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Table of Contents 4
List of Figures 5
List of Table 6
Acknowledgement 3
Abstract 7

1.1 What is cooling tower 9
1.2 components of cooling tower 10
1.3 Types of cooling tower 18
1.3.1 Natural draft cooling tower 18
1.3.2 Mechanical draft cooling tower 19 Force draft cooling tower 19 Induced draft counter flow 21 Induced draft cross flow 22
1.4 problem specification 23
1.5 objectives 24
1.6 Problem specification 24


2.1 Review of Literature papers 28
2.2 Patent Search 36

Chapter: 3 Methodology and work preparation

3.1 Background 40
3.2 Properties of aluminium 40
3.3 Working 43
3.4 Engineering canvas 43
3.5 Work plan 59
3.6 References
3.7 Periodic progress report 1to4
3.8 Patent search & analysis report 1to 5

Page | 1
List of Figures:-
Figure No Figure Description Page No

Fig 1 Cooling Tower 8

Fig 2 Block diagram of cooling tower heat exchanger 9

Fig 3 Schematic diagram of a cooling water system 10

Fig 4 Cooling Tower 11

Fig 5 Frame and Casing 12

Fig 6 Fill 12

Fig 7 Splashes Fill 13

Fig 8 Films Fill 14

Fig 9 Cold water basin 14

Fig 10 Drift Eliminator 15

Fig 11 Louver 15

Fig 12 Nozzles 16

Fig 13 Fans 17

Fig 14 Pump 17

Fig 15 Natural draught cooling towers 18

Fig 16 Forced draft cooling Tower 20

Fig 17 Induced draft counter -flow tower 21

Fig 18 Induced draft cross-flow tower 22

Fig 19 Induced draft cross-flow tower 23

Fig 20 Force draft cooling system 42

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List of Tables:-

Table No. 1 Literature Review 19

Table No. 2 Work PLAN 59

Page | 3

In recent days the need of energy is increases day to day due to revolution in
industries & technology, thus it is necessary to meet the demand of energy there is
need of more generation of power. In India the most of power plants are works
with the coal as a fuel. A power plant needs a cooling tower to condense the steam;
a typical 5000MW power plant needs very huge cooling towers. To condense the
vast steam quantity it needs to condense rapidly, either we have to increase cooling
towers (natural convection) or have to increase cooling temperature (forced
convection). With increase in cooling towers it requires more land space, more
capital cost whereas use of forced convection leads to more effective cooling with
less cooling towers. Our aim is to construct forced draft cooling system to achieve
rapid condensation of steam and moisture.

Page | 4
Chapter:-1 Introduction
 Cooling towers are a very important part of many chemical plants. The primary task of a
 Tower is to reject heat into the atmosphere. They represent a relatively inexpensive and
dependable means of removing low-grade heat from cooling water.
 The make-up water source is used to replenish water lost to evaporation. Hot water from
heat exchangers is sent to the cooling tower.
 The water exits the cooling tower and is sent back to the exchangers or to other units for
further cooling.

Fig.1 – Cooling Tower

Page | 5
1.1 What is a cooling tower?

 Cooled water is needed for, for example, air conditioners, manufacturing processes
or power generation.
 A cooling tower is equipment used to reduce the temperature of a water stream by
extracting heat from water and emitting it to the atmosphere.
 Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated
into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere.
 As a result, the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly (Figure 1).
 Cooling towers are able to lower the water temperatures morethan devices that use
only air to reject heat, like the radiator in a car, and are therefore more cost-
effective and energy efficient.
 Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process waste heat to the
atmosphere. Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is
evaporated into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the
 A heat rejection device, which extracts waste heat to the atmosphere though the
cooling of a water steam to lower temperature

Fig.2 – Basic Block diagram of Cooling Tower Heat Exchange

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Fig.3- Schematic diagram of a cooling water system

Page | 7
1.2 Components of cooling towers

 The basic components of a cooling tower include the frame and casing, fill, cold-
water basin, drift eliminators, air inlet, louvers, nozzles and fans. These are
described below.

Fig.4 - Cooling Tower

 Frame and casing:-Most towers have structural frames that support the exterior
enclosures (casings), motors, fans, and other components. With some smaller
designs, such as some glass fibber units, the casing may essentially be the frame.

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Fig. 5 – Frame and Casing
 Fill:-Most towers employ fills (made of plastic or wood) to facilitate heat transfer
by maximizing water and air contact.

Fig 6 - Fill

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There are two types of fill:
 Splash fill: - water fall over successive layers of horizontal splash bars,
continuously breaking into smaller droplets, while also wetting the fill surface.
Plastic splash fills promote better heat transfer than wood splash fills.

Fig. 7 – Splash Fill

 Film fill:- consists of thin, closely spaced plastic surfaces over which the water
spreads, forming a thin film in contact with the air. These surfaces may be flat,
corrugated, honeycombed, or other patterns. The film type of fill is the more
efficient and provides same heat transfer in a smaller volume than the splash fill.

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Fig. 8 – Film Fill

 Cold-water basin:-The cold-water basin is located at or near the bottom of the

tower, and it receives the cooled water that flows down through the tower and fills.
The basin usually has a sump or low point for the cold-water discharge connection.
In many tower designs, the cold water basin is beneath the entire fill. In some
forced draft counter flow design, however, the water at the bottom of the fill is
channeled to a perimeter trough that functions as the cold water basin. Propeller
fans are mounted beneath the fill to blow the air up through the tower.

 With this design, the tower is mounted on legs, providing easy access to the fans
and their motors.

Fig.9 – Cold water basin

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 Drift eliminators:-These capture water droplets entrapped in the air stream that
otherwise would be lost to the atmosphere.

Fig. 10 – Drift Eliminator

 Air inlet:-This is the point of entry for the air entering a tower. The inlet may take up an
entire side of a tower (cross-flow design) or be located low on the side or the bottom of
the tower (counter-flow design).

 Louvers:-Generally, cross-flow towers have inlet louvers. The purpose of louvers is to

equalize air flow into the fill and retain the water within the tower. Many counter flow
tower designs do not require louvers.

Fig. 11-Louver
 Nozzles:-These spray water to wet the fill. Uniform water distribution at the top of the fill
isessential to achieve proper wetting of the entire fill surface. Nozzles can either be fixed

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andspray in a round or square patterns, or they can be part of a rotating assembly as found
in some circular cross-section towers.

Fig.12 - Nozzles
 Fans:-Both axial (propeller type) and centrifugal fans are used in towers. Generally,
propeller fans are used in induced draft towers and both propeller and centrifugal fans are
found in forced draft towers. Depending upon their size, the type of propeller fans used is
either fixed or variable pitch. A fan with non-automatic adjustable pitch blades can be
used over a wide kW range because the fan can be adjusted to deliver the desired air flow
at the lowest power consumption. Automatic variable pitch blades can vary air flow in
response to changing load conditions.

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Fig. 13 - Fans

 Pump:- The cooled water falls in a pond situated at the bottom of the tower and it is
circulating through the condenser, this work done by pump.

Fig. 14 - Pump

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1.3 Types of cooling Towers

 The different types of cooling towers are as follows:

1.3.1 Natural draft cooling towers
1.3.2 Mechanical cooling towers Forced draft cooling towers Induced draft counter flow tower Induced draft cross-flow tower

1.3.1 Natural draught cooling towers

 Natural draft cooling towers use no fans. They depend for air flow upon the natural
driving pressure caused by the difference in density between the cool outside air and the
hot, humid air inside. Therefore, nature draft cooling tower are very tall, often a few
hundred feet. The shape of the body of cooling tower is circular in plan and hyperbolic in
profile. Therefore, the natural draft cooling towers are often referred to as hyperbolic
tower. The hyperbolic profile has been found to offer superior strength and the greatest
resistance to outside wind loading compared with other forms and it also causes inside air
 The first hyperbolic natural draft reinforced concrete tower was designed by Prof. Van
Itesson of Dutch state and installed at Emma Collisey In 1916.
 The arrangement of hyperbolic cooling tower is shown in fig. In this type of cooling
tower, the hot water from the condenser is pumped to the through and nozzles situated at
the bottom 10 m above the air intake. Nozzles spray the water and falls in the form of
droplets. The air enters the cooling tower from air opening provided near the base, rises
upward and takes up the heat of falling water. The cooled water falls in a pond situated at
the bottom of the tower and it is circulated through the condenser.

Fig.15- Natural draft cooling towers

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1.3.2 Mechanical draft cooling towers

 Mechanical draft towers have large fans to force or draw air through circulated
water. The water falls downwards over fill surfaces, which help increase the
contact time between the water and the air - this helps maximize heat transfer
between the two. Cooling rates of mechanical draft towers depend upon various
parameters such as fan diameter and speed of operation, fills for system resistance
 Mechanical draft towers are available in a large range of capacities. Towers can
be either factory built or field erected – for example concrete towers
are only field erected.
 Many towers are constructed so that they can be grouped together to achieve the
desired capacity. Thus, many cooling towers are assemblies of two or more
individual cooling towers or “cells.” The number of cells they have, e.g., a eight-
cell tower, often refers to such towers.
 Multiple-cell towers can be lineal, square, or round depending upon the shape of
the individual cells and whether the air inlets are located on the sides or bottoms
of the cells.
 The three types of mechanical draft towers are summarized as follows: Force draft cooling tower

 The forced draft cooling tower is shown in fig. In this tower, forced draft fan is
located at the bottom of the cooling tower. The hot water from condenser is
supplied at the top of the cooling tower is sprayed through nozzles, the air is
blown by the fan up through the descending water. The rising air cools the
incoming water. The spray eliminations are used to remove the entrained water in

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Fig. 16- Forced draft cooling Tower

Page | 17 Induced draft counter flow tower:-
 Fig shows an induced draft cooling tower. In these towers, the fans are placed at the top of
the tower and they draw the air in through louvers extending all around the tower at its base.

Fig.17 - Induced draft counter flow tower

Page | 18 Induced draft cross-flow tower:-
 Fig. shows an induced draft cross flow type cooling tower. This arrangement provides
horizontal air flow as water falls down (cross-flow of air to water) the tower in the form of
small drops over filling. The fans are placed at the top of the tower and they draw the air in
through louvers. The eliminators turn air leaves the water sprays. The special feature of this
arrangement is lower air static pressure loss as there is less resistance to air flow and
resulting in lower fan power requirement.
 The counter flow arrangement is more efficient than cross-flow from a thermodynamic point
of view, because its enthalpy potential difference is higher.

Fig.18 - Induced draft cross-flow tower

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Fig.19 - Induced draft cross-flow tower

1.4 Problem summary

 In natural draft cooling may be 125 meter high and 100 meter in diameter and has
hyperbolic shape.
 Initial cost of natural draft is considerably high.
 Its performance varies with the seasonal changes in Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT)
and Relative Humidity (RH) of air.

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1.5 Objective

 Using force draft cooling system To Create the Effective cooling compare Natural
draft cooling towers.
 Force draft cooling system has less size and shape to compare natural draft
cooling tower.
 Vibration and noise are less since mechanical equipments are set on solid

1.6 Problem specification

 We have to use force draft cooling system for better cooling system and less in
area compare to natural draft cooling tower.

Super features

a. High performance :-
 No doubt about the cooling capability that belongs to forced draft cooling system
due to the perfect contact process between air and water inside the cooling tower.
 Forced draft cooling system can dissipate the largest amount of heat at the
smallest size of space occupied.
b. Smaller size and Easy Installation
 Not enough space or installation time?
 Force draft cooling system can solve both of these problems by smaller size
 Larger size models can be disassembled into sub-models for easy of
transportation, hoisting and installation.
 Smaller trucks, cranes and tools would be adopted and course it would save both
the time and money of the project.

c. Low Noise Emission

 Fan, enclosed design and noise abatement components (optional) enable force
draft cooling system to minimize its Noise effect the environment.
 Rotating the direction of the equipment is also an effective and economical way to
reduce noise level toward the sensitive objects.
d. Safe and Reliable
 Most of the parts are made from metals and the whole structure is designed to
withstand the Hurricane and seismic loads.

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 Components inside the cooling system are made from reliable materials for fire
retardant and for long-term usage.
e. Easy Maintenance
 Air floe generating system include fan is isolated from the moist air which can
increase the life time of relevant components to a great extent.
 Drift elimination and spray nozzles are replaceable to extend the service time of

Page | 22

Literature Review

Sr. Authors Details Topic Discuss

1 Ramkumar Ramkrishnan, Ragupathy Experimental study of cooling
Arumugam tower performance using
Department of Mechanical Engineering, ceramic
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, tile packing
Tamilnadu, India
Received 4 February 2013; received in revised
form 21 March 2013; accepted 25 March 2013
2 J. Ruiz Ramirez1*, M. Lucas Miralles1, P. J. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
Martinez Beltrán1, A. S. Kaiser2, B. Zamora2, ON THE PERFORMANCE
A. Viedma Robles2 OF A MECHANICAL
1 Dep. IngenieriaMecanica y Energia. Univ. COOLING
Miguel Hernandez. Edificio Quorum V, Av. Del TOWER FITTED WITH
Ferrocarril, s/n., 03202, DIFFERENT TYPES OF
Elche (Alicante), Espana. WATER DISTRIBUTION
2 Departamento de IngenieriaTermica y de Fluids. SYSTEMS
Univ. Politecnica de Cartagena, Campus Muralla
del Mar. C/ Dr
Fleming, s/n – 30202 Cartagena (Murcia) Espana.
3 P.Balashanmugam, G.Balasubramanian Experimental Study on the
International Journal of Engineering and Design of a Cooling tower for
Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, a Central Air-conditioning
Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014 Plant

4 R. Ramkumar A. Ragupathy THERMAL

Department of Mechanical Engineering, PERFORMANCE OF
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, FORCED DRAFT
Tamilnadu, India COUNTER FLOW WET
March 2011 Issue 6 Volume 3 Number 1 COOLING TOWER WITH
International Journal on EXPANDED WIRE MESH
“Technical and Physical Problems of PACKING
Published by International Organization on TPE

Page | 23
5 Ramkumar Ramakrishnan, Ragupathy Experimental Study and
Arumugam Performance Analysis of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ceramic Packing Cooling
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002, Tower Using Taguchi Method
Tamilnadu, India

Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering

Volume 8, No. 1 (2014) 45-53

6 Z. K. Morvay, D. D. Gvozdenac COOLING TOWERS

Applied Industrial Energy and Environmental ENERGY AND
Management Zoran K. Morvay and Dusan D. ENVIRONMENTAL
Gvozdenac © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd PERFORMANCE

Table-1 Literature survey

Page | 24

1. Ramkumar Ramkrishnan*, Ragupathy ArumugamDepartment

of Mechanical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai
Nagar-608 002, Tamilnadu, IndiaReceived 4 February 2013;
received in revised form 21 March 2013; accepted 25 March 2013

‘Experimental study of cooling tower performance using ceramic file packing’

 In this research paper they discussed about Deterioration of the packing material
is a major problem in cooling towers. In this experimental study ceramic tiles
were used as a packing material. The packing material is long life burnt clay,
which is normally used as a roofing material. It prevents a common problem of
the cooling tower resulting from corrosion and water quality of the tower. In this
study, we investigate the use of three different types of ceramic packings
andevaluate their heat and mass transfer coefficients. A simple comparison of
packing behavior is performed with all three types of packing materials. The
experimental study was conducted in a forced draft cooling tower. The variations
in many variables, which affect the tower efficiency, are described.
 They give the Introduction about cooling tower are used for cooling large amount
of water in chemical industry then thermal power plants, nuclear power plants
and petroleum industry.
 They do experiment on the cooling tower operating parameters and measuring
device specification. Instrument type, like flow meter, vane type anemometer, u-
tube manometer and also their Rang in different units.
 They also work on to set in system ceramic tile packing, tower packing materials.
 They also explain the cooling tower theory. In cooling tower theory include the
heat transfer rate in the system.

 Number of experimental runs conducted in the forced draft cooling tower with different
types of clay as packing materials.
 From the Experimental study, it was determined that 100 mm curved ceramic packing
showed the best performance. It due to the shape of the packing, contact area and
retention time of water and air in the packing zone.

Page | 25
2. J. Ruiz Ramírez1*, M. Lucas Miralles1, P. J. Martínez Beltrán1, A. S.
Kaiser2, B. Zamora2, A. Viedma Robles2
1 Dep. Ingeniería Mecánica y Energía. Univ. Miguel Hernández. Edificio
Quórum V, Av. Del Ferrocarril, s/n., 03202,
Elche (Alicante), España.

2 Departamento de Ingeniería Térmica y de Fluidos. Univ. Politécnica de

Cartagena, Campus Muralla del Mar. C/ Dr
1. Fleming, s/n – 30202 Cartagena (Murcia) España.



 In to this research paper they discussed about the Cooling towers are evaporative heat
transfer devices in which atmospheric air cools warm water, with direct contact between
the water and the air, by evaporating part of the water. As a result, water droplets are
incorporated in the air stream and, depending on the velocity of the air, will be taken
away from the unit. This is known as drift.
 Although cooling tower drift is objectionable for several reasons, the most hazardous
problem concerning human health is the emission of chemicals or microorganisms to the
atmosphere. The binomial water distribution system-drift eliminator is identified to be the
main responsible of cooling tower drift. While drift eliminators work by changing the
direction of the airflow and separating droplets from the airstream through inertial
impact, water distribution systems affect the mechanics of setting up the drops.
 Drift eliminator’s performance can be quantified mainly by two factors. On one hand the
droplet collection efficiency and, on the other hand, the pressure drop across the
 Nevertheless no studies regarding the influence of the water distribution system on
cooling tower’s performance have been found. In this sense, this paper studies the
thermal performance of a forced draft counter-flow wet cooling tower fitted with
different water distribution systems for many drift eliminators for a wide range of air and
water mass flow rates. The data registered in the experimental set-up were employed to
obtain correlations of the Tower Characteristic, which defines the cooling tower’s
thermal performance. The outlet water temperature predicted by these correlations was
compared with the experimentally registered values, obtaining a maximum difference of
 They give the introduction about the cooling tower evaporative heat transfer devices in
which atmospheric air cools warm water, with direct contact between the water and the
air by evaporating part of the water. Chilled water fall intothe tower basin as while the
removed heat leaves the device as warm air.

Page | 26
Cooling tower theory:-
 They are considering a counter flow cooling tower with negligible resistance to mass
transfer at the water air interface, no difference between bulk water and the interface.
 Each water particle is surrounded by a film of saturated air at the bulk water temperature.
 The air is heated and it becomes saturated as it passes through the tower. They used
single equation to calculation for the cooling tower.

Experimental apparatus and procedure:-

 They do an experiment on forced draft cooling tower at laboratories at the Miguel
Hernandez University (ELCHE, spain).
 Cross-section area consists of 0.70*0.48 m2, a packing section 1.13 m high and a total
height of 20597 m.
 The packing materials are consists of fiberglass vertical corrugated plates. While the air
rate is circulated counter flow by an axial fan and maintained at different levels by a
frequency switcher.

Results and Discussion:-

 The experimental uncertainly, calculated according to ISO [21] with a level of confidence
of 95 %, using sensor the specification provided by the manufacture, showed a maximum
and an average value of 14.4 % and 6.6 %, respectively.For water-to-air mass flow ratio
and values of 3.7 % and 3.3 % for the TC. As can be seen, the tower characteristic
decreases while the water-to-air mass flow ratio increases for every drift eliminator.

 This study has enabled investigating the effect of the water distribution system on the
thermal performance of a forced draft counter flow cooling tower (FDCT) filled with six
different types of drift elimination.
The result obtained during the investigation within a range of experimental conditions of air and
water mass floes can be summarized as follows:
1. Two factors have found to be the reason for the cooling difference between eliminators.
2. As the tests of cooling tower drift for the water distribution system are still in process,
there is not an available criterion for selecting a drift elimination water distribution
system in order to optimize both the collection efficiency and the cooling tower’s thermal
performance. This criterion would be the result of future research.

3. P.Balashanmugam, G.Balasubramanian
1. International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

‘Experimental Study on the Design of a Cooling tower for a Central

Air-conditioning Plant’

Page | 27
 The aim of our research is to undertake a case study of large cooling tower and
reconditioning a small cooling tower of an air conditioning plant. The cooling towers are
considered as an essential component of air conditioning plant. Cooling towers are
equipment, devices commonly used to dissipate heat from power generation units, water-
cooled refrigeration, air conditioning and industrial processes. In this paper, we use a
natural draft counter flow cooling tower in investigating the performance of cooling
towers. The humidity is defined as water particles present in the air. The humidity is the
major factor in the atmosphere, it depends upon ambient temperature. Humidity is high in
winter season and low in summer season. The performance of the natural draft cooling
tower is dominated by wind speed, ambient air temperatures and humidity in the
atmospheric conditions. When the humidity is high in the atmosphere, large quantity of
water is required for cooling condensate. When humidity is low in atmosphere, small
quantity of water is required for cooling condensate. The Cooling tower is one of the
most important utilities in industrial and residential facilities. This paper estimates the
energy efficiency, economic and environmental benefits of cooling tower. The
investigations have been carried out at a test rig erected in the medical hospital. In this
paper, the results of an experimental study on heat and mass transfer coefficients in
packing of wet cooling towers are presented.

 They are given basic introduction about the cooling tower. Cooling tower is heat rejection
device. Its main function is to extract waste heat from hot water to the atmosphere.
Cooling towers are widely used in the power generation units, refrigeration and air
condition industries.

Theory and principles:-

 They are explained basic principles that consider the surface of a hot water
droplets or film in contact with an air stream. Assumption in research paper are
that the water is hotter than the air, it will be cooled: by radiation, by conduction
and convection, and last one is by evaporation.

Purpose of cooling tower:-

 A cooling tower is used with industrial applications that produce waste heat as: a
by-product of their operating. It is provides an energy efficient and
environmentally-friendly means of rejecting waste heat, saving our natural bodies
of water from receiving vast quantities of hot water that would threaten marine
life and ecology.
 They were discussed about type of cooling towers and also the components of
cooling towers.

Design of cooling tower:-

 They are consider the design factor, performance of cooling tower and method to
improve its performance, cooling tower efficiency and case study of cooling

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 They are also discussed about an installation and maintenance of cooling tower.

Result and discussion:-

 Based on the trails conducted some of the points are found that have been
influencing the cooling capacity of cooling tower. They are air velocity and
temperatures drop across the fins.

 The design of cooling tower is closely related to tower characteristic and different
types of losses generated in cooling tower.
 Even through losses are generated in the cooling tower, the cooling is achieved
due to transfer heat between air and water.
 Cooling tower performance increase with an increase in air flow rate and
characteristic decrease with increase in water to air mass ratio.
 The test result between wet and dry type cooling towers shows that for a given
flow rate of water and inlet temperature, the cooling range of the wet type is more
than the dry type.
 The experimental cooling tower has been constructed and installed in medical
college hospital.

4. R. Ramkumar A. Ragupathy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar,
Tamilnadu, India
March 2011 Issue 6 Volume 3 Number 1

International Journal on
“Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering”
1. Published by International Organization on TPE (IOTPE)



 This paper presents an experimental investigation of the thermal performance of forced

draft counter flow wet cooling tower with expanded wire mesh type packing. The
packing used in this work is wire mesh with vertical [VOWMP] and horizontal
[HOWMP] orientations. The packing is 1.25 m height and having a zigzag form. From
the experiments it is concluded that the vertical orientation of the packing enhance the
performance of the cooling tower.

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 Cooling towers are widely used to remove heat from industrial process and from
refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
 Simultaneous heat and mass transfer process in every section of the cooling tower gives
rise to complicated design equation.

Basic theory:-
 Heat transfer rate in the cooling tower is represented by the difference between the
enthalpy of moist air at bulk water temperature and enthalpy of the moist air. They are
also considering the several assumptions, like effect of evaporation does not exist.

Experimental setup:-
 Experimental water cooling tower model comprises of tower 0.3*0.3 m cross sectional
are and 1.5 m working height.
 Tower is fabricated out of M.S sheet and angle frame and is provided with Perspex sheet
for visualization of tower operation.
 A 3 hp centrifugal blower is used to supply are to the cooling tower.

Expended Wire mesh:-

 In the experimental study, expanded wire mesh was used as tower packing material. This
type of wire mesh is considered as unique for film packing.
 The action results in air travelling a distance of about 1025 m total depth of packing.

Experiment procedure and observation:-

 Water is allowed to circulate through the cooling tower with the heaters on awaiting the
temperature reaches a steady state value.
 The air flow rate is maintained at different level by adjusting the control vanes.

Results and discussion:-

 In the literature review, Nithiarasu and seetharamu have studied the experimental cooling
with inlet water temperature of 400 c , 470 c and 520 c.
 In the industrial survive the cogeneration power plant and captive power plants are
operated with the condenser outlet water temperature of 400 c in winter and 500 c in
 Based on the above reference we have selected the cooling water inlet temperature is 450
c for the experimental operation.
 The performance of a cooling tower depends on the range of cooling, approach and L/G

 Performance of the cooling tower was analyzed with expanded wire mesh packing with
two different orientations. From experimental results, the VOWMP is having better
performance than HOWMP.
Page | 30
 It is due water passing over the flank angle of the wire mesh fills and fine water droplets
formed in the VOWMP.
 The L/G ratio up to 0.8, the VOWMP performance is good over 0.8 L/G the performance
is dropdown.
 The present study can be extended with different pitch of the mesh and different size of
the diameters shape.

5. Ramkumar Ramakrishnan*, Ragupathy Arumugam

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai
Nagar-608002, Tamilnadu, India

Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering Volume 8, No. 1 (2014) 45-53

‘Experimental Study and Performance Analysis of Ceramic Packing Cooling

Tower Using Taguchi Method’
 In to this research paper they talking about the Deterioration of the packing material is a
major problem in cooling tower. In this experimental study, ceramic tile is used as
packing material. The experimental study was conducted in a forced draft cooling tower.
Cooling tower operating parameters were optimized using Taguchi approach. The
application of Taguchi method is assessing maximum cooling tower effectiveness for the
Forced draft counter flow cooling tower using ceramic packing. An experimental study
has been carried out for Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array. According to Orthogonal array
the trail was performed under different inlet conditions of flow rate of water, air and Inlet
water temperature. Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and regression were carried out in order to
determine the effects of process parameters on cooling tower effectiveness. Finally
confirmation tests verified this reliability of Taguchi method for optimization of forced
draft counter flow cooling tower performance with sufficient accuracy. Confirmation
experiment was done using optimum combination showed that cooling tower
effectiveness was found by experiment is closer to the predicated value.

Taguchi’s method:-
 In to this research paper the authors are using the Taguchi method for performance
analysis of ceramic packing cooling tower.
 There are various methods used for improving the quality in variety of industries.
Taguchi method is one of the best optimization technique to achieve high quality without
increasing cost. It is a simple, systematic and powerful method to increase the quality.
The advantage of this method is to reduce both product cost and number of experiments
required. Mathematical and statistical techniques are combined in Taguchi method. In
this research work, Taguchi’s method is used for improving the effectiveness in the
cooling tower .Two important tools employed in Taguchi’s method are signal to noise
ratio (S/N ratio) and orthogonal arrays (OA) .
 In Taguchi method, first, significant process parameters and their levels are selected. The
ranges of these parameters were selected on the basis of preliminary experiments

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conducted by using one variable at a time approach. In this research work, three control
factors and three levels are chosen for analyzing the effectiveness.

 In this article, three different types of packing materials were used in the cooling tower.
The effect and optimization of process parameters in counter flow cooling tower on
maximum cooling tower effectiveness were investigated through Taguchi methods. From
the analysis on the results of cooling tower effectiveness of cooling tower.



Applied Industrial Energy and Environmental Management Zoran K.

Morvay and Dusan D. Gvozdenac © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd




 In this research paper they talking about the Mechanical Draft Water Cooling Tower
Designs and also explain the Principles for Operation Analysis. They also described a
Way to Improve Cooling Tower Performance and Increasing Capacity Efficiency
Obtained by Proper Operation and Maintenance. They given the idea about the Energy
Audit in their research paper and also given best Energy Audit Example.

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2.2 Patent search


United States Patent 3608873
 A forced draft cooling tower employs fans, passages to receive fan displacedair or gas,
and packing sections spaced about the tower axis sothat positive swirling of the gas or air
about that axis within the tower interior is produced as the flow passes through the
passages and packingsections.

2. Cooling tower with forced ventilation and natural draft

Kelp, Fritz (Erlangen, DE)
United States Patent 4164256

 Cooling tower having an outer peripheral wall provided with blowers spaced about the
periphery thereof at a lower region thereof, the blowers being formed with annular inlet
openings for cooling air, the cooling tower further including means defining closable
openings disposed between the annular inlet openings.

3. Forced draft multiple fan cooling tower

Mart, Leon T.
United States Patent 2003547

 This invention relates to cooling towers and has for its general object to produce a
cooling tower of simple and efficient design, in which there are relatively no obstructions
within the tower to cut down the velocity of the air travel and wherein there are no
pockets of relatively dead or locally circulating air.In standard multiple fan forced draft
towers it has been common to provide wood filling or other means to act as a pressure
chamber and to break up the liquid to insure even distribution of the air travelling through
the tower and proper cooling of the liquid, but such means cuts down the air velocity and
creates a back pressure on the fans which makes it necessary to use fans of larger size
than would otherwise be required.

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4. Cooling tower
Coey,Stewart C.
United States Patent 2251261

 This invention relates to liquid cooling towers and more particularly to such towers
cooled by forced air currents as distinguished from natural It is a general object of the
present invention to provide a novel and improved type of liquid cooling tower. More
particularly it is an object of the invention to provide a multistage liquid cooling tower
using forced air circulation.


John Santoro

 A contra rotating fan system for evaporative cooling equipment and air cooled heat
exchangers. The system can include a first axial fan disposed in an air conduit of an
evaporative equipment unit, a second axial fan disposed in the air conduit and arranged
coaxially with the first fan, a transmission for driving the first axial fan and the second
axial fan and a motor for driving the transmission, wherein the direction of rotation of the
first axial fan is opposite to the direction of rotation of the second axial fan.

6. Natural draft cooling tower with forced draft flow over reflux
Trage, Burkhard (Ratingen, DE),Leitz, Richard (Ratingen, DE)
United States Patent 4690207

 A natural draft cooling tower having a plurality of preferably roof shaped heat exchange
elements for condensing the turbine exhaust steam from a power plant. A portion of the
heat exchange elements are connected to operate as condensers, and another portion of
the heat exchange elements are connected to operate as dephlegmators, reflux condensers
or fractionating columns, with the latter being disposed down stream, when viewed in the
direction of flow of the steam, of the heat exchange elements that operate as condensers.
In order to assure a complete condensation, and a residual condensation in the heat
exchange elements that operate as reflux condensers, under all weather and load
conditions, the heat exchange elements that operate as reflux condensers are each
provided with a respective fan, the conveying capacity of which can be regulated.

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7. Cooling tower
Schoonman, Willem (Wyckoff, NJ)
United States Patent 2157070

 A cooling tower with a plurality of radially extending circumferentially spaced tubular

heat exchanger units having their heat exchanger surfaces in vertical planes, preferably
upwardly and outwardly inclined vertical planes, with the radial outer end of each unit
having a greater width (in the vertical direction) than the radial inner end of each unit.

8. Modular cooling tower

Curtis, Harold D. (Rte. 2, Box 139, Chickasha, OK, 73018)
United States Patent 5227095

 A direct forced draft counter flow water cooling tower module includes an integral one
piece frame and basin preferably constructed from moulded fibreglass. The cooling tower
includes a liquid distribution system, fill material located below the liquid distribution
system, a drainage collection system located below the fill material, and at least one fan
located below the drainage collection system. The fan blows cooling air directly upward
through the drainage collection system and then through the fill material.

9. Industrial cooling tower

Curtis, Harold D. (Chickasha)Oberlag, Randal K. (Chickasha)
United States Patent 5545356

 A direct forced counterblow cooling tower apparatus includes concrete side walls having
L shaped troughs located at the lower ends thereof. The cooling tower includes a liquid
distribution system, fill material located below the liquid distribution system, a drainage
collection system located below the fill material and a fan located below the drainage
collection system. Liquid is supplied to the tower and is distributed on top of the fill
material. The liquid will pass downward there through and will be collected by the
drainage collection system. The drainage collection system will communicate the liquid
to the troughs located at the lower end of the longitudinal side walls. A modular cooling
tower construction includes the cooling tower apparatus in combination with at least one
additional cooling tower apparatus. The first and at least one additional cooling tower
apparatus are aligned longitudinally in series so that the first troughs of the first and at
least one additional cooling tower apparatus form a first substantially continuous liquid
passageway and so that the second troughs of the first and the at least one
additionalcooling tower apparatus form a second substantially continuous liquid

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10.Air radiator cooling tower
United States Patent 4142579

 An air radiator cooling tower comprising a piping system for the supply and removal of
water circulating in cooled tubular elements joined into groups by means of tubular
girders, an exhaust tower for the circulation of cooling air, and a device for the excitation
of oscillations transmitted through direct contact over the surface of the tubular elements
and/or the water being cooled. The proposed air radiator cooling tower may be employed
in power engineering for cooling condensers at steam power stations.



 A cooling tower is provided with fans at the bottom of the unit, and a plurality of Savers
of water collection troughs or channels above the fans to capture water droplets sprayed
downwardly from the top of the device through a heat exchanger above the collection
troughs. The collection troughs supply the collected water to one or more gutters inside
the housing which lead the water to an external collection tank from which the water is
recirculated to the top of the tower.

12. Wear resisting rotation jet spraying and air drafting device for
spraying and cooling tower ,ZHU HONGMEI , YU

 The invention discloses a wear resisting rotation jet spraying and air drafting device for a
spraying and cooling tower. The wear resisting rotation jet spraying and air drafting
device comprises a fan blade, a water inlet main body, a rotary body, a wear resisting
jetting spray nozzle and an air drafting barrel, wherein the rotary body which is
communicated with the water inlet main body is rotatable connected on the water inlet
main body; the fan blade is arranged on the rotary body; a plurality of branch tubes which
are internally communicated with the rotary body are arranged on the rotary body; the tail
ends of the branch tubes are connected with the wear resisting jetting spray nozzle; the
wear resisting jetting spray nozzle is integrally cast and formed, long in range and large
in counteracting force; the air quantity is increased due to the increase of the rotation
speed of the driven fan blade, and the jetted fog drops are relatively uniform and dense,
the cooling water efficiency is also improved, and the cooling effect is good.

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Methodology and Work Preparation
 In our project we will made a forced draft cooling system. Which are used for when
space required for constructed this system is less. We are increasing the cooling
efficiency in our system.
 In our project following component are used.

 Casing
 Tubing
 Fan
 Thermocouple

 We have to use aluminium pipe for cooling system as tubing. Aluminium is a soft, silvery
light metal. It is very reactive so that in the atmosphere a thin but equally protective oxide
layer forms rapidly. For this reason it is very resistant to corrosion.
 By a special treatment, anodizing, i.e. an electrolytic oxidation process. The aluminium
surface protected by the oxide layer can even be strengthened and made more resistant to

3.1 Background:-
 Physically, chemically and mechanically copper is a metal like steel, brass, copper, zinc,
lead, or titanium. It can be melted, cast formed and machined much like these metals and
it conducts electric current. In fact often the same equipment and fabrication methods are
used as for steel.

3.2 Properties of copper

 Copper is cost saving material. Copper intrinsic properties have contributed to its
popularity and varied uses. Copper have following properties:

3.2.1 Corrosion resistance:-

 Copper generates a protective oxide coating and highly corrosion resistant. Different type
of surface treatment such as anodizing, painting or lacquering can further improve this
property. It is protection and conservation are required.

3.2.2 Thermal conductivity:-

 Copper is an excellent heat and electricity conductor an in relation to its weight is almost
twice as good a conductor as copper. Copper is now playing a major role in power
transmission lines.

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3.2.3 Strength:-
 Copper’s strength can be adapted to the application required by modifying the
composition of its alloys. Certain alloys are as steel.

3.2.4 Ductility:-
 Copper is ductile and has a low melting point and density. In a molten condition it can be
processed in a number of ways. Its ductility allows products of copper to be basically
formed close to the end of the product’s design.

3.2.5 Recyclability:-
 The re-melting of copper requires little energy: only about 5 percent of the energy
required to produce the primary metal initially is needed in the recycling process.

3.2.6 Lightness:-
 Its specific weight is 2.7 g/cm3, which is one-third that of steel. In systems, copper
reduces unnecessary weight.

 Thermal conductivity of copper is 237 W/ (m0c)

 Melting point of copper is 933.47 k.
 Boiling point of copper is 2743 k
 Density of copper is 2.70 g/cm3

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3.3 working of force draft cooling system and Methodology
 The forced draft cooling system is works with the principle of forced convection
heat transfer, here the cooling system is as shown in fig, , the high temperature
steam is enters from the inlet pipe this pipe is mounted circularly inside the casing
, the drop water is flows downward by the help of a gravity. This water is pumped
upward by the help of a pump. This water is the condensed due to the natural
convection and it will be acts as a sink for the high temperature water or steam.
Furthermore a draft fan is provided at the top of the system, it will move the lower
density air to the atmosphere so the heat will carried out from the system and the
system is also got rejects the heat to the atmosphere. This water will absorb the
heat from the pipe; here we have used the copper pipe, it having the high heat
transfer co-efficient. So it will absorb the heat from the pipes and the cold water
being coming from the outlet, this water will fill the casing by 30% after that
some limits the water will come out of the casing. And it will transfer to the
accumulator (reservoir).

Fig. 20 force draft cooling system

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Here the spiral tubing of copper tube with the holes in the 2.5 inches pitch of holes
is made to provide the enhanced heat exchanger. The model is made with the
simple arrangements similarly with the existing cooling tower arrangement but
there is a modification is made in the inside geometry of the tower and hence the
working of the cooling tower is also differs in the same.

The modelled cooling tower is analysed for its heat transfer effectiveness and the
experiments are made on the basis of the practical approach.

Here our main parameters are

1. heat rejection
2. hot water in temperature
3. after rejection of heat the reduced temperature of water
4. fan speed

The readings were taken during the experiments are as below:

Experiment/Parameters Fan Inlet Outlet Heat

speed temperature temperature Rejection
Experiment 1 100 rpm 80◦c 45◦c 35◦c
Experiment 2 200rpm 80◦c 38◦c 42◦c
Experiment 3 400rpm 80◦c 24◦c 56◦c
Experiment 4 550rpm 80◦c 20◦c 60◦c

Here, the temperature is measured by the digital thermometer, and rpm was
measured by the digital tachometer

T= temperature
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Rpm = revolution per minute

3.5 Work plan:-









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3.6 References:-

1. R. Ramkumar A. Ragupathy



Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar,
Tamilnadu, India

2. Australian Institute of Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Heating (AIRAH). Types

of Cooling Towers. In: Selecting a Cooling Tower Level 1 – Participant Guide
Version 1.0

3. National Productivity Council (NPC). NPC Case Studies.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, India. Cooling Towers. In: Energy
Efficiency in Electrical Utilities. Chapter 7, pg 135 - 151. 2004

4. Perry. Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook. Page 12-17.

5. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Photo Library. 2001.,

6. Gulf Coast Chemical Commercial Inc. Cooling Systems. 1995

7. GEO4VA, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy. Ground Loop

and Installation.

8. Ramarao, R.A. Paltech Cooling Towers and Equipment Ltd. Design of Fills.

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9. Shivaraman, T. ShiriramTowertech Ltd. Selection and Design of Cooling Towers.

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