We Watch Movies and Play Volleyball.: Questionnaire 01 Unit 1

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(Units 1-4)
Unit 1
1) What do you and your friends do when you get together?
We watch movies and play volleyball.
2) How do you get to campus?
I get to campus on foot
3) Are you usually the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation?
4) What’s your favorite season?
5) What is your best friend like?

Unit 2
1) What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2) Are you interested in learning new things?
3) Are you good at puzzles and crosswords?
4) Do you prefer to read magazines online or in print?
5) What kind of websites do you regularly use? What do you use them

Unit 3
1) What do you do when you are feeling stressed?
2) Do you like to play sports?
3) What do you do if you feel run down and you have no energy?
4) What do you do if you can´t sleep?
5) Do you ever take naps during daytime?

Unit 4
1) Who are you going to spend your next birthday with?
2) What are you doing tomorrow night?
3) How do people celebrate “carnival” in Cajamarca?
4) What traditions do you have for New Year’s Day?
1 Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6062, Los Olivos - Lima
Av. Del Ejercito 920 – Trujillo
Vía de Evitamiento Norte Cuadra 15 s/n – Cajamarca

5) What traditions do Peruvian people have for wedding receptions?

2 Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6062, Los Olivos - Lima

Av. Del Ejercito 920 – Trujillo
Vía de Evitamiento Norte Cuadra 15 s/n – Cajamarca

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