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 A model of performance management
OD interventions: People and  Goal setting

process  Performance appraisal

 Reward systems.

INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP A Model of Performance Management

• Goal Setting
– Interaction between managers and employees to
define behaviour
• Performance Appraisal
– Collecting and disseminating of performance data to
improve work outcomes
• Reward Systems
– Eliciting and reinforcing desired behaviours and
work outcomes

Goal Setting Management by Objectives (MBO)

• Establishing challenging, but realistic, goals
• Involve the whole work group
• Goals are set participatively
• Goals are set jointly by manager and subordinates
• Clarifying goal measurement
• Action plans, criteria and yardsticks are
• Goals are specific and operationally defined established
• Resources for goal achievement are negotiated • Work progress and contract reviewed and adjusted
• Records of meetings are maintained

Common elements of the performance

Performance Appraisal appraisal process
• Performance appraisal is a feedback system
involving direct evaluation of individual or work
group performance by a supervisor, manager
or peers
• Most organisations use some kind of evaluation
system for performance feedback, pay
administration and, in some cases, counselling
and developing employees
• Evidence indicates that organisations do a poor
job in appraising employees

Effect of Performance Appraisal Reward Systems: Effect on Performance

• The strongest research evidence suggests that • Six factors influencing efficacy of rewards
feedback is the most effective element of this – Availability
process – Timeliness
• Research further suggests that feedback with – Performance contingency
clear messages about behaviour change has a – Durability
very positive effect – Equity
– Visibility

Reward Systems Interpersonal Process Approaches

• Process Issues
– Who should be involved in designing and administering the  T-Groups
reward system?
 Process consultation
– What kind of communication should exist with respect to
rewards?  Third-party interventions
 Team building


T-groups are traditionally designed to provide • Results of T-groups
members with experiential learning about group
– Controversial approach
dynamics, leadership and interpersonal relations.
– Can show increased flexibility in role behaviour;
• Goals of T-groups more openness, receptivity and awareness;
– Understanding one’s own behavior more open communication; better listening skills
and less dependence on others
– Understanding the behaviour of others
– Understanding group processes
– Increased interpersonal diagnostic skills
– Transforming learning into action
– Self-analysis

PROCESS CONSULTATION Functional Roles of Group Members

• Process consultation is
– Activities ‘… that help the client perceive, understand and • Problem solving and decision making
act upon the process events which occur in the client’s
environment.’ (Schein,1987) – To identify problems and examine alternatives

• Designed to help to improve group processes by • Group norms and growth

working with individuals to develop their – Standards of behaviour and what is good or bad, allowed or
understanding of the processes involved in: forbidden

– Communication • Leadership and authority

– Functional roles – How different leadership styles can facilitate group
– Problem-solving and decision-making
– Group norms and growth
– Leadership and authority

Basic Process Interventions When is process intervention appropriate?

• Process interventions • Most applicable when:
• Diagnostic and feedback interventions 1. The client has a problem but does not know its
• Coaching or counselling of individuals source or how to resolve it
or groups 2. The client is unsure of what kind of help or
consultation is available
• Structural suggestions
3. The nature of the problem is such that the client
would benefit from involvement in its diagnosis

When is process intervention appropriate? Third-Party Intervention

• Third-party intervention focuses on conflicts
4. The client is motivated by goals that the consultant between two or more people
can accept and has some capacity to enter into a • Conflict is inherent in groups and is neither good
helping relationship nor bad per se
5. The client ultimately knows what interventions are
most applicable • Conflict can enhance motivation and innovation
and mutual understanding
6. The client is capable of learning how to assess and
resolve his or her own problem

AN EPISODIC MODEL OF CONFLICT A Cyclical Model of Conflict (Walton 1987)

• Occurs in cyclical stages (see Figure 7.3 overleaf)
• Four strategies for dealing with this:
– Prevent ignition of the conflict
– Set limits on the form of the conflict
– Help parties to develop coping strategies to deal with
the conflict
– Eliminate or resolve the underlying issue

Team Building Team-Building Activities

• Team building refers to a broad range of planned • Activities related to one or more individuals
• Activities oriented to the group’s operations and
• Helps groups improve the way they behaviours
accomplish tasks
• Activities affecting the group’s relationship with the
• Helps group members enhance their interpersonal and rest of the organisation
problem-solving skills

Factors Affecting Outcome of Team-

building Activities Organisation Process Approaches

• Length of time allocated to the activity  Organisation confrontation meeting

• Team’s willingness to look at the way  Intergroup relations intervention
it operates
• Length of time the team has been together  Large-group interventions.
• Permanence of the team

Organisation Confrontation Meeting

Schedule the meeting
Create a master list
Create groups representing
multiple perspectives
• Convene to address issues within set time limits
Form problem-solving
groups • Groups work independently to answer questions
Set ground rules and clarify
Rank the issues and
opportunities, develop an • Groups discuss discrepancies and contributions
Groups identify problems action plan, specify timetable
and opportunities • Groups work to develop action plans for key areas

Provide periodic reports

Report out to the
to large group
large group

Large-Group Interventions:
Steps for Implementation
• Prepare for the large-group meeting (search
• Conduct the meeting
• Follow-up on the meeting outcomes

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