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CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to reflect Begins to engage in reflection Engages in reflection Reflects individually and with Maintains ongoing reflective
on teaching practice to support on teaching practice individually and with colleagues on refinements in practice and action research in
student learning. Reflects individually and with colleagues on the relationship teaching practice and supporting student learning
individually or with colleagues colleagues that is focused on between making adjustments in connections among the and raising the level of
on immediate student learning methods to support the full teaching practice and impact on elements of the CSTP to academic achievement.
needs. range of learners. the full range of learners. positively impact the full range
of learners. Engages in and fosters
reflection among colleagues for
school wide impact on student
Every day, I meet with I am a naturally internal and
thoughtful person. As this is the
my mentor teacher after
case, I constantly find myself
school, and the both of us reflecting upon my day, my
discuss what went week, and my practice. I
through our day, what wonder how I can better myself
as an educator. I wonder what I
went right, what went
could have handled better or
wrong, and what we can backed off on in order to help
do as educators to make students learn how to fix their
tomorrow a better day own mistakes. Additionally, I
meet with my mentor teacher
for all. Each night as
6.1 Reflecting on everyday to discuss these
well, I reflect upon my reflections with her, and gain
teaching practice in day personally, and think feedback on what I can improve
support of student of ways that I can upon to create the best
environment possible for my
learning continue to strengthen
my practice. 5/8/18
With each day, with each
lesson, at every prep period,
and with every drive to and
from school, I reflect upon
my teaching practice. I have
always been this way –
introspective and reflective
– and now that teaching is
my career, that quality
comes naturally to me.
However, it at times can be
overwhelming, as it is hard
for me to switch off that
reflection at times in order
to teach in the moment
without second guessing my
abilities. Additionally, I
constantly turn to my
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
colleagues for support and
clarification on any
questions or concerns I may

Reflecting upon my
practice and questioning
both my successes and
failures is something that
comes rather natural to
me. I am inherently an
internal thinker. The
problem with this
sometimes is that then, I
tend to question myself
too much, and forget to
live and enjoy the
moment. This is where I
have learned to rely on
my colleagues’ input to
help put certain anxieties
at ease, and help solve
other anxieties that need
to be addressed.
Through collaborating
and helping one another,
there is this general
feeling of “I am not
alone,” which helps for all
of us, myself included, to
feel as if we are then
more willing to take
risks, try new strategies,
and take chances in order
to help our students
grow and succeed.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops goals connected to the Sets goals connected to the Sets goals connected to the Sets and modifies authentic Sets and modifies a broad range
CSTP through required CSTP that take into account CSTP that are authentic, goals connected to the CSTP of professional goals connected
processes and local protocols. self-assessment of teaching challenging, and based on self- that are intellectually to the CSTP to improve
practice. assessment. challenging and based on self- instructional practice and
Attends required professional assessment and feedback from impact student learning within
development. Expands knowledge and skills Aligns personal goals with a variety of sources. and beyond the classroom.
individually and with school and district goals, and
colleagues through available focuses on improving student Engages in and contributes to Engages in ongoing inquiry into
professional development. learning. professional development teacher practice for
targeted on student professional development.
Selects and engages in achievement. Pursues a variety
professional development of additional opportunities to Contributes to professional
based on needs identified in learn professionally. organizations, and development
professional goals. opportunities to extend own
teaching practice.

We have not had many We are required by the Diocese to create a While we continue to not have
list of goals at the beginning of the school
professional development year and intricately explain exactly how many professional development
moments just yet, but those that we will achieve these goals, how we will opportunities that are provided
have been made available to us measure their success, and how long we by our employer, I have gained
expect them to take to complete. We can
I have made sure to attend. I more insight on how to find and
6.2 Establishing have much to learn, and I am
also add any professional development
opportunities that we think may be attend credible professional
professional goals willing to go to just about lucrative to achieving our goals, and must
get approval by our administration before
development opportunities
anyone who can give me through the help of my
and engaging in different ideas about how to
these goals are sent back to the Diocese.
Midway through the school year, we meet experienced coworkers.
continuous and better perfect my craft. From with our administration to discuss the
current progress of these goals, as well as
Additionally, I have kept track
these professional development of my goals through the year,
purposeful moments, I like to go through
make any necessary changes to strengthen
our goals for the rest of the year. By the changed them when need be,
professional growth my beginning of the year goals, end of the year we meet again, and see if
we did indeed meet our goals. If we did,
and worked to accomplish my
make changes, add ideas, and goals. Those that were not fully
and development work to strengthen those goals
we create new ones for the following
school year. If we did not, we reassess accomplished for one reason or
to best ensure success by the how we can achieve these goals for the another will be set in place for
next school year, and create subsequent
end of the year. goals that support this main goal and the next school year.
9/26/17 guarantee its success. 5/8/18

I strive to incorporate the

CSTP and ISTE standards
into my personal
professional goals at my
work. While we lack in
professional development
opportunities, I strive to
provide personal
professional development
for myself through my
studies and reflections on
my teaching practice. I
continue, however, to
search for those
professional development
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
opportunities and attend
them whenever it is feasible
and possible.

Navigating the world of

finding plausible and helpful
professional development
opportunities has become
easier as my time as a
teacher has become longer.
My colleagues and I share
email invites with one
another, and work together
to figure out which
opportunities are helpful,
and which may be less than
useful. I once thought that I
would be completely alone
in trying to find professional
development opportunities,
and I have learned since
then that this will luckily
never be the case. As long
as I am surrounded by other
professionals who take their
work seriously and wish to
grow in their practice, I will
never fall short of
professional development
opportunities. I have also
learned to use my voice and
request for more
professional development
opportunities at work
instead of just sitting
around waiting for them to
happen. It has been a
process, but I finally feel as
if I am beginning to find my
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Attends staff, grade level, Consults with colleagues to Collaborates with colleagues to Collaborates with colleagues to Facilitates collaboration with
department, and other required consider how best to support improve student learning and expand impact on teacher and colleagues.
meetings and collaborations. teacher and student learning. reflect on teaching practice at student learning within grade
the classroom level. or department and school and Works to ensure the broadest
Identifies student and teacher Begins to identify how to access district levels. positive impact possible on
resources at the school and student and teacher resources Interacts with members of the instructional practice and
district level. in the broader professional broader professional Engages with members of the student achievement at school
community. community to access resources broader professional and district levels and for the
that support teacher community to access resources profession.
effectiveness and student and a wide range of supports
learning for teaching the full range of Initiates and develops
learners. professional learning
opportunities with the broader
professional community
focused on student
My mentor teacher is We are required by our Now that I have come to
administration to meet in grade know more about my
directly assisting me with
level meeting collaborations colleagues, I have had more
6.3 Collaborating this endeavor. We share once a week. Every Tuesday
our resources with each opportunity to not only
morning, I meet with all the
with colleagues and other, and she teaches teachers from Kindergarten meet in our mandatory
the broader through second grade. Here, we faculty meetings and grade
me how to use various level meetings, but to
work together to help one
professional resources I have never another find resources, collaborate with my peers
community to heard of or used before communicate goals, and learn from all grade levels. I have
during my time in school. through each other various managed to create working
support teacher ways to help our students
It is wonderful to have relationships with all the
and student her guidance during this
succeed. Additionally, we
fellow teachers at my
gather as a school every
learning time. Wednesday afternoon for school, and know that at any
9/26/17 collaboration time amongst all time I can go to one of them
grade levels to assist each other, with a question or concern
learn from one another, and and together we will work
work to make our school to find a solution or idea
community strong and bonded that may help.
by a mutual goal of helping 5/8/18
students succeed.
As this is my second year at
this school, I feel as if I have
found my stride when it
comes to no longer being
the new teacher in the
building. I have colleagues
that I can rely on, parents
who know and respect my
work, and a true voice in the
community. I always work
to be professional, no
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
matter who I may be
working or communicating
with, and just as I work to
model and emulate
positivity with my students,
I work to do so with my
colleagues and parents as

This semester has helped

for me to branch out
more than I ever thought
I would in regards to
being a collaborative and
active colleague. Instead
of being a receiver of
collaboration, a mere
standby waiting to be
told who to work with
and what to do, I have
transformed into an
initiator of collaboration
instead. I seek out help,
and provide resources in
return. I have led a
opportunity, and
managed to make a bit of
a difference. Basically, I
have found my stride,
and am very thankful to
be surrounded by
colleagues who are both
receptive and responsive
to giving and receiving
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the role of the family Acknowledges the importance Supports families to contribute Provides opportunities and Structures a wide range of
in student learning and the need of the family’s role in student to the classroom and school. support for families to actively opportunities for families to
for interactions with families. learning. Seeks information Adjusts communication to participate in the classroom and contribute to the classroom and
about cultural norms of families families based on awareness of school. school community. Supports a
represented in the school. cultural norms and wide range school/district environment in
Welcomes family involvement of experiences with schools. Communicates to families in which families take leadership
at classroom/ school events. ways which show to improve student learning.
understanding of and respect
for cultural norms.

As a school, we welcome While it took me some time to Where once I was beyond
be fully comfortable with the uncomfortable having parents in the
the involvement of all our classroom, now I welcome them.
idea of having parent
families as they have the volunteers in the classroom, I
Parent volunteers come into the
classroom four times a week to aide
ability to do so. In our have come to understand the instruction, provide prep work, or
individual classrooms, significant benefit it can have even help with science experiments.
for all students. I have about Parents are invited to every event,
parents often act as
five regular volunteers, as well and are encouraged to come into the
voluntary aides for our as other parents who volunteer classroom as community speakers.
students, running centers with library, copying, and other As the PTO Teacher Representative,
I am also able to make connections
and providing assistance school activities. It is wonderful with parents of students who are
to have parents on campus, as it
to the teacher, which is not in my class as well. This has
provides a real opportunity for helped me in my abilities to be an
6.4 Working with wonderful. Now that I them to see what it is we do in Academic Decathlon mentor for
families to support have had a chance to get the classroom from day to day. junior high students, and to find a
I have noticed that since bigger role within our school
to know my students, I,
student learning too, am going to begin including parents so much in community.
our classroom, there are less
creating a schedule to misunderstandings between
have more parents teacher and parents, and more
Parents are a vital and
opportunities for us to realize integral aspect to helping the
involved in the classroom classroom run smoothly and
that the best way for the
with students. secure student success. I
students to succeed in school is
9/26/17 for us, as advocates for the originally thought parents
students, to work together and would judge and critique
support one another. I feel very everything I do. Sometimes
lucky to have such supportive they do, that is human nature,
parents. but in learning how to be
5/8/18 open to their presence and
accept their help, we have
built a strong and
collaborative community
between parent and teacher.
This way, parents feel
comfortable to seek help from
me, and I feel comfortable in
sharing more of those difficult
discussions in the process of
fostering student success.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
communities to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the school. Includes references or curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
connections to students, and families. for students.
Uses available communities in single Includes knowledge of
neighborhood and lessons or sequence of communities when Draws from Engages students in
community resources lessons. designing and understanding of leadership and service
in single lessons. implementing community to improve in the community.
instruction and enrich the Incorporates
instructional program. community members
into the school
learning community.
I am brand new to the I have come to be more Now that I have become I have finally, and officially,
area of Los Alamitos comfortable in Los more familiar with the found my way around the
6.5 Engaging local where I am working. I Alamitos now that I area of Los Alamitos and community in which my
communities in have never lived in the spend so much time Long Beach, I have been school is located. I know the
local restaurants, where to
support of the area, and have always there as a teacher. This able to reach out more to shop, and what
instructional worked and lived in the has allowed for me to our surrounding organizations are partnered
areas close to where I gain a better community to bring the with our school. More
program grew up. It is exciting for understanding of the outside world into our importantly, however, is I
me to be involved in an community, and the classroom. Most have found my confidence
entirely new community, opportunities available recently, I reached out to when it comes to reaching
and I am working to through working and a local karate studio, who out to these organizations to
become more familiar living there. came into the classroom create learning
with the area with each 5/8/18 to teach a lesson to my opportunities and service
opportunities for my
day, as well as working to students about respect students. It has been a
be able to use the and confidence during challenging, yet enriching
community in lessons to Red Ribbon Week. This year overall, and these
help students to make was not only engaging for moments of community
connections from their my students, but connection have been some
learning to everyday life. impactful and memorable of my favorite memories
9/26/17 as well. through it all.
12/10/18 5/5/19
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops an understanding of Maintains professional Anticipates professional Integrates the full range of Models professionalism and
professional responsibilities. responsibilities in timely ways responsibilities and manages professional responsibilities supports colleagues in meeting
and seeks support as needed. time and effort required to into advanced planning and and exceeding professional
Seeks to meet required meet expectations. prepares for situations that may Responsibilities effectively.
commitments to students. Demonstrates commitment by be challenging.
exploring ways to address Pursues ways to support Supports colleagues to maintain
individual student needs. students’ diverse learning Maintains continual effort to the motivation, resiliency, and
needs and maintains belief in seek, develop, and refine new energy to ensure that all
students’ capacity for and creative methods to ensure students achieve.
achievement. individual student learning.
I work to maintain I believe that every Now that I have become more
comfortable as a new teacher
my responsibilities single student that and new member to the
with every day, walks into the door community, I am also more
comfortable in portraying my
besides just teaching of my classroom has professionalism. I support my
but also our morning the complete ability colleagues and wish for their
success in their careers and
and after school to succeed in personal lives. Together, we
duties, as well as my academics as well as work to constantly brainstorm
6.6 Managing ways to better our school, and
professional recess duty in life. I also believe realize that our school will not
responsibilities twice that it is my job to continue to succeed without all
responsibilities to of us working together to make
maintain a week. I work to be facilitate this success it so.
on time, to the best of my 5/8/18
motivation and
commitment to all professionally ability, and to My colleagues, especially my

students dressed and constantly be mentor, are my biggest means

of support when it comes to
behaved, and to researching to find teaching. We are all there to
always put my all more and better help and support one another
through the good times and
into my work. ways to support my bad. Whether it is school
9/26/17 students and help related, or something
happening in one of our
them succeed. personal lives, we work to
9/26/17 support and help one another
through anything that may
come our way. As this is the
case, we all strive to share our
strengths with one another in
order to better ourselves and
others, and continue to help our
school to grow and flourish.

I am so, so lucky to be
surrounded by teachers
who love what they do,
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
and love sharing what
they do with others. My
Mentor, especially, is my
biggest means of support.
She is amazing. All of us,
as teachers, band
together at this school
through the good times
and the bad. We laugh
when we feel as if we are
about to cry, and lift each
other up to see our true
potentials when we need
it the most. In this
environment of
camaraderie, we feel safe
to take risks, make
mistakes, and keep going
even when it feels as if
everything is falling
apart. We are all at that
school because we love
learning, and love
sharing that with our
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, contractual agreements, Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
and ethical responsibilities.*
and commitment to student learning and the
* As follows: profession in all circumstances.
• Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes.
• Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which these values and biases
affect the teaching and learning of students. Contributes to building professional community
• Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of learners, including English and holding peers accountable to norms of
learners and students with special needs. respectful treatment and communication.
• Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the California Abuse and Neglect
Reporting Act.
• Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and district guidelines for Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
reporting cases of sexual harassment.
high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
• Understands and implements school and district policies and state and federal law in responding to
inappropriate or violent student behavior. and ethical conduct.
• Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health, and safety of
students, families, and other school professionals.
• Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
• Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
• Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school community.
I work with every day to follow and enforce all of these categories, both for myself I take my opportunity to be an educator very seriously. I
6.7 Demonstrating and for my colleagues and students. School is often a safe place for students have worked hard to get to this point in my life, and do not
professional depending on their home life, and I never want that to change for them. I plan on taking anything easily now. I continue to work hard
responsibility, personally feel as if I am beyond blessed to have ended up at the wonderful school to better my craft, learn from others, and strive to be the
best teacher I can be for my students.
integrity, and where I am currently working, and I will do anything to help the students there 5/8/18
ethical conduct feel safe, cared for, and successful.
9/26/17 I have worked for many years to become an educator,
and I take my profession very seriously, with an
understanding that becoming a teacher means that I
am never through with learning and growing
personally. As this is the case, I work to find
professional development opportunities at all times,
rely on my colleagues and mentor for support and
guidance, and take critique with stride – even when it
is difficult to do so. Just as I strive to be a resilient
lifelong learner, I work to instill this integrity in my
students as well. I share with them my stories of
being in “online school” and share with them my
triumphs and struggles with learning as well. When
they see that I can continue to grow and learn even as
an adult, my hope is that they, too, will never stop
learning and growing within themselves.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I love being an educator. Absolutely love it. Don’t get
me wrong – there are days when I go home crying
because I don’t know what else to do to fix a problem,
and there are days where I leave the house when it’s
dark outside, only to be gone for so long that I don’t
get back home until it’s dark again that night. I have
missed family events, at times been a bad girlfriend,
and pay for an apartment I barely live in, but I love
being an educator. We as educators do something
that not all people do every day; we see the future in
its beginnings. We get asked what our favorite color
is, learn the origins of lizard eggs, and have every
Pokemon memorized. It is a beautiful, wonderful
future that lays ahead of us. As is the case, I take my
work seriously, and work to better myself with every
day and every success and failure I experience. I
surround myself with other teachers who can set me
straight when I need it the most, and encourage me to
take chances when I need it the most. And just as
they support me, I work to support them in return
through honest and constructive feedback. Now, my
school needs me, all of us, to help save it. I plan, then,
to do my all to help save it, because in teaching I
believe in something greater than myself. I believe in
the mystical, ever-changing world of education. I
believe in helping children to be kind and succeed. I
believe that being a teacher is a secret superpower,
and I believe that just maybe I can contribute to the
betterment of society in some small way.

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