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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Proofreading Caps and Punks

Students will be able to demonstrate correct punctuation.
Students will be able to use correct capitalization while writing.
State Standards:
Standard 5: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard english capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
5.1 Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.
5.2 Recognize and name end punctuation.
5.3 Write letter(s) for familiar consonant and vowel sounds.
5.4 Spell simple words phonetically.
5.5 Consult print and multimedia resources to check and correct spellings.

Context: This lesson is being taught because it is important in the curriculum. This will allow

students to read and write in the correct way. It will also familiarize the students while they read

and write in future classes. It will also allow them to understand how to write in the correct way.

To prepare for the next lesson, they will be applying these standards by following an incorrect

sentence and fixing the incorrect punctuations. After the lesson, they will review on their own

by receiving a sentence with punctuation errors that will need to be fixed. They will fix the

sentence by rewriting it in the correct way.

Data: Students will be grouped according to their learning level. The students can help each

other and talk amongst themselves to figure out what needs to be fixed within the sentence. The
objective is to allow the students to be placed with different levels, so they can learn from one

another. This will be collected for future groupings and teaching based of their exit ticket, which

is their correctly written simple sentence.

Video- The students will be shown a short video that shows how to use correct punctuation and

capitalization. (

Smartboard- examples of incorrect and correct sentences. Examples will be shown, and

studentswill come up to the board to demonstrate the proper uses of punctuation and


App- Students will then complete one activity on an app that is related to the lesson.


Pencils/Worksheet- Students will complete a worksheet as their exit ticket to work on to

demonstrate that they understand the lesson.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes): I will begin by having the objectives/standard on the smart

board. I will them explain them to the students and have the students raise their hands and give

me punctuation names (periods, commas…) and ask them when we use capitalizations,

punctuations and why.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): I will have the students go to their groups. They will

then watch a short video that demonstrates what we jus discussed in the introduction area. After
they watch the video, one student from each group will come up to the smartboard where a

grammatical sentence will be displayed. They I will ask them to either pick a punctuation that is

either missing or incorrect and have them fix it. I will then ask a different student from another

group to do the same and so forth.

Collaborative (15 minutes): Each group of students will be given a different poster that

has a few sentences on it. In the middle there will be a basket of cut out punctuation marks along

with capital letters. They will then need to decide together what needs to be corrected in the

sentence by placing the correct punctuation and capitalization on the poster. After they are done

they will raise their hand for a check if it is correct. After each group is done I will switch the

posters because they have different sentences on it.

Independent Digital (10 minutes): Students will grab their iPads and open up the

Squeebles Punctuation app where they will begin the activity. The will complete one or two

activities depending on how the amount of time it takes for the students to complete their

activities. Once they are done completing they will raise their hand to show me that they

completed it.

Closure (10 minutes): After the class is done the students will be asked the same questions as

before, give me punctuation names (periods, commas…) and ask them when we use

capitalizations, punctuations and why. Then we will discuss what they liked and disliked in the

activity. The students will complete an exit ticket worksheet that consists of what they

previously practiced in class.

1. Punctuation Video

 This video is used as an introduction into the lesson. It demonstrates simple

examples where punctuation and capitalization are used and why. This is

supporting the standards because it hits the two main points of the lesson.

This is high quality because it targets the general literacy. It also can be

beneficial for visual learners because it is a video. It also has the option for

closed captioning for students if they have disabilities. It is also a song which

can be catchy and keep the students engaged.

2. App

 The app can be used as an independent work. This allows the students to

think and comprehend what was taught it class. This is also helpful because it

gives the students options to choose from. It also gives students hints if they

do not know the answer. It is suitable for ages five to eleven. It also shows

them their scores which shows how much they have completed. This app

practices all the pieces of punctuation and capitalization.

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