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Republic of the Philippines

C'epartrnent of Health
eR (o9.) 7o3-r 3Eo ro aa : a31-6ao I ro 13 f,l cr66r'r.dorr,

QilS lnbr€ffl ce Uemotandum

2019 - 15

To : Medknl Division
: Nursing Division
: Finance Division
: Hospital Operations and Petient Support Services (HOPSS) Division
: Ofrices Dircctly Unde/ha1ltledical Center Chief (MCC)



Quality Management Representative

Subject : Status of Aclion Plans from Previous Management Review

Date :April 30, 2019

In line with the recent requirement ofthe Department of Health regarding the updates on the
Manatement Review for the 1st Quarter of 2019, all organizational groups are hercby directed
to submlt a status of the identifled action plans durlng the latest Management Review
conducted last January 1G11, 201!r.

Attached to this memorandum is a copy of the Minutes of the Management Review and the list
of action plans for your reference.

This requirement MUST be submitted to the QMS Office on or before 12NN of May 2, 2019.

For your strict compliance.

3 oIAPR 2o1s

20rE t08r 0u8rtil[rG c0nnmHr [0t?fir] ffic;

Slepubltc of ttrs Phtligrplnee
f,}opartrnsnt of Haanh
C(}ttAjtr(}N L(}CSIh| ell{}NTELIE]'T"h|O
|ii|Et|,|(}FlIAL REGI(}f\|AL H(}SPITAL
Stoc*t zug"tulG rrr t$ii :,tgl,,&drt r& 13 stdB6rh"doh"g6u"r|h

Minutes of the Meeting
{ lanuary 10-11" 2019 }

lhr Mteting was cal|od Into.o,rder ly gtr. Jofgs Marlon L Tabtlga$

- CMFS, At elrastly 8:0ttam. fottared by the
opening prayer by Mr. leonard,tng

*. Julirn M. $Iilqrr. llsdod Csr*€r Cfrid ll
e. Jorg€ ltslsr L Tadigfli - Adity Mnegsn€rt Reprssartdive
Dr. t{gtlta B. Drr aguit - IQA Chdrgao*r
AMS Ss*rid
Ur{tQMR, UnitDC
Dep*tmqtl |f€ads
Ms. ffaiad Vdm- l$O0onsdtilt

l. srmls or t$tsrs r*tfirr Fmr pmfiot s trlr{rcatgtr rerflBfns
The stahrc of actions tahn to address conoarnt and hrucs from the disnrssion lrorn prwlous rnan*gernent
rwi* has been presented ald revianed,

Relevant lnternal and External lseues, and their status that affecl oBeretional actlvitlas was pre$€nted and
dixussed bV each organizationalgroup. Fls see resp€ctive presentation fordetails). Some of thes€ changes
- N€* servi€es: diabetes center, drugdependencytestin& malasldt center
- Date Prfuacy 461 ssrnpliance, with sorne chalhnges, hrt wlth action plans being implenrented;
considering gstting consultent specific for thls need
r MGdical Resldency Ratation Stateg,y rnandated by DOH wfth some challengesto be addressed and
handled by CMETRU
- Transferlopenlng of new dietary area
- Started implernentetlon of IHOMIS & eCtaims


L Crsbmrr SrdrfrcUon ad feedbsd( hom Interc$od prder

fublk lnforrnatbn and Assistance Desk Fresented the OJ$omer Satisfachn grrvey forthe seccnd sern€sier of
X)18. General average rating was presented at bllows:

Fage I of l0
zas-rcno to ltt a31'tiot t$ tl *lqt'F6rtr'rloh{eY'Ir r
Stne.} ;

Almost 9 cut of 10 clients of CIMMRH ghrts a posrurc feedback to our staff and institution.. There is a very big
and s[nificant difference on the prqportion of posltirre and negative feedbackr. A small percentage of the
inteMewed clientr had a negative feedback.

The blggest source of the fsedbacls are fmm th€ Administrative Sorvicer at afmctt 879x and folbwed bv the
OPD scrvkes. lt can also bo imptied that mo:t of the positfye feedbacts are from the Administrative Senrkes
Based on the data, rmst of the negathrc feedbacks ard suggestbns are hom the OPD services of O$MRH'

Most of the walk-ln mmplaints of the hospital are from the Medical Divisiofr while the least of the complaints
are frorn the Finance Dtvldon. tt is folbnred bV the Nursing Dlvision at 37 and the HOPSSD at 2096' PIAD
reccives an average cf 7 cornptahts per month. A total of 15 comphints w€rs lo&ed through the 8888
Conplaints Hdllna

DtxtmHtr* lr#anp&,ns nqporlinkUtS;

Complaints on the attitude of the staff/dsctors/nurses, coordinate wtth Ms' Go for the PIAD
possible customer relation

f. S'tlh|r of Sl$liGd|t e Cddcrl RH md SEtu3 of Ourcdvs g t$8pls.

Changes and reviions of Risk and opportunity assessments w€rc done, with some cfiang* in the methodology
used, New and/or revised obledhes yrere gsnereted as a resuh of the nfl ascessmsnt done, es refected in
respectlve unifs actbn plannlngwoflsheeB and nranagement revhw reports.

Geileral QOP Resutts uar presented W the OIt/tR. Each organizational group pfissentd detailsd QOP targets
and raq.rlts.

fvto* departments in Medtcal Division met their QOP targets with 9496 achierremen! and there are three
obrecthlea that were not consistently m€t from HlM, fior chart omdetion; and tFM fur preEntlt€
maintenance and calibratlrn.

Delays in subrnisdon of QOP results and Actbn Phnoing Worlsheet to QMS offtce by a few oryanlzational
groups ls stitl not€d. fhe QI\{S have lmplemcnt€d a contrul m€ssunE to avoid delays in the suhmlssbn of
required documents.

Oharr$ont*Iffinfhnr nrryonc&#Unft
to lsgte a rnemo for comments on the Mandatory QOPs to bs
Includa ln status of issues {in each organizational group } the things being All organizational GrouPs
done to address tham. This will serve as basis for rnonitoring forthe net*

3, nwrr podonnnca md orfornttf of rrvlcc / Reailt of modloAng nd marurunrmt tmril

Allorganlzatlionel groupr repofted their per{onnance wlth sonn of the hlghlEhts and actions plans $atd

fVuolng Servrce Olflce:

' wnlt totcl of 68 stsff r€slgnatior for 2018.
- With dlght lncreasa in admlssion due to rcfenal ftom other dlstrict hosphal

Page 2 of 10
Ftepubllc of ttro Frhlllppin€tr
Ilopartrnsrrt of Hesltlr

ttlFlt roo-r3|lo io tta ; .gi-!aol ro r,$ $ ekwrh dolr.qov'Fcr

$uggested to have new QOP target for completion of drart to 8[Fl within 24 hours frorn dischaqe of
pfltient. lt war also iugge$€d to hava 2 leyel targFts one from Initial grbmirsion to HfM and 2d for
re-submission afier HIM qA

- Wfrh noted decreasa In adnrlsslon from 2017 to 2O18; but dischargcs are digbtlv hbher in 2O18
posclbly duc to imprornd intsrd€partfilentel coordinatkrn and collaboration
- Stressed the need fur speclrl erea for prucedure and place fortools stonge.

Pedia Ward
- Whh 6 cases of fall and 4 needle stick injury

Floor 1/ Medkal lsolatkrn

- Admlssion increased by 199( and discharges increased bv ZOe
- Thsre is an average 2 days of $ay of patient after MGH order due dehVed processing of phllheahh
paper, transport, rebllling among others.

- U/fth 22 nurses reslgnrtioo, but only 7 were repfaced to date
- Accreditatlon for mother baby friendly hospital completed
- Oecrease in admlssion form 2017 to 2018; and with 7% decrease in dischergss

Labor & Delivery Room

- openned mlnl Operatfng Room
- l ttth total of 5039 patients fmm luly to Dec. 2018
- Oecrease in patient catered bV 3.8896
- Wlth continuous ectiw BlvlOltC tralnlng for [GU;s
' With noted outbreak, 23 cases; action plans implemented but with some isqre on the inconsistent
conduct of monthly mlstlng
- Dctr€as. dlscharyes by 16.5%; 37'% decrease in death rate and 5196 derease in admlsslon
- Need to strength€n educating staff in following protocols both nursing and medical

General Surgery Ward

' WAh noted 5% lncrease in adnfssion, or a tdal of 4395; and decrease In discharges by 5.67%

Wesl Tower 4th floor

- With hcreasd admhsion, dirchartps and death nte
- MaJorlty of the patients ar€ medkaf surg€ry, ogha and bum cases

- Totalof19trainingsconducted
- Completed ttc new ernphyec orientatlon manual
- R*$bmttted dorumentt for CPD provilcr appficaticn, awaiting feedback from PflC; with target
completlon whhin this year.
- Wlth noted decrease in quanttty of uraste generated
- Lessencd cats and rats slght@s slnce lrplenrentatlon of no bringing of outsHe food

Page 3 of 10
Reputrltc ot tlr€ PhlllPPlnes
Clspertmsnt of l-lealth

7ol!-tg6iQ b 66 i 4tl-t!o1 re la ftatnm'i! dolt c.w lth


Completeness of Chart will have 2 targets ilursing Service Ofiice
a. &)?5 complete upon ilbmission to HIM
b. 10tr6 cornpbte afterQQA by HIM
To ldentlfi flew actbfl planr br unmefi trryett not thosc ttat are ongoln3 Floor 2
Status of issues must say what ls currently being done to address thern Flmr 1

To include the FOU$ in the lntereft€d Parties in the prevention of fall Pedia Ward

ICC to hok for other ahemathes ln addressing outbreaks tcc

Dialysls (PD & HD)

- Still with lssue with snrpplies sf PD solutions, but cant also change supplier
- With noted increase in peritonitis in 2018 for PD patlents
- Cunently discusslng with supplier exchange of Sak not belng used
- lnspectbn of DOH west tower done, whh some needed actlons to cornplete accredftatbn
- Increased patientsater€d et HD

Internal Mediclne
- Onlyone resldent appllcant
- lssue with the medkal rotation strategy mandated by DOH
- Increase admission

General Surgery
- All targ€ts were met, otcept 1; with 2 resident rcsignations
- Granted 5 year full accrsditatbn for recidency training durirrg the recent accraditatbn visit
- Wfth noted 95.&196 passing rete for in-service exam
- With slfht increase in admisrion and about 506 increase in performed procedurcs

Pedlatric tlepartment
- with less than 1% Hrdl
- Custorner S:tisfaction rating of 99}6'
- All Pedia doctors are now accredited to Data Prl,racy Commission
- Increased passlng of resklents in speciafi board exarn to 87%
- With significant increase In ER cons{rlt, from 9574 to 17681

Stone Center
- Wlt 1386 increase in patients catered
- All QOPs were rnet

- Wnh avemge 6698 monthly x-ray done
- Significant increasa in ultrasound procedures were noted from July to Decernber; mammogtam
Increased by 156%

Emergencry Mediclne Department

- Still with issue on CD boarded patients and with noted increase in admission, as well as number of
absconded patients

Page 4 of 10
tlterl ?&$-tsso t' ga ; {.|1-!t8sl iir 1s S clmmrtr-dah.Qov }'lt

Fami[ and Cornmunity Medicine

- Given level ? accredftation for reside*ry treining last Se$ennber 2018

- With eddltlonal w*llneoe progrrm for emplryes
- $finiftant ingraa$e in APt mndlance of +rnpbpas" about 9{}}i, hrt with s}ight decrease in OFD
patient scen
- Wltb sugestlon to provide lfPl/ nccine for femab emplolees

Medical focial Wort

- Opened Malasakit Cents - one-stop shop

Wilh 2 outreech pwrams done * at Earanpy 9 and Misionaries of Clrarity
- With dans to have rroman and chfid protection unit ald violen* agalnst women and ciildren

Mental Health Unit

With noted issue on pllling out of n$rses from MHU

- MlfU nunes wlll onty be albw?d to augnent rnanponrer at fff and Fbor 1 as origin*fly ogreed and

Nutrition ard Dittetlcs

- E*ab[shed Dlabetes Center, rewttlng to increasa in number of counscled patients
- Startcd nutrftlon dlnic

Oepa rtrneflt of Ophthalmology

- ll€ed equipment to be $hto pnrv{de npre servlces esttsnst€d at 35M. tt.was sugested to shxty the
need and priorftire those that ar€ neesary and plan or* prrchase for the naxt 3 Wan

Departnred of Ortiopcdks and Traurn$olo,gy

- Wilh good srppfier for bask implants but with rme chalhqes in wfth crilical irnplents spplier
- !{er diplomate and ncw fellow h the departrnant
- FqqtSrint for Day tuqeryalresdy ldentifid

Department of fuiedhesia

- Wtth chrllengcs in completlng index cases, but uor*ing on n Ouitng Oepartm$t m€etingt
- Grfit€d rearcreditatlon for 3 prrs last October il118
- Averaglng 730 casas per month; Stl6 of *'trldl are OB cases

OB€ync Departrnent

- tssues on oornpletbn of drart withln 24 hours, but wfth dependencies with nureing servke
- Atso with chalbnges in cornpkting nsearch requirements of reddfpts
- Residency accr€dilatbn valH unt$ 2020

- Started lmplamentatio*l of conpttrngy bared rsseesment an unlfied,adtnission crftefa rnd proc*cs
for residency pmgnrm applicants
- Total of 1tl4 reridcntq wi*r $96 pacsk€ rate In speclatty board exars

Paee 5 of 10
Ftst'ulttlc of th€
tr}Gllsnrf,r€nt of Heslttt
tg'lFr3dtro.o ldt i allr-llttoi 6 lg tf,N crrlrsrtr'r*orr'oo* ptt


- the growing number sf recorded

Wlth recorded 61500++ Hw cases natlonwUe; Rqion 6 numbor 4 in
casec but sfth noted decreased number of patleilt tsted
positiw n 201E

Kidnqf Tr8spbnt Unit

- Incrcesad organ donation lrcrbhops

- Wilh 2 acttrp patlonts gossibh fortransplant
- Z Pac*age at *t96 comPhtion
- To com#e lCdnntTransplam c€Giscatlon by Q2 of ?019

l$tensitn Care Unit

- Deereged admission bY 11t{

- f{a recursnce of outbr€ek and lmplemented nenr ruks, wfth one ifitensMst assigned
er€ry rnot}th
cvcry nrsnth to handle referrals
- in one bi8 shs€t for
WiSr plm to imp{ow monlbring Creds are ICU to have all tnbrmatbn needed
easy rcference and reerding


corlstder prr;poEing to have a packaged semloSv Test in Bi:boxto include tte

neces$arv blmd tests already.
Coordlnate with ts group tha neded lab regue$ rpeciffcallY to
Hemodialvsis, to prevent errors in tagfing request i.e. anti HEV or anti HAV
fvtSW wttiUe strkter in patlents wtro ars iust coming in to ER to have an U Cath
insertcd since most pstients are processlng it as NBB'
FmrOfiate wittr itri aOmtnistratton to have a holding area for overboarded EmergencT Medicine

consider uenttfoing a addftlonal actbn plan s{nce infrastructure soh.ttion may Emergency Medicine
take a long tinre to be implernented
Sr. Residents to man triage, wlth tha revision of tnl*ing rnanual

, starting February, to-streamllne /

address triqe proilem
ldentifo vaccines that can be provided to empbyees. lnquire with LGU's -

Peti€rltr wlll noi-naet b€ t€quhed to get a copy of the e & tracing from heart
station as supplemental to the findings.
Resldentsshould getthe official rearlts ofthe EC€ tracing instead of asking
patienti to retrieve the same.
Coordinate wilh IHOMP to advertise :ervices at CIJvIMRH website

To prepare fensibility study for ambrtrlatory care center. Orthopedics and


€ncourage more residents to enroll in the residenry training program

Pap 6 of 10
Ftepulrllc of tkre PhlliPPlnee
I)spsrtmant {}{ Health

Stmat tst^l:i!{} le rG ; a3t't'|ol to t! {pclmartr'dctr.ecv.Fh

To set rne€ting wlth nursing and CMPS to dlscuss issue on chart completbn. To Obstetrks and GynecologY
include Flnance and Accounting as requested b,y Mr Ester
Asountlng Scction to asrist Operating Room for changngthe list of Operott ng nomt Cornplul
ipstrumenti incfuded In ofi pacls Accoadng Secttan
To lnlffie o chonge mamgemerrt pan fur tfic statiltsfin c nt ol the Multi Medtcsl SxiolWork
Dtsciptlrpry Uatt to ccrdilwte wfth Dr Anots&
To request fur 10 more unkt of ventilaton to efficlently ssrve all patieilts in Pulmonary Unlt
To fncfude Radlologlc Technlclans and fi4edtech5 In the training pr4ram and sit CM€TRU
down with PET to discuss howto improrc Involrrernent of other medical
department in CMETRU activities and pfirnranu
To incorporate DOH prognms In the rislng number of Persons livkts with lllv ( HIV end AIOS Core Team
PU{|V }
To lntroduce the Nerrr dlagnostic algorhhm In HIV HIV and A|DSCore Team/
Should include Ophthalrnlogy in all ON cases in the their report Operatln g Roorn Complex

Check / rerriew list of instruments / ltems per OR packs - (li* of instruments Operating Room Complex
reguired in pack) per procedures (last bview 2016 maybe); coordinate with
To set a meetinS urith concerned unitsbefore start of rcnorration of OR at EFM
Heritage BuiHing. All rnanagers must be informed and inrolved.

MaterLls ilianagement
- Reported"issue on poscible non{haEingof egulpmort us.ger flb Infuslon purnp, etc.
- llew equlpment deliversd - cranbtomy ddf[ MRl, gastro scope, stc-
- Pleimr sterlltrer alrsedy rnhnd in Manlla alaltlrg delirrery to Cl

' Scheduhd to mest with cootractorto regadiry pnsumatictubetnansfer and tnnsier of CSSD
cqubment, wlth taryet complation bV 3d wcet of January

Flsrudrrue&lilonplans Aagrllr&&'thtfit
Hospltal Oreratlon and Patjent Snpport Serv*ces
To meEt wlth concern teams to dlscuss issue on $erillrer and issue retateo io MM5
pneumdlc tube renovation fTentatiw meeting date: Jan. 211

Concemed unit to dlllgently chect usage and charglng of equipment and get Concerned Nuning Service
copy of the infusion pump charglng from MMS fior refereflce. Wads

Mr. Dante Bicas {HlM} to provHe standard deflnition of terms used for HIM
transfer in and tnnsfar out of patlentr
To come up with a percentile/more detailed report on the compliance of HIM
99*9S $lg$glgpott pryyq9d is fi st generat.
To lncrease th€ @P target fiom l0days to 15 dafs for comple*eness of charts HIM
To €stablish a guuellne in awfdingthe ov€rpavment and underpaynEnt of HBMO
Upyadlng of 230V Flectrical Fower Supply System €FM
for recalling in recalling back fogged job orden
To establish a system EFM

Page 7 of 1O
|'f th6 |*hllltrplnstB
crf lteulth

|}(ooat ?G'l3lto b lc ; a3t-t|{tr tc t.a {} o|.n6trr'do?r-g|ot.f,rr

Transfur of Centnl fup$y Roort to thc Ncw Bulldlng Materials Management

- 3prdanbg.r|Gtd phntobcfinalhcudthfnthcJarurary
- 1?9E tralniryl cornpbted br Xl18

- Totaloft$hospltdtralh€d
- DHooeconrmunfi u.rtrwchatbCsrlot

.2296 llAl rate
Overall complianco from 93.3 to 68,25 for ZOlE
stkk tnirry from 103 to ?1 inddent for 2018
wf,h 37 faffsd bHs fior 2018 with tntefested bidders

fiff,ontetc t&tft

Folhw- up epplhatftrn Srthe lnstftutbn es a CPD ProvUcr on ieruary tc, PET

Dlsenrhate udth a$ arttlng department to utllEe Cemcra at OB {wsst tower}
that can bc runotely accesaes. To snzure acGe$i or use or proparly contrplled IHOMP
to pf&frr fonfidenthlily.

Determins uncontrollabl€ iecues ro surglcal prophylaxls to be consdered in AM5

setfingtrr!6 / OP
|nwhe Statistkian in statanaty:isfor incHsr$ issues of non-corpliancg and tcc
determlne otrer tactici to finafly reducc ls$ss
to gtrre feedback withln 3

coordlnote *ith IHoMF to ghn access to rsgusiting units allowlng them to rae 8AC
status of tglr requast
Co$aboration wtth lltOMP to propose farthe proJect rnanagem*nt data Reseereh Conrnittee
jg tttg$Fq$g status of researches conducted.
' Top rnaintenrme snd opeftlting erp€naas ere medlcal dental and laboliEtory s{rpplb
- Wth 59( increa$e to elponsecfor Z01f
'- CaCrbanitbndg*lngto$sdmlg
- Additbnal.btd[Ft neqded for iob Ordcr payrolls to corrply with DSM-Csc Joint clrcstar


To cmrdhate wfth mst centers to addrcss bslle ln tlmely preparation of Accoundnl

resorts needcd ficr oreEaratlon oftrial balance
Set nnetirg with concerned unltsto dlscusi fssue on hb order payroll Budret

Page 8 of 1O
ftre P
rnt ot
Contact Number

t.t|Ilrf ?o{t-lt[ar b !f : att-Lol r.r t3 $cxrrrnrtr'lrch.eoY.Fn

ilmoorsom*16 md crrrcilrl *tion

ecthre orStnhatirnal unfts rcportcd on Hentified non-confonr{tlcs and tssued tncklent Reports. There
' also lFsthat wcre bnrandcd b q$S end CARF mre lssucd ad rnonltored.

Ardt n frt / Docunrrrt Gonlrrol ((tlsf

: are e todtl of 1s) CARs lr*cdt lfg of *rtrlc*r ae frorn |QA ard tncHGnt rcports; rriilr hE r€st C'ARs bsu€d
Juns.rd Aqust audfr rchedubs.

of the lsstsd frrrcctlvr Actlon Requc*l (CAlr| unrt rlnrdy clorcd. Ort of the 116 Clf,s that m still
r rnnltorlrg 11 nerepn r.ccently bsucd.

u obrcrvtd thtt tharG ls an incrsrsed nur&qr qf Con€cthrs Actlon Requeeta tCARsl in lanuary June and
tst 2018 $ncc mqlortty ofthc unttg rudfted h thc*r rnonths wem from ctnkaUservics.reai In additlon,
anu$r! 2m8, crftlcal rre*e rrerp rudtedrthose ulth hbh nurbq o{ CARIi hou€d ld ,,

- Forms and ro* In$ructionr ata the mo6t oorflnoolv crastad/rwtssd. Conunon isrs inchrde
rnatlort dls$rrnltradoo for submltted srd apprsrnd QtrlS docurnents

,light revlrlon on the QlrrlS Oigital Tracking System. Taryst depkryment dste is
n February20l9

Psfomma d.firill proyldrrr

tup.n se€ Admlni$trath,e OfRc€r of the Mabrtah Manlpnrnt gcctloo prescntd the top perbnning
ths bottotn perlormkrg atppllen bascd on the crlterla sct on the supplhr walrrtinn, Deinand Lgttars
r conelrtently bclilg $nt to xpplhn who f*llto perfurm thdr d*lhnry obl[atons.

raYfr, Ptppar pmloctlqil of ucaln of xpplb wcs cnmrmgpd to avold rs*or$ng to ahcrnatfrn rnethodr of
urcrrent and caur dcleyln thr prwlsbn of crpdle,


'calth odbctlons sre now conslst:tlt ard thc bryc awnqnt sf collcctiblcs prwburly de|r1pd ha now bagft
rurcd dotxn Confirruour Oout ndng nilnsrrq3 to lnlp the nntrlnabllfry of thc hrpftal operstlons *ilt
g done.

cnwfEtg or Agnof{ TtxEil m ruffiEs$ fittx r ofnorn flmEr

stilE unlt! ptcented $atus of rbt ard opponunity asiceBments, rcstlhs of Actbn.Phnnirg mrldreet
zfated actbnspbnr.

tb'ieson of revlsed contoc sf drEffi

and Astion Workshect
rbmission of Quality Oblrtlves and Phn with the incorpora$on oi MinCitorv


:h unlt prcsentcd rtspccth,c inprorernent phns wldr spcctfic ectbn planr Thcsc lrrcMes the bsorring;

Pap 9 of10

f,tcrrl ro-rrto ro aa : a5t aao't to ri lfD.l@'rt dch |,dv.Ph

a. Ild, Ir|r*y.rd csso Flcfllty

b. lnstalldion ofl Upgradint of varrilatlon syst€ms
c. App$catlon of aratn des8o' on up@mlng infrastructure proleds
d. Dralnage lmprorGn?nts
e. Addltltnd irrte otw.tEr supCy
2. Acquisition of new rquipmcrt / Systenl
r. Purchas. of Human Eesoorce Infonn tbr Svstem (HRIS)
3. Openlng of idothcr and ChSd Bu dhg t*t
4. Establlshed n€$ s€rvices / untts
a. Dbbetas C€nt6f
b. €moghi$r Unit

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