Nance - Research Essay Outline

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I. Student-athletes should get paid for their potential injury that could end their pro career.

A. Paying for Medical Bills

1. Hospital Costs

2. Potential Surgery and Rehabilitation Services

B. Boosting their Economic Status

1. Staying out of Debt

2. Sets up for a Good Financial Start to their Pro Career

II. Student-athletes should get paid for bringing a sense and atmosphere of prestige to

their university.

A. Winning Atmosphere

1. Bringing Championships to the University

2. Consistently Having a Winning Record throughout an Athlete’s Career

B. Popularity

1. Allows the University to Recruit at a Higher Level

2. Changes the Mood of the Entire University in a Positive Way

III. Student-athletes should get paid for generating revenue for their college by performing at

a very high level for fans to pay to see them play.

A. Filling the Stands

1. Athletes Win Prestigious Awards which Attract More Fans

2. Athletes Become the Face of the University which Generates Revenue

B. Generating Revenue

1. Athletes Jersey Sales Increases which Brings in Popularity to the Univ.

2. Fans Pay More to See the Athletes Play which Generates Revenue

IV. Counter Argument

A. Athletes Perform at a Poor Level

1. Athletes Lose Games that they Should Win

2. Fans see the Athletes Playing Poorly and Stop Generating Revenue

B. Fans Not Being Entertained at the Athletic Events

1. Fans Begin to Dislike Athletes at the University

2. Fans Stop Coming to the Athletic Events

C. Response - Athletes Tend to Become Well-Liked when they Perform at a High Level

which Changes the Vibe Around the College for the Better by Generating More Revenue and

Increases the College’s Popularity.

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