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Company Brand Guidelines

© Barnes & Noble Tm 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Barnes & Noble Headquarters
122 Fifth Avenue
New York, Ny 10011

Dedicated to those who enjoy the feeling of holding a book , of smelling it and f lipping
through its pages. To those who f ind it more important to experience a book and the
process of f inding the perfect book through a sea of shelves. To the readers who delve
into the world of the book so completely that the real world stops to exist. And f inally,
to those who know that no good book is ever complete without a warm and delicious
cup of cof fee or tea and a perfect snack .
2012 Company Brand Guidelines

The Next Chapter

1.0 The Preface 3.4 Secondary Logo
1.1 The Core Color Genres
1.2 Brand History 3.5 Logo and Backgrounds
1.3 Unique Selling 3.6 Sub Brands Colors
Position 3.7 Sub Brands Color
1.4 Competitors Genres

2.0 Turning the Page 4.0 Ink and Paper

2.1 Primary Logo 4.1 The Tagline

2.2 Secondary Logos 4.2 Tagline Clearspace
2.3 Primary Logo 4.3 Typography
Integrity 4.4 Photography
2.4 Secondary Logos 4.5 The Icons
Integrities 4.6 Supporting
2.5 Sub Brands Elements
2.5 Sub Brands
Integrities 5.0 More Than Just Books
2.7 Unacceptable Use 5.1 Business System
5.2 Corporate Environment
3.0 Painting a Picture 5.3 Website
3.1 Primary Colors 5.4 Advertisement
3.2 Secondary Colors 5.5 Store Environment
3.3 Primary Logo 5.6 Industry
Color Genres 5.7 Products
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
A Word From Our CEO Leonardo Riggio

I remember the first time I realized I was in love with books. I was
in my father’s store, a much smaller Barnes & Noble than the
ones we see today. I had a plate of cookie crumbs and an
almost finished mug of hot chocolate to my right, but it had
been a while since I paid the leftovers any attention. I was
on the last sentence. When it was over, I remember turning
back to page one and starting again.
Books are a powerful tool. They are different worlds, new
ideas, laughter, and alltogether an experience. In today’s
society, we are losing the sense of experiencing the tangible
and real. At Barnes & Noble, we aim to ignite that part of
humanity that will always thirst for this.
Our brand embodies this idea. We appreciate your respect
and collaboration to maintain our identity in a consistent and
precise manner to truly captures Barnes & Noble.

Leonardo Riggio
CEO, Barnes & Noble
1.0 Company Overview


The Preface
Company Overview

2012 1.0
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
1.0 T he Company

At Barnes & Noble

We are so much more than books.

We Are cozy chairs.
We are friends, family, company.
We are cookies.
We are discovery and adventure.
We are warm coffee.
We are a home away from home.

the core of barnes & noble

2012 1.1
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Company History

Barnes & Noble originated in 1873 when Mr. Charles Barnes T he old logo was an update
f rom the f irst logo, the simple
opened a book-printing business in Wheaton, Illinois. The wordmark that the founder
first true bookstore was established by Charles’ son William himself typed up in 1978 . It
Barnes and his partner G. Clifford Noble the year of 1917 was simple, not f ussy, and
embodied the idea of having
in New York City; hence the name. a casual , book-f irst space.
In the early 1960s, Leonard Riggio was a student at NYU. He
worked as the clerk in the university bookstore. Convinced
he could do better on his own, he opened a competing store
called the Student Book Exchange. After only a few years
in the business, it became known as one of New York’s finest
bookstores, greatly due to its wide selection. This aspect
of the bookstore would carry on into present day Barnes &
Noble stores.
In the 1970s, Riggio acquired the then declining Barnes and
Noble trade name and bookstore. Quickly, he transformed
it into the world’s largest bookstore. This was the beginning
of the modern Barnes and Noble.
even though e-books are becoming such an
important part of our business, at barnes
& noble we will always focus on the idea of
offering an experience with books aswell
as a place where those books can be shared,
enjoyed, and loved.
1.0 Company Overview

2012 1.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Barnes & noble

is america’s largest
variety of books,
newspapers, and
magazines in a cozy
and inviting space.
This is what makes us special.

unique selling position

Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

1.0 Company Overview

direct and indirect competitors

Even in the age of technology where people are much more 1 Amazon
2 Books-a-million
likely to tap away at their phones than enjoy the scenery 3 Hastings Home
right in front of them, bookstores remain loved and important Entertainment
part of the community. With a strong base of readers that 4 G oogle Nexus
are here to stay, providing books remains a strong business.
What separates us from our competitors is the basis of our
new identity: at Barnes & Noble, you’re not just getting a
book. You’re walking into a space, experiencing it with every
one of your senses, and discovering things you probably
hadn’t even expected. So While the other guys sell books
with a monitor in between them and you, we invite you
in to share the book and your time with us.

2012 1.4
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble


turning the page

The New Barnes & Noble

2012 2.0
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

primary logo

Say hello to the new Barnes & Noble! Fun, friendly, and full T his is the pr imar y version of
the logo. It should be used in
of possibilities, the new logo speaks to the fact that while all cases possible, unless shape
we may be keeping up with the times, we’re not risking our or length create an issue.
values and standards. With a light, airiness to it’s letters
and color, the logo invites our readers to spend their time
and experiences with us. It’s our welcoming doormat.
The shining star of the logo is the ampersand. It completely
embodies the core value of the identity, the idea that we
are more than just books: books and... The notion of possi-
bilities not only captures the unique selling position but
also two of the key features of the store: the large selection
of books and the large environment.
The new Barnes & Noble logo isn’t really
new. We prefer to think of it as the identity
that has been hiding with there all along,
a realization of everything Barnes & Noble
has always embodied.
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble

2012 2 .1
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble

secondary logos

Just as the logo itself suggests the idea of possibilities, our 1 Vertical Composition
This version of the mark
brand offers possibilities. While the primary logo should should be used sparingly
be used whenever possible, we understand that senarios will and only when something
arise that can compromise the legibility of the logo or that longer/shorter is needed.
2 Independant Ampersand
are just not compatible with it. This version of the logo
should only be used when
We offer these two versions of the logo as secondary marks.
one of the other marks
They are to be strivtly used only when the primary logo is are present on the branded
ill-fitted to the situation. The vertical composition (1) is const- piece. It can also be used
as a graphic element.
ructed to fit in narrower branding materials. The ampersan
(2) is made to be used in small spaces, unless it is being used
as a graphic element (covered in Section 3).

2012 2.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

primary logo integrity

A logo is the embodiment of the brand. It is the brand simply 1 Vertical Hangline
2 Hor izontal Hangline
summed up in one tiny, neat little package. Therefore, the 3 Minimun S ize
logo must at all times be perfectly legible and without obstr-
uctions. For this reason, we ask that designers maintain a
minumum area of breathing room around the logo that allows
it to breathe and shine. The Barnes & Noble logo, and all
of it’s variations, must at all times have the clear space that
is specified on this and the following two pages.
These pages also outline the specific hangline, both vertical
and horizontal, on which all three logo variations sit. This
rule must be maintained as it best suits the design of these
logos. Also, be sure to notice the minimum sizes outlined
in this section. We ask that these sizes be strictly adhered
to and only used when absolutely necessary.
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble


.5x .5x

3 3mm

2012 2.3
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide


3 5mm
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble



.25x .25x

3 3mm

secondary logo integrities

1 Vertical Hangline
2 Hor izontal Hangline
3 Minimun S ize

2012 2.4
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

barnes & noble sub brands

Barnes & Noble has three sub brands. The first is the Nook 1 NOOK
Clean , simple, f r iendly
brand, our ever-expanding e-reader. The second brand is 2 B&Ncollege
B&Ncollege, a series of University-only stores that tie back knowledge, f r iendly
to the origins of the store. The final and newest brand is 3 PUBIT!
Approachable, reliable
pubit!, a self-publishing experience for readers.
all of the barnes & noble sub brands relate
to the larger brand, yet they also have
their own unique looks and personalities.
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble

2012 2.5
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble


x x

3 3mm

sub brand integrities

In the same way the primary Barnes & Noble brand needs 1 Vertical Hangline
2 Hor izontal Hangline
to shine with plenty of breathing room, it’s sub brands 3 Minimum S ize
must also have at least the specified clear space at all times.
These brands have specific vertical and horizontal hang-
lines as well. Again, notice that all three of our sub brands
have a minimum size. They should never live at any size
smaller than that stated otherwise they lose their legibility
and imapct, and ultimately the brand is lost.

2012 2.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

x 1

x x

3 3mm

sub brand integrities

1 Vertical Hangline
2 Hor izontal Hangline
3 Minimun S ize
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble


3 5mm

2012 2.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

unaccpetable use

Our logo is very important to us, and we have spant much

time and effort into carefully crafting it to be a perfect
embodiment of our brand. We ask that designers and users
respect the thought and craftmanship that has gone into
the logo by keeping it in it’s pure form and within the rules
specified in this guide book.
Be weary when using the logo not to alter, tweak, mutilate,
or take any personal creative freedom that breaks the
specific rules set out in this book. The following are merely
a few examples of practices that would violate the logo
and ultimately the Barnes & Noble brand.

1 Do not at any time angle 2 Do not add any ef fects 3 Do not in any way alter
the logo. It always sits on to the logo, including drop the proportions of the
a 0 degree angle. shadow, gradients, etc. letters or the ampersand.

4 Do not alter the colors of 5 Do not change the type- 6 Do not in any way distort
the logo except when in face or font style of any the logo, e ither by stretch-
accordance to color r ules. part of the logo. ing , squishing , etc.

7 Do not use the logo in any

for mat that may be “ nick
named” or abbreviated.
2 .0 T he New Barnes & Noble

1 2

3 4

5 6

2012 2.8
3 .0 T he Brand Colors


painting a picture
The Brand Colors

2012 3.0
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

colors define
a mood and
give a sense
of character
to a brand.

Our colors are inviting and fun!

3 .0 T he Brand Colors

Primary colors

The world is a highly visual place, and most individuals read

through sight first and foremost. One aspect of any brand
that is not only most highly visible, but also has a hefty deal
of psychological meaning to individuals is color.
The Barnes & Noble colors are as important to us as the logo
itself. We have created two primary colors, Brilliant Blue
(PMS 632) and Cozy Navy (PMS 7463). Blue is a gentle color
that invites our readers. The lightness of the Brilliant Blue
is airy, creating a feeling of open space and relaxation.
Our Cozy Navy compliments this by bringing in the notion
of water, of coolness. This pushes the sense of feeling
relaxed and calm. While the Cozy Navy has a more serious
tone, the Brilliant Blue keeps things fresh and fun!
Below are the breakdowns for these primary brand colors.

1 PMS 7463 2 PMS 632

CMY K 60c33m13y85k CMY K 100c0 m32y0k
RGB 20 r39g56b RGB 0 r171g185b
HE X 0f 1a21 HE X 00f fad

2012 3.1
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

secondary colors

Our secondary colors play up the fun factor. They are each
paired with a ‘shadowed’ shade. We have our Fiery Red
(PMS 179) and it’s shadow (PMS 1817), colors that spark cre-
ativity and emotion. Our Crisp Green (PMS 390) and shadow
(PMS 7490) are at once soft and energetic. We also have
our Vibrant Yellow (PMS 103) and shadow (PMS 5565), which
are our sun and fun colors.
We offer two neautrals to the brand, also a pair of light and
shadow colors. This is our Airy Grey (PMS 5455) and it’s
shadow (PMS 5565). All of our colors speak to the integrity
of the brand’s fun yet inviting nature.

1 PMS 1817 2 PMS 179 3 PMS 7490

CMYK 34c100m95y42k CMY K 0c80m99y0k CMY K 64c31m100y15k
RGB 114 r18g24b RGB 271r90g35b RGB 99r128g56b
HE X 620007 HE X f f 3303 HE X 4e9600

4 PMS 390 5 PMS 464 6 PMS 103

CMY K 31c9m92y0k CMY K 26c52m100y26k CMY K 13c18m100y0k
RGB 187r201g66b RGB 151r104g33b RGB 227r197g33b
HE X b0e814 HE X 8c5b00 HE X ded100

8 PMS 5565 7 PMS 5455

CMY K 51c22m48y1k CMY K 4c0 m0y6k
RGB 133r166g143b RGB 226 r235g239b
HE X 7cc583 HE X e6fofo
3 .0 T he Brand Colors

2012 3.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

3 .0 T he Brand Colors

primary logo color genres

We want to make sure that our Barnes & Noble logo can find 1 Full Color
2 S ingle Color
a home on any surface. For this reason, we offer different PMS 632
color genres to designers and users that include single color, 4 G rey Scale
grey scale, and one color. These genres should only be 100% Black
55% Black
utilized when using the full color impairs the logo’s legibility. 5 One Color Black
color may be crucial , but without proper
legibility, it’s nothing. Please make sure
that our precious logo is always shining!

2012 3.3
3 .0 T he Brand Colors

secondary logo color genres

1 Full Color
2 S ingle Color Black and
W hite

2012 3.4
3 .0 T he Brand Colors

logo and backgrounds

Sometimes, the color in the marks may not cooperate with All three logos adhere to the
same single color and black
a given background, be it image or color. In this case, a few and white r ules. As seen in
opetions are available. The first is to use the simple and this example, they also share
always neautral single color version of the logo set in PMS the same ‘ reversed out ’ r ule.
632. Of course, this may not always be ideal.
Another option in such a problem as this is to use the simple
black and white version of the logo. This solution may be
put to use when the given background is light in color. Of
course, such an option sould only be a last resort.
When the background is not a light color but infact dark or
even black itself, the logo should be set in the brand’s white
color, PMS 5455. Not only will this allow the logo to have
full visibility, but it will also keep the contrast from being too
stong, therefore reinforcing Barnes & Noble’s new brand’s
lighter and more friendly feeling. Again, this is a final resort.

2012 3.5
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

sub brand colors

The three sub brands of Barnes & Noble are NOOK, our
e-book reader; B&Ncollege, the exclusive university stores;
and, our latest addition, pubit!, an online self-publication
application. Each of these brands, though unique and stand-
alone, must maintain a sense of unity amongst themselves
and with the primary brand. Therefore, they utilize the same
colors present in the main logo.
The sub brands mix and match the colors within their marks,
yet they do utilize a primary color. The brand orange PMS
179 M is the main color for NOOK. B&Ncollege’s main brand
color is the brand navy PMS 7547. The brand lime green
PMS 390 is pubit!’s primary color.
Just as with the primary mark, the color specifications must
at all times be respected to maintain brand integrity within
each of the separate brands and the system as a whole.

1 PMS 179 2 PMS 390 3 PMS 7547

CMY K 0c80 m99y0k CMY K 31c9m92y0k CMY K 60c33m13y85k
RGB 271r90g35b RGB 187r201g66b RGB 20 r39g56b
HE X f f 3303 HE X b0e814 HE X 0f 1a21

4 PMS 103 5 PMS 5565 6 PMS 632

CMY K 13c18m100y0k CMY K 51c22m48y1k CMY K 100c0 m32y0k
RGB 227r197g33b RGB 133r166g143b RGB 0 r171g185b
HE X ded100 HE X 7cc583 HE X 00f fad
3 .0 T he Brand Colors

1 2 3 4

5 6 3

3 2

2012 3.6
Sub brands and backgrounds
3 .0 T he Brand Colors

2012 3.7
4.0 The Supporting Elements


ink and paper

The Supporting Elements

2012 4.0
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
4.0 The Supporting Elements

the tagline

A tagline is important to a brand in that it embodies the core T he tagline also marr ies with
the ampersand , speaking to
principles of the brand within but a few words. The Barnes the brand idea of possibilities.
& Noble tagline is ‘More Than Just Books,’ speaking towards
the comapny’s and store’s home away from home idea.
while our competitors may offer some of
the same products and savings as we do,
one thing that is unique to barnes & noble
is the environment, which encourages
customers to stay and explore anything
from our cafe to our events.

2012 4 .1
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide



.5x 1 .5x

tagline clearspace
1 T he tagline rests r ight
below the ampersand
2 T he ampersand has the
same line space as the
words Barnes and Noble
4.0 The Supporting Elements

x 2

2012 4.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide


The Barnes & Noble brand utilizes three typefaces. The first 1 9 point size
230 points tracking
is Barnes & Noble Heading, a bolder typeface that is used 12 point leading
for headings in print work, on posters, billboards, and also 2 9 point size
on web applications. This typeface is always used in all caps. 230 point tracking
12 point leading
The second Barnes & Noble typeface is Barnes & Noble 3 9 point size
230 point leading
Regular, a thinner version of the header. This typeface is
12 point tracking
used for larger bodies of type, such as in this paragraph. It
can be used in larger scale and all caps, as well as small and
in upper and lower case.
The final Barnes & Noble typeface is the Barnes & Noble
Serif, an italic romantic typeface that softens the brand and
creates a sense of class. This typeface is used for captions,
like the one on this page. It is also used for smaller bodies of
type that are usually inferior in heirarchy.
None of these typefaces are part of the logo, which in fact
uses a custom made typeface that does not appear any-
where else in the brand. This maintain’s the logo’s integrity.
All of these typefaces combine to enhance the Barnes &
Noble brand image of friendliness, fun, and a sense of home.
They should be combined carefully to maintain this concept.
4.0 The Supporting Elements

barnes & noble heading

a bc d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1234567890!$#%&*?@(){}[]|\ /< >~;:

barnes and noble regular

abc d efghijklmnopqrstuvw x y z
1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 ! $ # % &* ?@ ( ) { } [ ] | \ /< > ~ ; :

barnes and noble serif

abcdefghi j klmnop q rstuvwxy z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! $ # % & * ? @ ( ) { } [ ] |\ / < > ~ ; :

2012 4.3
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
4.0 The Supporting Elements


The photographic style of Barnes & Noble mirrors the sense 1 Cropped shot that makes
the viewer feel like he
of airiness and welcoming that the brand embodies. A oe she is in the picture.
brighter atmosphere should be used, with minimal contrast. 2 Br ight photo with higher
The photography should range from reading, music, food, exposure but with lower
contrast to create a sense
and all other activities offered in the store. of air iness and space.
3 Showcase food , cof fee,
Angles and shots in the brand photography should engage
and other aspects of
viewers and make them feel as if they were inside of the the brand. Products and
photograph. Be sure to be careful and not make the photos backdrops should feel
natural: wood , stuccos.
too dynamic so that they lose the sense of calm.
viewers should engage with barnes & noble
through the photography, essentially as
if they were in the photograph themselves.

2012 4.4
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

the icons

The Barnes & Noble brand utilizes a series of airy and fun Like ever ything else Barnes &
Noble, our icons re inforce the
icons to add character. The icons are utilized on posters, notion that there are more than
web pages, packaging, and products. The icons can be used just books at our stores.
in full color or tone on tone. A single icon or small group
of icons can be used, or they can create a pattern.
Whenever there are multiple icons being used, be absolutely
sure to include a variety. This means that there should be
a balance between the types of icons used. There are book
related icons, food, shopping, music, kids, and digital icons.
The icons include ‘whimsies,’ the swirly icons that speak
to the magic of books and reading.
The whimsy icons, or curly ones, remind our
customers that reading is a magical thing.
that same magic radiates at barnes & noble.
4.0 The Supporting Elements

2012 4.5
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

be sure to use
these pieces
wisely so that
they do not
appear bulky.
These rules should not overpower the design.

4.0 The Supporting Elements

supporting elements

To fully create the Barnes & Noble identity, the brand uses 1 T hese wraparounds are
like open books with
these simple graphics that support the principles already bold statements. T hey
established by the logo, color, typography, and photography. are made of the light
The first two elements can be used together, although color and it ’s respective
the rule can live on it’s own accompanied with typography. 2 Rules are used to recall
The third element should never be used with the other a more traditional senes
two. If designing multiple pages or spreads, these and the of books and reading.
3 Our whimsy lines recall
following graphics should be balanced throughout. the air iness factor of
the brand with a punch
of color and f un!

2012 4.6
5.0 T he Applications


more than just books

The Applications

2012 5.0
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

business system
1 L etterhead

Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

business system
1 Business Cards
2 Envelope
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.1
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

corporate environment
1 Corporate Headquarters
Exter ior

2012 5.2
5.0 T he Applications

corporate environment
1 Headquarters Reception

2012 5.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

corporate environment
1 Central Of f ices
2 President ’s Of f ice

2012 5.2
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

T he website embodies the idea
of exper iencing Barnes &
Noble by making the user feel
like he or she is in the store.
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.3
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

On the homepage, users can
browse a virtual bookshelf that
mirrors the exper ience of be ing
in a real store.

2012 5.3
5.0 T he Applications

T he website aims to not only
sell books, but encourage
readers to come into the store.

2012 5.3
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

More than just book s.

1 Billboard
5.0 T he Applications


2012 5.4
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Bus Shelter Posters
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.4
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Bus Shelter Posters

Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

store environment
T he store is air y, inviting , and
a place that feels like home.
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.5
5.0 T he Applications

1 Reusable Shopping Bag
2 In Store Basket

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

1 Employee Nametag
2 Employee Unifor m
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

In Store S ignage

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

In Store S ignage
5.0 T he Applications

Entertaining Globally.
Book reading and signing.

January 25 . 2-3 .

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

$100 co m
e an
d ex
pl or
to : e ou

w o rl

co m e a n d
ex p lo re o
u r w o rl d
to :

$50 come and explore our world


G if t Cards
5.0 T he Applications

More than just books.


2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

August 2013


Barnes & Noble New Deals
and Products Catalog
5.0 T he Applications

1 2

3 felt nook slipcover

1 Yello w Chris tina Vase Woven from alpaca wool, this cozy design
or even
Handcraft ed vase perfect for f lowers will keep your Nook clean and safe.
as a desktop pencil holder.

$1 2
4 Barnes & Noble Bag
2 Wooden Transform ers Walk around in style with this exclusive
From ecologicall y minded makers Barnes & Noble handbag.
these are perfect for kids and collectors.

$2 8


2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Cafe Mugs
5.0 T he Applications

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

5.0 T he Applications

To G o Cup

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

Cafe Plates
5.0 T he Applications


2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

1 Barnes & Noble
Collection Spine
2 Barnes & Noble
Collection Front

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

1 Online Shipment
5.0 T he Applications

S h i p t o:
Ana maria zamaro de pistone
3298 beverly drive
hilly, CO 25610

Tra c k i n g # 0 0 0 32118 5 6378 8 9 -33 9 9 0 0 2

B a r n e s & N o bl e B o o k s e l l e r s
122 F i f t h A v e n u e
N e w Yo r k , N Y 10 011
thank you!

2012 5.6
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
5.0 T he Applications

1 Personal Handbag
2 Handbag Inter ior

2012 5.7
5.0 T he Applications

1 Custom Barnes & Noble
Reading Glasses

2012 5.7
1.0 T he Company


2012 5.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
1.0 T he Company

i’ll take a
side of
fun with
my book.

Promotional T-shirt

2012 5.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide


1.0 T he Company

2012 5.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide

1 Nook Tablet Slipcover
2 Notebook
1.0 T he Company

2012 5.7
1.0 T he Company

Nook Tablet Front and Back
W ith Homescreen

2012 5.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide
1.0 T he Company

Barnes & Noble Librar y App

2012 5.7
Bar nes and Noble Brand G uide























Barnes & Noble Librar y App
1.0 T he Company

2012 5.7
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
– Mark Twain
thank you!

From Barnes & Noble.


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