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(x2 + 2y2) * dx + (4xy) * dy = 0

Reorder the terms for easier multiplication:

dx(x2 + 2y2) + (4xy) * dy = 0
(x2 * dx + 2y2 * dx) + (4xy) * dy = 0

Reorder the terms:

(2dxy2 + dx3) + (4xy) * dy = 0
(2dxy2 + dx3) + (4xy) * dy = 0

Remove parenthesis around (4xy)

2dxy2 + dx3 + 4xy * dy = 0

Multiply xy * dy
2dxy2 + dx3 + 4dxy2 = 0

Reorder the terms:

2dxy2 + 4dxy2 + dx3 = 0

Combine like terms: 2dxy2 + 4dxy2 = 6dxy2

6dxy2 + dx3 = 0

6dxy2 + dx3 = 0

Solving for variable 'd'.

Move all terms containing d to the left, all other terms to the right.

Factor out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF), 'dx'.

dx(6y2 + x2) = 0

Subproblem 1
Set the factor 'dx' equal to zero and attempt to solve:

dx = 0

dx = 0

Move all terms containing d to the left, all other terms to the right.

dx = 0

The solution to this equation could not be determined.

This subproblem is being ignored because a solution could not be determined.

Subproblem 2
Set the factor '(6y2 + x2)' equal to zero and attempt to solve:

6y2 + x2 = 0

Reorder the terms:

x2 + 6y2 = 0

x2 + 6y2 = 0

Move all terms containing d to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '-1x2' to each side of the equation.

x2 + -1x2 + 6y2 = 0 + -1x2

Combine like terms: x2 + -1x2 = 0

0 + 6y2 = 0 + -1x2
6y2 = 0 + -1x2
Remove the zero:
6y2 = -1x2

Add '-6y2' to each side of the equation.

6y2 + -6y2 = -1x2 + -6y2

Combine like terms: 6y2 + -6y2 = 0

0 = -1x2 + -6y2

0 = -1x2 + -6y2

The solution to this equation could not be determined.

This subproblem is being ignored because a solution could not be determined.

The solution to this equation could not be determined.

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