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Solution Manual: to Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D Griffith Plus corrections Errata Instructor’s Solutions Manual Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Author: David Griffiths Date: June 14, 2001 ‘+ Page 3, Prob. 1.6(b): last two lines should read lsu. Fe ayarore y+ @)-@= o 1 tyke, a we ‘* Page 8, Prob. 2.6(b): in the first box, the argument of the second sine should include an 2, + Page 9, Prob. 2.9: im the last tine, oy = 8V 5/22 ‘+ Page 10, Prob. 2.11: in the third line the proof assumes that g (which in our case will be a_y) does not actually blow up at too faster than f (in our case ¥) goes to zero. I don’t know how to fix this defect without appealing to the analytic approach, where we find (Bq. 2.60) that ¥(z) 02s asymptotically like e~™"/2", and hence so too does a_y. ‘+ Page 10, Prob. 2.12: Because of the i and ~i insarted in He. 2.52 and 2.52, respectively (see Corrections #2—June 1997), the expression fore at the ‘end of (a) should include a fector off. Also, add at the end of (a): “(The signs are conventional.) In part (b), every V/fio should carry a factor of 4 (oe. insert ¢ three times in the Gist line, @* three times in the next kine, and (~i)* in the boxed answer). + Page 11, Prob. 2.14(a): for the same reason, in the third line, remove the 4 in the expression for ¥ + Page 18, Prob. 2.0: or t..tanz a2 = Vfa/2—1 =I = Wala. Now (Bap. 2.190 and 2.197) =} — 2? = 202,99 2? =a. Bue 9 2? = 1a 2% m, 50 Kaz...” ‘+ Page 22, Prob. 2.36: remove box, and continue os follows: We = a fava lade vale oH], ee oF =F [ov +¥8—Gharsece

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