Responsible Individual Sle

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You have to study the past, in order to understand the present.

For the Responsible Individual

SLE I am presenting my Biography Fair project. For this assignment I choose someone to be and I spoke

about the person's childhood, struggles, and achievements. I also had to make a commercial dressed up

as the person, and make an informational board which I then presented. What was meant to be learned in

this assignment was the life of the person that you choose and how to be a better speaker and


What I learned from this assignment was how to research, finding out many things about my

person and gaining better organizational skills. I also learned how to speak better, getting every

opportunity with people to either speak more loudly, fluently, or clearly.This assignment demonstrated a

lot of growth and high achievement because I was focused on getting a good grade, and was focused on

every little thing that needed fixing upon. Thanks to this attitude I was able to have the opportunity to

showcase my project at its full potential and got a good grade for it as well.

If I could go back on this assignment and change something, I would think of a better way I could

have presented my board. For example memorizing what I had to say, having things in order, and maybe

make a voice impression to give my audience a better experience.The thing I did well was the research, I

got a lot of information about my person, LeBron Raymone James .

The biography fair assignment fits in the ISLE of Responsible Individual because it took a lot of

responsibility and determination to both finish this project with a good outcome and take this assignment

seriously when it came to presenting. It took me a lot of determination and dedication to put my hardest

effort into this assignment and to try my hardest to get a good outcome.

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