Essay Writing Topics On A Journey by Bus Printed

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The year end holiday were about to begin. My annual examination was over. The
school was scheduled 预定、安排 to be closed for the school term vacation 休假 from
the 15th of November. I received a letter from my father to return home from the hostel.
I had to travel from Keluang to Ipoh. I decide to travel by bus. I took a rickshaw
黄包车、三轮车 to the bus stand and reached there in time to board 登上 the express
bus to my destination 地点. As I reached the bus stand, I saw a huge crowd swelling 肿
胀、增大 on the road. They all made a dash 一群朝向 when they saw a bus coming. The
buses were fully packed. I had booked my ticket in advance 提前 and so I could get
inside the bus easily.
The bus departed 启程 from Keluang at 7 a.m. it was still cold. The passengers
were reading newspaper and talking. Some were talking about the politics and the
soaring 涨 prices. I was not interested in their talk. As I got a side seat, I looked outside
to enjoy the beauty of Lambak Mountains. The road ran in zig-zag 曲折型,锯齿型
manner. It was a breath–taking 风景秀丽、令人瞠目 experience to watch the valleys
from the bus. On both sides there were beautiful hills full of greenery 青葱草木. A cool
breeze 清风凉风 was blowing 吹动 in the hilly areas. The mountain were very imposing
印象深刻 and the scenery 景色 was enchanting 妩媚的; 迷人的;. The bus was climbing
down the hill. The sight of mist and fog 雾气 rising from the valleys and spreading over
扩散 the mountain was very fascinating 迷人、陶醉. From the bus I could see buses
creeping up 攀升 the hill 山区 and they looked like small match boxes 火柴盒. About 9
a.m. the bus reached Muar, where I had my breakfast.
The journey continued and the bus reached Melaka at 9.30 a.m. Some of the
passengers got down there while many others boarded the bus. Within an hour, we
entered Negeri Sembilan State. On the way, a boy became seriously ill. His parents
got nervous 紧张 and tried to console 安抚 him. The passengers were willing to help the
family. One of them suggested the name of a doctor who had his dispensary 医务室,
药房 nearby. The bus stopped in front of the dispensary. The doctor examined the boy
and gave him some medicine. After some time the boy felt better and bus moved
Soon the bus reached Terminal Bersepadu Selatan, Kuala Lumpur. After a lunch
break there, we continued our journey to Ipoh. The sight of green paddy fields 稻田 on
the either side of the road was a feast to my mind 盛宴、欣赏. Tall coconut trees added
to the beauty of scenery. At about 3 p.m., the bus reached Ipoh . I saw the smiling face
of my father waiting at the station. It was an unforgettable and pleasant experience. 457

Describe an afternoon at the bus station (SPM 1997)

It was two o’clock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with
Mohan after Mrs Wong’s extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly 无情地殴打 on
my back and I could feel my sweat 汗 trickling down my spine 从我的脊背上滴下来. I
have often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She
says that I am not ready but we both know that she is terrified 害怕 that a car would
knock me down.
When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful 少量 of
boys. Mohan and I strode to a bench 大步走到凳子上 near the stationmaster’s office. I
could feel the tension 紧张、肌肉紧拉 on my shoulders as the straps 锋利,尖头 of my
school bag ate into my shoulder. “Where is the bus?” I sighed 叹息 to myself. An elderly
woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a conversation but gave up
after my monosyllable 率直性 answers.
Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved 改变方向 into the station. I
got up, thankful for the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohan’s bus. The
group of boys were jostling 推撞、挤 each other to get into the bus. “Masuk! Masuk!”
shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes 黑烟熏,
made me nauseous 作呕、讨厌. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all
directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like sardines in
the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I waved 招手
道别 at Mohan when I noticed him dangling 悬吊着 on the steps of the bus. The bus
swerved out of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.
I decided to go to Panjang’s ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed 滋润 my
parched throat 焦喉、干渴 as I sipped slowly 缓慢滑动、咽下, all the while keeping an
eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks.
“See you tomorrow,” I waved to Panjang.
Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly
woman was being shoved around 猛推,乱推 by the boys. She started hitting 敲打 them
with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled 猛投,
用力掷 my bag through the window and he caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had
already started moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I must really try to
convince 说服 my mother about the motorcycle again. 415

A Scene at a Bus Stand for school students

A bus stand presents a cross-section 选取出来 of humanity 人类事业 at large.

Especially at a bus stand in a metropolitan 大都市 city like Kuala Lumpur, one can see
people belonging to different states and even different nationalities 国籍. They wear
different dresses and speak different languages, but all are parts of the great human

A bus stand is a very busy place. There is a continuous inflow and outflow 川流 of
buses. Most of the buses are overcrowded 挤满人群. Some of them are packed to
capacity 适量载运. People are stuffed in 货品般噻进 these buses like lifeless commodi-
ties. The condition of the old, the infirm 体弱的, the ladies and the children is spiteful 苦
恼的. In many buses, seats are reserved for passengers of such categories. But most
often this rule is not observed in letter and spirit by the selfish passengers.
Buses begin to move very early in the morning. The early office-goers 迅速走动
rush to catch them. As the day advances 天亮慢慢的, rush 匆忙 also increases. There
are long queues 人龙,长队 at the booking windows. When there is delay in the arrival
of a bus, the passengers get bored. They begin to look at their watches every now and
then. Some people in the queue spend their time in reading newspapers or magazines.
Others discuss some political matters or businesses. Still others just indulge in 沉溺 gos-
sips 流言闲语. Those who feel hungry or thirsty, regale 取悦、享用 themselves with
some refreshment 点心、零食 or cold drink at the nearest tuck shop 食品店. Beggars
also avail 乘机利用 themselves of such opportunities. They just beg or sing to beg.
As the bus arrives, the passengers rush to board it. The queue is often broken.
There is scramble 争夺、攀登、爬 between those who want to alight 下来、下降 from
the bus and those who want to board it. In this struggle 搏斗、奋斗, some passengers
get their pockets picked. Other loses their luggage. Some of them, especially children,
get crushed 压下、压碎 under the feet of rash 鲁莽 and reckless passengers. If any
suspicious 可疑 object is found at the bus stand or in the bus, the matter must be
reported to the police or the roadways authorities.
Some bus stands become pools of muddy 烂泥巴 water during the rainy season.
Some of them do not have proper sheds 棚 to protect the passengers from heat and rain.
Others do not have proper arrangement for drinking water or neat and clean eatables.
More attention should be given to the comfort 安慰; 舒适 of passengers. The beggars
should not be allowed to enter the bus stand premises 房屋附属建筑物 . The vendors’
wares 商品 should be surprise checked by health authorities. 407
Parents can play a vital 重要 role 角色 in helping teens 孩子、青少年 succeed in school
by being informed and lending a little support and guidance. Even though teens are
seeking independence, parental involvement 参与、牵连 is an important ingredient 混合
物、原料 for academic success.

There are several ways to keep your teen on track to succeed 成功之轨道 in high
school. Teens do better in school when parents support their academic efforts 努力.
Attending your school's open house is a great way to get to know your teen's teachers
and their expectations 期望. School administrators may discuss school-wide programs
and policies, and post-secondary school options that parents and guardians of juniors
and seniors need to know about.

Parents are advised to visit the School and Its Website. Knowing the physical
layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your teen when you
talk about the school day. It's good to know the location of the main office, cafeteria,
auditorium, halls and special classes. On the school website, you can easily find
information about the school calendar, contacting school staff, testing dates, information
and schedules for sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. Many teachers
maintain their own websites that provide access to textbooks and other resources, and
detail homework assignments, and test and quiz dates. Special resources for parents
and students are also usually available on the district 县区, school, or teacher websites.

Learning and mastering the skills of getting organised, staying focused, and
seeing work through to the end will help teens in just about everything they do. But this
is not usually explicitly taught in secondary school, so teens can benefit from some
parental guidance with organisation and time-management skills.

Parents and guardians can help teens keep assignments and class information
together in binders, notebooks, or folders that are organised by subject. Creating a
calendar will help teens recognise upcoming deadlines and plan their time accordingly.
Don't forget to have your teen include non-academic commitments on the calendar, too.

Planning is key for helping your teen study while juggling assignments in multiple
subjects. Since grades really count in school, planning for studying is crucial for success,
particularly when your teen's time is taken up with extracurricular activities.

When there's a lot to study, help your teen to break down tasks 任务、差事 into
smaller chunks and stick to the studying calendar schedule so he or she isn't studying
for multiple tests all in one night. Remind your teen to take notes in class, organise them
by subject, and review them at home.

You can help your teen review material and study with several techniques, like
simple questioning, asking to provide the missing word, and creating practice tests. The
more processes the brain uses to handle information such as writing, reading, speaking,
and so on, the more likely the information will be retained 保存.
All schools have rules and consequences 重要性 for student behaviours 行为举止.
Schools usually cite 引用 disciplinary policies in student handbooks. The rules usually
cover expectations, and consequences for not meeting the expectations, for things like
student behaviour, dress codes, use of electronic devices, and acceptable language. It's
important for your teen to know what's expected at school and that you'll support the
school's consequences when expectations aren't met.

Volunteering at the secondary school is a great way to show you're interested in

your teen's education. Keep in mind, though, that while some teens like to see their
parents at school or school events, others may feel embarrassed 不安的; 为难的; 尴尬的
by their parents' presence. Follow your teen's cues 暗 示 to determine how much
interaction 互动 works for both of you, and whether your volunteering should stay behind
the scenes. Make it clear that you aren't there to spy, you're just trying to help out the
school community.

Make efforts to talk with your teen every day, so he or she knows that what goes
on at school is important to you. When teens know their parents are interested in their
academic lives, they'll take school seriously as well. Because communication is a two-
way street, the way you talk and listen to your teen can influence 影响 how well he or
she listens and responds. When teens know they can talk openly with their parents, the
challenges of high school can be easier to face. 661

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person’s childhood 童年 years
(the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person’s
life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

A person’s childhood years is the time from we are born to twelve years old.
Some people believe that these years are not necessary to be the important years of a
person’s life, I genuinely 真正地; 真诚地 contradict 反驳,驳斥; 否认 with their belief 信
念. I have a couple 多个、双配 reasons to support my idea 主意.
First of all, the person’s childhood years are the pivotal 中枢的; 关键的; time for
learning. Those years we spent on school classes and socialising 社交 with friends. For
instance 例如,比如, we have to go to school to learn about the basic of science,
mathematics, and so on, since our young ages. As well as, we have to go to college in
order to acquire 寻求、获得,取得 specific programs that we need to use for pursuing
继续、追求 our future careers 职业、生涯. In the meantime, we spend almost one fourth
of our time on hanging out with friends and learning how to interact 相互配合、互动 with
people. This skill is also remarkable 卓越、引人瞩目 important to our lives 生命、活. For
example, one of my friends always joined musical clubs and made a lot of friends in the
club. Later, she got elected 选举、推举 to be the president of the club. Therefore, not
only socialising skill she has obtained but also learning how to be a leader she has
gotten. To be succeeded 成功 at a career, she utilised 利用 both skills on her work.
Secondly, the person’s childhood years are the time we use for making mistakes
and learning from them. For example, I always realise 认识到、了解、实现 that many
things that I have done when I was young were mistakes. At each time that I thought
about it, I focus on it and tried to think what I could have done better and what I will do in
the future. I believe that people in the ages of 17’s or older experience in the same ways
as mine and try to implement 实施,执行 the experience as a part of lessons 功课 of life.
Hence 因此, I would urge 催促、推进、主张 people in young ages to make mistakes as
much as they are able to and learn from it. Since making mistakes during childhood
years will not negatively impact 碰撞、冲击 their lives as much as during adulthood 成年
期、成人 years.
In conclusion 结论, the childhood years are the golden years that young people
should use on learning both in schools and outside schools as much as they could. In
addition, they should make many mistakes because they will gain tremendous 极大、巨
大 problem solving skills 解决技巧 from the mistakes. 395

Should parents spend more time to play with children or to help with their study?

Nowadays, working is a priority 优先 that parents have to take a responsibility 责

任 in order to make money for their family. However it scavenges 蚕食 almost of the
parents’ time. Thus 因此, time for a family is a precious 贵重、珍贵 thing that the
parents need to maximise the most benefit 利益 of their children. While some people
think that the parents should spend more time to help with the children’s study, I
personally believe that they should provide 提供、供给 their time to play with their
children because of following reasons.
First of all, I believe that playing and having a good time together create 创造 a
closer relationship 关系 for families. People are always happy from playing some games
together because there is less stress 压力 and they have a chance to have a personal 个
人 interaction 互动. In this way, it will bring everyone to be together. Take my friend’s
family, for instance 举例. My friend, Michael, always spends time playing with his son,
after work and during the weekend. They always laugh from creating a silly 傻瓜、无厘
头 joke 玩笑. From looking at them while they were playing, I can say that they are the
closest 极度亲密 father and son that I have ever seen. Indeed 确实、的确, to bond 结合、
联系 everyone to be together, the parents and children should spend 花费、消耗 their
time to do happy activities, such as playing games together.
Additionally 此外、更什的, giving more time to play with children induces 引诱、
催生 the children to gather 收集 knowledge from their parents without pushing 推动 and
causing 造成 a stress 压力. There is no doubt 很可能; 无疑地; 固然; that, as a nature of
animal, parents trend 走向、趋向 to teach everything they have to their descendants 后
裔、后代 automatically. Thus, playing together is not only a fun 乐趣、娱乐 thing that
everyone likes to do, but it also facilitates 促进,助长、使容易 the parents to pass their
knowledge and experience to their children. For example, when my friend goes to a
swimming pool with his child, he always plays with his son. One day, there were other
children wanted to play a ball game with them. My friend taught 指导(teach 的 past
tense)his son that sharing the ball with people would help his son to make more
friends. Clearly, I can say, “Every single minute playing is every single minute learning
the children.”
In summary, spending time to play with their children not only creates a better
relationship between parents and their children, but it also helps the parents to teach
their children. Therefore, I would encourage 鼓励 everyone in the family to have fun
activities together because the happy activities induce the most benefit to any kinds of a
relationship. 413
Education - what it means to me. 1999 Essay on what education means to me

An education by definition 定义 is "the act 行动 or process 过程 of imparting 透露

or acquiring 获得、取得 general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning 推理
and judgment 判断, and generally of preparing 准备 oneself or others intellectually 知性
上、智力上 for mature 成熟 life."
How do you research 研究、追究、 探讨 for an education? Well this depends on
依赖、依靠 the type of education you are perusing 继续、 追求. For many formal
education or educations obtained by a formal institution such as secondary school or
university, you compare schools. Generally you determine 下决心、判定 what you
primary topic of study would be and compare schools based on topics that are important
to you. In my own life and my focus on Information Systems and computers when I was
comparing universities, I compared programs, and knowing my own skills and my own
areas of deficiency 不足、缺点 I took that into account when preparing for university. My
education given to me by secondary school was one which provided me with ample 足够
的; 充足的 skill in technical areas however I lacked 缺乏、不足 in Mathematics. Since
grade school, math was something was a topic which was difficult for me to grasp 了解、
控制, however I excelled 优于,擅长 in technical areas. Knowing my own areas of
interest and weakness I selected the university that was most to my liking and offered
me one of the best chances at finding a job after graduation 毕业.
Education is a life long learning. Life itself offers an education. This one in my
opinion 意见、见解 I think is more important than a formal education. Many times I've
heard "it's not what you know, but who you know." That statement referencing 引用 its
not your own knowledge that is important, but also the network of individuals you
surround yourself with and the opportunities 机会 they could potentially 潜在地; 可能地
afford 负担得起 to you. The trials 测试; 比赛; and tribulations 苦难、痛苦 you go through
in life provide you with a great education, from the elementary 基本、初级 things such
as don't touch fire because it burns, or ice is cold. The education provided by life is one
which involves 包括、包含 educations on socialisation, interaction, and survival 求生.
The informal education of life is the one that teaches you trust, love, compassion 怜悯、
同情、恻隐之心 and understanding. Many of the things in life you will not learn in a
school but through 通过、经过 your own experiences as an individual.
So to conclude, education to me is a way to allow me to better enjoy life. Through
my informal and formal educations I've not only advanced 提 升 、 增 加 my own
knowledge but I've learned to be a better son, coworker, lover and person. Through my
formal educations I've learned many things and kept advancing of my skills. My informal
social skills have allowed me to come in contacts with individuals who can aid 援助、帮
助 in me achieving my aim or desired 渴望 result. Education is a journey we all endure
忍 耐 、 持 久 . You cannot go through life and learn nothing, for to even make the
realisation that you know nothing, you've also realised that there is so much else in life.
What Education Means to Me

Education, the act or process of imparting 透 露 or acquiring 获 取 general

knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of
preparing oneself or others intellectually 知性上、智力上 for mature life. For some it
means getting up at 6 in the morning, for others it means studying for the big exam
coming up, and for others it's over all boring 无聊、无趣. But others understand the true
meaning of education. Education means a lot of things. Education prepares us for the
future 将来. Doing well in school means a good college and a good college means a
good Education. Even if it means staying up until 10:30pm studying for a science test or
sitting in the front of the class to see the chalk board 白粉笔板 instead of 代替 fooling
around with your friends in the back of the room.
I also love learning new things in school. Learning new things in school gives me
a different perspective 远景、透视 on the way things work. In the morning at school we
watch channel 1 and we get updated on the things happening in the world.
Education is key when it comes to preparing for our futures, and our lives.
Education gives us the experience 经验 and confidence 信心 we need to begin the real
真实 world on our own. But education does not start at school. It starts at home.
Learning how to crawl 爬, walk, and laugh.... When you think about it, education is
basically an adaptation 适应. Without education (or the ability 能力、资格 to obtain
knowledge.) we would be veggies. (And I would not be able to type this essay.)
Education is pretty much that fine line that seperates 分开 us from sanity 心智健康 and
insanity 神经错乱.
Before education comes common sense 普通常识. With common sense we
understand why it is necessary to have an education and we understand with common
sense, why it is we want an education. We build common sense as we get older. Small
children do not have enough common sense to understand why it is they need to go to
school. That is one of the reasons why they say that they don't want to go to school.
"But how do we acquire an education, or knowledge?" you may be wondering 疑
惑、好奇. The answer is simple really. We ask questions. Little kids especially. "Why is
the sky blue?" or "Why is the earth round?" These questions are asked quite frequently
by smaller kids. But, as we get older we do not feel the need to ask these questions any
longer, because we have obtained enough information in our life to figure out some of
these answers ourselves, or we have enough education to work a computer to look up
the answer ourselves.
As you may notice 主意 kids seem to find things in school that interest them.
They sometimes tend to excel in one subject more than another, like me. I enjoy science
and learning about space and the human body, spelling and literature more than I like
math or social studies. School and education helps us decide what we want to become
when we become adults.

All of this together is what education means to me. 513

Does School Prepare Us for Life?

The school days are crammed 填满、塞满 with facts 根据、事实 and figures 数字,
encompassing 各 种 各 样 various 多 方 面 subjects ranging from 延 申 English to
Mathematics. All of these require students to learn, memorise 熟记, understand and to
be tested 测试. Besides grades and examinations, the school also encompasses a wider
curriculum including character 特点 moulding 模制件、铸造物, citizenship 公民身份
building and personality development. Indeed 实际上, I think the school does prepare us
for life.
Firstly, the school teaches us self-discipline 自律. We learn to keep to a schedule
and to adhere to 遵循, 遵照 the timetable. We also learn to appreciate 领会 time and
to be punctual 准时. Moreover, we are trained to plan and manage time wisely.聪明的
We also abide by 遵守、信守、忠于 and respect rules and regulations. The disciplined
students will grow up to be disciplined adults and they will do well in their future 将来
undertakings 事业、担任.
The school also helps to fortify 加 强 our determination 决 定 、 决 心 and
perseverance 毅力、韧性、不屈不挠的精神;. We learn to fulfil 达到、履行 the demands
of the school. We also learn to meet deadlines 最后期限 and hand in the homework on
time. Moreover 再者、而且, we learn to face stress and pressure. In school, students
learn to overcome challenges 克服挑战. Students with strength 优点、长处 of character
will be well-prepared to face the challenges of work and life in the future.
Co-curricular activities are part and parcel 包袱、包裹、部份 of a student’s life.
They help to mould students’ character and personality so that students learn to be
confident. They help to hone 磨练 the leadership qualities in the students themselves.
Students learn to work together and co-operate 合作 with others. They also learn to
appreciate 欣赏、感激 good values like esprit de corps 团体精神. Students learn to
contribute 贡献出; 捐赠 positively and to put their best foot forward besides to take
success and failure in their stride 大踏步走、阔步;. We as the students learn to honour
尊敬; 荣幸; values of sportsmanship and fair play. Through co-curricular activities,
students also learn loyalty 忠诚, commitment 委任 and responsibility. When they grow
up, they will work well as a team with others and committed in serious work.
The school is a micro-society. The everyday social interaction is an excellent 优
秀 preparation for life in the society outside. In school, students have the opportunities to
interact with other students from varied background, creed and race. Indirectly, they
learn tolerance 宽容、容忍, acceptance and understanding. The students also have
the opportunity to work and to mingle 混合 together. This can help to foster 培养 an
open mind and promote unity 团结.
Just mention the word ‘school’ and images of grades and examinations come to
our mind. Indeed students spend a lot of time and energy preparing and sitting for
examinations. Along with that they gather a string of qualifications as well as knowledge
and skills. They are crucial 关键性 since they are the stepping stones 踏石头 and the
foundation 基 础 for the future. They can help students to secure a good job and
successful career.
In short, school does prepare us for life. It helps to nurture and to build strong
character in ourselves. School also prepares students with the necessary ‘tool’ so that
students can fit into society and contribute positively to the nation and people in
future. 491
Life in Malaysia in the new millennium. 2000

Malaysia is a multiracial 多种族的 country. Malaysia has a population 人口 of 23

million consisting 组成 of 60 percent Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and
2 percent of other ethnic 种族 groups. Malaysia is unique 独特 because of its diversity 多
元化 of races 人种、民族, religions 宗教 and cultures 文化, the stability 稳固 of the
country and many places of interests.
Malaysia is a multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage 遗产、继承物、传统.
Unique to Malaysia is the 'Open House' concept where during the various 各种各样
cultural and religious festival like Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai Day
and others, friends and families and even strangers would visit the homes of those who
are celebrating the festival, to wish them well and enjoy the feast prepared by the hosts
主人家、主持. Although 尽管 the visitors may be from different races, they still can
tolerate with each other and live under the same roof where they celebrate the festival
together. This will help to strengthen 强化 the ties 联系 among themselves.
Moreover, the stability and peacefulness 和平 of Malaysia are also a uniqueness
特点 of us. We live harmoniously 和谐 in a country where there are no wars and conflicts
冲突 among Malaysians. So, people can live safely here. Besides, our country is freed
from natural disasters 天灾 such as earthquakes. Earthquakes may bring death and
destroy many buildings. Therefore, Malaysia is unique because of the stability and
peaceful environment.
On top of that, there are many places of interests in country such as beaches,
islands and rain forest. Malaysia's rain forest is considered as the oldest in the world.
The diverse 多样化、形形色色 species of animals and plant life continue to excite a
great deal of scientific research. Many believe that some undiscovered 尚未发现 plant
may hold cures to many currently incurable 不能治愈 human diseases 疾病. There are
many islands in our country such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Redang, Pulau Ketam and
many others. Pulau Langkawi has a lot of historical information.
Following this, there are also international achievements 成就 of our country.
Those achievements include the existence 存在 of Kuala Lumpur International Airport
(KLIA), Formula One (F1) racing circuit and the Petronas Twin Towers. KLIA is unique
because it has all that is needed for business, entertainment and relaxation within its
boundaries 分界线. The airport is part and parcel of the Multimedia Super Corridor
where high technology industries are being actively developed.

In short, Malaysia is unique that it has diversity of races, religions and cultures, a stable
and peaceful environment, places of interest and some internal achievements. Those
are important characteristic of our nation. It is rich of cultural heritage; it would be worth
to play a visit here. 422

Malaysia is one of the most beautiful and fascinating 使人神魂颠倒的、迷人的

tourism destinations of South East Asia. Malaysia is a multiracial, multicultural and
multilingual 多种语言 society. Its cultural diversity 多样化 and the amazing 令人惊异的;
contrast 对 照 of colour, amazing tourism destinations 地 点 , hi-tech life and the
welcoming people truly makes Malaysia the perfect holidaying destinations. Malaysia is
really like two countries in one, cleaved 劈开; in half by the South China Sea. Within and
throughout 各地 these two very different regions are an impressive 给人印象深刻的
variety of microcosms 微观世界、缩影 ranging from the space-age high-rises of Kuala
Lumpur to the smiling longhouse villages of Sarawak and the calm, powdery 粉末状
beaches of the Perhentian Islands. Malaysia has one of the best assortments 混合物、
各式各样 of delicious 美味 cuisines 烹饪、菜肴 in the world. Malaysia amazing beauty
and the huge tourism attractions 吸引人的 grabs 抢夺 the attention 注意力 of tourists
from all the nook and corner 每个角落 of the world. Surely holidays in Malaysia are an
experience that every individual will love to treasure 重视、储存 and cherish 珍爱
There is so many interesting places that you can visit in Malaysia. For example
the captivating 迷人、有魅力 capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is one of the most
visited tours and travel destination of the country. With the graceful 优 美 、 优 雅
amalgamation 合拼混合 of the colonial 殖民时期 building, mosque, temples, churches,
sky-scrappers 夺目高空建筑 and the well organized gardens, Kuala Lumpur attractions
can make any one awe-struck 无言以 对 It is one of the popular tours and travel
destinations, which is must to visit on Malaysia trip. In Kuala Lumpur, there is one
building that is classified as one of the tallest twin towers in the world. Petronas Tower is
a popular attraction of Malaysia. It symbolises 象征 one very important part of Malaysia
and that is, the country is developing at an unbelievable pace. The commanding sight of
the tower grabs thousands of tourists all the year round to Malaysia.
In Malaysia, we have so many interesting states. For example Kelantan. Kelantan
literally meaning the “Land of Lightning”. Kelantan is another popular tours and travel
destination in Malaysia. Kelantan beauty lies in the lush 葱翠的; green paddy fields,
fishing villages and the pristine 纯朴、未受腐蚀 beaches that grab the attentions of
thousands of tourists annually 每年. Another example of interesting place is Georgetown
that is located in the Penang Island. Georgetown is one of the oldest British settlement
and one of the country’s leading resorts areas. Here one can delight 高兴 in city
sightseeing 观 光 visiting some of the fascinating attractions like Chinese houses,
temples, festivals and ceremonies, vegetable markets, mahjong games and many other
which has made Georgetown a popular tourist attractions.
Beside all these there are several other attractions in the country which are worth
有价值、 值得 to visit and explore. Historical Town of Melaka, Cameron Highlands, The
Batu Caves, National Museum, Taman Negara National Park, and others. Genting
Highlands are some other attractions that you can visit and explore 探索 on your holiday.
These destinations and attractions are amazingly beautiful and offer you to treasure
remarkable memories and moments to treasure and cherish forever.
Yet 然而 despite 尽管 all the pockets of ethnicities, religions, landscapes and the
sometimes great distances between them, the beauty of Malaysia lies in the fusion 融合
of it all, into a country that is one of the safest, most stable and easiest to manage in
Southeast Asia. 528
Cell phones - One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused

Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices 仪器
were once developed to get in contact with someone else in case of emergencies 紧急,
and now talking on the phone while driving has turned out to be a way of life for millions
of Malaysians. More than 85 percent of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers 订户
frequently 频密地 talk on the phone during driving. Talking on the cell phone while
driving should be illegal 不合法, because of the dangers they caused. Japan is one of
the countries banning 阻止、禁止 the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The
accidents caused by the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month,
proving cell phones are not necessary parts of the driving nature.
There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have
to take their eyes off the road while dialing 按键. Also, drivers can get so deep 投入 into
their conversations 交谈 that their ability 能力 to concentrate 专心 may be dangerously
limited. This jeopardises 损害、危及 the safety of the people inside the vehicle, and the
pedestrians 步行者 outside. In order to drive safely, the driver should be able to put 100%
of his or her focus on the road. Cell phones are simply a huge distraction 注意力分散
while driving.
It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is
needed. In these cases, I would suggested the driver pull over 靠边停车 somewhere
safe to use the phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait until the
car has come to a complete stop. Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels
that the emergency is urgent enough to take action right away, then the person should
use the hands free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.
Some people argue 争论,辩论 that there are other distractions other than cell
phones. While using a cell phone when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction,
however, the statistics and studies prove that it is the most common cause of car crash
accident, and common cause of death as well.
The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Malaysia, because
many people die due to distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes many
deaths and uncountable injuries in Malaysia every year. (the Malaysian Institute of
Road Safety Research’s Report ). Another reason do not use the cell phone while
driving is devastating 灾难性、毁灭性 the many lives of the victims 牺牲者、受害者 and
their families in the case of an accident.

When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not
increase. 430

The Internet is mostly a good thing.” Do you agree? Support your opinion.

The Internet, which became available to the general public in the year 1991, is
currently a worldwide phenomenon 现象. In our modern world, most people depend on
依赖 it so much that it would be extremely 极端地 difficult to live without it. Hence 因此, I
do agree that the Internet is mostly a good thing.
Also known as the information superhighway, the Internet provides us information
on almost anything with great ease. It is like we have the world at our fingertips. Just
name it - online library, books, journals, newspapers, information on health, education,
gardening, vehicles, astronomy and so forth - they are all available on the Internet. With
the satellite maps of virtually 实际上、无形中 anywhere on earth, we know how to get to
places and never be lost again, even in a strange 陌生 city.
The business world depends heavily on the Internet nowadays. Business deals
are discussed and transactions carried out through the Internet. Online shopping, which
was unheard of decades 十年期 ago, is currently becoming the norm. A lot of people
prefer online shopping to visiting shops or department stores due to the security and
convenience that the former provides. Many of the online sellers promise next-day
delivery of purchased goods. Thanks to the advancement of technology - the Internet,
buyers today no longer need to get out of their houses to get something. Similarly,
Internet or online banking enables individuals to perform banking activities at home via
the Internet. Days when people had to exit their homes to pay their water and electricity
bills were gone. Consumers can now pay their utility 费用-水电 bills and make most
other payments online with only a few mouse clicks.
People lacking 缺少 the time or means to travel out of their homes or countries to
further their studies can now do so using the distance 短距 learning or e-learning
method. There are many online universities and even prestigious 有声望 traditional
universities offering online courses. Students taking such courses are able to learn
remotely 遥远的 through the Internet without being in the regular face-face contact with
a teacher in a classroom. Since interactions 互动 between the students and teacher are
done online, their locations do not pose 引发 a problem. E-learning programmes are
usually more affordable and furthermore, students are allowed to progress at their own
speed. Therefore, distance learning education offers much more flexibility compared to
traditional tertiary education.
The Internet has tremendously 极大的、非常 improved the way we communicate
沟通 with one another. Nowadays we are able to communicate with people across the
globe at high speed. In the past when people communicated via correspondence, letters
could take days and even weeks to arrive at their destinations. Presently, we are able to
see people who are faraway and speak to them in real time, as if the person is right in
front of us, through video conferencing and video calling. Online chatting and instant
messaging allows the real-time transmission of text messages from sender to receiver
and vice versa, while emailing allows the delivery of both long and short messages
within seconds.
In a nutshell 简单的, although some people may misuse the Internet for bad
intentions 意图, I believe that it is mostly a good thing if we use it wisely. Undeniably 无
可否认, the Internet is a rich resource for learning. Let us do the right thing and make the
Internet a blessing 祝福 instead of 而不是 a curse 诅咒; 咒骂. 549
Social networking has caused a lot of problems. How far do you agree?

Social networking, which is also known as social media, is the use of internet-
based applications to make connections 联系 with people such as our family and friends.
It is now becoming an important part of our lives. In order to keep pace 并驾齐驱 with
the advancement of technology, almost 多数 all of us have learnt how to use social
networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Despite 尽管
its popularity, is it true that social networking has caused us a lot of problems?
In my opinion, social networking has its advantages and disadvantages. It
actually depends on how we use it.
I believe that social media benefits us because it brings people closer even
though 即使 they are from different parts of the world. By using social networking, a
person can communicate with his family and friends wherever they are. Furthermore,
social networking sites are basically free of charge. It is extremely user friendly and can
be used wherever there is internet access. By comparison, it is more economical than
making telephone calls. We are able to share our life stories and special moments
through social networking. For instance, we can see photos of beautiful scenery and
cultural activities posted by users from different countries. We can also interact with
them through the use of chat rooms and also by posting comments and messages.
Another benefit of social networking is that like-minded people all over the world
are able to discuss important topics and share their points of view. This can widen 增 广
a person’s personal knowledge as he can discover different things that he never knew.
For example, young people around the world are now more involved in their countries’
politics. They also have a more caring attitude 态度 towards other important issues both
at home and abroad.
Just as everything has its pros and cons 正反两面, social networking is no
exception 除外. One of the problems it has caused us is that it allows us to hide behind
the screens. That limits face to face interaction among people. Some of us might think
that it is good enough to be sociable simply through the use of social networking. This
could result in the lack of communication and interpersonal skills when we come face to
face with people. In addition, we tend to neglect 遗漏 、疏忽 the importance of building
a good relationship with friends that we make through social media. For instance, users
can have thousands of friends in their Facebook friends lists, but how many of them do
they see on a semi-regular basis?
Moreover, social networking has taken too much out of our lives. A lot people are busy
with ‘Facebooking’ or ‘Tweeting’ instead of interacting with their friends and family when
meeting up. When their elders are talking to them, they are busy with their social
networking sites and tend to ignore their elders. Such insolence 傲慢无礼 is prevalent
普通发生 especially among today’s younger generation. Apart from that, another serious
problem which social media has caused us is distraction. For example, while studying,
students may decide to catch up with Youtube videos or update their Twitter accounts.
This causes concentration problems and consequently 因而终于 has a negative effect
on the students’ academic performance. The similar situation is also not uncommon
among workers who are on duty. This can result in their superior’s distrust 破坏 of them.
In conclusion, I agree to a certain extent that social networking has caused a lot of
problems. If it is misused or used in an improper 不合适 manner, problems can arise 产
生. On the other hand, it can be a useful tool to people from all walks of life if it is used in
an appropriate 适 当 的 manner. 603

The Computer

Man has made several inventions 发明. Computer is one of them. The computer
has begun to control so many critical functions that today man is excessively 过度 proud
about his invention. Today, the computer plays an important role in our lives and we are
completely dependent on 依赖 him.
Its has been commonly said that computer can never replace the human brain, as
it is created by humans, but we can’t ignore 忽视 the fact that computer is much more
capable than human brain. There are many ways in which the computer has an edge 优
势、边 over man. The computer has the capability to evaluate problems that man can
hardly imagine.
Even if a man can calculate the same problems as a computer, the computer can
do it faster with 100% accuracy 准确. The computer is clearly superior in many other
aspects 方面、方位. In absolute 绝对 speed of computation and retrieval 收回、检索 of
data, the computer is obviously 明显的 by far the stronger. It has the capacity to handle
things on a far bigger scale than the human brain could ever do. Measurements, results,
applications can all be done to the smallest details, far beyond the human brains’s
capabilities. Calculations can be done with accuracy nearly impossible. The human
brain is easily stressed out by events and loses effectiveness when tired but computer
On the other hand, though the human brain has a lot of flaws 缺点, yet it also has
an edge over the computer. It has the capacity to create, unlike the computer and it can
work without full input, making logical assumptions 假设、承担 about problems.
A person can work with a wide variety of methods, seeing new, more efficient
ways of handling problems. It can come up with infinite 无限 ways of handling problems.
It can come up with infinite ways of getting around problems encountered 遭遇、碰到 in
day to day life, while a computer has a limited memory of new tricks 新法子 it can come
up with, limited by its programming.
It is the human brain that figures out the programming that will allow any
improvements 改善 for the computer. The human brain can learn to understand anything,
It can grasp 抓住 the central concept of anything.
Also, emotions are not capable in a computer. Emotions and feeling allow the
human brain to evolve 使进化 beyond a problem solving machine. They open the mind
to an endless 无尽 realm 领域 of possibilities. The reason why computer cannot create
is because of the lack of emotions.
In conclusion, computer have become the necessity 必须 of modern life, yet they
are from perfection. They have only a limited capacity for learning. The computer lacks
the common sense of the human brain. On the human brain has many flaws, just as it
has advantages. The human brain can never perform tasks as efficiently or as tirelessly
as the computer.
Emotions make the mind dangerously unstable; A man’s performance is subject
to moods and emotional disruption. The computer suffers no such problems. Emotions
blur the human brain’s capacity to make clear, logical decisions. We can say that the
computer is the best invention of man, but only when it is operated with human brain.
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education

I consider myself lucky to get several very good teachers throughout 始终 my

academic years. Among them, I would like to talk about Mr Wong who was an
extraordinary 非 凡 teacher, a really good mentor 指 导 良 师 and who has a great
influence 引响 in my education.
I met Mr Wong when I was in Form 1 and he was our mathematics teacher.
Initially 初期, we thought that he would be a moody teacher and we would have to be
very polite in front of him. This impression 印象 came mostly because of his serious face
and tidy dress-up. But soon we found that he was talented 有才华 , friendly and very
helpful to the students, he never turned down 拒绝、驳回 anyone whenever someone
asked for his help and advice 劝告. Mr. Wong teached us very well. He had a unique
way of teaching. Seems like he would start an interesting story and later we would find
that he would relate 相关 the Mathematics to the story. Thus everything we learned from
him was interesting and that's why we remember most of the theory and techniques of
Mathematics he taught us.
He advised us to read books and politics books outside our syllabus which turned
out to be very useful later in our lives. He inspired us to read English newspapers,
journals, watch politics related channels, technology and politics related magazines. He
also inspired us to do physical exercises and outdoor games. Because of him, we did
well in the board exam in mathematics. Besides his great way of teaching, he taught us
morality, the importance of education and how to value the morality and time.
I would say he has a great influence in my education because he made a very
strong foundation on Mathematics. Later on, I studied Science and Mathematics was the
most important subject. I have always been good at Mathematics and that was mainly
because of Mr Wong who had a major role in making the subject interesting to me.
Before I learned Mathematics from Mr Wong, my impression on math was not good and
I considered Mathematics to be a very difficult and uninteresting subject. But his
teaching and influences changed my way of thinking about Mathematics and later on
Mathematics became my one the most favourite subject. 373


The person I admire the most is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. He was the fourth
and seventh (re-appointed) Prime Minister of Malaysia. He was born on 10 July 1925 in
Alor Setar, the capital of the State of Kedah, Tun Dr. Mahathir did his early and
secondary education in his home town. In 1947, he gained admission into the King
Edward VII College of Medicine in Singapore. Upon graduation, he joined the Malaysian
government service as a Medical Officer. He left in 1957 to set up his own practice in
Alor Setar. Tun Dr. Mahathir has been active in politics since 1945. He has been a
member of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) since its inception in 1946.
Realising that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable,
he initiated the privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down
bureaucratic ineptitude and operational cost while at the same time generating more
revenue. With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun
Mahathir decided that it was time to shift the nation’s focus to more profitable areas.
Thus, he started the industrialisation programme. Reputed as the country’s top
salesman, he showcased Malaysia to investors abroad in a bid to woo them.
That’s the main reason why I adore Tun is because he is a person with no limit
visionary mind. He was a good leader and adored by his people because of
his innovative ideas on improving the lives of the Malaysian people. He proved to
everyone by developing a plan to build a symbol for the nation by constructing the
World’s tallest building. The creation of the Petronas Twin towers started on 1992 and
was completed in 1997. The Petronas Twin Towers came to be the tallest from 1997
until 2003. With his ties with Petronas, Tun Dr Mahathir urged Petronas to reach out
abroad to secure future petroleum supplies.
The next reason why I admire Tun Dr Mahathir is because he is a person who
loves knowledge. Although he is already 93 years old, it never creates a barrier for him
to stop gaining knowledge. He still reads and always write up blogs and post to share
his idea especially about our beloved country Malaysia. Frank and outspoken by
nature, Tun Dr Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been the hallmark of
thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international organisations
has always come under his scrutiny and critism.
In a nutshell, my dream is to be like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed and meet him. I
hope i even will be strong like him when I am in his age. I hope he will always continue
serving the country and the newer generations will not forget his contributions. 459
Hari Raya Celebration (Essay For SPM)

Every year, a Muslims will be celebrated the most glorious day which is called "
Hari Raya Puasa" after one month of fasting and they have been faced the tough
situation during the fasting season. For me and my family consider it as a special day to
catch up with the relatives, friends, neighbors and children.
In Malaysia, we can see the Muslims prepared early in the morning for becoming
the special day. They garnish their house, buying new clothes and making various type
of food and cookies. We can see that the shopping complex especially Times Square
and Midvalley will be crowded by the Muslims people choosing their new clothes for the
Hari Raya Puasa. As for me, Hari Raya Puasa should be celebrated with full of
enjoyment but now it has changed because many Malaysians are disregarded of their
roots now. But doesn't mean they are forgetting or not celebrating it maybe their priority
is not to celebrating too much because they have to continue their studies. It only feels
when I was a little boy went home to home to try types of food and asking for duit Raya.
One night before the Hari Raya, me and family were busy helping each other to
make "pelita". It is a heritage for Malay people to fire up the beauty of the entire house. It
is made up from bamboo stick and filled with oil. But nowadays, people had invented a
new kind of pelita which is made from plastic that is safe to used. I can see my mother
and grandmother will busy making some cookies and mouth watering food. There were
ketupat, lemang, pulut kuning, lontong and some other delicious food. These foods will
never miss as they are the main food for Hari Raya Puasa.
Hence, I can see people get bonded with many Malaysians from variety of races
and automatically strengthen the relationship between each other's respective. It also
helps someone's weight to gain more weight drastically due to the intake of lots of
variety food. Moreover, there must be an event that we called an open house that will be
held by the Muslims. The event helps to strengthen the relationship between family
members after not seeing each other for a long period of time. I hope kind of this event
should be practically in every Muslims members.
Lastly, when the night comes, we are letting off firecrackers and fireworks. The
atmosphere filled with the sound of exploding fireworks and chaos as the kids were
playing it around the house.We all slept late that night, chatting with each other. In
conclusion, I would like to have an interesting event like this because all the mistakes
that you have done in life are been forgiven by begging the bless of parents from head
to toe. 470

Describe an important family celebration and how you felt about it.

Last Saturday, my family had an important celebration. It was my father’s birthday

and we celebrated the special occasion by throwing a surprise party for him. A week
prior to the party, we secretly invited our relatives and my father’s friends to the party.
In the afternoon of my father’s birthday, my elder sister JW requested our father
to take her shopping in a shopping centre to buy some stationeries. Our father had no
idea that it was just a pretext to get him out of the house. While they were away, my
mother, younger sister Theresa and I started to get ready for the party at home. After
decorating the living room with crepe paper and balloons, we went to a bakery to fetch
the birthday cake that we ordered a few days earlier. Not long after we reached home,
the caterers arrived and started to set up the food in no time.
About an hour later, the guests started arriving. Just then, JW called to inform
mother that she and father would be coming home soon. Mother told her to stay in the
shopping centre a bit longer as not all the guests had arrived yet. JW replied that she
would try her best. After all the guests had arrived, all of us hid excitedly and waited for
their return. Within moments, we heard a car parking, followed by people walking
towards the front door.
“You haven’t been a good daughter today, have you?” my father complained in a
slightly cross tone of voice. He then took out the door key from his trouser pocket.
Inserting it into the keyhole, he continued, “You know that I dislike shopping, especially
for long hours. And yet you dragged me all over the shopping centre. In the end, you
bought nothing. I’m so tired now.”
After my father had turned the key and opened the door, all of us jumped out of
our hiding places and shouted, “Surprise!” My father was quite flabbergasted to see so
many people in our beautifully decorated living room. For a while, he was dumbfounded.
When he had recovered from his ‘shock’, he laughed heartily and exclaimed, “OMG! It’s
my birthday today. I should’ve seen this coming!”
Realising why JW had taken him all over the shopping centre, he punched JW’s
arm playfully and said that she was not a bad daughter that day after all. All of us
laughed and conveyed our birthday greetings to him. After he had talked to the guests,
the food was served. Next, he cut the cake and served it to everyone as dessert.
After the meal, all of us gave my father birthday gifts. Before the party ended, my
father made a short speech to thank all the guests for coming and also for their
presents. He also expressed that the greatest gift he had ever received is his family.
Everyone of us applauded.
I love surprise parties and this is the best that I have ever had so far. I was happy
to see my father having such an enjoyable time at the party, not to mention the delicious
food served. Although I was glad to celebrate my father’s birthday, I felt a little sadness
as he had grown a year older and the number of his grey hairs had increased.
My father has sacrificed so much for the well-being of our family and I love him
dearly. As the only son of my family, I want him to be by my side, to be there for me
forever. But I know that this is impossible. Anyway, I wish him nothing but happiness,
health, longevity and many happy returns of the day. 614

National Day celebration

“Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” Each year the shouts of independence echo from
every nook and corner of the country on August 31 to mark “Merdeka Day” or
Independence Day. “Merdeka” celebration is held throughout the country of Malaysia
on the occasion of Malaysian Independence Day. The 31st day of August witnesses a
myriad of parades, cultural performances and street shows. Merdeka Celebrations have
been held with grandeur for over 61 years, since 1957. Celebrations include parades
involving uniformed personnel, corporate players, school children, cultural dancers,
athletes and Malaysians from all walks of life.
The 'Merdeka Celebration' was a month long commemorative event which drew
great participation from all students in SMK Sultan Sulaiman. It was held successfully
last weekend. Activities held during the day were talks, marching band, exhibitions,
community works, singing of patriotic songs and others.
The colourful and joyous one-hour parade marching past the road kicked off at
about 8am. The participants comprising of school band, students, and teachers. The
parade started with marching band echoing the drum beats of patriotic melody. The
spectators applauded when the group of students and teachers began to march past.
The students and teachers were dressed completely in “Baju Melayu” and “Baju Kurung”,
the Malaysian’s national clothes.
All students and teachers were assembled on the school field. The principal
pronounced a speech and officially inaugurated the ceremony. The head prefect then
raised the “Jalur Gemilang” flag. The national anthem "Negaraku" was then played. The
students then gave spirited renditions of patriotic songs such as "Jalur Gemilang",
"Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang" and the Merdeka celebration theme song
"Malaysiaku Gemilang".
Then, the students were asked to go to the school hall as the assembly ended.
The hall turned into a kaleidoscope of colours as the hall presentation comprising 500
performers, a choir, cultural shows and the other performances got underway. The
cultural shows were from many race like Malay, Chinese, and Indian. The students were
really fascinated by the magnificent shows. The pupils gave a good attention to the
amazing singing and the eye-catching traditional dances.
The shows continued by the rhythmic gymnastics presented by the well-trained
students. The purpose of this show is to give some patriotic spirit on celebrating the
National Day to the students. The music was played during the performance. The
picturesque performances look even more interesting and colourful when the gymnast
rolled the ribbons and the hoops and tossed the balls to the others.
The time carried on creeping and it was 12 in the afternoon. Then, the principal
gave some speech of hope and wished that the celebration would be occurred again in
the next year and the forthcoming year. The teachers and the students departed the hall,
symbolically ended the ceremony.
Reported by,
English Language Society 460
How can we help promote tourism in Malaysia

As we Malaysia is one of the famous country that has own attractive such as
culture, language and religion. So, it’s no wonder Malaysia is known as 'Truly Asia' for
having a lot of interesting places to be visited by tourists from outside. There are variety
of measure to increase tourist arrivals to Malaysia.
Firstly, people of Malaysia have very important role to promote tourism in the
country. They must be friendly and ever ready to welcome tourism with open arm to the
country. Malaysia must be helpful and polite because it give a good impression to tourist
when they set their foot for a holiday here. Malaysia community must provide good
service and hospitality such as transport, accommodation and other to the visitors
travelling to this country. This is because, they are an important asset contributing to our
As well all know about the campaign to promote Malaysia for all tourist around
the world. Malaysia also have many race and culture. This campaign is to attract
international and domestic tourists. Malaysia have many type of tourism . with this
campaign also make the tourist to learn more about Malaysia religion and culture. For
example, the campaign "Cuti-cuti Malaysia" can be introduced our country toward the
world. This campaign it is a good platform to our country to introduce our country as a
country that having offered the great moment to the tourist through the arts of our
diverse and unique culture. Therefore, the minister responsible for tourism in particular
must play important role in this campaign to increase the tourist arrivals to our country.
Next, the government must add the services to the tourist who come to travel to
this country. This services is provided by tourist such as accommodation ,
transport,travel guide and so on. The facilities must follow the tastes of tourists and the
prices are reasonable so as not to burden them too much in terms of money.
Additionally, the government must carry out a major campaign to attract tourists from
outside to come to this country. So, let us no adopt double standards in serving tourists
who come to travel in Malaysia.

The another way to increase the number of tourists in Malaysia is about the
cleanliness. The government must to be the cleanliness of the area frequented by
tourists. In my opinion, cleanliness is surely looking and many place are full of rubbish.
By and large Malaysia have many bad habits that must come to an end to improve
cleanliness in the country. Many toilet are smelling, dirty and without running water. So,
the authorities must improves cleanliness at all cost, before it is too late. If the country is
clean, tourists would come in drove to enjoy their holiday here.
With all the information that i write, I conclude that as a Malaysian we should help
to promote our country because it can increase the number of tourist in
Malaysia ,income of our country and help to build economy of our country. 500
Describe your ideal school

“Imagination is more important than knowledge",

A. Einstein said and I agree with him. In my view, the ideal school is the one which not
only provides information but also tries to prepare the students for the real world, and to
make them creative and ingenious. The years the students spend at school are
important for the formation of their character, so the school should take the responsibility
to teach them some moral principles and social behaviour.
I imagine my ideal school large and sunny. It has a lot of classrooms, a huge
library, a room with computers connected with Internet, a refectory which resembles
the .......... restaurants. It also has plenty of sports facilities: a swimming pool, volleyball
playgrounds, basketball pitches and tennis courts. The building is actually so attractive
that the students don't want to leave it when the school day is over.
Although the classes are compulsory, the curriculum is composed together with
the students, according to their interests. The students who love art have more art
lessons and those who love science could have more science lessons. They themselves
gather information under the guidance of their teachers and in class the teachers only
give some curious or specific details, explain or organize discussions on the topic. They
always try to give examples or think of a situation or a problem from the real life, related
to the lesson. So the students learn how to process information, to solve problems and
to apply their knowledge. There are also ethics classes which help the students adopt
appropriate behaviour.
In this school not only students must respect their teachers but also the teachers
must respect their students. And if a teacher humiliates a student he is immediately fired.
There are also extra-curricular classes and school clubs for art, theatre, dance
and music. They develop the student's creativity.
The students in this school know each other very well and are very close friends.
They often go together on excursions organized by a special school office. They also
organize picnics and parties to which they invite their teachers.
I think a school like that will educate people ready to seize the best of life's
opportunities. 364
Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced.

One weekend during last year’s year-end holidays, three cousins of mine from
Australia visited my family. They were here from Friday to Sunday. Born and bred in the
land of the kangaroo, they had never been to Malaysia. We had a great time with them
and took them sightseeing around Kuala Lumpur.
On Friday morning, after their arrival, they rested at our home as they were a bit
tired after the long flight. We also had a lot of catching up to do as we had not seen them
for quite a few years. When they had recovered from their jet lag around noon, we took
them out for lunch. After a 30-minute drive, we arrived in Kajang, the city renowned for
its ambrosial satay. My cousins remarked that the satay, which is rare down under,
looked appetising and tasted scrumptious. They also found it palatable when taken with
the peanut sauce. They did not find it surprising to learn that the savoury food is one of
the national dishes of Malaysians. After lunch, we returned to Kuala Lumpur and took
them to a few tourist attractions such as the KL Tower and the Petronas Twin Tower,
among some other skyscrapers. They were excited to see the breathtaking views of the
city. After the tall-building tour, we had dinner at a Nyonya restaurant. It was a long and
tiring day. They had really enjoyed themselves and looked forward to more fun.
The next day, all of us woke up early and had the standard Malaysian breakfast -
nasi lemak. It was a little spicy for them. Nevertheless, they enjoyed the food and was
happy about the new experience. After taking the most important meal of the day, we
took them to places of interest like the National Museum and the National Monument.
We also visited the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, which is the largest free-flight walk-in
aviary in the world. They had lots of fun learning about the different varieties of bird
species as well as new things about Malaysia.
On the last day, they were treated to an Indian breakfast, which consisted of
dosai and chutney. They loved the food very much and kept asking for more. They took
so much that they were too full for lunch. So we went to shopping centres - the Pavilion
and the Berjaya Time Square, where they bought some souvenirs for their relatives and
friends. For dinner, we brought them to Chinatown, where they savoured some of the
famous and delicious dishes of the Chinese cuisine, like bak kut teh, wonton noodles
and claypot chicken rice. After having the delicacies which they had enjoyed thoroughly,
we took them for a walk at the nearby night market. We bought some dried barbecue
pork for them to bring home at the market.
The aeroplane they were catching was scheduled to depart at 10.30 that night.
All of us arrived at the airport with heavy hearts. We wished they could stay longer.
Before they entered the departure lounge, we hugged and bade them farewell. They
thanked us for taking them around Kuala Lumpur and also for our kind hospitality
towards them.
This is one of the most enjoyable weekend that I have ever experienced. Through the
experience, I learnt that the best time is spent with family. As the saying goes, ‘blood is
thicker then water’. As such, I am thankful for my family members, whom I love and
treasure. Hopefully, I am able to spend more time with them so as to further strengthen
family ties. 592
Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.' Do you agree?

It is undeniable that teenagers are interested in entertainment. Like people of all

ages, teenagers enjoy activities that bring us pleasure or help us relax, like watching
television, seeing movies, listening to music, and playing sport or computer games.
However, it is not true that our thoughts are only centered on pleasure and relaxation.
Young people have aspirations about their future.
Most of us realise that we will have to fend for ourselves adults. Therefore, we
are concerned about what jobs we will be able to secure after leaving school. For this
reason, we are not only interested but very concerned about our studies. There is keen
competition among my classmate, for example, in school tests and examinations. It is
only when a young person believes that he has no hope of achieving any academic
success, when he has been convinced that he is a “no-hoper”, that he loses interest in
his studies.
Teenagers are also interested in extra-curricular activities, like sports or school
clubs. Sometimes, this is a genuine interest in the sport or hobby; “Art for Art’s sake’, as
it were. However, sometimes, our efforts in school societies or sports may be only a
means to an end. We know that achievements in these areas will help us gain entrance
into good universities. This is really quite sad, the extra-curricular activities, which are
supposed to bring pleasure or relaxation, should cause more pressure.
Another issue that preoccupies both boys and girls is their future life partner.
Actually, seeking a mate is also part of preparing for stable future. Teenagers, especially
girls, may worry about being left on the shelf. Thus, it could be argued that when
teenage girls pore over romance novels or fashion magazines, this interest may not be
purely for entertainment. It may be a means to secure a stable and happy future.
Furthermore, during the teenage years, our hormones are... . I agree that most
teenagers nowadays are very interested in entertainment.
Based on recent survey, most teenagers in the developed countries spend their
time blogging, surfing internets, social networking, watching movies, playing guitar, and
even making fun of foreigners. Some parents willingly drive them to the mall and their
friend's house. Most teenagers in the world spend their time by listening to music,
watching movies and dramas, surfing internets, shopping and fantasising about their
idols. I believe that their daily activities are mostly related to entertainment. 402
Examinations - good or bad? 2008

Whether we like it or not, examinations are part and parcel of our life. Apparently,
most people dislike examinations as they are tedious and a lot of preparation is required.
Despite the fact, I believe that examinations are actually good for us due to a number of
First of all, we may not realise that we go through examinations each day. For
instance, when dining at a restaurant, we discover that the food served is awful. After
the unpleasant experience, we may never return to the same restaurant again. Although
we may not be aware, the food has just gone through an ‘examination’ by us. In the
same way, academic examinations are a way to set standards and maintain quality.
They are essential or else there would hardly be any standards by which we live.
Consequently, the lack of improvement in all aspects would arise.
Secondly, examinations keep us accountable for our actions. They are the driving
force behind our diligence. Without examinations, we tend to slack in our schoolwork,
not to mention our complacency. When examinations are a norm, we know our limits.
Even though we will still have fun, we will make sure that we are under control. Since we
are aware that examinations will come, we know what our priorities are and will keep our
behaviour in check.
Examinations stimulate our learning desire. Obviously, it is better if we learn for
the love of knowledge and not because of examinations. Unfortunately, not everybody
thinks this way - most people go to school just the sake of doing so. The existence of
examinations may motivate their desire to learn. Through learning, they may discover
their strengths and what they really love. Subsequently, they no longer study just to do
well in examinations, but for the thirst for knowledge. That is definitely a positive change
that examinations can possibly bring about.
Examinations help us to know what is important in each subject. If we only learn
without examinations, there is no sense of what is the most important or the subject
matter in each topic. Examinations usually tests important and useful topics. Through
the drills, even if students are unable to remember everything in the subject, they will not
forget the important points because of what they have studied for their examinations.
In conclusion, examinations are undoubtedly good for us. Since they set
standards, keep us accountable, stimulate learning and help us to distinguish what is
vital from what is not, they are actually a blessing in disguise. The fact that examinations
have never been abolished is the best evidence that they are good.436

Examinations - good or bad? 2008

When asked if examinations are good or bad, the answers of different individuals
will certainly differ. Some people have the opinion that examinations are good while the
others disagree. From my point of view, examinations are good. I have my own reasons
for saying so.
The first reason is that examinations help student to identify their strengths and
weaknesses in certain subjects. After an exam, students will have a better idea which
subjects they are weak at. They can receive private tuition or put in more efforts to
improve their performance in the weaker subjects. From examination results, teachers
are able to identify the weaker students and assist them to do better. Examinations also
help to show a student's learning ability. For example, PT3 examination results help a
school to decide which stream students should be in for their upper secondary
education. Without PT3, the streaming of students would be much more difficult.
The second reason is, examinations help students to manage their time properly.
Most students will study hard in order to pass their exams with flying colours. Since
examinations motivate students, they will spend more time on their studies and plan a
timetable. When students spend more time on their studies, they can avoid involving
themselves in unhealthy activities such as smoking, getting into bad company,
wandering in town, spending too much time on the Internet, playing too much computer
games, drinking alcohol, et cetera.
With examinations, students will make wise use of their allowance. They tend to
spend their pocket money on reference books so that they can increase their knowledge.
For instance, when a student purchases books like the model essay books, they can
improve their essay-writing skills. Apart from that, students can also buy past year exam
paper workbooks or model exam paper workbooks for practising purposes, since
'practice makes perfect'. This can also help them to get used to the exam format and
they will likely sit for the exam with confidence.
Examinations are good because they are the driving force for students to study
hard. In return, they acquire knowledge which comes in handy when they grow up and
start working in the society. Without examinations, most students will not really make an
effort to study hard as there is no motivation for them to achieve success.
In a nutshell, although there are disadvantages for students to have examinations,
the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I strongly believe that
examinations are good. 410
What can we do to save the environment? (Continuous Writing, SPM 2010)

Pollution has harmful effects on the environment. Since we are the inhabitants of
the earth, each of us has to contribute to the prevention of pollution . We should accept
personal responsibility and participate actively in making the environment, pollution
free .

First of all, we can participate in saving the environment by adopting the 3Rs of
solid waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reuse things that are still good to
use and recycle things that you can recycle. Spend extra five minutes sorting out what is
rubbish and what is recyclable . We can recycle almost everything these days such as
plastics, glass, clothes, metals, newspapers and so on. Reduce the use of plastic bags
by recycling them or not using them at all. We can use a basket, a rucksack or other
bags for our shopping .

Apart from that, in order to save our environment, we need to be aware that our
actions have effects on our planet . If we are friends of the earth, it will also be friendly to
us. Therefore, be a part of the solution by doing the right things in our daily lives . For
example, we may use unleaded gasoline in our cars and keep our cars properly
maintained to avoid excessive smoke emissions. Besides, smokers should consider to
quit smoking or at least follow the "No Smoking" sign. Avoid open burning. We need
oxygen to breathe and sustain our lives, so allow the earth to have more clean air .

Last but not least, we can save the environment by speaking out and telling
people what we know about pollution and its effects . Do whatever we can to get the
word out there. For instance, we may write an article for our school magazine or local
newspaper. We may also start a group with our friends and meet once a week to
discuss environmental issues and what we can do to help. In addition, making a speech
about preventing pollution in the community gatherings or school assembly can also get
the word out .

In a nutshell, we can save the environment by adopting the 3Rs (reduce, reuse
and recycle), doing the right things to prevent pollution in our daily lives, and speaking
out what we know about pollution . We should therefore accept personal responsibility
and participate actively to save the environment. 395
Write a story beginning with: "It had been raining all day..." / Flood ……

It had been raining all day. The rain continued to pour down. I was reading a
newspaper in the living room. My two brothers were playing in the parking space in front
of our house. The rain became heavier and heavier.
Just when I had finished my reading and wanted to go for a rest, my brothers ran
to the living room and told me that the water level in the drain had risen. Thus, I went
outside to have a look. I noticed that the drain had overflowed! The water flowed into the
parking space. I quickly called my parents. Within ten minutes, the living room was
flooded and the water was knee-deep. When my parents returned home, they took with
them the important documents and some valuables. The water level rose swiftly. Soon,
we could no longer stay in our house and had to move to the rooftop.
Some of my neighbours were already on the roof with their belongings. Most of
them were using umbrella as it was still raining cats and dogs. Soon, night came and it
was pitch-dark all over. We shivered with cold. There was nothing much we could do
except to pray and hope for the best. We were optimistic that the authorities were aware
of our plight and their assistance was on the way.
A few hours later, we saw flashes of light in the distance. To our delight, we
discovered that it was the rescue squads as the lights approached us. We were
overjoyed to see them coming to our rescue in boats.
Our family and all the other victims were brought to a relief centre which was
located in a school. It was unaffected by the flood because of its high location. At the
relief centre, we were given towels and clothes as we were as wet as a fish. After that,
we were served with hot food and drinks. Accommodation was also provoded. Doctors
and nurses were also present to attend to the sick and the injured.
The next day, the rain continued. It was not as heavy as it was the day before.
The flood water had not subsided therefore we could not return home yet. That morning,
I learnt that more than a thousand citizens were affected by the flood and brought to the
relief centre. That morning, the centre received donations from all the country. Among
the donations were food and drinks, clothings, cash, school textbooks, stationery,
crockery and cutlery, and so on. We come to know that an 11-year-old child donated his
personal savings of RM 600 to the flood victims. We were extremely touched by the
generosity of the child and our fellow citizens who were so willing to help us.
It was only on the fourth day that the flood water subsided completely and we
were able to go home. We were glad to go home. However, upon reaching home, we
were quite astonished to find our home in an unlivable condition. Everything in the
house was covered in mud. As a consequence of the flood, some of the victims' houses
were partly destroyed. We were thankful that our house remained intact, though many of
our belongings such as the electrical appliances were broken. It took us a full week to
clean up the mess that the flood had created.
We were thankful to the government for giving all the victims financial aids to
rebuild our houses. The government also promised to look into the cause of the flood
and go everything it could to reduce the occurrence of floods to a minimum in future.
Saving money for the future. / The Importance of Saving for the Future

Money is the quintessential modern commodity. Without money to accurately

measure the value of a certain product or service, the economy will not run. Money can
be used to purchase goods, such as the newest gadgets, a place to live, or even the
groceries. It can also be used to purchase services, such as a taxi ride, a manicure and
even something as mundane as a haircut.
With the versatility of money, it comes as no surprise that people like to hoard it.
Our modern world has become somewhat misguided in the sense that people peg their
happiness to the amount of zeros in their bank account. When asked to explain, people
will always answer they are saving money for the future. It’s a nice, radiant picture. A
day when all your commitments are gone and you are free to spend money anyway you
like. However, I would like to point out several fallacies of such a plan.
First of all, no one can predict the future. The value of currency is not “rock solid”
as some are lead to believe, but a fluid, dynamic, and some even say living thing. The
value of money is in constant battle with the supply and demand of goods and services.
The value of money is determined by the quality and quantity of the goods and services
available. Hence, hoarding money in your bank account, your pillow case or the hole
dug underneath your bed may have little to no consequence if the value of money stored
drastically increases or decreases.
Secondly, by hoarding money, people are actually making the world poorer. Now,
no man is an economic island. You do not drill your own oil, build your own cars or plant
your own food. Thus, commerce is needed. Allow me to present an example. Person A
buys $100 of goods from person B. Person B buys $100 from person C. Person C to D,
and so on and so forth. When person Z decides to save S$10 from the $100 and only
buys $90 from person A, person A will have to make suitable adjustments to budget
constraints. The whole merry cycle continues again and again until person Z hold the
money and everyone else has died of starvation. In time person Z dies of starvation too
because no one is available to produce needed goods.
Thirdly, hoarding money in a miserly fashion for a projected future might paint a
radiant picture of a large house, jet setting all over the world, even the latest model of
Ferrari in your porch, but how likely is it to become reality? A person who hoards will
continue to hoard. In the modern world, some people work so hard to accumulate
money at the expense of their health. Just when they thought they could kick back and
relax a little, stress and fatigue kicks their bucket for them, and the hoarded cash is
never utilised.
Of course, I am not encouraging you to run out and splurge either. But usage of
money must hang in a balance. Too much one way, you become a miser and the
government inherits your money after you die. Swing too far to the other, you end up a
I encourage saving money for the future, BUT…. with the condition of willingness
to use it when the need arises. Saving money for a rainy day is prudent, but hoarding
money is useless, because the bank will loan out your money to other people anyway.
The important of saving money

Saving money is so important for many reasons. Some of the reasons that saving
money is so important have to do with security and safety, while other important reasons
for saving money have more to do just with the practical aspect of trying to plan ahead
for major expenses.
In terms of emergencies, it is so important to be saving money. While no one
likes to think about the possibility that they will lose their job, become disabled, or have
some other sort of disastrous financial crisis, the fact of the matter is that it happens to
people all of the time. Even much smaller emergencies, such as needing car repairs,
are better handled by having saved money along the way, as opposed to having to
scrape money together during a crisis. Saving money is so important for these types of
situations. If at all possible, you should have a savings of three months worth of your
expenses to help in case of emergencies.
Saving money is important for planning ahead, too. Almost every parent would
like to see their children go to college, for example. However, many children will not be
able to go to college on scholarships. Those that do not will either have to find a way to
pay for college or to take out student loans. Student loans may not even cover all of their
expenses. Saving money is an important part of providing for your child or childrens’
education. Education is not the only area that parents should save for, in regard to their
children. For example, in the same way that parents save money as an important part of
education, they may also save money for their childrens weddings, or to help their child
buy their first car, or even their first home.
Finally, saving money can be an important part of just enjoying life. Taking a trip
to Disney World is a lot more enjoyable when you know that you have paid for the trip
with money from savings, as opposed to using credit cards and having to pay for the trip
for years to come. 353
‘Truly Malaysian.’ Describe what this means to you.

Being ‘truly Malaysian’ is about showing respect and being loyal to the country. I
should fight to bring glory to the country and be proud to be a citizen of Malaysia. A true
Malaysian also obeys the rules and laws of the country. I will act with dignity wherever I
am and follow and teach others that rules are there for the good of the people and
Besides that, being kind to our fellow Malaysians reflects the ‘truly Malaysian’
spirit. We will not tarnish the country’s good reputation by being disrespectful or hateful
to one another. We must also respect other people’s views and opinions and avoid
putting down others to make ourselves feel better.
As citizens of the country that is renowned for its multi-racial society, true
Malaysians should also respect the different customs and cultures of one another’s
races. We should also have the interest to find out and learn more about one another’s
ways of life so as to better understand one another and live harmoniously.
Since tourists are guests to our country, treating them well is also one of the
characteristics of a true Malaysian. The tourism industry benefits our country
economically and provides direct jobs to our community. It also helps in our
infrastructure development, educational growth and to fund conservation efforts. In
addition, it allows both the tourists and the local community an opportunity to experience
other cultures, which broadens understanding. Tourists treated with courtesy and
warmth get a good impression of Malaysia and are more likely to visit our country again
or even recommend it to their friends and relatives. This further promotes tourism in our
Since true Malaysians are also patriots, we can also show our patriotism through
our actions. Upholding the five National Principles, supporting domestically-
manufactured products, using our national language - Bahasa Malaysia, singing our
national anthem loudly and confidently whenever required, refraining from committing
acts of vandalism on public property or littering in public places indiscriminately, flying
our national flag - the ‘Jalur Gemilang’ on National Day and all formal occasions, among
many others, are all examples of the ‘truly Malaysian’ spirit.
In conclusion, the ‘truly Malaysian’ spirit epitomises the good values of the
‘Rukun Negara’ and respects the symbols of the country. Apart from being the good role
model for others, a true Malaysian is friendly and kind as well as hospitable to visitors to
the country. 401
Describe the biggest challenge in your life.

I had a pampered and protected childhood. As the youngest daughter, I was the
princess and prima donna of our family. I usually got what I wanted, much to the envy of
my two brothers and a sister.
When I was ten years of age, I had an illness with strange symptoms such as
giddiness, tiredness and nausea. Apart from that, I also had unusual bruising and a cut
on my finger that would not stop bleeding. Extremely apprehensive of my condition, my
parents brought me to hospital, where I underwent tests. A few days later, I was
diagnosed with leukaemia.
When the doctor broke the bad news to me and my parents, we were
flabbergasted. My parents had never expected me to have blood cancer. I could not
even accept the news.
"How could this be?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "What have I done to deserve this?"
When the doctor said that I had only fifty chance of survival, I started to
breakdown and cry.
That day when we went home, I felt like the end of the world was coming. I began
throwing tantrums. Locking myself in my bedroom, I wept and refused to see anyone. I
did not want to eat anything too. My parents, siblings, relatives and friends talked to me
outside my bedroom door. After some time, they managed to cajole me into opening the
door. In my room, they comforted me and emphasised that they cared for me and loved
me very much. They also assured me that I was not alone in the battle against the
disease and they would always support me and be with me all through the fight for
survival. Their assurance and encouragement touched me deeply and I finally accepted
the facts. With teary eyes, I thanked them for standing by my side and for giving me the
strength to carry on.
The next day, I was admitted to hospital, where I was being treated almost
immediately. Tubes were being inserted all over my body. I had to undergo eight
operations and five bouts of chemotherapy. I experienced quite a number of side effects,
including the lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation and hair loss. My skin was
itchy, dry and red while my nails became yellow and cracked. My aunt almost fainted
when she came to visit me and saw me pulling out my hair!
During my treatment period at hospital, a religious friend of mine came to see me.
She introduced me to her religion. I was glad to be able to turn to God for spiritual
I was hospitalised for six months. Now I am aged seventeen. I am thankful that I
have been cured of the sickness and it has never relapsed since the completion of my
treatment. I have to go for regular checkups, though. I owe those around me a great
debt of gratitude. Without their love, encouragement and moral support, I doubt if I
would be able to make it. Through the biggest challenge of my life, I have learnt to
become stronger in many ways. I have also learnt the importance of living life to the full.
The Importance of Studying English

It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the

importance of English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students’
attitude towards the language is also crucial to make sure that these teenagers can face
the future world better by learning English language as it is an international language.
Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English,
many students are still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a
campaign that still on to make all the Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which
is ‘Enhance Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthen the English’. English is the
most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many
reasons why you should study the language properly.
First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further
studies. Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a
compulsory for any candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities.
So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse,
you are going to have a big problem studying at university.
The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to
get a job. When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in
English. The first impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, to
respond in English fluently. Your chances of getting the job are very slim if you stutter
while interviewing.
A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the
company you work is actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to
prospective customers in English. Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad.
And this will put your company at risk and you will likely be dismissed if this happen.
Good English will also help you a lot when you travel. Every country in the world
studies English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English! At
least some of the people you meet on your travels in other countries can understand
English. The language is certainly practical when you are lost in your trip.
Communication problem will not happen if you can converse well in English. Inevitably,
English is one of the languages used in any airport in the world in making
announcement. Knowing English well, therefore, make travelling overseas easier.
Besides all these, entertainment is one of the major advantages you will
experience if you good in English. You will enjoy television’s best programmes. We must
admit that many of the best programmes are produced by the Americans and British
companies. High self confidence influenced by the programmes will indirect inculcate in
yourself when you are fluent in the language. Quality time is worthily spent if you
understand and enjoy the programmes.
Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the
importance and realise how importance the language is for their own future. Although it
is a second language in our country, it is now a main language all over the world.

544 words

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