article

The Components of an Innovation

System: A Conceptual Innovation
System Framework
Maria Eggink
Tshwane University of Technology, Nelspruit, South Africa

Correspondence should be addressed to: Maria Eggink;

Received date: 19 April 2013; Accepted date: 12 June 2013; Published date: 12 September 2013

Academic Editor: Mohamad Fauzan Noordin

Copyright © 2013. Maria Eggink. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0


Innovation forms the basis of economic growth and development. The “innovation system”
concept started receiving more attention in literature since the 1980s, but very few studies have
attempted to explain the functioning of such a system. Therefore, the need arose to develop a
model for an innovation system a gainst which specific innovation systems could be compared
and evaluated. Different models for an innovation system, as described in literature, were
evaluated against findings of empirical studies in literature. Subsequently, a conceptual,
descriptive framework for an innovation system model was developed. The participants that
play a role in the innovation system were found to include, primarily, the innovative firms that
are at the centre of the innovation system due to their importance in the contribution to
innovative activities. Innovative firms were found to be operating in a complex matrix of other
participants or actors. It was further indicated that the strength of the linkages amongst
participants has a positive effect on the innovative performance of the system and so is
important for the transfer of finances, knowledge and technology. The conceptual model serves
as a point of departure for the evaluation of innovation systems.

Keywords: conceptual model, innovation systems, innovation role players, linkages.

Introduction the points where the neo-Schumpeterian

view has expanded on Schumpeter’s theory
Schumpeter’s (1961) “Theory of economic since the 1980s is the concept that
development”, first published in 1911, is the innovation takes place in a complex system.
founding work on innovation theory. One of Carlsson (2007:857-858) pointed out that


Cite this Article as: Maria Eggink (2013), "The Components of an Innovation System: A Conceptual Innovation
System Framework,” Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 768378,
DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices 2

Schumpeter neglected the multiple sources of their roles described. These participants and
information inputs and the importance of a their roles were evaluated against findings of
national system of innovation due to his empirical studies in literature, as well as the
focus on the individual entrepreneur. There determinants of innovation as established by
are three things, according to Carlsson, Eggink (2012). Subsequently, a descriptive
(2007:859), that result from the systems framework of a conceptual model for an
approach: first, it is “necessary to specify the innovation system was developed.
components of the system”; second, “the
relationship amongst various components The Systems of Innovation Concept
must be analysed”; and finally, “the attributes
or characteristics of the components need to An innovation system is defined as follows:
be specified”.
An innovation system consists of the
Many economists refer to the concept participants or actors and their
“innovation system”, and more generally to activities and interactions, as well as the
“national innovation systems”, but very few socio-economic environment within
have attempted to explain the functioning of which these actors or participants
such systems. The conceptual models that function that together determine the
were found in literature comprise of some of innovative performance of the system
the elements or participants of innovation (Eggink, 2012:24).
systems, but are not comprehensive.
Some of the interaction amongst these
Therefore, the need arose to develop a model
participants may be co-operative while
for an innovation system against which
others may be competitive. No single
specific innovation systems could be
participant controls the workings of the
compared and evaluated. Such an evaluation
system or the interaction amongst the
may contribute to the improvement of an
participants, although there are participants,
innovation system that in turn could lead to
for example government, who exert a
an increase in innovative activity and
significant influence in or on such a system
eventually to economic development.
(Paterson, Adam & Mullin, 2003:2). These
A descriptive framework was developed in actors or participants do not necessarily
the study that forms the basis for a interact consciously with one another and
conceptual model of an innovation system. the different participants may not necessarily
The participants were identified and the have the same goal, either. Yet, the different
roles of the different participants and the participants each have an impact on one
interaction and linkages amongst the another (Nelson, 1996:276).
different participants were thereafter
Each nation has some kind of NSI, no matter
if it is working well or not, but an ideal
Methodology innovation system does not exist (Balzat,
2006:29 and Fromhold-Eisebith, 2007:219;
The model of an innovation system that is 220).
reported in this paper was conceptual in that
it describes a system, the elements, objects or The Innovation System Model
entities (in this case, the participants or
The innovation system framework is
actors) within the system, together with their
presented in a diagram (Figure 1). This figure
relationships (or linkages). A diagram of the
indicates that the innovative firms are the
system is presented to facilitate visualisation
centre of the innovation system due to the
of the system. Different models for an
importance of their contribution to
innovation system, as described in literature,
innovative activities (Department of
were studied. The different participants of
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research,
the innovation system were identified and


Maria Eggink (2013), Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
3 Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices

2011; OECD, 1997:12; Edquist, 2005:192 and also influence the performance of a national
Nelson, 1996:278). Other participants that innovation system, depending on the global
have been identified include suppliers and involvement of participants in the innovation
competitors, financial organisations and system. Therefore, these international
venture capitalists, customers, education and considerations are included in the model. The
training bodies, government, science, linkages can be formal or informal,
technology and R&D intermediaries, and intentional or incidental and may be formed
international participants. The interaction amongst different kinds of participants. Both
and linkages with foreign participants or financial and knowledge flows take place
actors (multinational enterprises, foreign through these linkages.
suppliers, competitors and customers) can

Macro-economic environment

Central policy and organisations &
financing agencies, Venture
parliamentary capitalists International trade
committees, public environment
research institutes,
national depts., state

petitors MNE
and other
Firms (Large,
Science, medium and
technology and small)
R&D Inter- Entrepre-
mediaries: neurs
Incubators, Sup-
Science parks, pliers

Education and
Technical training
bodies, colleges,
primary and
secondary schools,

Fig. 1: Innovation system framework


Maria Eggink (2013), Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices 4

The different participants and their roles in machinery and equipment, scientific
the innovation system are as follow: conferences and scientific publications.

Innovative Firms (ii) Direct linkages are deliberately created.

An example could be a situation where
Schumpeter (1961) placed firms as the government provides financial support
essential actors regarding innovation in his to firms in carrying out research and
1911 publication by describing the firms as development (R&D) activities. Indirect
the instruments used by entrepreneurs in the linkages emerge automatically, for
carrying out of innovations. Schumpeter’s example, if the technological knowledge
view, however, changed from the time of his of direct R&D co-operation spills over
first publications to the dates of his later unintentionally to a third party, then an
publications, in the sense that he came to indirect linkage to this third party has
believe that innovation takes place in any been established.
size or age of firm and not only in new
(iii) Horizontal linkages include linkages
enterprises, as he initially stated. Although
that take place amongst actors that
there is a positive relationship between size
belong to the same organisational
of the firm and innovation (Eggink, 2012),
category, for example, interaction
this does not imply that innovation takes
between firms or interaction between
place in large firms only.
research bodies. Vertical linkages are,
The analysis of empirical studies on again, linkages formed amongst actors
innovation by Becheikh, Landry and Amara of different organisational categories,
(2006:657), revealed that networking by the for example, interaction amongst firms,
firm with different actors was, in most universities, government and research
studies, found to have a positive correlation bodies (Balzat, 2006:22-27; OECD,
with innovation, in some to have an 1997:7).
insignificant correlation, but none of the
The advantages that firms receive from
studies recorded a negative correlation. Lee
collaboration include the pooling of technical
& Park’s (2006:1045) empirical study of
resources, the achievement of economies of
Korean firms showed that collaborative R&D
scale and the gaining of synergies from
with universities and downstream firms
complementary human and technical assets
improved the chances of successful
(OECD, 1997:7).
innovative activities.
Suppliers and Competitors
There are many different kinds of linkages,
depending on whether the linkages are The other firms with which the innovating
formal or informal, intentional or incidental firms interact include suppliers and
and depending on which participants are competitors. It should be kept in mind that
involved (for example, similar or different each of these suppliers or competitors is an
kinds of organisations, domestic or innovating firm in its own right, and is
international participants). surrounded by its own suppliers, competitors
and clients. The role that suppliers play in the
(i) Formal linkages are consciously created
innovation system includes the supplying of
and include both co-operative
technologically improved inputs to the
agreements and contractual
innovating firm and, therefore, the suppliers
specifications. Informal linkages emerge
contribute to the innovative abilities of the
spontaneously and include examples
firm. Competitors, according to Edquist
such as trade fairs, personnel mobility,
(2005:196), play the role of motivating or
transfer of technology through
supplying the incentives for the innovating
firm to become more innovative.


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A very important role that the suppliers and the success of innovations. Financial
competitors play in the innovation system is organisations not only play the role of
that of technology and knowledge transfer. finance providers, but can also play an
Whether the linkages are formal or informal, important role in knowledge transfer to
the contacts amongst these firms whereby firms. This link is usually stronger where
knowledge and expertise are transferred there is more control involved in the
serve as both a source for, and stimulus to, agreement or contract.
innovation (OECD, 1997:7). Transactions
take place amongst these participants and, Customers
through these transactions, the technology
that is part and parcel of the product or Consumer’s preferences should be
service, together with the knowledge that considered in the innovation process and
lead to that technology, is transferred in that customers play a role in transferring
transaction (Edquist, 2005:196). According knowledge to the firms. The studies done by
to Earl & Gault (2006), the Community Earl & Gault, (2006:13), and Bogliacino et al.,
Innovation Survey (CIS), made by Eurostat in (2009:12), of different surveys both indicate
2004, revealed that interactions with that the customers play, in most cases, a
suppliers were the most important sources of stronger role even than do suppliers in
information for innovation in European firms knowledge transfer to firms. Bloch (2007:26)
(apart from internal sources, that is), identified different aspects of how the
followed by fairs/exhibitions, competitors, customers may affect innovation. First, the
and conferences/journals. The findings of knowledge of the needs of the users assists in
Earl and Gault are confirmed by Bogliacino, generating new ideas; second, interaction
Perani, Pianta and Supino (2009:12) in with users leads to users assisting in seeking
similar surveys for the EU and a group of solutions for the development of new
developing countries. products; while thirdly, the responsiveness of
customers to new products, that is, the
Financial Organisations and Venture propensity of customers to adopt new
Capitalists products, will also affect the requirement to
Financial organisations and venture
capitalists also play an important role in the Education, Training and Research Bodies
innovation system by providing the financial
inputs needed by the innovating firm Education and training bodies play very
(Ahlbäck, 2005; Baskaran & Muchie, 2010; important roles in the development of human
and Holbrook, 1997). An efficient financial resources and some in R&D too. Many studies
system is of strategic importance for an such as those of Ahlbäck, 2005; Baskaran and
innovation system (Cooke, Uranga & Muchie, 2010; European Commission, 2003;
Etxebarria, 1997:481 and European Fromhold-Eisebith, 2007:217; Holbrook,
Commission, 2003:149), and so differences in 1997; Nelson, 1996:278; OECD & Eurostat,
the national financial systems will influence 2005:37; Orford, Herrington and Wood,
the national and regional innovation systems. 2004:34; Paterson et al., 2003:9-10; and
those of Rooks & Oerlemans, 2005, all include
Venture capital firms are particularly education and training bodies in the
important for the success of new firms innovation systems.
(Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002:48). Malkiel
(2007:325-330) offers evidence of the The role of the primary and secondary
contribution of the venture capital industry’s schools in the innovation system should be to
contribution to innovative activity. A provide quality education that can prepare
particular advantage of venture capitalists is people for tertiary education, as a sufficiently
the mentoring and monitoring role of the literate workforce and as potential
venture capitalists that often contributes to entrepreneurs. Universities have a dual role


Maria Eggink (2013), Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices 6

to play in the innovation system: the overview will be given of the role of
education component and the research and governments in innovation systems.
development component. Universities play
the role of promoting scientific knowledge The central role of government policy in the
and educating people, as well as initiating entrepreneurial economy should be enabling
innovation, by generating knowledge and in nature and should seek to create an
developing entrepreneurs (Greenhalgh & innovative environment (Department of
Rogers, 2010:88; Miyata, 2003:715;736). Innovation, Industry, Science and Research,
2011). The role that governments play in
The OECD, as cited by Edquist (2005:192), creating an environment conducive to
claims that in most countries, universities are innovation includes the development of
the most important public organisations human resources of the country, as was
performing R&D. Universities play a leading discussed in the previous paragraph. R&D is
role in basic research because firms do not partly fulfilled by private sector, but research
benefit directly from it. Firms must first by universities and certain institutions must
commercialise the basic research before they also be included in the role that governments
can benefit from it, and so they are often have to play. According to The World Bank
unwilling to carry the costs of basic research. (2010:140-141), business sectors finance the
However, the research role of Universities is majority of R&D, governments finance 30%
not confined to basic research. Although of R&D in OECD countries and universities
firms contribute the most to applied finance 7%. The R&D performance pattern is
research, universities are also involved in similar, but in developing countries
different forms of applied research. The governments plays the major role in
examples that Miyata (2003:737) mentions financing and performance of R&D. Paterson
include the generation of inventions, patents, et al. (2003:4-8) classified performance of
licenses, informal communication with research, development and innovation as a
regional firms, and spin-off firms. shared role of government with private
sector. According to Edquist (2005:193), the
An interesting research publication is that of dependence of universities on governments
Chen & Kenney, (2007), comparing two varies in different countries.
successful regional innovation systems in
China, their process of development and the The access to finances for innovative firms -
role of universities in the development an important determinant of innovation - is
process. The study concludes that the partly the role of government (Paterson et al.,
university research institutes have been 2003:4). Government can here play a vital
significant contributors to growth in the role in improving access to finances,
Chinese economy. The study of Youtie and especially for new ventures that cannot easily
Shapira (2008) confirms the role of locate other finances due to the risk involved.
universities in the innovation system. They Further, the government must create an
found, by comparing case studies of different institutional framework that inspires
universities, that the role of universities confidence. Trust in government and political
changed from performing conventional stability must be instilled. Laws and
research and education functions to serving regulations should be supportive of
as innovation-promoting knowledge hubs. innovative activities and should not hamper
them. Policies should be put in place that
Governments support innovation; policy formulation and
resource allocation should take place at
The role of governments in the innovation national level; specialised advisory functions
system can be very expansive, particularly should be provided; regulatory policy-
when all the different levels and divisions of making should be in place; and national
governments are considered. Therefore, science, and technology and innovation
within the scope of this study, only a broad


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7 Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices

international relations at the bi-lateral and the science parks positively relates to the
multi-lateral levels should be sound innovative output performance of firms.
(Paterson et al., 2003:4). The World Bank
(2010:60) contends that there are a few Depending on the form of intermediary, it
“generic innovation policy functions”: can be deduced that the roles of
supporting innovators by appropriate intermediaries include transfer of
incentives and mechanisms; removing knowledge; encouragement of small and/or
obstacles to innovative initiatives; new businesses and innovative activities;
establishing responsive research structures; training of management and technical skills;
and by fostering a creative and receptive cost benefits from sharing facilities; and
population through appropriate education access to advice on technical aspects,
systems. marketing, patenting, etc. Developed
countries make extensive use of these
Science, Technology and R&D intermediaries in their innovation systems,
Intermediaries while developing countries have an even
greater need for these intermediaries.
The following are included in innovation Therefore, intermediaries should be
intermediaries: industry and trade promoted in developing countries in order to
associations, economic development facilitate innovative activities in the
agencies, chambers of commerce, science, innovation systems.
technology and business parks, business
incubators, research consortia and networks, International Participants
research institutes, technology transfer
companies, industrial liaison offices, However, it must not be thought that the
innovation centres, high quality industrial innovation systems function in isolation. This
estates and standards organisations is due to globalisation. In this section, the
(Ahlbäck, 2005:12 and Phillimore & Joseph, international participants are identified
2003:751). These innovation intermediaries together with the roles that these
often involve more than one of the participants play or the effects that they have
participants in the innovation system. on the innovation system. These
Innovation intermediaries play the role of a international participants include, inter alia,
bridge linking knowledge directly or firms outside the national boundaries,
indirectly amongst actors, coordinating including foreign suppliers and competitors;
interests amongst actors and promoting the customers of export products; and multi-
transformation of scientific and technological national enterprises (MNE).
achievements (Siegel, Waldman, Atwater &
Albert, 2003:113). Dalziel (2010:3-4), Foreign suppliers, competitors and
however, cautions that these intermediaries customers play the same role as do the
are only classified as innovation domestic suppliers, competitors and
intermediaries if their purpose is to enable customers. Together with the expanded
innovation. markets, increased competition is, perhaps,
an unwanted result of international trade
Urriago, Modrego, Barge-Gil and (Eaton & Kortum, 2006:2; 26; Schneider,
Paraskevopoulou (2010) show with an 2005:529). On the other hand, this increased
empirical study that science parks in Spain competition puts pressure on domestic firms
have a strong positive impact on the to be more innovative (Schneider, 2005:530).
probability and amount of radical product As they interact, the foreign firms may also
innovation. These findings were further contribute to knowledge and technology
confirmed by the empirical study conducted transfer. The advantage for the domestic firm
by Squicciarini (2009:19) on Finnish firms, is that the foreign firms enhance their access
where Squicciarini found that locating inside to international innovative ideas.


Maria Eggink (2013), Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices 8

Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) are some The knowledge flows may be classified in
of the participants that play a very important three categories. The first category is that of
role in the innovation systems. According to open information sources, where access of
the International Trade Institute of Southern knowledge is gained without payment for the
Africa (2010: 47), MNEs form a huge knowledge itself. The second category of
component of international trade: MNEs are knowledge transfer is where the acquisition
responsible for over 20% of world output of technology and knowledge involves the
and for more than 25% of intra-firm trade. purchase of external knowledge and
The roles that the MNEs can play in the technology without active co-operation with
innovation system include international the source. The third category of knowledge
flows of knowledge through patenting, transfer is through innovation co-operation
licensing, foreign direct investment (FDI), which involves active participation in joint
trade and scientific collaborations, and innovation projects with other organisations
through R&D, production and sales that take (OECD & Eurostat, 2005:78-81).
place in different countries (Bloch, 2007:25);
financial resources and new factories; All three categories of knowledge transfer
management experience, entrepreneurial contribute significantly to the innovation
abilities, technological skills; and activities that take place in the innovation
technological knowledge about production system. Rooks & Oerlemans (2005:1216)
processes through transferring modern regard knowledge as “the basic ingredient of
machinery and equipment to capital-poor innovation”. Without knowledge that is
developing countries (Todaro & Smith, transferred from education, training and
2009:720). research institutions through human
resources to firms, the innovative capacity of
Discussion firms would be seriously hampered. The
flows of knowledge and technology among
It is important that the linkages among any of the participants in the innovation
participants should be of such a nature as to system, through any channel that has been
enhance the appropriate financial flows. discussed, will lead to an expansion of the
Financial flows among participants usually total knowledge component in the innovation
form part of direct and/or formal linkages. system as a whole. In turn, this will
These financial flows may, for example, be eventually lead to innovative activity and
between firms and financial institutions, economic development. The flow of
firms and venture capitalists, firms part of knowledge and technology across national
multi-national enterprises, firms and borders is but one of the most important
government (supporting, for example, R&D), aspects to consider in any innovation system,
government and universities, training and due to the increasingly globalised economy
other research organisations, between and the increased competition that inevitably
government and any other organisation in must accompany globalisation.
the innovation system that is funded by
government, for example (Ahlbäck, 2005; Conclusion
Baskaran & Muchie, 2010; European
Commission, 2003; Holbrook, 1997; and The purpose of this paper was to report on
Rooks & Oerlemans, 2005). the development of a descriptive, conceptual
framework of an innovation system model by
The knowledge flows are not as easily presenting the participants and their roles in
distinguishable as the financial flows because the innovation system.
knowledge flows do not only take place
through direct and formal linkages, but also The participants that play a role in the
through indirect and informal linkages. innovation system were found to include,
primarily, the innovative firms that were at
the centre of the innovation system due to


Maria Eggink (2013), Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 768378.
9 Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices

their importance in the contribution to conceptual model framework described can

innovative activities, and this included large, serve as a point of departure for the
medium and small enterprises. Innovative evaluation of innovation systems. The
firms were found to be operating in a identification of weaknesses or strengths in
complex matrix of other participants or participants, their roles in innovation
actors. Education and training bodies were systems or the linkages between them, may
found to be amongst the most important lead to their improvement and subsequently
participants, supporting firms in the to the improvement in the performance of
innovation system due to their contributions such systems and the economic development
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