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Subject Name Computational Intelligence

Subject Code Credits 03

Scheme (L-T-P) 3-0-0 Instruction Periods/week (L)
Examination & Evaluation Scheme
For Theory Mid Exam: 25, End Examination: 50 marks, Internal Assessment: 25 Marks
For Practical
Course Objectives The course goal is to make students familiar with basic principles of various
computational methods of data processing that can commonly be called
computational intelligence (CI). Students shall be introduced to introductory
machine learning methods of supervised and unsupervised learnings,
classification and regression and decision trees. CI methods such as Neural
Network and Evolutionary algorithms including Genetic algorithms and Particles
Swarm Algorithms shall be introduced. Course would end with discussion of
Reinforcement Learning. Along with theoretical concepts, the practical
application shall be focus of this course.
Course Outcomes  After the course the students will be able to conceptually understand the
important terms and algorithms of introductory Machine Learning and
Computational Intelligence
 Students would be able to choose appropriate method(s) for a given task.
 Be able to implement the theoretical introduction by practical examples of
task solving.

Content of Syllabus
Unit Content No of
1. What is computational intelligence, basic concepts, relation to artificial 4
intelligence, Taxonomy of artificial agents, nature of environments
2. Inductive learning via observations, Introduction to Machine Learning 8
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, K-nearest Neighbors and Training-
Testing, Overfitting / Underfitting, Linear Regression Model, Normal
Equation and Gradient Descent, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees,
Overfitting Data
3. Neural Network Concepts and Paradigms: Neural Network Components and 10
Terminology, Neural Network Topologies, Selecting Training, Test, and
Validation Datasets, Back-propagation Network Initialization and
Normalization, Programming a Back-propagation Neural Network,
Programming the Evolutionary Back-propagation Network.
4. Evolutionary Computation Concepts and Paradigms: Evolutionary 10
Computation Overview, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming,
Evolution Strategies, Particle Swarm Optimization;
Evolutionary Computation Implementations: Genetic Algorithm
Implementation, Particle Swarm Optimization Implementation.
5. Reinforcement learning I: Reinforcement Learning, Passive Reinforcement 10
Learning, Active Reinforcement Learning, Generalization in Reinforcement
Learning, Applications of Reinforcement Learning
Text Book
1. Russell Eberhart and Yuhui Shi - Computational Intelligence: Concepts to Implementations (2007)
2. Andries Engelbrecht - Computational Intelligence: an Introduction (2007)

Reference Book
3. Russell S., Norwig P. (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall
4. Fakhreddine Karray and Clarence de Silva - Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design (2004)
5. Amit Konar - Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques, and Applications (2005)
6. Vojislav Kecman - Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and
Fuzzy Logic Models (2001)

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