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Lesson Plan -28

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Topic- Food Total Period assigned- 2
Subtopic- Big and Small Plan for period 1/2
Learning By the end of this period the students will be able to:
Outcome  Understand the concept of big and small.
 Give examples of big and small things from their environment.
 Add a few words to their vocabulary.
 Develop fine motor and pre-writing skills.
 Balance their body.
Teaching  World of Wonders Theme Book Part 1
Learning  Flip book of the theme book (if the class has an AV system.)
Material (  Big and small pencils, leaves, books, balls etc.
Activities Methodology Time

Opening  Greet the students in the class and wish them” Good Morning” with a gentle
activity- smile.
walking on  Take them out in the ground.
the bricks  Make a line using 8-10 bricks as shown below. Ensure that all the bricks are
firmly put and won’t over while walking over them.

 Make the students stand on one side of the line and tell them to go on the
other side of the line walking on the bricks.
 Tell them that their feet should not go out of the line.
 Appreciate them by clapping.
Rhyme – Ek  Do the following rhyme in the class:
haathi ,d gkFkh
bruk cM+k] bruk eksVk]
gk; jke] ns[kksa rksA
mlosQ cM+s&cM+s nk¡r] mlosQ cM+s&cM+sa dku]
gk; jke] ns[kks rksA
mlosQ cM+s&cM+s iSj] mldh yEch lh lw¡M]
vkSj NksVh lh iw¡N]
gk; jke] ns[kks rksA
 Appreciate them for singing the rhyme nicely.
Revision-  Revise the lesson taught to them the previous day.
Hard and soft  Ask them about the names of hard and soft things they found in their house.
Introduction-  Make the students sit in a circle and keep the material in front of you.
Big and small  Pick up a big and a small pencil and show these to the students.
 Ask them to look at both of them carefully and tell the difference between
 Facilitate them, process their responses and derive the words ‘Big’ and
 Now pick up a big and a small leaf and ask them which one is ‘Big’ and which
one is ‘Small’.
 Now pick up a big and a small book and repeat the same process.
 Ask them whether they have understood the concept of big and small.
Oral work  Ask them to look around and tell the names of some big and some small
Writing work  Draw a big circle and a small circle on the board and ask them which one is
‘Big’ and which one is ‘Small’.
 Ask them to draw a big and a small circle in their note books.
Home work  Ask the students to look for some big and some small things in their homes.

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