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Yesenia Muñoz

Professor Reyes McGovern

TED 407
Spring 2019

Interactive Methods Notebook

Purpose: Circle of courage students can share something that is meaningful to them by doing
so students make connections with their peers by exchanging ideas and asking questions.

Procedure: Have students bring an artifact that represents a meaning. Have students count off
by 6. Discuss with fellow students based on the prompts. Regroup as a large circle to share out
our thought.

English Learners: Students can practice sharing out verbally. It can encourage students to
share their stories with other and helps students build confidence.

Purpose: The purpose of collaborative clock is for each student to develop a “Clock Practice

Procedure: Students fill in their names of multiple classmates. Someone who you usually don’t
spend time with at recess. Someone who has the same favorite color as you. Ex) 12pm:
Assigned writing partner, 3pm: Reading partner etc.

English Learners: Some partnerships are strategic and designed by teacher discretely. Helps
strengthen their ability to use English language, as well as participate by speaking in their native

Purpose: Gives students the ability to think about their ideas, questions, and/or answers.

Procedure: Ask students to turn to an elbow partner (someone whose elbow is closest to one
of their elbows). Give students a minute or two to exchange an idea or question. It is an
exchange where the ideas or questions are like gifts; everyone should be sure to give one and
receive one in the allotted amount of time. Ask partners to return to silent thinking for them self.
Ask participants to note how their thinking was confirmed or changed by exchanging with an
elbow partner. Students might share how their thinking changed.

English Learners: Students can practice speaking out verbally. Students can discuss with their
partner in their native language.
Purpose: Form of assessment. This strategy is used right before class is about to end and it is
a way for the teacher to assess the students.

Procedure: Students will write their name. The students will write about the content area
specified by teacher. Did you learn anything new in class today? If so, what? Anything that I
should know about you as a learner?

English Learners: EL will learn to use academic language.


Purpose: Say Mean Matter helps the students question the text, search for deeper meaning
and make connections between the text and their lives.

Procedure: What does the text say? What happened? Cite text (quotation) or paraphrase.
Mean is about interpretation. Ask questions like “What makes you think like that?” “How do you
know?” In Matter, what are the implications? Why does it matter to me or others? What is the
significance? Why is it important to the story as a whole?

English Learners: Gets students to think critically, teachers can target specific reading areas.
Students get a chance to safely explore, discuss and write about opinions that matter to them.
The content may be relevant to them.

Purpose: Making name tags at the beginning of the school year helps students know each
other's names and it helps teacher who still have not memorized the names. This activity also
allows students to be creative and show you a little bit about themselves.

Procedures: Teacher will show students a blank piece of paper. They will then show the
students to fold the paper in three like a brochure. Using a marker, the teacher will put their
name on the middle of the paper and place the folded paper on their desk to stand up like a
tent. Students will be handed a blank piece of paper and they will begin to fold their paper in
three. The students will be given markers to write their names and decorate their name tags
how they would like.

English Learners: Students have the opportunity to let others know how they would prefer for
their names to be pronounced. If students do not know the English word for something, for
example they like to go swimming, but they want to share this information with their classmates,
they have the opportunity to draw a little stick figure in a pool and still be able articulate their
Purpose: Helping students plan support. refers to a variety of instructional techniques used
to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater
independence in the learning process.

Procedures: Students will follow the plan of “I do, we do, you do”

English Learners: Are given the opportunity and the necessary support to acquire language
while meeting rigorous academic standards.

Pair Share
Purpose: The purpose for this is for students to be able to share ideas with classmates. If they
need help they can ask their partner for advice.

Procedures: Students will turn to a partner to share ideas.

English Learners: Students that need help with the language will be able to be guided by their
partner which will help them.

Purpose: The best way to use modeling is to introduce new concepts. It shows students what
they will be doing before actually doing the task or performance. “I DO, WE DO, YOU DO”

Procedures: “I DO” A math teacher will model each time he/she works through a problem on
the board. “WE DO” the students work on assignment together as a class along with the
teacher, and “YOU DO” student works independently.

Scaffolding for English Learners: Students know what they are expected to do by seeing the
teacher model step by step their assignment.

Purpose: Teacher and students can display “texts” around the classroom. The text can include
questions, images, math problems, and quotes. Students can create posters to exhibit their
work. What print do you want students to notice? Similar to a gallery in a museum, students are
provided with a choice and flexibility with viewing. Teacher can provide guidelines.

Procedure: Have students work individually or in groups. Once it is time to share the work,
since many students are shy to present their work can be displayed all around the classroom.
Like a museum each student will have the chance to observe each classmates’ work. Students
can discuss the purpose of the assignment, describe the image or content, ask questions.
Students will use sentence starters such as “I noticed.”
Scaffolding for English Learners: Helps students interact with peers. Students can discuss
image or text in native language. Students are more comfortable sharing their ideas in a small
group, instead in front of the whole class.

Compton High School Fieldwork Schedule
Academic status of students: Seniors (12th grade)
TED 407
Group: 12:45pm-1:15pm

Day 1: Meet & Greet

 Introduction (5-10 minutes)

o Announcers
 Arianna - explain who we are and purpose
 Lusia - explain the ice breaker activity
 brief demonstration
 Ice breaker (20 minutes)
o Toe 2 toe
 “go toe to toe with the closest person next to you”
 “once you have done that choose who is partner 1 & partner 2”
 “then partner’s number 1 will go to the right side of the classroom &
partner’s number 2 will go to the left side of the classroom”
 once we are in our assigned group(s), questions will be asked so we can
get to know each other better”
 Questions (1-6 [order of importance]):
 ex. What did you get out of the fair last year? (1)
 ex. What in your community do you care about most? (2)
 ex. What is your biggest concerned about graduating? (3)
 ex. How does language influence who you are? (4)
 ex. How has your community shaped your perspective in your
 ex. What does culture mean to you? (6)
 Closing (15 minutes)
o Announcers
 Marlene - grab the students attention & explain the exit ticket
 Rebeca - restate the purpose of why we are participating & end
o Exit tickets (15 mins.)
 Question: What are your ideas about making your workshop for the fair
this year? Brainstorm & tell us your ideas about your workshop.
 Fun question: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

Class agreements for 3/6/2019 Compton High School visit:

 Before students arrive we would already have a circle set up
o Each mentor will already be seated with an empty chair in between the next
mentor (as students enter they will sit in an empty chair)

Community Circle Activity:

Establish rules: When you receive talking stick say your name.

Ice Breakers:
-How do you feel about graduating? (one word)
-What do you plan to do after graduation?

 Question #1: What do you like about your community?

o After everyone has gone around and shared, elbow share with a partner, Why do
you like going there?


 Question #2: What is something you would like to see in the community?

*As the community circle activity is going on, someone will be recording the students
answers on the class white board and on paper ( to turn in to professor at end of

Plan for Compton high school 3/27

1. Ask students to brainstorm their ideas and thoughts about human trafficking.
2. Provide “fun” facts about human trafficking and notes to give them more background.
3. Help students with research methods and how to search for certain topics.

Facts about Human Trafficking:( I was thinking maybe we can print little sheets for them
to keep about the facts? - Amy)
Globally, the average cost of a slave is $90.
- According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across
international borders every year, of which 80% are female and half are children.
- California harbors 3 of the FBI’s 13 highest child sex trafficking areas on the nation: Los
Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego
- Between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year.

There’s a great video we can show them on human trafficking after we talk about the thinking
Here’s the link

Research Methods & Tips:

To search -
● Type in some simple search terms using only the important keywords
● If the initial results aren’t what you want, alter the search terms and get more specific (get
clues from the initial search results e.g. you might see synonyms that would work or get
ideas from the “People Also Ask” section)
● Use quotation marks if you want your keywords in an exact order, e.g. “raining cats and
● Remember:
○ use your best guess with spelling (Google will often understand)
○ don’t worry about punctuation
○ understand that everyone’s results will be different, even if they use the same
search terms (depending on browser history, location etc.)
● An important habit to get into is looking at the green URL and specifically the domain.
○ Use some intuition to decide whether it seems reliable. Does the URL look like a
well-known site? Is it a forum or opinion site? Is it an educational or government
institution? Domains that include .gov or .edu might be more reliable sources.
Reflection #1:
I was not able to make it to the campus tour and fair. My sister was graduating from Grand

Canyon University in Arizona, she was receiving her Master's in Science Technology in

Education. In about two weeks I will also be graduating from CSUDH to get my BA in Liberal

Studies. Watching my sister walk the stage just motivated me to continue my education. It also

reminded me why I went back to college to get a degree. She is a 4th grade teacher and I have the

privilege to go to her classroom for help and guidance throughout my college path.

Reflection #2:
This semester I had the privilege to attend Compton High School. Working with high school

students helped me see what I wanted to do in my career. In the future I hope to be a Counselor. I

want to be able to guide students to follow the best direction to their future. I realized that these

students needed a lot of help because they did not know much about college. They are very smart
and know that can get far. But because of low resources do not know how to start. They don’t

know about all the help there is to be offered to students. We helped plan out a big event that

took place in CSDUH. The students got feedback and help on how to make a workshop for other

high school students. Their workshop was based on human trafficking. I did not know that it

occurred so close to home, and a lot of these students are been affected by it.

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