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The Bmx street as form of art

The Bmx is art in its maximum expression. So, you will ask me, is it just a
sport?. I will say no, It’s not just a sport because it’s a sport in which the
human joins with the bike to create tricks that in obsolete minds are
impossible. As a consequence, the BMX is a form of art due to their difficult
but at the same time showy tricks.

Everything started in 1970 at the concrete skate parks in San Diego,

California. With a teenager who used to ride his bike to transport himself. But,
one day he was with his friends in a skatepark of San Diego after he
thought,“Can I jump on the skatepark with my bike?” Despite, that it was too
dangerous then a bunch of teenagers began to do the same, it was the
beginnings of “The BMX”.

There are three kinds of BMX. First, BMX Race. It consists of a speed race
through a track with hills made of sand, like the Motocross’s tracks. Second,
BMX Park. It is a contest of skills through a track made of concrete called
“Bow”. Finally, BMX Street, it consists on ride through the city jumping
obstacles with better style than the others riders. So, it means that you have
to create making it an art form.

To practice the differents kinds of BMX you need specific skills for each one.
First, BMX Race. In this kind of BMX you need to have a lot of speed because
the fastest person wins. Next, BMX Park. In this kind of BMX you need to
know how to move in air because you will jump high and there going to do the
tricks. Finally, BMX Street. in this kind of BMX you need a lot of skills but the
most important Is imagination, because you need to imagine since there is no
a specific track and if you going to do a trick you have to imagine since there
are no limits, it is you and your bike, nothing else.

Well, if you are interested in learning this sport, there are “first tricks”, they
make you feel comfortable and safe these are. First, manual consists of
swinging in the back tire with the body back. When you have this trick ready,
you can continue with the next trick. Bunny hop, It consists of the same
previous trick but when the tire dealer is at the top, the rear tire is lifted. And
finally Fakie consist in riding the bike but backwards.

As a conclusion. First, the BMX is a sport that can’t be practiced by anyone

due to their high demands. Such as, imagination, balance, imagination, etc.
Second imagination, the imagination is one of the main qualities to make art
and to the bmx having as a requirement imagination makes bmx an art.

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