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What is Art?

Alexis Maurer
One 45 minute class period
Introduction to Art – High School

As students go through their education as artists they will begin to elaborate
on their views and understanding of art. Students will study what makes art, art and why certain pieces are
valued the way that they are in society while comparing works of art by two sculptors, Marcel Duchamp and
Chad Knight, and two painters, Van Gogh and Kandinsky.

G.12.3 Interpret more complex meanings in challenging works of art
I.12.5 Understand and recognize that art reflects the history and culture in which it was created
J.12.10 Reflect and talk about works of art


ART PRODUCTION: N/A for this lesson

I can explain how my experiences in the world influence my views of art and vice versa

I can talk about how different works of art make me feel
I can talk about the meanings behind different works of art

I can understand how different works of art can reflect on that artist and the time period in
which their art was created

Art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a
visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power
Aesthetics: engages the intellectual and emotions, and fosters imagination and reflection,
thereby enriching possibilities for human achievement in the creation, comprehension, and
appreciation of the visual arts (Lankford, 1992)
Ready-mades: artwork created using manufactured objects
Abstract: art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its
effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures
Printed images of the following works
o Three copies of each image
 Three tables will do the sculptures and the other three will do the paintings

Marcel Duchamp: Bottle-Rack Fountain

Chad Knight: Release Renewal

Kandinsky: Yellow, Red and Blue Composition VIII

Van Gogh: Sunflowers Starry Night

Welcome students when they come into the room for class.
Anticipatory Set: On one side of a note card write your name and your answer to the
question: “What is art?”
o After two minutes students will share their answers to the rest of their table and
then with the rest of the class. I will share the definition of art from above and ask
them what they think contributes to the reason of why art is considered to be art?
Ask students if they know what the word “ASTHETICS” means.
Define aesthetics as a group, them have students come up with their own definition in their
Ask students to think about how the culture and time period can influence aesthetics and
what type of art could be created.
Hand out images to the tables and ask students to compare the pieces; each group will
write down their thoughts on a piece of paper.
o Why are these works considered art?
o Would these pieces still be considered art if they were created in a different time
o What are the meanings of the pieces?
Have the groups share their findings with the rest of the class.
Have a group discussion on the findings of each group and how the different
sculpture/painting groups are similar or different from each other.

On the back side of their notecard, students will answer this question:
o “Using your knowledge of aesthetics and the influence of culture has your definition
of ‘art’ changed?”
o Write down your knew definition of art and describe why you think art is considered

ASSESSMENT: Formal/Formative
Did the students understand what “aesthetics” are in art? And were they able to use it in
the correct context when explaining the artwork?
Were students able to comprehend the pieces of work are considered to be art from that
time period?

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