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Four stages USCP

1. Hunting and gathering stage

2. Agricultural stage
Third World and the Global South

What are the terms, origins and implications

It came from the western policy makers during the cold war.

The First World - Western capitalist countries

The Second World - Soviet Union and its allies

The Third World - countries which are not associated with the West and the Soviet Union

After the Cold War, the Soviet Union collapsed which left only two terms

First World - associated with rich industrialized countries

Third World - associated with impoverished countries

North-South Classification
- shaped by migration and globalization

Global North - first world countries such as the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and the
developed parts of Asia.

Global South - includes the Carribean, South America, Africa and parts of Asia

Global City

- Describes three urban centers in the world - New York, London, Tokyo

Migration of poeple to urban areas.

Alteration of agricultural production.

Theories of Globalization Stratification

- the creation of socioeconomic classes

1. Modernization Theory
- frames global stratification as a function of technological and cultural differences between
- it pinpoints two historical events that contributed to Western Europe developing at a faster
rate than the rest of the world.

1st event
Columbian Exchange
- refers to the spread of goods, technology, education, and diseases between the Americas and
Europe after Christopher Columbus's so called - discovery of the Americas
- gained agricultural staples like potatoes and tomatoes - gave birth to new opportunities for
- strengthened the power of the merchant class.
- many native Americans died because of diseases like small pox and measles which came from

2nd Event
Industrial Revolution
- new technologies like steam power and mechanization allowed countries to replace human
labor with machines and increase productivity
- it first benefited western countries
- it improved the standard of living

Modernization argues that that the tension between tradition and technological change is the
biggest barrier to growth

Why did Europe modernize?

Max Weber
- Protestant Reformation that introduced good work ethic and progress oriented way of life.
- individualism replaced by communalism

2. Walt Rostow's theory of modernization

- American economist
Four Stages of Modernization

1. Traditional stage
- refers to societies that are structured around small, local communities, with production being
done in family settings
- limited technologies and resources
- what your parents do is what you parents did and it is what you will do when you grow up
2. Take- off Stage
- people befan to use their individual talent to produce things beyond necessity.
- created new market trades

3. Technological Maturity
- technological growth of the earlier periods begins to bear fruit in the form of population
growth, reductions in absolute poverty levels and more diverse job opportunities
- pushing of economic change like basic schooling and developinf more democtratic political

4. High Mass consumption

- country becomes big enough that production becomes about wants than needs
- put social support systems in place to ensure that all their citizens have access to basic

• Modernization theory argues that if you invest capital in better technologies, they will
eventually raise production enough that there will be more wealth.

3. Dependency Theory and the Latin American Experience

European explorers claimed land from the Americas, Asia and Africa.

Then British empire covered almost 1/4 of the world.

Trade of raw materials, goods and even slaves are rampant in the colonies of these European
countries until it ended.

Many countries were not developing due to this some factors.

1. Not pursuing the right economic policies
2. Government are authoritarian or corrupt.

Latin American scholars - dependency Theory

- it is the condition in which the development of nation-states of the south contributed to a
decline in their independence and to an increase of economic development of the countries of
the north.
- liberal trade causes impoverishment
- rich countries become rich by using the resources of other countries.

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