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OPINION Measuring intraocular pressure
Kingsley C. Okafor and James D. Brandt

Purpose of review
Tonometry is undergoing a long-overdue renaissance. Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) is 50-year-
old technology. Although GAT is considered a ‘reference standard’, it has many limitations and
confounders. This review compares GAT to some of the newer technologies that have recently been
commercialized or are in development.
Recent findings
Dynamic contour tonometry is fairly cornea-independent, but requires technical skill to carry out. Rebound
tonometry requires no anesthetic and is particularly useful in children. The ocular response analyzer
quantifies corneal biomechanical factors and provides other useful measures relevant to glaucoma risk. A
transpalpebral tonometer that claims to measure intraocular pressure (IOP) through the closed eyelid has
been introduced, but studies comparing it to conventional tonometers suggest it is too unreliable for routine
use. Various new technologies including IOP-sensing contact lenses and implantable sensors are in clinical
There is no perfect tonometer, and clinicians must choose which to use in their daily practice, balancing
accuracy, precision, convenience, and cost. Clinicians should recognize that a single IOP measurement is
but an often error-prone snapshot of a widely varying physiologic parameter. IOP data should only be used
in the context of the overall clinical picture.
central corneal thickness, corneal hysteresis, glaucoma, intraocular pressure, tonometry

INTRODUCTION types of commercially available tonometry tech-

Ever since the 16th century, when Bannister niques, especially newer devices, highlighting their
described a subset of blind patients with eyes that accuracy and precision, strengths, and limitations.
were firm to the touch, intraocular pressure (IOP)
has been regarded as a core vital sign of the eye,
along with visual acuity, the pupillary exam, and the
visual field. The measurement of IOP (tonometry) in Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) is the
a consistent and reliable manner is fundamental to most widely used method of tonometry and is
the diagnosis and management of glaucoma and generally regarded as a reference standard despite
allied disorders. its limitations, which we will discuss. First intro-
All clinical measurements are an ‘estimate’ – we duced in the mid-1950s [2], Goldmann applanation
can never approach the true underlying value of a is based on the Imbert–Fick principle, which states
clinical measurement without first understanding that the pressure inside a sphere is directly related to
the pitfalls and limitations of a given measurement the force applied to flatten a given area.
technique, as well as obtaining numerous measure-
ments to average out noise in the data [1]. The terms
‘accuracy’ and ‘precision’ are not the same, though
Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Science, University of California
they are often used interchangeably. In the context Davis Eye Center, Sacramento, California, USA
of tonometry, ‘accuracy’ reflects how closely tono- Correspondence to James D. Brandt, MD, Department of Ophthalmology
metric measurements reflect the ‘true’ IOP (e.g. & Vision Science, University of California, Davis, 4860 Y Street, Suite
what you would measure if you were to cannulate 2400, Sacramento, CA 95817-2307, USA. Tel: +1 916 734 6969;
the eye with a manometer), whereas ‘precision’ fax: +1 916 734 0411; e-mail:
refers to the consistency and repeatability of the Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2015, 26:103–109
measurements. This review will discuss the several DOI:10.1097/ICU.0000000000000129

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otherwise normal eyes undergoing cataract surgery

KEY POINTS and correlated corneal thickness with errors in GAT.
 All methods of tonometry have strengths and He found that GAT most accurately reflected true
weaknesses, and provide only a snapshot of IOP. intracameral IOP when the CCT was 520 mm. Inves-
tigators using modern pressure transducers have
 Corneal and material properties of the eye strongly since confirmed Ehlers et al.’s basic findings [5,6].
influence the accuracy and precision of all
Ehlers et al.’s data set was limited to only 29 eyes
tonometry techniques.
from a racially homogeneous population in Scandi-
 Each method of tonometry has different demands on navia in whom a limited range of CCTs was
operator training and different cost profiles. observed – we now know that CCT varies far more
 248 tonometry is in development and promises to among otherwise normal individuals than imagined
revolutionize how we manage glaucoma. by Goldmann and Schmidt. Differences in CCT are
found among different racial and ethnic groups
[7–9] and may lead to misclassification of patients
with normal tension glaucoma and ocular hyper-
In its current design (little has changed since the tension [10–12]. This was all brought to the fore-
1950s), GAT arrives at an estimate of IOP based on front when the Ocular Hypertension Treatment
the force needed to flatten the corneal apex to a Study demonstrated that CCT was an important
given area. A clear plastic tonometer tip is pressed component of a multivariate model predicting
against the anesthetized cornea. Two internal which study participants would go on to develop
prisms split the image of the fluorescein meniscus glaucoma [13].
by 1.53 mm, so that when the internal edges of the Goldmann applanation tonometry is particu-
meniscus circles (’mires’) are aligned by the larly susceptible to errors induced by corneal refrac-
operator, a circle 3.06 mm in diameter has been tive surgery and other alterations in the normal
flattened at the corneal apex. biomechanical behavior of the cornea. Studies have
Goldmann and Schmidt empirically chose a shown that the mean change in IOP after refractive
diameter in this range to offset the surface tension surgery is negative, but the range of measured
of the tear film (which tends to draw the tonometer change is enormous. Chang and Stulting [14]
tip towards the eye) and ocular rigidity (which suggested that the lamellar corneal flap makes no
resists applanation, independent of IOP). The contribution to the load-bearing characteristics of
specific diameter of 3.06 mm was chosen by the the post-LASIK cornea. IOP measurements acquired
inventors because at this diameter, 0.1 g of force by GAT in patients who have undergone corneal
(Dynes) corresponds to 1 mmHg of IOP – thus the refractive surgery should be used with great caution.
‘1’ on the dial of a Goldmann applanation tonom- Finally, the Goldmann applanation tonometer
eter corresponds to 1 g of force and 10 mmHg of IOP. is a 50-year-old mechanical device whose calibration
In their original study, the inventors explicitly must be physically verified by the user on a regular
pointed out several limitations in their design. They schedule to maintain factory-specified accuracy.
based their design on what they believed was a Choudhari et al. [15] evaluated 132 tonometers at
relatively constant central corneal thickness (CCT) their institution and found that only 4% of the
of 0.5 mm among otherwise normal individuals. devices were within the manufacturer’s recom-
They acknowledged that the accuracy of their device mended calibration error tolerance of 0.5 mmHg
would be affected if CCT deviated from this value. at 20 mmHg. They also found that devices out of
We now know CCT varies greatly among the general calibration had an unacceptable degree of measure-
population, to a degree that impacts the accuracy of ment variability [16].
most tonometry techniques in daily practice. Other Despite these many limitations, GAT remains a
sources of error affecting GAT include Valsalva’s popular and widely used method of tonometry due
maneuver, astigmatism, corneal curvature, inappro- to its low cost, lack of consumables, simplicity, and
priate amount of fluorescein, eyelid squeezing, and integration into the workflow of the slit lamp exam-
indirect pressure on the globe [3]. Both slit lamp ination in a busy clinic.
mounted and hand-held versions of the Goldmann
applanation tonometer are commercially available.
The hand-held Perkins tonometer has an internal NONCONTACT TONOMETRY
counterbalance mechanism to permit use on a Noncontact (colloquially known as ‘air puff’) ton-
supine or upright patient. ometry (NCT) is a form of applanation tonometry
The theoretical effects of CCT on GAT was con- that employs a calibrated column of compressed air
firmed in 1975 when Ehlers et al. [4] cannulated the to briefly flatten the corneal apex. Because this

104 Volume 26  Number 2  March 2015

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Measuring intraocular pressure Okafor and Brandt

method of tonometry does not involve direct con- (corneal hysteresis) and the corneal response factor
tact with the eye, no topical anesthetic agents are (CRF). Corneal hysteresis is thought to predomi-
required and the technique can be used in children nantly reflect the viscous dampening properties of
and poorly cooperative adults. These devices the cornea, whereas CRF is correlated to CCT and is
employ electro-optical sensors to detect the exact most associated with the cornea’s elastic response
moment of apical flattening. They then extrapolate [22]. The ORA provides IOP estimates that are corre-
the IOP by determining what force of air had been lated to but not identical to GAT [23–25]. Similar to
required to deform the cornea at the exact time- standard NCT, the ORA acquires its measurements in
point of flattening. just a few milliseconds, and can therefore be affected
As applanation devices, however, NCTs are also by the cardiac cycle and ocular pulse. Xu et al. [26]
influenced by biomechanical factors such as CCT found that ocular pulse amplitude was positively
and ocular rigidity. Tonnu et al. [17] compared NCT correlated with large within-patient variance in
to GAT and several other tonometers, and found IOP measurements with the ORA, and they recom-
that NCT is affected by CCT significantly more than mended that multiple repeated measurements are
is GAT; Ito et al. [18] found that both GAT and NCT important for reliable IOP estimates by the ORA.
were significantly correlated with CCT. Because the Corneal hysteresis, discussed elsewhere in this
IOP estimate is acquired by NCT devices over just a issue of Current Opinion in Ophthalmology, appears to
few milliseconds, the NCT is influenced by ocular be an independent factor related to glaucoma risk
pulse amplitude, and multiple measurements are and severity [27,28], and may be a heritable
needed. Yaoeda et al. [19] demonstrated that linking parameter related to glaucoma risk [29].
the NCT to the ocular pulse improved the precision Corneal ectasias such as keratoconus can lead to
of the device. altered corneal biomechanical behavior; ORA may
Modern NCT devices are far more reliable than be helpful in monitoring progression in these dis-
the early models introduced in the 1970s, and cor- eases [30,31].
relate well with GAT in numerous clinical studies
[20,21]. Both desktop and hand-held devices are
available. NCT holds the attraction of not needing DYNAMIC CONTOUR TONOMETRY
anesthetic, of being operable by a lesser-trained Dynamic contour tonometry (DCT) employs a 7-
office personnel, and general acceptance by mm diameter tip that matches the contour of the
patients. Used in a high-throughput clinical setting, average cornea with a base curve of 10.5 mm. A
however, a single NCT device can become a rate- piezoelectric sensor is incorporated into the curved
limiting step in patient flow. surface and measures IOP directly via hydrostatic
coupling [32]. IOP estimates acquired by the DCT
compare favorably to directly measured IOP in can-
OCULAR RESPONSE ANALYZER nulated eyes, and appears to be mostly unaffected by
The ocular response analyzer (ORA) is a modern prior corneal surgery [33–35]. DCT is more repeat-
NCT designed to not only measure IOP but also to able and reproducible than GAT and ORA [36], but
measure and account for variability in corneal bio- IOP estimates from the three devices are not inter-
mechanical properties among patients. Like other changeable [23].
NCT devices, a pulse of compressed air flattens the Dynamic contour tonometry holds the attrac-
corneal apex and electro-optical sensors measure the tion of being among the most accurate and precise
physical behavior of the cornea. Unlike convention- of currently available tonometry techniques and
al NCT, the device measures both the inward and mostly independent of corneal factors. However,
outward movement of the cornea. The cornea is not it is not particularly convenient to use – Anderson
a perfectly elastic structure; in other words, it does et al. [37] found that DCT was significantly more
not behave like a spring, but rather as a viscous time-consuming and difficult than GAT in routine
damping system (e.g. a hydraulic shock absorber). practice, taking over 2.5 min to perform in a healthy
As such, the cornea deforms and then returns to its patient population; most eyes required repeated
original shape at different velocities – a physical measurements and for some an acceptable result
property called hysteresis. Hysteresis is a widely could not be obtained.
studied physical property of biological structures
such as joints and blood vessels. The ORA is the
first clinical device to measure hysteresis in the eye. HAND-HELD TONOMETRY DEVICES
By measuring the velocity of the inward and Several commercially available tonometers are port-
outward movement of the cornea, the ORA derives able, and can be carried by the clinician from room
a measure of the cornea’s viscoelastic properties to room in a busy clinic.

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Mackay–Marg applanation tonometry patients compared to GAT [44], all the studies
(Tono-Pen) comparing the Diaton device to GAT demonstrate
First introduced in the 1950s by Mackay et al. [38], high variability and poor agreement with GAT, and
electronic applanation tonometry invokes the several investigators recommend against its clinical
Imbert–Fick principle by using a free floating use [42,44,45].
plunger surrounded by an annular ring; a strain
gauge linked to the plunger measures the force
necessary to flatten a small region of the cornea. Rebound tonometry (iCare)
The modern version of Mackay–Marg tonometry is First described by its inventor Kontiola in 1996,
the Tono-Pen, first introduced in the 1980s as a rebound tonometry employs a magnetized probe
hand-held, battery-powered device. This device is that is accelerated onto the cornea at a fixed velocity
portable and extremely easy to use. As with all using a solenoid; the same solenoid is used to detect
applanation tonometers, the Tono-Pen is affected the impact and rebounding velocity of the probe
by CCT and other corneal parameters, and tends to [46,47]. The rebounding velocity is closely corre-
overestimate IOP compared to GAT, especially at lated with IOP in animal and cadaver eyes, and
higher IOP levels [39,40]. Because the device appla- clinical trials of the commercialized device (the
nates only a tiny portion of the cornea, the device iCare Pro Rebound Tonometer) suggest sufficient
offers clinicians the ability to estimate IOP using the correlation with GAT for clinical use. The device
most ‘normal’ area of cornea unaffected by corneal is portable and does not require topical anesthesia,
disease, for example, calcific band keratopathy, and accordingly is well tolerated by young children
ectatic disease, host cornea following grafting or and uncooperative patients [48]. The device gener-
keratoprosthesis, and so on. However, the device ally overestimates the IOP when compared to Gold-
is designed to be used on the central cornea, and if man tonometry, especially at higher IOPs [49], and
an operator is not careful to apply the device at the this effect is amplified at higher CCTs [50].
center of the cornea in an otherwise normal patient, The iCare tonometer appears to be most useful in
IOP estimates will trend higher due to the increased young children [51–53]. A recent Ophthalmic Tech-
thickness of the peripheral cornea [41]. Finally, in nology Assessment by the American Academy of
typical use, the operator gently holds the patient’s Ophthalmology suggested that rebound tonometry
eyelids open. If any pressure is applied to the under- was a reasonably accurate instrument that in many
lying globe, the measured IOP will be higher. Proper children avoided the need for general anesthesia; the
training in technique is critical in the successful authors concluded that more comparative studies
clinical use of this device by clinicians and were needed to fully assess the differences among
ophthalmic technicians. tonometry techniques in children [54].
Rebound tonometry lends itself nicely to home
tonometry, and a device to do so (the iCare ONE) has
Transpalpebral tonometry (Diaton) been commercialized outside the USA. The device
Intraocular pressure has been estimated through the appears to have reasonable comparability to both
eyelids for centuries; the Diaton transpalpebral ton- GAT and rebound measurements by a physician
ometer attempts to do so in an automated fashion. [55–57].
When using this device, a sitting or supine patient is
instructed to look up 458 superiorly and the device is
placed over the upper lid; a probe inside the device TWENTY-FOUR HOUR CONTINUOUS
falls via a gravity-dependent mechanism and the TONOMETERY
acceleration of the rebounding probe is measured Glaucoma is unique among chronic diseases in that
and converted into an estimate of IOP. The current the primary (and likely causative) risk factor and
commercial device is different from its predecessor – treatment target for the disease, IOP, is measured
the TGDc-01 – as it takes six measurements and rarely – just a few times a year for most patients.
averages the measurements; the devices are believed Ultimately, what is needed is a simple way to acquire
to estimate scleral rigidity thought the lid [42] and continuous IOP measurements over the course of
appears to be significantly affected by CCT [43]. For days, weeks, and months. Such devices are now
the device to accurately determine the IOP, it must appearing on the horizon.
be held perpendicular to the globe, but the device
employs no stabilization or orientation features and
the device begins to take measurements immedi- Sensimed Triggerfish
ately upon being placed on the eye. Although the The Triggerfish contact lens sensor is capable of
device is well tolerated and in fact preferred by providing 24-h continuous IOP estimates. The

106 Volume 26  Number 2  March 2015

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Table 1. Comparison matrix of currently available tonometers

Noncontact Dual Dynamic

Goldmann Electronic tonometry applanation Scheimpflug NCT Pneumatic contour Rebound
applanation applanation (NCT) NCT tonometer tonometer tonometer Transpalpebral

Tonometry Fixed-area, Makay–Marg Single inward Bi-directional Single inward Fixed-area, Contour-matched Ballistic probe Ballistic probe
principle variable-force applanation applanation; applanation; applanation; air variable-force piezoresistive (through eyelid)
applanation air puff air puff puff; Scheimpflug applanation sensor
image capture for
corneal analysis
Product or Goldmann Tono-Pen, Many Reichert Ocular Oculus Corvis ST Reichert Pascal DCT iCare Rebound Diaton
brand name tonometer; Accupen manufacturers Response Model 30 Tonometer
Perkins Analyzer
Contact/ Contact Contact Noncontact Noncontact Noncontact Contact Contact Contact Contact (through
noncontact eyelid)
Sterilization Yes No (requires use No No No Yes No (requires use No (requires use Yes
required of disposable of disposable of disposable
covers) covers) probes)
Anesthesia Yes, þ Yes No No No Yes Yes No No
required fluorescein
Hand-held, table Slit lamp or Hand-held Table Table Table Table with Slit lamp Hand-held Hand-held
or slit-lamp hand-held hand-held
mounted (Perkins) probe

1040-8738 Copyright ß 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Operator skill High Medium Low–medium Low–medium Low–medium Medium–high High Low–medium Low–medium
and training
Approximate unit $750–$1200, $2750–$3750 $7500 $8500– $25 000 $7000 $6500 $3750 $2750
cost (US$) in late often bundled $15 000
2014 with slit lamp
Consumables None Tonometer None None None Tip and Sensor caps Probes $0.80– Consumer-grade
covers membrane $1.00–$1.50 $1.00 each. CR2032
$0.10–$0.45 replaced a few each; batteries Consumer-grade batteries
each; batteries times a year @ $25 each AAA batteries
$45 each $50 80

DCT, dynamic contour tonometry; NCT, noncontact tonometry.

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Measuring intraocular pressure Okafor and Brandt


device does not directly measure IOP, but rather taken with a healthy dose of skepticism and used
records changes in corneal curvature presumed to in clinical decision-making only in the context of
be related to fluctuations in IOP [58]. The device the overall clinical picture.
takes a 60-s recording every 10 min, giving 144 read-
ings over a 24-h period [59]. The device appears to Acknowledgements
provide reproducible results and is generally well None.
tolerated, even with overnight use while sleeping
Financial support and sponsorship
[60]. However, in a small clinical trial comparing the
ability of GAT and the Triggerfish to detect a pros- None.
taglandin analog-induced drop in IOP, Hollo et al.
& Conflicts of interest
[61 ] could not detect a drop in IOP using the
Triggerfish device even when GAT could. It there- Dr Okafor has no proprietary or financial interests to
fore remains to be seen if the device will prove disclose related to the subject of this study.
clinically useful. Dr Brandt serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the
Reichert Instruments Division (Depew, New York, USA)
Wireless intraocular pressure transducer of Ametek, Incorporated. Reichert Instruments is the
Ultimately, it would be ideal to surgically implant an manufacturer of both the Ocular Response Analyzer
IOP sensor at the time of routine cataract or glau- and the Tono-Pen, discussed in this article.
coma surgery, when the risk of incisional surgery is
already being taken and a miniaturized device can REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
be placed with acceptable additional risk. Melki et al. READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
[62 ] recently reported on the first implantation of been highlighted as:
& of special interest
such a device in a human. The wireless IOP trans- && of outstanding interest

ducer (WIT) measures IOP using an array of capaci-

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