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City of canals, bicycles, parties and culture, Amsterdam soon catches the heart of whoever
visits it and is that this Dutch city is vibrant, colorful and tolerant like few others. You can
spend hours wandering through its streets, venturing into the controversial Red Light District
or soaking up art in one of its many museums (the Van Gogh is one of the most beautiful we
have ever visited). You can visit their markets or have a picnic in one of their parks.


Actually, they look like neighborhoods but no, they are cities, just between the small country
and the good transport network, knowing many of the Dutch cities and towns in a single visit
is something that can be done without problems.
If you are more urban, we recommend you visit Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, if
instead you are more attracted to small towns and full of charm you cant miss a visit to
Marken, with its black and green wooden houses, Alkmaar, to know its market of cheese and
Zaanse Shans, with its wonderful mills.But if you can´t decide you can always contemplate
a mixture of cities and towns, although if what you are looking for is something original,
outside the conventional routes, we advise you to get closer to the North Holland region:
Friesland, only an hour and a half from Amsterdam. We already tell you: everything is close
to everything in Holland, and it's wonderful!


Holland historically has been cradle of artistic and intellectual movements with great
importance in the rest of Europe. His art is elegant, refined, avant-garde and the great masters
of the past are his best business card. Visiting the Dutch museums is a guarantee of beauty,
quality and enjoyment. But not only art of the past lives the Dutch culture: the streets of this
small country are more alive and vibrant than ever and is that Holland is a creative land,
constantly evolving. But there's no shortage of surprising touches, so strolling through the art
galleries is fun, inspiring and very enjoyable ... especially if you have a hipster soul.


Are you among those who would eat cheese at all hours of the day? If so, you are in luck:
Holland will be your paradise. From the famous Gouda and Edam to lesser known (but
equally tasty) specialties such as the Maasdammer, the Geitenkaas (goat cheese) and a long
etcetera of cheeses made with spices and aromatic herbs. Do not miss some of the traditional
cheese markets of the country, such as Alkmaar, 45 km from Amsterdam, known as the
'cheese city'. Here, every Friday of spring / summer, you can attend the famous cheese
market, an experience. In the Waagplein, the square where this curious market is developed,
is also the Dutch Cheese Museum, where you can learn more about the preparation of one of
your favorite foods. An original and gluttonous visit.

Holland knows how to have fun, if you want to witness the festive and cheerful atmosphere
of this land we recommend you to schedule your visit during one of the main celebrations.
On April 30, for example, the King's Day is celebrated, during which the Dutch take to the
streets dressed in orange to pay homage to the family name ... Orange! Another beautiful
festival is the Eindhoven Glow Festival, in that the city is transformed into an immense
canvas. Artists just have to follow a rule: use light. So hundreds of buildings, parks, streets
and squares come alive thanks to lights and light bulbs ... absolutely wonderful. And what
about the carnival of Maastricht? Three days full of music, costumes and party without
stopping. Another very curious celebration is that of Sinter Klaas who has a certain analogy
with our Santa Claus, but who in his Dutch version arrives by boat from Spain! If the kids
have been good, December 5 will receive a great gift, if instead they have been naughty ...
Sinter Klaas will take them to Spain as punishment.


Reds, oranges, yellows, whites, purples, pinks ... the fields of Holland are the most colorful
and perfumed fields of all the world. There are many places to enjoy this beautiful spectacle
of nature, although the Bollenstreek area is undoubtedly the best known and most fascinating.
See you surrounded by thousands of flowers, it will be one of the most beautiful experiences
of your trip. Tulip bulbs are also the best souvenirs: cultivating them will be like having a
little Dutch soul in your garden.


If you are among cycling enthusiasts it will be easy to find yourself as a fish in the water: the
country looks like a huge bike path thanks to which you can discover all its attractions by
pedaling in freedom. Bicycles are an icon in the Netherlands: they are the most ecological,
low cost and fun means of transport, they also allow you to go on your own and stop
whenever and wherever you want. You will pedal through flower fields, wild coasts, small
and traditional villages, forests, windmills and you will not have problems even to enjoy your
biggest cities by bike: Holland moves on two wheels.


The windmills, the tulips, the gouda cheese, the Delft porcelain, the wooden souks, the
Amsterdam coffee shops ... Holland is not a country that leaves anyone indifferent, it has
personality and a lot! And what about the Dutch? They are an open-minded people,
accustomed to looking for solutions rather than to lament for problems, informal, welcoming,
nature lovers and without taboos: not by chance, Holland was one of the first countries to
break down religious, sexual and racial barriers.

It is impossible to speak of Holland without talking about water, its most important and
intrinsic element. To begin with, it must be said that the name "The Netherlands" is due to
the fact that they are below sea level ... so the Dutch had to figure out how to survive. And
how can we forget the famous Dutch channels? Navigating through them is quite an
experience and if you travel in winter you may be lucky enough to enjoy them in an unusual
way ... practice ice skating!


We could not finish without talking about one of the aspects that are most enjoyed on each
trip: gastronomy. Dutch cuisine is not as famous as Italian, Indian or Peruvian, which does
not mean that it is not worth it or that in a trip to Holland we have to take refuge in chains of
fast food or ethnic restaurants. Cheese is not the only culinary pride of the Netherlands, the
erwtensoep, a pea soup served with slices of bread and bits of sausage is an authentic delight.
Other dishes to try are the raw herring with onion, the rijsttafel, of Indonesian origin,
consisting of rice accompanied by a few spicy meat, vegetable and fish dishes and the
stamppot, a stew of smoked meat and vegetables that is for suck your fingers
And pannekoeken, pancakes covered in delicious maple syrup, are a must. How hungry!

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