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Tool: Smore Tool: Voicethread Tool: Metaverse

Digital Tool Idea: Students Digital Tool Idea: Students will Digital Tool Idea: Students
will create flyers to explain use Voicethread to create a will use Metaverse to interact
how a given text is relevant compelling visual presentation with virtual models of
to the present day through that directly refers to lines of characters to understand who
their experiences and facts. text in a work of literature to they are and the world they
argue in favor of a certain inhabit.

Why is this tool Why is this tool Why is this tool

appropriate/a good appropriate/a good choice? appropriate/a good choice?
choice? This gives students This is a nice alternative to This brings the text out of the
a simple means to express writing an essay that involves pages and into a physical
their own, subjective views more than typing out lines manifestation that will engage
in an aesthetically pleasing upon lines of text and allows some students more than the
way. students to use their voice. book could alone.

Bloom’s Taxonomy & the Tech Tool of Your Choice

Name of Digital Tool: Voicethread
Link to Digital Tool:

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the create level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write your
response/ideas here: Creating a visual and auditory aid for an original
experiment in a science classroom.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the evaluate level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write your
response/ideas here: Making a tier list of most influential poets based on
their social and historical impact.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the analyze level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write your
response/ideas here: Making a presentation to present primary sources
that support an argument for a historical interpretation of events.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the apply level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write your
response/ideas here: Putting an equation into Voicethread and using the
sketching tools to show your work.
What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the understand level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here: Taking the domino effect of historical events
and creating a visual presentation of real-world examples.

What are some ways you can use the technology tool you selected to
have students reach the remember level of Bloom’s Taxonomy? Write
your response/ideas here: Students can record their notes or quiz
themselves with visual and auditory presentations in a flashcard style.

Part 2 → Work Examples/Artifacts

Select one of three highest levels from your table and create a student example demonstrating this
level of thinking.

What level of Bloom’s The product below demonstrates the “create” level of the
(can be multiple) does taxonomy as a student is gathering their knowledge and making
your student a persuasive flyer with that knowledge.
example/product fit
Insert a link or
screenshots below of
the product you made

Made using Smore.

Write a paragraph Students need to make a Smore account and email address if they
explaining any prior don’t already have one. Smore is very easy for new users and at a
minimum, requires a student to know how to search the web.
knowledge, direct
instruction, reading, or
preparation needed for
Part 3 → Educator Reflection
Reflection Questions
 How can you transfer this experience into your future classroom?
Smore is a very easy-to-use site and could be great for student projects in the future.
 How did creating a digital product help you develop technology and content skills?
It helped me understand what it is like to navigate a new system of online creation
and how I might help students with it in the future.
 When you implement this digital product in a future classroom, how will you handle
equity issues (students who do or do not have access to technology) and how will
you differentiate for students with different skill levels and English Language
I will adjust due dates and class time accordingly so every student has had the
minimum amount of time to complete their work in a computer lab or other school-
supported system. For ELLs, I will seek help from faculty who can translate or assist in
the completion of the project.
 What did you discover about yourself throughout this project?
Making digital products is not my forte. I can do fancier stuff online, but I much prefer
the control I have in making a physical product. I ought to improve my digital skills so I
can use the online tools well in the future.

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