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REPURLIKA NC PILIPINAS . REPUBLIC OF TB PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG BDURARYON, KULTURA AT ISPGRTS: | DEPARTMENT: ‘OF: EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS: Lomblex. Meralee Avenue + Piss Nelo Mai, WANGGARAN NG KALIKIFA ‘March 27-1997 (erIGEOF Me secaRTARYE | EL oe DECK ORDER Na. 2a a2 y997 : To...” Wiadersverctarivs. Assistaht: Seoretaries Bureau Direotory TT + Regional Pirectors - 5 ‘Setiool Dheisieit Su ncn: aa . 1 In. nappoa: vi the idipleinentadié nif the Republic Ace 7277 (Magra. Cana For Diisdbied. Parsons) and: te udbicvc:thg-targer set fis the ASH arid Pacifié Leecates af Disabled; Porvond 1¢ 1493. ati) that 738% OF the'# nullier’ hildige with disablltes: sticmd be’ -protided: equal” educaidnal ‘opporlimitign; “ pesial “ heads. education , dual Be; inslitat#onttize in all sthools, mas 2. The Jnstitititinadisation dimis't3:brovide: avoesy O6 Basio edicdation aniong, shildren With special needs, nainely, the gifted talented, ‘the mentally retarded, the Ny impaired, ihe hearing. impaired, she, orthopédically handicapped; the’ Warning, disabled; ibe speich detectived, the childecs with behaviae probleiny, the wutiatie Ehildsen anal those cial health. prablesis throuwly ie>forstal ‘site and other aluartative delivery “service i ‘education..” owe : 3 “he Tonabngy wee "ta: glkdives which UN he bsdved i ‘ie inistlulionatintion of special néeds eavemtion’ a) Ad divisions, vai laasc ane SPHEY Center which wall cater ty childzen with’ spetial needs: © Progzami” organized”. shal) adope Hic inchisive eckicdlion : dcihcept “orth differant types ol" SPMD peviggiamr suited to, the heeds of the fenrhers,, The Center shelf function asn Resowrse Gorter . 7°" (dupont Uhildren with spacial heeds mregrated inc rdgelar sclisats 1) to ansint iv the Goteduct of iaeser'vice-trathings, ‘ 2°". do prokice:nppropriste texting marerints, and 2 lofy,cohductcostionous ausesrment of ebiftzen With special needs! SofigoT dtvistons shall Appropriate finds Ror the aforementioied activities. bo. Nib diseriets - shall organize: SPED' prograins “in. schools where thefe are ‘dandified children Sith speciabnesds, Assistance trom existing SPED. Center shall e-sGught in the. aigersment, of the elvidren, with, special needs: smd in the orientation. ot training of tho ‘regular teacher tg help these students, . Tecchers sand °extinisvtars ‘tho -heve had teainings is SPED shal! be identified anditheie capovtise tapped. “eo. -Lidgel raining ti the ragioasl; divisizne and distiei levels shall be initiated? “sind cihducted by the identified Regional Trainors in Spetial ‘Falucaticn. @. CTecastiin, dhe ‘oimliming interest of expertisors, adminisiraiord ard! teachers isi theichplenentation of the SPED programs, inbetsives shall be plaemed ad. provided:for, ” e+ iT ehwinia haa te education of ebildren with spacial teed is a integtal pact ofthe educational system, an annual alloewiiou forcoxdebriGn position tml! be provided fer BEED. teauhdrs, . 4. = {mpieriicotasion fe the nstiiowelialion’ std ‘comimence' am SY 1997 S199) “The Rayicnal Specta! Tchication. Unit in coordination ‘with ‘the, Reioral. SPED. Cotini\. shall prokide:anatince 10 LG Regtonat Dlvector mn the" ingtination alization inf Hie SPED progr. : . & “Hid, Spéelal: Education! Division of the Tiiveadl of Eleinentiry Education shall prcvide'techiuedl assistance: 10, all Regional Offices for the iteplentan ation ot tris proséret, & «. Tpimedigte| disgensiasio’ and-oonnplianioe 88 this Lieut is deésinéd CRT Keterence : Nip hee, | Achotimates (1 2(N0. L873 Lol to hee didtGeted in the! Barpetuhh index tinder the. toliowing autcrecta: (PROGHAM:

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