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Name: Syabirin Bakti (10090318197)

Muhammad Wildan Fauzi Nur (10090318206)



Tugas 7

Controversy Development Fast Train Jakarta-Bandung

General statement:The development of fast train Jakarta-Bandung is not a new

issue at this time.

Definition: fast train is an existing or new train network with infrastructure capable
of serving trains at speeds of 250 km/ h or more up to 350 km/ hour.
More specific: in the current era transportation is a vital tool for community
mobility. The latest transportation is one of which is a fast train.
Currently Indonesia is building a fast train that connects the city of
Jakarta and the city of Bandung. With the existence of the fast
train, the mobility of the community will not be hampered.
The most Spesific:Since that issue come up, residents around the Jakarta-Bandung

fast train construction project have new problems especially

environmental problems and also the eviction of community land but on

the other side the problem has many benefits such as emerging new

economic points, creating jobs,and the existence of a business center city

Function: The function of the fast train is to help people who have high mobility
and also to shorten the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung.

purpose: Some of the benefits of Jakarta-Bandung fast train are the

creation of jobs for the project.

Thesis statement:The existence of construction of fast train is still controversial

because some people agree with construction of fast train, however

other people do not agree with the existence of contruction of fast train.
Name: Syabirin Bakti (10090318197)

Muhammad Wildan Fauzi Nur (10090318206)



Tugas 8

Controversy Development Fast Train Jakarta-Bandung

The development of fast train Jakarta-Bandung is not a new issue at this time.
Since that issue come up, residents around the Jakarta-Bandung fast train
construction project have new problems especially environmental problems and also
the eviction of community land but on the other side the problem has many benefits
such as emerging new economic points, creating jobs,and the existence of a business
center city. In the current era transportation is a vital tool for community mobility.
One of the means of transportation being developed by the government is a fast train
. Currently Indonesia is building a fast train that connects the city of Jakarta and the
city of Bandung. With the existence of the fast train, the mobility of the community
will not be hampered.. fast train is an existing or new train network with
infrastructure capable of serving trains at speeds of 250 km/ h or more up to 350 km/
hour. The function of the fast train is to help people who have high mobility and also
to shorten the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung. Facilities offred include
ease of mobilization between cities from Jakarta to bandung, clean and comfortable
trains cars, air conditioned carriages, ease of payment transactions using cards.
However, the existence of construction of fast train is still controversial because
some people agree with construction of fast train, however other people do not agree
with the existence of contruction of fast train.
Some people agree with contruction of fast train for the following reason. First,
According to Rini Soemarni, there are three positive impacts of the construction of
fast train. Namely, time efficiency, the community economy is increasing, and
bring up a new economic point (
proyek-kereta-cepat-jakarta-bandung). For example,the presence of fast train,
which wa originally able to take a 3-hour trip to a 35-minute trip.With the
existence of this project, the economy of the community through which the fast
train line will be lifted. For the West Java government, the construction of fast
train projects will bring new economic points. Second, according to Scofi.Tech,
there are three positive impacts of the construction of fast train.Namely, the
existence of a new tourism sector, increased development activities, and creating
jobs (
memberikan-keuntungan-besar-t1586466.html) . For example, B`andung during
this store tourist attraction with fast train will make easier access. From the
construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train, the station and the surrounding area
will experience increased development activities.from construction projects, it can
use up to tens of thousands of workers. Even after operating later, this fast train
will still filter out many workers. Third, according to Sahala Lumban, there are
three positive impacts of the construction of fast train.Namely, became a means of
developing new economic centers, open jobs, and increasing national economic
growth (’jakarta-bandung-akan-
tumbuhkan-ekonomi-/3177970.html). For example, The presence of the fast train
based transportation infrastructure will be a means of developing new economic
centers in Jakarta and Bandung corridors.The project will absorb around 39.000
direct workers per year. Provide benefits for national economic growth with the
emergence or formation of new region and centers of economic growth.
Other people do not agree with the contruction of fast train for the
following reason. First, according to Dadan Ramdan, there are three negative
impacts of the construction of fast train.Namely, legal issues, displacing 3000
buildings, and thousand of people lost their jobs as farmers
proyek-kereta-cepat-jakarta-bandung). For example, problems that arise related to
legal aspects, especially spatial and environmental laws and forestry. Especially
violating the regency and city spatial structure that it passed. Development fast train
will also be confiscated and displacing at least 3000 settlements, at least 150 building
business. 9000 family job losses as farmers and farm worker, and 150 family lost his
efforts. Second, according to Laila Fajriyanti, there are three negative impacts of the
construction of fast train.Namely, many homes evictions, damage to the ecosystem,
and disturbing the activities of the local residents (Laila Fajriyanti,17. Interview).
For example, many indigenous people were evicted, causing a lack of community
welfare. The destruction of the flora and fauna ecosystem has caused the area crossed
by the train to become fast and not beautiful. The project development process
disrupts people activities and changes people livestyle. Third, According to Ulfah
Alfiah, there are three negative impacts of the construction of fast train.Namely,
damage to the garden, reduced income of farmers, and loss of residence of
residents(Ulfah Alfiah,20. Interview). For example, with the construction of fast
train railroad track making a barred tea garden. with the construction of fast train
railroad track making, it has reduced the income of tea farmers. with the construction
of fast train railroad track making, making the loss of residence of local residents.

In conclusion, citing from the events of the development of Jakarta Bandung

high-speed train has benefits for local people but also has a negative impact on the
environment. I suggest that the government and local communities must maintain
and preserve the environment around the construction of fast trains so that the
environment around the development is not damaged and wisely so that the
community around the construction of the train is fast not evicted and also has work

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